The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, July 21, 1873, Image 2

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    f etroleun Centre Daily Record.
feu Centre, ia. Monday, July 91
Ulvliie Merries.
Services evory Sabbath at 11 A. U. and
i P. M. Subbalh School at 12J P. M.
e.ite free. A cordial invitation extend
e l to all.
Rkt. Q. M'iorb, Pastor.
Preaching at 11 o'olocli A. M.. and'7
o'clock P. M., by the Pastor, W. C. Borcr
ahd. Sabbato Sohool at 1 directly
after forenoon service.
Prayer Meeting and Sabbath School
Teacher's Meeting Tuesday evenings ol
each week.
Petroleum Centre Lodge, No.
. tl&t I. O. of O. F.
Regular meeting nights Friday, at 7
o'clock. Signed.
0. H. Bailkt, A Seo'y.
efTSiaoe of meeting, Main St., oppoaite
llcCiintock House.
A. O. of V. W.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
meet every Monday evening at 7 o'cldck,
n Odd Fellow'i Hall, Petroleum Centre,
Jamks Wilson, M. W.
' JdMEfl S. Whits, R.
1. O. of II. 91.
Minnekaune Tribe No. 183, LO, HI
of Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday
evening In Good Templar's Hall.
J3T Couocll Urea I In bird at 7 o'clock.
H. HOWE, Sachem.
C. L JUKES, Cblel ot Records.
Gold at 1 p. m. 1ICJ4'
Runaway A frightful runaway occurred
yeaterd y afternoon, but which fortunately
r'eanltpd In no serious lujnry to any person'
Our respected townsman, Mr. E. P. Crooks
and wife and lolant sbild, bad started for
Columbia Farm, and when near Ibe lording
09 ttie Dalzill larm Ibe horse became fright
ened at a cow In the bushes, reared up and
broke the axletree of the bind wheel and
started . to run. Mr. Crooks was thrown
a 'ion t U: two left In one directlou striking
oa hit bead, fortuialelv landing on a soft
green sward. Mrs. C. and Cbljd were
thrown about the same distance in an oppo
site direction. ' Stiaoge as It may appear
with the exception of a few slight bruises
they eieaped unharmed. The horse ran
acroas tbe flats, over the Egbert farm bridge
and was Anally stopped in front of Smaw
ley's livery stable, on Washington street,
through tbe efforts ot Mr. W. D. Dodge, w bo
bad one of bis lingers quite badly bruised In
doing so. As a matter or coarse. Mr Crooks
Is tbanklul that be got off thus easily, and
we don't blame blm as the neaps from be
log killed was exceedingly narrow.
Our friend Harper, of Kane City, klllid
a rattleaaakeoo tbe Brown farm, 'lb la fore
neon, which was Ibtee and a balf feet long
and bad seven rattles and button. Ratbrr
a dangerous customer to have round loose.
Mr. G. 1). Geyer, of, Clly, slruok a
new well on tbe Galloway farm, near Frank
lln, one day last week, which Is yielding 35
barrels a day. Lubricating oil is only
worth $1,60 a brrel at tbe wells, at which
fljur even a fifty barrel well does not pay.
Parsons, tbe Individual Implicated ia tbe
late Pioneer scandal, has thus far eluded
arrest. A pity.
On our front page will be found tbe revis
ed time table ol tbe Oil CreeV it Allegheny
Klvffr Hallway and Buffalo, Corry & Pitt
urgn Railroad. This road was never In
belter condition than at present, and we
are pleased to learn is dolog a good busi
ness ia both passenger and carrying traffic
Tbis Is mainly due to tbe indefatigable ef
fortr of Mr. O. J. Hepburn, tbe efficient and
gentlemanly Superintendent.
