Petroleum Centre Daily Record. ret. Cuiitrit, Hie., Frldf. An IS Oivinn Service. JIETTIOOIi-'T W'UCOPAL CHURCH jemceh every Sabbath fit II A. M. and i4 e. M. fvii.battt School at 124 P.M. eota tree. A cordial invitation e .tend e,l to nil. ' Ilv.v. G. Miiobb, Paitor. PRRSBYTKI'' A.M CHURCH. I'riac!iiri; i't I U n'c'oclt A.M.. m-i 7 o'clock I. M , b t'io " ti-, W. C. P.i-iirit-a ho. Siidmi 'Schoul t directly alter lorenoon service. Prayer Mwtinn anil Subbath School Teacher' Aleeling Tuesday events ol ench week. Petroleum Centre liodgc, No. TIO, I. O. of O. F. Ri'tjuhr TneeUng nights Friday, at 7 o'clook. Sliowl. W. It. MONTGOMERY, K. G. C. II-, A Sec'v. lTI'l (! "f meeting, Main St., opposite .-JcLliiniij'jk llonpa. We beard a good atory lh other day from ona of our old citizen, about young man whom we will call Be , who resides on tbe McCray mil. fl. baa a fashionable wire, who clro-Fci ber balr according to tbe 'code,'' with "rais" and "braids," Ac Mrs. 15. retiied one night of laat week, and in undressing hir bair let a long braid atay on llio bed.MSome time after B. retired, and after sitting, down for a snooze, (elt tome thing wind around h fool aod ankle. He immediately aroused Ms wife; told ber that a snake was in bed; cautioned ber not to move until he bod made his will, and warn ed her not to marry again until he bad been dead at least one year. lie kissed ber and lij-bt a lamp. Mrs. B. .heard all be said, and when tbe word 'jumrj" came she did run to the door, aod cilled tbe neigbbars. They milled in by platoons, a light was procured, and poor B. was lound In the last agonies.of doath. Hastily but cautiously turning down tbe covers, the long braid was found wound around poor B.'a leg. Mrs. B. wears ber bair without braids now. We flod the following "good Ibinga ortnts lite" in tbe old valuable Venango Specta tor: There ia a big fellow with a cad counte nance now hanging around the Oil City Do pois and banding downthf-river passengers ,og fwe,y by iy) Md ,nar got Dtn . tracts with mobilities at "Are You Ready! and '-Now Is tbe Time to Pray." Perhaps It ia oca of Bishop's dudges to get back that past. The Ttdlouiers are now supplied with rat tlebelly wbitkey put up in old Iruit cant and labelled "Standard Corn." The sneck of war In Tiliisville belween A. O. of I'. W. Liberty i.pilge No. 7, A. O. of U. W., meets every Monday evening at 7 o'clook. n O.I I Fillo.v's Hull, Petroleum Centre, l'euu'a. , JI.MK3 Wilson, M. W. t JAMKS 3. WnTTK, K. I. O. Of U. M. Minneltui i en Triiia No. 183, I. O. R. M of Peiiolviiin Centre, meets every Thursday eveniiiii In fiood Templar a lla'l. i'Sr" Council lires lli'h.ed Bt 7 o'clock. H. HOWE, Sachem. C. L JUKKP, Chiel ol Records. U.iid at 1 p, in. 114,'tf On Saturday lint, aa tbe morning train northward stopped at Hickory Station, a tine buck was discovered swimming toe riv er, having probably been scared by some wandering dog. Iu an instant tbe plat forms were fall, and every window on tbe river sidj of the train, containing two beads. If the cars hadn't been heavy they would have lipped over. The deer was watched with breathless interest until, he sttuck tne land and with a few swift and graceful leaps disappeared ia the woods Time was when thejo sigais wero not rare on tha river, but they are now, on acotint of tbe law against boundiog. Potest Re publican. A nntTNtev Man KILM a CBtM.