The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, July 23, 1873, Image 3
0, Vi- P- X B. Warner DKALEIl IN XltCOND-flAND All Casing, EiiBino", Doileri, and ........ OIL WEl'li SUPPLIES. HIGHEST CASH PBICE PAID FOR OLD U ROPE, IRON and IJKAlSS. Jra-Havlne recently peircaaaed a New and 1m JSZi I PIPS OOTTItf MACHINE, I a-n prepa.-- !3w1nri..dt 'l .iior Pip. and Caaing from w inch to 8 1-4 inch. d..hlnctou-Nt.. Nearly opp. Hoch- apr5 U. 5i,OCHMOKOAN'MONH SVPQLIO : j pvfnt wash ID 1 bo d purposee. cloucR- SA.'PQLIO rrcitmine your Bout will save. Ike labor ol one eleaol ng. Give it a trial. ttrg or Wntti. No Hanoiing cue. Ul" and carpe't, cnatand WwrfaJ te entire housei better than P No I spins. Hares labor Yuii can t afford to be wlthont It. SAP OLIO cratch. SAP OLIO I. hitter than Soap and Bund tor poliahtn? Tinware. Brightens with- oat scratching. S AP OLIO PultonM U ran) and Copper menu la better than Acid ec uu aud HoUcil Htono. SAP OLIO for Weening Dlsheaand Olasswnici la Inralnabla Cheape thau Soap. Sapolio remoTea HUlra from Marble Munte.a, Tables, and Statnary, frmu Ilardrlnlahed Walla, and from Chi na and Porcelain s a r.o no removes rttaina ana uro-n HI from Carpets awl other woven fab ric. , , There article) known that Wllll-o-o marar f work and jd It M well kapollo. Try if IiANP' R A P 11 L 1 0 new and wonderfulell'.-c We Toll t op, having no equal in conntxv or a'TonJ. HAND S A P 0 h 8 0 a an aiiidc for the liath, ''ruichr the fuondatiou" of nil dirt, open the pores and eives a hvslthv ac- I lion aua.nriiiiaiii tinw u,v aiviu HAND SAPOLl'O Cleanses and beautifies the Skin. In atantly removing miy wtnln or 11 lh from both hands r.nd fiice HAND S A P H I. 0 la without a rlviid In tno world for cnrlngor prevoitliie rouglmeai and and feliapiilut' of f lther hands or race. HAND S A P 0 I . 0 removes '1 a7, l'itoh, Iron or Ink Htalna and IKaine ano urotis?; i"i w"'""'- ' Machine SIMpa, auniw, c , i; n valuable or iniklnc! the 8kl WMlmmnA lOnft. ftlld llnntT tO it ' bluom offbmiity ' It is ed by auy (Cof metio Jinown HAND s ip n L i o coatB 10 Ao 15 o iiih i.T cake, mid t'Teryoony abouia uavi' it i ou n io likelt DON'T FAIL TOTRY THESE GOODS Bnjr if or roa mcrrhnnt if lie lia It of will ornKiIra It for von. ' If mil then wrltx fJnur IHlllililcl. " l abont Hapolla.'fi aud II wll bo mailed a rev, ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS, SO PfcHK PLACE, N Y WAK Ti'OKall wlimre wllllnc to work. Any neiw X old or fcnnz. of either x. can mnk from $111 to S3U per jffi-eek, at home day or evriniug. Wanted by all. Soliable to either City or Count rv, and any ajawn of he year. Thl la a rare o))pmtiiDity for ttaoie ab t. aru out of work, and out . f nionov, to niake ajh Independent liTlni;. No cnplial hninft ronuirerf; o,r fainphlet, -'FlOW TO MARK A Vn JPO i lvlnu lull Inatriictiona, aint ou receipt jreu jtoari-M, a. nunru.ii & uo., MurrlH "A ileelrsblo reiideneeoo the Kcbertfnrm Wood wattr bandy. Everj.modern oonveD' fiance, n