Tetroieun Centre Daily Record. 1'el.Oiilrc, I'n.SnlnrduJf, AiignetO Divine HirHt. METHODIST KlM.SOOl'AI. CHURCH S rvW'i' every Sabbnth at II A. M. and , V1'- Si. Siilifwlh School nt 12J P.M. ell'r.'U. A conlinl Invitation- extoiv.i (1 to ull. . ' Kkv. O. Moors, Pastor. PRKSBYTEMAN ClICRCH. rri"cliin at 11 o'clock A. M.. nnd'7 o'clock I'. M., by the I'asior, W. O. Bcrur Aim. .Sabbath Sohool at UJ, directly niter turnnww service. Prayer Jt"ftiBij and Sabbath School Tndi's Meeting Tuesday evenings ol each wt'k. wmmmmmm lctrolumn Centra Lodge. No. 715, I.O. of O. V. "ft'ilT mmting nigbls Friday, at 7 o'cloi. Kiuimil. j . W. (.. MONTGOMERY, (N. G. 0 II Pa lev, A Scc'y. ' iv-iTl'I 'i") of meeting, Main St., opposite .i." .iiiiiojk House. A O. oF l. W. I.iii.Tiy Lo.iiwNo. 7, A. 0. of U. W., nu'Ho .'Vi rv Moodny evening at 7 o'ciook, nUM lMlow'4 Hall, Petroleum Centre, PuMli':!. Jamks Wilson, M. W. f .Iamkh.-?. V.'iltTB, li. Sli s r..-.-. E. O. of It. M. M'tm-M Triou No. 183, I. O. R. M il I'mmli ii.'i Centre, meets every Thursday uvn'-ni in Templar's Hall. ." Cuuiiod lilts liuhled at 7 o'clock. II. HOWE. Sachem. C.I. JUKES, Cliiel ol Ri-Oords. Gold xt I p. m. 116 . H f l'l'.TRni.Ki'M poh Buhkino Brick. A tinner i in nsu In Canada, by which reBl (Jiim or crude petroleum is used Instead o' coal or wood in brick kilns. By a simple contrivance Iho oozzle of the burner Is made to throw the fUmea directly downward at the first flrlsR, and alter buroiug the .bead (as it Is termed) this nuzzle is Replaced with n siriinht one, the change being effected In a few moments. The Mama It thrown into the ach any required distance, barn lag the whole kiln Iroui end to end, and dolog it la much leas time Intro by the old method, and with perfect success as regards the quality of the burning. One man by this piocess will bo able to do as muob firing as a dozen wllb the uld, as be can tend as many arobee as in: y be set going in one yard, aod by this means save a large item la labor. Tbe tar or petroleum consumed will not cost ag mucti as wood at $3.50 per cord A Bev. S. Wvckoff, of Peru, Ind., who is visiting bis brother-in-law, Rev. W. C. ' Bitrcherd, will preach In tbe Presbyterian Church to-morrow. Spiritualism is not without its romance. I( anybody supposes it, tin follow log exi tract from a leciure by Mrs. Laura Cuppv Smith, the distinguished advocate who re cently spoke in Pittsburgh, ought surely to sufilce to show the contrary: "The lover of my girlhood now walk the viewless ciuaeways of tbe air, and Inasmuch as be was cultured, lofty-souled aod large- hearted, be doubtless loves aod Is beloved by yiany a fair and queenly woman in that 'land of Ugh and song;' yet he finds time to r.tnru to earth's turbulent scenes and bathe kit toil-worn spirit In lbs deep waters of bit passionate and intense affection, and IUO.I cuorda mi my .jui fcuut urn ruppuuueu ' to hit touch, remaining mute ia presence ol all others, thrill and vibrate as of yore, lo ai testacy of rapluro when swept by bit spirit's bund. This is pretty good, certainly Without bavlug to our knowledge any acquaintance with the lover of Mrs. Smith's Girlhood, , be miy on general principles be oongratu- " I a tod un his translation to tbe viewless causeways," etc., before his adored took up the Woodhull standard. , : UN1VERSALIST SERVICES. Rev. George Sanger, of Massachusetts, will bold Uoiversalisi services at Sobel's Opera House, tomorrow (Sunday)- after douu. at 4 o'olook. Tbe public aro Invited to attend. Police newt is scarce today. There were two prize fights on Long Is land on Monday; one between Jack Bojlan a n l Peter Crocker in which Crocker was Ibe victor and Hoy Ian was supposed lo bave re cuived luul injuries. The othet fight was a terrible one belweeu Arthur Chambers ami George Seddons, lasting one hour and forty uilnutei. and was woo by 'Chambers These biutal exhibitions are a disgrace o a civilized community. Oae way lo beard grow. got oni of scrape Let your "SL " 1 " p oi a n -The tin-i f Win i h it like tbe end of a Oil Croek Is described a follows Id book called ''The American Universal Geo graphy," pnblisbed by Jedediah Morse, D. D. F. A. A. H. S., minister cl tbe Congre gational Church in Charleatown, Matt." Tbe Hi si edition of tbie work wat pnblisb ed In Boston la 1789, and (be sixth ed Ition in May, 1812. Tbeaketoh of Oil Creek is under tbe beading of "Mineral Water," end reads': "Oil Creek, in Allegheny county, ooe hundred miles above Pittsburgh, issues from a remarkable spring, which boils like tbe waters of nell Gale, near New York. On tbe top of tbe water float an oil similar to Ibat called Barbadoei tar. Several gallons may be gathered in a day. It Is found very serviceable In rheumatism, In restoring weakness In tbe stomach, and in ouring bruises and sore breasts. When drank, tbe water of tbe spring operates as a gentle cathartlo. It Is gathered by the oountry people aod Indiana, brought to market In bottles, aod is deemed a most valuable fan. My medicine." Immediately on tbe assembling cf Coo gress efforts will be made lo repeal the back pay aod salary-grab claustt of the law of iatttessioa. So muob It already certain, for many members stand pledged to Intro duce bills for tbat purpose. Statu Teacher's Association. We re spectrally call tbe attention of tbe Teach era of tbe several schools ol this oounty that tbe State Teachers' Association bold its next meeting at the Opera House, in tbe city of Pittsburgh, on the 12tb of August The meeting will oontinne for three days and a programme of intended proceedings will be found in tbe July number of tbe Pennsylvania School Journal. Tbose wbo An altAftA aflll ha npn.lil.il nrllh tlbata tiv - the Association to return borne free. Let tbere be at least a fair representation from Venango. Poi.icb. A case from Dempaeytown oo- C ipled tbe attention of Justice Reynolds, yesterday afternoon. Tbe suit was brought by W. C. Biers against F. A. McClintock, Fred. MoClintock. Clinton Waltail and G. Priobard, charged with trespass. The plaintiff, It appears, resides on bia farm near Dempseytown, at a coot'derable dis tance back from tbe publio road. In order to enable bim to reach tbe rosd, upwards of twenty yetre ago a road was opened tbro' a portion of bit own and defendant'e lands, which In the course of time became Incor Derated into tbe main road and haa ever slooe been considered a publio thorough fare. Recently, however, tbe defeodanis set to work and closed up tbe road, thereby shutting Biers off from all communication with the outtide world so to apeak. Find' ing be could get no redress, Biers brougb suit rs above. Tbe case waa tried by jury and resulted In a verdict of $50 aod costa in favor of plaintiff. Defendants demurred and appealed tbe case to Franklin giving bail In the turn of $100. Mrs. Hillwlg, a venerable dame residing on Stevenson Hill, bat an Indian's appetite and mouth for whisky. By soma means last night she prooured a quantity or Oil City local ortloii, which bad tba effect or entirely transforming ber. In other words 3he got gloriously drunk and Imagined bar self old John Barleycorn, growlcg so bois terous tbat an officer bad lo be called In to tone ber voice and actions down lo tbelr natural key. No arrest was made. Tbe new palace ooaob, Glenrock, built at Pittsburg, for 'the Allegheny Valley R. R , passed through this place yesterday morning and relumed last night. It is one of the finest coaobes on tbe line, and will run between Pittsburg and Brooton. Tbe Roobester House turniture waa sold at auclioo, yesterday. Since Ibe reminding of tbe Derrick's rail road passes tbe publio Is not Inflicted wltb tbe sensational yarns of J. J. M. written from tbe down river region. He now con fines bimself lo tbe Atlaotio & Great West ern Railroad.' Certain parties residing at the upper end of Washington street, are fn tbe habit of using vulgar and iodecent language when respectable ladles aod gentlemen are pan lug oo the sidewalk. Wa bave tbe names of several persons wbo were engaged In this villainous practice nigbt before last. We bave heretofore published aa item rela tive lo this. Tbe next lime we bear ol It