NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE VERY BEST PLAN Tljr which yon cm olit ln Liiu liinirauee is tho Low rrcmUim, All Cish, Htnck flai. It iurtil.hes the largest amount oT a pron sum of mnn ' ;.. The contract Is plain and dcllaite, without ruiniilicraion, miwlerr, or line Tt lin y. T in policy Is always wo-tli Its face, the prenii tm never In ' ercases. It tt tin m it satlsfictiry and economic al plan fortlm Insurant. Tim Travsufiis iNsrn ANrs C umi'ast, of Hartford, Conn , eran's Life In surant upor this excellent plan. It security Is iinni'-ituiuud. Apply to any Agen. or send for a Circular. We Want an Agent la this township tocwtan for the new, valinhln and l'i elltn'j hook by lr. .JOHN COWAN, J'Uc . plcicacc of . jlew Life. Recimmendert anil erulorned by prominent ministers, pr.yaicl ins, reliirious anil secular papers. No oilier book like tt publieoed. J( 10 per twk (rtinranteed. Address. COW AN Jt CO , 139 Elyhth St., New York. AOLNTS WANTED FOll TUU NtW UUUK. Epidemic & Contaafons Diseases with the newst and best treatment for nil cases Tho onlv thnnni -h work of the kind In Hie world Knitirnn'ia Snviti-Poz, .Blow Fever, Cholera ami all niialoeona di-cases. No Family 8 f without It, anil all ruv it. Him 84 chromatic Illustrations. The b1""ct c'liance of I'm season f ir nsrents. Ad dress iTs. oooiioPiiKD & CO., 37 Turk Kow, No v York. MMD AfJEJtTS WANTED IB EVERYBODY'S OWN PHYSICIAN. (no i... i, w iii.kakom. M. 11. Mil rainuiv a 'c ut old I'l l in one wee'. A nt once , to II N, MoKINNKY ,t CO., Phlladulpcia, l a. WAITED- Gene al and Local Atrcnts, for the itirtram Sewing Ma cine, mail nt Danliiiry. Conn. The stillest. fn est and easiest 1 ork HMteh, rUralrh' Needle Vachlnc In Die market. We give better terms tlmti any otner com pany. Address, JOHN A. DODGK, Utn'l Ageut, Dan- linry, lonB , i 1? )H HALW. A l.ii-ue bndv nr Timber and Itm 1 Ore lands In Middle .-cnn.vlvaiiia; estimated to ent M),(IW,0ilil reef, of Bound white oak.- white and yellow nl;ie and hemwek. On and near flnatio streams, with steam anw-mlll, boom, e-o, on the riil-.iHiauna. Apply to I'. W. SIII.l''til', 1'otta ville, I'a. AIMIKN YOUIt HOItfl'S with the new Chrunio, "Awake'' and "Asleep" Su'.rs llko wild-lire. The pair sent for Meant. A la-."' dis ennnt to agents. Addiira W K. CAltt'KMlill, Foxtoro .Mass. j A rVKVL WEKK IN CASU to 1 I lAgenta. Eiryililnn furnish R - ' - Vv el and expeuaoa pal l. A. OOULTKR & CO., Charjptte, Mich. S"l ii 51li p-rdiv I Asenta warned! All HI-iJiy daMeo( worklna people of either iox, y nine or old, make more ninnny at vork for ii" In llitdr Hpar'i momeats or ail the tlm,i tlinn at a-ivthinj otae. ' Faniculnr free. Addreaa U. STINaO.N & OD.i Ponlandi Maine .1 . WORKING CLASS MALKoK I-'K.N.Abhl $iW ft vrrek (runrntuwl Id iptHj:uljlo omiliyii)'iit At hfimi', day it; evening; Tin capital required; full instrncr. ouu und valuiinlo pac ;ixs ufiX'M :n frite by nmfl. Addrera v'ith , .A.ctmt H'tm-iiPtamp, M. VuUNQ Jb tU, 17U tiruvuwlrh bt , N. Y. THE LA CRCIX MEDICAL IIS-IPENSARY- ... n KatabllMbed In 1837 II !h o'dnst and mcMtrMicciful iimiitiiunn In thli conn try liir the trentmcnt of Olirotiio and Hcximl Dle;ir'3. Kuri4rmii of tmatment, cill. or nddiert by ui .ll with Btfttunent of ohhu, B. II. .UTNttLMiN HI Mnidon Lnne, Albany, t. Y. To AdvortUorft All porMnn who onntem plnte mitkin contracts with nownpuper fur the lncerliuu of AlvcrtUumnu should suiid 10 Geo. P. Rowell & Co-, for a CirniUr, or onoloip at contg for their ne tfuiidrnd Fuse luiiitUletf ctmUinum Lima of JUkM NAr-piipetH And cttmatcw phorilnii the o wl of udvertisiiiir, hIio mnnr uneCul hints to iwlT(!rtlier.