The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, July 17, 1873, Image 2
Petroleum Centre Daily Record. Pot. Centre, Fa. TfctrlT. Jnlyl Divine Rem. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH ,tvlc every 8albaibt 11 A. M. end i P. M. Sabbath Sonool at HJ,' P.M. eats fr'oe. A cordial invitation extend ed (a ail. Kv. G. Moor, Putor. PRESBTTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 Celook A. M.. and7 o'clock P. M , by tbPtor, TV. 0. Bobch iiu. Sabbath School at 12J, directly atlw Ion? 11 000 swvieo. . . Prayer Htias; wU Sabbath Sobool Twacber's Meeting Tuesday evening of efoch week. , petroleum Centre Lodge, 710, I. O.'Ol O.F.' Sq. Regular meeting night Kriday, O'clock. Siloed. W. B. MONTGOMERY, N, at 7 , G. C. IT. Baii.kt, A Sec'y. j-piaco of meeting, Main SI., opposite McCliotock Honest A. O. of V. W. Mberty lodge No. 7 A. O. of TJ. W., meets every Monday evening at 7) o'clock, n Odd Fellow' Hall, Petroleum Centre, Penn'a. JiMKS Waso.N-, It. W. t JikMIS S. WlttTB, It. 1. o, of n. lit, , r :, t . Mlnnekauuee Tribe No. 183, E Q. K. M Of Petroleum Centre, meet every Thursday evening in Good Templar's Hall. t-CounH Crea llRbted afT o'clock. m IT. nOWE, Sachem. C. h JUKES" Chief olReoords. &ld at 1 p. m. 118 ty tbe Poet Office Newnoom SocTt Founula I now running in fall b!Mt. Vail and try a slats of Ice cool aodfc wa teri Dickena "Boa' Just Issued in paper cover by the Peter. ona. Price 25-eenta, and fat sale at the Post Office tfbwcroom? Lahcint: Lait night Justice Reynold, Conetabla Burgess and Nlgbiwatohmsti Kinney, arrested a mao named - Martin Smith, charged with larceny. The (acta ot tbo caae are aa followa: Smith, It appears, resides at TriucepK;'' Yesterday' or, tka day before be appropriated 450 feet of oil well t6blng belonging to tb New" York Pipe Line Company or Tldloute, loaded It on a wagoa and brought 11 to thia place, arriv ing in the alfernoon. .lie stepped at H. H. Warner's and endeavored to tell tbo tubing to him at so low a figure, that Warner, sus pecting a bad bean etoleo, refined W bby. Smith then drova'td the Collin House, ' at wliicb place be sold the tubing to Mr. M Sweeney at ten cents par foot, receiving tberefdr'lo tbo neighborhood ot (25. Later in tbo evening telegrams Trout Tldloute dls closed the fact of the laroeny and the arrest was made aa above.' ' . . - When arrested be was in bed at the bouse of a notorious prostitute known by the name of English Jennie. He msdo a desperate resistance, but was overpowered nod taken to tbo loak-up, trom whence be will bt tak en lo Tldloute this afternoon, the crime having beeu committed in Warren county tne examination eonld not take place here. Aa n matter or course the money received tor tie tubing wm non est. Smith la an aid offender, having figured before) tbo courts several times and served ona or two term' la the penitentiary already. Tbn ohanees are that be will serve nawthot aod longer term lor this offence. One Ida Castle, n fab but frail female, re aiding near Ike site of the old American Hotel, started out yesterday morning lor little lour of Inspection over the lava bods. Jterore starting sbe Indulged In a goodly namberof bowla from tbe fount of King uambtlnus. TBI enlivened the beauteous iia to tbat extent tbat aba grew reckless and wandered at random over the lava bade talking wildly about Hooka Jib, Old Sohon acalu, Capt. Jack, nod tbo rest of the tribe. Towards evening her "eoppern heated no' to that extent tbntold rye waa necessary la oeoi insm off. This she took in such Inor- amate quantities that an nttack of the. "jlm jams" followed; which threw her Into spasms and for n time It waa feared her wanderings ovr tbe lava beds were at an end.; Late at night, however, she got par- lauy over tne erieet of the "blue ruio, ana mis morning was out of denier Tbo above is tbe true version ot the story Guiraai ma we streets, iasi nigni, tbat tbe lovely Ida bad taken poison. Aa the case now stauds she if yet a resident of this mun dane sphere; aod according (0 her stateusat intends to 'itaop a liddle while) yed." When