The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, July 10, 1873, Image 2

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    Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
Pet. Centre, Pa. 'llmradar, July In
Divine Service.
Pervices every Sabbath nt 11 A. M. end
i4 P. M. Sabbath Scbool at 2 P. M.
eats free. A cordial invitation extend
ed to all.
Kir. G. Moorc, Paster.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M.. and'7
'olock P. M., by the Pastor, W. C. Bdrch
aud. S.bbaio Sobool at 2'4, directly
after forenoon service.
Prayer Meeting and Sabbath Scbool
Teacher's Meeting Tuesday evenings ol
cash week.
Petroleum Centre IiOIp;e, JVo.
716, I. O. of O. F.
Regular meeting nights Friday, at 7
o'ciucif. Signed.
G. Tl. Bailey, A Sec'y.
C"5"I'Wce of meeting,' JJaiu St., opposite
ISclil.iteck House.
A. O. of I. V.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of V. W.,
meets every Monday evening ut TJjJ o'clock,
D Odd Fellow's Hull, Petroleum Contre,
James Wilson, M. W.
Jamss S. Writs, R.
1. O. of H. M.
Minnokaunee Tribe No. 183, I. O. R. M
of Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday
evening in Good Templar's Ha".
HIP Council lires liabtnd at 7 o'clock,
U. HOWE, Saobeji.
C. L JUKES, Cbiel ol Records.
Gold at 1 p. in. 115
EtT"The Post Olllce Newsroom So-;'
Fountain Is now running in full blast.
Cull aud try a glass of ico cool soda water
Police. Ida Castle, a lair but frail o
got on tbe War path yesterday. Judging
from ber appearance she must have imagin
ed bcrsell Quoeo Ellen of the Modocs. Sbe
came down through tbe middle or tbe street
from the lava beds in n very picture, q :
costume, consisting of an old wrapper, .
beaded and barefooted. On auiviog ict
front or tbo lockup, the beauteous Ida gave
au Indian war wboop that would have ;dooe
redlt lo a native aborigine. This was the
signal fur hostilities and Constable Buig
appeared on the war path and arrested t c
fair squaw and consigned her to tbe loclii:
Once inside tbe bustile tbe ''bloody scenes
of war" vanished from tbe vision of Ida,and
love took tbo place, nnd as sbe sweetly sanu
"Are you waiting, Johany, darling," one
could almost imagine Johnny outside tbo i
cruel prisou bars wait lug to clasp "the rate
ud radium ran Idea" lo bis manly bo torn;
but anon tbo vision obanged and "On Jor
dan's stormy banks" she Btuod and "view ii
tbe scenery o'er," but "alas for tbe rarity
oi Christian charity under the sun," the
ruthless destroyer la tbo shape of Justice
Reynolds appeared and tbe vision ended in
Hero reality, In less ilowery language $2,01)
and Hosts settled Ida's drunk. '
There was uo romance whatever about
English Jennie's arrest. Sbe got druak
and frankly acknowledged tbe corn, paid $2
and costs "like a little man" and departed
In peace.
Well No. 2, Columbia boys lease, Pier0o
farm, Upper Bonuobcff, struck the tblrd
and lat night. It will probably prove a
good well. We have some of tbe aan i In
our possession, and do not hesitate to pro
uouuee it as goad as tbat i action affords.
The editor of tbe Oil City Derrick ba
boeo arrested for libel at tbe instance of on
Penny an aggrieved individual residing a"
Corry. We do not desiro to interfere nor
tende r unsolicited advice, but don't you
weaken In tbe least. Now tbat hostilities
have commenced, give 'em particular
fits, so to speak. We know bow it Is our
self. Our citizens may expeot a complimentary
serenade from tbe Columbia Cornet Band as
soon ns the weather permils.
Tbu religious disoussiou at tbe Columbia
farm churob will end tbis . arirrrtoon. As
near as we can learn, public opinion seems
to consider tbo Unlverstllat olergyman,Rev
Getty, to be tbe bent debater of tbe two.
