The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, August 07, 1873, Image 2

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    retro leum Centre Daily Record.
Feu Ceuir Twareelay, Ailra I
Divine ftervlee.
Service every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
1 4 P. M. Sabbath School at l P. M.
, eats free. . oordlal Invitation extend,
fed lb all.
'Kit. G. Moobi, Pastor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7
o'clock P. M-, by the Pastor, W. C. Boboh
ARB. Sabbath School al Ul4, directly
after forenoon service.
Prayer . Meetl and Sabbath Bcbool
Teaolmrt Meeting Tuesday evenings ol
each week.
Petroleum Centre Lodge, No.
TlU, I. O. of O. F.
'Regular meeting nlgbla Friday, at 7
o'clock. Slimed.
C H. Baii.kt, A'y.
PBrPlace if meeting, Mala St, opposite
McUiintook House. - i
A. O. of V. W. '
TJherty IMite No. 7, A. O. of U. W.;
meets fvi-ry Monday evening at 1 o'clook,
a Odd Follow' Hall, Petroleum Centra,
Jamhs wilbon, M. W.
P Jastks S. WlltTH, 11.
I. O. of It. SI.
M'nnekimiee. Trine No. 183, I. O. R. M
of Petrnlwtm Centr-, marts every Thursday
evenlne lu Cinnrl Templar's Hull.
(ST Council fires lighted at 7 o'clock.
- 11. HOWE, Sachem.
C. L JUKKS, Chiel ol Records.
Gold at I p. a. llfi
Mwport Inltlul.
.Just received at the Pout Office News
room 200 boxes of Newport Initial Tinted
Papers. It is by far the nicest lolllal paper
ever brought to this place. The ladies are
f especially Invited to eall in and examine
It. It is neat and nobby. " . i
Speakiug cf lb business prospect of St.
Petersburg a well as tba other seolloo ol
the oil ronton, the Piogress truthfully says:
During the past lew days biiBlneas has
been eery dull, and every one baa begun to
feel the depression resulting from dollar and
a quarter oil. Every one is more or less
off 'Cti'd and bis depression la in exact pro
portion to bis connection with the oil bus)
ness. Probably the moat severe suffereis at
the present time are tba hardware dealers,
wboare compelled to ourry a Urge slock o'
good, and flud that they have tbern oo
band, there beiog oo demapd; or if there is
any at all, time is askod, and in moat cases
much more tbao tbey eao receive from tbe
manufacturers. Tank men are alto suffer
lag severely, because, although tbeyjare
Compelled to put up the tanks oeoesaary at
Che oew wells beiog struck every few days,
In keep their trade, tbey Bud tt almost im.
possible to make any ool lections whatever,
and are in consequence r behind, a a
rule. General business men also complain
Of the oloseness of money natters, and it is
generally expeoted that within ten days
times will become exceedtugly bard. It is
to be hoped that oil will drop to Oily cents
out, and rinain at that pnoe a few weeks
or memos, and thus close oat the Arms that
have been overstocking I be market, and
mndoring every kind of Investment uosale.
After the reaction occurs times will improve,
sud oil will tell for Uokhy instead of for
Several small wells hereabouts have re
ceo iky bean shut down.
Peter Kiuaey, our efllsleot eight watcb
mn, received a telegram from Lawrence
bmy, yesterday, accompanied with a re
quest for bjm to go oa duly as night watch
man at that place. Peler sent back a din
patch drcliolog lbs oiler. Tbat' where be
was right.
OH Creek is low, sud su is oil.
One of tbe most beutililul aud plottircaque
scenes w have viewed (or many a day was
a stalwart man lesding three bull pup by
a' string. w
Tbern is ouly one well drilling on tbe
Columbia farm. Wbeo that Is completed
the company Intend ta s up developments
tor tbe present. It does not pay to drill
wells at present prices of crude.
A Tituavtlle Are company pasaed through
here Ibis morning en route to Meadvllle to
attend a parade.
CI. Wbmlejey has Introduced bis cele
brated Cups in tbe West Virginia
nil rcginu. Petrcieam Centre has tbe juai.
ly nrued reputation ol manufacturing tbe
bent oil well valve cups in me.
