Grand Opening I baily Record NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' C3-. GrOIZ303Sr, THE VERY BEST PUN 11 wim yon can olmln Life Inaurjuwe is the Low Premium, All ,CA ! 11 """ ,,e lrt amount of :n-unnccfor a (riven rnim or mon .y. plain nn.l definite, will, out toieplie-iainn. mo-terr, or un- rtalnly, The policy I always worth Its fire, tho prcmlsm never m-,--i,i-,e. !i M the m ist satlsf.t-t try and economic al Pl -n -. iiM-trait. Tins Taavxuans "un anC; CojirTNT, of'ord, Conn , -"ran's Mis in , lM e up..r till excellent plan. It- ' r.i.iu rtloncj. Apply to any Ai.n, or send for a Circular. t ... NEWSPAPER, dABPETS,' Clip( Us Motions, &c. I at ; G. HUH DON II ABDW ARE AND Oil. WFAAj r-CrPLIE3. DEALER I2ST We Want an Agent the new, by Dr. 1 t?,l t.iwnuliln til nV'IM for valuable und fast (Mini honk JOUN CO -VAIN, fflis ticlrncc :4" n Kcw Life. ll-commended and endorsed by rromineut tu misters, whyi!ln. relieioiis and secular pipers. No othir book liko it P""1'"""';: HI per week inurintwl. AilrtrfP'.CUW. AX A; CO i 13D Eighth St., No? mk. jim vts WANTED FOIt TUB NB.W BOOK. EiiiUfi & Coataps tea l,h the wmX mill best treatment, for nil ew. I ho only thoron -h work of the kind lii the wo. -.I'liare' Small f low Fever,- Cholera, and l i Ul.nlom" lli-e.l-'-V No rMnily S fi Without J ail V,v It Ha 2 l.r.n..ic III". ration. 'I'lic I)".- -ct eliancs of f. season for an-nts. au din II. S. UOUU.SfKUO & O'J.,87 Park How, r-'e t York. e (-.SOls AfSKVra WANTED KMl EVSEY23SY'S OWN PHYSICIAN. l.vO. W. I5I.BABJN, M- 1). rapidly. On'! ".' wiMliml'ioiw wrt. Apply nt oncu, to 11. r-ene nl nn.l Local AL'.-ut. fur tlio llartrnm Scwl-m Ma c . iue. nt IJannnrv. Conn. Tho tlUw. f e4l nn.l eni.-s: I 'k s-n.-li, t-iral'-h' Needle VwtUIno i he market, wei-ive i-elier term, then any other ini.v. Addre., JOHN A. iXIUUVi, ueu 1 Aeut, Uali- bury, Conn. - ,1 i..'.. ..rrimlior and I'on UVJ.n pa.-'"- " -rV. .V.V...! tinint..! L TOiH., .Mi'i.i'i' cn-'"; lU- .How nl:.., and Hoiniork. ) and utr l t l utr.mnn, will. stain .l w-nt ."", "!.! s.Hqii.'han.iu. Apply to P. W. bll&At al , villi, !'. At'l.ron.o. "AWttKu" and "AJiwp , ' witl .tiro. Th.i plr mit for r.1 c..t. A liinre t Hint to aifl.t. AdJre W F. CAlll ItNThR, Fo.boro M.n. A A I'EB WEEK IN CAdB to 601 Aui. Evnrytliiun furulih-UJX!V-l aoU fxpem.i pud. A. OOULTEB CO , ClmrloitK. Xtlch. r- 0.lP'rdivl Axi'titu wnntod! All (it oia w of working popl" . liivnir x, y ! or ..Id. muku morn "'""'y ' work for ii in l!. lrplrM nmiM or llhB timn than .t i.ruin ' !.!. I'lnir.ilar froo., Addran U. SI'.N'.-1 Corilnn.i. Man..! WORKING CLASS ma: v.. ii r,;..i.w: i u.i .rr.i.ti'od t.t-p.c Ula unpluyni'i.tA' ' . d-iy o; r.Ci'1' fnilli.'tiotfouii.n.t vlun In.- I. .-.v.i. r. ur,. Al- 1'OLNO As -t-i I"' h , . 'i. TS3 IA EHSIX MTDIjAL EIS 'PKKSMT. t.uluuliiei lit 18T.T, I, ,', an.l m,Mt..i..--f.l ln-.iltul.on In tlil c i.rnt or Cl.r..nio an I H.-snal Ui,:in4. I-..- t..r. uf tr.Mitin.--nt. r-m mW'WJ Ijv uiall wllb auiu.ii.itl ovu, 8. 11 lll .NMJirN al Miiidcu iJimi, Albany, V T A.vcrtlHiri. All iktsoo who coiit.'m plum iiukiiui contra.:. itli m-wnpipisri fur tlie lu-uiliua of Ad udliwiaouU ohottld nuiiU to Geo. P. Rowell & Co-, AND Job PRiKTBraG Office, .11 A I JV T 11 E K T, CllASJ C. WICUElt, Proprietor. SEWS DEPAKTMBXT. . ii. i.lMMnMp rilanntMipa tin In S V. M iinl M-ij.