The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, August 13, 1873, Image 3
g. H. Warner C3 DKALEU IN SECOND-HAND TIBIXG, All Size CiMliiff, Ungiucs, Boiler, and on" wFiii supplies. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR OLD KOPK, IKON and BRASS. IIv1n? recently purchased a New and Im .mfcd Pll'B CUTTfNO MAC1IINK, I am prepa.-. Kent and fit all slaes of Plpo and IVura U Inch to 3 1-4 Inch. MilnffioiiM.. Nearly Opp. Hoeli. tar Mouee, Vai ventre, I'm. apritf U- 11 WAIiNf.It. j;j)CH MOKGAN'W HOJMM SA.3POLIO IsasubsUiutTfor Sol) House hold ..arposes, except clothes. forCleMilji-ynur rioum lll im llie labor bt one cleaning. Give It a trial, SA.POTIO for Windows It betler lliau Ime aii E or Wate.. ho runovinn cur-, tales and carpe'a. cleansl'ant and Wood, In lact t ia Willie house; better than Hoap. No Hi ppitur- Hares labor. uu can t afford lo bo without it. SAP OLIO ii Scouring Knives Is better and e'eanerthaa Bath Brick. Will not scratch SAP OLIO Is better than Soap and Sand for polishlnR Tinware. Brightens with out acratehlnB. S AP 0 LIQ Polishes Dross and Copper utensils f belter than Acid or Oil and Kotten SAP O LIO for Washing Dialiuct td G.iwmure ti Invaluable. Cbttape than Soap. S a polio removes -Stairs frron Marble Maiite . Tablm, and St.ituary, from Harddnithi'd Walla, and trow Chi na and Porcelain. , 8 a p o 1 i o . removes Hisina and Grease ' . from Carpets and oilier woveu fab ric. - ml Thar na article known that wll;aoiM many kind oiwora ana 4o Ha well isapollo. Try If hanp 8 A P Q L I 0 uewand wondeVfuven" Iro Toll . at boap, having no equal In tills ' count? or abroad. ' HAND S A POLIO as an aillco for tho bath, ''reaches hfu'lidtliin"ofall dirt, open" . the Boras ant) aives a w ac tion and brilliant tiut to l he akin HAND $ A P 0 li 10. rTcanaesaud benutine the hkin. In stantly rumovtuK auy stain or blera l-h from both bauds and fiico HAND S A POL I 0. it without a Wval in Uio world for carina; or preventiu roughness and and fehapplug of either hands or . ntoe. HAND S A P 0 b I 0 runoves Tar, Push, Iron or Ink Mains and Urousei lor workers In Machina Shops. Mines, Jto,l;in valtuhla For making the Hkin Whlteaad ("oft, andsivlnc to It a bloom of heuiity It is nninrpass ad by any Cosmetic known HAND S A P n 1, 111 coats lu to IS cents per cake, and 1 . I ,.,....., V.. ..Ill everybody should have It You will like ft DON'T FAIL TO TRY THESE GOODS. ' Buy It or your raorrhniit if ho lum it o( will procure It lur yon. it noi, then Write for our I'umpblct, "Alt about Sapollo, auid It wll bo mulled tree. ENOCH MOBGAN'3 SONS, . HQ PARK PLACE, N Y 1"JOR all who are willing to work. . A nenmn. X o'd or young, of either tax. can make from $ HI to fi ( per week, at hoata day or ovei inn. Wanted ay all. Suitable to eltner City or Couulrv. andunv aeaiu of the year, Tbl tea rare opportunity tor tho. who are out of work, and out . f money, to uuks an Independent livliiij. No capital beiiiK guird.