Oil is lower siiil today. Reported at 85
Cnls at the wells in tbe lower region and
no sales. are d'iliing on a Joe sbore as
f ast as passible. Let 'er drift ! "
A strange story, and one entirely appro
priate to tbe season, is laid by e correspnm
sntoflbe New York World who writes
from Moscow. It involves tbe adventures
of a Russian named Cberitoo, who escaped
from tbe mines orSilaris, afier having sert.
ed lour of a term of twenty years, for smug
gllog. After bis escape Cberiton lived for
a time with a tribe of Lungouaas; but as
tbey threatened to return him to captivity
be escaped from tbern aod wandered Into
tbe wildernees of the Altai mountains.
Hera winter overlook him and be suffered
terribly from tbe culd; but he killed some
fur-bearing animate, feasted oa tbeir flesh
and clothed himself with their skin sewing
them together wltb sinews. Ilere be ob
served large numbers of beasts of various
kinds moving io tbe same diteotion, as if
migrating, aod following tbeir lead be came
to a past la the mounts n, 1 joking dowo
from which be saw below a beautilul valley,
abut io on all side by lofty mountain ran
ges. The depth of tba valley was so great
tbat be thought It must be even below tbe
sea level. In tbe ceotre a beautiful lake.
Descending Into the valley, he slept for tbe
first night on a bed ot soft mots frea from
snow, and the next day be found thejair so
mild tbat bis fur garments were oppressive.
Surrounding tbe lake, but some distance
above It, was a level plateau well wooded,
crossed by numerous streams. Game was
abundant, and so tame were the creatures,
both ol strange aod lamiliar species, tbat
tbe fugitive was sure tbat tbey bad never
seen a human being in tbeir valley. One
nlgbt be was terrified by various uncouth
nobes and buga and monstrous shapes.
Tbe next day be sought lor a place ol safe
ty, aod while exploring a cava he found a
mammoth, alive and la vigorous health.
Tbe discovery ol Ibis beast, heretofore sup
posed Io be extinct, is described as lollows :
e entered with some precautioos, for tbe
rocky pat emeut was worn a if by use, aod
witbio be; beard a slow, measured move
ment, a of ao eulmal gently ruminating,
ani heavily breathing, wltb greV, calm in
spiration and expirations like the ' sigb ol
a smith's bellow. One turn, then another,
be beard a heavy, startling snort, and there
la the half ligbt ol tba oave, stand log lul
before blm, alive, chewing tba cud, and
waving Its proboioi to and Iro with a slow,
gentle, mejestio motion, be saw mammoth.
Cberitoo describes the mammoth as beiog a
very imposing-looking animal, covered with '
reddisb-browo wool aod long blaok hair.
During bis slay io tbe valley ba was close
U five ol them, all ol which were nearly ol
a size, beiog about twelve feet bigb, eight
een feet long, wltb tuaks projeotlog about
lour feet, aud being eight to teo feet, count-
log tbe curve. Tbe sklo, which was bare
oo tbe upper surface of the ears, oo tbe
knee and rump, was of a mouse color, and
seemed very tnicK. The aoimal was noc
turnal in its habits, frequenting oanes or
forest depths by day, and feed log at night
sad early morning. Cberitoo thinks there
might be some fifteen or twenty of there
monsters lo tu valley altogether, but thai
all tbese are aged, aod tbat very few are
bora nowaday. At any rata be saw none
tbat had tba least appearance of being
young. Tbey were very peaceable aolmalti
torpid aod sluggish a old oxen, never die;
turbing Cberiton, nor indoeed taking much
notice of him.
This lortuoate explorer fouod also other
animal not knowo to exist elsewhere, of
some of wblob these tbiogs are told:
Io the course of bis exploration he en
countered many animals indigenous to lb"
valley, which be things are not knowo lo
exiat elsewhere, except in tbe shape of foealj
remains. Among these was a speoies of
horse, a wild aud beautilul orealute, that
went in droves aod ran with lightning-like
speed. Tbese borses were small, pure white
io color, with long black mane and tail.
Tbey were covered, however, rather with
fleece lhao hair, aod in ruoolog looked a
much like lambs as borses. The lake was
full offish ot many species, but was inhabit
ed by a mocster of which Cberitoo was ia
constant dread, a sort of saurophidlan,
which ha described as being thirty reel long
and armed wilo scales aud borrible fangs
This monster be never saw but tbe on e
was master ot tbe lake, and devour
ing the animals wbicb came by night to its
brink to drink.' Cberitoo gives a graphic
and exciting description of a contest which
ba wiloessed one morning at early dawn. be
tween this crocodile-serpent aod one ol tbe
mastodons. The battle, wbiob lasted mora
than ao hour, tbe discomfiture if
tbe mammoth, wbicb could barely limp
aray after having been constricted in the
serpent's folds.
