The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, July 25, 1873, Image 2
Fetroled n Centre Daily Record' el. ; Centre, PU. Friday, July 35 Uivine wnrvlce. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Service every fcSabbuth at 11 A. M. and i'i P. M. Sabbath clinol at 12 P.M. .etits free. A cordial Invitation extend d to nil. Kkt. G. Mmorh, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHUIlCn. Preaching al'ir. o'clock "A. M.. nnd'7 o'clock P. M.,y l'as'or, w- C. noncii- abd. Sabbatn School at 12J,- directly alter loreoona frorvicf.' Prayer M4ini and Sabbath School Teac'n-r's Meeting Tuesday evenings ol acb week. Petroleum Centre Lodge, No. T1S, I.O. olO. F. Regular meeting night Friday, at 7 o'clock, Signer). W. B; MONTGOMERT, N..O. C. it. BAit.KT, A Sec'y. Him of meeting, Mala St., opposite icCiiutock House. ' A. . O. Of L. VV. , Liberty Lodue No. 7, A. O. of U. W., meets every Monday o'clock, n Odd Fallow's Ilnll, Petroleum Centre, l'eno'a. , , Jamks Wii.sok, M. W. , I JiMta 6. Whitr. K. LO, of It. M. ' . Minnekannee Trine No. 183, I, 0. R. M of Petroleum Coat re, meets every Thursday evenlni in Good Templar's Hall. 5T" Council lires llubied at 7 o'clock. H. nOWE. Sacbem. . C. L JL'KKS,, Chief ol Record. Golil t 1 p. in. II5?a SPLCIL .MEETING-. Saturday eve's .Inly 20, 7.1 a. o..of u. w. For therirprtse of conferring the dci'ive- ot.,,Uonor on. Mis- ter Workmen, , their -Wifes. Daughters, Sisters and Moth- thera. ... JAMfe WIL"ONm; w james srwnrrfi.'Rec'i., . ; Another II I Well. Our townsman, Mr. S. yA. Woods Is.ono more Id Inck, as the following dispatch ex' plains: Greece City, Pa., July 2510:30 a. m Ed. Rkcobd). v t j ,... vjj . woods and Ripley well No. 2 doing two bnndred aod fitly barrels per day. Greece City not played out'.' ' " - " Wh. P. Blickmon, Supt. Mr. Woods Is at present In town and from bill) we learoJha(,tbe Mots rjtruek the and yesterday tfterfcooj, and that for tbe first even hours and half it flowed fifty-seven end a half inches lu a tank tbe dimensions of which we did Dot learn, bnt the amonn of oil was 130 barrels'. TOe .well is located near Greece City, on ' ".fllty ; acre trio, owoed in fee by Mr. Woods. It is nearly 1,470 feet Upi bas 87 fV f SMd sand rock, and Was drilled by Ed. MoDermott,ao old Petroleum Centre driller, in the short space ofC5 days. ' ; We congratulate our friend Woods on bis geod luck; 1 May tt continue. ' ! I Old "time's rocks" himself, Quertermas ter Air. Myers,; 9 St. Tatersburg, is town today. All", is as jolly and good ne ureu as over, in root tue "old woll " never looked less a wolf then' at 'present. II always welcome here. A,ln't that so, Quar- wrnusteri Tha new we'll owned by tbe Columbia boys, and located on tbe Pierce farm, upper Benaehoff Sun, . Jas torpedoed jeslerday nd the production materially Increaied. Jas. Ilerrick,,li a allgnm eo rout to the Celestial Gily, otherwise Kane City. Ho denominates Rousevllle as' lb Slough of Despond, (ros tha fact that be "stopped off' then and .av compelled to turn street walker for the want; oK 4 gnBtfy allow be never was served so mean in bis lifetime, consequently he propose! to put , up hereafter either at Petroleum Centre or the Celestial City. ' ' i , hi i j.' We areintormed from tetiaole sources hat tbe Warren k, Veoango Railroad Com pany are only awaiting tbe result ol tbe da ciston io tbe injunction served