-Our pamphlet, "IJOW TO MAKH A HX'"" t lvinu lull laatrncUnn-i, ent ou receipt oflU cetj Addrass, A. BURTON & CO., Morris anla, Wer cheater Co , N. FOR SAliE. .A desirable reaidence oa the Ei:le'rt fnrni tjooa water bandy. Every modern con ven- iv ill oe sola eneap tOnqmre nl , OWEN GAFNEV. PeH'oltuB Centra, May 7, 1S73. If rSCream! Soda Water Proclamation to the Citizen of Pd, Centre and Vicinity; K.A.LOZIER, Washington-St, For j'our pure 9 Ice Cold Soda Water Drawn from Long's bilver I'ort ablo Fountiiin, No acid or gas to destroy the stomach, and the best and finest of I have al35 fitted up In elepmnt wvle throuKlioul, a new LADIES' and Qh.NTS' ICE CREAM PARLOR. Confectionery, Confectionery OF ALL KINDS. THE FINEST ASSORTMENT EVER BROUGHT TO TOWN. Two Door Above Snbcl 4c Auer liaim'a Dry Uooda Store. GIVE MB A CALL. It. A. LOZIEIt. Tet. Centre, May 81, IWSf- -If. 43 -2 5 S s - a aa 1 0 7- U Vj c. s a fj cS M .s V tri-3 C O " o a 5a .ffi a m a r s H I A XL ' a : r -2 I 1 a td a ft s 5 J E For Sale Cheap One 40-IIorse Boiler, Gibbs & llnssell make, One 12-IIor-e Engine in good condition, 800 feet Casing. 1,000 feet tubing, vifiO feet Sucker Kods. Valves, Working Barrels, etc. yllso, one Derrick and Kig ccmplete. The above uronertv will be sold cheap for cash. For particulars "tiquiro of A. G. HA1U hli, Kane City, Venango County, I'a A ti. UAUl, Kane Tily, Juno 17 If KENWUODrsSr'BOYS Prtwnts strmie nttinrtlom topirenU and cniar dhiis. A nlea-nnt lioiuc; tlironnh liKiructiim; healllinil ill-ciplini'; pveellent lilm,n;; new lippar atus. Siiiil lor CutnloKuu. Liberal discount to t ilAltl.C S J K'dBI'S A. M- Jr'"- n'k. n.m nf tfu.ufl.t Armstrong ia thi day dissolvt'd by mutual consent. The IiuoIib and accunnlB of tlio Into firm have been planed In the bsnils ul Justice l!ey nolils fcr cnllectmn, nnl all parties kiiowinc iheiuseivea liiiliihteii win an t"" l.lui uuj settle the name at once aud save CoalB. IT. G. Meask. T S. Amt.j-.'J. rottokuta Coulfo, July U, W73. WINES, LIQUORS, TITO $4.00 on. WANTED The Oldest Established Li quor Store on Oil Creek. OWEN GAFFNEY, PROP'R, EEMOYED To the New Stand In Chrlitio's Old Store, opposite the Jamestown Clothing Store, Petroleum Centre, i'a. New Goods in Great Variety, uuu 2'ieiuy ui uuuay voui' fort left yet. I have refitted the store formorly occupied by J. II. (. hrlstla, corner of Washington and First 8ts., and Ibid In a new stock of the pnreat and best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TUB MARKET AFFORDS. My stock consists In part of BOURBON, AND MONONGAHE LARYE WHISKIES, New England, Medford and Jamaica Bums, HOLLAND GISTS, IIENNESY, PINET, CARTTLLF.N CO.'S, AND JIAlt 1B.I.L, JJltAnuiua, nVIFAIiO, ROCHESTER Ac CAiYAAUAlUUA Abl Hole Agent tortbe BKOTHEIIEIOOD WINES, of Brockton, N. Y, Al.n Awnt for lh (Vlehrnted CltAT WK8T- EKN HUAMDof Amirican 'lianipaLme, made hy Hie rii-nsaut vaiu-v wine eieunen coumy, New York, coustau'tly ou baud the imported chara- pagnes, &o. Wy ;steck of CIOAK8 Is ,1 ncxcllccd In this rcgiuu. I KEbP NONE BUT THE FINEST Cigars and Wines, At my new stand O W E. OA I'FM E V . Cenue;De;. 