- A loort keeper at Mlllerstowu, named Hair Is, wa arrested on Woodsy lor larceny, but dscbarged. leellng badly over bis dli I (race be proceeded lo mitigate II bj getting drank. He started for turns Ulty, uriu quarrel with a man whom he Charged with Instigating bis .arrest. Tbe man oroereu Harris away trom h bouse ana nnenj ejected him by force. Harris then tnrew stooes at tbe boose and tbe proprietor came uui Into the road to tlOD blm. Heme pluked up a atone and throw it, missing tbe man but atrikidg a child eight yeart old C"Tne Peat Office Newsroom all P. la i. HM nlllihla l ..! .. II ma irj imvi ivn uuvi BOO aiw I ' . Dlcken'a eBoc Just Issued lo paper over by (be Feu. I sons, mo za colli, and tor tale at n. I the Octave Oil Company and Oil Creek and square In tbe torebead, producing a terrible Alleehenv River Railroad Company. lorei od ratal wouuu. ineooiy penun iu room at toe time was tbe cnnaa moiuer, woo fell fainting lo the floor. Harris is yet at latge. Sheriff Uysier. otMcKean couoly, offers to shell out five hundred dollars for tbe ar rest of a murdeier named Bromley, describe ed as follows: Weight, ISO; about lorty- five years of age; rusty dark bair; course ohln wblrkeit, a little gray; high cheek booe?; coarse featured, and about five feet ten ladies high. The posl'office name of Mlllerstown Is not Mllleretowo, but Barnbert's Mills, Butler couoly, Pa. There la a postomce la rerry couoly, called Mlllerstown, and lo tbat of flee a large number ol mitdireoled letters have been seat which were Intended lor tbe Butler County Millerstowa. Ma A correspondent of tbe Tidloute Journal writes up "The S tuntton" after this fashion: JUV LutToR: In your issue of Monday under tue bead ol "Ne Wells." prefaced by, "OH on llie Rtmpage Oil Spouters. Tub Bottom of Oil A Loug Adieu lo Suttill wells" You proceed to give tele grams as tecnived, aod ia effect showing two very largo airlkea. I will not question yourslncarity, or peridot good I'ailh iu giv ing the tepcris as received. But rather than a wrong iuipres ion may como liom this, I respeoifully submit that thosn repjriB ore gotion up aud circulated with a view lo silli farther depress the oil marlcnt, and have little reeemblance lo liutb. The Idea ol striking a 1( 00 well now a days la too tbiu for any sensible maa to ciedit for a moment. . It is singular that tut) produciion fur 21 hours Is given us a basis upon wbioh to csllmnte tbe aaltual production of a well, livery producer iu tbe regiou .kuows lull well, that in thesu d.iys ol large casing a well wben Umshed fa quite full of oil and p.uuiiuiidu ior n or even 4S uours Is no ciiterion unoa whmh Iu cHtim At A thn maI it it urodiiotlou of the well. We have here in 'i'ulioute I lie best prudiioinj territory la tbe oil regions, and m-oy of ns in our ex per -leacj. even wiicn the well waa cased aiter being flooded with water succeeded ia pumping 400 to 700 burrels in 2G hours a' striking, but we never thought of . iting tbe well muie than 200 knowing that a month's prMdumion would not show ao average ol 100 :'ut lay, and this loo la lerrilnry bay ing 1 IS feet of good sand rock as compared with 15 ton, nit thoy Gud in tho lower dis trict. Once (he produottou of a well given wo nbvu-r hear of the failing off aid tbe: etateiueiilHor "big weJIii" ure sent abror.d to tne woilj to vioik mm tliy may lo the prodiiffari. Yon notic, "the smalj Wi lis aro tains aUindoned and nolblcg leiB I bub a roriy bnuel la worthy of boing pump ed." If tbia ba true we will have haaltliy times, bocause three-fuurthf of the wells In tbo lower district aie pumping lets titan 10 barrels daily, their average being only 25 barrels. We think tbo correspondent a Utile o.T in making tho assertion that no 1,000 brrel we U bnvo been struck in the lower region We know Irom good authority tbat such enoroiom walls have been struck nod are being got nearly every day, and that in many Instances thoir production baa bold tin for weeks at nearly that figure, nenoe the low price ol oil most continue until Ibe Inidiniw ol producing petroleum is controll eu n, me iw ui supply and demnnd . I J7 ui nncna jitina iudid uiid udgu auu.wi to the t-iroct ibat a combination of capital lala hna hif.n furlned fur Lhit nnrnnsn nt'ffel- tlag control, by purchase, of tbo larger por il jn of the produoing lerritory, with tbe view of entirely controlling the oil trade. Tbe famous Standard Oil Compaoy is re ported lo be the bead and front of the more, moot. Vaodergrift & Foreman, the Pipe Line men, aud other capitalists iu aud out of