on tbera by the Oil Creek Railroad, to go ahead with the work of building the road down tbo Cieek. Thii suit will be decided tn a'fow days. It Is tbe Intention to connect with tbe Jamestown 4 Franklin Railroad ut Oil Clly, and from ttenoe it . tDe Intention to tan a branch to the lower oil region. "Wherearetbe neu 0f 'Ttir-shouted a s'limp-oralor "Des,)" ..ij . i u a sua t;t e, . We have been favored with a copy of ti e Bismarck Tribune published at Bismarck, Dakota Territory. This Is located at, if not the '-end ol tho world," at least the end orcivllizition In the direction of the Rocsy mountains. - Bismarck Is an enterprising littls town o( about tbres hundred inhabitants, but grow, log fast, lis socieiy Is not the most select, but the men are all enterprising, and able 10 rnn several establishments at once, even 11 tbey are of different characters, as witness the to How Ing ltm from the piper: Llmpy Jack is Secretary of the Sunday school oritanigitm i at Jamestown. He is finely eduoated in to and a thorough sa- oon keeper believ tbl It requires some hint In addition io the whiskey interest to build up a town. The editor denies the following Item pub lished In the St Paul Dispalcb: Oo each side of the clergymen, farobsnks were io steady operation, and though the players were quietly intent on tbeir busi ness, yet the rattling of tbeir ivory chip, was distinctly to be beard in the pauses of the prayer and sermon. Ooe of the lucky im biers said he admired the pliyrk of tbe gospel sliDfe."Dd it a hat had been passed lor him be would bave dropped in a big slake off bis pile of chips. lie says lb it church was held In a hall originally erected for a gambling salooo but now used lor all publio purposes, lie also says of a man who shot another; "although gambler, be is very much of a gentle- mad." Tbe visitors at the printing office are very select, as we read that among the callers, was "Bear's Ear, a noble led man, who lool'. over. too presses wilb a great deal ot in terest," Buildings go up very rapidly In Bismarck. People who bave lived through (be winter in tents are now ereotlng bouses. The fol lowing item will give some idea pf the build ings there and bow tbey are "rusbed up:' Tbe Tribune building 2930 was com, rneuexd Wednesday morning; by Saturday completely enclosed, windows, doors, and floor in and the office, including a Taylor Cylinder Press and a Quarter Medium Got don Jobber, set up ready for business, and one and a half columns of type lor tbe papor set. And thus the new city is built up. Ooe year ago the first building was started, and new seventy are ereoted. and io two months heice, tt will bojst of 2,500 inhabitants. Vankeenergy, perseverance and enterprise is developed everywhere, and soon hundreds of such towns will be springing up along tbe various railroad routes ol tbe great west. We bave neglected to mention tbe fac that those ol our subscribers who do not de sire in pay tbe Increased postage can be accommodated at this office, ip other words tbey can get tbeir papers here Iree of post; age. Tbe carrying trade over tbe Oil Creek Railroad at present ii immense, especially in coal and lumber. A domestio row case from Plumer was to have been before tbe Jnstice tbls morning, but was continued for one week at tbe re. queatol the defendant. When It comes o we shall report. Oil appears to be a trllle Armor