The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, July 30, 1873, Image 2

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Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
Pet. Centre, fa. Mednetlny, July 30
Divine ttervxr.
MBTtlODIrff El'ISC'.M'Ai. CWlllin
Services every Sunliatli at 1 1 A. .M. ""'I
,i l M. Kiibbtilh School at P. M
nuts free. A cordial Invitation extnu'1.
(id to ull.
Kev. G. Meows, Pastor.
Pri-aehiiiK t',ll o'clock A. M.. antl'7
o'clock l. M., bftUe I'Mtor, W. C. BtmcH
abb. Kabbotti School t il4, directly
nl lor loreooon service.
Pmycr Meetinit and Sabbath School
Teacher's Meeting Tuesday evenings ol
each wook.
IiOdgCj JVo.
T10, I. p. of O. IV
Roirular mooting Rights Friday, at 7
o'clock.. Slirhert. y
C. II. Baii.k Y, A Seo'y.
p"l'lace of meeting, Main St., opposite
McClintock Ilonso.
A. U. of U. W.
Mliorty Lod? No. 7, .A. O. of V. W.,
meets overy Monday evening at 1 o'cloc't,
n Odd Fellow' iiall, Petroleum Centre,
Jamks Wilson, M. W.
CJJamebS. Wnrrc, H.
f. O. ofK. M.
. Minnoltaunee Trine No. 183, I. O. R. M
of JJtottoleum Centre, meets every Thursday
evening In Good Templar a IIe II.
C" Council tires lighted at 7 o'clock.
It. IIOWH, Sahcin.
C. L JUKES, Chief ol Record.
Gold at I p. ir. 115
The Retreat of lb Catholic Clergy or the
Diocese, of Erie will begin at this place, In
Sis. Peter and Paul's Cbursb, next Monday
even log. All the priests or the Diocese,
together with the Bishop, Rt. Rev. Tobias
Mullen, 'art expected. The1 total number
will ba about forty-four, whose Bold ol
labor embraces Erie, Crawford, Mercer, Ve
nango, Forest, Cameron, Clarion, Jefferson,
Clearfield, Elk, McKean, Potter and War
reo counties. ,
The object of tin Retreat is to give the
priests a few days for meditation, prayer
end instructions suited to their stale of life,
in order that they may devote themselves
With ieuowed zeal to the good of the souls
committed to their care. Strict silence is
Jo be observed during tbe whole time. It
closes on Friday morning In order tu give
them time to be at their various posts for
Sunday's dot ies. .
Tbe members of the cougregation, and
others ol our citizens, with their accustom
od liberality, are assisting in preparing tbo
accommodations necessary.
borne of tbo priests belonging to this mis
sion became couneotod with It as early
1850 before I lie Diocese was formed. It was
- until ISM a part of the Diocese of Pitt,
burgh, and long before Pelrolenm Centre,
Timsvillo or Oil City attained tbe impor
tsnce of to-day, they Ireqnenlly traveled 1 n
horseback and foot for many miles days and
nights to celebrate mass or attend the sick.
Tbo first Bishop. Rt. Rev. Michael O'Con
nor, was traosleried from Pittsburgh to
Erie by bis own request in ISM; in I S .1 1
by repeated and urgent petitions be was
sent to Rome but subsequently recalled lo
Pittsburgh, and Rl. Rev. J. M. Young was
consaeritod Bishop of Erie in April, H.r4
Ilodlcd Kept. Kith, 18(i0, and on August 2d
1H08, the present Bishop, Rt. Rev, Tobias
Mullen,, was conseerated Tbe Vicar Gen
eral la Very Rev. John D, Coady, who bai
beld this position since 1854.
Tbe above is a concise history of the
Bishops of tbe Diocese of which the mission
of Friday is a part.
'MisB'1 Nettle Wallace, mention of.wbom
was madn in yesterday's paper as having
had a fit, sends word to ye editor that she
will crush hi 111 out root and branch at tight,
iu other words she ptoposes to ''scratch bis
ryes out, the mean, dlriy, DaBly, good for
nothing scribbler, to abuse a poor weak le
male woman lo that manner." Dou't do
it, hiost beauteous Wallace. If there it
anything we do dislike, most adorable and
lovely Nellie, If there la anything we Imag'
iue would ba disagreeable,' that of having
our eyes scratched out aud cranium sualch
ed bnld beaded would bn tbe worst. .Most
anpolic ol your sex, sparest I torn mcb an
'orrlblu fate.
Mr. G. Eakiu bus purchased the furniture
and hotel lixtnres in the Rochester ll.msv
and inieiuls removlnit them tu Petrulia.