tbe parties names will be published In full. Tblt is Ibe last call. Senator Buckingham of Connecticut bas liirbed bis back pay into Ibe Treasury. Better late tbaa never. A larte stock of Blotting Paper just re ceived at tbe Post OJBoe Newsroom. A Criminal oonrt Flirting with married met).' Tbe year of jubilee for frogs Leap year. A Weshsra lettler The snn at evening, An Important Law. Tbe following law for tbe better collection of debta In tbe State ol Pennsylvania wat passed by the re cent Legislature: That la all oases any judgement bat heretofore been obtained i aay Court la thlt Commonwealth against any person or persona, If an execution be Issued upon said judgement, which la rev turned by tbe Sheriff nulla bona, or thai the debtor baa no properly out of wbiob said judgement and execution Can be satis fled, any Judge of tbe said Court may there. upon Issue a tucpoena commanding tbe laid debtor to appear before the Judge or auy Commissioner duly appoioled by aald Court) to undergo an examination under oath at to bla property and effeots, wltb power to com pel obedience to tbe subpoena by attachment aod tbe produotlon of books and papers oeo. essary to tbe aald cvamioatlon. In case tbe taid examination dote not disclose any property or effects, the expeosee thereof tball be paid by tbe party Instituting tbe tame, otherwise tbey tball be part of the regular cost of suit. Tbe Inconveniences aud miseries of tbe House of Detention are not confined to tbe latitude of New York. Tbe Sao Francisco papers inform ui tbat on tbe lOtb of Jaou ary a man wat arrested on tbe dreadlul obarse of bavins witnessed murder, wa put In jail, aod has been there ever since, On tbe 3d of June en unfortunate stranger, wbo bad just landed from New York, fell among thieves aod was robbej of $15, bit little all. The thieves and their victim were arrested aod Incarcerated. Two of tbe former have been tried and convicted and aenl lo tbe penitentiary, two bave not yet arralgned,aud tbe Inoooeot wltness.who bat already been more than a month de prived or light aod liberty, mutt remain In a nauseating underground dungeon in tbe San Francisco City Hall till tuob time ac It hall please tbe DLlrlet Attorney to proceed sgainst tbe culprits. Meantime the poor mao't wife and children are In Europe, In destitute circumstances, and lb dally dread of being tent to the poor home. A writer In tbe Fortolghtly Review for June sums up Mr. Fllzjamet Stephen's theology in tblt little ttory: Tbe matter of a workhouse In Essex waa once called to act at chaplain to a dying pauper. Tbe poor toul raintly murmured tome hopes of heev en; bat thlt tbe master abruptly out short, and warned bim to turn bit thoughts to wards bell. "And thankful you ought lo be," aald be, tbat yon bave a bell to go to At tbe Sao Franoltoo baby show prlzei were given lo tbe;baodsomeet twins, tbe one having tbe heaviest bead of hair, tbe one wltb tbe smallest leet and bands, the fattest bine-eyed baby, the smallest, the best dress ed, tbe sweetest smiling and the loudest bawler. Then prizes were given tc the youngest mother, the oldest mother, and tbe handsomest mother. A St. Lonls oierk tried to get np a cor ner In tha cblcken market one day receo ly. He bas been driving hair tbe clerks oa tbe thoroughfare wild with eovy by a mag. niooent cluster diamond ring. , one morn log while at Liucas Market bis band repos ed on a chlokeo coop and a cur lout oackler wcot for bit rlog, plucked out and swelloit ed the largeat gem In the duster. It Is no necessary to say tbat be bought tha coop oblokooe. A Western ediloraAxlont to do justice lo Ibe description of a croquw party be attend ed, longs for "pea plucked by Ibe queen or mines from the brightest and most gor geously tinted tuft of tbo bird of Paradise, and dipped in goldno Ink." A fond but Indiscreet Denbury mother wat expatiating to ber boy upon tbe ad' vantaget oi retiring eariy in order to pre serve bit health aod become good aod bap py when Ibe Intelligent youth asked If Mr, Colfax was good and .happy. Tbe subject waa dropped . Ooe Emmet Densmore