Tbe filial decision is ielt to a moderator and
two judge.
' The tn qiicol changes la tbe railroad
time tubks has made it Impossible for us to
get the New York newspapers on time at
the Post Office Newsroom, although wo have
ued our best endeavors to get tltem here.-
0'ir patrons, will readily understand tbe
tbo situation and we liust will btiar with us
It Is entirely probable that tue Constitu
tional Convention will adjnrjrn unlll Sep
tember. Tiio hot wealhor has exortod such
o d-',reslr.g influonce on lbt members that
tb's courso .a deemed advisitle under tbe
There Is no ubt but that George King
keeps the best meat market on Oil Creek,
His cattle are selected with tbe utmost care
and to suit tbe wants of bis customers.
When killed and cut up the me at is not leit
ouiaide in the hot sua exposed to the Dot
very tender mercies ol swarms of flies, biij
is placed in an iceox entirely surrounded
with ice and kept perfectly cool, conse,
fluently the meat sold by bltn is good. Y ou
try It and see.
A clergyman and a lawye r or Oshkoah
bavebein 'having a little fun with the Doys,'
or rather with tbe girls. While on their
way, obout two miles Irom that city, to at
tend a dying man, tbelr bnggy broke down,
and they started on afoot. A lady, romlng
along with a two-seated open buggy Invited
them to ride, which they accepted, tbe min
ister taking the front seat with the fair
dnvor. Sbe drove tb'm into town, and
daebed up and down the principal street,
making a great sensation, setting lbs peo
ple on tbe walks Into loud guffaws. They
did not discover until afterward that sh
was a woman noted for bei much wicked
ness and little virtue.
Smlrker has discovered a fatal rhetorical
difficulty about tbe Westlngbouae Brake.
lie lays you can't stop anything rapidly.
Smirker reasons a good deal. He reasons
powerfully, In fact, one migbt say violently,
and it is thus tbat Smirker reasons. "Speed
Can only bo predicated of motion, not of
stoppage, it can no more bi a merit in a
train to stop quickly tbau it would to run
slowly. To run at lull speed into a para
dox wonld produce a oocusjioa, tbe cense
quence of which be, Smirker, cannot antici
pate." Smirker 'b fcieudsare very unhappy
about him because be will reason on, and
fear bis intellect must be "breaking up."
Tbe bottom of a large iron oil tank near
Petroleum Centre Is staked off, and fitted
up for a place for the young folks to play
tbe witciiiog game of croquet upon. Tbe
ladies do not wear their trails while playing
in there. Mcadvllle Republican.
Our reporter has visited all tbe iron tanks
within a radius of three miles but as yet baa
I not discovered that particular tank As
lis takes delight in witnessing tbe young la
dles playing croquet, won't tbe Republican
man post bim as to its whereabouts. Come
Tbe Chioese who were imported to Belle
ville, N. J., to work in a laundry establlsU
meat there, are said to bo a failure. Mor
ally, mentally and financially, they have
not proved to be what the experimentor ex
pected. Amulets, as avertersot evil, are coming
into vogue among women of fashion. Many
oftlie?e knick knacks, such as petrified
loads, rattlesnake rattles, gilt or bronze,
owls' claws, Ac, are furnished by a Bohe
mian snrceiess in New York, who warrants
their ability.
Three of tbe most lasbioaable mantua
makers of Paris ara organizing a universal
exposition of tbelr work and that of tbe
milliners Tbe articles to be exhibited 'will
inolude specimens of the art of "padding,"
and of olber methods whereby artificial
beauty and unreal charms are successfully
imposea upon credulous and devoted men.
A novel musioal Instrument uttering com
bined sounds resembling tbe voices of a
choir baa been invented by a watchmaker.
Wishing to get a classical name for It be
applied to a sopbmore, who, reminiscent of
Iomerlcdjectives, advised bim to call it
toe "Polypelosiopbone," tbe appropriate
ness of which will be recognized by all
persons who carry any Greek about them.
