The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, July 12, 1873, Image 2

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    Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
!. Ceafre, raw' a'f rr. Jwly
Iflvlne Slervlee.
Servloea (very Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
t P. M. Sabbath School at P. M.
eats free, A cordial Invitation extend
1 to all.
Ret. G. Moohi, Pastor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M.. anrt7
o'clock P. M., by tbe Pastor, W. C. Bouch
ard. Sabbath School at 12 directly
after forenoon service.
Prayer Meeting aad Sabbath School
Teacher) Meeting Tuesday evenings ol
eacb week.
Petroleum Centre Lodge, No.
Tl, I. O. of O.F.
Regular meeting Dlgbti Friday, at 7
o'clock. Signed.
C. n. Bailit, A Sec'y.
f-yPlace of meeting, Mala St., opposite
ItcClintock Ilonae.
A. O. Ol II. W. m
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of TJ. W.,
eeta evory Monday evening at o'clock,
o Odd Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Centre,
Jimks Wilson, 11. W.
James 3. Wnin, R.
I. O. of It. M.
Minnekaaoe Tribt No. 183, L O. H. H
of Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday
evening in Good Templar's Hall.
Council tires lighted at 7 o'clock.
U. HOWE, Sachem.
C. L JUKES, Cbiel ol Records.
Cold at I p. in. 1I5J,
ttfTbe Post Office Newsroom Soda
Fountain Is now running la full blast.
Call and try a glass of Ice cool soda water
Tbe Corry Republtcao draws It thus mild
ib regard lo the late horrible oasa ol rapt
perpetrated on tba person of a youog girl in
that elty by somt of tbe Hoods Id bumaa
bap connected with Barnum's humbug,
aad who after an examination were allow
ed to go soot fret by tbe o.Hcers ol tbat mod.
I. city. Iladjao occurence ol tbat kind takm
place bert to olldom we would not vouch
for the safety of the villians from a dose of
Judge Lynch. Parents living In Corry and
bavtog daaghtert it seems to us woo Id do
well oot to allow them on tba streets at a II
at if outraged? by human brutes, toe of
ficials will exboaorala aodset free tba fiends
4o prey upon others. Sbamt on sucb jm-
On the nlgbt of 4tb tbe police found a
girl of about 1$, on Center Street in a be
wlldered state of tnibd, oot knowing wbicb
way to go home. On being questioned she
said sba bsd been abused by aeveral of tbe
tbowmeo. Sbe wet aakea bama and in tbe
morning went to Titusville where sba lden
tided three of tba parties, wbo were arret
ted and brought to this city. At a prelim
ioary examination In tba forenoon one was
discharged and the other two held for fur
ther eximloattoa In tbe evening.
A large crowd assembled in tbe Council
Rooms to bear tbe trial. W. W. Brown
stated tba ease in behalf of tha Com. and
bad (be girl tworn at to tha faots in tbe
sa. 8 be olaimt tbat ooa of tba prisoners
by lotos and without bar consent ooeamilled
a rapt upon her person, but upon bar cross.
examination aba gave ber testlmooy In
such a manner as led tba jostloe to dis
cbarge tbt prisoners. Tba using of force
not bsiog proveo. Tbis should teach pa
rants nol to alio young girls to be out In
tba atrests In crowds, or at shows of even-
logs without proper escorts,
One Burgess, an aged and veteran Oil
Creek teamster, left town between two
boursadsyor twotince, under peculiar
circumstance. At aear as can be learned
Burgess aroae early Fourth of July morning
not for the purpose ol celebrating tbat glo
rious day as most of people do, but with
tba Intent of 'raising a stake." Hitching
up bis team'.ha prooeeded to tbe vicinity of
Cherrytree and laid violent bands on a
quantity of valuable'oabie at one of tbe
Jonathan Watson wells, which be appropri
ated to iiit own use and behoof. As a mat
ter ol course tbe cable wat missed, and a
search revealed tbe above facts. Finding
himself discovered Burgess left, nod the
last seen of bim was st Corry from whence
be wst making a bee lint for New York
State. It la understood warrants are out for
bis arrest and should be make bit appear
ance In tblt vicinity again a summer real,
dense lo Fraoklin jail awaits bim.