A WeiUern editor Insists that be wrote
the woid iroussean " plain as a p ikes tall'
ineutiou with certain bridal presents,
i printer bowevss vulgarly put it ''trous-
There nre-T.i" nf l.J fll,.,, in l'enn
arlvanii. end 17,7:h". nieinbeis. I'i'e'r
1. Teipii. In.t year were ifl W,0lfvf.7.
Petrolcnm Centre
We noticed our former townsman, -Mi K. I
J. Atwell, In town today. It will be re
membered that Mr. A. uiffored the severe
afliiction of the loss ol his child helore leav
ing here His many Mends will bo pained
to leiirn he bis Bull'ered a still further ulllic
lion during his absence in the loss of bis
wile. Mrs. A. wss quite well known lo
many of 0117 people, and was highly esteem
ed lor her tO'tny exculleut ijuilitles of heid
and heart. f i was a (Treat suflerer having
been conliued to her bed fur over three
months betorn death put an end to
her sulieriniis. Our citizens sympathise
with Mr. Atwell in his .-re at sorrow.
A Cherryirue man got od a bender last
night and Interviewed Justice Reyoolds.
Tbe peoplu of Miami county, Kausas, are
wild with jiy over tho discovery of pelro
tenia in their midst. The Paola Spirit 8ys :
'A spring of flowing crude oil has lately
been discovered about eight miles east of
this city, on the farm of Mr. ChriBtman,
near Beaver Creek. It appears that tbe ex
istence ol coal oil in this locality is no new
discovery, but tbe quantity and quality if
tbe subject now nuder discussion. It is
stated that one of the springs Hows a stream
Irom three lo four inches in diameter. The
quality Is thought lo ba very good, nnd the
supply Is undoubtedly inexhaustihlo."
Detroit merchanls combino business and
grief. A wife of this class dying the other
day, a life insurance company received the
following notice': "Dear Sir 1 take my
pea in band to let you know that my dear
wire, iuurod for five thousaud dollais in
your company, Ib no more. She died today.
Her policy is No.. I can truly say that
tsbe was a food wife and a good mother. I
have tho docior's certificate, so .there will
bo do trouble about the policy, Sbe wet
sick only a short time, but suffered much.
Do you give a check iu advance, or 'must I
waitsixty days tor the money?"
I Ib now claimed lhatjneither Carlelon nor
Miss Emerson wrote r'Batsey and I are
Out," but a young man, who was a tele
grapber, named Faxon. Mr. Faxon is now
aeau, wuica some thick Is proof positive
that he was tbe author.
Wilson, tbe celebrated vocalist, was upset
In Ms carriage near Ediunurg. A .Scotch
paper, after recording the accident, said:
"We aro happy to state that ho was able to
appear on tbe following evening iu three
Referring lo Nast'a lecturing lour next
winter, tho Chicago Post remarks: ",'nleas
bo goos back upuu bis previous (fleets there
is no doubt that ho will be ab'.o to draw
A murderer ut Meridian, Miss., uskwl to
bo hung on tbo Fnu. lb of July,and tbo judge
kindly consented us It would bulp along tbe
proposed celebration.
A Florida paper has ascot taioed tbat a
bealtby alligator can eat seven negro chil
dren inside of seven hours aud not display
any symptoms of disqniet.
The present practice ofdetaioing witness
es in the county jails, which prevails very
generally In Ibis country, is Illustrated by
a oasa reported from Sun Francisco, where
a pour fellow hud been lucked up for sevcu
ty-eigh) days, because be bad been robbed
of filii en dollars and made complaint of It.
The jail there, from all accounts, Is in the
sme Bltby condition as most county and
city prisons, generally unlit for tbe deteo
tiou ol men whom the law presumes to be
crluiinalu, and much less fur men wbo are
guilty of nothing but entering a complaint
against criminals.
- We bear of a young man at Corry, who a t
a recent funeral, though having no acquain
tance with tbo deceased or bis family, took
a seat in one of the vehicles provided for tbe
invited guests, went to the oetnutery, retur-(
ned to the house of sorrow, and partook o
tbo tea served up for the mourners. Busi-
ness being ratherdull-at Corry, this is prob
ably the last ingenious device for getting
something to eat between meals, The
young gentleman should go west and follow
op tbs cholera.
Joseph Burton, of Yorb( a tew weeks ago
Iread on a nail. Lockjaw eiiBueu, and on
Tuesday he died.