It la decidedly amualng to wltneaa tbe
efforts ot persons who are always behind the
times to eatob a train of cars just alter tbey
uavn Bnt unoer motion. TDM morning we
witnessed a rather ludicrous Inc Ideal of thla
kind. A party constating of a man, bis
wife and child, wa should judge, dreve In
from Ibe couotry and got out at tbe end o
toe last car aa t,e train started. They
made a oaan for tbe oar the man ahead and
the womao and olilld following, the woman
shouting at the top or her voloe ''Tell
them lo atop! Oil, do tell tbm to stop!"
me man nnuooing me worua and tbe child
crying, jiut tna cars moved on and led
them evidently In no very pleaaaot mood
judglog Irom their looks. Tbe cara 'cannot
be ao alow aa aouie people are.
St.I'aul'a (Minn.) population exceeds 30,
000; ahere were 66 wholesale hotiaea in 1869
was 98,885,531, and or 1875, $17,553,368;
the amount ol exchange anld in 18(1!) waa
$16,637, 53, and In 1872, $23,787,723; tbe
l.ulldiiiK en mi'.l in lufin, were 6(19, at a cost
ol JJ :ir'. 727, ami in m72 tiero ft-cro 931,
-l iit..-.icti'J,oto.4ot.
Tbe complete reeotd of tbe exnBrls of pe
troleum from the United States was not
kept prior to 1806. In 1866 there was sent
abroad 1,643,618 barrels (41 gallons tn the
barrel.) This kept increasing until 1872
when there was a railing off oi ona hundred
thousand barrels from tbe proceeding year(
reaultlngifrom a combination of the produc
era and reBners to put up prices, which tem
porarily checked exportation! but during
the past balf tbe curreot year tbe exports
have largely Inoreased, and II tbey are kept
up In the same ratio until January, 1874,
ths exports of tbe year will largely exceed
those of any proceeding year. The follow
log statement shows tbe quantity exported
from tbe United Stales to July 1, 1873:
Year. Barrels . Year. Barrels.
1865 1,643,618 1870 3 439,325
18G7 1,635.415 1 1871 3.817,432
llli8 2,407,254 I 1872 3,720,885
1869 2,499,056 1873 6 m, 2,446,555
The exports from tbe port of Pblladep
pbia aloce at first, very nearly eggregaUd
onr-balf of tbe total exports Irom tbe conn
try, rising from 685,000 barrels InJ 1866 to
1,314,439 In 1872. Tbe few last years,
however, show Philadelphia is not main
taining Its proportion, Its expogts having
fallen to a third of the total, and even leap.
These figures show tte exports Irom Phila
delphia aloce 1866:
Year. Barrels.
1870 1,100,851
1871 1,238,061
1872 1,314.431
1871 (tin.) 737,797
Ths exports from the whole couotry for
this year will very nearly aggregate Ave
million barrels, II the proportion of tbe first
six months ia maintained.
Tim LAWTKiti" in Coxvtiom . The
Constitutional convention now 'in session in
Philadelphia is composed almost entirely of
lawyers. That is the prinolpal reason tbe
work progreasea at suob a snail's pace. Tbe
members ate well ojulifled in tact tbe con
vent Ion is one of tbe very ablest ever assem
bled lo tbe commoowealtb for any purpose.
Lawyer are used to talking as long as the
court allows Ibem. Ia Ibe convention, there
is no Judge, like there is in court, to decide
when enough bss been said on a subject,
and tne oonaequence is that where over a
hundred lawyers are, retained, tbey never
appear to get dona talking, and commence
voting. Tbey are so accustomed to pick
ing flaws io indiotments and papers it) court
tbat tbe report of commllteesare lorn to
utter by tbe disciple of Blacketooe, and
alter a week's diaousalon of a subject, tbey
find tbemaelvea just where they begun, and
the whole matter is referred back to the
If atjout fifty lawyers were to resign, and
Ibeir places filled with Intelligent business
men, the work would be finished up in a
abort time.
Tbe convention bowever is doing a good
work, and wa hope tbey will finish the new
eonatllatioo, aod submit It for ratification
by a vote of the people at ao early day.
