Grand Opening ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' Daily Record .'THE VERY BEST PLAN . , By which you can obtain Life insurance ie tba Low OF :,, Premlntn, All Cash, Stock Flan. It lurnlabaii tba NEWSPAPER, ' largest amoant of Insurance for 1 Riven ram of mon 1 cv. The cmitror.tta Tilaln aand definite, without coinpltctalon, mattery, or uncertainly, The policy ', la always worth lu faca,lhe premium Dover In j creases. It ta tha moat aatlifactory and economic- 1 -1 1 . . 1 . ! 1 RiH. 'P..r. Bna TuiT'tl CAEPETS, (Ml Cloths Motions, &c.r , m mu ivii i u iiiaiirauu . 11 jmt.wih " ixoi C'ovpant, of Hartford, Conn , grants Life In nranueuDOC this excellent nlan. Ita seourlly it j unquestioned. Apply to any Agent, or send ,for a t Ctrcnlar. AT G. GORDON HARDWARE AND OIL WELL SUPPLIES. We Want an Aeent la thl township to canvas for tba new, valuable and fast aniline book by Dr. JOHN COWAN, The Ncience of a flew Life. Recommended and endorsed by prominent ministers, physicians, religious and secular papers. No other book like it publiswrl. $40 per week guaranteed. Address. COW AN It CO., 139 Eighth St., New Yoik. AGENTS WANTED FOR TUB NKW BOOK. 4 whli the newest and best treatment for all! oases The only thirod'jh work or tho kind In the world Embraces Small-Pox, Yellow Fever, Cholera and all niialoirnus diseases. No Family Sf Without It. and all buv It lifts 24 chromatic illustrations. The highest chance of the season for agents. Ad drs If. 8. UOODSPEKD B CO., 87 Park How, Itl York. ft GOOD ACSENTS WAITED Kilt EVERYBODY'S OWN PHYSICIAN. ty C. W. Ulbamn, M. D. 6ll rapidly. One rnt WO In one wyk. Apply at once J to 11. N( McKINNKY A CO., Phi I (id el pel, I'll. bury, Conn. WANTED. Oene-al and Loral Agents, for the Bartram bewiue: Ma. olilne, mada nt Dantiury, Conn. The stillest, fns'ea rind easiest I ock H'ltch, rttralght Needle Machine in the market. We give better terms than any other com- Einy. Address, jutm a ODOK, .Gin'l Agent, Dan AND Job Printing Office, MAIN THEE T( 1'ETIIOLEILU CETUE. 1?OU 8ALR. A larae body or Timber and Iron 1 Ore Umls in Middle fcnn.ylvsnla; estimated tn cnt tMI.UII0,0tMI feet or sonnd white oitU. white and allow niao and hemlock, On and near floating streams, with steam saw-mtll, boom, e', on the ttusqtichauna. Apply to V. W. rlllUAFiSH, Potts vllle, Pa. AIMS UN Ynf.TK'HOMRS with the new I'hronio, "Awake" Jnnd "Asleep" fell like wili lire. The pair sent for 19 cents. A larire dis annul to a?enta. Address W V. CAlll'KMKK, Foxboio .Mass. A v PKli fjWEKK IN CASH to VN 1 Agents. Evitrylhio JfiiruiBh- JtVed and expenses p'lld. A. COULTER CO , Cbnrlolte, Mich. fit perdiyl AroiUs wmtcdl All I If tJ7t clacs of working people ol either sex, y nine; or old. make more money at work for ns In their spare moments or ail the lima than at anything else. Far'icitliiM free. Address U. STINeUM & (lO., Portland, Millnu WOKKING CLASS WALK OK VK.t.AuK $UU A wcolt t-'ll trr-.ntui.Ml Ja,.t)Ctiblii cmploynn'iUftt home, duy i. evonihg; no ciijiitnl required; full instruct oris and valuable pnukuuo of iTfwiH Bi nt fret by mail. Address with hix cent return elftmp, Al. VoUNQ & CO., YM Uiueuwirb St , IN, Y. . THE LA CROIX MEDICAL DIS PENSARY. r.atablUlked In 1837 li iho oldest and mewl mic&w-ftil