The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, July 06, 1873, Image 2

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    fctroleun Centre Daily Record.
stt. Centre, I'a., TuRndny, July i.
Ulvlnc ftert'lee.
Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
lii P. M. Sabbath Scweol at 13 P. M.
eats free. A cordial invitation i feud
ed to all. v.
Rit. of. Moors;, Pastox
Freaoliing at 11 n'oloek A. M.. ndt7
o'clock V. M.t by tbe Pastor, W. C. Bukfw
ard. Sebbato Soboo at Wit v eclly
after lorenono service.
Prayer Meeting and Sabbath School
Teaoker'f Heeling Tuesday evenings ol
aeb meek.
lctwleum Centre Lodge, So.
T15, I. O. of O. F. ..
Regular meeting nigbu Friday, at 7
'clock. Sinned.
CI. IT. Bau.kv, A Suc't.
- ES""Place of meeting, Alain St., opposite
HcOiintock House.
A. O. of U. W.
Liberty Wigs No. 7, A. O. or U. W.,
meet, evrrv Monduy evening at 1i o'clock,
'Odd FeHow'a Hall, Petroleum Centre,
A. Glcnn, 11. W.
A. M. Klrckn-er, R.
i. o. of k. ni. Tribe No. ln.'i, I. O. K. M
of Petrol-urn Centre, meats every Thursday
evening in Good Templar's Hall.
MST Council fires liubted at 7 o'clock.
II. HOWE, Sucbem.
C. L JUKES, Chief ol Records.
Gold at 1 p. m. 116!
557 Tbe Post Ofllce Newsroom Soc" i
Fountain ! now running la full blast.
Gall and try a glass of ice cool soda water
They are as bad off Up tbe Creek as ny
where elce. Tbe Recoid ha tbe detail 0
a Pioieer scandal which It lays ara too dis
gusting to publish'. " A colored man found
white man where he thought be ought
not to bo, an J gove both bl wife tod be,
paramour a sover walloping. Tbe white
roio was of course indignant that con
non Bigger should set mad and put on air
a' out such a little thing, and took tbe mat
ter or the moult Into court. A jury let tbe
prisoner (cotorad) go scot tree, and the pros
routor (white skin colored beart) pay tbe
cunts. Queer' law, that; but probably
''air shake-, ''sstblbgs no. Derrick.
Tbe Derrick la ,a.trfla mixed a to tb
p-ty who made, th arrest. It was not tbe
Willie man wl li the colored heart, but tbe
Wle or tber colond man with the white
b-art, that made ti e arrest. Otlerwise tb
Da. rick ilea I correct, and a deserved bit
t a man, who front tbe pablio position held
b tim, ought at least to preserve himself
Witbln the common bound' of dasency.
Personal. Ur. James Dosbier,- tb well
known popular Casbior of Geo. IT.' Bisiell
k Co'a Banking House of this place, re
tumid borne, tb I forenoon, alter an ex
tended trip- through tbe lower oil field. He
report crowds of people thereabouts, but
ot so much "wealth' as outsider have
generally supposed. At the (am time be
enjoyed tbe trip, and report all th old
Centre boys as alive and kicking, with yet
"sileBt lengiag for tbe good old days1
ben tb Centre wa yauag.
Mr. Jame Mclilwalno, of St. Petersburg,
was In town to-day. Jimmy is always tbe
etna jolly good natnred fellow, and host of
friends always stand ready to extend him
lb right band el good fellowship.
District Attorney Smith and Lawyer So."
ley, of Franklin ara Id town.
Messrs, Irwiu aod Stambaigb," propose
doing' tbo PaclOo oast belore long. They
will be anni eneai lore montos.
MicaiAB Oil. We bav been preaeoM
by Mr. Hua M. Jobason, of (ill place,
with aan of pur natural Lubrioatiog 041,
refined and manufactured by bim. Hi oil
is what la known a th Franklin oil reduc
ed ta 10 gravity. 4 A standard' white
150 Are test burning oil I alio obtained
at tbe same time tbe lubricating oil I rnn
off tb still. The cost of tbli oil by tb
barrel (Insludlag barrel) I only 20 oenla
pur gallon. It is new used by Iba Coluto
Ma Oil Company,, at Brown' Uaobin
Shop, a ad by ether parties, giving the best
of satisfaction. We would advise our oil
men to eall at Fairfield, Preston & Co' Re,
fioe'ry and examine this oil. Trom what w
have learned of Ibi oil we do not hesitate
to prooouac it good and calculated to do
tbe work claimed for it.
