The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, July 22, 1873, Image 2

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    Petroleum Centre Daily Record,
?(.' Centre. a. Tueaday, July
Me-late Perrlee.
ferlore eeery Sabt)tb at 11 A. U.
i P. M. 8bl4lti School el US
Hlilm. A cordial laeltatloa extend
ed to ail.
Preaching al 11 o'dteck A, M.. ntT7
o'elonk P. M., by the rer4 V. C. Btmcrt
ard. Babbeln School al IVi, u Ireetly
after loreoooa sentioe.
Prayer Meeting and Sabbath School
Teacher' Heeling ,Titoa . evenings ol
eacb week.
trlc Centre Lodfe, No.
"Regular meeting night Friday, at 7
'ewok. wei. ', ;
fi. n. Rili.CT. A Bee'-.
. tirPlae of meeting, Jintn St, opposite
Jsolilioioon House.
A. O. Of C W.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. or 0. W.,
meet erry Monday evening at 1 o'clock,
D Odd Fellow'! IIhII; Ptlroleuio Centre,
Jk WtMON, M, W. '
Jixas 3. White, K.' - :
I. O. of R. M.
Mlnnekauoe Tribe No. 183, I. O. R. M
of Petroleum Centre, meeta every Thursday
evening in Good Templar'a Hall.
J CoiidoiI Urea lighted at 7 o'clock.
H. HOWE, Sachem.
C. L JIKKS, Cbiel ol Beeords. , .
Gold at I p H6Jf
Saturday eve'e July 20, 73
JL O. of V. W.
For the purpose ' of confemng
the degree of "Honoi" on Mis
ter Workmen,, their .Wifes.
Daughters, Sisters and , Moth
therm. JAMES WILFOtf, M. W.
Bamitaorr Kum. Tbla romantic little
aiream riaea In tbe kill eouatry or Venango
County, aod In Ita meanderlnga Ireabena tbe
laoda or number pt out Ml very wealthy
otlowueis al preaant pricea or oil, and lendi
smleaance to tbelr not very booty herds,
eQd tbe flock In tbelr pastures. Tbla brook
in Ua rlae, and frr mile ouj, Ita oward
course to tb tea Is but a span, andean be
eroaaed by tbe atop ol nan, but a it grows
It widens, and ftaablog ita winding water
through the valley below. II emptle ita
etyelal liquid Into the romantic Qll Creek,
near Ike Oil Creek Railroad bridge. Now
11 bappeea that Bannlagaoff Ran eeaatiy
rbllt sldog and divide our beaollfat Laurel
Hill Avenue,: and1 Irevalar to reach Ita
nether bank bar q eroaa several atructurea
oompoaed ol a alogle plank notable for tbeit
antiquity and tbe partlre who (now dead)
ordeiotl ' Iboir oonatruotlon. Tbe huge
atonea upon which aaid planka real are nigh
unto a century old piobably and aro laat
crumbling away ptoTlog tbo deatraetabillty
oi on r atber Time. : IS lone upon alone tit
rouoa tbo rerge or the orosslogs, and
splintered plank and decaying loga denote
tbe want or remedial agent. Aod where
one we a good and paaaabio road .there la
aural all lo apeak of. Not tnuob glory to
en heard of Road ComtnUalonata wo have
Mr Independent or that atrlet economy ao
aetonni to reduce tbe rabllo debt, wo ug
geat our' ret peeled Coatailealonera tako hold
ol ibeae naeded repalra at once. Once that
rd wae repaired and oar Iowa would do.
live a large beoedl from tbe new oil terri
ory at the bead of Beaeabeff Run. What
ef our Road Commlailoaera to ibla propo.
altloa t We leal aura the people would aua.
la them tble needed ImproTentent.
Hb Statu Teacbara Araoclatlon me', aa
riltaburgb, Angual llth, W3. Person
who pay full rare lo going over tba follow,
log roada In Western Pennsylvania, oan pro
euro paaaea at the meetlog to return tree
Allegheny Valley.
liurTalo, Corry & Pittsburgh,
Dilawer Hudaoa.