17 THE OIL! NABKETS. BY W. U. TEL. LINE PrrtcB op 1 PTnoLERim Cektbb Daily RitroRB Aui?. 13, 1873 'JTbo oil market remains qnlet and dull to-d7 lit $1,15. We beat of no transac tion!. fbiladelpbia, Aug. 13. Crude, 6. Refined 16 . Market quiet. Pittsburg, Aug. 9. Crude spot, 6J. B. O. all year. B. O.d IVt Refined Spot, 22 Market Nominal New York, Aug. 13. Refined, Id . Market Quiet. COLDIMMIiH VltltK. New York, Aug. 13. Gold 1151. F. C. HEINZ, Pioneer, Pa., Manufacturer of OIL WELL P Machinery & Supplies Entrines and Boilers of every description Kepaired at Short Notice. Agent for FOSTER'S GAS PUMP. PATEXTEC of HI IN78WA TEH I'AlKtiH. REPAIRING of sil kinds dure at short noilcc ml nil work warranted. Orders by mat. or telegraph promptly attended to P. G. HEINZ. 1'ioneer. Ps., Deo. 21, 1872 If. fattt lnvDt)im. It nttalm the Hupture Ht allrimwi, untl niidcr ttc hnrdt i-xcrcitfi or scvercHl utraln It htW'Tii wtthconifttrt, ard if kt;pt on iilffht nml day, ell cts a pcnnaiH'iitt lire In a few weeks tod rl.- A..S,.A amil t.. Tl,n Yl.i-tla rriio.. No tt8 Hmadway, N. Y. City. No (!HJ UCW" Jni!ll rriliJ ilUHVBj lAMf (MalUllll, IWf D'' rM' I rut fraaiiiinntlv. New Goods SAVE 101R mXM ! And buy yonr Ilools aud Hbccf at Mrs. M. Magrane's ONE PBICE BOOT & SHOE STORE I keep a vi-ry lariM stock of oil kinds on hand and nil rh-p as any oilier hou' In the OIL hKifloN. Ouunectiu wiiu my oiuru is a Custom Depart men t ! And I tfiiarauloo a perfect tit In all my work Itfputrint; UHutly done. Next door to WuX, Jewelry Suire. , .. . . i Petroleum Centre, decl-tt NEW GOODS NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS NEW bTOCK DRY GOODS Oil Cloths Actions, &c., JCBT RECEIVED AT DRY GOODS STORE. Washington Stri ct, Fetrolenni Centrp. Tho Largest and Cheapest stock of CALICOES 8 to 10 cts per yard. BLEACHED MUSLINS from 11 to IS cts. LAN8DALE UNBLEACHED PlUSfjIN , 10 to 16 cts , BEST GINOH AII6 . frorril8 to 13 eta , CLARK'S 9 N T THREAB i spools for Sf3 eta. Dress Goods, Shawls, Hos iery, Corsets Domestic PlecoTOoods, Ladles Tie, Ribbons Iloonskiita (he Terr best oualttv DrllliBira and Lin-" ens. Pina and Needle, a clsjur paper, .Carpeta at the lowest rates. Millinery Trimmings,' LACE GOODS, And a complete stock of ladies liats and Bonnets, Also, a Complete Stock of BOOTS SHOES Which will bo sold at A-XJCTIOIST SALE top to is (isyesL Commencing August 1st, 1873. C?jrfllva me a call end examine wia and prices. M. SAMUELS. Pet. Centre, Ju'y 17tb, l:73. McKinley & (rross, Machinists, Blacksmitlis,' AND i:sbert I'arKi, J'etroleuui Centif, J a. i Boiler Impairing u Speciality. REFINERY STI'-I.S KKPA IRRD r!ff W wa.r' nt ul! v oik ilone oy u h nesrly a" H""'' u3 ,u 'r wl"'I revuirpl Good fuiJ'aaei ,:nl pr.ce-i taxi-y able. . , llarips I;a.l li.'t rxn; "5.1 m tie iif-u ttv riicur n'i' 'd i i o i.i ' I'. JiiriKI'll McKINLKY. :.V.U-.iA uWM Petroleum Centre. Pu.-Iau. 'ii! toiler mmxi