In ibis connection we understand it 1
proposed to establish a extensive manufae"
tory c.f the above oils and also axle grease,
In this placi, within a abort time; We
have naduubl tbeexperlment will prove a
A Cairo pound keeper bas resigned be
ou the Common Couuoll objected- to. bis
wriUug Hun brfvre his otme.
A DislrcfcaiiiK Cjuc.
Mrs. Julia Kelloy, a widow lady who lives
in Titusville, Is In ibis city iu quest of her
daughter, Mollle Ann Kelly, who was per
suaded by an older girl to leave her borne
oo tbe 8 lb of May Inst. Since tben Mrs,
Kelly bas ma'le Inoeasant efforts to discover
ber whereabouts but without success. As
she is poor and unable to prosecute
ber researches very extensively, every facil
ity should be afforded ber by tbe authori
ties and citizens in general. Tbe girl Is
described as being intelligent and shrewd.
Sbe bad grey eyes, and black bair. be
was trsoed to Oil City where sbe bad ber
bair shingled. It is (bought thatVhe is in
tbis city at present Pittsburgh Post.
Vnead Gordon is oroameuliing bis hard
ware store with a new coal ef paint. It
will make a decided improvement wbeu
We would suiigest, yea mildly suggest, to
Justice Reynolds to noli .y different parties
along Washington Slreet, tbat tbeir side
walks stand badly in need of repalcing.
Unless patched up soon there will be some
broken Units for some one to pay for.
At preseot a religious discussion is going
on in tbe church at Columbia Farm, be
tween Rev. Graham, Methodist, or Pluraer,
and Rev. Getty, Universalis,, of Kane
City. Tb subject is "Future rewards and
Punishments,'' aod "Eternal Punishment,"
Getty negative and Grabam affirmative.
Much interest is manifested in the discus
What did Io die ol ? Iodide of potassium.
The name of the man who sent tbe first
postal card is Legion.
"Bui, when I tell biin he bates flatters,
be say be does; being then most flattered."
Connecticut, according to the census, Is
tbe heaviest hardware manufacturing Stale
In tbe Union.
Tbe divorce iawyera In Chicago were re
cently horrified by tbe announcement ol a
silver wedding In tbat oily.
K sohoolboy's composition on tobacco:
"This noxious weed was invented by a dis
tinguisbed man named Walter Raleigh.
When the people first saw him smoking
Ibey thought be was a steamboat, aod as
they bad never beard of suot a thing as a
steamboat tbey were terribly frightened. "
One Item io an Oregon horse-doctor's bill
read: "To boldin a postniortita examlna
shun on a boss wbo afterward recovered,
$150 " It waa paid.
Explosive llnrnlng Fluid.
In behalf of tbe scorched, scarred aod
maimed victims of explosive burning fluids
la tbis city, we demand tbat tb new act of
Assembly relative to sale of illuminating
oils shall be rigorously enforced aod not
rendered worthless by subtile constructions
foreign to tbe meaning and Intent of tbe
law. If a man sells oil or fluid for common
use In e'bousehold In a tamp tbat will not
bear tbe test authorized by the law of 1873,
t ion beyond all question he should be arrest
ed and punished. To say tbat tb oil o
fluid was Intended for soma other purpose
and tbat those who nse it must take tbe
eoosequeioes, is neither law, justice nor
reason. Dealers la Illuminating oil - know
what Is the law on this subject and why
such a law passed, and tbey should obey it,
ana not seek to evade It by "ways tbat are
dark and trioks tbat are vain." Too many
Uvea have been lost by explosive oils and
Quid to suffer men to trample upon tbe new
law within a few month of going into
fore. Pittsburgh Post, a
Tbe Congregational church at Oakland
Cat, bas a Chinese Sunday sobool, with a
regular attendance or from 05 to 70 Cbina
men: and at Its fourth anniversary, recent
ly held, about ISO Celestials were in attend
ance. Amoug other exercises, there was
an original composition of Dang Hung, an
original oration by Gee Gam, aod recita
tions ol Sorlpture by Tear On, Ah Shin,
Hoe Tong, Quork Toy, Jew Low, Going
Bark aod several other more or less euphon
ious gentlemen.
Bistort I playing in London.
Joliot, III., thinks it turn out tb best
steel rails in tbe world.
. A Georgia editor describing a wedding
lately, asld the bride "looked a very illy,
cradled in tbe golden glimnfer of some even-
log lako a foam fleck, snowy,, yet sun
flushed, crowning tb rippling of some soft
Southern sea." If tbat were realty so, tbe
bridegroom must have beeo vary much puz
zled to know whether he was wedding a
submarine conservatory or tue Aurora
A iady at liomeo, Miob., vlaims to be a
lineal descendant of England's royal lam
lly, but a New Jersey iosano man sees ber
several better, and claims to be Queen Vic
toria herself.