-i.t thpin to onr ruidor ovory tvwii'K. " , e ..,....! all in.l..llH ill 1 Olil.-IOK in ui.. ............ . ti... ro.iiiiry. We buve n.ado niH-clnl iX-nient. wluTfbvwi) receive nsiilnr PttrolK.nn, mock and Pimluui Jlnrkut llcporis every ovoninu by telenrnph from New York, Hullndelpl.ln, and Hiit-li.iri;, wl.icli tou' with nud Local mutter., make II one i.r the mint dwlralile tiew.papere published in the Oi llugloa. As an Mouse Won Fat Coiift mi Cais, Gas Pips aiiOiiliisp, New Ri'ilfoiil Bolt Kojie Cables and Sand Fump Lines," RUDBFR HELTING, FORKING IJAPRELS, TUBING AND PACKING. VAf.VES. CASING AND 110SE, VALVE CUPS, n.Aiiro lanterns, Lantern (ilobis, Cnrpi'rta's Tools, ALLKIXU8UF HUASS UOOIH, Extra Winter Strained I-ard Oil, Johnson tt IJarrett's Lubi icatinc: Oil, No. 1 Kcfined Oil, Tbi-JNovelty nnd Eurckn Cloth, s W'r vnnf, the t ct lu tie, With a full line of Table and Pocket Cutlery, awl Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, STOVES, STOVES ! Main-St., Petroleum Ccirfcre Keep? on hand nfullliinlof I o5 AdvcrtlHlnff Wert i Mm, v he KE'.'ORI) hn no superior, tt rlrcnlatee wburuver an Oil Operator or Dealer can bo I'uuudJ for n, or endow 3 rent" for tbeir One ail-.1r.-l f;itt Binptolct, 1 i. .i.r.V.'.J Nei.ii:ip uud etil.iate ?holt.2 the erwuif Bdvanl.lliA i 't"uiy ueelul hll.U to -.lvn ivr and .in ne. o.nit of tba lrl in.ii v-liu m.owu an .Su-ceef ill Ader tiuHia. Tl.ixllnii nit! proi.lli tora of the Alnerl tail .sewnpnper Aavt-riisliiB AKfU:yi V, .13,099,031) ACHES !- Oheap Farms f Tlv ehonpert Land In maiket ror wile n tne UIOM PACIFIC RAIL ROAD CO In the Uren PUtt V'alloy. . .X,0U0,U(I0 Acroeln Central Nebrnkn k.ivw r..r .tie In u-ai-tw of fortv eem nnd nnwm-di on five and I...I v.-ara' credit MI ir cent. I0 advance later .--t r;i Mdd nud lieaHtifnl cllrnte, fortllo soil, uin'.mnd ni.'-n oi e'..-d v.'tlt.T. Til IlKS'l" MAbKKT IN TI115 WEST I The print inl.iiv.; region of Wyomintr, Colorado, VI "l nu i-Ne .ii . t.'-m4 BUppi.ea t.y llm farmer, lu tin .1ATTK VAUIitr. fOLOIEiiS KM'ITLKO TO A HOME t: IE AD OF 180 ACKES. , fUEHUtfTLOCAtl'iNri SOU CO1.0NI H. n M1S tH Million of nere i.f eViie . iniv.M-n-' MniH open lor entry under the U , . ' I.'.w, near Ihi (iriat I'.n.lioad, with K.i..d ion . id all Che couveuiencv uf u old .1 .on..v.y. r.-e t.niii'H to nnrrbaaer of Itrtllroan Land. n.tiI.mi iI M ij.-i Hliowieir the lvlitd, ft .0 now i-Jiii' ..r li-H.rrti.tivo WltUUOW.Maps l'..hlt.'. r'.-ee r.iei-jivlier.) A'idrce ' ' 0 -F. DAVIS, L..Nil 0 IMMISSIOKES V. P.K. H, OMAIH, sua nil.- .liU:uine c . ..i . i I'twea eleti' Sav h.-i e w Aiui.i, 11' l.a,--, Cllj. JOSBIHJ EPAEBEST. We have n lr.r'e and Well 'wlefl.d ptoek ol .HollMll; .Tlattrln, ell.'oin. uv tho r lares. tvn.'R. v. e .uun.iie .nnni. m ... .... I.i.i Wni-k of ovory vnrioly In k aili.i.-toiy u.:nn r wucn ueaueyi joi.b mi uw iraiiij.i.i." --.. Shippiiiff BIIU lo Irs, IlaiKl-ntlli. Piosraiiimes, ISilUuf Fare. AND 3 W SHI Wy Block orCOOIC AND TIEATIN'G STOVES cannot Iw excelled in tbo oil reaion. At I bntiKht before late nflvnlice ol Sloven by nMniifaclureip, lulu ennblrd to nllll nell at old pricea. ThOfe deairimt Hnyiliini! in the w .y ol a Conk or Heating Stove will do well lu call uud examine my Mock, ol which tuu lolluwiu-; it. a purtini lift; Ameri Cook .'1 e.i.