-i, nnd nume ar'-mint of tno 'xperienM of turn who nru knnwii an Siircof ill Advur tlHtirn. TliUflnu lire pniriL'toni uf tho Amuri cau MoWApupar Advertising Aguucy, 41 PARK ROW. N, Y Daily Record NEWSPAPER, SO AND Job Printing Office; ' MAIN THEET, ii;moLLiu (tviiii:. Cllts C. WICKEll, Proprietor. We roccire 'telezrdphlc dinpatchefi tip to 4 p. i nnd present them to our render every tveninir. am- hrnciiiK novvs of preat Interest from all factions of i the country, we nuve made Hptcial arrnni't-nionts whereby wo recoivn rvgttlar Petroleum, Mock nud Pioduee Market Kcporm every eveulni; by ttih-praph Hum tNew tfork, Philadelphia, and IMitibuor, which toi;i!thar with Kditoriala and Local fan tiers, muko it one of ihu mrwt desirable liuwipapuris puhlUhod in the 01 itegion. Aa an G. GORDON IIAHDWAUK AND OIL WEI1L1 SUPPLIES. DEALER IT Advcrtlttlns Medium, he RECORD ha no snperlor, aa It cirenlatea wherever nnJil Operator or Dealer can be found 13,000,000 ACRES! Chertp Faxms f The cheapest Laud io markej for aale by tho UNION PACIFIC RAIL ROAD CO. In tlx flpLutl'latte Valley. . 3,000,000 Aerck In Central Ncbranka Now for rale in tra, of forty oret and upwards on Ku and tin years' credit a. a ner No lulraiiee tiiterwt reipnn-1 . lild m:d liealthful cll-sie, fertile aoi anabnod nm-ii ui go.wl water, M.uEi .unr IN TTTB W The pre it nifailnir lom of Wyomlne Colrtri,lo' TTtjiiT SOLDIrJRS ENTH'H'"I) TO A UOUE. i STEAD OF 1G0 ACUES. " CUE BUST LOCATIONS iQK 'COLONI: ft. FKKK 11011 FHFOH ALL! Million, or acre, of rliniee Ijlnd open for entry im.jor lmH ,,,-,., nauruau, Witi H"oa ninrrtufcil ail the ooavenlenoea of n old seltli d i ollliti y. Fmi tmrau, io nnrchapers of Kallroad Und. Netional M.,,w m.mvi,,,. t,0 lMll , e.111 .,ef IWn,iva I'amphlel will, new Mapa Mailed r'reu i,ips ' . Audi'iua t wit coniis.sioNERrKpDK.T' OVAIM, NKO. hi. con!". K:rJiwyuw JOBBING DEPARTMENT: Wa have s laree and Well reelected atock ol Jobbing winter I a, embiadni; the very latest nylea. We are therelore tumbled to execute Job Work of evefy variety in a aatlsractory manner when deaired, jobs will be neatly printed la Coloio Shipping Bills Poiti-H, . Hana-BilU. Fiogrammci, ,k- ' '. ' ' ' ' , IIUlHMf Fare. ,- liabe AND Main-St., Petroleum Centre, t Kot'ps on hand a full Mntjof House Furnishing Goods, Boston Fat. CoepIi Tula, CasiBf, Gas Pipe anii Filtins, New Bedford Bolt Rope Cables and Sand Pump Lines, RUBBER BELTING, FORKING BARRELS, TUBING AND PACKING, VALVES.- CASING ANU HOSE, . VALVE CUPS, CLAMPS lanterns, Lantern tilobrs, Carpenter's Tools, ALL KIMJS OF UKASS GOODS, Extra Winter Strained Lard Oil,. Johnson tfe Barrett's Lubricating Oil, No. 1 Refined Oil, The Novelty and Eureka Clothes Wrirgcra, tho bent in use, With a full line of Table and Pocket Cutlery, and Silver Plated Spoona and Forka, STOVES,. "STOVES ! BualncH and lulling Cnrdn, ; ; L BTTBKJHBAD8, " . ? '. J ' i . BILLHEADS, ' t ,?', BILLS OF LADING, Etc?, Ku am or Fancy Styles, neatly and promptly ezccn: led, embracing INVITATIONS riKCrri.AHS PKOGRAMMKS n fact, every varictv and atvlo of wor In letter pn-aa pr:niiu. ' . ' '' . Merehints. tawyers. .TiMtleea of the Peare, T.and A-ji'iitg. on Dealer, nnd Aieiit., 1tii.ii ranee Ai!ent. Kxpreesmi n and other partiea lu want, are fniormnl ii'i'i vV. I,tl,ared to exurate to onlerall kinds ot ai'iiiitv ,u,'uuo or '"X'', it quired lo'.blnT 'mwni.if r,oectrnllv solli-ited. Tr'pfvV0 2n-fl"'','',Ji"sECOND-IlAND 1 n. .sl.,r."m 25 "' -'l per toot luuiu-jiuwio 8r.lola order April 23. tf. y n. WAnxi:K all yi ZZtoXErS: . "?ATIN(i, STOVES cannot be excelled In the oil replon. Aa aii nt n ,i V.VinlT "uv","; ul fovea vj roan tifacltirer, lam enabled to still aeti at mil nrioM. Thnau Hii,inn i A . itn Zi,tZ n . i j " 7 B" me wny oi a uook or ileal Dg Stove will do well to call and examine my .lock, ol wbich tbe lullowiou is a a partial liat; T' America Cook Stove! Witb reservoir tnd warming clotet, a fiist clan Stove for bard coal or wood. I II K II fcLH, H .and 31IEA T II K L, P llCook, a cheap first class Stove ........... .irua .an warmuiK closet, lor bard or soft Coul Vim lllen-Cook; a cheap tirst clasa Stove, for bard or sTt coal Iron CJam Cook, a arp benvy and dnrnble Stove for soft enl ' Stove and iZ pZe """" CU'UDr"e" " iXt a,Ule " 8oofl riipper Cook, for hard or soft coal, a small hut exoelieot Stove and verv cbean Mllllicaota Cook, a wood Slovo witb elevated oven. 7 P' :MY LINE OF PARLOR' HEATERS cannot be excelled: The Diving Fin Light Hniim of 1T4-Thl is n beantlfni self rA.e The BUIOUW-i new self ieeder Parlor Heater with m.II grate und Hlnm Heat,, wilh shahlng Are Fa.en, and VA&?rJSi&zr beauilf'" nd lloiINf LigUt-Achoau cylinder Siovev.-ith mill erate ' lllise A sheet iron cylinder stove, very clieao . ., .ly A small sell feeder and quite cheap " HlaikSwail-A parlor cook s'ove wit;, oven lorco,., l"uiu-A cheap dinini room Stove. ' ,0r C " ' Hem A obeap bed room t-tove. " IVlirl-A oheap cylindur Stove, for hard or soli coal. volcano A lurge heatlne Stove i,... j . j j SALAMANDER A derrick stove. GUlH? iTr atvb 7 "cU aml aeiuve. uL,tniv HLA1ER tor stores uuil oillces. MANUFACTURER OF m, SHEET JROI. AND COPPER WARE SMOKE STACKS MADE TO ORDER Sed are Repairing of all kinds dor e v. it h neat.nc3 and disjiatch. - : tub TORPEDO PATEHT Si; lloberf vs. Mcliol-as G The follnwlnc Is the decision rendmd), ' McKennan, at May Term of tho Circuit cfoen above case: .' . t tiie Clietiit Court of the Untied States, t, the Western District of Pcnnirylvanli..! ?.. " Knbcrts va. Nicholas Goer No i v. ! 187. In Hqnlly ' . 1 , NovemUrai. 187J, Bill Iliad and t,' ' .nod. i f . Nulipo'tiaar.d notice of application k. ary Injunction served. " ' ' if December 13. Wtl t.,lln f. I , -" e'curanat: junction heard, and tho Court helng duly ijj- llin nrcioi...., tl.BHl,,n.l.... . l" " " j" ..nuiut-u asprij inu owno ireu. , January 1 11 1M7H. Inlunetlon iwm,l .. Sllthdoyof January ludlctnioi.t served peru,, ana ny copy. Mnv 2-1 )N7K. Kule ij.noil lr ,li.,io .. cause whyallnchmcnt should not Issno forcoM ' . iuiiiiiiK ,ii,iuii;liuii sou uuiy serrifl , , June 2d. 1H78. Hnle fur attnehmni t. ,m. came on to be heard, and after argument or cot pro and con, the Court lwlng full adrlwd it a premises, the Hnle Is made absnliu. ...i ,i. tence of the Comt Is, that the snld dcSnaUs, S olns Goyer, tie linpilosened In the oomnioti J,i i Allegedly Connty for and dtirlui? the term ok, days, and that lie pay the coats of tula pi, IngJ June 2d, 183. Commltent isf nei The It-junction 111 this case as a,r Mri.... ' of the Kolierta' patent of No. (called ili n, i. eut), for incr.aslng the prodtictlvencis of oil t Tho act of Infringement for which the dt-feufe win commuted los contempt, consisted in titt Alexandra nacnr In ixplodlun,. well, being the same act of lnlrl,,p, mem forvu ilanmr was also committed lu :he ci.e No. 3, s' vember Term, lstiii, aa belorc stated. The Court .McKennan, J., a.ter delivering i opinion in the Hnmar case, proceeded to Mute: Nic'io as Gcyer for contempt, aud delivered tbe I owing ernl opinion: .In the case of Nicholas Gcyer charged i;lif same offense, I am ortiroly satbflid Unit tlicre. ii 'lie present, in iuo iieata well at least. At Hj Intimatut to the counttl in the cnuru nf th, mtvt, the prrunct nf Ittiitl in (Ac writ, lrlll, . timlor not, it an infrinftnent tf tin paten!, one imachnf theinjmictinnnf the Court. 