Uaaoear Branch. '
Oil Creak & Allegheoy Rlwr. r.
Weet Cheater 4 Philadelphia.
Wilnilagteo A Reading. ,
Mr. Albert Katbbuu, late operator lo tea
W. D". bfllceai Corry, baa been appointed
t tbe eame poaltioo In tbla plane, : viae lit
In ramotede Mr. Ratbbun contei bre
highly raaomtnrodrdaud will no doubt add
taatrrlalla to tba bmlnm of the Company
attbianolat. Wt welcjme him 1,1 ..,,r
Local Option.
Tbe Warren Ledger tbus relates', the
wdrkingiof Local Option In tbat place:
Coder the Local Option lw, Watreo
Couoty voted tbat liquor nor brer 'abould
aotbeaold witbio ita limit, except lor
medical purpoarf. Tbe liwnaea all expir
ed la June, aod moat ol them lo "March.
Wb a Me rneult IB thh) hort epaea or
timet Who hat been benefliled? Let u
aeo. There are thirteen placea in town
where bard cider ! dealt out. It la not a
popular drink, but to tba abwnoe or beer
and whrakey, men do drink it and beoome
drunk upon it. Ita elfecta upon tbe drinker
are even worie than 'wblsky, aod greatly
worae tbao beer. But bow about tbe aale
of beer? It cannot be retailed; but every
peraon who can purobaaa a kg aod deairra
lodoaa, can. The' eooarqueoce la that
beat kegi are aa plentiful aa blackberries la
Aaguat. The breweries have doubled their
aalaa over last year. ' Whoa Ibe saloons aold
It, men were content to drop lo, take, a
(lata and go about tbalr business. Now
Ibey purchase a keg. A keg or beer i
wotlbleaaaoon after It is drawn from-.
Krienda are called in lo drain the keg be
fore It loses Its vim, aid dozena or gtaeeee
are drank where ono waa before. How
about wblsky ? Go to tbe expresa office and
Bod out. Packages arrive everyday for
numerous parties, who before contented
tbomselvee with a single drink; aod there
are more druaken men on our streets, we
are told, tbao lormurly, when Ibe botela
and anloons were licensed to sell. Then
tbrra la no lerr liquor drank, aod far more
cider wblah is more hurtlol than whisky or
What la tbe effect upon trade! Ask any
mao ol business la any town in Ibe county.
Tbe general answer la tbat business waa
never ao dull.. In Warren lha affects are
really prostrating.
Straogera who formerly did their tradjng
hare, not Hodlog it bandy ta procure tbeif
dtlnka, are forming, or bate already form
ed atber business relations in Corry, James
town and Tituaville, where liquor ean be
bad for the aaklog, and where Ibey can ge
and return Ibe same day, on tba railroads,
al a trifle expenditure. Ask oar mechanloe
how their buaineaa la. They will tell you
that where laat ' year ibey kept several
journeymen, ana worksa hara themselves,
work was constantly pressing, while now
there la 00 work lor tbe journeymen, and
hardly sufficient lo keep an apprentice at
work. Hundreds oflhonsands ol do. lata
ate ihua being diverted Iron our oounty
wbiob legitimately belong here, on accouol
ol no licensed placea wbete whisky or beer
can be had. Tbla entire stagnation is not
attributable to Ibis eause, aa limes are gee
erally dull; but much ef II II la. Ask tbe
men who are traveling over the Slate.
Tbr-y will tell yoa that In all placea where
licenses prevail business is good, and where
Leeal Option prevails buaineaa la dull. ' I
work aa Inequality coocentratea trade in
tba whisky towns; aad w aot lee there la a
general murmur of dleooatent where I iceo
sed aeiooM aod botela are aot to be found.
There ia no diminution ol the drinking by
our weal population, aod Iboaa outside or
our limits are debarred from Iba privileges
wblcb Ibey seek and iod elsewhere.
Tbe law eheuld be made to operale
throughout Ibe State or It should be repeal
ed oa tbe aeaembilog of the Legislature;
and that la most likely. Many who worked
for Local Option would vote for license
aow, oa purely butioeu grounds. The' ed
voeatea of Local Option bad good loten
lions; but ibey misjudged, it seems to as.
