s:0 ADVERTISEMENTS. THE VERY BEST PLAN ;ty winii you ru uuuiiu Lie liiaurauee ia the lv Premium, All tnh, Stock !. It lurulahas llio Inrcat oiuuiut of ;nunincofot a given Bum of mon 17. Th. contract l plain aud definite, wltuuot nmnpUculoii, imMtcry, or iineertAlnly, The policy is alwnyswurth Its face, the premium never In crnws. It ts th most aatlefactory end economic al plan tor tbe Inaiimul. Tim TaiVJuna iMeua Ami ConpiNt, ol riaitfnrd, Conn , grant Ufa In surant upor this ev:ellnt,ylan. Ita aecuril Is timiiieallaucd. Apply to any Agent, or tend .for a Circular. We Want an Agent tbe new. by Dr. in till tftwnnhlfi to nanvass for valuablu and fast antllna book .JOHN COWAH, The iScicncc of a New Life. Recommended and endorsed try prominent minister, physicians, religious end secular piipera. No other book like It puUlleoed. Ml per week guaranteed. Address. COW. AN CO. 1 13 Eighth St., New York. AORNTS WANTED KOR TUB NSW BOOK. & with thu newest and heat treatment for all eeeoa. The only thorough work of Ilia kind In the world Knihracoa Hmell Pox, VaUow fever, olere and nil analogous dleuaeos. No Family 8 fa Without It, end all buy It. Hiw M chromaila Illustrations. The bliriem chance of the season for agente. Ad ore. II. 8. OOODBIMSKB 00 ,37 Pork How, a York. I ClOOD AORlfTS WANTED FOB EYERTBDDY S OWN PHYSICIAN. hyf. W. fli.itAsoit, M. D. Hull" rapidly. One a rent Mild il to onn week. Apply at nnce to II. N, McKINNEY CO., Philadelphia, Ha. WANTED. Ceoeal and Iioral Agents, for the Bertram Sewing Ma i.in.. mada at Danhnry, Conn. The stillest, fastest mid aaalest I ock Hutch, Htreloht Needle Machine In the market We five better termithan any otntr com pany. Address, JOHN A. JMDGB, Gen'l Agent, Dan bury, (.'onn. F K SAI.R.-A lame body of Timber and Iron Ore Lenda In Middle Kennsylventet wttmated allow nine and hemlock. On and near Seating stream., with atanni saw mill, nrmra, e't, 00 ine vllle, Pa. . nnnu w Jki M tnnM with tha MM Clirooio. "Awako" and "Asleep" Solle like wlld-flre. Tli pair a-nt for M cents. A lnse die. entiiil to agents, aoureae w a vaswawaiw, Puxboro. Mas. g 4 rVm WEEK IN CASH to V I 1 1 Agent. Everything furnltb- JJJ 1 j ed sod expeuaea paia. A. COULTER 4 CO., Charlotte, Mien. at lA O.aia jwdayl Acente wanted) All i$t III 7rwU claamie of working people e either ex. young or old, make more money at work for n in thuir apare moaenta, or ail the tint than at anythtnit nlae. Ilirticulara free. Addrae a. KTINkON Jt aa PorUand, Maine. WORKING MALKOK FK.MALS $m nf a aoc HO a week miarrantced Hi atim.t.4il amnkivment at home, dav o.- eveoina: no can Hal rauulrod ; full Inatrnct'ona and valname hhUhi ofL'iaKta aent free by mall. Addrem with aVx cunt return atamp, M. YOUNO at CO., 178 Greenwich ht , N. 1. THE LA CROIX MEDICAL DIS PENSARY. Katablleheel in 183T, la tha etdoat and laoat anoeeMf ill instltutioa In thl country for the treatment 01 Chrome ana eeinai Dliaawa. For tvrma of treatment, call, or addreaa by mail with autement of oaac, . II. ilTJNBDON 81 Maiden Lane, Albany, ft. Y. To Adrertleerej All peraona who enntem fdale maklut eontracta with newapapera for the ntertloa of Adverlhwmenta ahonld aend to Geo. P. Rowell & Co-, for a Clrcnlar, or enclnae IS rente tor their Km Hauelreel Page Paanphlel, eonuinitu Uu of 8.1100 Meipapara and eatimatee pboalng the eoit of advartlalnit. alao many nfol hints to advurtlacra, and torn, account of the ezperieneee of mrn wno are known aa saccaaaiui aann t Ivor a. TMt Arm are proprietora of the Auwrl cau Nawpapar Advertlatng Aganay, 41 PARK ROW. N, V.. Baily Becord NEWSPAPER ANO Job Printing 13,000,000 ACHES! Cheap Farms f The