S3 LlMJ i 1 V Petro'eu n Centre Daily Record. . Outre, tn., Monday, Attarnet 1 t.tvina aervnje. MKTTlOaiST EPISCOPAL. CHURCH Services evry Sabbnttr at 11 A. M. nd i F. M. Sabbath School at P. M eats free. A cordial Invitation ex Urn 4 d 1 itll. f Bit. G. Moors, Pastor. PRESBTTERIAN CHURCH. Prwhing at 11 o'clock A. M.. and'7 Wclojk P. M.-by the Petto. W. C, Jimtcrt aud. SaBbath Ochoal at directly alter InreBOOB eoreice. 'I '1 li Pravjt, Meetine: end r Sabbath School Teacher'' Meeting Titteaje-y evenings, ot each week. -'- ' --. . Petrolenm Centre IidIfe' ftt. r. Tl4 o. I o. F. 4 TiiV'ilar meeting niglits Ifrldayat o'clock. Stoned, ' C " -uv ji. unNTRnuERV. .n ...- filt. Bvi.ar, A 3eo'T,' ; ,f ETri'l ic of meetlnz. "Main St.. opposite lOWIiniOCK MOUSC, A. O. Ol U. W. " Llbt rty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W., mm every Monday evening at 7 o'clook, n y.l.l K.'llow's Hall, Petroleum Centre, l'min'a. JiMKS Wilson, II. W. C Jamks 3. U'ncrt, R. V " E. O. of It. M. . M rtni'kvincK Tribe No. jit, I. O. K. 11 or Pi'.iinli'um Uwihre, meetg every Thursday evening in Good Templar"! Hall? ; . JV Oouucil fires llbled at 7 o'clock. U. HOWE. Saobem. C. L JUKKS, Chief ol Record. . Uuld at 1 p.m. 1I6J$ TIic Present Panic. We are really In the midst of a n named panic, v.-bicb like ell boa little to rest hpoo. 1'nnlo ta fright, and fright Is cowardly. So II is to-day. Our peViicky'oll market would cease, it hall the facta were looked at and . i. .. . i ow pruuuuer wunvpi m uwwaru. ;. la the firstpltci tbe bears txsggerejs Use- production. It ii based on tbe pcoJiiot of a f.iw big strikes while tbe ,hea4''ls on yet, but tbe trutli la teWprloee. have closed down hundreds of walls everywhere above and below. Nothing la done aoy where com-l duct of small wells.' Boo wollVBeoiioeaW torpedoes aro but little used, white' the volume oi.ol Is steadily shrinking ftom Tlfllonte'to Ar-i gyle o j one side and Turkey .City on tbe other.., The increase is limited! to a email area where "beads" will scon be off. Pro d iction to-day is probably Dot over 20,000 barrels and certainly won't vary a thousand either way, while the bears cell U 27,090 or z,uuu. to present string or wells ore completed, and tbe drill stops till spring . Ns new rigs are building anywhere or by anybody, and the last winter proves the iowr oouotry could not be drilled to aoy extent lo cold weather, and . bekne'tvao that sets in the produot of to-day wfll be off onr-tblrd. Tbe price to-day ought to be Dot less tbao two dollars. The faota show It. But tbe necessities of the producer araorenfotf and tbe oheek and rapacity ol tbt capitalists ba, oo limit. Falsehoods, wild Jriyjiors, every artful dodge tbat'oao got oipf she wires Is daily retorted to,' that tbe pries may go down end tbe producer be oompelled to sell bis oit at aay price, and flaally.bls' property itiet) to the uierculd capitalist, go toon as the oil aud territory is gobbled up these eotrs wilt ba iiantlorioed into buds. ' The' pross will teem yvjlft ' data showing bow light the production is, how little oil is bald la tAls'oeuatry, aad barw long It will be be fore other wells cad M put down to Increase the production. ' ' ' If tbe producer will only look facts lo the face, panicky prices will stop, The Roch ester City G s Light Company bave satis fled themselves that petroleum at $101 per barrel is cheaper thad bituminous coal, glv lag a better light too. Their apparatus l now ohaoged and ready lor use'Tbrf suctes. attending t benighting of Rochester City