The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, July 18, 1873, Image 2

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Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
Fet.j Centre,
frtelav, July 1
Ulvlne Bervtee.
Service 'very Sabbath et 11 A. M. snd
.IO V Mnhhlltn PCDOOI M li
eats free,
ed to all.
A cordial Invitation exieua-
Krt. G. Mdork, Pastor.
n i 11 o'clnck A. N.. ana .7
w,ir'p. u.. b the Pastor. W. 0. Ben
ard. Sebbata School at 12'4,
after loronon service. -
Pr.vnr Meetina and Sabbatn
Teaoborrs Meeting Tuesday
each week. '
petroleum Centre Lodge; Ho,
T15. I. O. oiO. F.
Regular mwttng nlghU Friday, at
o'clock. Signed.
n n. Piii iv. A See'.-
jirPlace of mooting, Main St., opposite I lhe, dinner,
MoCliotock House.
now In The County Jail.
During tbe temporary absence of Turnkey
Nolan, on tbe 4th of July, cell No, 14, uoo
taining two abandoned women (one from
tbia city and tbe other from Petroloum
r!nntrn. whn ira nwaltlm tbe action of tbe
next Grand Jury) was opened oy means oj
false keys, manitfaotured by a prisoner who
was couvicted of burglary and robbery a
tbe last session of tbe Criminal Court, bu
wlio, by motion 01 bis counsel, obtained B
new trial. After opening tbe cell, mis
directly prisoner and another entered and spent sev
eral hours therein wna ma wuowu, mi
third walked tbe galleries on watcb, and
was to give notice of tbe approach of tbe
Turnkey by a peculiar whistle. Between
one and two o'clock tbe tignal was. gi ven
and the men emerged from the cell, but In
attempting to clasp the "combination
spring padlock" they found to their borror
that tbey were at fault. Finally, alter Half
an hour's severe labor, and tbe aid of sundry
wraps, etc., tbey sucoeeded in re-locking
tbe door, only a few minutes before tbe en
trance of tbe Turnkey to give the women
Mr. Nolan's snspiclona were
evenings of
at ooce aroused from tbe difiloulty be en
countered In opening tbe lock, but be said
notblng at tbe time. Finally, on Sunday,
A t of IT. V
T Irumrtv l.nrloA Nn. 7. A. O. Of U. W.,
meets ovorv Monday evening at 1 o'clock, Sheriff Mark made a thorough search of tbe
nOdd Fellow's. Hall, reiroieuui vuu", cel, -nrt fouod (bs Keyi m that ot me
Peao'a. . nrinnnun' above relerred to. who. persisting
Jaks Wasos, M. W.
r Jambs S. Wihtb, R. .
in denying all knowledge of tbe affair, were
locked up. On Tuesday, however, tbey
sent for tt Sheriff,' confessed tbeir guilt,
and were promptly liberated on Friday
On tbe Tuosday morning before the lib
eration, a prisoner named Weldy, charged
with grand larceny, was heard to say, "Tbe
Gd d d nigger will catch it wben tbe
bovtaet out," and in pursuance of this
t3PTbar Post Ofltee Newsroom Soda I Qfeat commenced abusing tbe only colored
Fountain is now running in full blast. Dr,oner, from tbe moment tbe Turnkey bad
Call and try glau of ice cool soda wa tef I retlred after causing breakfast to be served
I 1. nf R . 111.
Mlnnolriuinna Tribe No. 183. I. O. R. M
nf Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday
evening In Good Templar's Ur il.
rsarCounail fires linbled at 7 o'clock.
, . H. HOWK, Sachem.
C. L JUKES, Chief ol Kecrfrds.
(old a lp.m.
Habeas CoRPi'B. C. H. Howard, the
man now In jail awaillng his trial for alee'
ing a package ot money from tbd counter of
the International Bank, was brought be
fore Judge Trunkev, on Tuesday afternoon,
on a writ of habeas corpus, and bit kail
fixed at four thousand dollar, Howard
was committed by Aldennao Ellis in de
fault of $1,000 ball. Alter tbe commitment
effort were made to get tbe pthooer out,
through tbe coamlttiag aiagtsttate, by .ten
dering tbe amount of ball Ural fixvd, knit
Alderman Ellis declined to go behind his
commitment trad left the deeleloa to toe
Court which acted at bovo stated. It i
said that Howard's friends will raise tbe
amount necessary to set him at liberty, and
then we shall tee bis laoe no more. Hit it
a bailable offence, and on general princi
pals the law Is just. But here It a man
caught in the aot, and ol whose guilt there
oao be no question. His liberation on ball
and escape from all punishment will be due
to the faot that somebody in hit behalf will
raisj four tboosand dollars. Tbat sum sets
him free to try bis luck again In the tame
way. But a poor devil, who bad no wealthy
hlenda or confederates to put up money (or
bit release, would have to stand hit trial
and suffer tbe consequences of bis crime.