Houghtin's "Monographs has this new
story or Sydney Smith: ''He was good na
tured and tolerant ; but when Lord Mel
bourue, whom he bud gone to seo upon some
business, interlarded bis conversation with
much cursing and swearing, be juioily re
marked, 'Let us assume that everybody aud
everything aro dimued, aud Jproceed to the
subject.' ' '
I Ifiraco Oreeowuud relates us an instance
ot the rxlravaganoe ol New England humor
that when n young farmer's wile rondo -btr
first hoy's pants precisely ns ample before ns
behind, the lather rxclaimrd, "liucdiicfs!
he nnts't know n better te'egoir-g to kvLocl
el C'.irlrp bpi"e "
letters f rfiiii ISie .People.'
Notk. The manaci rof this journal, with
out endorsing tliesentimeutsol contributors,
dosires to ofier the widest possible latitude
ror tree discussion. It is merely stipulated
that communication, shall concern matters
01 public iuterest, be put in decent language
n,l i,inr,lltell Willi ll'B nurUI'S of '1)0
writers, nut for publication, but as a gnar
joteo of good tuitlL
Iftler From Pinmev.
Mr Al'len, formerly proprietor of the
Pluruer House, belore the devastating days
ol Local Option, lias turned his attention to
atricuitural matters. He had new potatoes
as large as old ones the fourth. 1'eus, beans
and squashes are equally good. Soiely Mr,
A. understands gardening.
We are rellaoly informed that inneudou8
ol a suspicious character pointing to the
culpability of a temperance man down the
run for dispensing local option are plainly
visible. If this is truo the parly ouptit to
receive the full extent of Iho law. At any
rate the matter will b'nr watchin?.
J. W. McCluer, our school director who
is alive to the interest of bi3 constituents,
informs us that under no eiiciirustdncrs will
M iss Cop-land be allowed the school B
Homer. Mr. Tovrnley has spoiled for the
school. We hope ho may succeed In on'
tainiug the appointment as we are a school
mate anil fricud and can testify to bis fitoes.
morally and intellectually.
Tho farmers club have passed a resolution
denouncing the present Jwcatber premoni-
tiooB as a fraud and failure. Compilers of
almanacs ;ro interested and must invent
a new code or their wares woh't sell bcre.
Tbe filly barrel well recently struck at
Henry's lieud soon played out. The owner
a tiiend of ours, says that tbe sand was just
entered when it began flowing at a fearful
rate. He pulled tbe tools and commenced
pumping but the supply was soon exbauiL
ed. The well is being drilled deeper with
fair prospects of a paying well.
Oil News. Thos. J. Anderson and oth
ers are about linisblng a well on Iho Wilson
farm, war Petrolia. Tbe well is known as
the "M idoc."
The ardor of the people of Millerstown
has been dampened by a dry bnlo or two.
Q leer, too, that a dry bole would dampen
A now well known as the "Gusie" was
struck on the GranMorm uear l'urker Cuy
this v:eek. It is llowiug aud pumping at
tho rate of fifty barrels a day. 11. B. Allen
uml others, owucrs.
Tbo Story farm is oue of the, best prodnc
ing farms iu the lowar oil country . Among
the i:i.iny wells ou this property not ouu is
doing less than ten barrels a day, wtii.u the
averago is about filly. The lira I wc.i
couiplcled on the farm is still piuduiiiiig one
j hundred aud liity barrels a day.
The following items are from tho Butter
The well ou the J. C. Martin U: m neat
Martinsburg, owned by A. L. Tuulilin is
no doing about sixty-live barrels. This
has been its daily pruaucllou lor about tuui
months and is a decided iudicution that this
territory holds out better tbuu any we know
A well on the Campbell Uvea a short dis
tance below the Norm Washington rojd, at
Greece City, was struck this weic and it is
said it will be a.gcod well. This strike
shows that the belt is on the east side ol
the creek from the old mill.
la oonneotion with. the above strike, we
will stata.that tbe gouerai opinion now is
the belt ruus Irom 45 to H degrees Wis I
of South, aud il'so, then it would be found
close to McGratb's mill aud pssis out uaar
D. Kbauor's ou the Mercer road, three miles
above Butler.
It looks now as il Millerstown was dei
tlued to be the most thriving place between
Butler and Parker City. Business is very
brisk theie and our prediction will yet bo
verified that it will be groat city upon
the tide of a bill."
The low price of oil bas caused such a
depression iu the businsss tbat work bos
stopped on many wells tbat were being put
down, und other .projects for testing new
leiritory buvu been abandoned.