wltb patroleuut gas will speedily revblutioaizs tbe gas business everywhere, and will) In two years tne ouies ot Amerioa aud Europe will be lit with petroleum gas. " So with t'hn drill BtoppeJ fur seven months, wltb tbe produo tioa ooe-bair what it is now oalled (23,000) a id with the demand trebbled forges pnr poses, all in the immediate future, It argues 4bll for gpud prices. If tbe producer bed ' any back, bone, or would aot id unison, .lor one week, o I would go to two dollars and the Rnec!iUtrs that fatten on eun InAim. biv to pay a lair value lor our product. A -r --j We learn on good authority that a new livery stable is soon lo be opened In town. Our citizens will bi rejoiced at Ibis piece of good news, aa they bave dona some tall prowling and made use of many strange aad uncouth euss words at the present high la rill' charued for lively horses and carriages. ()ppiuiuu it tbo lua of trade. By ail latum let lb uuw liable be started. Stibri.no Amur. A slabbing aflray occurred abont one o'clock Suoday morning wbioh resulted lo tbe serious Injury of . a man named Aldbso Raymond, aa employee atSmawley's livery aUble, atibe btudif of ooe Vest. Evans. It appeals Baymdbd and another man were in a disreputable bouse at tbe uoper sod ol town kept by a woman named Frankie Iftvie. They were . la- room and bad tbe door locked, when Evans came Into tbe hnnse and demanded admit tance. This was refused by Raymond when Evans In 'As soot i Immediately klckeJ tha- door la.- be gn In "Raymond cllhohed and threw bih to tbe floor, during the ro- lee receiving a severs out la the Meshy part of tbe left leg Sear the tip. - He held Evaas down uaUllbt knife wa takea .from'tiiiai and then upon getting up diaaovered for the first tins that bo had been out. ' The wound bled proffresly before befng dressed?" Tbe kuife used Is an ngiy looking weapoof, soil has a bfade between four aad flu Inobes long. " Tbe wotod was about three laches deep and two Inches long, Evans was ar rested at ble mother's house at tbe month of BennebolT, JRun,. yesterday forenoon, by Justice Reynolds and Constable: ; Burgess, and eonfload la tbt lock up udtil ibis morn log, when brought before Justice R. for examination. ' By advice af bis oounsel bs waived a bearing, and was held In tbe sum of $500 tor bis appearance at Franklin to answer the charge. Falling to prosnre tbe requisite security be was taken down on the oon (rale. Raymond was bsld in the sum of $100 to appear aa witness in tbe case. 1 Evans is a hard caatodier and bas figured frequently on tbe polioe docket, i This ease will probably wind np bis career for tome time to come, as tbe prospect Is good for a few years retirement for bim In Allegheny. : Police. On oath of a woman named Warper, lira. Dunnegan was brought before' Justice Reynolds, this morning, charged with selling liquor without license aod sell lag liquor to minors. Mrs. Warner testified that Mrs. Dnnuegsa bad sold liquor te ber son a young man named Evans, ' who was a inor." Tbe young man Wo swore that ba bad.drank liquor at ber plaos; . Mis. Dun negan brought forward at lease twelve wit oesses wbo all testified .that she, had ,'baver sold liquor to the plalntlB "oo. j On tbe selling without license she wss held In tbe sum of 9150 for an appearance at Court la tbe other case she was discharged and i the plaintiff made to pay the costs, i Mrs. Dan negan gave the required ball and was set (res. - Judging; iron a portion 'of tbe evl dence In the cases their was an Intention to levy black mall from Mrs. Dunnegan. She ioss-med our reporter that tbe 'Warner wo man' offered to withdraw tbo obarges it Mrs D. would give ber.