Yet tbe bail in Howard'! case it latge
enougb; and it it were forty thousand dol-
Ura 'instead of four thousand, and tbe
amount could be raised for bim, tbe princi
pal of bis case would be tbe same- Yet It
is the duty of tbe Court to act npon tbe
writ and fix tbe bail. Upon general priori.
pals of rigbtand justice the law is faultless
yet lotihis particular instance four tbous
and dollars may see one man free where ao.
other man without tbat turn would go to
tbe penitentiary
P. S. Howard wat released last even;
inn bv eivlDi tbe bail, witbblt wife, left
on tbe first train. Venango Spectator,
Auction sales ol OH ttxsBs.
At recent auction sales in Philadelphia
tba following oil stocks were sold at the
La utel Fork Oil Co., 23 share at
Voioanlo Oil Co., 1,341 " "
MoCllotockville Pet. Co., 100 '
Kingtlaod Oil Co., 1,000 "
Excelsior Oil Co., " "
Maple Shade Oil Co., 200 "
Dalell Oil Co., 400 "
Wllberap Farm Petroloum aud Mia
fog Co., 600 shares at
Colon Canal Co., 600 tbaret at
Union Pet. Co., 200 tbaret at ;
Onquesne Oil Co., 500 shares at " I
Lancaster and Clarion River Oil
Co., 200 tbaret at J
Pennsylvania Oil Co.. Z shares at 8 00
Cherry Run and Pittsburgh Pet Co.
2,000 share at
Perry Oil Co. 6,030 shares, for the lot 500
McAboy and Cherry Run Oil Co ,
2,000 tbaret for tbe lot 3 50
Cherry Run Central Oil Co., 200
tbaret at ?
Great Basin Oil Co. , 100 tbarcs at
Cameron Pet Co.. 40 tbarat at
Local Notlcee.
$6 00
2 25
Dickon's "Box"
JnsHnusd in paper covet by tbe feter-
aoaa. Price 25 cents, and for tare at foe
Pott Office Newsroom. .
When tbe renowned Mrs. Siddons wat
on Friday morning. At tbe colored man playing In Dublin, in tbe well known trag
wat pauing down tbe ttairt be brushed ledy of "Macbeth," tbe, at Lady Macbeth,
Weldy, who sprang upon him, threw bim came to tbat part where a drum aouoot,
upon bit baok oo tbe platform, then getting in(j aDe exclaims, "A drum! a drum! Mac
the fore finger of the left band between bit Deth doth comet" There was tome dimcul
There It a seot at Battle CetekL Mich., UWeldy's) leetb held it fast, finally piling- ty or neglect in obtaining the necessary In
tbat appears to bo making tbe place a battle tog bis thumbs Into tbe prostate man's eyes; l,,rUmeot, and to bar amazement a trumpet
eroued for the right of men and women to I be tried to pluck them from tbeir sockets, I WM sounded. She immediately taw bow
do just a tbey pieaee without, regard to I which be would have done but ror tbe inter-1 bsurd it would be to say "drum" while tbe
decency or law.' Thetiet pretend to be I ferenee of a third prisoner who pulled him I wel known tound of tbe trumpet met tbe
spiritualists, buf tbe betler.clatt or tpirltu- off. At it It the uorortunate man it nearly I eara 0t tbe vast audience, so the laid, "A
alints repudiate tbera and lay tbey have blind and confined to bit cell, and tbe finger trumpet! a trumpet!" and ttopped short,
aotbiug In common with tbeir monttrou" is nearly severed from the second joint. mid breathless silence . not knowing how
doctrines. " Tbe o'tber day tbay bad pub 1 Tbe prison physician wat duly called, and I to rhyme, when a yoioe irom ' tbe gallery
Ho meeting, and one of the speakers order- with tbe Sheriff and Turnkey, have done all I called out, "Macbeth doth stnmp It!'