n crowd of jaybawkera started n disturbance In a Texas church; tbo other day.itlrt) presobei raised a shot gun and said: "W illiam Dello, sit down, or I'll mke It painful for you." William set down nnd wee quiet aa a tanb.' We give below the balauoe of the obser vations made by the editor of tbo Peters burg Prog rem on bla reoent trip through tbo lower oil region. Hie statement of tbe eon. dition of tbn oil towns In that section is about aa lair n one aa we have had yet: Millerstown presents all tbe bustle nnd confusion incident upon new development. Tbe many recent strikes bringing in opera torn from all parte ol tbe country. Being an old town, aod having many advantages In tbe way otsolld, quiet substantial resi dents, it Is, to our mind tbe best ol all tb( lower oil towns. Hotels of some magnitude ; pleasant residences or oil man who ore sup posed to be some relation to old Croesus, give quite n healthy tone to tbe place, ' not withstanding tbe turbulanoa and careless ness of many ot tbe more present arrivals. Butler, although n very old town, bas not yet fully awakened to the importance of de velopment beiog made In ber aoap mines, notwithstanding tbe backwardness or tbe native population. A etrong element or tbe stirring, bustling, nervous oil men has given an impetus to business which would have been who! ly nnknown but for tbe discovery of tbe great reservoir of petroleum which baa made of tbe buckwheat country" quite n respec table neighbor. Greece City which bas proven to be tbe end of tbo development, presents tbe ap pearance of an overgrown baby it is puffed up a great deal, but the solid elements are entirely wanting. Here we round . tbe greatest excitement pievailicg, men crezy with "oil on the brain," men crazy because they hadn't any, and others because they were going to try aod get it. The people are very rough, disturbances ate frequent; liquor ia the common coverage. It bas no appearance or stability whatever, and al ready it has began to feel tbe evil effecte.o dry boles In ita vicinity. Buenn .Vista, four mile from Greece City, is just on tbe edge of tbe belt, and will probably be of aa much importance as some of tbe mora notable towns alieady no ticed' Operating la being pushed forward with great energy, and if the wells now un der way should prove to bo successful, much new territory will bo opened np. EVMIURT. Taken altogether we believe that tbe con dition oT the oil business waa never so crltl eel as at tbe present time. Tha almost Incredible number of wells going down, tbe men for leases:' these have n tendency to keep the prloe of oil where it It. Tbe busl nosa in this, tbo third dlstrlot ba passed through tbo ordeal, and by experience men have' learned tbat to devslope territory 00 credit I the worst and" moat uterty foolish, pi nil' plans; not only 1 this system' ioimi' oal the beat, interests bfprodueers but to all Who are connected with tbo business, either directly or indirectly. Tne lower oil dls IrMt being operated woolly neon tola ays tern will pass virtually Into the bands or tbe k'rUT, for tbe pressure in. financial matters which at present exists, canbot be borne, The atriking of many dry bole baa already created a paole, nod those who have become utterly disgusted, and tbe probabilities are they will become more so before tbo first of 3ptember. The way ol this "wicked nnd perverse generation" are put finding, out. Last night some sinner olimbed 00 the roof of homo on Washington street, occupied by Little Jake the elothei cleaner, nnd stuffed tha stove pipe fall of old rags soaked in oil, This morn lag Jako roee from' bla virtuous eoncb and proceeded to light tha fire. soon as tbe match started tha flame a fourth ol July explosion occurred which came near blowing tha roof off tha building and a' it wa set fir to the roof ol the bouse. Fortunately It was raining nt tha time, otb. erwlse a conflagration would hav ensued. In various localities about the lake there are lying on the bottom n number of vessels many of them of the better oiaas, laden witb railroad iron and other