bas lelt Bbam burg, Pa., for Europe, leaving a dlscooso late wife, three children aod score ol ered. Itori. He takes with bim Ibe lady princl pally known as Cora L. V. Hatch, aod tbe lady leaves her last husband, Mr. Tappao, not to meotioo several ex basbands, uamed respectively Soott, Dannals, Ac, Ac Mrs. Tappan furnishes tbe funds for Ibe excur sloo, aod probably assumes tbe bulk of lis grave responsibility. Il is a oase of pure love, d oubtless, tboogh tbe term of lis ex istence Is undoubtedly brief. (.Roobester Domccrat. Although built fifteen centuries ago the walls about Constantinople are still perfeot. Originally tbere were forty.tbree gates, now only seven exist. Persons Ashing with seines or nets rer der themselves liable to pay a Boa of 6ftv dollars and ootts for eaoh offense One half the fine goet to the Informer, wbo can go before any alderman or justice of tba peace, make tbe necessary statement, and sot be snhject to any farther troobls. Drowned Wm. H. Bharver, aged eight years, son of Robert Shaiver, waa drowned in the Allegheny river, at tbe Big Rick, lust below ibe city limile, oh Saturday last. He waa trying to catch a log that was float log hi tbe water, and losing bis balance fell Into tbe river whloh is very deep at that point. His body waa recovered on Sunday morning, and Coroner Cerbetl held an lo quest. fVenango Cit zeo. Somerset bat h.d acaieof somnanbullsm. A daughter or George Aokeny, living in the family of Jonathan Cunningham, o '3look hummel,' got up tbe other night in her sleep, walked to the window, nod sat down on tbe sill. Wbilo sitting tbere she lost ber b ilanoe aad tell to the f ground be low, a distance of twelve or fourteen feet. This fail did not even waken her,, for when a member of tbe family awakened by tbe noise, appeared upon the scene, sbe was sleeping as peacefully and quietly ' as If sbe was lo ber little bed.' A youtblul couple or runaways la Texas bavlug obtained a license, repaired to a clergyman on Red river and desired bim to perform the ceremony. He, however, deollned on aocoont of their youth, and fo, tear tbe law might bold bim responsible. Not to be outdone they s'towed themselves on a cotton wood log and drifted far enough out into tbe stream to be considered out of tbe Slate while tbe obliglog minister climb ed oa a stump at the water's edge, and pro nounced tbe words of tbe ceremony which made tbem man aod wile. Tbere la lo San Jose, Cnlltoroia, a cen tury plant only aix months old and five loobes blgb, wbiob baa put forth many buds and will apparently soon be to foil blom, Such precoolty never occurred before.1 The mao who thought be oould ido busi ness without advertising has been 'compell ed to Rive In. Hit Brit advertiaement was beaded 'Sheriff's Sale." Experimenlt bave just been Instituted in Berlin wltb a view of determining who harm Is dooejo the roots or trees and shrub. by coal garei escaping from tbe pipes and permeating tbe toll. It baa been found that even so small a quality at twenry-five cubic feet of gas per day, distributed through 570 cubio feet of earth, rapidly kills the rootlets of all trees with which It comes lo oonlact. Although tbe Shooting Uoion of Germany has formally pronounced against pigeon booting, Its opposition has bad little effect- A pigeoo shooting club has beeo formed In Mecklenburg wltb twenty-nine members. and tbe sport is growing lo favor. Pigeon meetiog are now held in summer time at ibe principal German waterlog plaoes, sncb as BadMi-Baden. The bonnet ol tbe period Is a miniature k lichen garden. It la decorated with cber re, grapet, blackberries, little oarrole, bill ol "parsley, long pale green beans, sorreli maijorlum and other vegetables familiar to professors ol tbe culinary science. While tbe daughter of tbe Czar of Russia was recently in Rome, a marble atatuatte belonging to tbe eolleclloo of the Capitol loeMiiseum was presented to ber by tbe oity svi tborilles aa a memento of ber v lelt to tbe Museum. Ills a Venus of exquisite work manship, aod waa originally dug np io tbe Prsotorlao camp. Newport