in tbeir power to tolieve tbe suffering of which tbe bouse broke out ioto a peal
the prisoner, and restore order in tbe prison, uugbter and applause, and tbe tragedienne
Tbe affair will be properly investigated as advanced to tbe footlights and bowed her
soon as tbe iujured man la In a condition to
appear. Venango Spectator.
ed a man and a woman in tbe audleno to I
rise. The mai and tbe woman bad proba.
bly never spoken to each otber, .certainly
on the subjeot of marriage, but tbey were
entirely in tbe power of tbe speaker wbo pro
ounced tliciu man and wife. Tba couple,
wbo wore believers In doctrines of tbe sect,
recognd the marriage a' biodlng and ao
eepted the situation. They were from .De
troit and had gone to Battle Creek for tplr-
ttual guidance. They got It.
Constable Rattan, of Tidioute, arrived in
town yester'lay aflernoqa and .took charge
of the man Martin Smith, to account of
wbo?e arrest was published In yesterday's
Recorb. Smith wat taken to T Id lout e on
tbe afieppoou traia.
The Petroleem Centre Record sayt "ob,
foe ajeoal Item." As the nearett Item to
tbit 'jacuIattoQ was horn tbe Derrick we
fancy we knew wbem it "owes'' for a local
imm Derrick.
"Which the above" has no foundation In
fact whatever. No Heme were taken from
the Berrlck tbat day, and we bave never
taken any from tbat paper without the
toner credit. The Derrick Hem savors
atrnogly ot "Big I, Little You."
New Wki.l. A new well was strnck on
tbe Ism Boyd (arm, Oil Creek, a day o
two since, which is yielding eight barrels
per day of black olt. It is owned by Atkins
ii Ramsay ot this place. This woll it oo
shallow tertftory, and" provet cooclue'.vely
that oil exists there in paying quantities.
We bear of tbo striking of new well at
tlenry't Band. on the Allegheny River,
which it yloUHng Ifty barrels per day
Owned by Clevaland. parties. Tbe utrlkiag
of Ibis wen opens up a large esient or new
territory In tbat vloioity. There l not
Dinah doubt but that the Pltbole oil bell
extends lo tbat direction.
Oil CUrtl, Motions, &e,,
A seotlemao signing himself William
North and claiming to be a turvivor of Sit
Jobo Fraoklin't Arollo expedition, writes
Irom beautiful and hitherto undiscovered
country near tbe "North pole. Mr. North
relates tbat be it getting along finely were
among people seven feet blg'i and posse
ed of a peculiar cultivation. Hit ep Islle is
dated May 21, 1861, and ie written koa teat
tkin. After drilling about In tbe water
ever since "it was up in Hudson Bay, and
oonducted to a gentleman in Washington
territory, wbo now makes It publlo through
ao Eastern paper." Tbe pretended story
of North it an ingenious fiction fashioned
by tome indignant Bohemian ol Mew York
after Gulliver's Travels; or from tbe style
of it more likely, perhaps, npon tbe model
of Lork Lytton't Comlog Race."
Washington Stri ct,
. petroleum ttotre.
At a meeting of stockholders of tbe Yen'
aogo County Agricultural Association, held
at the Exchange Hotel,on Monday evening.
Tbe resignation ef J. B- Barbour as Presi
dent ot tbe Association was received and
acceptel, and Geo. II. Plaget wat eleoted lo
fill the position. C. M. Hoover and Tbos.
King resigned at Directors and tbeir places
wore filled by the election of W. A, Cooper
and RaRiebflald. Tbe affairs of tbe Associa
tion are in a ' prosperous condition finan
cially. In few weeks tbe premium litt lo'
tbe Agricultural Fair to be held during the
latter part of September will be published
This exhibition will be for the benefit o
agriculturalists and mauufaoturert entirely'
and our people should lend every a'siataooe
possible in making il a Stiooejs. Venango
Tbe lawyers ol Mioligan are to assemble
at Laaoing to-morrow for tbe purpose of
forming a Slate Bar Association.