Divine Service. Rev. W. C. Burcbard
Pastor of tbe Presbyterlsn Church of "tbis
place and Rev. William Grassie, of Edin-
boro, will exchange pulpits on next fcSsb
batb. An Indiana Sunday Scbool man writes lo
a firm In New York: "Send me on tome
Sunday Scbool papers and books. Let tbe
books be about pirates and Indians as far as
The following toast was pronounoed at a
firemen's dinner, and was receivesd with
great applause: The ladies. Tbelr eve
kindle the only flam against which tbere
is no Insurance.
Teacher: John, you young soapegraee,
come bere, and I'll pay you back for your
impudence to me yesterday. Pupil: No,
thank you. I bava consoientioui scruples
against taking backpay of tbat sort.
Tbe Ionian Llua have met with a disss
tor in tbe probable loss of tbe sieamer City
oi Washington. To their credit, bowever
be it said tbat not a life was lost and all
the baggage and stores were saved.
Tbereceut discoveries of Sir Samnel Ba
ker areas Important to scientists as bis
measures will prove to be to humanity
Though not so much talked about -bis dis
coveries aud travels will ptove more useful
than Livingstone's.
An Ancient Mariner.
He looked like a sailor, and said be bad
penj for stle; and then winked- He looked
cautiously around the office, and then whis
pered "I'vojnst landed," and pressed a
bundle under bis coat. He had a silk diuss
tbere, which he had given a few tin kettles
for in China, and be wanted to sell it "for
anything a'mosl" before he went back to
ship He twisted tbe dress around his arm
like a rope, and showed how the camel's
hair in it made it come all right again with
out a crease. He would take $75 for It.
He said that it was worth that wholesale.
Didn't want lo pawn It: sooner throw It
overboard; would take $50 for It; $40;- be
would sell for $25;and sooner than go sboit
of bis grog, for $18, He made a sale, and
the purchaser took It home and surprised
his wife with a real China silk, mixed with
camel's hair to make itmoreend.iring.'-How
much?" said sho. "Guess," said tbe de
lighted husband. "Wel.1, it would cost In
the Bowery about $U." "II that feller
comes!" New Y'ork Star.
Boston estimates that it used fast year
8,703.285 gallons of milk for wblcb it paid
$2,970,510 90. One-eighth of the quantity
is regretfully admitted to bava been water.
A Kansas man dropped a little note to a
neighbor's wife, Inviting ber to meet bim
under tbe pale silver moon. Tbe husband
got tbe note first and kept tbe appointment.
Two doctors have been at work on tbe Kan
sas man, in whom tbey found a rich lead
A remarkable Instance of tbu fulfillment
of a dream comes from the QWest. - A Mil
waukee man dreamed that be saw bis brok
er's bead severed from bis body witbout the
loss of a drop of blood. Oav tlio following
doy a letter was received stating tbat tbe
brother in question bad just been discharg
ed from a comfortable poslmastersbip.
A Western musical critio thus speaks of
a prima donna: "She bad, and we suppose
still retains, a magnificent voice for a tog
whistle. Its compass was perfectly sure
prising. Sbe would shake tbe cbaodelier
with a wild wboop tbat made every man
instinctively feel for bis scalp, and followed
it up with a roar tbat would sbame a doub
le bacs.
Tbat was an unfortunate woman who
persisted In riding in a Wesiern smoking
car, exoeoting tbat ber presence would re
strain Us manly occupants from tho use of
weed. When, at last, onn hard hearted
lord of creation began to enjoy his accus
tomed cigar, she suddenly snatched it trom
bls)lips, with tbe remark, in bigb treble:
"If tbere is anylblog 1 do hate, it Is to
bacco smoke 1'' For a time the olpuder was
si lent and motionless; then, gravely rising
amid tbe plaudits of tbe assembled smokers.
ba took tbo little poodle dog which reposed
in tbe female's lap, and geotly tbrew bim
out of the window, sighlug: "If tbere In
anything I do bale, it is poodle.'