property ot great value; among which may be Included both Iron and copper ore. Witb some of tbe new appliances for raising wreeka from great depths, nejrly all of these vessels, witb their oargoes, can be recovered without much difficulty, should no atorms Intervene. Tbe weather tbua far tbla season baa been un usually favorable for suoh undertakings, ana possibly may thus cootluue during tbe summer months, and, horn what can be Inarned of tbose engaged in tbe enterprise, too experiment win soon be entered upon. One or these lost vessels is tbe schooner Saltillo, laden with railroad iton, which sunk in tbe river St. Clair some jwenty years siooe. Parties are now engaged in recovering the cargo, but as the vessels we along In years the hull bas doubtless be come broken by ice, and is of little value, Tbe amount of property thus burled be neath top water has been estimated at up wards 63,000,000, wbloh is probably be- iow iue actual ueirou free rreav, June 4. Advertise in the Rtronn, Petroleaun and In Products. Petroleum and the wauy products derived from It are at present so extensively tbat It is ol great importance , lo have a fixed standard by wbiob to .determine vbelr commercial value, aa well aa their applica bility to tbo iotended purpose. The llgui oils, or so-called naptbas, greatly differ in their degree ot volatility, though safety and efficiency lo their manifold relations, fre quently depend en Ibis quality. In view ol these facts, aod In ordt lo se- cure consumers against aecepiion, n stated tbat tbe largest chemical establish ments in tbe country bas adopted tbe plan of dividing these napthas Into five classes ranging from n specifio gravity of 0 95 0.75 and a boiling point from one hundred and four to three hundred and tbirty-efgbt de grees. Tbe quality to every case is gusrau. teed, and the price conforms to It, The value of carbolic scid , new to much In de mand as a disinfectant, depends on the aoount of phenel contained in it, which is very variable in different specimens. Tbe samemauufacturers accurately ascertain ib'e percentage of phenol in ibeir prcducl?, and regulate tbe prico in proportion. By thus giving definitely .the amount of tbe active principal, Jtbe economical and aucceselu use ol tbe article is greatly facilitated, tbe price being sole ly itf accordance witb the positive Intrinsic value of tbe material. Notes. In yesterday's issue ye editor sighs and give vent to bis thoughts in a wa 1 "O for a local." This aroused our natural sympathetic feeling and we find the following notes lying around loose. Every ona bas a better opinion or tbem selves apd tbeir's than any oae else. This we fully believe after hearing the following gratuitous complimentary from the mother ol a baby: "Sir, it is the prettiest, sweet est, nicest, dearest, lovlieat little darling in the world." Io my opinion, .tbe dirtiest, ugliest, idiotic, pug-nosed, squealing little nuiaunce in existence In tbe world. Our friend around the corner, who stands without ai equal in bia business, met witb quite an accideut last night wbloh happily did not result seriously. Last evening be paid nnusual attention to ibis toilet, espec ially tbosa Ambrosial Lock. Something wa up. A pio nio at the lirown tarm waa tbo cause of this unnatural "get up." While crossing Oil Creek, two tires came off tbe wagon but even this did not deter Jblra from bl purpose. While asoeodtng the bill this side bis destination a vlciau ..canine dls. played bia wicked propensities to bita aod bark to such an extent tbat the horses took fright nnd became unmanageable, and . ran away, throwing tbo occupant out wltbou no cere many or safely. Mr. Weaver is at a loss to know bow long bo lay insensible but was "on deck," at tbe same bonr this morning doing duty in his usual brisk man. nor. Tbe party who tendered us a voluntary serenade last night will please alng United State hereafter so that we cao appieclate him more fully. A man, evidently a Universalis!, lays tbat fotty-rour dollar was raised by oollec lion (or Rev. Getty while only seventeen waa raised for