Tbe mysterious murder of Charles Good
rlob, la Brooklyn, N. T., some month ago,
is no longer a mystery. Goodrich was a
man of considerable wealth and a bachelor
with very loose notion ; of morality. His
life seems to have been devoted to Intrigues
with women, and when be became tired ol
bis dopes be would ruthlessly cast tbem off.
Ia the natural course of such a way of life
be at last tell a victim to the maddeuing
grief of a womao he had ruined aod waa
about to drive out Into the world to seek
lower depth of degradation. At tbe last
meeting, ia tbe home where Goodrich's
dead body was found, this womao, Kate
Stoddart with many aliases, shot blm.
Tbe detectives were put upon bet track,
but were always at fault Last week Kate
Stoddart waa recognized io tbe street by a
female detective and arrested. There la no
doubt of her guilt, and juat as little doubt
tbat the brutal and heartless conduct or
Goodrlah toward her drove her to Ibe com
mission or tbe deed. Whether sbe was in
sane or not at tbe time she killed him Is not
known, but sbe Isamaniao now. What
ever bor crime may be In tbe eyes of tbe
law, or the judgement or Heaven, bis fate
waa but tbe legitimate result of bis owo
a uo luipicMiuu unviug guiio Buroaa ina
Mr. M. Samuels was about to sell out bis
stock of dry goods at auolion and close up
Pk ; i 1 i
bis business, he desires u to emphatically
deny tbe repott. lie bas no Intootloo, or
going away. The report probably grew out
of tbe fact tbat he Is to auolion off a large
slock of boots ond shoes commencing Aug,
it is a renaaikable fact;tbat Ibe moment a
woman writes a letter sbe Is trantlo to put
it io tbe poBi like, although she may bave
been putting IT tbe writing for six months.
The old gentleman who put bis pos'a
earn in a atampad envelope is matched by
an iimana man wbo baa bis money orders
teul ly fSVjisKfcd Iotr.
Fluiner Items.
Harvesting baa fairly began, though
greatly interrupted by tbe unsettled condi
tion ot tbe weather.
We notice our friend and townsman, A.
S. Pratber, now of Jamestowa, N. Y., in
t)wn. Mr. P. Is largely engaged In the
manufacturing Interests ol that place which
be reports In a flourishing condition.
Tbe oldest citizen and experienced prog-
oosticator of old ' Prob" are bereft or their
powVs and maintain an injured reticence
when you aak them their views as to wheth
er it would be lair or otherwise.
Leech Bros., report business rather dul
at present notwithstanding the removal ot
their competitors.
Considerable excitement is occasioned io
all circles of Plumer by tbe enoouncemen t
that Miss Copelaud bas.been agai n appoint
ed to preside over the dsstrict school. Tbe
people are all Indignant and propose to
hand in a remonstrance. As a teacher Mis
C. is not a success at least so tar as Pluroers
is concerned. During tbe term she taught
last winter she maintaiied throughout a
demeanor entirely antagonistic to the will
or tbe parents, and npon any otjeqtions be
ing vootured sbe dooned her war paint at
once and assumed an aggressive attitude ao
invulnerable that none dare attack. The
result was, dissatisfied parents, indignant
scholars who bad no lore lor Ibeir teacher
or I o teres t In their studies.
We are glad to note tbe arousal of tbe
people in this matter aa tbey are usually
Indifferent In such cases. Plumer pays a
heavy school tax aod should have good
teachers. We await further deveiopements,
which we will transmit as soon as they oc
cur, t
Forest County Items. Forest County
has a rape case. Tbe victim ia a woman
fitly years of age, her assailant a young
man. - The Fureat Republican says out ol
respect for tbe young scamp's parents tbe
name Is withheld, but a warrant is lo tbe
bands ot tbe conatable for bi arrest, aod we
sincerely hope be may be oaptured.
Zick Sbiver of Tioneata run a pitch folk
tine through bis foot laat week, orippling
him for a time.
Win Cole who was bl tten by a rattlesnake
a few weeks sine is now arouod again si'
Forest Coonly bas three base ball clubs.
Tlooesta to lo bave a regular pastor at its
Presblyeriao Cburoh.