today. . Col. Whittlesey, we are pleased to learn Is doing a thriving business in tbe manu taoture ot Valve Cups. The cups made by him are by far the beat Io tbe market. The Union City Oil well. The Times says tbe rig is nearly comple, led Io sink another well at Union City Tbe well is being put down under tbe an pervision of Captain J. D. Phillips, an old greaaer who thoroughly understands the business. It adds of the Hrst well struck Tbe water well which was put down three weeks since by Messrs. Poor & Slranaham is still producing oil in email quantities, despite the weight of Boveotj-two feet water Io the tubing, which naturally bas a lendancy to render tbe oil modest end re tiring. Were it not for its close proximity io ine . valuable mill property tbls well would be teedliaggedand turned to account, as experts id ine on Business pronounce it a sevenbarrel well in epbryo, needing nothiug but proper treatment to make it very profitable. Tbls may .be done yet i tbe necessary procauttoos against fire are taken.' That there is oil bore, and that of tbe most valuable quality, Is demonstrated If yuud doubt. , A lotirleeu-feet well recently unk Id tbe yard of a private bouse, sltua ted some ten rods from tbe site of tbe new oil well, produced a considerable quantity ot this heavy oil, and it " crops out" various places fn the valley of tbe Atlantic and Great Western Ilullroad at this point noeiner tbe oil will be found Io paying quantities remains to be tx-s. : 1 A Scranton household Is enjoying an eta cf peace. The lady of the bouse put ber t'm;iietofHt-lrontOBe If it was bot- A Man and Two Children Pois oned. John Snyder and John Feremnn bvn lor some time past occupied different apar . menu in the same home in Springfield, ad joining tbe Borough of Butler. Foreman some time since banished bis wile from sis habitation and has since been working on tbe affeotlons of Soydei's wife, apparently wilb too great success. On Sunday morn ing last, Snyder, after drinking part of a cup of coffee became suddenly sick and went to bed, after which lao or bis clillilieu drank tbe remainder of the coffee und also beomeslck. Dr. Bred in was sent lor and at ooce asserted that Snyder and bis ch dreo bad partaken of poison. Suspicion at once rested on Formin and be and Snyder's wife wero arrested and Io Iged in the IJutler j jail. At this time ol writing this article it Is thought tbe poisonedipersnns will all re cover. John Snyder Is ralher a good look log, hearty, inoffensive man. Foreman b always been a kind of an out-lnw club footed, real footed "dwarf nothing prepos sing or captivating about blni. Eveiy per son is surprised that anything in the Bliupe or form of a woman should fall in coucolt ol sucb a specimen of humanity, and it is tru ly astoniBhtng that Mrs. Snyder should as sist In an attempt to take the life of her husband and at the same lime destroy ber childrea for tbe sole ' purpose of becoming the companion of such an ill-looking, ill-be avo. depraved, God-forsaken wretch as John Foreman. Astonishing things trans pirlDg now-ardaye; but most astonishing indeed would tt seem, if an ill looking, il literate wretch like John Foreman could prevail oo any woman to assist to niurder ber husband and children In order Io be. come ber life long companion and associate Report says this Is the third attempt which as been made by tbe parties arrested to take the