Soma American students at Boon, Ger
many, recently gave one of tbe professors a
surprise parly. The old gentleman, wbo
bad never beard of such an lostitut'on,
thought they bad come to pluoder tbe bouse
nd called loudly for the police.
. - .... ' t
A litaauiaa uemeu eoiomou covers, - cu
bis ihrost yesterday in St Louis. -He it
dead now.
Katbik Unprofitable. A con pie of
t'boelogical disputaola are amusing If nol In
slruetiug the people of Columbia Farm,
Kane City, Tarr Farm, Petroleum Centre,
and tbe region rouod about, by dlsoussiog
the question, whether the wicked, 'wbeo
they art taken to that 'bourn from which
o traveler returns," will 8od a place warm
er than tbe valley or Oil Cieek. Tbe Rev,
Mr Getty, who is a Universalis!, says tuey
wout; while Rut. Mr. Graham, who pius
bit faith to tbe teacbloga of John
very sure tbey will. Brother Getty who is
a greek scholar, sod versed in Biblical lore
pitcnes Greek conundrums at bis opponent
in a very promiscuous maouer;wbile Jirotb-
er Graham meets bis opponents Greek
with those Scriptural quotations and fiery
arguments and assertions on wbicb the faith
of those who Oil evt with him, in a luture
ttatt of reward and punishment, is founded.
In tbe absence of any other excitement
along tbe Creek, tbis ideological tilt may
be as good a way as auy to "pass the hours
away,'7 but when toe comoaiaais nave nreu
tbeir last shot we apprebeod tbey will Sad
tbey have not made a convert to tbeir doct
rine, while tbe great problem of the future
111 be just as far from beiug solved lo tbe
finite mind as before. Tituevilie Cour
Notes Two romaolio youths from Cber.
rytree lurnlsb the following free of charge.
Bent on eeelog and being seen tbey pur
chssed a five eent cigar near by. Tbe
aforesaid purchase was divided exactly be
tweea tbe uninitiated and economical twain.
'Bill, do you think you stand it tbe first
time you evr tried II." "You'r squealing
oow, Jack, but what do you tbink dad
would say If be saw us now! Wouldo't he
go for us,'' and with many ludicrous leers
snd badly initsted Billingsgate tbey de
An itinerant umbrella repairer is lo town)
wbicb retoiuds us of one wbo called at a
oeiEbboi'a bouse. While the lady was
buoling demoralized parasols and umbrel
las tbe workmao got sundry pieces ol silver
ware into bis satchel and folded bit teal
and gently stole from the bouse.
A round gent wbo was soon to enter loto
conjugal state Ibnught be would purobate
bis lady love some present as a token ol big
affection or ber. Not being much ol
coonoisseur be knew of nottiog suitable
His proxlmiiy to a drug store at tbis time,
suggested lo bim tbat be could probably
Sod tbe necessary article in it. Whereupon
suitiog bit aclioot to bis thoughts be
went lu and addressed tbe nobby dispenser
of drugs in relation to bis wants. "Ob
yes," said be, "a bottle of nice cologne
would be a most appropriate article to pre1
sent lu tbe young lady." Gitn me yer
band on on it pard, just tbe Ibiog, Jeuii.'n
alius bad a bankeria' alter scented things
just tbe thing, bow muoti are it a bottle."
"Four dollais." "Jewbitaker! whew, du
tell, lour dollars! why man after she's mar-
ried tbat would buy ber'n tbe brats a drees;
fuur dollars, tan'l see tbe pint stranger."