Initial. Just received at tbt Post Office News room 200 boxes of Newport Initial Tinted Papers. It It by far tbe nicest Initial papef ever brought to thli piece. The ladies are retpecfolly Invited to call In and examine it. It is neat and nobby. Current views Those from the river. AUCTION SALE OF Boots Cl Shoes POSTPONED POR 30 DAYS, Selling' at ' cost m 1 tfie mean time. M. SAMUELS. fiocal Mot Ire. rtaT"Tbe Post Office Newsroom Fountain Is now running lo lull bim I Call and try a glass of ioe coel soda Bleken'e Bob Just Issaed In paper cover by the P(i, eons, rricr zo ornn, aou ror sale ai n.l rosi umoe newarowm. . n-n - '.I. Go to W. A. LOZlEtl 4th Strect,near R. It.tractJ tor yow BEMINE, dell. ered at the well for MM per Barrel. Petroleum Centre, Feb. 6th 1 1. SEND FOK CATALOGUE OP NoyeJlo's Cheap Music, Novella'. Hices. mn ronge, ete etolSctt;, noveiio's vnnrcn aiibig u to is NOVKLLO'8 OCfAVO EDITION OK OFIItAS Price, 11 ;or $9, bound Id clou, sllttdim, HOVELLO'1 OCTAVO BITIOM;OF OKAToWu. 8. In paper, from So c.r ts 4o 1; cloth, wlti dgea, gl to ft each. rl NOVELLO'S cheap EDITIONS ui riaflu-ruitiu viiAaatus Bach's 48 Fretndes and FngitM. Cloth SSMl Dseinuviu o oo nfiuiM. aienuu lio.ua, nil Kilt M Beethoven's 84 Piano Pieces. Xlcgaat bound . Pil I 10) Chopin', fjalsea Stiff paper covers Oaopin'a Polonalwe. " ll sin I (u in in isi in vnopron nocwruM. - Chopin's Manukas. Chopin'B Ballad. Cbtpin's Preludes. " Cienin's Honataa " ' Mcndelaaohn's t'omnltte Plnno Worka. E1rv.lt Folio Kditioi) Full Kilt. Complete In 4 vein, m Tbe same. frvo. Full silt Complete in 4 vo!4tl Th. same. 8vo. faner CLmpli'teui4v lM4W Mendclssoha'B bongs Without W ord. Folio fidlllm. Full git , t Octavo Edition Fall tilt its Octavo tuition. Paper coven in Mow 'a 18 'bonatas. Klegantly boned. Knl! gilt ' i Mhubert'a 10 BoaaM. Uegantly bow hi, Kilt I Behabort,s Dances' Complete. Elegantly booit Fnllallt . r m Scbub r's Piano Pieces. Elegantly boned. M Kill s Schumann's Forest Scenes. Nine Ion Hem Paper cores a. a Schumann's Piano Forte Albatn. 'Elegantly boml Full gilt s The Sam., paper covers la MOTIIElT GOOSE, OR NATIONAL NURSERY, RHYME! ifetto Mnalcny J W. Elliott, with H5 nnintlli Illustration onraed hy lh brothers Daliln. Boards, 1.60. kplurtldly bound In cloth. ft edges, . tu ASK FOR NOVtiZl.0'8 EDITION! AdilruM, J. L. PBTEKS. CUO Brvadai; New York, Aacnt for Novella's Oim Wt New CrOOtiS Emel Zedwich f'UTTLB JOK.") BOOT AND shoe maker Has just returned from Buffalo wltb complete slock ot Fall and Winter (JiM Hat been established. In Petrr'irir f.ilifli past tbrae )earst and has tbe name ef MablBf the Best Fli and Flnei Boot In the Oil Regions. Be Is constantly receiving erden from ether M lion, eflbe Oil Regions. Be constantl) keeps on hand Ready-made Boots.&Shoci LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SliOk.8 AND GAITEBS , CAIX and sxr mm . JOtf BHKLZKBV71C0. Tim BerkwUh C30 for table Famll ewliia; fttacklue. ou HO Daya Trial many advantages over ail. HaMafactlou gnarantrM or $10 TOfhnihd. Bent eomplei., with full dlr tloos. 'Rerkwlth Hewing Machine Co. ,Wd Brotdl NewTorh. ' To Whom May Concurs. All persons baring claims ajreioil 'w Township of Cornplanler previous to N) 1st, 1873, art requested to enclose a opr the same lo tbe ibe undersigned at Row vllle. Pa., wilbin thirty days Irom Ibis dan aod all persona holding orders on IheTrew uerer given previous lo May 1st, 1873, t" requested to notify the nodeisigped wil"1 Ibe same period with ibe amount. . . Rj order of Ibe Road Commissioners, S. 1 McKEE, -Town Clerk. Rousevllle, August Id, 1873. TO Advarllnara All nnnuina who enntl date nwkhar contract, with newspaper, for nsertlon of Advertleumunts should send to Geo. P.'Roweil&Coi for a Ocular, or oncloae M cents tor thrlr "" Hundred Page Pamphlet, contain List, of S.000 1Cnapr. aad eatlinate. shool" the eaat of adv.nielnK, also many iHfu ti"1" ' advertlaere, and ipiue account of tho cs(irierc men who are knowu a. 8uee.alll Av'' Itwere. Tbls arm are proprietors of- tbe a""" ean Newspaper Advertising Agency, t , , 41 PARK ROW. N, Y