$25. Tbts she refused to do and tbo oases want to' trial as above. This case grew out of the slabbing affray of Saturday night ao account of which will be published elsewhere. From gentleman wbo eama np from St. Petersburg, yesterday morning, we learn that oar former townsman, Mr. Barry Da- rousse, now Burgess or BU Petersburg, was violently assaulted Saturday night by a man named Barney Vensel, and during tba me- Les which earned Venae! literally ohewed Ms of Mr. DerOnsse's ears oftV Tba. affair It seems grew out of some bard feeling on tba part of Veossl at tba manner In whlpb tbe borough laws were eil forced by Derousse Veossl was former Burgees of tba town la buckwheat times, and our Informant states, is jealous at the Improvements going on un der tbe present administration. Vensel Is vay wealthy man, but having turned oaanibal, It Is to be hoped Mr. Derousse will follow blm to tbe extent of tbe law. This is tba story as told oiiAreporter. Mr. Derousse Is widely known and respected In this section, and bis assailant is universal ly condemned by ell. ' " Sunvllle Seminary will open Sept. 11.4 SunvJIle is as free as powlble. from bad la- flafnoes. The new building speaks of tba enterprise and good taste of tbeeommaolty. Young ladles may go to Bunvfllc aod pre pare for college or for'teaoblng in tbo. pub Ho eoboola. ; Tba sobool wiU contain a nor mal department. Good board and low pri ces, instruction given on plsno and organ. For furtbor particulars address 8. H. Pbathkb, . Principal, .. !' .' Sunvllle, Pa. We noticed the genial couotenanco of our former lowosmao, Mr. J. ' M. Dickey, In town oo Saturday, Mr. D. bas . hosts '. of Iriends here and his visits aro always wel come. ...it ii ii m. v Wa hear rumors on the street this fore. noon of the striking of a (flfteeo bnodred barrel flowing well oe,ar the Troutman weUJ Owned by W. W. f hompsbi; of Titusvllle. fifty oeot oil may be looked for soonr Tbe reason why young . ladies are so anxious to get husbands is becausa every woman is amiss until sbe Is married. ' ' Butler per pound and eggs per doaen arc each 18 cents in BLlttunnlng. ' A Danobrous W-iPoV. A men was banged the other day at San Francisco, for murder, with a weapon of a peculiarly web gsrous, snd for a leflg lima mysteriotn rm lure. This is a sand olub, formed by Siting an eel skin with sand. When this instru nent was first brought Into use tbo author! ties were greatly pu-zled by deaths, appar ently from vloleooe, yet no marks could ae found on tbe outside of tbe body. A burg lar was finally captured with a sand club In bis possession mad out of ao eel akia sidVd with sand. . Being oloseiy questioned be ex plslned Its use. Whea the vlotlm is struck. for Instanoe on tbo bead, ba drops Insensi ble and soon dies from oonuestloo Of tba brain. Olteb tba shall saffers no. Injury from tba stroke; aad H tba parses) slreew i- oovers sensibility ba gradually relapses into struck on tbo body wilt be knocked down by the peculiar force of tbe bo, and feej oo immedlatd results from It. Io a few weeks, however, tbe flesh will begin to mor lily uo4er tbe Ho of blow and-1 rot down to the bone. Heller, tbe celebrated pianist, Is supposed to bave met his death In Mexico from a stroke of this diabolical weapon. , ' i in . ., , mi Tns Butler Prisoners. Mrs. Snyder aod Juo, Vt.rFqremaa, 4o Butler, as report ed last week had a hearing Saturday hfter noon before Justice