Tbe almost convulsed clerk thought of a
oapltal idea and said, "It is very expensive
on account of its elag imported. I have a
bottle like tbit which I tan fill with Ameri
can cologne for you for fifty cents if you
wish. You can tell Jemima tbat Its geau
iue." "Glv us yer band, yer a brick,
scholar, by gam. Fix 'er up. Let us fol
low tbe clerk to Ibe prescription oase, a jtr
tabled "Assifoetida." He opens and puts
an ouaot ol small pieoss in tbe "eau de co
logne" bottle wbioli is then filled wltb alco
hol corked and banded to tbe visitor. Yes
terday we saw that same man lo town on
lbs war path threatening with instant death
tba uoorupulous pbarmaculiaL
And now Fori Scott, Kansas, bat been
seeing a snake In tbe sky. Tbe Mouitor
says: "Tbe sky was olear and the sun rose
entirely nnobseured. Wbeo tbe j disk of tbe
tun was about balf way above tbe horizon
tbe form of a huge serpent, apparently per
iod In form, was plainly seen encircling it,
and was visible for some moments." Tbe
editor declares tbat be bos tbe ststemeot
from two reliable witnesses, who are willing
to make affidavit to tbe above. It will soon
be t me for a national prohibitory liquor
law, if tbis sort of things is to oootinue.
Although local option exists in Warren
county to an alarming extent, under its be
nign tula there bat already ooourred one
murder and aeveral cutting affairs In tbe
county, all tbe product of whisky.
Tbe sidewalk In front of tbt building
known as Shult't Bakery, on Washington
street, it in a very dilapidated cooditloo.
Last eveoiog two or three ladies Humbled
and fell to tbe ground quite severely Injur
ing themselves. Tbt breaks should bt re
paired else we shall bave tbe not very pleas
log task of recording broken legs, arms, Ao
as the result.
Tbe Fourth was oelebrated in New York
by salutes from tba battery, navy-yard, and
all tba forts In the harbor, a splendid dis
play of fireworks in the evening and two
murders . '
Sad Effects ol I lie "Walworth
Eli Perkins thus sets forth In tbe Daily
Graphic the lamentable effects ol the mur
der of Mansfield .Tracy Walworth by bis
'The oity newspapers bsve been backing
np youog Walwortn, ine innocent iamrr
killer, so strong tbat many old beads Of
families have begun to grow uneasy. Tbey
say hundreds of lathers have It'll tuu city.
One kind old father on Madison avenue
has already committed suicide, rather than
remain a temptation lu tbe eyes ol a cher
ished too.
Tbe story that a man on Fifth aveou -
haled hia eon so intensely that be Kiiieu
himself jost to get away from him is noirue.
It turns out oow tbe son gave him waru-ng
a few days ago of his approaching destruc
tion by ordering borne a full suit ol mourn
ing clothes aud a bat with a weed clear to
be lop. When the old geiitletnnn saw
tbese habiliments of mourning, tie knew
what was comiog aud be killod. himself to
get out of danger.
Myfalberbas written me a very affec
tionate letter advising me lo go to Lurope.
Go, my son,' be said, 'go and enjoy your
sell. If youug Walworth is not bung, you
may remain away for years. Your health
needs tt.' When tbe Scotia sailed on Wed;
oeaday, it was orowiled with food suns tak
ing leave of weepiog parents. And then
Ibe loving parents went home and spent tbe
evening in strangling and drowning tbeir
male iufants too youog to go abroad. It
was a scene beautiful to beboldl
When we asked Bill Arp, the Southern
humorist, wbo bad just arrived from Rome,
Georgia, to get bis new book published,
what be thought of the fatber-'iilling quel
tion, be said:
It didn't look 'zicly right, Mr. Parkins;
but I've been reading the New York papers,
and 'pears to work, well.'
'But now, Mr. Arp, to make borne applie
cation, if you had an inuocent aogel boy,
and if he should kill you and tbe next day
be should come around to borrow some
money of you, would you let bim have
it would you!'
'Yes, as I read Ibe papers I would; but I
reckon I'd give bim some Conlederit money
if lbs J soy.'