Tub IIl-linus Well. The llulings well,
on the Gales farm docs not make tbo show
that was expected ol her, aud it Is probible
that she will not prove more than eight
or ten barrels at most. If this is tbe oase, it
would seem to Indicate that the edge of the
belt bus been reached on the east, and that
operators will be effectually checked iu tbat
directiou. There are no wells under way
fuithortothe right of development, aud
quite a number ure under way in the direc
tiou of Ii touburg, ufl' considerable liislaiice
to tho loft. P ilerthurg Progress.
aj-ow lijuipeuiie paper speuks of the
idiots wbo are c!itubiu; the Whit,, Mom -taint
to get a view ot the t i-jsiiiritg it
tUtecadiwi l-clow."
A pet cat, a b:irioi o t it find ss"iirlin
cur brought sirrow to a household In Belle
We,, the otherjdsy. The do chased
tbe cat, tho cat took refuse in tho t ir. tho
man of tbe family pursued the est from
room to room through tho liou? la avln
endeavor to cantute. the folino favortte rtin.
nlng over the best carpets, sofas and beds in
theilomlclle, leaving a trail of the sticiy
tirou everything it touched.
A Philadelphia surgeou was colled tbo
other dey to a boue up town to amputate
the leg of a woman. He is a near sighted
man, ntu! when ho reached the bouse he got
into the wronir room and cilinly sawed off
the limb ol tho servant girl, who was a Gor
man, no-had come over to two days be
fore, and who thought it was tbe custom of
the country. ...
West Point cideis are quietly onjdying
camp life, which, for a limited period, frees
them fiom all application to study. The
number of visitors is not visry largo us Jt,
but in a lew, weeks, we doubt not, the hotels
will be well tilled.
A letter was put into the postofUco at
GleniUlc, Cambria county, bearing the fol
lowing: Over the hills and over the level,
Send this letter like the devil;
At Saliills, Huntingdon county, leavo II,
So David Wallet may receive It.
Tbe Jackson well east of Dogtown. re.
ported lo be dry, a doy or two since bids
fair to prove a paying well at least. Tbe t.
port ol its being dry. was occasioned by tbe
fact that the upper part ol tbe sand w(
very line, ana mere was no snow wnaioveri
as the drilling proceeded however, tho sand
became coarser, nnd is now considered
good. Petersburg Progress.
An interesting exhibit of tbe comparative
popularity ol Dickens' works in Ibis coun
try is shown lo the Biles. "Daid Copper
field'' stands at tho head of tbe list.
"Christmas Stones" second, "Pickwick Pu
pera" third, and then '-Nicholas Ninkleby."
'Oliver Twist" and "Donibey and Sod."
Tbe "Tale ol Two Cities" is at the fpot.
A Meadvil e, Pa., girl, Who was looking
at a circus clown whirling a bat with a
stick, remarked to her young man that sbe
"used to do that." The young man was
locking at a contortionist in another part
of tbe arena who bad bis legs tied around
bia neck, and an rxpUnaltou was neces
srp. ' ...
The Rochester Chiouicle Bays: "An ex
cellent article printed us cditoriil in the
Hudson Register und making Iwii-tlilrda o
a column, is marred" by the accidental omis,
sion of a flight tefereuce to this paper which
should have appeared either at tho legiu
inns oc c;ilSJ of '' The fault of the press
man, iIoiiMUsh."
iilill, WAXTsiO
To do general bonso work. Inquire at
S unuel Dry Goods htc 'e,
Gentie, Pa.
To All levels of Art and .Lit
erature !
WTe will send (he Honnf iful Chromo entitled
W ."The L'liwelcomc Visitor " podtac prepaid
as a premium to every subscriber to our uiouthly
mdL'azluc rulM tho
Jumble 0CC'
cuiitninfiiB 32 large pape9 hefltdoa thveovor filled
with the beat und must lutorcsting rautiiug. l'ric
at a war :
Send on your dollar, aiid get a dollnr niagnino
and nn eliibt dollar chromo m rcturu. We want
and will lilwrally pay
8cud stamp for particulars Address
UUNIIL.U1IKU, Albion, Illinois
Just received at
I am now incpared to sell any
thing and everything in th
fej.uitur.i y,
0!aK 'Uoidt.,
Hwsimn if
Loo; I .MI:i'M.
S3T The l'ost Offlce Newsroom S..Ji
e ounlain Is now running In lull Wasi.
Call and try a glas of ice cool soda wni,,
Dlrkeii's Il.m" .
Just issuod In paper cover by tho refer.
sons. Trice 2"i cents, and for sale nt it.
