The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, August 13, 1873, Image 1
.DAI L Y SwJlll REGORB pTiXr88, PETRQLBUag CEKTBE. PA., WEDNESDAY EVENING AUGUST 13, 1673 25 era WEEKLY ji. TUB - -- HAIL RECORD tflE FIRST DAILY PAPER IN TENAN ' PUBLISHED EYERY" EVENDttf, 'SltBUaye e.Towimiu.. , CBA3. C. WICKER, Editoi. ' " Tttitraa. Lrar payable U advance, ' ISM rBlCE-LIST OF ABVEKTI91HM. rT (Ten lino of nonpareil lank one square.) Tie. Innertions. I q. eg- sq. Ssq f i on 1 60 4 Ml S 00 ISO 7 CO rlyi 1 (10 I Co t ou 1 60 S 00 a m e tH 8 OoJ 10 oo II so 16 00 l 00 80 WH 43 OUl 9 mi 2 S(i 8 0(1 8 to 4 40, t 60; 14 CO l? on! 13 C9 J8 f 80 UU 49 03 0 W Ttr dys (orfUya, 1 M t 00 S 25 1 50 m 14 Ml 1 Ul tO (II 80 OU 40 00 n weeks. 4 5! NtrMWwM. 00 em months, m om mm monuus Mz months, to m no 97 00 DO K o in B0 IW 100 CJ ie monies, t MtU! notice 20 cento per line, acn ln.ra.s. AJnrtlienienU pnyabl. coai-teny In advance S. M. I'eUe.isliI & Co. B7 IhrkBow, New York, cad Gao. i Koweil Co., tanrtlitnt Ants. are the sole agent, for ae Pe, im Ichiro DirLT Kkcobd In tint cut. a- rtlnr In that city are requested to leavo tl ton with Uthn of tue above houses . m-r.iV. WkTHERILIj i CO. AfJver- 10? Agents, Philadelphia, axs duly authorised wu for the KKooaD In that tlty. GEO. IS. BlSSELli As CO., s a. it e 2?- s.: PE'TBOIiEinil CENTRE, PA. Li 11. BUtell. U. C. VMt v. nflw Mr afimeM fnr the bansaefton of a fKNEKAL BANKING, iiXCUANUJt and COL IUT10N BD61NBS8. i An? business entraeted toewaara will weawe ai'mpi attention JAMES H. BIITH, ATTORNEY-ATtAW, OSoe In Conrt nonna, Franklin. Pa., and on Tiie; 4 and Friday of each week over Blueall 4 tVa. k, Cnite Pa Julyao-tf J. it. HKIVL.Y, OIU CITY, PBNN'A. 4 SESIDESf SURGEON DENTIST, GuatalnUlered. Office opea now. C171CS-ID Schonblom'a building-Oil City. jan7-U. r H. Wilbert 18 now prosan-dto execute BRICK ANT MA SON WORK IN ALL ITS UKANCUJJ8, and Vsrraata ta give aaiiafaction. I'UbT BUINtl don to order. BRI08 CHIM HIRe built. Also, BlUCli and Li MIS constant ti no baud and fi r sale. ta-Henidiiice on (rbert Farm. Poat Offlce Aldnaa Poioleum Centre, Pa. Give me a call. ' aovUHm lei Centre Meat IMet ! too. W. King, Jr., NB Door to the Roeheater Hnnse. dealer In Fresh llOXalt MEAT , ttMOKBD MliATS, POULTKY, Bl'TTER. Ac. ,rnwr. having fnt Cattle will do well to tve rne VBll. A ahate uf tlia public patronage solicited ui:0. '- KING, Jr. retmienm Centre. tt. . "1 nm h Mine MJlatoi Shop ENGINEER, MACHINIST BLACKSMii H,. And maiiufuctnror of Urilllng and ruiilng Toolt, SnOL' ON CENTRAL PET. FARM. NEAR R. R. DEPOT. rK l nui.KIJM CKNTKK, PA. . Iff All Ml dsof Jobbing nnd Maehliia Ke'i if done to order. Uiwe nn-n call. ' uprli-tr. Uiif. .. ITKT'l'S. . School Books. A CimpL'trt a lock "I Hchnol Ko.iks necrleil J iim rVoPt! School's ouil.f lonlid at Un r".vr oPiacj; news ':oom p I'HKIMIIMIP.IIOIII' 5' WJ (Jlily wuiils fuel W'-" Msnoji I., t, hiiv. ciu'-l' J,,'i rncalprof TenOems. A-t.1v fc t-U.Hi S.otndh Avei uo. Vr v. V U V. 1IYDH ISotclj and Ueiitaiirants. PKTHOIJtUM CKNTKB, PA.. Near OD Creek A Allegheny K-.vor rtr.llway ;T)7ot ' teWMC W. II. DAVIS Prop r. pETKOI.Dl'M flOLSi:. Free Oncnlfcu tj nn! from all Trnliis BILLIARD AND BATH ROOMS CON NECTED WITH HOTEL. novlBtf. C. W: KrAATgt, rmp'rl rJfTROI.EUM CKNTaa, PA. Uto popnlat Hotel, altnatod fOTBcr c! ffialn dc Vaxlilna;, N3irl':3 has been refitted and fiimlKhtJ (LruuffJ.'Qntind the proprietor will spare no puiiu ui niaae -I a FIT.ST-CLASS HOUSE." 0O-l JAO F I10LBEKT, Proprietor. CITY HOTEL A?'3 I-ISTAIH.VXT, TITSVILLE, PA. THos. CnoC;i- Trop'r. 1 This Ilotel Is doalrally loct:J Tlio best of ac conuaodctloca aJbrrtod to zneau transient 01 per manent Brery dalleaey of the eeaaon enutantly on hand BOMKTIHNQ NEW The proprietor haa tne Terr mm laciuuea id wa conniry lor o i am DfO OY8TBHS. TllUMlllo. tC0, 13,1 tl PET. EXCHANGE RESTAURANT, Pet Oeiitft Pa. Snowdea fc Pugh. PROPRIETORS. Warm Mcali at all Honrs. WILD QAMB IN ITS BBABON. O YSTEES ! KcceitHd llyandacn-er. npinany style desired. We reapeelf illy luvtiu our old Irlends at Petmli nm Centra and elsewhere to pay us a. cailguurunteeitij; to treat Uiem well. Pet. Centre, Pa., May 14 1813. If. VERANDAH VaiSa '' ;Jr nmimim Reo'osned, C-.p1, XV. t,. SMITJJ, I S't. 1VA -IIIN0TC' ST.. rT. CE Ti I'artlctilaf attention paldtothi- i-ii -I-, uni! v.-ill ki. .'.a- linr-t ray I n1'. !i 1 -1,-11 CI Lord's Boiler Powder ! For. tuis Removal aim I'meveistioujof SCALE IN STEAM BOILERS Tliis Potvder.;wilI IScmoye Any Scalo, no matter how thick Ci- Hard it may be, and keep the Iron in a good condr tion for ages. WE CAN SEND YOU A PUCOF OF THIS. A. J. IIAWIjEY, ('OLDWATKH I.KASE. WILD CAT flOIXOW P'tn.lefim Centre. I a.. Is tht unlyftlltliori.ed fleenl in Oil Kcl'I- n for the pale of the Powder, of whom it can h ohainerl bv the kfE or turned. I It l also for sale at the Iliirdware (Store of Geo. W. vinsor, Petroleum Centre, Pa. .rmy ix ii. An a tr. v.. anOh atAafl aal CHEAP. .T.-II :s. ii-.oo.i n a in- 'r-.'i:lti. l' i' '. ii eh ' " . I '' i f -V niiil -.. ,i.ii-i it i I I : V of N'.-w ..! i' -h. :i!"h ; -I 'I'! M ,-- at inc ha ',.l:V I'iJ.MI-K fur si Li ill.l.ltS of r, iitavK ; ar.d If i p rati fc g5 S P IP3 1- :. i!ii-i!ii outre, I'a O1 II, DKEEK A ai.l.f fillBNY II IV- It. If. A- lil ai iVI.ll, UI'HHI Ar FIXTSHI lt;ll K. It. On end alter Ttureday, July 101b, 1873, trains will run as follows : SOUTHWARD TRAINS.- First Class. STATION; '2 I 4 G l2 II A M I'M A M AM 1" M 8,5:l S.-'KI 6.45 n. 17 lliiiii 7,17 y.JiT 4.IW .-. 7,4.") 0..'in 4.10 7.50 0.6S 4.2S 8.16 10,08 4.3S 8.31 10. 2K 5.00 9,02 M0,3:i "5,02 H9U8 10,40 5,12 9,20 11,05 5,37 9 56 11, :u ft.42 10,00 11,00 5.5(1 C,15 1.35 11,10 5,03 C,2(l 1,38 1!,H "COO '6.2ft "1,43 11.2? '6.03 fi.SI! "1.62 11.30 "ti. 1 7 0.45 2,02 '11.39 "C2H !G57 11212 "IMS ti,o4 7,07 2.20 10,10 10.47 .... 