eheapeet Land m Market lor aale by tha UNION PACIFIC RAIL ROAD CO. In b Ureal Platte Valley. ' 3,000,000 Acres In Oanira.1 Nebraeka Now for aale In tracta of forty aoroa and npwarda on dve and tan yaara' credit at per cenU Mo adancc UiteraH miitrd Mild aud hoalthnl clltcate, fertile soil, anahnod anea of tfood watur. - TUK fcSS'f MAHKBT IN TUB WK8T! Tha irrent minln1rr.4lon.of Wyoming, Colorado, Utah aad Nevada Mng eupplled by tha turner. In the tLAira Vatiar. SOLDIEKS ENTITLKD TO A HOME .. STEAD OP 100 ACRES. rUK BIST LOCATIONS I0K OOL0NI1 S. FllKK H'JMKS FOK ALU attl lt.ma of acre of clmicii dovcrninant Land open for entry unaur the llonicKiaail Itw, uoar tbia Unatt Kalfrood, wit1! Kod niarkeia aod all the conveulcnce. of an old Bellied country. . tree battc to purchnaera of Railroad Land. Sectional Map .bowing the Idnd, a.ao new rilMliiaivrUwchpiive Pamphlet with new Map. Mailul Free Itycrywhie Addreaa O.F.DAVIS, LAUD COMMISSIONS!! U. I' K. H. a UlUHt, N Ka . but Nexll riira. neat Juvenile Maiiazlne VMI" a.jaar, wou a j.pleuU d '."0 Chrpmo. uoi.iiuoii.suaii. . ciull 1 whura ..a.u a Aiaeu, i'uotl.nar, Cut- Office; MAIN TBEETj FLTUOLLIM tETUE. CHM; C. WICKER, Proprietor. NEWS DEPABTKENT. We reedve talecrapMe dtepatebea ap to 4 p. M and nreaent tham to our reader, every eventne. ei bracing raw. of groat intereet from all aeetion. of tha country. We have made aneeial arrangementa, whereby we racelva regular Petroleum, block and Fioduce Market Repona every evening by telegraph traaa Naw York, Philadelphia, and Plttaborg, which together with editorial, aad Local Batten, make It one of the moat aeeirabta newspaper. pubUehed In tb. Ol Hcgion. Aiaa (i. tJOHik'S - 1 Advertising Medlnm. ha RKCORD haa no inporlor, aa it circulates wnerever aa Oil Operator or Dealer can be found JOBBING HFiBIMT.' We have a ' lam Jobblug rilatcrla Yell Ihelaetai Mock ol .a emhrat.ine tha vara latest style.. We are therefore enabled to eaacnte Job Work of every variety in a aatlafactory manner wbea deairad, job. will be neatlypriated la Coumw SklMfiag Dllla PMtr. Haad-Bllli. PivgraaMieia Bills wf Fare, liabe AND Business and Visiting Cards, It KTTKHJIIKADS, ,i.: i ' , .'. 1 , BlIXSQSADa, , : l ' . ' BILLS 07 LADING, Ktof, Bxt BALL (ICBIrrriflO ain or Fancy Btyles, neatly and promptly eiecn led, embracing INVITATIONS CIRCTJLAKM r'ROQKAMMU CARDS, T1CKKT8, Sic n fact, every variety and style of wor In letter press printing. Merchant". Lawyers. Justices of the Peace, Land Asents. (Ml Dealer and Atnnta, lnil ranee Azcuts Kxpreaamn and other parties la want, are informed that we are preiMrud to execute to order a 11 kinds o! HI.ANKS, bnrlnuesor legal, K quired In this com ninnltv. .Toi,int istmnaLT reaneetfullv aoHeltod. For Sale lS.OOO to 20,000 feet ol SECOND-HAND TUBING, ai (rom 25 to 35 ols. per (not Tbo Tubin it la first claes order tod all ready titled April 23. 'I. a, g, WABNER. C3-. O-OiIDOlsr, DEALER IKT s lYIain-St., Petroleum Centre, Keeps on band a full llneof House Furnishing Goods, Boston Pat. Coipli TbIl Casinn, Gas Pipe and Mies, New Bedford Bolt Rope Cables and Sand Pump Lines, RUBBER BELTING, WORKING BARRELS. TUBING AND PACKING, VALVES. CASINO AND BOSK, VALVE CUPS, CLAMPS Lanterns, Lantern Globes, Carpenters Tools, ALL KINDS UK BUA8S GOODS, Extra Winter Strained Lard Oil, Oil V VilllQVit W AiflliVVUO aVLASA IVUVlllw aA . No, 1 Refined Oil, The Novelty and Ktirekn Clothes Wringers, the best In oae, With full line ol Table sod Pocket Cutlery, and Silver Plated. SpooDt and Forki, STOYES, STOYES ! Mr stock or UOUK AND HEATING STOVES cannot he excelled lo tbe oil region. At t uoiigov oetore me