They deeired lesa w bleky drinking, and did
not look beyond to tbe effect en t rada In
places where lieanses were refused. A few
months only have elapsed, and yet Iba of.
reel la dearly perceptible.
, , i .
riais uitt. this se toe name or a new
oil town tbat he sprung up la lha lower
0II region. It Is located on the Hum
frrm, near Turkey City, aad ol course like
all other placea of that kind ia quite lively,
end(yet an occaalonal correspondent loformas
tbat II ta even now in iba springtime 'of it
existence, reeling tbe effects of the extreme.
Ip dull tlmea with wblcb Ibe entire oil re-
gson Is afflicted. Tbe walla on Ibe farm are
pumping a great deal of as It water.
One or the cars of .the evening freight
train going south, last night, beoame de
tacbed between tbla place and Columbia,
and Ibe belaooecf the train ran nearly lo
Terr farm before the loss was discovered.
Capt. Ray la m town.
Albert W. Clnimberlaiu, wbo waa aenl lo
tbo Ohio Penitentiary for life three weeks
ago, for the killing of an old man named
McCaonaugbev, died of coolers, yeaterday.
There la aJGerman hymn book in Berks
county tbree aundrod and twentj-3oe ears
Between tbe Mississippi and (Reeky
Mountains beavy botts aod rains bare de
iayed agriculture considerably.
We And tbe tallowing complimentary
mention of Petroleum Ceut re in the Titui
tlllu Herald of tbla morning. Here's our
bat, Colonel; .
Petroleum Centre la not dead yet by any
meaaa. Wo bad heard that It was In a
comatose state, but after spending an hour
there last evening we eame to tbe conolu
sloo tbat such was not tbe ease. Schoa
blonfe atore exhibited a busy scene; tbe
newsroom of Mr. Wicker waa thronged wlib
seekers of tbe enrrent li'erature; Ibe pod
office elerka were busy waiting 00 anxious
correspondents; tbe clothing stores were
giving "tits'" to men "off tower." Tbe vet
eran butcber, Mr. King, wbora we well re
member as umpire in a depating society in
HNgUlon, . I., tuiny jeera agu. ., ........ j
dealing out choice steaks or too.hsome chop, ". ""! banlabed, and
.. ... I .kllj aM n.J. Ia mr-m Ih. up,.
for lo-morrow'a breakfast, ie landlord Of
IheMcCray House wae beariug up well
uoder the looal option ban, and the aide
walks were filled with men, women and
Across the creek there are a large num
ber of very tasty aod commodious dwelling
bouses. There are a good many solid men
In and about Pelrelenm Centre. It is blgb
ly eredttable to the good people there tbat
they keep up their dally paper, Ibe Record.
Mr. Wicker, Ibe editor aad publisher, Is
one or tbe veteran printers or tbe oil region,
and should reteive hearty encouragement.
He Is working hard for tbe welfaro or tbe
place, and abould be amply repaid with a
steady patronage.
Aa ocean anecdote, apropos ol tbe "In'
mao crime, is related as follows: "Here
we are now, within a quarter or a mile 0'
land," waa tbe joyful announcement made
by tbe eaptain olan ocean ateamer to bl1
grumbliog passeogers. "Where T Wblcb
way ta It? "were the eager exclamations
whloh followed. "Anywhere down below
here," aald Ibe oaptaln, piintlng toward the
bottom ot the see. "The lead gives ns just
220 fathoms or water, and tbe land come
slap np against tbe brine." Just as tba
City or Washington eame "slap up" against
Gull Rock.