' Mr. fell Holman, of Tioneata, killed a
rattlesnake tbe other day, whiob measured
four leet in length aod was upward of twelve
inohes lo circumference.
Tbe Democratic District Convention of
Forest Couuly, meet at EeaBt Brady ou tbe
Pktroma. About 10 o"olock tliia morn
'ng (Sunday 13th lost .,)notioiog a dna I
smoke arising I repaired tbe scene and
fouud tbe McDonald well completely envel
oped In flames, Tbe well was but recently
finished, and was making about SO barrels
a day. The well is situated on the Arm.
strong Wilson larm aod is owned by ' Frank
McDonald, of Ibia place. Flowing through
the oasing was Ibe causa of tbe fire, and al
though everything possible waa done, tbe rig
waa eotnpletly destroyed. Tba tank was
saved by very great exertion, tbe derrick
falling along aids of it. It contained about
150 barrels of oil.
Tbe Ralph Brothers & Riddle osme very
oear sustaioiog a similar loss last week,
and would have, bad It not been tbat their
efficient engineer James Morrison, wss in
Ibe engine bouse. To urn the stop cock
was the work oi an Instant, then all was
Tbe Harley well was cased dry yesterday.
Est Brady Independent
The report reoeived from all part of the
en coasts of Nova Scotia, Mew Brunswick
and Quebeo are or a moat aatlsfaotory obar
acter. Tba salmon fbberlea bave not yield
ed so abundantly In tho last twenty years,
and the fishermen are now beglning to re
alizs and appreciate the advantages ot the
thorough system of protection to tbe flsberiea
whloh bas been enforoed by the governmen t
of theNew Domloioo.
Tbe total amount or military Ireigbt
forwarded last year from Sioux City depot
to June 30 waa 3,163.325 pouoda, wbile tbe
total amount shipped this year from Yank
ton depot aod Sioux City depot combined Is
7,880,951 pounds, making an excess this
year over last of 4,416,029 pounds. Of this
amount over 3,000,000 pound bas been
shipped from Yankton.
Max Killed nr tub Cabs; Thursday
night, tbe 3d lost., a man named Rulner
was killed by tbe Buffalo Expreas, near
Rlmurtoa stat'oo, on tbe Valley kroad. lie
was walking oo the track and when be waa
observed tbe engineer blew the whistle; but
it wis unheeded by tbe man, and before
tbe train could be stopped it struck blot,
killing biui almost instantly. Ths deceased
leaves a wife and a large family.
Tbe oil regions are infested with a gang
of thieves tbat resort to any and all means
to plunder the people. Almost every town
la the region bas bad proof ot this in one
way or another. Io the past six months
tbe lower oil region has been the chosen
field (or those tnicereants, as tbe numerous
accounts of attempted aod attcoessrul tobbet
les recorded in our columns will show. Re
cently We have beard but little or tbe work
ings of tbis band ot desperados, and we
bapjtd tbey had cast tbeir lines io other
places. But such does not seem to be the
case. Friday night of last week a bold at
tempt was made to burn Kama City, and It
was altogether probable that It was lb work
of our oid enemies. On the nigbt In ques
lion a genllemao who waa lying sick with
the fever at Him Erie City Hotel, on Malo
street, was awakened by a bright flame
shining against Ins bed room window. The
mil had not been ablo to leave his bed lor
live weeks previous, but when be discovered
the unusual light be succeeded lo going into
an adjoining room and giving tbe alarm.
Tbe occupants or tbe boose were aot long
in ascertaining that a barret of shavings
upon which keroaene bad been poured, was
burning in a dangerous proximity lo tbe
rear part of tbe buildiog. Tbe discovery
was made just lo time lo save tbe bouse and
perhaps the town. Bnlldiogs that would
burn like tinder surrounded tbe Erie City
Hotel oo ail sides, and bad one got on fire
tbe cbaocea to save the town would tave
been exceedingly slim.