Tbe otber day, on a traio from Lawrence
to Boston, on reaobing Wakefield, the eon
ductortsbouled, "change cars," etc A lady
wbo was tilting in one ot the cars got np
and west out Shortly before reaching
Boston the lady atked tbe oonduotor If tbe
train bad not yet reached Wakefield. Tbe
conductor laid it bad, and atked bet If tbe
did not bear bim about change oart. She
laid, "Yes, I wat in tbat car," pointing lo
to tbe next oar attached, "and came into
this one-" She was taken back on tbe next
traia -
A speoial train conveying Usvernor Harl-
raaft, Col. Lawreuce, Col. rblillps and
otber notables, paeeed over tbe oil Creek
Uailroad. shortly after noon today. The
party bad beun on an excursion to Cbau lbe3 apposed to be her new alliance, it be
A staid citizen oModlaoapolis, while re'
eea My oo a business visit to New York, wa9
asked to escort a obarmlng young widow lo
bar borne In Western New York. lie com
plied of course; but when on reaching tht
place of her residence, ail ber friends be
gan congratulating ber and bim on- what Lake.
Pbllllns Brot, Forrest aud Hrdman,bave
anew well going down on tbe Rookei
firm, Pltbole, which will toon be completed
Tbey ace tba owners of the largest produc
lua well In the Pltbole UUlriot which It
y ielding 33 barrels dally .
The Derrick reports tbe talking of a new
wall on the Bage Hue- territory, which Is
said to bogleldlugr 200 battels day.
came aggravating and embanaasing, and'
he was compelled' to explain tbat be bad a
wife at home, lo whom be bad been mar
ried for sistottn year
About nine o'olock yesterday toreooon an
oil tank belonging to tbe Tidiouta Pipe
Company, was struck by llfbtoiog aud the
oil burued up. Loss quite heavy.
Now Is the time lo secure bargains in dry
gods, and M. Samuels' is tbe place to buy.
acknowledgement for tbe relief. She after
wards tried to find out wbo it was, but fail
to do so, and never forgot what she ountid
ered the most genuine pieoe of wit she bad l
met witb in all her experience.
An old lady of Norfolk, Va., is the pro
prietor of a venerable mule that has
been an inveterate cbewer of tobacco for
many years. Whenever be becomes obsti
nate, as mules occasionally do, It is only
necessary, to give him a chew, wben be be
comes perfectly kind and gentle.
"Why it It that to many men are troub
led witb brain diseases of late?" asked a
gentleman. "In this telegraphic, high-
pressure age," replied a friend "there are a
great many more thjogs to occupy one's at
tention than there were twenty years,, ago,
but tbe braint ain t any bigger now than
tbey were then."
Twenty-eight different klndt ef "bitters"
sold in Rhode Island for "strictly medicloal
use" are undergoing analysis by tbe State
Chemists from an excise point of view.
Tbe pen is mightier tban the sword, and
tbe greatest writer wbo ever lived if tbe
Baron Julius, for his pen' woo him more of
Persia tban the sword of Alexander .the
Great could conquer.
He who eats twenty-four pound loaves of
bread imbibes therein tbe equivalent of a
battle of port wine. Hence it It clearly tbe
duty of excise commissioners to prohibit the
use of bread oo Sunday.
The champion lobster ba bean captured
about twenty ml let from Portland, Me. It
measured three feet ten inches from, tip le
tip of tbe extended clawt, and would re
quire about twelve beads of lettnee alone to
drest il into a salad.
A mercbant'a daughter at Columbus, O.,
kicked off a young maurt bat the otber day
because be sat dowo in ber parlor with tbat
article' of wearing gear upon bit bead. Sbe
used ber loot because sbe happened to be
carrying an armliit of books, and was too
Indignant to postpone punishment
Tennessee is duly gratelul for a new epi
zootio wbiob Is causing immense mortality
among domestio cats.
Moribund cltizms of Lyons, Fraooe, ti 9
officially notified tbat tbey must be buried
belore leven o'clock a. m.
Mr. John Shearer and bit wife went np in
a balloon from Reading, Pa., a day or two
ago, attained at attitude of two eod oneself
miles, and laoded safely seven mllet from
tbe point of starting. Thsy we pioking
op psbbles oo tbe snore of that great
wblob Professor Wits threatens to explore
or die in tbe attempt.
Stone piers are bslsg built under tbe
TarrFarm Railroad bridge. Tbe work
will not be completed much before winter
tett lo. It It understood tbe company In
tend building a wagon bridge far their own
nae while making tbe bangs, and should
tbe citizens desire it will leave it foi the
use of the public.