late advance or stoves by manufacturers, I am enabled to atlll ell at old price. Those desiring anything la tbe way of Cook or Heating Stove will do well to call and examine my Block, ot wbioh tbe following is a partial 111; America Cook Stove! WltD reservoir snd warming closet, a flist elate Store for bard coal or wood. AM RHICA iV Cook, with low water reaervolr and warming closet, for hard cost. THIS Ml-iLl'lill UIHI UKEAT M. KliPEIt Cook, a cheap flrst olati Store wnn or wiiooui reservoir aou warming closet, ror bard or toft Coal. Fire Queen Cook, a cheap first class Stove, for hard or sift coal. Iron Oitle Cook, a largo beivy and durable Stove for soft coal. wneui stneni uook, for bara or suit coal, la culebraied lor Hi qualities a a cood Kt mm anil ahaannaan In nrieo flipper Cook, for bard or soft coal, a smell but excellent Stove and very cheap, Minnesota Cook, a wood Stove with elevated oven. :MY LINE OP PARLOR II HATERS cannot be eicelled: The Diving Flue Light IIoiin.i of lSTS-Tbis is beautiful self feeder i nur ouivo, wno eeu regulating "rati and patent clinker grate The Radial nt IIoiing A new self leader Parlor Heater wild mill grate and Ilium lno.ee) base Keep Side's BtiritorS-lf feeder Parlor neater with shaking Bre patent. and dumping oMnker grate. Stuart's 1'arlor Heater -Something new, a very beautiful and powerful beater Cosejr lilnllt Aneatand fijeap I'.ase Biitni-r liosixe uiyiii a cooap cylinder smvo with mill rate. House A sheet iron cylinder stove, very cbcap. ' v .IsiJT A .mall sell feeder and quite cheap Black Swan A parlor cook siovc with, oven, fcr coal Fnmo A cheap dioina room Stove. Gem A cheap bed room Stove. Ieurl A cheap cylinder Stnvo, for hard or sod cnal YHl?S.1!nvr,'kTJ""lg S"""'' J"n-Aiani-.l for derrick and hotels, j SALAMANDER A derrick .love. GLOBK IIKATER For store, and ofta MANUFACTURER OF TIN, SHEET IR02V AND COPPER WARE SMOKE STACKS MADE TO ORDER. Make to order GAliVA IIIOV maivii ntrtima u considered tbe cheapest and sfeYump now fitSmJtlt Repairing of all kiuda done with neatness and dispatch. THE TORPEDO PATEHT SUITS IloberU vs. Nicholas Geyer. The following Is the decision rendorcMtt.T Judu. McKennan, at May Terra of the Circuit Court in the shove case: in the Circuit Conrt of tb. United Mates, In ncd for tbe neeum District of Pennsylvania.-E. A i HoberUva. Nicholas Cejor No. 1: Slity Term 187, In Equity . iiovember 21, 172. Bill flltd and subpeena is Bed. Kubpetna and aorlee of appllcatloa for nrellmla arjt itdnnctloa eVrved. ... December 13, 187$ Motion fcr prellminar In. Janctlvn heard, aud Se Court being dnly advised In the premier th. injoactlon awarded as prarad for, and decrt. fileu. - Jaanary 14, 1SJ73. Iujunctloa Iserwd, and on the Sdlhdayof January Indictment sorvad personally aud by copy. May XJ, 1871. , Bnle Issued tor dalendent to show caaaewhyatlachnientahould aot Isane for contuupt In violating lulonotlou and duly urved June 2d, 1X78. Rnle for attachment ia thl. case came on to be heard, and after argument of cunnscl pro and eon, th. Court being full adviaed In th. premises, the Hule Is made abaolnta, and the sen tence of tbe Cout la, that the said dctVudan, Nlca olns Geyer, be Inipilosened In the common Jail of Allsgeeny County for and during tbe term of ten days, and that ha pay .the coat, of tel. proceed. ing ' June 2d, 1873. Comralte nt Is'ued. The injunction In tbis case was for Infringement of tha Roberta' patent of No. (called the Big Pat. tat), for incr.aeltJK tbe productiveness of oil well,. The act of Infringement for which th. defendent was committed for contempt, consisted in aidm Alexandra Ilarr.or