The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, August 13, 1873, Image 2
4 Fetroieu n Centre Daily Record, J PelCeuIrs, fa., Wednesday, AutT 13 invine service. ilKTHOIHST EPISCOPAL CHURCn gervione every Sabbath at 1 1 A. M. and i.4 P. M. Kabtmth School at 12'j P. M. rata five. A oordiitl invitation extend. J to all. Hev. O. Moore', Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. . " rreai-ninwat 11 o'c'ock A. l. and'7 o'cbck P-M., tbe Pastor, W. C. Elucii abo. Sabbath Softool at U, directly after lornnooo service. Prayer Keeking and - Sabbath School Teaclier'e Meellog Tuesday evcniogs of each week. Ictroleum Centra Lodge, So. -. TIG, I. O. of O. F. "kejrihr mietlng nights Friday, at 7 o'clock. Slimed. ' W. n. MONTGOMERY, N. G. (J. II- IU i.kt, A Sec'". fif "l'1-ioe id' meeting, Jain St., opposite SlyOiinrocIc Cuusfl. mwi, Wpji i.wnui.iiwn A. O. of U. W. Ltliirty I.0.1K9 No. 7, A. O. of V. W. meets every Monday evening at 1 o'clock, ii Oild Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Centre, l'unn'u. Jamks Wilson, M. W. f Jamks 3. WniTie, K. ' U T t--- m m I. . Of R. M. Minnek mnoe Tribe No. 18H, I. O. R. M of lVtrnli'iim Centre, me j every Thursday evening to (JdoiI Templar's I. I3j Council Urea Hunted at 7 o'cloek. II. HOWE. Sacnetn. C. L JUKES, Cbiel ol Records. Gold at I p. m. lloitf Sad AcotoBNT.Our worthy townsman Mr. T. M. GrifHlb, met with a serious acci dont tbis forenoon. Mr. G. Is in tbe em ploy ol bla ltberin-law, A. Smawley, el tbe livery stable on Washington street.- Wbile engaged In cleaning a borte, witbou any warning whatever tbe animal reartd up its bind feet ant) kicked out tbe iron ebod hoofs striking him in tbe right side, crushing in two ribs and badly bruising him otherwise.' He managed to crawl away l.-om the animal and by that time ascigteii'-9 arrived end he wag picked np la an inren aible condition and removed into tbe oflke and Dr. Christie called in, who dressed ,tbe wounds. Dr. C. Informed our reporter lh.-.t although the injuries wero revere he d'u not consider them dangerous unless tbc.e was some internal injury. Mr. Griffith hue many friends hereabouts, who will regret to learn of his mistortune. In our report of the iron tank struck by lightning, yesterday, It was stated that tbe tank contained no oil. Tbis every one who visited it alter being struck supposed to be tbe oaie. Subsequent investigation estab lished tbe faot that there was over three thousand barrels of oil in the tank. When tbis Is taken Into consideration, it la ceiy taioly a most remarkable freak of ligb' Ding. The fluid passad lo on tide of U a tank and out on tbe other, and why the oil, which is well known to be ol the moat In- flammable uature, did not catch Bra la past comprehension. One irreverent individual remarked that Frovidenoe waa ovldeot' well aware or the low price of oil, and coi eminently did not consider it worth making bonfire of, heuce It did hot burn. Tbe tank lliolf is not aeriously damaged. Te Hon. Mr. Cobeo, formerly one of tbe city dads of Petroleum Centre, and barring Dutobllonry, Cilizeo Malloy and Eliza l'.-rt, one of tbe most distinguished person ages io tbe oil region, arrived in town tbis forenoon. Judging from bta appearance be bat teen living io a land, not beyond the binlng itruml, but where bit. favorite beverage L'Hime could be procured In vast quantities, wbicb favored land is prebj My Oil City and Parker's Lauding. As coLl water is tbe prevailing beverage here bit tarry will undoubtedly be abort. P. B Ha loft for the Celestial City Io. cMiid at tbe confluence of tbe watert of Oil Creek with those of the Allegheny Rivor, where whiekny is supposed to run la tlio Ku.iu an ire as Water. v n Lost. Mrs.' Hillwlg doairea in puouo mat sue has lost a certified check on tbe bauk of Galway, county of Galway, Ireland. She is willing to pay . reward o' 100.11(10 out the 500,000 which the check Cilliliir. Mrs. HJHwig is a poor lorn wij- owr aud hones the money will be returned While