the oil tegiou are Interested. The pipe lines are nearly all in the bands of tho or ganization. Large tracts of producing tei ritory have been purchased, aud it is stated that "relusala" ol wolla being drilled ate being purchased, as far as possible. Vast tracts of territory undeveloped have also been secured by lease or purchase. Tbe low price of nil and consequent embarrassment of many operators render tbe operutions of the combination more uccecjful. Having ouce got cootrol of Ibe groat bulk of the production, with the full possession ol plpo lines, and possessed of an enormou amouut of tankage, tor storing oil, and giv en extraordinary privileges aod advantages by tbe railroads, it is thougbl.lbe combina tiou can control the market for crude oil as tbe refined oil market. We give the above u mors which have beoo floating around for tbe past fear weeks, knowing nothing aa to tbeir truthfulness. erence to laying a line of pipe by the for mer from tbeir refinery to the Warren and Venango Railroad, eoded in tbe triumph of the Octaves. At one time tbe affair threat ened serious consequences. Every body was wishing lor tho Citizens' Corps, but thai body of renowned warriora was enjoying a. watermelon campaign at Chautauq i Lake Happily no blood was sbsd and their servi ces were not needed. Somebody might do a good business by establishing a military newspaper in Tilus- villo. at ler tbe plan ot tha Army and Navy Journal. Tbe Courier and Herald up there are filled with acoounis of tte Citizens' Corps in camp, sufficient in volume to war rant starting a paper solely lor military 'Five On.." The prospect for Ave dollar oil is gloomier now than It was I The Brigadier Generals, Colonels, previous to tbe famous "Sbut'er down for Mors, Captains, Lieutenants, and bottlebol thirty davB" movements last fall. Yet do I ders. comprising tbe 'Citizens Corrs" of body -suggests two or three brass bands and I Tiluavllle, are boarding at a bote) at Bemua a procession with banners and Bags. Tbe Point, near Chautauqua Lake. Venango new spouting wells of Butler are too big of I Citizen MT1ICIE ! (Jo to W. A. L0Z1EB, 4th Strect,near It. It. track, or your BEMIftE, deliv ered at the welh for t?i,5o I per Barrel. Petroleum Centre, Feb. 6th 1 1. remonstrance. There Is no remedy save that cf letting things take their own course until we reach bot'om. Will S. Hays, the composer. Is at Chaut auqua Lake. Tbey sent for him lo com poso tbo lake so tbe Citizans'Cotps wouldn't get sick while sailing ia Bymm's yacht. The following oil items we copy Irom tbe Volcano Lubiicaior, tbe organ of the West Virginia oil field: O'Brien Bros., & Weitzil struck a 25 bar I rel well last week. This well is situated on tbo Gale tract, The National Petroleum Company's prop erty was sold at Trustee's sale ,lant week. Mr. Lyman B. Delllcker was tbe purchas er. Culbert & Carle struck a new well on the Wesi Va. O. & O. L. Co., tract, last week. We have not beard the produciion estiimat ed. Geo. Grottoni; Bro., and Thomas pliuck a new well on tue Gale tract . last week. Tbe well is pumping 10 or 15 barrels ol heavy oil per day, and the loyally is oolv one-ten tb. The Titusvilie Uarald sava, lum oil tanks cost when now Oily cunts per barrel. At present prioes-if tbo nrald's estimate is correct oil and tank together can be bought for one dollar and tbirty-llvo cents per bar rel. Iusurauci on tanked oil can be had for two and a balf conh per barrel. It looks like a good chaoca for specula Ion at the piesent prices. Mr. T. M. Gnlli D, who was oorioualy In jured by a borso kicking bim, a day or two since, is gettiog bett.