A curious case, growing out of a breach
of promise, was recently tried in Scotland.
Tbe damsel remembered tbat she had - pre
sented ber faithless lover a shoemaker,
with shirts, cravats, butter, eggs, cheese
and socks. Her gifts, like ber lovi - nakinr,
always took a practical turn, as Is event
ually proved, for the Scottish lady tiled tbe
shoemaker in the Sheriffs Small Dept Court
of Entnburg for $40, tbe value or tbe prac
tical presents. This curious trial ended in
a verdict for the plaintiff, and tbe shoemak
er was compelled to pay for shirts and era;
vats worn out, and eggs and butter long
since eaten.
A case, wbiob migbt have been similar lo
tbat of Enoch Ardeo, but for tbe matter of
ittct arrangement of tbe lady, occurred re
cently In Indiana. Tte Lady's husband
went on, ana lor years no tidings of bim
reaohed ber. After some time sbe married
again, on tbe understanding, bowever. that
she would be at liberty to return to her first
husband, if be turned up. Lately be did
turn up, and husband number two bad to
resign in bis favor.
Tbe aggregate of tbe amount of coal am
ooke shipped to tbe lower "markets on tli
present rise la 6,962,000 bushels. An uo
precedaoted run for tbe season.
True bill have been found against tbe
Bank or England forgers. It was a deeply
laid schema but not so deep but tbat tbe
English detectives, got to the bottom of it
and nabbed their men.
Stokes, Simmons and King will, It is sup
posed, (scape lb death penalty tbroiitrb
tbe new law requiring proof of deliberate
intent to kill Tor conviction of murder in tbe
first degree.
It Is now said tbat one Goddard Ba'ly, a
clerk, was tbe man tbat stole tbo Indian
bonds when Jake Thompson was Secretary
of tbe Interior.
Tbo Shah bas rewarded the servants and
police of Buckingham Palace, wbere ho rc
sided while iu Londou.
or max Anm.ik.
We were not surprised ajbttt Mts.tnoicb
kiss demanded a divorce. Mrs. Holcbkiss
was a somnambulist, and after getting to
sleep at night sbe would rise aud grope ber
way down stairs to the kitchen. Then she
would do the whole of the week s washing,
and alter banging tbe clothes upon JHba line
Come buc' to bed. TiM next nigbt-ebe
would do the ironing, and tbo next sweep
log and ..o forth. And when she came down
n the morning sho would be astonished to
find tbe work all finished, and she always
Insisted thai Ilo-.cbkiss Sad done It for ber
while sbe was asleep. And Uolobklss, tbe
unprincipled scoundrel that be was, would
smile and take the credit for it just as much
as sbe cbose to give bim, although be used
to watch ber got up in ber steep, and be
knew well enough bow It was. And when ',
sbe would throw ber arms around bis neck i
and U s him aud tell bim bow very kind it
was in him, that conscienceless lascal would
say, "Oh, it's Jnothiog, Harriet, nothing,
my dear, I do It beciuse I love my darling
Harriet." Then Mrs. llotchkiss would nes
tie ber bead oa bis shirt waistcoat and cry
over his shirt frout, and be wooid staud
there with tbe air of a man who was con
scions of having done a- great and noble
action at a fearful self-sacrifice. This kind
o things continued for several weeks, until
ono night while Mis. Holcbkiss was wash
iug shins in bersloep a needle concealed In
one ol tbo garments ran cto ber Soger and
awoke ber- For a moment a he was uewild
ered. Then the truth Hashed upon ber.