iulor i log ouf reporter of her miefor tune in losing; tht check, Mr. UiWR It c.iiveil Kiiiiil news from home, that ber fa- vnrl'e son was coming lo removo ber to Pc iron, winch laoerialnly poo ul news. io the mat? A What rUtlno it the door CO pfdlhor. A lireau.ckol Bloitiiitf l'per jat r. Cived at tf l'..,t ojice Newsroom. V"ji ' " iSin.wii -Kauy uieaj. Notch. Our neighbor Norton, tbe black smith, bas erected a sign which for elegance of design aud execution stands above No. 1. A youth from Cherrytree visited our place a few days since bent on seeing tbe sights which he bud heard so much about. Stopping at tbe peanut stand be purchased a watermelon which was dispatched with avidity. Citrons were next attacked with like alacrity, A trip to the lava beds was next in order, mixeil drinks, and a crooked path homeward . followed. , Arriving at home tired nature could be Imposed upon no longer. A bed oo tbe floor about an hour. - Queen Mab bold away when he awoke. Heartrending moans, perilous ac robatic feats, irregular and nervous evolu Hons. Old folks aro awakened. Rubbing tboir eyes to be aure, when again comes the sounds, Mtioh alarmed tbey proceed to dlrover tbe cause, Tbe doctor is sent for. Old man suppresses for tbe time being exe erations. Tbe physician pronounces a ease ol cholera, though not necessarily .fatal. We have seen tbe victim since, bo presents a decidedly exiguous and cadaverous np pearance. Jones visited Tltueville tbe other day and missing the trai i be was compelled to stopover night. Proceed iog to a No. 1 caravansary bo was Bbown to a room. AT. tor disrobing be remembered having road in tbe Derrick that bed bugs wero wont to inhabit hotels at tbe metropolis, conse quently he drew the covers gently down and brought a light to bear upon tbe "sub" jecla." At first be found nothing to con firm tbe Derrick's statement. Upon a closer examination be found four which be our dered at once regardless of scriptural and statute law. Finding no more be got in bed and was soon fast iu Morpheus clasp. How long he slept be was uonble to deter mine. But be was thoroughly awake be knew. Arising be struck a light when to bis astonishment be saw countless notnbera of the bngs arrayed io perfect order on tbe wall about two inches apart., Do I retain my senses be thought. Surely that is tun sic I hear? A number of bugs iu tbe capac ity of pall bearers are carrying tbose - four Victims of bis and the band are playing a low weird dirge. He watches ia amaze meat the last rites and ceremonies Of bis nocturnal visitors. Tbe bodies are convej- ed.ioto a knot hole slowly followed by tbe friends and monrnera. After tbe last one bad disappeared be again retired, but it waB useless, be could not sleep but could only lie and wait as patiently as be could until morning. He assures tbat rather than uu dergo a like torture again be will foot it home. ' t A railroad accident occurred co the Al legheny Valley Railroad, yesterday after noon, near Scrukgress. Tbe passenger train went through a trestle bridge and Into tbe river. But three pascengera were in jured. no vum of the hay. Four convicts escaped from Sing Sing on Monday night. A break in tbe Erie canal at Eag le Har bor la reported A squadron of Austrian war vessels been ordered to Spain. Base ball at Baltimore yesterday Mutu ale, 2; Baltimores, 7. One fatal cate of cbolera was reported in Columbus, Ohio, yesterday. Anna Dickinson stWars abe never propos ed to go on the stage, as an actress. The Massachusetts Republican State Con vention will be beld on September - 17tb. One thousand six hundred and fifty-six emigrants arrived at Castle Garden Mod day.. . Tbe number of persons last by the Wawa- tsett disaster is now stated at seventyfive. William Tilden, Probate Judge of Ham ilton County, Ohio, died at Sandusky Mon day night. , A branchof tbe National Irish CatholiO Benevolent Union bas been formed ia Col umbus, Ohio. Tbe young Miss Reeves, one of tbe vic tims of tbe New Hampshire slags