m .....I. - -11 r 1 1 1. . i kit
w uivh. biiv ui urepit iu iwin, wuiig
It Is 00 the plate, being passed around la a
delicate as weU as very impolite uieoe ot
buainees. ' No one exospt a baokwoedtmao
used to tba job, ean do It with ease and
graccruiaeas. With a raw band It i very
.wkward work. There are some wbo try It,
however, Instead taklog the whole piece
eating half, and leavieg the remainder fo'
tba next meal basb. Tbe centre or the
pieee break with ease, but Ibe crust seems
to have a leathery lenaeily and yon struggle
In vain te break It. In tbe first struggle
you shove two piece or bread off on aide
or th plate into Iba gravy, while the ie
maloder goes off Ibe otber side on tu ths
Boor. 1 on turn red, aod tbe sweat starts
on your back. You wish yon hadn't I
attempted lo lake tbat piece. And then
ev err body I looking at you. The bott -eye
'never mind", but you would like to know
bow yoa eaa kelp minding. At last In
otter despair you lake bold with bulb hands
pull Iba slice of bread.apart and settle back
a objeel or despair and pity, a you inwar.
d'y wish twaa a hundred year hence.
A near-aightsd Indianapolis woman
patched the seal or ber husband's pant with
a cold buckwheat cake that the. children
had ten in her work basket. Th oolor oj
tbe patchwork matched tba original trons
era; aod a the cake was tough, the tnlstak,
might never have been discovered, but the
old mao got oangbt lo a shower a day or
two afterward; the patch began lo iwell; be
tell cold palobes on his back, aod tbioklog
It was tbe spinal meoingitis thai bad clutch
ed him, seat for a doctor, who aootbad hi
ears; but be wanta a dlvoree.
Robert W. Boltou, ol New York, was yea
terday arrested at Westervllle, Ohio., lo an
insane eoodilloo aod very wild. A license
to sell cigar wlib Barnum's (new was found
a bl peraon.
W bad Iba pleasure of meeting eur eld
friend, Billy Lamb, or Plumer, tbla fore,
noon. Billy Is still firm in Ibe faith that
deep In the bowela of tbat particular see
tloa of tb earth around Plumer lie vast
pool of erode petroleum which ooly await
the playing out of the down river region to
be developed. Tbe prediction may com
We atill continue to bear rumors of lb
failure of prominent operator lo Ibe dawn
river region.
Col. Coggswell, ot tbe TilusaJHe Herald,
Wat io town last evening.
New 9tbie in Beavrnt. The ' oil wel I
of Hullogs, on th Gates (arm, 00 Canoe
Oreek. it the northern part ef Beaver
township reaobsd tbe aand last Tuea dsy,
and on Wednesday night there wae several
hundred feej of oil ataodiog in tba hole lor
dicatioo a good well.
Ev.lwrnor Colby, Uaoeord, JN. H.,diod
yesterday vniag, sged CO.
Tbe Shakers are seriously d iscuseing tb e
propriety ot introducing murringe an a new
element of union in tbelr warfare with the
world. Tbis would Introduce n change in
tbelr line of doctrinal deiense, but It would
not be tbe first time a religious body bae ac
commodated itself to cireuuietances. Dur
ing and alter tba war they recruited tboir
numoers from widows and orphaus, aud
those whom battle bad Impoci-rtaboJ, but
now Ibeir resources are at 11 a end. and soma
of Ibeir colonics are threatened with extioe
lioo. . At a rule, new coove.te da not stay
wlib them longer tbao four 0. (We yenii.
Then the iron band ot restraint grows too
severe, and tbey fly baok to tbe world aud
ita temptations. How can It be otherwise?
In their "fitmilies" Ibe domestic tie are uo
thtldren are made to ape the gravity ot
their elders. There are no toya and picture
books In Shaker tea J, 00 fireside games and
frolics, no sourtshlp aod marriage nolniog
but tbe grim, severe doclrioe or self-aboega-tloo.
of wblcb converts quickly tire. Har
r It berg Patriot.
Tbe Indiana taloon keepers ere just now
busy in devising methods ol escaping Ibe
liabilities ef tba Slate liquor law, which is
very similar to tbe "Adair law" In Oblo
0 that It provide for tbe collection or dam
ages from liquor sellers by members or the
family or other relatives, in case tbe drunk
er J abutea bis family or doea otber miscblef.