Sbe went up staits, Holcbkiss was fast asleep
and snoring like a log wh Istle. Sbe shook
bim and wakened blot. Uo thought she
was still in a somnambulistic condition, so
be exclaimed, "see bere, old womao, lemrae
alooeaod go down ooU finish up that
washing." Mrs. llotcbkiss did not nestle
ber bead upon bis bosom tbeo. She nes
tied ber bauds among his ba'r and yelled at
bim, and pulled bim out on the floor and
hammered bim with a chair. And tbe
next day sbe went for a divoico. Tbey
made it up afterward, but she slopped wash
ing in ber sleep, and has taken to black
mailing llotcbkiss lor bonnets. If ho seems
indisposed to disburse handsomely sle o'
ways starts for a divorce, and . be sui-
The London police made CD0 arrests on
last Derby day.
Portland, Oregon, has just adopted tbe
use of bo rso cirs.
Cumberland county, Ivy., is 'said to be
full ot Iudiun mounds.
A Moutreal justice sent a toy to jail 20
days lor shootiog small birds.
A pear-shapped pearl was recently lound
on tbe Australian cojst, weighing 148
Amonq the inventions lately patented at
WaHblugtoa is a 'horse power cranbeiry
Accotding to tbe London Court Journal
tbe "season" in tbat city has been tbe most
brilliant on record.
A sister ol Colooal Mosby has boon Bp
pointed to a oierksllip in tbe dead letter of
tioe in Washington.
A new benevolent protective order,koowD
as "The Order of Seals," is composed of
members of Ibe dramatic profession.
A man la bpring(ield,Ill., recently bruised
a blood-vessel and died in trying to carry
oigbt hundred pounds of iron for a wager.
A WeBtport, Conn., cat tbat bad ber tail
and ears frozen off last winter, is said to
have since given birth to taillei i and ear
less kittens.
Ise Satoro tbe Japnese student at tbe Na
val Academy at Annapolis, bas tesigned.a s
it proved that be bad no aptitude foe navel
A beautiful oiled walnut case containing
one hundred volumes of Educational works
have beeu sent by Wilson, Ilinkle & Co., of
Cincinnati, Ohio, tbe publishers to tbo
Vienna Exposition, with a request, at tbe
close ol tbe Exhibition tbat tbe entire case
and coutents be forwarded to tbe Imperial
University uud National Library of t-lrass-
bnrg, ol which Prof. Dr. Baruck is Liber
In Newark, N. J., recen'.ly, two voun
men, named August Stabl Nad lor and Ed
ward Bucbler, fell desperately In love with
a fair wid)W, and as both could not marrv.
tbey'mutually agreed to commit suicide.
Each procured a dose or laudanum, and
August swallowod his, but Edward only
made a pretense of doing so, the result of
wbicb is tbat August died, and bis oom
pinlou if now reudy lo maary lbs widow.
Pareuts desiring a first-class Boarding
Scbool lor boys, with thorough preparation
for college or business, should send fur a
catalogue ol Kenwood. St.e advertisement
Local Notice.
The well known old st-inil
International IIoIpI, o 4!)
Diaiiiond Street, TitusvUie,
l'li,, now doing an excellent
business. The Ilonse is well
furnished aud will he sold reas
onable as the present Proprietor
' desirous of retiringfrom bast
uess. CIIAS. RODEU PropV.
A desirable bouse on the Egbert Farm.
For particulars enquli fl at the 1'cH Office.
A Great Horror Done A war
w nil.
House cleaning la a greet horror to nlns
men out of every ten. When tbat lima
comes tbe "men folks," as a rule, give the
domejtio hearth a "wide berth." Oceans
of suds the product of tons of loap fairly
flood every part ol the bouse. The women,
om the mistress down, labor as they never
worked before, and what with ihe discom
fort, tbe smell of suds and the dampness,
and not unfrequently sickness, tbe product
of colds and overwork, matters are ge ler-
nlly disagreeable. Tbe simple use of
Sapollo Instead of leap does away with alt
this discomfort. It lightens tbe labor a
hundred per cent, becau. ' It removes dirt,, stains and spots, with hardly any
labor, with but little .water, and ia one
lentn the usual time.
Go ti W. A. LOZIER,
4th Strcet,iicar 11. It. track,
tor your BEMINE, deliv
ered at the 'well for $1,75
per Barrel..
petroleum Centre, Feb. 6th tf.