Institution In thin c.mlx tor the ireutintftit of Chmnlo and Scxiuil Disease, bor term of triuitmcnt, cill, or iiddiejM by mull with uttttomont of Gam, 8. It HUNHDUN Si Maideu Lane, Albany, a. Y. To Advertlsors. All person who coo tern filiiiu mukirif: contracLA with newspiper fur the uertion of AdverlitwuiuuU adiuuld auud to Geo. P. Rowell & Co, nr a Ctrcnlar, ar enclose 85 cents for their One llniidraal Vago Pantpbltit, conUlnnn.' Lluii of B.UOO Meaipapera and eatimatea sholiii teeooatof advertising, also many useful hints to advertisers, and some account or the experiences nf mm who ere knnwu aa Nucce.ful Adver tiaera. Tbls Arm are proprietors of tba Ameri ca Newspaper Advertising Agenoy, 41 PARK ROW, N. Y 12,000,000 AGUES! Cheap Farms I The cheapest Land in market for sale by the UNION PACIFIC RAIL ROAD CO. In the Ureat PUtte Valley. 3,0OO,000 Acroa In Central Nebraska Now for sale In tracts of forty seres and upwards on five and Un years' credit at A per ccnU Ho advance Intitre.t required Mild and healthful cllrratc, fertile selK anabuud -once o( good water. THK 1!B!T MAKKET IN THE WESTI The ETOiU miuillK reiilons of WyomlUK, Colorado, Utah and Nevada being BUpplicd by tiw fanners in Ihe Plattk Valley. SOLDIERS ENTITLED TO A llOME- STEAU UF 1UU AUKKd. ttlR DKST LOCATIONS FOK COLONII 8. FRRK H0MF8 FOK ALLI Millions of acm. of cnoice uuveriiment uiniis open tor eutry under the lloitiesread, near tttia tlreat Kailroad, with rimhI markeu aud all the conveniences of an old aeitlisl t-onntry. Vroe bassi-s to purchasers of ltallroad Land.: Srctional showluj Uia- Ijnd, new edition of Oeaorlptive Puinphist with now Maps Mailed Free Uvurywnrre Address O F. DAVIS, LANUCOMMISSIOSEB U. K.U. It, 0MA1I, NED. A fj VUTC everywhere to sell i ur uew and novu Jfi'l Embroidering Maciiiue. send ftirllcl W ANTltiJirnt d Clr.'iiWr, to the MaKee1 Ktvn tuiur, t.ouipjny, jl) Hroadwiy, New York. CIIASIJ C. WICKElt, Proprietor. NEWS JEPAUTMET. We receive teleiraphle dispatches up to 4 p. m antl present them to our readors every eveuing, em bracing news of prcat interest rrom all seclions of tne country. v e have made special arrangements, whereby we rocelve rcjular Petrolenm, htock and PtfMluce Alnrkcl Keports every evening by telegrapli rrom New York, Philadelphia, and Pittsburg, which together with Editorials and Local matters, make it one or the most desirable newspapers published in the 01 Iteglou. Aa an Advertising Medium, be RECORD baa to superior as it circulates wherever an Oil Operator or Dealer can be found JOBBK DEPARTMENT. We hav a larre urnl Well rBnlMtrd ftot;k ol Jobhlii? Materia. latest styles. We are therefore enabled to eAOeutt Jon Work or every variety in a satlsluelory manner when desired, jobs will be neatly printed lu Culosu Shipping Bill Poa trs, Hand-Billa, Piogramine, Bills wf Fare, liabo A BusincHi and Viiiltlng Cards, L KTTKHJUEADH, BILLHBADS, BILLS OF LADING, Etc', Etc BaLL Ca'H'NTlNO, sin or Fancy Styles, neatly and promptly execu ted, eiubruclug INVITATIONS CiflOULAHS PK0GKAMMK8 CAUUH, TlCbETS, Ktc n fact, every variety and atyle of wor In letter press printing. Merchant, Lawyers. Justices of the Peace, Land Aucnte. oil Oeaiers and Auenis, lnsu runce Audits Kxpresamen and other parties in want, are