coach dis aster, is dead. JJHeavy rams along' the line uf'the Haiti "more & Ohio Railroad.bave seriously iulei- rnpled travel. Tbe health authorities of Now York city are conGscuting all unripe fruit exposed for sale In tbat city. The fourth annual session of tbe Conven tlon of the United Caledonian Auolatioa commeuced iu Philadelphia yesterday. Numerous Baltimore liquor dealers were rililecl yestctd.iy by tbobtala constabulary, a lurije qua itily of liquors aud alt) sdi.Jd. General W.Ii. Eirriner, of Nort'j Caro lina, formerly MinislHr to. Spun, is d.uuot oiisly 111 'at White Sulphur Sp rings, VirjjiD Krie bu; j aro put iu j ul for fcuoaiug p;eb. PARKEIl Olli VICINITY OP MODOC Ort SUMMIT CITY. Oo, Monday last we paid a virat to this new oil town, looated on tbe Starr farm, about three miles southeast ol Greece City. It naw contains some aixty buildings, occu pied aa family residences, boarding bouses, grocery and provision atores, livery alhlea) hotels, hardware stares, and last, though hot least, In tbe way of .money jnnktog, thore are tome seventeen places at which Are water Is retailed to the excited operators, fortune seekers and others who will visit the town. Butler county; - be it known, voted lo favor of local option at the latn election; but there are no less then evw'n. teen peisons in this now oil town, who seem to have no ter ror of the low. At Ihe present time there is a contention between tbe citi zens in regard to tbe name of tbe town, tome contending that it ebntl lie christened Modoc, wbilo other persist in calling if Summit City. Application Is being made for a post office, wbicb will doubtlets be granted at an early day ao l the town no doubt, will thereafter inborn tue name giw en tbe office. On tbe Starr (arm 'there .are three wells now flowing immense quantities of oil. One owned by Percy, Beck and others commenced flowing 'on Wednesday of last week, and on Monday following it was still tonfldercd good for 500 barruls. The Grace well commenced flowing on Monday of last week, and oue week thereafter it was considered good for fully COO barrels. Tdc well owned by S. P. Boyer and others, also commenced flowing on Monday of last week, and on Mond ty of this week its production was estimated ut 5J0 or GilO barrels per day. A oew well called the Captain Jack, lo cated on the Harper farm, a abort distance east of the old Troutman well, and not far from Modoc or Summit City commence'' Uowing on Wednesday of last week, and on tbe follow in? Monday gits production was estimated at 500 barrels per day. A well owned by Gormtly, Wick, noover aud others, located on tbe McClelland farm, between Greece City and the Starr larm, commenced flowing on Saturday evening last, and tbe His' 21 hours thereafter pour ed forth about 2o0 barrels of oil. The strike is regarded as ooo of tbe best between tbe wella on the Starr farm and Greece City. The latest intelligence received from tbit vast oil field represents tbiit the welt owued by Percy, Bock and others, located on the Starr, bas on iome occasioua since being etrack, flowed fully 1,000 birrels In twenty four hours. It keeps up Its production re markably well, and is coosidorrd a great strike. A well owned by Overy, Briwley and others, located on tbe Starr farm, was drill ed aome depth into tbe third aaud oo Mon day of this week, and at once commmiceii flowing oil at tbe rate of 100 or 500 banels per day. Tbe Preaton well, oo the Brown (arm, above Greece City, which was hiiroed the other day, la about ready to pump again, Oilman' Journal. Tbe fe'narei(of Saratoga. Ladies (says the Saratoga correspondent of tbe Boston Globe) are forbidden to step foot Inside tbe precincts of Mr. John Mor rissey's' great and eleg.ot gambling .bouse. Tbe veto was put upon the ladies by tbe Young Men's Christian Association, for tbe purpose ot saving tbe ladies and ruining tbe men; or, as would appear most clearly io sensible minds, for tbe purpose of ruining hot b. For bow are women to be saved if