-r and will be , out in a fow days' GllUcil (joiiluu put up bis nun over bis new place of bukineEs, yealeiduy, opposite tie Ceut:ul tftluu. A terrible Die took place at Poitlaod Maine, on Saturday afternoon. Tha Are commeoced on board tbe steamer Diego, o New York, and commoolcated to tbe Gait and Atlantlo wharves, warehouses and buildings, large elevator and tbe steamers Montreal and Caloutta, which were all des tioyed. Loss, $600,000. Insurance, $ .100,001. Judgiug from a piece of crape bung On tbo door of one ol our leading buglnee, yesterday allernooo, there was an evident iulenlioo lor a first class funeral In which the proprietor was iotended lor the suoject. Heoameout all right, however, and declares be is not ready for tbe "cold cold ground" aa yet, aod baa no desire for a tombstone and inscription. In' faot be states it to be bis candid belief that tbe whole affair was only "one ol those cussed jokes that Joe Brown is always perpetrat ing on lue boys." Tbat new livery stable, we are credibly informed, is about lo be s'.arted at once. Good! Down wilh monopoly of all kinds. Within tbe last three days twenty-two vessels have bsea chartered for tbe foreiga petroleum trade at New York, with a oairy log capacity of 100,000 barrels. Tbe British steam yaoth Deerbound, which landed a osrgo of guns and ammuni tion recently on the Spanish coast, for tbe Cellists, bas been captured bya Spanish man of war. Tbe Adams Eipren Company has'.declar ed a quartely dividend of $2 per sbare, pat able September 1st. Sunvllle Seminary will open Sept. Suoville is as iree as possible irom bad fliieooes. Tbe new building speaks ol tbe enterprise aod good taste of tbe community Young ladies may go to eunville and pre pare for college or lor tenoning In tbe pub Ho schools. Tbe school will contain a nor mat department. Good board and low pri ce. Instruction given on piano and organ, For furtbur particulars address S. n. Pbaiiikr, Principal, Suoville, Pa. VonC, our German correspondent at Cbautauviia Lake, writes thus about the now iron steamer Col. Phillips: "Veil, vea 1 vas up to dot Shadagua Lake, I sees some dings, uat de besbd ding vot I see vas do sdeamer Col. Vhillips vot made voo drial dhrip, unt scbe vos do hea der boad on de Lake. Vom C. More showers, today. The boson of old mother earth must be thoroughly saturated by this time. Mr. n. Freeman, of Parker's Landing, was iu town today. Today belug tbe anniversary of the Feast of tba Assumption cf the Virgin is observ ed in the Catholic church as a holiday of obligation. A latge stock ot Blotting Paper just re ceived at the Poet OJ.ce Nowarooui. Two or three more new w-lls are report ed ia tbe down river region. Would thai the bottom might drop but soon, uud oil go down to tea cents per barrel II need be, In order tbat tbe bears might see ibe "slippery places on which they stood." Tbe lira. la coming slow but sure. Tbe Oil Creek Radioed Compaoy are replacing' tbe Tarr Farm bridge with an almost entirely new struotute. Tbe trestle work north of tbe bridge has alio been Ail ed up, and other improvements made. Tbe Oil Creek Railroad Is one ot tbe safest aod beet managed pleoes of road la tbe en tire country, and tbe company are oootinu- allp laboring lor the accommodation of their palrona. Wm. Beits is putting into bis machine shop a large 16 borss boiler aad engine. This will make bis machine shop as oom plete a one in all Its appointments as the region affords. There is a well on the Smlk lea, put down last year, wbicb bas not pumped above five barrels a day until within tbe laat week. Mr. btnik the owner considered it a very poor well, and commenced making preparations to remove the rig to some fa vorable location, wben without previous warning it started off one day this week at twenty barrels. It still continues to yield at these figures and tbe removal of tbe rig baa been indefinitely postponed. Tidloute Journal. One of tbe heaviest storms we bave bed this season passed over yesterday afternoon, accompanied by a slight fall of bail. At ibe time ol writtog tbe Antwerp plps line station Is reported to be on fire, supposed to bave beeo struck by lightning. From the immense volumes ot smoke a large quantity of oil must fcbe burning. Later. A 1200 barrel tank with 6 fet of oil burned, en gine