10.50 10,56 .... 11,07 .... 11,52 H.39 "7.12 11,11 2.M i;.;4 6.41 7.14 U,14 2.2S "12,03 "CAH "7.2;-. "11,24 '2.37 "12 05 6,52 7.28 11,27 2,40 12.15! 7, 0(1 7.40 11,38 2,50 ; I2.S5 7,20 7.45 11.45 2.65 "12.43 7.30 "7.56 H1155 "3,07 "12,50 7.37 8.05 12.05 3,18 12.53 "7.40 '3,10 "12,10 '3,21 1.00 7.48 8.18 12.19 3,30 " 1,02 7,52 '8,22 "12.23 "3.33 1,04 7.55 8.25 12,26 3.35 1,06 7,57 8,27 12.28 3.37 1.08 8 05 S.35 12,86 3.46 1,12 8,10 8.40 12.38 3,50 1,16 d.17 8,46 12,45 4,00 " 1,19 8.26 8.61 12,50 4,10 1,2! H829 8,55 12,63 4,l 1.30 8,49 9.05 1,05 4,30 p: r u am pm r Urooton, Prospect, Mnyville ummerdttle Shermaa Panama Clytner C'nt oiymer Corry June Tor-, mi Corr? Juns olewart ear Summit Sparta oiL'g Giynden CentrovMIe Union City Lekeviilo Linoobrille Ricerille Noblo'i Junction Tryonvlllo Myor's Sw'a lijCetown Titnarlla ' EougbJon Miller Farm Staffer Pioneer Boyd Ferai PstCen Columbia Tarr Farm Ryod Farm Rouseville McClinlock Oil City ar NORTHWARD TRAINS. First Claw. STATIONS 1 P M A M 6,30 & P 8.10 8,20 8 26 "8.30 8,35 H 8,3!) 11 13 A M 9.55 10,08 10,12 M Oil City iE 3,45 3,65 4,07 4,10 4,15 4,21 4.2i. 431 MCUIlntOCK Rouseville Rynd Farm Tarr Farm Columbia '3,61 H 6.40 "3,57 6.41 4,00 "4,04 "4,07 4,11 C47 10,17 10.24 10.28 If 6.52 U 6.55 PetCen " 6.5U 8.45 10.35 4.13 "4,15 "4.19 7.01 8 47 4,33 10.3S Boyd Farm Pioneer Shafler 7.03 8.50 4,38 10.43 10,60 '11.00 11,04 '11,17 11,32 H 8,53 4,42 "4.25 11428 7.15 7,18 9 03 4.50 4.64 Miller Farm 9.0 Bougbton" "4.36 7.2R 7.35 7.40 9.15 5,04 Tituivlle i" 4,45 4.62 5.02 9.25 5,1(1 9 30 9.3H 9.43 9.52 9,54 5.23 5,33 11,38 11.62 Ilydetown Myers' Sw'h Tyronville JllOOtioD Noble's Ricevilla Liacolnvllle Lakeville Union City Centrevllle Giynden Spartansb'g Summit 7.50' 7.63 5, 05 1 5.38 5,48 5,50 12,03 12.12 '12,14 5,l5;f 8.0! 5,17 8,U3 5.65 l,0 6,13 ti.17 6,42 5.22 5,31 8.08 8.16 8.26 8.34 10,i 0 10,08 10,18 "10.27 12.18 H 1227 H643 12.36 "5,51 "12,45 12,53 12,57 I 1,00 Stewart'sSw "6,00 6,04 6.08 8,43 8,47 10,35 Corry June1 Corry Juncl 10,411 10,45 t 8.50 6.15 6.20 9,05 9.08 1,06 1,10 1.36 m6 1,60 2,14 112,19 uiymer C.43 U 934 Clvmer 0'nt 0,62 9,43 Panama Sherman H B56 11 M7 7,17 10.08 Summerdale u..illiA AR "7,27 111018 10,37 t7.45 8.10 2 2. .,1 ra , ' iliu 10,40 ll,03l 11.25 ,4f Prnspoct H8301 8,53 07 BrocloQ AR 3,30 P M P M A H I'M ir.Traiu It does not ston at livd J arm. Mulder orMier s Switch, and slop only 01 tlgnsl at Bouuhtou and Lakevillc. (i trains do not Stop. (1) Stop on Signal. (0 Stop for Mi nis. 'I rains 3 and 4 will run daily. All other traui. dttlly orri'i't Sutul-iys. ( m Shi. days ii-iiiii -I will run one hour lnla froln Slavvillo to Oil c it v Trim 1 wilt stop at Hfui-i-vil'e on c:nul for Pa.-e.mM-rs L'Oimt N,a-'.li . 'I'iliivilii-. '1'i.iin a niav !,-.