Wltb such demoralization, what chance
will poor Brigbam Young stand with bis
back yard full of male boys, aud be only
one loud father."
Officer Quirk, while on duly at the circus
last nigbi, saw a man aoting suspiciously
among the crowd .whioS was gathered
around the ticket wagon. After watching
him for some time be observed him puce
bis band in tbe rear pocket of a gentleman
coat. He ol course immediately Arrested
bim and took him to tbe lock up, when he
gave bis name as Charles Thompson. The
officer has tlooa ascertained that tbe man
comes from Oil City, and claims tbat be can
prove bim to be a professional thiel.
Allegheny Mail.
To-day It the anniversary of tbe battle of
Boyne. Tbe day is usually celebrated . by
.'.be Orangemen. Two years ago to-day tbe
d:raadftil riot occurred in New York City,
t y wbicb many valaable lives were lost.
Alas bow easily things go wroog,
A sigb too much or a kiss too long;
And there follows a mist and a sweep,
log rain,
And life Is never tbe same again.
.Hunting the fourleaf clover is tbe popu
lar amusement now.
Itlcken'e "IIoz"
Just' Issued In paper cover by the Peter
sons. iA'ioe 25 cents, and for sale at Ibe
Post Offliic Newsroom.
Tbe new' well on tbe Simms farm, owned
by our townsmen, Messrs. Worden, Taylor
and Holden, continues to yield fully 30
barrels per da
The pio oioo Q MoCi ay Hill, yesterday af
ternoon, was a very pleasant affair and was
largely atteuded b y ou.r , towns people, In
tbe evening a dano was held on a platform
erected for the puri ose In tbe woods. Dano'
log was kept up to ni'ar ne o'clock in tbe
moroiug, when tbe pt .rty was compelled to
break up on account o f tlie extremely obill
The friends of tbe late All. lister James L.
O.-r io South Carolina at e i tttetnpliog to
raise funds to place a monnmi tot, richly de
served, on bis grave.
There Is a gas well In the lss sment of a
pubiio ball In Bloomingtoo, III., and an at
tempt is to be made to utilize It i 'or lighting
tbe place.
A Intoxicated Frenchman, a sirs oger,wai
taken to tbe station bouse in Wil mingtoo,
Del., reoeutly and an Interpeter, after a
while, ascertained Ihsl tbe man's fe.f ber was
a resident of that city. He was it ot for
and the father and son tbea met fci (be
first time in tbirty.'yeara. - ;
Among tbe recent triumphs of mind over
matter Istbe invention of a, device for
straightening crookod noses. We are nol
advised as to whether it will reduce Ibe pug
nose to the more elongated form, Impart tbe
stylish Grecian bend to vulgar noses, - or
transform tbe commonplace Idiotlo nose
into a thing of beauty, which is a joy for
ever. But we presume It will, for tbe pot
eolee says so. Hera is bis edvertismeot,
which wo find in a London paper:
NOSE MACHINE. Tbis is a successful
contrivance which, applied to the nose fer
an hour dlly, so directs the soft cartilage
ot which the member consists, tbat an in
formed nose Is quicklv shaped lo perfec
tion. IDs. GJ., sent tr-p
ALEX. KOSd, 28. nigh Holborn,
London. Pamphlet, two stamps
Joe Cloud's cballungn lo row In skiff
from Philadelphia to New Orleans, or for
fait tbn sum of $5.01)0 bas been accepted,
and those who believe be cannot accom
plish the feat have put up tbat amount,
which tbey are willing be shall have if sue
ceslul. The purse being arranged, Cloud
Is now in active training for bis long . pull
lie will start In about two weeks, . and ex
pects to roach New Orleans in one hundred
and forty-live Iduys after starting out, I
Pittsburgh lies lu bis route wbicb begins at
Philadelphia--Pittsburgh Post.