Keek,: at that place. During tba trikl Mrs. Snyder wept when she could not make tbe Justice believe Wltb ber that it Was cholera from which bar husband was suffering, or that a spider had gont Into the coffee to bathe and poisoned II. The testimony of the atteodlng physicians was taken, which went to sbow that arsenic had been found lo tbe coffee, and that Soyder had drank too much of it to kill him. One ot the neighbors testified that Foreman was in tbe habit oB kissing Mrs. ' Snyder, and that shs offered no sppareot resistance, tt In view of all this the parties were commit ted for trial. ' We of Pennsylvania bave been accustom ed to .regard oureelvee. as awra.favotad -by nature la the possession of oil springs, than any other spot oo tbsyglobe. ' But evap on- rich petroleum wells won Id teem toberfalrly rivaled by naptha springe of lie Cshioasus; for tbe great paptba fountain near Bk Is said to sport this liquid to lb high effort j fet lo a jet Milch bas a fllametef of 'ten Inobes at t case. Many eompaoiei 1 have been formed to turn tbft abnddatice of nap- t. a to, (jpractleal aecnunitf. I j Pats Conver. of tbe. Forest Press, ' tens how they go to oamp meeting la J ores t county as fallows. Fate is an Irreverent euas: "? k Camp meeting bas sommencee. near Lick Ingvlile. t wbloh wiAbe possibly, a few roils saved, probably More madev and cer tainly aM1tefnally damned to bfl4'ii a profacw way. ategsj dein jobna, jugs, Jmi- ties, canteens and thunder mirerf hive been filled with whisky for the occasion.. nd lbs people are saastbellkig from l bo -four winds ot heaven. They go a MMrrhtfes, cabs, oarls and lumbar. wagons some well mounted, and others with orhypM and eruw baits, mules .and assss,aoa. iMok-eeddlha, sheep skins, 'at sacks and bareback. "Tbstf that bave mooey 'ride la chaises, And ihfea thai have Doamust walk, byja- .1 iml., 'm butaiiftha Hie population go io .aotns style Or other, aad maoy of tba busy todies aad Industrious.. ' ",: - Soml go(bere ta serve tb Lord ' . Others go to, save board. ,1 it Soma go there to save their souls, C9a- m 4a lilHmnh t lha Mill. uvw . w.iiuuj(h au p.. Soma to. join In psalm' aod prayer, . borne to drink and tight aod swear Some groan and shout, ! " ' While others revel; j Some prsy dsvoul, i Soma raise tbs devi U i A eeml-serlo-lndiorout jumble, , B J I r grsoe a graceless rough- sodtumble. 7 A well or Richard Neely was drilliug the sand last week on the Koappenbargi lam, near uogtown. when tba oil com menoed to flow lo a large stream. But- by soma accident the rig eaagbt lira snd was buroed lo tbe ground, however, before the) produotiou could be estimated or utilised. Caaablanoa has a rival In a dog recently left by bis owner, a drugglsL in. bis store In Sebec, Maine. . Tbe store was buraed, -and the dog stood at no opoa door and refused (so rnns lha Jooal account), In the' absence of his master, to leave hit post, although eve ery effort was made by the : bystanders to Of 11 bimawsy. . .: . " ...' ' Hon.'4oseph Brown, of Erie, la la town, slopping at (he Central House. Josspb" wears the. same benign smile as of yore. Three more eoortnuis flowing wells In tba dowo river region. Oil market flatter ibao a Dutch paucaka io coosequeoee. A Tray man tried moral eossioa to keen tbe boys from . stealing his cherries, but while ba was tenderly talking to. one., tba other four stole bit dog. . r . : . , THE Oil FIELD. ' ' TICINITT OF PARSER CITY. Tbt well on the Turner farm, about tbrea miles west of Parker City, owoed' by W. D. Robinson, o Kitiannlog, and otbfcre, bas beet drilled to tbe third sand Vnd tnbed this week." 6o far but little oil has been obtained. ' M. 8. Adama' wet), near Maple Furnace, it down 900 feet. . .' . ;. VrCHttTT 01? JURliS.jB.TT. -yj A well located on lease Ho. 4, owoed by Arm la tea d aad others, oa the Blddle farttt, struck tba sand on Monday or lost week, after wbloh It oonttaued to flow largt qnan titles ol ol ae taadrilllog ptogreesed.