-in- -tt Koi.-i-vjlu Pa;-senneis that wi-ru reii-ivid Nor'h ,,f Tint-vi'l'' .1. ,1 I. A Vt li KNCK, (.'-o. SnpU 0. J. I.'Frri ii:,', Aps'i .nipt. .Uii.av s:. xv. t J tl a;iJ ;i V Hi lit, lie NnllTHWAKI i l a i l ai i a m I .'i i ion I :i c. i hi or. asr.1 vwi .,, N v. 4, lH'.i, l.aius will hOCTIIWAllD NAME OF 1 !a in . N i4 .I'ilhitloCltv.... i-iilH i-i' Mill ,.V,'. ..1:. l:l:.rl ..llli-upd! S .D. FUNNY SIDE OF PHYSIC- 800 Pages, 250 Erigravhicp. A stnrtllna impose of Wcdlcl l'nmhn(;m'"ihi past at.d pr,-nenl 11 ventilates QnaeVs. lmpusii rp, Travellinit lloctors, Patedt Alediclno enii'."-s, Koy ted ?Vniale ( heals, Fortnlle Till-13 and Vnilir:is. and trives inlorcBting acciH.ts of Nol-ti rtiv1i "tis and Narrallvoa or their Uvea. It r. lal- Ft.ii .i' ie -eerets slid instructs ail how to avoid tr i :.- v. i-'.c-' lime is heir to. Wo plv ex,'!nsli t.rn-.iy r.i. Iltierul commissions. For ciren,,i"- and it-tm.- a-. d-esstliepul.;ishe's. .1. B. IIYf S, UARTF'iRI). CONN, on CHrAV). I, auknts want;-i pop thf- UNCIVILIZED RACES OF MTQN' n IN ALLCOGNTlffKSOP'fBEUOl.J.n. Being a comprehensive account of theti- manr-rrs and curtoms, and of their ptiysinal, eoCial, uenii-1, mora), and religioa. cbarficttt-istJcs lly H2V. J. 1. WOOD, M A.. . t- R IVH) Engravings, lr-OK Hniwr luiyal OcUto Pftgu In two volumes, o two voltimeslnotii-. Agents aru,makug over t Ktl oe we' iu siHin ; this wirl:. A.i early application wlii stcu- i . ehoieeof territory. I i terms srld-ns the pnh ll.ocr., J. II. BUiLHA HYl'K. ' nAKTFORD, CONN., or CWOAt-O ILL. IMPROVED Sneca Fals GAS ip ttim: :p, With Steel Packing SO Sold In t,at CO liar Exclusive A grata for the Oil Regions, DAME, SMITH & t. Successors to "F. W. Amies, TlTITSVIfXE. P. , Wood Work FOR CARRIAGE BUiLDERS. 2D GROWTH SPOKES, CENT FELLOES, H17B3 BHAFXl', POLEo, WHIFFLETREEH, AXELS, FIFTH WHEELS SAWED FELLOES, NECK YOKES, HUB BANDS, SPRINGS, MALLEABELS. And tbe Best Carriage Kolt in 91 arkt DAME, SMITH c Ct., Successors lo F. W. Aram. DVIVKIRK, XV A It It EN AW riTTSBUBG KAIL WAY. Time Table lakes eflect Nov. 8, H. SOVTHWAUU (l 1. No n. 12 .-o p m II la p in 8 4 o m 4 '.. in r I1 1. in I ji ni II i.u a ni HflFFALO fl 03 a m iiiniMrk 8 ir, am Fnleonera 10 SI a m Warren. It Warn Irvin-ii'u ll Ml a m 3 o l; . i K so .. r.i 1(1 , 10 - 'J i.i (ill l ily li "II p m t'utsiitirgn K:iO i m NOHTHW AfcD till. CITY onr.nnt !H'"i IrvinVtiiu ia:t"iiiiu t .if ex 4i- Unir-.i l-JiiOnm ''-",! m 4 . i. Falc-.liils !i IS ii in 7 t.l p ni (I. . i- liunkirk I 'M . in !"Mim Uir. Uull'alo fc ' P in 1" 35 1 ("( 10 1 n ni .-.Utlon for .laniL-ntown, N. Y . I d wi. it. I'v ''I 1 1 with a. ;. y I- '-" iv Watric wiiht a.u ar.l !t IV "A ovpry revc -i Hi, .;. r Iliu r u IS i tV I V'AX'aS'iir?;. . .---. - M -I. i.ti 11 lir.r.l:U' .a..ifi.c.4!iii 0- ; t:..t " -- .1 ' V MN SJ . I'll--1 l- I J, 609 Biouonaj New Y lrop in acd s--c r- in