- ; -;.f. wi'ha vl.-tnl d i It fl" V'll .-.UV 1 tltn. Jo Ilitsiiitiii and ViHltii:-; Curtis, L ETTRH.HBADti, lllI.LinKADS, IIH.tS OP FADING, Blc", Etc uso haI.I.:k'!H riNti,, , am or Fancy 8Hle. nearly nnd promptly execu ted, emhrucini' INVITATIONS ClVtd l.AK-t ."KOOUAMMES CAKUa, 'IlCoKTS, Etc. n fct, every varletv nnd a'yle of wor In letter pri. pr.ntlns. Marchint'. Lawyer-.. .T.itloe of the Penee, l and .V.'.nt. (ill llea:. r and A'.'ont.. ln'l ranee Atreuta Enr.vmeil and other parties lu want. nr.. in'oriued tl-iit weh.-e preiulr.Hl lo execute to order all kind ol HI.ANKS, Lu.-iuoos or, nqulied In I In J com niunitv. .l i'iVln .ntrona-'e riHoutfutlv nol'eitpH. l.YOnn io feet ol SECOND-HAND TUBING. t Irmn 2.r lo3."i cle per toot Tho Tubiu i tu Ural claxa order and all rei-ilv lifted Witb reservoir and warming clotet, a fiist class Stove for hard coal or wood. A U R It. IC A " Ciok. wit h low' wiier reservoir nnd warming clopet, for hard coal. A'lIK II K lit I j U aiiul tJ!iKA'P ri (' Ii PK i Conk, a cheap fir-t clans Slov. with or without le-ervoir un.l wniniiu closet, Int b.ird oi Foil Coal, l-'iro Hll'!ll ('ook. a cheap ll.t class Slove, fur bald i.r n di roal. IrtHI (Jtl ttf Cook, a latpe heavy and durable SIova ..r soft coal Wliuul flucill Cook, for bind or null coal, lb celebrated lur its qualities as a good St. v uud cheapness In price. rli)M'l' Cook, lor brd or toft coal, a smell but excellent Ktove and rery ciitap. illillliuswla Cook, a wood Slovu with elevated oven. ;.MY LINE OF PARLOR HEATERS cannot be excelled : The Dlvili-r Flue flight EIit-' tf 1873 This is a beaitiful self feedei Par. or ritove, wltn self ri'viiiatlhi; tlratt nn.l patent clinker prale. T!io KatliniBt House A new self feeder Parlor Heater witb mill grate and I! in in inated Lnse Kcrj $ide,n Stici ii.'r Self feeder Parlor Ileut.r witb shaking fire patent anil duiiipini! c inker tr ftllinrt'n I'arlor Heater Somethlnjr new, a very beautiful and powerlul beattr- t'oscy l.ialtt A neat and cheap Bane Hui tit r lltxiM) li-jll( A clioau cylinder Smvn with mill grate. lion si! A meet iron cylinder Hove, very cheap. Joy A small sell feeder and nuite cheap. Illaclt Swan A parlor ct.oK s'ov.t w ilb oven, for coal. Kauiv A cheap dining room Stove, litiiil A cheap bed room Stove. I'carl A cheap cylinder Stove, for haul or soil coal. Volcano A large heating Stove. i:ut Adui. t''d for derrirkB nn.l hotels., SALAMANDKU A derrick stove. GLOIJE lUj.VTEU I'or storosuud ofilcus. MANUFACTUl'Ell OF TIN, SHEET ?M 'MB CD???. WARE SMOKE STACK.-3 MADE TO OIIDEB. flnkri lo nrdirGAIiVA.'IS;Ei) IliO.V SA.I I1'.1HS which ar. cor-aidered ihe cbeapvet and salest pump titW in lite, with cou.inon or patent valve.- liepairing of till kiiuls done with neatness and dispatch. AIViUELS ; itsliiii" ton Sir.ft, rctrolcuiii Ct'iitrpe At present Ihe prevuiling topic of convert satlon appeals lo . 