A young fellow wbo was recently com
mitted to jai) in Portland, Maine, for an as
sault, seat a pathetic appeal to tbe judge In
wbicb be siid: "I have on ley ben married
o months & I bante had My Honey Meoo
yet. Tbis is tbe fitst time I ever was in jail
or arrested. II yon will Consider my case
& let me of on a fins I will return to M j
Darling Wife." Tbe stem decrees of justice
ware carried out nevertheless.
A tree near tbe gate of tbe driving park,
in Greenville, was struck b,y lightning on
tbe afternoon of tbe Fourth and three val
liable borses bitched near it, were killed.
Several persons were Beverly shocked, but
none injured.
A eecoud sligbteh9ck ol earthquake wat
felt in BuBilo, on Monday. The first wat
on Sunday. Tbe tame shocks were felt In
Jami'stown, N. Y. No damage was dona.
Tbe professors of Trinity College bsve
surreodeiorl to Ibe Connecticut Legislature
their claim 'o exemption from taxation,
which tbey bave always enjoyed.
A German insoectvr of passenger cars
states tbat a single stem of bemp, with tbe
leaves and blostoms. mixed with the stuffing
ot a Car seat will protect II from moths foi
years, and that bemi for this purpose should
he gathered lust whi'0 lo blossom, ttried
rapidly in the shade, od kept in covered
wooueu vessels in a tiry place.
One tbuusaud Oraugetueu will parade lo
New York to-day.
Divorces are allowed lu Cuiua lo cases ol
criminality, mutual dislike, jealousy iocoin
pxtillty of temper, or loo much loquacity
oo the pnrt ol tbe wife. The butibflod can
not sell bis wile until sbe leaves bim aud
heco ns a slave to bim by action of law for
desertion. A son is bound to divorce bi
wile if sbe displeases bis parents.
Ia cooheoiioo with tbe contemplated bal
loon voyage o Pro lessor. Wise II may be as
well tossy tbal the truit stores are now large
ly supplied with wltb cuirents from lb
West. '
Tbe Howaid couoty, Iowa, fair offers prl
zes of live dollars each for tbe two bandsonv
est babies male and female, placed on eibl
bitioo. Prize pigs and calves obtain a high
er premium.
"Captain Jack" actually has bis eulogisls
here. One of these speaks of bim as "tbe
man who shoved Candy Into blalory." An
other Is geiog to flutter tbe market wltb
"Captaio Jack tblrt collars. "
Tbe natural result el Dtiouque't persistent
and cumulative puffing of itself was a burrl
cine last week wbicb blew steamboats,
trees and other light artlc os about until tbe
air was almost filled with tbem.
Mrs. Adelia Beooett, of Lansing, Mlob
wbose busbaod was compelled to Bee to es
cape arrest for Incendiarism, was so over
come by shame and mortification that tbt
Committed tuiolde.
Mayor W. P. Caoaday bas withdrawn
from tbe business management of tbe Wil
mington, (N. C.,) Evening Post an acoount
ot the pressure of bis official duties. Mr.
J. C. Mann assumes entire charge of tbe
paper as editor and publisher.
Tbe "Go to Butler" exoilemeal It sbont
played out. People bave about come lo tbe
cooolusiou tbat Culler Is nol tbe Inviting
field tor business it has been represented to
Tbe papers or Kiobmond, Vs., report
that a very great interest In temperance bat
recently been developed io tbat oily. All
tbe trades and prolesaioss tsre included is
the new movement,
Building monuments Is slow work In tht ,
South, also. Tbe ladlet or Ibe memorial
Association of Savannah new appeal to tb,
members of Ibe volunteer military organiza
tions to give 2ft cents moath eaoh lor the
Confederate monument.
Mr. and Mrs. Whipple Metoalf, of Cnmj
berland, R. I. , celebrated beir goiueo wen.
ding last w.-k,and among tbeir guests were
Rev. David Benedict, wbo married mem,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carrique, who acted
as groomsman and bridesmaid.