Mr. Graham aod no move mant waa made on the part ot tbe brethren to make the amount equal to Mr. Getty's until tbe Unlveraelists raised tbe amount It this ba true, It ibowt rapacity on tbe part ot tbe Methodist who were largely In tbe majority, nnd generosity In tbe cup'la tlve on the part or tbo raw Universalis!. A man whose pedal extremities were 0 nnusual largeneea wa accosted by an nrehio with "Mr. you will bav plenty of corn this fall if the weather I propltionst" What do yon mean, air, I am no agricul turist." Nothing, only tbat you bad corn in aore lot I can actually aea 'em breath. It Is sinoerely to be hoped by a II order loving people, tbat tbe fiend of lust wbiob bsvo been let loose over the entire country will b obecked. From all of our exi changes we gather tbe most horrible partic iarsoftbe spread ot this terrible eurse whlob aolually appeara to bava taken tha f.irm nf n .nUn.. ; I 1. 1 . .1 - .a .w. w w, .u op lucuj im 1 vuuurea irom rour year old, and upward, have become tbe victims of the most horrible outrages, and tbe human brutes have escaped from tbe olutcbes of tbe law, almost without an effort It I truly said that 'law Is law, but d d I f 11 is equity.'we nope to record tbe lybching of n score or two of tbe villlans. Emporium, the county seat ot Cameron county, on tbe Philadelphia and Erie Road, waa visited by a very destructive fire on the morning of tbe 8th. The Ore originated in tbe rear of a tailor shop In the Cook block. Before tbe fire engine arrived tbe fire bad gained great headway. Tbe flames spread rapidly and enveloped a number of buildings adjolnlug. The following were consumed: Two drug stores, poitoffloe, boot and boe atere, millinery shop, Camer on county Herald ocs, hardware store blacksmith aod wagon shop, aod three dwelling hoases. The loss Is from $20,000 to 520,000 partially covered by insurance. Oil News. Antwerp Pipa Co received 70,000 bbla. of oil front tbe "field" In tha month ot June and the shipments by rail for tbe same month were greater tban tor any proceeding month since it haj been It operation. The Caalfant woll In tbe rear of Cbal fant, Graff & Co 'a hardware store was tor pedoed a raw day since, and Is now doing fifty barrels. This is one of tbo few wells wbloh bas kept up the production well, aod baa already produced soma 914,000, worth of oil even at tbe miserable low figures which have ruled since it was struck, i In tbe Hess well, which Is being drilled near tbe Chambers wells on the Slicker farm, n streak or lubricating oil equal lo tbe Franklin oil. was struck at a depth of 30G feet. Tbe wollwas tubed aud pumped for a few days, and produced a barrel or two per day, which would not pay, and drilling was accordingly mstimed again witb hopes of better results when tbe thitd saad is reached. Ia a well drilled by Mr. Lowe, on tbo II iram Neely farm ; a large vein oT gas was ttruck on Friday last at a depth of 300 ft, A tbls is hardly half the depth gas is usu ally found, tbe drillers were taken complete ly by surprise, and could not believe tbat tbe roar, which resembled tbe sound of a boiler blowing off steam, was produced by tbe rush ot gas, until it'eame up and tilled tbe derrick. Tbe forgo being located In side the derrick, fire Was communicated al most instantly. Tbe fire was put out, .but tbe rig was considerably damaged, butdrll- I log will be resumed in a few days, Pe tersburg Progress. Tbe Indianapolis Journal in nottoiug the fact that George Alfred Townsend bad a latter in two Cincinnati papers on tbe same day says: "The roving romancer scatters his golden words out in vcristlta trlparli tude In two Cincinnati paper." Tnat's good, and we've no doubt be did. Tbe total valuation ot tbe city of Detroit I $27,091,000, and tbe municipal taxes for 187H amount lo $875,000. We would call attentioo ot our citizens lo tbe new advertisement ofM. Samuels, dry good lealer, bo to found in nnotber co. umn. Ilehasjost received a large stock ot Summer and Fall goods, comprising everything fonnd In a flrstolaes store Riad tls advertisement, ana give him a oill. A