It Is not a.oue Ihn'l will bruise, my lord,
Nor is it a se.'pent that will sling;
A tborn to rerid, a sword to pioice,
Or aoy vile, polconoaa thing.
Only a beart a woman's heart ;
Step on itl crush itt so!
Bravely done like a gentleman,
Turn on your beel aod go.
Only a beart! What barm Is done?
Let it bleed In the dust and mono:
Or trifle its anguish as best It may,
Or stiffen, my lord,, into etooe.
Only a heart, it was fcesb and young,
Aod tender and warm, I know:
As pure as the spirit of chastity,
My lord, and it lored you. so.
Nothing is lost; let II die, my lord:
Let its death be quick or slow;
Such hearts ere as plenty ni summer
We find tbem wherever wo go.
Only a beart! do not fear, my lotti;
Nobody on earth is near
To come to tbe cry of tbe wounded thing
An d God is too far to bear.
"Olivia, " writing to the Philadelphia
Press, contributes this anecdote to social
Once upon a time one of those giant In
tellects of a past generation gave a large
dinner party at one of the fashionable ho
tels at tbe capital. A ptivate table had
beeo set la one ot tbe parlors, tbe hour of
the feast bud arrived, tbe guests wire as
sembled, tbe dinner was perfect, but astet
isbment reigned supreme, for tbe host him
self waa ao where to be found. Among tbe
guests might iave been seen tbe majestic
forms of Cass and Benton. Massachusetts
was represented by tbe immortal Webster,
whilst tbe great commonwealth of Feoosyl
vanla bad contributed ber most distinguish
ed son io the person ol James Bucbao&o,.
Forest wa there, eovelcped in tbe rosy rays
of bis dawniog fame, whilst thn author ol
tbe "Aneodotos ol Public Men" might have
been mistaken for a youthful Apollo, or
some other equally faultless heathen god.
A vessel with orowded sail at sea without
a commander, a balloon In tbe upper fltra
tum'wilbout Pror Wise in . the basket, tbe
political riogin Pennsylvania without Simon
Cameron, could ooly represent the situation.
But James Buchanan, with bis. superb
grace and Inimitable taut managed tbe st
cial ship whilst It was In the middle of the
breakers. "Gentlemen," said tbe lordly
Buchanan "we were bidden here to partake
of tb fine dinner. Tbe wine is coo'l, all
things seem ready. It la true, the host Is
absent but tbat is do reason wby so gocd a
feast should spoil. Be seated, friepds! Lire
I brief. Let us enjoy ourselves!" Tbe
hours flew away on nimble wings; course
after coarse groaned upon tbe table. The
bonest wine of those Apiolan days bubbled,
sparkled and disappeared. Tbe air waa
heavily charged with tbe electricity of
geaius, yet in tbe absenoe of tbe boat a 1
was serene. At last tbe hour ot departure
came. It was eleven o'clock. Tbe door
opened, and there stood tbe host.
Angels and ministers of grace, defend us!
His battered bat sat jauntily on ooe side of
his handsome bead. His sharp, whit teeth
still clung to tbe Iragments of a fait disar.
pearing cigar. "Gentlemen," be began,
I've been to Georgetown, hio! Said Mr
Buohaoan to aom of lb more youthful Of
tbe company, "Take this man to hi room;
be might say something be would regret,'
aod so tbe boat was led, without opposition
away. Next day when explanation and
apologiea were duly set forth, tbey were
received In tbe kindest spirit, because Mr.
Buchanan bad paved the way for them tbe
night before by (eying to Ibe company:
'Our host bas been unfortunate. Tbe
same misfortune might have overtaken us.
We have been spared. Let us be meroiful
to ourealve and avoid Georgetown." In
those day tbe duels were fought io Blad
ensburg, but tbe "larks" were cangbt in
Tbe Lafayette, lnd., Courier I growing
fastidious. It Ibtak tbat when passengers
in street oar "II dowo across tbe aisle and
stiok tbeir feet ont of windows,- squirt to
bacco juiee all over tbe seats and floor, and
Indulge In loud and ribald jokes In tbe
presence of lady passengers" tbey are
guilty of gross impropriety. But some
people will always be finding fault.
A letter from New Orleans says I here Is
almost as severe a blockade ot tbe Missis;
slppi river outlets now as when tbe United
States fleet cruised olf its m lutba. Tbey are
it appears, choking with detritus, and each
yeas increases tb difficulties or navigation .
' At a candypull receotly tbe two gallon
pot full of blazing liquid was put out in Ibe
yard to cool, while the jollity went on Ir
slde. Tbe cat's corpse was removed and
tb cindy given to tb poor.