After a timo Cberiton made bii'eeoape
from tbe mysterious valley aod gave himself
up, aud to bis great joy tbe iuteresl oreated
by a relation of bis adventures accomplish
ed his pardon. We need hardly add tbat
there is to be a book, and tbat it will be
one ot tbe extraordinary kind.
A large stock ol Blouiugj Paper just n-ceived-et
lbs Poet OJSos Newsroom
Tbe New Bethlehem Presi does t biok that
tbe justices in tbsl thriving botaugb can be
bought off for a Wheeling stogie in almost
any case which come before them. It re
marks i
"No better place for cul-throats, pick
pocketa; drunkards, liars, and every agent
tbe Devil ever set to work for blm, could be
found than New Bethlehem. No matter
what crime you may commit, who yon
abuse, where you get jour whisky, wbat
you lie abonl, who you steal from, or whoie
pocket you pick, why, Itt all right, II you
have a Wbeeliog Stogie io your pocket,
wbeo you cume before the proper oScers
for justice. Oh tbi I oolblog.
9 Burgess Harry Derousse, ol Petersburg,
was in town last eight.
Oweo Gaffoey has reiuroed Irvui tbe Buf
lalo racea. Reports lots of sport.
Cholera morbus prevails to some extent
A regatta will be held at Bemua Point,
Chautauqua Lake, oo Friday, Aug, 8.
Gerald ltassey Inquires, "Why doetn'i
God kill tbe devil T "and tba only reaaonable
answer i to tbe effect tbat the people are
not yet prepared to do without either Geo
eral Butler or tbe New York Herald .
Conundrum. A correspondent i
tbe lollowlng conundrum :
It is a well established custom among
railroad manager lo reduce the late lor
mile charge aocordlng to tbe greater dii
taoce tbe traveler rides. Wby does tbe Oil
Creek Rosd charge 65 cents for a passage
Irom Tltuaville to Oil City, aod only 60
when a ticket Is purchased to Petroleum
Ceotre (35c) aod then one Irom there to Oil
City (25c. )?
L.t some poited Individual answer.
Policeman Florence McCarthy has recov
ered bis badge wblob was takeo from him a
nlgbt or two since.
Our townsman, George 8ieveus, tbe well
known refiner, Is tbe proprietor of a large
barrel factory at Waterloo, Venango county,
devoted entirely to the maoufacture of oil
barrels. Tbe barrels made by blm lor the
refined oil trade are second to none ler dur
ability and streuglb. He sells them at an
extremely low figure lor cash.
' Tbe Oil City Derrick ol tbis morning
agaiu attacks tbe managers ol the Alleghe
ny Valley Rallroud in regular old Modoc
faabion We do not preteud lo know what
tne uernci s grievances are, out so far as
we are concerned we are. under ohllgatlor.
to both tbe Allegheny Valley and Oil Creek
Roada for favors rendered. Tbere may bava
been occasional wrongs, but generally
speaking tbe officers ol both roadi are about
as accommodating as can be fouod and aie
justly entitled to t he Ibsoks of tbe public
wbo we believe tbey labor with might and
mala to please. In tbe meantime we pre
urn train will continue tu run just the
same a if nothing bad happened.
XOT1SS OF the: ia y .
Tbe Asiatic collarer a Chinese polic
A band of wolves ba taken possessloe
of tne poorbouse at Oskaloosa, Kansas.
A Kentucky man claims lo bava discov
ered a mioe ot" tbe best sealing wail"
Watertowo, N. Y., has purobased a sec
oud-baad bearse to convey prisoners to tbe
lock -up.
Tbe lame mule tbat killed a man at Lex
iogtoo, Indiana, wa permitted to haul the
widow to tbe luoeral.
A Texas woman ba arrived at St. Loul
wltb 1,000 cattle, ber ooe property, wbicb
she assisted In driviog Irom Texas.
Tbe market ia very well tnpplled with
berries. Tbe oew worm tbat comes with
tbern this year I rather add In flavor aod
not altjgetber uopleaiaot. Danburs New.