- It I, thought ibie well will provtgood for 40j barrels per day. Tbe well located oa lease No. It, Blddle farm, bas been pumping for about two weeks aod is considered good for 60 barrels per day. This well was sunk by Armislead and others, but sinoe commencing ' to pump I) bas been sold to Captain Grace. j 7.; VICIKITT OF miARBBTOWlt. McKinoey Bros., and Galey, have five wells drilling on tbeir property, consisting of about 300 aorem, wbloh oovers ' tne ' front adjoiping tbe development. , Tbesa gentle men control Ibis large tract, wbloh doubt less will all prove to be good territory, aod are determined under tba (resent pressure in business to drill no more wells. They are daily retusiag leases, believing It Impru dent lo continue or eooourage nnre drilling. Tbey believe so strongly in this policy that out of elgbt wells started but five will be drilled at present. Tbe Sbreve well, tbe first struck in tbe vicinity of' Mil leretowo,' which for a long time yielded 135 barrels per day, la now yielding about 80 barrels. ,r', Tbe Preston well, on Hemphill farm, near Millerstowo, struok tbe esod a few days ago, and is now pompiog 75 barrels per day. . Tb Howe wtl I, on tba' Paul MoDermot. fern?; Wrick the sand 00 Tiiusdsy and Is re.' ported as doing 250 barrels ; T ,(,- Tne Jonrs well, tbe second struck, yield ed 140 bsrrels for some time,' aod it now yielding about 00. . !7, ' The Lambing well started at 100- barrels and is now yielding 75 barrels per day. j Oilman's Journal Some colored thlevea in Ilarrlsborg, wbo were In tbe bablt of knocking coal off pas sing trains with poles, knocked a brake man off tbe other day by mistake.' He proved a hoi ocal In tbelr hands. Newport Initial. Just received at the Post Office News room 200 boxes of Newport Initial Tinted papers. 'It Is by fettbt ttjoest Initial papo( ever orougni 10 101s place, rne laaiea ara respectfully Invited to call In and examine it.: It if neat aod nobby, i ' . The m. system at tbe Uoirerelty OfVIr ginia has reduced tba board of the students in an almost miraculous degree Of Cheapness The Uuivrsotyeport mentions a eases of elgbt wbtose board xinly cost, then) $9 per month,' and one State student whose total expense for living during tbt session, In. elodjng room rent, board, lights iutl, a an washing, bas been under 9140. ' - ' -In Englandeoenily a trial was made tt what is claimed to be ao uoslnkable boat, It Is made of boiler plate, shaped somewhat like a flask, air befog supplied tbroagh boles. Tbe boat upon which tbe trial was made la eapabla of holding sixteen people, and la fitted ua with lockers, seats, aoa ta ble. The experimental trial la Mid to bave been successful. AUCTION SALE OF Boots Shoes I0R 30 DATS. . . . . . . . 1 Selling, at cost in the mean time.' POSTPONED M.SAMUJSJLS. Local JVotlet. tJTThe Post Office Newsrooa f ountain is now runoinir-in in II Call and try a glass of Ice cool soda w,J aslcken'e "Bnt't just issued in paper cover by the Peir boob, rrior iu sruiv, eou lor sale at ill NDTHCIB ! (ta to V. A. JilZirn -r.