bouee, etc., saved. Petersburg Pro gress. Tbe Reedsburg (Wis.) Free Press employ women exclusively. It says: "Wa bave a calico 'loreinan, ' two dimity 'compositors,' and the sweolost little 'devil' !n pink uiuo Ita to ba lcubd anywhere. " AUCTION SALE OF SEND FOK CATALOGUES OF NoveJlo'sCheapMusic, Novello Wees, ran Kongi, etc S to 19 con. NovvlUi's Clinrrh Mmic I) to Is cat NOVKLLO'B OCTAVO EDITION OF OfKRu, Price, ft jor IS, bound in cletb, rill Kim I NOVELU)'t OCTAVO KDlTIONJOKOKAToHIU I 8. Id paper, from SO certs to tl; eloth, with n;i dgea, f 1 to S eaca. NOVELLO'S cheap EDITIONS OF PIANO-FORTE CLASSICS Boots Ct Shoes POSTPONED FOR 30 DAIS. Selling at cost ia the mean time. M. SAMUELS. A BEAVTIFVIi CIinOMO $8 FREE To All Iiovera of Art and lilt- ratare t We w'll send th. Beantlfut ChromO tatltM "Th. Uii welcome Visitor " postage prepaid as a premium to every subscriber to our moatblj magaslne called the gumble gee, contalnmgSa large pagce beside, tbe cover. with tbe best and most Interesting reading. UUIJ dlled Pile A YEAR ! Bend on your dollar, and get a dollar magaslne and an eieht dollar cbromo In retorn. W want and will liberally pay -A.GE2STTS; Bund stamp for particulars- Address im I in, let ttt in Ill Sit Hack's 48 I elodi and Fngues. Cloth 5n Ueetnovin's oo sonar jb. Aiegaonj nouno. tt Beetliovi n'e 84 nuo fleets. Ilcgaat bound . i ji gin Chopin's ValM i. Stiff paper cotera Cnopin'e Polonaises. " " Chopin'. NocternM. " CroploV Mftstu kne. " " . Oiiin s B.iiaa. o's Prdiidc '. " " o'sHonrtoe " ioelnMHiD'a ComtuYte Piano Works. Polio EdiUoi . Poll (lit. Complete .n 4 vo.-1 In Thesame. 8 vo. Fail gilt C m'ilet in 4 v14 . The Mine. 8 to. Ko rr. Complete in 4 v li-Hlt Mendelsohn's t J0- Without Wurae Polio Pnll gi t UCtllTO BOUKm rH'IKlif 1. Octavo Enittou. Paper rove a in Mozait'a IB 'oonataa. Eleiantlv bound. Full gilt M Dcbnbert's 10 Sonatas. Elecantlv board, rill El It 8(0 8ehnbert,a Dances' Compete. He., i y btr-t Poll gilt I Bchub.r Piano Pieces. Elegantly bonrnl. 1 gilt s.i Schumann's Forest Scenes. Kin Boj Flew Paper eoveie. w Mchnmann'e Puno farts Album. I 'egantl) Jtl FullglH ia The same. Paper (oven in MOTIIEtTCMMfSE, OR re ATIONAt. HtJRSKRY.RIIYnn Set to Mafic by J W. Eiuorr, with OA Nut';: lllBDlratlons engiaeed by the IHiliin Board", $l,6a splendidly bound In cloth, i,' edges, t . ;i ARK FOR NOVfcTl.O' CD1TIOIII Adilrcw., . L. PBTKItS. M) BrendnH Mow York, Afrnt for Nnvplln's Chrnp Jlw!( New Croods, Emel Zedwich f "CITTLE JOE.") BOOT AND SHOE MAKER Has just retntoed Irom Buffalo wilti complete stock ol Fall and Winter Goods Das been establishes 1a""pe ttrl.rir ,rtrtli! past three years, and has tbe name of Maklnajtae Brit Fit and Flaetl Boot la the Oil Bet-lent. D. Is conrtaatly reeehing from other M UUM Ol 1U UII 1 He metastly keeps on band Ready-made Boots.&Shw? LADIES' AMD CHILDREN'S 8HOKS AND GAITEB& GALL AKBtOEF HIM. -. Thn Beckwllk 9X0 pr Sable rasslll Sowluai naehlu,ote Bays Trial! many advantaces ewer all. Hatlemctlon gneranlH or f refbndtd. Brat snmplet., with fell tlnna. BeckiUi bewtng Maiklne Co. ,mt BmiW New Tork. IissolHlion Notice. The Aoparloershlp heretofore rxiatioj " twesn Pood, Fraaier k Co., In the bueioel of oil produeiof, Is this day ditsolred b; mutual consent. All debts against tbs !' firm will ba settled by Frailer A Co., will herealter conduct tbe business as bfori on the Usssoo farm, near OH City. fa. I. W. Pond. A. L. Frames. Mrs. Wa. I. Bollxas. Admlnlstratri Dated Augnsi 9, 1873. To Ad verliaera. All persons who enntf". Plalo irwkiatr eommctn with newenspers tor m 1U InnerUon of Advertisements ehoold send 10 Geo. P. Rowell & Co for a Drenlar, or enclose eenta )f their Hundred Paste lmukl uinC IJeu of S.U00 Ne-lper and estimates '"'"i the cost of adv.rtuiinK, also many nMfnl I"""' ; adTertisera, and eome acconnl of the eiperle"'" men who am known a. SuAceaaful Aae tiaera. Tbis Srm are nroorleUjni of the Am"' can N.wspauer Adyartisiug Agency, 41 PARK ROW. N. Y