life ol Snyder. Oilman's Journal List ol Grand Jurors drawn for tho Fourth Monday of August, 1373. Allegheny II J Dunham. Canal A Y White. Cranberry Ilirum Munross, II J Sayers, T C BuroB. Cooperstowo Augusta Kochler. Ciierrytiee Johnson T Curry. Emlenton Samnel A Cravvlord. Franklin Benj S Vincent, Wilson Smith Itwin Samuel Kilgore. Jacksoo Jacob Pizer.. Mineral Enoch Buckley. Oakland Marlon Tbomus, Geo W Wi ber. Petroleum Centre Samuel Reynolds, l'inegrove Thomas Petry. Plnmer H Caldwell, II Culbertson. Richland J F Agnew. ScrubgrasJ A J Gordon. Sugarcreek T J Moffotl, Murray M'Cal moot. Sandycreek Hiram Graham. List of Traverse Jurors drawn for li e Fourth Monday of August, 1S73 Canal Hiram Boughner, Peter Stover. John Heffren Clinton A D Williams, Win Dnii.-heriy. Cranberry Frank Diamond, Powell Stover Cooperstown O D Watterman Emlenton Cbas Babsi, Jackaon Ilulde man Franklin Phillip Smiley, Robert Brad ley, Peter M'Gough, James Henry, J II Smith, Tbos Ellis, E C Cochran Frencbcreek Henry Risinger, Joba A Stewart. Alex Crawford Irwin G W Ford. T R Eakin, J F Hen derson, Jacob Lambert Jackson David Wilson Mineral A Sampson, GeoC Culcball, Andrew Wbann Oakland M illoo Kean, Joseph Folwell, Jobn Ward Oil City Wra Fair, Alfred OrmsloD Pinegrove L G Rosenberry Pitbole Norman S White Pleaaantville J D Johnson, David C Eakin Petroleum Centre Jas Pollock, Thomas UcUugh. Rockland James Morril, Anthony Knox Altrea smedley, Knbert Melat, Sr Rouseville L H Armsrong, N Coop Scmbgrass Kerr M'Bride, S R Eakin Sugarcreek John L M'Calraoot, Win Brown, Geo Rhodes, James K Miller band ycreek Jesse It Williams, Sam'l uovis, j t I'erry. nugh Lemmon, a boy aboni sixteen years of age, was drowned in tbe Allegheny river at Brilliant stalioo oo tbe Allegheny Valley Railroad, while bathing on Saturday alternoon. He was taken with cramp and drowned in four feet of water, lie was rescued in lens than ten minutes and (he usual means of restoration employed but without avail. A colored comet baud has ed at Oil City. been organ ii What was the proverb that King Lear heard Imm tbe lips of bis two daughters! Gj father and fire worse. The Thompson Bros., have gone into partnership with Kuls. Crawford in the mill at Petroleum Centre, m tho manufao ture of oak plauk, nod our friend Jumei Haggarly, lormerly of Lacytown has accept ed the posillnn of head sawyer on tbe mill. All these gentlemen have our best wishes. Henry Shoemaker and Will Hillings killed a rattlesnake, on Wednesday last, at the mouth of Tubus' Run. Tbe reptile measur ed three feet mid eiiiht Inches in length, and strurk twice at Shoemaker before it wue kllbd. ' Geo. Sawyers' oldest daughter, while playing, on ThursJity last, by tome means put her h'fi wrist nut of joint. She it car. ry lit g tbe Injured member loiliog now, n ml it will be a long time ere she bas the ful use nl It ugnin Forett Republican. Old Job was a quiet old man, but somehow loo loud of tbe bottle. When I n cups his ideas tended toward theological initii'M, wtito i no always avoiueu in ma av ber moments. It was Saturday afternoon (Connecticut banking duy) and bis good wile wanted sumo woou lor me oven. Joe, 1 do wish you would go abd split some wood; here it is nearly two o'clock, and tbe Ore isn't made. Joe went out to execute bis commlsssion. and feating bis physical condition was weak, marched to tbe neighboring tavern to forti fy bimself therein. 