Up to this writing we have beard or to
arrests being made, but It is boped tbat sus
picion will point out tbe fiends who made
this attempt to destroy a flourishing little
city nod that as little mercy will be showo
them as tbe law permits. There is hardly
a doubt but the inteutioo or tbe Inceodaries
was to rob and plunder tbe town. Bast
Brady I n jepeodeot.
Governor GII"S ol Virginia, once address
ed a note lo Patrick Henry, demanding
'Sir, I understand tbat you bave called
me a 'bob-tailed politician.' I wish to
know it it be true, and If true, to know your
meaning. Wit. B. Giles.'1
' To whjch Henry replied:
'I do not recollect having 'called you
bobtailed poliliclan'at any time, bntlbink
It probable I bave. Not recollecting tbe
time or occasion, I cannot say what I did
mean, but if you will tell me what you think
I meant, I will say whether you are corrcc
or not. louts reanecirully,
Patiiick IIkxht."
At a banquet given in honor of Herscb
V. .Tubnsoo by tbe Macon (Ga.) bar, !b
loll iwinii toaat was offered: "The agrlcul-
'ure of the Stale hased upon liens; jbiiried
in mortgages; ooo'.rolled In it councils
Uwyer; perfumed with the aromatic odors
of diftani Isles of the sea; with Itscorns-orlh
and meathouses in loreign States; 'Its of-
fduse Is rurk; it smells lo heaven."'
The St. Louis Journal is going to pub
lish a list ol iietnizers who give credit when
they clip anything, and will entitle It ''The
Laurel Wreath.'' Tbe String of Pearl.
"The Chletest Among Tea Thousand, "
something or tbe kind.
A Portland man, caught liehiog for troul
on another man's land ibe other day, com
pletely ailenced tbe owner, who was remoo
strated, with tba majeatlo answer, '-Who
wants to catch yoor trout T I am only try
ing to drown this worm."
To All Lover of Art and Lit'
eratiire i
Yy "'ilia Unwelcome Visitor " poataijc projwlo
aa a premium to every subscriber to our moothlj
mogaiiue called tba
containing S3 large pages besides the cover.
with the best and most Interacting reading,
$1 A YEAR !
Bend oo yonr dollar, and get a dollar magaaine
and an el;ht dollar chromo tu return. Wa want
and will liberally pay
Bend stamp for particulars' Adilrosa
BIIHIBLt) BEE, Albion. Illinois
Go to V. A. LOZlElt
4th Strcctaiiear It. It. track
tor your BEZIXi;, tleliv
AttIl at 4- ayltA' inll JT. ri i
cicu til, me wens iur $i7t
per Barrel.
. Pettoleum Ceiilre, Fell. 6lh-tf.'
Bold Attempt to U urn
Local Notice.
ryThe Post Office Newsroom &v
Founlaio is oow running lo full blm,.;
Call and try a glass of lo oool soda
Dtcken'a "Hoi" !
Just Issued In paper cover by the pel,j'
snoa. I'rlce 2& cenis. ana lor sale at ,'
Poat Ofiioe Newsroom. i
Taken Up.
On the piemiaes of Henry French, '
tbe depot, Pitbole City, about nine mootti
since, a red and white cow about six jn,
old. The tiartles owning: said cow are am
Bed io Call and settle charge -and take k,
away, or sbe will be sold as ibe law dlrent
I'ltboie uity, juiy iv. ism.
A desirable bouse oo the Egbert Fan
For particulars enquire at the PosiOfflot,
NoveJlo's Cheap Music,!;
Novella's Mnea. fart Sonc, etc BtnHtm,",
NoTclio a Church Music uinM m .
I'rlce, $1 ;or 1, bonnd In cloth, Rllt b-
In Wiper, from 60 carta to 11; cloth, with cl: 1
edgw, $1 to i cach.
Itach' 4H Prelndnaand
Fngnes. Cloth Jt
Kieantly Iwuud. H
a so
IleetboYln s an Dona'ae.
Bcthovtn'a 31 Fiano Pieces.