West Chester merchant set a steel trap In tbe cellar to catcb rats, and tbe next morning it was missing. A few days there after n boy saw a Strang cat entering tb cellar carrying a piece of meal In her moulb, Sba went behind a lot of empty barrels, and presently returned witbout the tneit. Tbe barrela ware renToved, a 1 tbere waa a cat eating the meat, with ona leg fast in tbe missing steel trap. The oil busioesa Is passing through a cri. sis in fact ii la worse tban suspended, col' lapsed. The price 1 lower tban it has touched for several years being let than two dollars a barrel at lb railroad, aod only $1,60 at the wells. Tbe bottom cer taioly bas been reached, and things will certainly soon net better.tfor tbey oannot be muon worse. uierion democrat. Spot on face. tho sun freckles on your boy's A BEAUTIFUL 8 CIIROMO FREE To All Lovers of Art and lilt eratnre I We will send the- BennMio! Cliromo entltlpd "The Uttwcleomc VifUor " postage prepaid a a premium to every subscriber to our moatbl j magaane called tbe B uxnblo sec containing 33 large pages bealdc. Ih cover, ffllfd with the beat and most Interesting reading. Frlc ouij $1 A YEAR ! Send on yonr dollar, and get a dollar magaalue and an eight dollar chromo in return.' We want and will liberally pay A-O-EISTTS, Bend atamp for particulars' Address BUiriBLEBEE. Albion, Illinois KENWOOD- Hoarainar nnun School fornUfN rrewraie .iron? attractions 10 pnrcntg and ptiar- w .un. a iiicjiRni nuinf. wrongn inntrnotton healthful dlMttplUie; excellent libmry now appar atus. Bend for catalogue. Liberal dtscoant to tirrKTIIU'n. VUAKLE8 JACOBUS, A. in.. Prln., New Brighton, Venn. IMsa-olution otice. The firm or Mease & Armstrong is tbls day dissolved by mutual consent. Tbe books and accounts of tbe late firm have been placed in the hands ol Juclice Hut. nolds for collection, aod all parlies knowing iiivujBBivun muvutvu win uo wen io call on mm aua seme the same at once aud save ousts. TJ. G. Measb. T. S. Armstrong. Petroleum Centre, July 14, 1873. FOB SALE. A deslrablo house on the V.ahtrt. v. I For particulars enquire at tbe Post Office. Local Notice. Go to W. A. LOZ1EU, 4tli Strcet,iiear 11. It. track, tor your EZIM:, dcliy. ered at tlwVclU for Ufi per Barrel. : Petroleum Centre, Feb. Gib tf. v NEW GOODS NEW GOODS.NEW GOODS NEW 8TOCK DRY GOODS CARPETS, . Oil Clotto, Actions JD8T KECKVBD AT EX SAMUELS DRY GOODS STOREl Washington Strret, I Petroleum Centre ! The Largest and Cheapest atotk ol X-V CALICOES t to 10 cts per yard. BliEACIIEI) MUSLIMS , 11 to 18 cia.- LANS-BALE ftJKBLEACUEB 111 UK Lit 10 to IS cts BEST UINCUAIVS) r ' IronlS.'jtslScts (XAHK'SONTTHBBAB 4 srool. for IS eta. Dress Goods, Shawls, 'llos-' iery, Corsets I)omo:ic Ficce i.'oodf, L4iwi Tici, Biblwos fioounkiits tho verv h!t until, tv Drillle-M and Lin- eiif. Tim and Nuul.e, 6 paper, ftctr)wt at tile lowest rates. Millinery Trimmings, i LACE GOODS, And a complete stock of ladies' Hats and Bonnet?,' Also, Complete Slock of BOOTS SHOES Which will be sotd at AtXCTIOlSr SALE Ciigap to the Ctept. I m TYin nmr Anrvtiof Iff- IW7Q f vvuaiuvuvui AlUUOU AO If 1U IU fcj tUTGivime call od examine goedi 1 &ntt nrfnAM. ml M..SA Pel, Centre, July 17tb, ist3. A. Ac a. YV. llAIIiWAY. FRANKLIN BRANCH. ; Time Table adopted NoVcn ler 4, 1SV2. SOKTliWAKP: Oil City. Franklin. MosdVI. fl'" a m 91Ham l40ea Mail . S ir. p m S 14 put 4a Accominwlmlonllu m 1 'JO um, 4 (Klpm Accommodation... a.'JO p in 9 10 1 ia IMS p B SOUTHWARD: Wef.(v'le Exprce....., B 4o a m Mail ....13.90 pm Acnim uduiion.. 7.00 a m tupreae 4 1U p m Franklin. Oil City 8 04am ' R.aiaS l.vjpm saftp Mam 11 15 n Ulpm HOP i L. D. BARTON, Gea'l Rapt. N. R TJmifiS ralnutw slower than VII Creek Ha lay time. Planter Itema. IfOTESOF THE DAY. t'OK SAL.E. A desirable residence on tha Eshart faro. Good amer beody. Every snodern con vso- ience. Will be sold chenn. Enniilreol OWKN G AFNET. Petroleum Centre, May 7, 1873. It For Sale 15,000 to 20,000 feet ol SECOND-BAND TDBING. at Irom 25 to 35 ots. per 1, Tbe Tubin is iu first class order ,n,l all ready fitted H. 'H".' WABKER- It!