1U returned borne ut terly oblivious to all ibings ave bis pet theories. Sealing bimself oo a chair, be aid: '1 env (hie Wane, do (Mc) you think (biol the Lord (hie) means to burn us all (hie) up in-fire !" li s venerable spouse, being exceeding irate, did net answer. Again be repeated tbe qnestion. Still on ominous silence. "Wife, do you tbink the Lord means to burn us all up in fire everlasting ?" "No 1" said tbe now thoroughly aroused housewife; "no, you eld fool, out if be waits lor you to split tbe wood 1 A militatry aldermao, captain of a voluo teer corps, was ordering blj company to fall back, in order to dress wltb tbe lino, and gave the word, "Advance three paces back wards. ! March I" A Japauese paper tbioks lDl the paper maniiUcturore ui that country will soon be able to supply tbe American market. It is stated that the "late Jobn Carpen ter. of Maiauetle, Mich., knocked tbe athes out of bis pips on tbe bead of a keg of blastiug powder." Isaao N. Patterson & Brot tier's olotbing store, in Mitchell's block, was entered by thieves on Monday night, and clothing and ju voiiy to the amutiDt of five hundred do' l.r.c.irie,l olf. Tbe entrance was mad' tnroiuii a bicli window. Bck windows of stores ought to be made safe, especially I wlu-ri they are in situations affording coir calinent to burglars anil au unmolested op nor t mi n v to ureaK inrougn ana steal. was i lie o.u-e iu this Instance. Venango btleclulor. When auiikespeare's mother wished blm to con. em a theft, what distinguished char acter did she bold up before him! Wily liain Tell The dressing-gowo is the most lasting o all garments; it is seldom woru out. A burglary occurred at Modoe Clly, new oil town in tbe lower region, oo tbe tha night of the 9ib Inst. The residence of Jo seph Sutton was entered and $72 io money and other articles stolen. The thieves were aTrested. A BEAUTIFUL $S CIIKOMO FREE To All Liover of Art and Ltlt cruture S Wo will send the lleantifal Chromo entltlrd "The Li. welcome Visitor " postage prepaid as a nrcmium to every subscriber to our moathly magazine culled Uie umble B ee. coutuinfng 3i lores pagos healdee th cover, filled with the beat and most lutenstlog rwuling. Prlc only U A YEAR ! ISond on your dollar, and (at a dollar magazine and an ciht dollar chromo In return. W want and will liberally pay. AGENTS, Bond stamp for particulars- Address UimBLiU NEE, Alblou, Illlno!a MOTHCIE I Go to V7A. LOZlEli, Uli Strcet,near 11. It. track, tor your BEXZIXE, deliv vri'd at thcvelh for 1,75 nr Barrel. Pettolt'uta Centre, t eb. fith 1 1. Local Aotlcen. 1ST Tbe Tost Office Newsroom SMi j Fountaia is now running io full blu Call and try a glass of lot cool anda wait, Dlcken'a "Box" Just issued In paper cover by the Teif,. sons. I'rlce 23 cenis, and lor Siie at u, Post Office Newsroom. Taken I'p. j On the premises t Henry French, oit the depot, Pilhole Oily, about niue -raonHi ince, n ri unu wuun uow un six yean Id. The parties owning said oow ars soil. I Bed Io c.ill and settle charges and take hit ' way, or sne will be solo) as ine law dlrecn. I'llhole City, Jttly 1. ihi3. FOItSAliET A desirable bouse on lite Kgtxrt Fun. For particulars enquire at the Post Office. SEND FOll CATAIaJGIJK ' Novello's CheapMusic. Uovello . (.lees. lUrt Hongs, elo ' B tn VI mai Novella's Clnireil Music ti to l'J cent . NOVELl.O'SOOl'AVO EDITION OK