Tweoty-elght different kinds of 'bltterV
O'd in Rbode Island lor "strictly medical
use, "are uodergoing analysis, by thaitte
Ciemiat from an excise point ol view,
In Nortb Carolina recently a colored boy
w io went oat io a field to boe was after
ward fobnd tbere dead, with a rattlesnake
0lled about him, aod still biting Ibe llle-
less body.
An Indiana man, having been acqulttid
by a jury of Ibe charge of murdering bis
wife, turned to tbern with tbe remark, "Bojs
I reckon! can stand tba soda water ont
Gsn. MacMaban, President of tbe French
Repnbllc, smokes Irom twenty to thirty cl(
aretts a day, aod when perplexed about
aoyioing na locreases the number to
A pair ol robins were found to have
built tbeir neat aod taised a brood ol youog
onee(undertbe bat wbiob a Connecticut
armor bad placed oo a soarcrow ia bis
strawberry patch.
Tbe Massachusetts Democratic . Coo v
tiou win meet at Worcester, ceptetnbur 3i
Red Clood "want a hundred wbila wo
mi. and. aince tbb shah bad all he could
do to oblige twice tbat number to stay at
home and leave blm alooe, wa dob I tea
why Red Cloud should yearn lor them lo
Ben. Butler is mentiooed now a tbe
American Tiobborne; but it I not stated
whether he I tbe lost Sir Roger or
r he I tbe lost Sir Roger or tbe din- hrXT4rTnTTsf1'lTl
butcher. It I pl.aa.Dt, at H I Q D N H 0 J R
to know tbat he I no longer a bea', --"
aod that hi Mestaobiuotts mother has some
light Intention of recognizing him.
the late contemplated disturbance -wbewer
bl friends were or wera not fly wltb file
cop, Ac. We hardly know wbat tbese ex
preasloos signify; but tbey certainly "tur
geat a rellel horn the great moral regatta
A man who called himself Jen. Davis wa 1
taken out of a court-room in Rogersvllle, Os
last Saturday night, aod nangea to a tree.
... . . . i
A venerable threat I thus established as
truth: but we tegret Ibat.tbe dispatch which
gives us the Information fail to mention th
name ol the tree aod that of It legitimate
Flies aremeutiooed by tbe chief poet
the Brooklyn Time a tba children ot Ih
devil. Tbey are certainly oumerou only
durloi tbe heated term, aod tbey hare
very much lo do with tbe fall of man.
According to tbe 'Fishermen' Memorial
and Report" 280 vessel from Gloucester,
Maif.. (bave been lost since '1830. The
number ol lives lost is 1,251, while 400 wo
men have beeo left widow with 800 cbil
dreo oo their band.
lo'a recent case of assault with Intent to
kill io Indiana, it was shown tbat lb af
fray came about from a father Instating on
remaining in Ibe room with hi daughter
and her bean. The sympathetic jury ac
quitted the youog man.
A noble St. Bernard dog, lelt by Mr. An
derson on ibe Island ol Peoekese alter be
had presented It to Prof. Agassis' new sci
entific school, is lo be chloroformed to
death for scleotlfic purposes.
A very sad and depressing feature o f
J Ibe severe rain Friday atternooo wa a man
In lioeo;olotbe wbo wa waiting at lb dt
pol for lua train oo wbicb bl wile' moth
er wa expected. Danbury News.
A Hartford tady Issa'a) to bava got all
ready to hang hereell twice io one d ty ice
Ciotly, and was both times loterriipiod by
oallers. Tbe second time si a conoiuded to
indefinitely postpooe vo iuutary suspen
sion. A Sioux chiel, after fallowing a survey
ln patty oa tbe Northern Paclflo lor tome
days mildy remarked that tbey might go on,
for he'd be d d it be'd Ireeze to death
'or wbat bair there wa In tbat crowd.
The Preaideot left Wash Iogtoo last even
ing for Long Branch.
Sir John a. Macdonald denies that b at
tempted to commit suicide.
Tbe celebrated trotting bora Fearnangb
died in Boston yesterday.
Boots & Shoes
at cost in the mean-
Town Clerk.