Tbe heavy rain storms recently bat rait
ed tbe water in tbe Creek somewhat.
Tbe present mail
fraud on the public
arrangements are a
Representative Eugene Hale Is reported
to be a candidate for United States J Senator
from Maine. In place of Hamllo, agaloat
snob formidable compettert at Hamlin him
ll ex-Governor Perbatn and Speaker Blafa I
unless, tbe latter thinks there Is some safer
route to the White House.
NoveJlo's Cheap Music,
Novello'i Glees.lPart Bongs, etc te Is eenin
lSovcllo's Church Marie 9 to It cent .
Price, $1 ;or S, sound la cloth, Rllt edges.
In paptr, from 60 carta to 11; oth, with jll
dgw, II to 13 eacbt
Bach's 48 Preludes and FugnM. Cloth 0500
Beethovtn'a Stt fconatw. Bkuutly hound, rail
gilt - 710
c jthoven'i St Piano Plea i Decant boaad .Fall
irilt am
Cbopin'a Taleea. Bti paper cor 1 50
Chopin's Polonaises, " 1 00
i;nopin's nociuraes, .... s UU
Chopin's Mumkas. " " tot
Chopin's Balla-. - ' too
Chopin's Preludes. " u t M
Cbopln's Honatu. " a 60
Mendelsohn's t'omnleta Piano Works. Kleuant
FoltoEdltioi . Full gilt. Qomsletetn 4 rol,i!8 (0
Tbesame. 8 to. Full gilt Complete In 4 vo 1400
Thenme. 8vo. "faner. Complete In 4 volH)
Mendelssohn's Bonga Without Wordi Polio Kditlon.
Fall gilt ( so
Octavo Edition Fall sit S6U
Octavo JZnitlon. Paper covers a 50
Moart's 1 Uonatae. Blegantly fcoan . Knit
gilt tut
Schubert's 10 Sonatas. Elegantly bowd. fill
. . " ' 8 00
Bcnnnert,s jjances- vompiete. Eieirantij Sound
Fun gilt ... me
Bcnufxrt's Piano Pieces. Ehgantlj boond. Fall
tin s tu
Scbnmann'r Forest Bssnes. Nine Easy Ptecm
Paper cove3. bo
Schumann's Piano Arte Album. Elegantly bonnd
Fall tilt 50
The Bams; raper covers jgo
Set to Music by 3 W. Eiliott, with H beautiful
lllnHtratlons engraved by the brothers Dnlsiel.
uouat, tiju. splendidly boand in cloth, gilt
e I Ml
Aoaresa, J. L. PETERS. 690 . Broaden.
Tko Largest aid Cheapest stoek ol
tte-lOctipcr yard.
t.tvjiii to is .is: .
oa lt to IS eta
' 4 spook : jr S9 sta.
Dress CSoodft Shawls, Hos
ier) Corsets
DomesAe PlenSOoods, Lealcn He, Rttibmis
nooteWif the veYy beet tpwllty BrlUlRgs and Lin
ens. Vine and Nef. e, 6 cta.per paper, .Cnrpttl !
thultweat'taee. ,
Milliiiery Trimmings,
And a complete stock of liwlits
Hats anu .bonnets,
Alto, a Complete Stock of
Which will te sold at
Sew York,
Agsat for Novello s ;Cheap Music-
Commencing August 1st, IS73,
t9Olve mi oali and examine aoodi
snd price.
Pet. Centre, iay lTlb, 1873.
Go to V. A. LOZIEKi
4th 8treet,near It. JR. track,
tor your BENZINE, delif
ered at the welh for $1
per Barrel
Petroletim CHitre, FeU. (th tl.
VaaNtri.rM nninrir
Time TmsVIt) uUoetel $o'
NOKTUWAKD: OlUtty. Franklin.
fcaiieoai, ... a toa m
Mail lets m
Seeoninuidtln.lte m
Acumuiudetlon S.S0 pm
IS am
t 30 u ni
t JO, i
HOUTHWARD: Mta4v'lr Franklin.
Kxnrew.Hnm.MWM 4U am 04 a in
Mll............H JO p ut 1 67 p to
Accoen ooaiioa. T mi am 10 HO a m
KxiniH. III! du a-st n u
U D. BARTON, Gen 'I jjv
N. a-Warf! mimitee sloarar tban OilCreM,
Ra.lway time.