in oe aoia enesp. Enquire ot . OWEN GAFNEY. fttroltura Centre, Maj 7, 1873. U sCream! s Proclamation to the Citterns of I'd, Centre and Vicinity: R.A.LOZIER, Washington-St. . Fi or your pure Ice Cold Soda Water )ravn from Long's Silver Port able Fountain. No acid or gas to destroy the stomach, and the best and finest of FLAYOKIXGYRITS. have Ma") fitted up In clngant Piyln throuchont, ft uw -ADIEU' midO-NTS ICE CREAM PARLOR. Confectionery, Confectionery OF ALL KINDS. TIIE FINEST ASSORTMENT EVER BROUGHT TO TOWN. Two Donra Above) Nobel V Aucr liului'a Dry Good Store. Gl VK MR A CALL. R. A . IiOZIEK. Pot. Centre, May SI, lK7iJ--tf. For Sale Cheap One 40-IIorse Boiler, Gibbs & Kussell make, One 12-Hor-e Engine in good condition, 800 feet Casing. 1,000 feet tubing, :Jfl0 feet Sucker liods, Valves, Working Barrels, fcc. yllso, one Derrick and Kig complete. The above property will be sold cheap for cash. For particulars enquire ot A. (i. HAurtiU, Kane uuy, Veuango County, I'a A. G. HARPER. KanoTlty, June 17 1873 tf KENW00D.oOrhiffo.!B0YS Presenta atrnni" ai traction to pirents and punr dlms. A pluasant home; thnniRh instruction; boalUiftil di'dpliue; excellent llhiary;; new appur atus. S.nd lor Catalogue. Linoral dUcouut to clergymen . ciiAKM S j ironrs, a. hi., pnn., Kew Brllitou, tf ouu. lliNKOlulion Notice. The firm of Moase Ji ArrnBtronit ii this day dissolved by mutual consent. Tbe books und accounts of tee late Arm bave been placed in tbe bands ol Justice Rey nolds for collection, and all parties knowing therasflves indobted will do well to call on him and settle the game at onca and safe costs. IT. G. Mease. T- S. AHMSJRONCi. Pelroleum Centre, July 14, 1S73, as 43 5 K1 "it)' -H i I g r- H g mi 5!-iBa m 2 r iSa Sss aa5 p E Z g WINKS. LIQUORS. KTO $4.00 OIL WANTED The Oldest i:stal)'islic(l Li quor Store on (HI Creek. OWEN GAFFNEYPROP'R, EEMOVED To the New Stand in CbrMic'a Old Store, opposite the Jamestown Clothing Store, Petroleum Centre, New Goods in Great Variety, but plenty ot Tiunday Com fort left yet I have refitted the atore formerly occupied by J. II. I hrlBtlt, corner of Wftrirlngton and Pint MM., and laid lu a new atnek of the pureat and best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TUB MARKET AFFORDS. My stock consists In part of BOURBON, AND MONONGAHE LA RYE WHISKIES, jNew England, Medford and Jamaica Hums, HOLLAND GINS, HENNBSY, riN'KT, CAMILI.KN CO.'S, AND mn'Ai,(. nocilESTER CAAAWAlGtA ALES Bo!e Agent for",tbe BROTHERHOOD WINES, of Brockton, N. Y, Also Agent for the Celebratad ORKAT WEST RKN B1AD of American Champarrne, made by the Pliguant Vallejf Wine Co., Steuben connty, New York, constantly on band the imported eaaro pagnea, &o. My tetock or ClOAKS la region. 1 nexcllccd In this I KKbP NONE BUT THE FINEST i, Cigars and Wines, GIVE BtK A. CALU At my new Bland OWENGAFFMEV. Vti Centre Deo. 11 THK OIL VIAKKETO. BY W. U. TEL. LINE Offim of Pktrolkrd. CtiNTKR Daii.t Rrcobd v July 23 1873 V The oil Binrkot reuialna quli't and dull at $1.95. We bear ot no tranaacilnne. i'uilndi'ltjuiu, July 23 Crude, 7 J. Kelined 18 . Market quint. 