4 1 sir Hobcrts, liy bis patent nscs as one of thtc clpal elements of his invention fluid tanipit", a wncruvor mere la Ould suHlcJent in a well, tt i time of the explosion oX a torpedo, to optrjti si tamping, whether It (rets there natnrally or li it there artificially, his patent Is infilnited. Tlnsi. clearly the case In reunrd to the Heals well. 1 Hut Mr Geyer seems to have hen mi?W J, Tlamnr. who to:d him that he merely wnntol ninlic n n experiment ; and 1 do not think, thl I. lug the first time, that he ought to be very rcrm punished. tie ) is najndieil guilty of contempt atd rrdc ij i mis, ,rt:e-niiTg nnu unoerr an imprisonment in the cnuntvjnll for ten ton' I hope tbia will be the Inst of tbeie case.; liio' conatr.ined to Impose such nnnlshment'as will ik. to make the decree of the Court eflucinnl. I June TT-la ! s ext. gf It. T. Verm.rly with HBLMBOLn. ) faJ3l K KEABNEY'S FLUID CXTRAOT BUCHU la the only Known Bemedf for Blights Di aae and has cured every saw of Diabetes I which It has been given, Irritation of tbe Net of the Bladder and inflammation ot the Kidney Ulceration of Uib Kidneys and Bladder, Betel Men of Urine, Diseases of the Prostate Glut . Stone In tbe Bladder, OravaL Brick Duet Deport and Mucous or Milky Diactuugee, and for I teeblad and Delicate Oonatitotiana of both Ben attended witb the foUowln symptom. : La ot Fewer, Loss of Memory, Diffleuity of Brut) ing. Weak Merves, Wakefulness., Pain in tl Back, Flu.hlngof the Bodyruptionoa the F Pallid Countenance, Laaaitude of tbe (System, et Uaed by persona in the daslliw or change met alter confinement or labor p&ins, bud-we ting in children, etc. . In many atleotlons peculiar to ladles, tbe Hi tract Buohu is uneqnalsd by any other remedr Aa in (Aloroeis or Retention, Irregularity, Pail fulness or Suppression of Customary Evacuation Ulcerated or H chirms state of the Uterus, Let corrhcea or Whites, Sterility, and for all eon tions of both sexes and all ages. KEABNEY'S EXTRACT Ba7CBT JHteatn AHrina firm ImpndeM EaUtu pflMiripatlon, Ate., In all their atag es,i uttla expenso, little or no change in diet, bo b convenience, and no exposure. It causes a nt fluent desire, and give strength to UrinaK thereby removing Obstructions, Preventing an Curing Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying p and Inflammation, so frequent in thia cuss of oil eases, and exptaiinf all Puiaoasos matter, -KEARNEY'S EXTBJaCT BXCHt 1.00perbottleorslxhettlesfor$.00,dolivere to any addra, secure from observation, bold' druggists everywhere. Prepared by , KBAHNET CO., 104 Duane St., K. t to whom all letters for information abosld t addreated. Avoid Quacks and Impostors Jfe Charge for Advise and Oonanitatloa. Dr.J.B. Dyott, Graduate of Jtgvtm Media ColUgt, Philadelphia, author of aeveral yeiuaU works, can be conanlted on all diseases of t Bexual or Urinary Organs, (which be hss ma' an especial study) either in male or female, 11 matter from what cause originating or of bo' long standing. A practice of SO yean enabli him to treat disease with success. Cures gu anteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a dli tauce can forward letter describing eyupten and enclosing atamp to prepay postage. Bend fur the (hade to HetMK Price 10 cents J. h. DYOTT, M.i., Physician and Bar"0 tut Duane t.. New York, AdVftliBo in the liKcoKii.