men go to destruction? And much more Certain ia tbe fact tbat abutting tbe women out from any place where men congregate is tbe beat means in the world to abandon It to doublo fate. A lady, however, went into Jobn Morriseey's bouse the other day, and looked it over. She waa accompauied by a highly agreeable and intelligent South ern gentleman, to whom abe was greatly Indebted for a minute's explanation of tbe workings of this Institution, its lollus and failings. Tbe bouse is magnificent in (res eoing, carviutf, furniture, cut glass, carpetg and chandeliers, beyond anything ever seen In this country. The card tables were cov ered, as it was early in tbe morning, so abe was deprived of witnessing tbe gomes. Tbe most rieb and costly food is served here on plates ol gold and silver. The waiters are well trained. Here is the office where l'ie business of the racing ia done, aod tbe pools bought and sold. One loolts upon tbe whole thing, takes a realizing sense of it all, aud exclaims, ' Wliat an elegant and sup erb boil!" Tho fuurtb annual reunion of I lie surviv ing numbers of tbe S:iJ Regiment Penn., Vol., will be beld at Conneaulville, Tu.t day, September 9lh next. An old lady, nomed Catharine Fusnaout, died ij the Lohanoli county aloisLousu lust week, nzad liiLety-aiuu ytar t.J blavea The Oil Uiisiaets. 4 Tbe oil business It to dull tba little In erest la felt la new developments. For eev teral deya oil baa only been worth about $1,50 at the railroad making tbe price tit tbe wells $1,23 and lesa, per barrel. Tbe production baa been kept up by the large wells In Butler county, and ia likely to con tinue lor tome time, at a great many walls are drilling In that region, During June, the, average production waa 20,449 barrels par day, aud when the July report appear! It will doubtless abow an locreaae. Tbla it more oil than the consumption demaoda, and producers) should cutel! operatlona. But it seems that nothing but general smash up, and flnauoial orisia will compel them to suspend drilling naw wella. The numerous sheriff's sales ahow tbat the oraab is coming, and perhaps the sooner the beU ter, for tbe oil bus iness in general. The Hillings well on tbe Gatea'Jarm, about a mile north east of Ed in burg, It doing about 15 barrels a day. The aanp waa close, end tue well ia considered to be on toe east edgo of the, bo It. The Bower well north of Edenburg la still yielding GO barrels a day. Tbe tools tbat were faat, bave been taken out ot Ihe Berlin well, and drilling is going on. A large well waa atruck on the Sam'l Beals farm last week, bySmitb Cook. Also one on tbe Jacob Beala farm, by Lou Is Coll ner and McKay. A new well waa atruck Friday oo tbe Fox larm, south ol Clarion river. It ia pumping fifty barrels; owned by Grant tad Tbonias, of Foxburg and Cleveland. . Clarion Democrat. Newport Initial. Just received at tbe Post Office Newt room 200 boxes of Newport Initial Tinted Papera. It Is by far tbe nicest ioitial pape, ever brought to tbis plaoe. Tbe ladies are respectfully Invited to call in and examln" It. It is neat and nobby. ' ' . . Esquire McKeage it oil Inspector of Bai ler county. . Tbe Reed House of Erie wbicb wat burnt last winter, baa not been rebuilt. Edward Snyder, of Millport, Pa., wat re cently stabbed to the beart by electricity a neat aa a dirk would bave done It Green county farmers bave been twlndled ont of about $6,000 by lorged notes. Tbe swindler was one Henry Casteman. There was aa Inorease in tbe reoelpta cf cal at Pittsburgh during the month of July 1873 over tbe month ol July 1872 ot 22,63 ions. The young men of Mauch Chunk propose to organize a military company lo be uoi funned iu the at vie of tbe old Continentals, to represent tbat borough at tbe Ceoteolal celebration in I8JB. The Teacner'a Association ot Peonrjlva nia holds Its twentieth annual session at Pittsburgh, no the 12th, ISth and 14th of August. Ao excursion to Lake w ill be one of tbe features of meeting. Sunville Seminary will open Sept. 