Informed thst we are prenared to eaecuteto orlerall kinds nt IILANKS,buriueaaar legal, ri quired iu ibis com munity. .l.'hi e7 'Stronw-re respectfully sollettp. For aln ls.nno to 2o,noo rent oi second-iund TUBING, at Irntn25 to 35 eta. ner loot The Tubin Is io first class order and oil rfaay uimu April If, H. H. WARNER. nrominnn Main-Si., Petroleum Centre. . Kofjpg oil baud a full Mneof House Furnishing Csfoods, Boston Fat. Gonpllng TbIIiul Mil Gas Pipe ani litlm New Bedford Bolt Hope Cables and Sand Pump Lines, RUBBER BELTING, V01ZKIXG BARRELS, TUBING AND PACKING. VALVES. CASING AND HOSE, VALVE CUPS, CLAMPS Lanterns, Lantern Globes, Carpenter's Tools, ALL KI.i)S OF JIIIASS GOODS, Extra Winter Strained Lard Oil, Johnson fc Barrett's Lubricatiriff Oil, No. 1 Kefined Oil, 1 heJNovelty aril Eureka Ciotl.cs Wr'nfjers, the l ct In use, With a full line of Table utnl Pocket Cutlery, anil silver Plated SpooDsand Forks, STOYES, STOYES ! ay siock oi uuuiv ANU ukatinu STOVES cannot be excelled: In the oil reelon. As i ooiiunt ueiore ine late ndvaiice ol btoves by mannfactiirers, lam enabled to still sell at old prices. Those desiring anything in the way or a Cook or Heating Stove will do well to cull and examine my stock, ol which the following is a partial list; n ' vurHja. rs7 (VVLSV w vj With reservoir and warming closet, a fltst class Slove for hard coal or wood. AM FUlCAIV Cook, Willi low Water repervoir nnil wnrmlnir rlnsei. tnr hrrl enl THE iIELPEIC JUKI CKEAT III! L.'K'K Conk, a cheap first class Slove nu or miuuui iwiioir ami warming closet, (or haro or Boll Coal. Fire (necil Cook, a cheap litst clays Stove, for hord or s ft coal. Iron Wale Conk, a lurco heavy and durable Stove for soft nnl Wheat HZieal Cook, for tiuril or soli coal, is celebrated lor ita qualities ai a good flipper Cook, lor hard or soil coal, a smsll but excellent Stove and very cheap. Minnesota Cook, a wood Stove with elevated oven. ;MY LINE OP PARLOR HEATERS cannot be excelled: 1 tie fllVlllgr I-1 no JilgltA Hosts;, of 1 ST-2 This is a beautiful self feeder i -I on move, mi sen reainaiing (Iran ami patent clinker urate Tlio Radiant House A new self lender Tarlor Heater wild mill grate and llllini inated hnse Keep Sil5 Burner S.lf feeder Parlor Heater with shaking fire patent and uusuptlli, V llinr.l HI 'IP, $itlliirlS 1'iirlor Ile!itr-SomethlnK new, a very beautiful and powerful heater OSty Lisjllt A nvat and cheap Base Burner llonne Jjilll A choan cylinder Siove with mill grale. House A sheet Iron cylinder st'ive, very cheap, loy A small sell feeder and quiie chenp. ltlsn'k Swan A purlor cook s'ovu with oven, for coal. I 'll lilt: A cheap dinini! room Stove. Gem A oheap bed room Stove. , Pearl A cheap cylinder Stove, for hard or soil coal JlV'f u y?niV"rh'",1K 'Sl"Ve 'Ml-Adi...trl for derricks and hotels, i SALAMANDER A derrick stove. GLOBE HEATER For stores end cilices. MANUFACTURER OF TIN, SHEET ?M A3D COPPER WARE SMOKE STACKS MADE TO ORDER. Hake to order tiALVAMZIIII IHO !A.D PI MPS which ar oonsidered the cheapest and safest pump now la use, with common or patent valve. Repairing of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. GlLBLllT coiiim. SAIVIUELS BROS., WuslUnffton Strict, Petroleum Centre. At present tbe