Tbe saloon keepera or Bluffiown have issued
a regular notification to tbe publio tbat,
having obtained license accordiog to law to
sell spirituous liquors, tbey propose '.0 con
duet their business according to law. They
therefore, notify all married women wbo do
not want them to sell lo their husbands te
leave written notice lo that effect witbio
tbree day, "and all unmarried women or
girls wbo have 'fellera' or beaux whom tbey
do not wish to have taking their butters S
our bare will please give like notice,"
Tbey have also Issasd a form or permit for
the use or wive, in which Ihey grant the
bnsband tbe right to drink when tbey
please, and waive all claim tor damage
arising Iberefrom
A passenger train on the Bristol Railroad
ran into a herd or cattle near Bristol Tester.
day, throwing tbe engine and one car from
tbe track. Nobody lojured.
Tbree deatba from ebolera In 'Cincinnati
Steamship City of Bristol, from Liverpool
and the Olympic; from Glascow, arrived
yeaterday at New York.
One ot U. A. Weloy & Co'e powder mills,
near Tamaqua, Pa, was blown up yester
dav. Samuel Miller, ol Tamaqua, was
killed. .
The horse Tom Bowling won tbe Robin
stakes at Loog Braneb, yeaterday, defeat
ing Lizzie Luce, who beat.blm laat week.
Jaekaon, Tenons, was yesterday vlt
ated by aaerieua conflagration, destroying
nearly tbe whole of the buaioej portion of
the city. .
Profegtor Mae, of Bott on, charged wlib
murderous assault on Dr.. Winalop, on Ssn-
urday laat waa held In delaultof $20,000
A Franklin paper, In criticising Laura
Keens' company, call athem: "Idiots,
wbo qutebered their characters."
Lyomlng county has a young giant aged
nineteen years, whose feet is sixteen incbt
loog and atill growing.
To Ail Lover of Arl and L.U
eratnre t
We will send tb Beanttflil Chromo cntltlrd
"111 Uliwoleomc Visitor " domuko prepaid
as a premium to every subscriber to our monthly
magazine called the'
contatafng 83 larg pages betides the carer, filled
with the beat sad most interesting reading. Prtc
$1 A YEAR !
Bend on your dollar, and (eta dollar magazine
and an eight dollar ebrcano In return. Wa want
and will liberally pay
lend stamp for partiealara' Addreea
BIHIBLEBEE, Alblou, Illinois
4th Strect,ncnr K. It. track,
tor your BENZINE, 'deliv
ered at thewelh for -51,75
per Barrel.
, Petroleum Centre. Feb. Sia 1 1,
Local Taotlcca.
Jf"The Poet Offiue Nowtroom S'jdi
Fouutnin is now running in full bluet
Call and try a glaae of ice coot soda wa ir
DIcken'H "Him"
Just Imucil In paper cover by tbe Pelir.
tone. Price 25 conia, aod for aale at tin
Post Office Newsroom.
Taken l'p.
On tba premises of Henry French, neir
tbe depot, Plthole City, Jtiont nloe monit.
ainaa, a red ami wbite oow about fix yetri
old. ' The parllet owning aald cow are 001U
tied to call aad settle charge and take brr
away, or she will be sold as the law directs,
I'Utiole City, July 19, 1873. "
A desirable home on tli Kr?bert Farm. !
For particulars enquires at lha Post Office.
' OF -f .
NoveJlo's Cheap Miisic.
Moreno Ulee. r-n ronj i, eie a ie IV cm;i
Novi'l V Cbnrcli Jluiic c to IS ceot .
Price, tt ;or tl, bound la clotb, gilt edrnt.
Iapaptr, fromWcertt It II; cloth, with -III
dgw, f 1 to i each. .