11. Sunvilie la at free aa possible from bad in fluences. The new building speaks of tbe enterprise aod good taate of tbe community. Youog ladiea may go lo Suuville aod pre pare for college or for teaoblog In the pub Ho soboola. The school will ooataln a nor mal department. Good board and low pri ces. Instruction given on piano aod organ. For furtbur particulars add rest S. II. Pbathkr, Principal, Sunville, Pa. A bad mlaa A misdemeanor. AUCTION SALE OF oots& Shoes POSTPONED FOR 30 DAYS. Selling at cost in the mean time. M. SAMUELS. Local Notices. Fountain Is now rooning In fun u'V j . i r . . . -i". VBII luu irj i.n ui ivn vuol Beds t, Olcken) oBmh Just Issued In paper cover toy the t. eona. rrior to u-uip, sou tor sale S Post Oflloe Newaresm. NOTICE Go to , W. A. L0Z1E! 4t Sireet,iiear It ll.trai tor your BEYINK, dell ercd oit the wills for U per Barrel. Petroleum Centre, Feb. 6Mb t f. SEND FOK CATALOGUE 09 NoveJlo's Cheap MusiJ Novello'a nines, Part feongt, eta Stl9l Kowiw t'linrrn jnu ic tO'4 Bill NOVELLO'S OCfAVO KDITIOH JOP OmJ Price, f 1 jor f, botanr tn elotW, 'sfititJ NOVKLLO'H OCTAVO JtDITlONIOKORATulJ Is paper, from tOoerta to tl; alotb, tta . edges, II to i each. EDITION liLiA&SlUii rtach'a 48 Pn!ndcaand Tafem Cloth lli Scclhovtn'a at) bouatje. Jtlaeaotlv He and. H itt ill BcethoYtn'i SI Pltiio Piece. Elrgaat boant . 1 1 Chopin rlses. Stiff paper covers iJ inop:n a roionaisea, - Cuopln's Noctoniea. " id Chop.u'xw.iitniKaa. )J Chopin's Ballad.. " " i -1 C mWt Preludes. j .l Cholitn'a ttonatu J Veudel'sotm'a Complete Piano Works. Elnrl rolio kuiiioi . full mil. lompieielii f vou.x il Ttteeaat; R to. Foil pllt .'mpletin4vuu I Tti mme. 8vo. t' Cnmnlet In 4 MrndeWsoha's Songs Without Word Folio dlikl mil ftii. i n Octuvii Fdlilon Fall rtllt j:J Octavo million. Paper coreie B Mourt'a jo 'Boaaiae. juegaBUV Man. Ill icbateit'a 10 SonaU. Xlrgantly buird. h nil iJ Bceaburt.i Dances- Oomr'tte. Elkgaatly Ihxk run ci.i BchuS ri'a rtano Pieces. Elegnntrj Umni h. allt ! SrbnuannM Forest Scenes. Rise Xoej Pkrl Paoer eoveaa. . Hchnmuui's Plane Forte Albata. Ilagaaaly boil milim in The Bame. Papa covers u nOTHEll (JOOSF, OR NATIONAL, MLHSERY, KHT.IPl Het to Music by J W. Elliott, with m h-nn::-. iiiuatrnuoiis eDtniTea uy iu nrtiinvrt oaiii, i uouroj, epienaiaiy uounu In cloth. 'l . ASK TOR IfOVKLLO'S EDITIOMl Adilreia. l.U PITBItS. m Bro.aiJ naw xora, A pent for Nnretln'a Ttima n JewGoods, Emel Zedwich ("UTTLE JOE.") BOOT AND SHOE MAKER HaejNst retnined from Buffalo wilttl complete stock ot Fall aod Winter Goods. Baa been mtabllFhrd In Te In 'up rotirhi past tares jean, and baa tbe name or Making the Best Fit and Flneill jfo in tue tii uegions. B la eonatantly recehlag orders from tthcrM wua at roe uu negiona. Ha eoaataBtly keeps oo band Ready-made Bootst& Shoes LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SlIOKS AND GAITEHS CAM. AND 8F Hlin . J9tf , JCMBLZBDvriCB. Th Berkwith $30 Portable Famlir ewliiar maeblue, on MO Daya Trial; many advantagei over all. HatUfartlon prnirnn" or 2i reniudid. 8imt emnplcie, with full lir, tloDK. 'Dnrkwith HealnK Mackiao Co. M BroadVV Diasolatioii IVotlce. Tbe copartnership heretofore existing ( tween Pond, Fraaier A Co., In the hnslae of oil producing, ia thin (lay dlreolvrd bj mutual consent. All )bia epainut lb Arm will be settled by Fraaier & Co., will herealter condlict tbe liuaineat as behre, on the Ha: ion farm, oear Oil City, Pa 1. W. Pond. A. L. Frasib Mrs. Ws. J. Administratrix. Doled August 9, 1873 T.. AHwAfll-- .11 ...... kIi.i . ml plate milking conlmctB with newipnperii fur ,w iiitertloit of AdvertiaumenU ahould send lo Geo. P. Rowell&Co. for a Cirnitnr, or encliwSScentii a their ' Hundred I'aaie Pamphlet, nintalniw Mela nf 8.IKK) Ni'-piipeia ami oxtlmali ,t IheciMtiif ttilviTlNiuu-, alim niiiny uielul h',lW0i adTertMere, ana, ni aci'oniit nr the i'Xirli.r mcd who uro knowu aa a)uc4ieafnl liners. Thin nun are iTotirlrwre of thu can Nvwepajior AdyartUing Agencjr, 41 PARK ROW, N. Y