in uplodlog InrpMloaa In ol wells being the same act of Intriugcment for which Haniar waa also cniSinlttcd tn the caw No. 3, No vember Term, 1868, as before stated. The Conrt McKennan, J., alter delivering his opinion In th. Hamar ease, proceeded to s.ntenco Nle'iolaa Geyer for contempt, and d.liverrd the fcl owing oral opinion: ' . - - Lin th. case of Kicnole. Oeyer charged with th same offense, I am ertlrely satisfied that there was fluid present, In the Beats well at least. Al I ton inKauMcdtoMeoiMMiM Msemrn Ms aryu mmt, IA yrtmct tffimii tn M. wall, whclkn it tired or Mf, ds a innnfttunt flht jMtcnl, aada treat a IU nwnelua aM Cmrl. Mr Koberta, by his patent nsea a eae of th. srln elpal elements of his Invention fluid tamping, and wherever there la Sold sufficient in a wall, at Iba time of the erpMeieo of a torpedo, to operat. as tamping, whether It gete there natarally or Is put there aTtifJeially, his patent is Infringed. This was clearly the case in regard to the Beats well. nut mr. ueyer seems to nave haaei misled hy Bamar, who told him that be merely wanted ti. make an experiment ; and I do not think, this ke lug the first time, that he rraght to be very acvertly punished. lie alao la (idjmlpecl guilty of contempt and order ed to pay the costs of this proceeding and undergo an imprisonment in tbe cnuntv Jail fur ten days. I hope this will he the la l oT thrte casta; brcanw, if tbe matter cornea Ui our nutioeainan, we will ha constrslni'd to impaae such punishment aa will land to aatke the decree of Ilia Court eiloc.ual. ' . June I7-lm. Ikrauitrwtth t I . J In a nLHBOLn , , fk33B KBAHKTEY'B FLUID EXTRACT BUOHU; XttbeaaKaowti Beaudy tor Biayhta Ua aasaand hast mued mry aaa. of IMabttea ta which It baa been atrao, Irrruttori of tbe Neek fib Bladdar ajwfjnnaasmetloa of tb Kldnaya. TJlaaratioeof tha Xidiwy aad Bladdar, Betea. Homof Urtni, XMMeaae of tbe FreaUU Olaad, Stona in th. Bladder, Oraml, Brick Drut Oapoait, 4 Uaeooaa Milk DkSargaa, and foiZ Mbled aaDaiieatoOeoaUtatiowef botkBesM, aMended with th foUowiiui naaotoma: Losa f rom, law of Memory, Dtffleulty of Breath hfiTtak Mare, Wakafnlneaa, Paia ia th Baek, Flnahingof th Boriy.Brnptioaooth. laes, WltdOoanUnanea, Laasiloda of tb. frraUm, ei. Wd by paraoa. In tb deeJlM ot haag oV Jl ate mSnainant at labor faKB. twd-w rolnMs or Bapjirssaloo ol Customary Krauatioii, Claaratad orHehtrru. ataU of tfaa Vtomu Lao orrrK.a or WhlU Bterliity, and tot all'eora taalat inajdeat to the It te anearibat otaoaiveiy try thavt aiawt Phyefi.n adl jpvrtvwj he ntrabied aad aWioal aoawUt tloa f botb eexea aad all agae KEABNET'S EXTRACT BTCHT, jamn. aMtra, , n glwe atiaauyta to Urteata. rby rmovinf Obatrnattcau, Parrasttag aad Cto StrktOM. of th VMhia. AUayiot Pai ad infiatnm.tlon, Mfraqwantlntbia elaieat dlt m, aad ajMilint aU Poimoow. Mtur. KEABirET'S EXTRACT BCCHV, 11.00 paeboUl. oeali tUaa tor W.00, delirrred todAraeaeor, jrom abaerratioa. Held by towkwaaU WHen lot taJraraaaUoa tbMld bs A3 Quaoka and Impesters. Me Ohatg rot Ad via. and OoaraltaUea. .B. ptptt, Graduate otjtfmm MHe CoOtft, IUdalpWa, author of several valu.bie rorkajoaa be .enrolled oa alt dwea.es of tbs Banal or Criaary Omaa, (wbleh h. aa raads aa eapMial study) ithat ia mala or fa mala, r fattrom what aaaw otigiaatint of ol bo Jong ataarting. A praatie of 80 yaara anablss aim to treat ill ease, with mi wis. Oune guar utaad. Chargaa raaaoaabia. The at a dis tal), eaa forward letter deaeribtuy aymptom and anoioaing atamp to prepay poataee. Bead for the Gidd, te l.ottJLprtoe 10 oents. it B. OYOTT, M.D., Physician and rksrgeoa, 104 Duane St., Naw York. Advettit in tb Record.