KWvant bound . ft r
(liopin'i ValsM. fit- paper
1 i
u 4
l'l ii
nopin a runmww, -.'hnuln'a
Nocturnes. ' "
Choptu'a Mukui kaa. 41
Chopin a Ballad. " "
nopiu e rmuura.
'Iiooin'fl Wonath.
Menuelmhu'a I'omnlcte Piano Works.
folio Ktltlioi . Full xllt. Coaiplcie in 4 vol.; t
Tlioaanit. 8vo. Full cilt I'oiiipliMtj in 4vul4p k
Tba Nunc. Hvo. rnner Cumpleteln 4 volnMu f
Mciid'!s.-ohn' hongs Without V orils folio fMtw :,
Villi t:l t 6 i
uctiiva r.awion miicuc 33 a
Octavo Knltioii. Paiier covers ?;. (
Mozart'e 1H -founts. Elegantly bound. Vn4
irllt j
hebohert's 10 Sonatas. Slecantly boupi. hrl
-.1 v . -
8ehnl(eri,s Dances- O mplcte. Elegantly twi ,
r- mi gut r
Schu-i :i's Piano Piece.. Elegantly bonnd. ti
Schumann's Forest Crones Nina Easy Pltr-
raiier coTeaa. if I
Kcnamann'a riano rona Aiimra, megantij son.
Knll gilt Si, j
Tho bums, liiper covers
8 to Music by J W. Elliott, with M beiutlr
tltUftratUHie engravd by tbe broti ore Paliic
Buurua, ft. Ml. Buivnaiuiy nounu in ciutu.
edgea, 14 U ,
Adilre. J. L. PKTKltd, 51KI llrondw
New York, i
mi .iiivi'iio b inenp mil
New Goods
Emel Zedwichl
Has just re'mcrd
complete slock ot
Irom Buffalo will i
Fall and Winter Goods
Bas been established in I's tu t n innes
past three j ears, and haa the name of f
Making; the Brat Fit and Flan
lioot 111 I lie Oil Beglon. :
II. b constantly weiring nrd.r. from other n
tloua ofllie Oil Kcgioua. (
II eonatanily kevpa on hand
Ready-made Boots,. Shoe
The Herkwlik f 30 Portable tasnl '
Mewing; Mac blue, on :tO Hare Trial
many advantage over all. alatlrntclioo planum
or t S refund, d. Sent complete; with foil dm
tinns. ' Reckwith Sewing Machine C ,80'i Broatltl
New York.
1 DT1JSJIG -!v.riwhere to m-11 i-nr uew and a"'
JS?5fZ. tS.Kmbrold.rtiig Machine, sand for I
W ANTLJItratcd Circular, 1 4lbo MoKee H
auturiou Company, 309 Bioadwnjr, New York, t
A.-aV G. W. RAILWAY. !
Tine Table adopted Novew
ber 4, ISTa.
NORTH WAHD: Oil City. Franklin.
kanrea:....vA..n... S 60 a m 9.18 a ui
Mull S-ttfm J14pm
AccsniinndatlonllO a m 1 W p m
Acconimodation. &.0 pm 9 W t- m
41 P'
Oil 0'
sOUTnWAUD: Meadv'ir Franklin.
Einrei- 11.4(1 am H 04 a in
Mail 11180 pin J BTpm
Acroiu odailou... I 00 a ni HXini
axprees f . 4 10 p nt IIJR p m
L. D. BAKTON. Cen'l Wf I
N. B Time 36 mtautea' alowcr than Oil I"
Ra Iway time. '
li. 8. Ac M. 8. UAIsjWAY
tiiaar', October ST,
waTwitn TIIAIHH. uj
Franklin. Jamaatown Clw-
Oil City.
7 00 a m
Oil am
p iu
745 a m
a m
14 a m D in a m
1U 00 a m
3.'i5 p m 6 0 p iu
SAfTwaan (aaisa
Jamratowu- Franklin
ll.M p m
1 pin
11 SO a m
8.15 am
CTO a m