RouWTlUe, August 2d, 18TS,
Local Notlcea.
rv me roei ven newsroom fUl
m.m... n r a w
r ouuiaia is now running in lull bum.
uau ana try a gian oi iee cool asda tiul
Dleken'e hBosn
Juat Issued lo paper cover by the p.u I
u.i..mUi. . r ' i
una vTu.0, Bun iui mis
Post Office Newsroom.
Oo to W. As UVLim
Strcnear It. K. track,
I tor 'your BENZINE, deliv.
Aauist at flaa aweilla eVai b.
LiVa eiu iul vtviia sin vl,!
per Barrel.
Petroleum Centra, Feb. 6th tl.
NoveJlo's Cheap Music,
Novello Oliwu. Pnrt Hottpi, etc to ,- I
HVVVI'D B vuureu snuaiv II ID IX Ctftl I
Price, tl ;or t i, bound In cloth, gllttdnil
. .
Ia paper, from SO carts to tl; cloth, with
Mgts, iinn w
Bach's 43 P lodes and
Bei4hovlu' 88 bonatas.
Fngnee. Cloth IStt
Megautly hound full I
Beethov n't S4 Piano Pieces. Elegant bonsd . ril!
Chopm'e Telm. Stiff paper covers
Chopin a Polonalsea.
mown a nociurwi. " -Cnoulii'aMasuikaa.
Cuopln's Ballad. "
.In's PrdBdes. "
t.. Odin's ttonaua
109 1
I enoalsMturs Complete Piano Work. Kltii
Polio EdiUoi . Fall silt. Complete in 4 vol.. o
The eanw. 8 vo. Full 1,111 Complete In 4voH
Tba same. 8 to. raier G mpleta In 4 Tul'lllt
lniaeisaona'e sor is unoui orua rono Edith.
ran (!
Octavo Edition Fall cilt
Octavo Enltioau Paper rovers
Mosaa a,. 18 'Hooalae. Hlcgantly bond.
Ill I
Mhubert's 111 Sonatas. Eueanaly board. N
artia i
gchaberM Dances' Comp ete. Elegant! j tmnt
Pull gilt us
Bcneb r"s Has Pieces. Elegantly bound. Pill
illt , iai
Srhumaana Forest Eeenes. Hlne Buy Plea.
Paper coveatv
Mchamaarta Plead Forte Album. Elegantly bomi
Fullstuv Ill
The basse. Paper cover l
1 tto MuetebyJ W. Elliott, with fta hraorci
lllnatratloiia rosnved by lliu nn.tliers UaliK
1 wrap, f 1.60. splendidly pound lu cloth, tit
ddrem. f. U PKTEItS. I'.i Bndi
New York,
Acent for Nnvrlln'a r"hm Mn.'i
New Goods,
Emel Zedwich
Has just retained
from Buffalo wilt
complete stock ol
Fall and Winter Goods
Has been eetahllrted in Petiivm i te
past three jeans and has the name of
JUaklnr the Br at'Fli nnd Finn
Boot In the Oil lies; tort.
lie Is constantly receiving orders from otberH
tlous of Hie Oil Region.
lis constantly keeps on hand
Head) -made lIootst&Shof
OAU, AND tEF Hllvl .
Tli.. n..kwlik Bin aoaKi roaall
Sewlusi naetalue, on MO Day Trial
many advantage over all. ttatlrtscllou miaran'
or refunded. Dent complete, with full a1"1
Hon, 'tterkwith Hewing Machine Co. ,m Broadt i
Auction Sale.
Will be sold at the Koch
ter House, Petroleum Centrf
Pa, on Friday, Aug. 8th, 18?
a large lot of Household Fum
ture, consisting of Beds,
ding, Chairs, 'J'ables, Parlor 0
To Whom It May Concern, booking Stoves, Crocker
All persons having claim against tbe f H kinds, Bar Room FixtUIt
IZXSuXlft and other articles too numer
tbe eame to tbe tbe undersigned at Rouse to mention-
ille. Pa., witbio thirty days Irom Ibis date Tpi-ins cash on dav of sal
and all persons holding orders on tbe Tree- leiulri CilalJ on uay ' "
uerer given previous to May 1st, 1873, are i'ale to COmiUeilCO at 10 fl. W
requested to uotify tbe undersigned witbio iLi ,1
the same period with tbe amouot. Ofthat day.
Jiy order of Ibe Road Commlsalooera, U. EAKIi-
b. I McKEE. t T l A..:n.
Pet. Centr, Aug. 5,