'U.iw soon r von going to move, lo Cittli-r?"' We tit sire to Inlotut our pnlrnns and the n.ltilfp. tot l.irire ttito, lua ..n n..l lnlun.1 1. nine. I'rnm T'u(r',..i i. " I... ...... . to iiL'Dt itioiu ion tins noe II it tnk.s ull s.itnmer," and woulil respectfully Invite all (o Come uud examine our slock uf Snch as Millinery Trimmings, LACE GOODS, And n. poinrilnfft Rti-vL- nf lmlinu liaw and lionnets, . . k Also, a Complete Stock of BOOTS SHOES Which will be sold tep- fa tlie Cheapest I"Glve us a call and examine goods and prices. " R MUELS BUOS. Pi t. Centre. April ltb. 187:1. Cl'S EXT. , (rormftrly wlla It. T, HKLUBOUX TRADE Y 1 3SJfSA.NEY'8 .... FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU; Is the only Known Remedy for Bright Dis ease and has eared very ease of Diabetes in which it ban been (riven. Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder and inflammation ot the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, Beten tlon of Urine, Diseases of the Prostate Gland, 6 tone in the Bladder, Onnl, Brick Dust Deposit, and Mucous or Uilky Dischargee, and for Kn f eebled and Delicate Constitutions of botii clextM, attended witb the following symptoms: Lena of tower, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breath ing, Weak Nerves, Wakefulness, Fain in the Back, KlushlD-f of the Body.Bruptinn on the Face, fallid Countenance, Lassitude of the System, etc. Used by persons in the desline or chamio oi life; alter ooallnement or labor nains( bed-watting In ehildren, etc In many attuetions peculiar to ladles, the Ex traot Bucnn is unentailed by any other reined As in Chlorosis or Retention, Irrefrularlty, 1'ain fnUiess or Suppression of Customary Evacuation., Ulcerated or Hcbirras state of the Uteris, Leu eorrbceaor Whites, Bteruity, and for all com plaints incident to tba sex. It is prescribed extensively by the most eminent Physicians and suawivee xor enieeuiea ana aeueate cunsuiv lions of both sexes and all sges. . KEAIITVEY'S EXTUACT BfTCnr, CJtt DUtata ArMng from ImpmHnua, flaiitt of DUtimtkm, JStc, lu all their sta-re., ' little expense, little or no change in diet, no in convenience, and no exposure. It esiues a fre quent desire, and elves strength to Urinate, tnoreby removing Obstructions, Itreventing and Curing- Btiictures ef the U rethra, A l'ais and Inflammation, so freojentin this class of dis eases, and cxpelliuf all Poisonous matter, KEARNEY'S EXriACT IHCITC. (1,00 per bottle ot six Nttles for MOO, dcliverd to anyaddrew, lecureflrom observation, buldbf dxugiists everywherei rrepared by KE AKKEY fL CO., 104 Duane St., K. to whom all letter tor information anoald bs addressed. Avoid Qufitpks and Imposters. No Charge for Advio and Oonsoltatlon. Dr. J. B. DiaW, Graduate otjeffertm MtSei CotUtjt, Philadelphia, author of several valust'-s works, can bo donauited on all diaeuee. of "j" bexual or UrinLry Organs, (which he has ma"8 an especial stuBy) either in male or female, longstsnding.lA practlo of 80 yean ensblts him to treat dilease with success. Cuies (aar anteed. Charnf reasonable. Those at a a tauoocan forward letter deacrlbiug symptofs and euclosiug stamp to prepay postage. Bend for the Unhle lo lh tilth, i'riee 10 cents. J. B. VVOIT, M.D., i'hyioian and HuKeo! 1'U uuiuaai., Aew lor. Aptil 2:. tr. I!. U. WAESKK. Aiiveil-ioe in Ibje KLoiiU.