Ot'KKAS. I'rlce, $1 ;or ti, bound la ulntli, tflt nip NOVEI.LO'S OCTAVO EIHTIONIOKOKAToKIt). S. . In paper, from 60 certs to , f 1; , olotb, with gi;i i idgae, $1 to f'J each. , , ... . NOVELLO'S dieapEDlTIONS: Bach's 48 Preludes and Fugues, riotli :,0iT Itaitlmviira Xt tauata. liUiitully )itmd. uii . Kilt , i Sol) Bcetbuvi it's 31 Piano Pieces. ,. KJegant bound . r nil ' cm - 8Hli i a ' i 2tll Jin i( 'li i t :u Chopin's Valsea Ht Iff paper covers . Chopin's Polonaises. " Cliiiptu'a Nocturnes. " Cliopiu'aMaziiikns. " " ClKipiu's lUilads. " , " i nopin s rieiim(. :t Choplo'a touala " ' . " Meiidelssolm'S I'omnlete Pinao' Works. ElevU i Folio Editioi . tun Kilt. Complete In 4 voli.VC lu : I re same. evu. Xulltrllt Coinplein in 4 wil4Uu . Tha snmc. 8 vii. I aper CLmpletn In 4 vi l-lllii Mendelssohn's Songs wilhout Words Kulio Kcllllm j Mill KM .... . ' uetuvo r.awion runeni ariF. Octavo Knititfii. I'aner covers tl.'n Mozart's 18 -Miuatiw. Klenaurtv Imuud. Vijl! Rib . . . ' Acnnueri s J" nonaios. cieeaany n mnl. fm el It am grtmliert.s Dances' Complete E!epanlly M14 nui nut ' an Stilus r"s Piano Places ' Elegantly bound. Hl cut 9 to Hchnmann'a Forest Scenes. Jv'ine Etisy Piu-n Faner covens. m fuhmnaun' Piano forte Album. Ulsgmitly limn rail ni , ... . s mutuuiia. raper covers r i t lu OR NATIONAL NITRHKItV.rtH Y.TIF Set to Music by J W. Eltjqtt, with M bnnitlm lllllstratlona ruaraved hy the hmtuers llslxlel. uuurus, inu. r-punuiuiy pouna lu ciutB. cm edges, (3 M ASK FOR NOVlil.I.O'S EDITIONS Addre.s. J. I PK'l'BUS, fititl llrtmdwny. New York, Agent tin Xovelln's Cheari JlliiHr New Qpods. Emel ZotKvich. ( "UTTLE JOE."; BOOT AnD SHOE MAKER, Has just retuir;ed couiplt le Block ut Irom Ruff.ilo wilb I Fall anil Winter Goods. Has been estnlilishr iu PejIiiNrrc (liiielu! past three jeans and has llie nameof j Mnkins the Best Fit and Finest JSoot In the Oil Ite elona. I He is constantly reeeMng orders from other ate i lion. 01 ine uu iukiuim. j lis constantlj keeps on hand j Iteady-nmde Iioots,& Shocs LADIES' AkD CHILDREN'S ' .: ' A SllOIiS AND GAITERS. OAIX AND SKF ijm., hmi:l zkuw icii. 'I'll., Heefcwtill $40 Portable Fiimlir : Kcwliiff machine, on :iO liuya 'I rial: I many auvanuiKes over all. haiifiactiou giiaianteeu or fio rerundid. Sent eomnlele. wltli lull direr- i tions. Heckwlth bewlng Machine Cat ,H6'i BroodlW I new i ora. A CPWTC everywhere Io suit i nr new and OAU IO Einbniideriiig Mucliino. send for lis WANTliDtrnted Oln-ular, ttho JscKoe Mann A. Ac G. W. RAiliWAY. FRANKLIN BRANCH. .,. '- Time Table adopted Norem ber 4, lHt'2. r.1 . - N'OHTUWAKD: OIHIiy. Franklin. , Mesdv'H Kiprus ............. K 8( a m Il.iMam ti40sm Moil i t4Hom . luim , 4tB Accunintedatlon..ll.M) am. l.'M p iu 4 is) p I Acumiinodatiou... H.St) p m Slopui ll lBp1" SOUTHWABD: Nendv'ie" Franklin.' Oil W E (press.. 11.411 am. it 04 a m M..HI a I Mail 14311 pin . lTym tpa Accom odiuion... T.iKl a m 10 30am 11 la J Express ... 410 pm, fljrt p m 1.10P f L. D. BAIl'tW. Gan'l Kupt- I N. B. Time 35 minute, slower than till Crt J Ra lway time. . t .Q . . Ii. 8. V AI. til. RAILWAY. FKANKLIN DIVIflOK. . Sunday, October 57, WISTV.-ASD TKAtSS. Franklin. Jamestown 7 M a m 11.31 im 10 00 am ' aJS p iu 6 SO p aa SASTWiaB TSAINS Jamrstown. . Tranklin 13.85 p m . 1 P m Oil City. 7 W a m 91? am 2.35 p iu Cleveland. 7 45 a m am Clevelsoi P" Oil Cl V atop 11 3H a i ina 8 30 a m 8.'.'S am