Uf I'lAflU-JUHU vliAC&lto
Hach'4 48 Prel-dea and Fu-uo. Clot 85 00
Uatthovlii's M huiiaiM. tsloautly luud. hull
kilt . 191
lltLoT. n'l 34 M-no Pieces. Ktrgant bound . Fall
Hit Hue
Chnpin't V.s ftlff paper cnvta 1 W
itiopto roioiiBiiwi. - - , xus
Chopln'a Noctuniia. - . tut
Chopiu'tMasuikas. " " " aw
Chopin's Bella. " ' SU0
C opin's Preludes. " ' . 60
( opin's Hon-tea. ' " ; 1 60
Mendelsohn's I'nmplete Piano Work.. Klet.i.t
FolloKdldoi . Fall (lit. Complete lu 4 vol., 36 (10
Tbe earn. Hvo. Fnil gilt VoupletainavoMM
Tb same. 8 to. taper. CompleBtln 4 vi.UHWJ
Heneliwba's Hongs Wlltwat Wonts Folio Edition
Full Kit , 1 .., n..., S0
Octsvd Edition Fall cllt '3(0
OcUToKnltion. Paper cover ati
Moiart'a IH -tieaataa. Klagantly koand. 'all
gtit . mo
Schubert'a 10 Bonatae. XlegatiU. board. Full
Cilt M
8chabert,a Dances- Complete. , Eltcantlr borrtid
FullaC; ' ' ' tW
Scho Plan Pieces. Elegantly bonsd. Full
;, "t IW
Schmn.ian'a Fores. 8aea. Nuw Kasj Piece,
Paper coveaa, . M
Hchamaun't Pland Forte Album. Blegantlv boand
Foil silt , - ; .... . H60
Tbe 8am. Paper eovera -- t- lw
at to Mask: by J W. KU.10TT, with 6 bwutifut
tlluKtraltont eo ') by tbe hrotuera IMiltl.
Boards, 11.10. bpltadidly bound in cloth, tilt
edgee, 3W
Addrens, J. L. PBTKKS. B09 Ilrondwur.
New York,
a AiT'nt fhr NovHlo'a Cheap Nude.
New CrOOds.
Emel Zedwich.
( "LITTLE JOE." j "
Haajust re'niRed from Buffalo with a
complete stock of
Fall and Winter Goods.
Baa been retnhllthrd la Pe (.i trehr
past tbree jeans, and baa the a use, of
Matting the Brat PM and Flneat
, ifoot in tne uii iiegiom, i
II la ooutantlr reaeiAig erd.rt from ether Set t
tiout ofiliS Oil Regions.
II constant); keeps on hand ,
ICeady-inade Bootc.&Shoe& j
O.tLli AND KEF HIM.. ' '
ThHeekOTlth)itO Portable rntnlir k
Sowina; Machine, urn nO lya 1 rial! !
many adviitaoi,ovralL KMirfacllouguanintred' !
or SSI refund, d rWint comolHa. with IlII direr- '
tlon. leckwltUrJriuKMiichlnuCo.,803bruBdWir r
k CP1ITC I'orywherv lo ll i nr new and '"
JoulM ia Bmbroiderlng Maelitaa. aud forUo
WANIIlitidClr'aar,t:theJleKe taa
ecturioc Cuiupiny. Su Bniauwajr, Now Vork
Tlino Table adopted JVovea
ber 1, lta. :
NOltTHWAItU: Oil City. Franklla
U toast
4 P
11.15 p
hKpre,M...MMu.. s euaui
Mall ..... S'Wi in
Acconiinodation...lt0 am
Aceoaiiuodatioa... b.aUpoi
3 14 p m
1 UOpm
HOCrnWAIlD: Vrndv'jf" Franklin. Oil Ciir
Einrcn. .... 4() am Snt.m H.ititn
Mail ll:0pm 167pm KSlP"
Acconi odailon... 1 00 a ra 10 HO am It J tn
tlpiws ... 410pm C'Ipui 7.10p
L. D. RAM UN, Cn'l Hnpt.
N. B -Time V mtautee alower than Oil Crw
Ka iwsy tim. J -'
L. S. Ac M. e. RAILWAY.
SfwaiT, OetuberfT,
wrsTvraaD vaaiNt.
Oil City. , Franklin. Jamwtew
7 m Ulm 1)81 am
S.n am HI 00 am
2.&piu aiOpm tSSOfm
atTwaaa trains
Clersland. JaateatawB... Franklla
Oil CI If j
4o a m 15 SS p aa 16 p m
a m 11 90 a m
... 6 at) a . a m