Louisville, Ky., bos five whisky dlstlllet.'
lev, which are lo operation about nine
mntbs la a year. During Ibe last six
monlba tbey bave produced a total of 956. i
818 gallons, on which Ibe lax wat 9669,.
A'most sensible feature of the celebration
or the Fourth In Qiiucy.Masj.. wat an so-'
tertainment for thecblldreu in Ibe Town
Hall, wbere music, oomlo sketches, and
feats ef maglo were given.
If contemplated street Improvements er
carried out In Bosloo, Ibe house of Wendell'
Phillips and tbat onoe occupied by Rev.
Theodore Parker will probably be demolish
ed. They are-booses with a history.
Tbe oity Cetsocit, of Lexington, have or
dered tbe Immediate arrest. of all quest loo a
ble females wbo "shall ride or drive In any
open carriage or veblole through Ibe streets, -
cemetery, or ether pubiio placet In tbe city
of Lexington."
Tbe-Boston Transcript regrets tbal Bos
ton, wbicb has Crawford's Beethoven aod
Ball's Washington, should bave no better'
peoimen ol the work of Hiram Powers (ban
bis statne of Webster.
A Virginia railroad runs what are eal'td'
f rasa-widowers'' traifliool of RfobtsoicV
every Saturday evening, stopping at all tbe
tummer resorts) along tba Use, and return'
Ing Mendaw morning In good lime for tbe
gentlemen lo aegis) tbe business of the
ttCtK. '
Tbe tnti-Cblnese prase i Sta Franehoo
etalmt tba oot of Ibefaverlta remedies uir
by Dr. LI Po Tat, it tbe blood of a criminal'
soaked breed. Tie remedy would te
ohsspeiootb wtte it not for the blgb price
of bread. - r - t
A TieB Mftlfim fflrl t baBi ft alart for
Chi na alone, exaeotiog to meet In tbe Sand,
wicb ltlaatM'fcsniMicwsry wben tbt it
marry, wltb no expectation of returning lo
tbe;Uolted States for tlx years '.
Local Notices.
For Sale,
fie well known old steiul
International Hirtel, o 45)
Diamond Street, Titusville,
tfctt now doing an excellent
bnsinessi The-. House h well
fornisihe J and will Be sold reas
onable as the present Proprietor
is desirous of raturiag troni busi-
CHAS. RODEL, Prop'r.
vt - JtilyMfc
w FOR SAfcE-
A desirable bouse on tbe Egbert Farm.'
For particulars eneuire al tbe Poal Office.
A Great Horror Dene Away
House cleaning is a great horror lo nine
en out of every ten. When that llm
oomet Ibe men Mka,"as ), give th
dometlio beartfe a "wide berth." Ocean
oreads tbe product of tone of soap fairly
flood every pari ol Ibe bouse. Tbe womeii,
f om the anistrsa down, labor as tbeV aevW ".
worked before, ana what wltb Ibe diseor
fort, the smell of snd and ibe dampness,
and nol onfrequenlly slefcaess, the product
or colds and overwork, Butters are- gener
ally disagreeable. Tbe simple use or
Stpollo Instesd of eosp does away wltb alf
this discomfort. II ligbleits Ibe labor a'
hundred per cent, becanse It removes dirt,,
grease, stains and spots, wltb bsrddy soy
labor, wltb but little water, and in ow
tenth tbe usual lime.
Go to W. A. LOZIEB.
4ili Street,near Us It. track,
tor yonr BENZINE, deliv
ered at the welh tor Si,"
per Barrel.
Petroleum Centre, Feb. ftb-tf.
Presents trn sttrartlnnstopnnrts ar.d BV T '
dlans. A pleasant borne; through Instruction,
healthful discipline ; excellent library new fl; ,
atus. St nd for Catalogue. Liberal discoast w
clergymen- . i
ajstJaaaLiKSJ J A CO HUB, A. PI
Now Brlrfcton, fen