prevailing toplo of convert sallon appears to "How soon are you going to move to Culler?" We desire to Inform our patrons and the public at large that we do Dot Intend tb' move from Petroleum Centre, bnt propose to "fight it ohI oo tbls line If it takes all summer," and would respectlully invite all to come and examine our stock of Siting Barbae ' ' Millinery Trimmings, LACE GOODS, And a complete stock of ladies' Hats and Bonnets, Also, a Complete Slock of BOOTS 0 SHOES Which will be sold r taper an tie Cheapest eTGIve us a call and examine (roods and prices. . SAMUELS ER03. Pet. Centre. April lDth, 1878. nasrltwHb " ' HELMBOZJX , MAB. 1 tcir A TO.-rrrn-y- . FLUID EXTRACT BUOHU; Is tba only Kaowm Bemedf for Brtghta Dis ease snd haa cured evar aaa of Diabetes fat which It baa seen pvran. Irritation of tba Mack of tha Blbddar acl isOammaalon ot tba Kidneys Cleerationof tha Kidnaya ant BlaaNder, Reten. tdonof Untie, Diaaaaea ot the ProMata Gland. Btona In the Bladder, Gravel, Brick Dust Deposit, eod Unaoaaor Milky IHschaivea, and for Ere. fsebled aad Dalicaas OeastrtaUoaa of both Sssml attended triih tha foUovttur aymntoma: Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, CloWty of Breath lu. Weak Marrea, Wakafulneaa, Pain la the Baet Klnshlnioftha Bodr.Craptloo on tbe Face, pallid Conntenanee, Laaaiinds of the yatam, ato. Used by parsons In tha destine or abasia oi Ufa i altr coailnemsnt er labor Biiaa. btd-weU tint In ahlldren, eta. In nany alfaetiona peenllar to ladlaa, tha Ex tract Caohu is tueqnalaS by any other remedy As u Chlorosis or BeUntion, Irregutkrlty, P.Jn. falnsas or Suppression olCoatonary Kvaouations. ulcerated or Hchirras ataU of tha U terns, Leu eorrbreabr Whites, eterility. and for all eom padnta inoMant to the ess. It is prescribed extensively by the most eminent FhyaMana and -MidwiTsa far enfeebled and delicate oousutu tions of bothaaxas and all ages. KEABNEY'S EXTBACT BrCBXT, BaMU 0 Muinatlon, EU., la all tbsir stasa, at ' Little expense, little or no change in oUstTho In-' conveniens, and no exposare. It causes a fra- ' auent desire, and I alvae atrentUi to Urinate, laroby removing Obstruotlona, Prevantinir and Curing Strictuiee of tha Urethra, Allaying Pain and Inflammation, a frequent in this ejasa of dla-' eases, and expelling all Poisonous matter, KEARNEY'S EXTRACT BfJCHTT, ' 1 1.00 per bottle or sir bottles for 5.00, delivered to any &ddra, aeenre from observation. Bold by diugiflsts everywhere. Prepared by v M,AP"CO.,1oI)uaneBt.,KY. la whom all lettasa for infannalioa ib"H be ' addreased. Avoid Quacks and Impostors. ae Charge for Advlo and Oonsolution. Dr. J. B. Dyolt, Oradnata otjiftrnn Mtdlctl CvssW'hiladelphia, author of several valuable worka, a&n be consulted on ail' diseases of the Bsxual or Urinary Organa, (ubioh he has made en espeeielstody) either in male or female, no natter from what cause originating or of how long standing. A practice of SO years enables hun to treat disease with raosese. Cures guar anteed. Charges reasonable. These at a dis tanea can forward latter describing symptoms ' and enclosing stamp to prepay postage. Bend for tba Ouldt to Itallh. Price 10 cents. I. B. DYOTT, U.D., Physician and ttogeo " 101 Duane St . New York. - Advertise lu tbe litre obd,