1'itiHijiirrf, July 23 CrudB spot, 6J.4 B. O. nil year. 1.' B. O.d HJt Reaped Spot, 221,;. Market Nominal New York, July 23. Ctuda S'4. Keflnea, 17?. Market Quiet. eOLO'lNNIiH tUllt, Nkw .uhk, July 23. Gold U5J. P C. HEINZ, Pioneer, Pa., Manufactnrer of OIL WELL Machinery & Supphes Engines and Boilers of every description Repaired at Short Notice. Agent for Foster's gas pump. . PATENTEE of III IN-!'8WA TER PACKER. HKPAIP1NO of all klnda dona at ahort no ice and all wmk warranted. Ordera by mai. or telegraph promptly attended to F. G. HEIN2. Pioneer, Pa., Deo. 21, 1872 tf. I'HK NEWKLAfrriGTRUHS. An Imunr. fant Invention. It retalna the Rnptnre at all times, and under trie naraesi exercise or eevcrcet strain, it uworn wltheomfort. and If ketit on nicht and day, cflVeta a permanentture in a few weaaa r'o d ohcap. aud soot by Mall whan requested, circula a free, when ordered by letter aeut to Tbo aloctle Trui Co., No. eX3 Broadway, N. Y. City. No. m uu Metal Hprlng lroaaeaj too Jiainfnl; they slip on too irenacniiy. New Goods. 84 ve 101 r mm ! 1 And bay your Boots and Sbcti at Mrs. M. Magrane's ONE PRICE BOOT & SHOE STORE ! t keep a Terr large atoek of all kinds ou band and sell aa ebep aa any other bouae in tbe OIL KttulON. UOUUVGW3U wen uiy ovuiv is Custom Department ! And I iruaraotee a perfoct lit In all any work Repairing Doauy none, exi aooi to won. Jewelry Store. Petroleum Centre, Pa. decatf e! NEW GOODS " 1 . 1 NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS NEW STOCK DRY GOODS - CARPETS, (HI Cloths, Aotions, &c, 1 - JUST RECIIVKD AT IVa.S-RlUSLD DRY GOODS STfdW Washinjrton Strret, Petroleum Centre. The LargCt and Cnaapatt ttock el CALICOES ; S to 10 ct per yard. 1 ' BLEACHED Mt'SLIIVrj from 11 to 18 eta. IiAKSDAMS CNBItBAOlaED BltWa-Ilt 10 to IS eta BEST GINOBAMft from 13 to 15 eta ' CLARK'S O Jf T TKREAB 4 spcota for S5 eta. Vs .A Dress Goods, Shawls, Hos iery, Corsets M ,. ii, Domestic PiocrCGooda, Ul!e Ties, Rlbboaa ' Iloopskitta the very neat quality Drillings and Lin ens, line and Needle, 6 cls.ptr paper, .carpets a', the loweat rates. ' Millinery Trimmings, LACE GOODS, i. i ' " And a completo stock' of ladies Hats and Bonnets, Also, Complete Stock of.-, ... BOOTS & SHOES Which will be Mid t AUCTION BALE -v .1 : Cheaper than the' catiapcsL Comniencing August 1st, 1873. (9Give me a call and lamina' foedi and pricea. .' M. SAMUELS. Pet. Centre, July 17tb, 1873. m 1 i-J-- ' I McKinley & Gross, Machinists , Blacksmiths, Egbert Cariu, . Petroleum Centre, Pa. Boiler Repairing a peciaity. REFINERY 6TILL3 REPAlBlO , ... .,1 . V. .. . I. ,h Wo wai rant all work done by oi he nearly at good aa new when repaired. Good tpaterial furoisbed and prlcea raaea' able. Having bad long experience In the buoJ seas we are enables) to elve latlifacUon'. JOBBPU McKINLEY. bEBAbl I AN dliOSf retroleuru Centre, fa., iw