-r - - j-r -tun. 4tlitrect1neiir It. It. tract. tot your BEXZIME, deliT. ered at the welh for Ufitt per barrels Z "('. Pttrtleum Centre, Feb. 6ta tt. t -- ; , SEND FOR AJATALOGUK l.v, . I NoveJlo'sCheapMusic, Novel to't Glow, Pftrt Pilngf , etc 6tlScanJ NOVSXLO'S OCl'AVO EDITION OP OfEKAt I Price, tl j or It, soand la cloth, tilt MOVBLLO'H OCTAVO KD1T10NJOP OHATuillk I 8. Ia paper, from 10 eerts to t; eleth, with' rjil ages, tl to f eaca. NOVELLO'ScF EDITIONS I I. yc IMACIU-CVSIllBi VLiASSIUS Bach's 40 Prelndesand Fngnes. CloMi t(u Betlhorlus Ot bonatas. klgmlly bo-nd. full (lit .IN Beethoven's 84 Piano Pieces. Elegant bound . FdI ' 8lt 111 Chopm's Valssa. Stiff paper eoTera la Chopin's Polonalsea. " it, Chopin's Nooinniee. M Iw Cbopln'aMiiaiukaik " " Chopin's Ballad.. " " i Choiila'a frdnilea... " " Jii Chopin's Honatu " f " J ji Mendelssohn's Complete Plsno Works. Elntl KolloKdllloi . fellglll. Complelelu4 volS. Tee sanM. tvo. Pnllglh Coniplclaln4tol4i Tba same. to. faner. Cmpletln4..14 unoeissona a eooga w unooi woras rouo iMluno. Tnll ni t Ottnvo Edition Fnlleilt Octavo Enltlon. Paper covers Mozart's 18 -Sonatas. Klesentlv ' homi. gilt ! , I i hebubert's 10 Sonatas. Elegantly boned. 11t ISO I 5(l Nil soil MnberLt JPaoces Complete.. Blsgantljr twuul - uii Kin ipj bchnb.rMs Elsna Pieces.- BegtaUj .booni. M ffllt r . . . .,. .... ... 8 (U Sdinmana's . lorast Beesca. Kite Susy FImo Paiier covens, vv - , Schomann's Piano Thate Albmn. Elegantly bonti FnlliU XBobume. Paper covert in i MOTIIElTWMiSE, OR It AriOfvmi. RDRIKRT.BIIVIIIB Set to Music by J W. Euion, with IIS heamlm lllastratlons engiwved by the brothers - Dsliiri Bourda, tl.W. splendidly bound ia cloth, till edges, tJjO ASK FOR NOVM.I.0'8 RDITION8 Adilniw, J. L. PITERS. !K) Brusdar. aw York, ' Aoeat for Nnvelln's rkeaa Vvk. Blew oods. Emel Zedwich. "UTTLfe JOE.) BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Has just returned from Buffalo with s complete slock ol , Fall ihd JWlnttr GimnIs. Hae bera estsWIshet rn Pe li'n r f ., tvf lir past three jeara, ant has the name of Maklntjthe Br it Fit and Finest Boot In the Oil Begions. 1 . Hals constantly receiving ordon from ether see tlous ofihe Oil Ketloua. Be constantly keeps on band Keady-made Itimts.&Slioc LADIES' AND CnitDRBN3 . ' ' SHOES AND GAITERS. CAt.1, amd ser Him . Mr SMBLZSDVriCH. . u nerawiia tu rtrusit raann ewinsrnaasiiiia.011 no Day Trials maay advanuam over all. Satlttartlnn pinmnued , or t rafnmkd. Sent eomnleta, with fell dlm-r HnM rll.u.1. ..k U.. I.... VI . L1 Yi w.nn .11 a New.Tork. . . ' To Whota.H Mar Concern. All persons having clefes against lb Township of Cornplanter previous to Mf 1st, 1B7J, are requested to enclose a copy of ine same to ibe the undersltned at House viHe. Pa,, wjthil tblrtv Slavs Irom Ibis tats. and all paraoot boidiag orders oa IbeTresr uerer given previous to May 1st, 1873, sis reqoeassd to notify tbe undersigned witbla , me mm penow witn tne amount. itj order of the Road Commissioners, ' ' 1 . 1 S. I McKEE. Town Clerk. Kouaevllle, Angatt H, 1873. To AdTertlaera. All mmi. mhn eontem ' filale niaklne: conimela with ncwswpeni for lbs neorusa ol AevurtawmenU should suud to Geo. P. Rowell &Co, for a Clrwnlnr. nr ftnclnm SX Mils ftir their Mf Hirudred Pasje famphlat, eonulniix Lists of 8.0U0 N-papsrs and estimatei shoH! .I- ... . .r j . 1 1 ..1 I., .ltd I ll M Ul WJIOni.lHKi .IMJ IIIHUr IIWIUI M." . advertisers, and romo account of the experiences 01 men woo are nun as nureeaaiui so"' tleera. Thtstrm araorniirii-son of the Aiaeri- can Newspaper Advertising Ageaey, ' 41 PARK ROW.' N, Y,