Hubert vs. Mcliolas Geyer.
The rollowliiR la the deciflxi rendered-,!. JtldVe-'
McKennsn, at May Term or the Circuit Court '.o uw -almve
iu tbo Circuit Conn f tho t'lilti-d Ktntes, in ntd fur
fl,a U' nUl.U ,J fWnj,.l,..,.i. C A t
Hoberts vs. iclioltu livyer. No. 1. May Term,
1ST3. In Equity
November SI. lSTJ. Bill filed and anlpo?na is.
tiled .
ary injunction served.
December 13, 1N7J. Motion for preliminary li .
junction heard, and tbo Court lieiug duly advised in
tltc premises; the Injunction awarded as prayed for,
and ducrcu fllcu
January l-l, 87:J. Injunction issued, nnd qn the
Jll.h dny of January Indictment served personally
and by copy.
May 33, IK?!). Hulo Isnncd lor doleadont to show
cnuscwhyntlarhmcnt should not Uiue for contempt
In violating inlunctioD sad duly solved
June 2d, 187.1 Itnle (or attachment in this easo
came on to be hoard, and nfter argument of counsel
pro and con, ta CourJ being full advised in the
promises, tbe Hulo Is rondo absolute, and tbe sen
tence of the Com t Is. that the .aid defundaa, N ich
oloa Oeyer, k. lmpiioaened In tbe common Jail of
AUeKeeny County for and during tbe term of tea
iJt, sad that bo pay .the cost of tula proceed,
Jnn. 2d, 183. Commltf nt Is.'ucJ.
The injunction In this no w for Infringement
at th. Robert.' patent of No. (called th. Uir l'at
en'), for incraaiing th. productiveness of oil wells.
The net of lafringement fur which the defendent
was committed fur contempt, consisted in ai Sins;
Alexandra Ilacar la exploding torpedoes In ol
well, being lb. earn, act, of Infringement for which
llaniar was also comnittod in th. cjso Na 8, No
vcmber Term, 18811, as bcTor. slated.
The Court McRenuan, .tr delivering his
ilnion in the Ilamar mm, proceeded to sentence
N o'io'iu (luycr for contempt, and delivered Ibe ft I
owlug oral opinion :
Lain tbo case of Nicliola. Oeycr chaig.'d with t'o
sime often., I am entirely sntlsfli d that there was
fl .lit) present, In the Deals woll at leasL M J hat
intimated to the counsel in the course of the argu
ment, the pretence oj fluid in the well, whether if
ired or not, it an infringement of the patent, and it
breach of the injunction of the Court.
Hr Huberts, by bis pjtent use. as on. of th. prin
clpal elcmenta or his Invention fluid tamping. Kind
wherever there l fluid sultlci.nt in a well, at the
time of tnc exploBinn of a torpedo, to 011 ate as
tamping, whether it gels there naturally or is pal
there artificially, Ids patent is infiinued. This
clearly the case in nv"l to Ihe Heals well.
Hut Sir Oyer seem to have hoen misled by
Ilaiunr, who told llim that hu morely wauled to
mnl.c nn experiment ; and I do not think, tills be
ing the first time, tiiat he ought lo be very severely
He also is adjudged gnllty ef contempt nnd order
ed In pay the cutis or tiili preeiliiig nil iinclerg
an Imprisonment In the countv Jail lor ten dn
I hoie this will he the Ik M nil have ciuhs; liriaasc,
if ihu mailer come, tu 0111 notice ouian, wewf'f 1"
onsiVKlned 10 impnae such punishment as will tend
to mala, the decree of tb. C'oarl enVdual.
June 17-lni.
I'rcsentB stronp attrnetions to p rents and puni
dl ins. A nlensfflt homei through Instruction;
healthful discipline: excellent library:! new anuul'-
Htus. H'-nd for Catalogue. Liberal discount to
uuaklcs jitronrs, ,1. m.. phii.'
New Brighton, I'enn.