1, ltl XT '
Chapped bands and face are the most up.
nous auiinyuiHjt. loai larmers, ,a:n people
who labor much ont ol (loots, experience
rrom exposlnre. Exosed persons, espscl
ally children, repoaledly su(Tir Intensely
rrom great ortcks upon th bands, that ol.
inn LLml T Ib n .11 - . ..
others to Buffer in this wiiy.when the ra-mi
of poeitiqo prevention ore so nasy to be hml,
nn.lij, m ,f jj-ij ueui. lor
cake ol Hand Sipolio. Hand Sapollo is not
only belter than tbe costliest Map fur ry
movingdirl, but it prevents chapping, and
render, the tuio sou and pliable, gold
4 tli Strcct,iicar It. 11. track,
fur your BEMINE, deliv
ered at the welh for 1,75
per Barrel.
Petroleum Centre, Feb. Ctb tf.
NoveJlo's Cheap Music.
Novello's (Itues. Part Songs, ete
S to V2 er-nr
potciio s uiuiren .nunc
B to IS cuul .
Price, $1 ; or f-i, bound in cloth, gilt mhtt.
Iu paper, from SO certs to $1; cloth, with K
ttlM. SI to ft each.
Boeh's 4S Prelrdcssnd Ttirrnes. Cloth 509
liotChovtn's S8 is. elegantly lieuud. nll
gilt .1
liectliov. n's 31 Piano Pieces. Elegant bound . Full
trtlt 8U'
Chopui values. Stiff paper covers 1S(
l Oop'n's lVloimises. " al
(. iioiiia's Not-turues. ' 1 " sml
Chopi'i' Mmllikas. , " S'
Clu'pin's llailadk.
v. mmIii's PreiiKtes. " " t:n
i pin s Nw'itiis ' y .t
Mci(Uo!?)hit's ( omplcto I'lflno H ork. hlt-muii
KolioilUilio: . FllilKlll. t'ouiplelelll 4 vol,,, II'
The same. H vo. Full nilt Complete in 4 vu 1 U
'I'lw caniu. vo. tinier Ci.uiplcle In 4 vi-14t('
Ve!id(!!r?oli(i s ong iihoitt W olds Folio K'titioe
Fjil el t II ."
('ei;iv. I'.iiKion rii'itui a i1
(K-tJivo bullion. I'nper covers Sj1
Vomrrs IS 'Sonatas. Elegantly bound. Kte
s 'Liirerl s 111 Sonatas. Elegantly bound. lo!
Kilt DO'
S.liulieri.s Dances- Complele llvcniUiv- lmiii
Full Kilt '.II
t-i hub i" 's risno Pieces Elseantly loui:d. I'd
Schuoisiin's Forest Scenes. Nina K sy I'icc
I'nimr covins. . !
SrDuintuin's Plnno For c Albnm. Elegantly bom '
run Kiit
Touisauie. rapcr covers l
Sot to Music by J W. Eu.iott, with lis heatititi
IlllU'lrailoiis enuiaveu ov inu nnr(iers jinixk
Iloards, 11.60. bplemtldly bound n clolh.
Address. J. L. PB1EUS. MIU Bnads.
New lork,
Agent for Novello's Cheap Mii' M
Mew Goods.
Emel Zedwich
BOOT AND shoe maker
lias just refill tied Irom Buffalo wilt J
Complute stock ot
lull and Winter (iooil
Ilaa lieen estslilisliid ti l'etii. i . i i' I'7!
lpl lUiee )eara, aud has the name of
Slaking tlio nest Fit and
noot iu the Oil Uf jlortH.
lloij constantly receiving orders froip othe'1!
. iioiis oi uio uu negiou.
Ho coni'tantly keeps ou hand
r.AniKS An nun ht?pn"b
'I li- Heckwlib (120 forteble ''"'
Sewing itliM-lillie, on :0 !'
manv aUVHiitaKes over all. haiurarlioii giioia
(T S'ir refnndid. Hi'lit Coinnlels. wil l M "',1
tious. lllerkwith SewiiiK Machine Cs., Mi Br"'
A H VtVff,n PVnl'vwtlMlV tn mmII .itlP I1MW Ql
in ii'1'
Etuliroiduriug Macldus. send ',,r
W AN tB'rnttd Clreiiinr, t ijthii McKee
uuiniiop: company. 300 Bioaaw iy, Ke VorK
6K.2!i,1IT everywhere to sell our
AI'i(lll Fmliroidmn' H"J
W XTV ll"l for lllintrated Circulr
Jll I IjIFjiu irKr Manniacnrlm
any, aw Broarajuy. Kt-w VU.
if n