A 'Rhode Island farmer, driving Into
Wnonsocket a fow mi rniiies ago with, a load
of produce, bad occasion to cruss a railroad.
U-) heard a train coming, but thinning ue
could oross oefore it,, arrived, ha whipped
up his horses luto a run, and struck the
track. Unhappily ttore was a slight mis
calculation on his pari as to tbo time and
distauce. Tbe engine smashed his wagon,
killed bis horse, scattered bis garden truck,
and threw him about fifteen feet, though fo'r
Uinately not injuring him severely. lie
tys that hereafter lie will let tbe train go
All the ymuig men la Indianapolis went
urszy. the other day over a buxom damsel
wbo drove an oxteam iuto Uirf city with a
load of wood which sbe announced bad been
chopped by ber own fair bands. Toe wood
brought a fancy price, and tbe young lady
a'.'ouce invested the proceeds In a laoe Col
lar. The ecslacles have ceased, and tbe
girls of tbe period breathe freer.
A manufacturing company at Union Mill,
In putting down a well lor water, near tbeir
premises, last week, and near tbe A. & G.
W. Railway track, struck oil at the deptb
of seventy feel. It is of tbe lubricating kind
and valuable. A company was at once
formed to sink another weft In a more con
gen ial location, with tbe expectation of a
like result. Water is more to be desired
from the well elteady duwn, than oil, be
sides the combustible material Is too near
tbe establishment for safety. The Times, o
that pluce is bappy over the event, And
uses a column of Its valuable space in re
counting the happy Incident.
The fatal abstinarians of I llinois are do
bating whether strychnine would not be
pardonable to counteract the bad example
of a dissipated resident of Rochester wbo
persists in remaining bale and hearty des.
pile 106 years of continuous indulgence In
whisky and tobacco.
A BoFton letter carrier wbo bas acquired
much skill in "skimming" letter Into but
iness offices by a twist of tbe wrist, thus
saving blmself some steps, recently sent one
on a flight which ended In depositing It be'
bind a table. "Never mind," he called to
ao office boy wbo attempted to move tbe
table to get It "it's only a circular." Three
weeks later, when tbe curiosity of one of
the boys prompted bim to see wbat was In
that circular, he found in it a letter enclo
sing a check lor $300.
1 1 the play of "Aristophanes" at Pari'
one of tbe performers Is almost an Infant.
Tbis performer bas bis admirers, one or
whom receotly expressed approval by
throwing not a bouquet, but a packet of
boobons at bis feet. Oblivious of responsive
blows or staiA directions, tbe child sat down
by the footlights and began to devour these
delicacies, while tbe curtain tailing left him
a'O'ia with the audience, wbo appreciated
the incident.
The old gentleman wbo pnt bl post I
card In a stamped envelope Is matched by
an Omaha 'nan wbo bas bis money order
soot by registered letter.
Tbe ladies of tbe haiem of the King of
Siam bare pot ofi the Siamese harem Cos
t ime and donned tbe European harem-tear
em costume onsiatin? '.of chignons, high
heeled gaiter and back file of newapa
per. ' i
Tbe a ruirgle against ultramontanlint In
Brazil seems to have won a decisive victory
Tbe Executive Council bas ordered tbat pa.
pal bulla shall not be promulgated without
tbe approval of tbe government and tbat
excommunications shall bave no civil effect
within Ibe empire.
Io Caloutia, recently, on examining a
ship lying in dry dock, it was found tbat
tbe sword of a sword-3sb was imbedded in
ber bottom, near tbe keel. It b&d pene
Irated tbe solid timbers to a dsptb of tbir
teen inches, and bad evidently been broken
off by tbe shock.
A lady died In Charleston, a few days'ago
whose husband, son, brother, and uncle
bave all been Governor ef the Stale of
South Carolina.
An eoterprisiag resident of Pittsfleld
Mass., wishing to publish a city directory
bis been obliged, as a preliminary step to
number all tbe bouses.
Tbe Michigan State Prison is so cool tbis
bot weather that its inmates have dubbed I
the "Iloly Relrigerater."
A destructive freshet washed away tbe
corn i ton of a Wisconsin farmer and laid
bare an almost inexhaustible lead mine.
An elegant Bible was star'ed at ooe cent
at a recent book auotioo in Norwich Conn.
Tbat kind oflitorature isn't popular dowo
A desirable bouse oo the Egbert Farm.
For particulars enquire at tbe Post Office.
Loral Awttativ.
Xi wt t ,9 Ajatiiliulaid fs"i nlnaji sti .. .
Dts0 in FtftiolvMicu Omre I rifnirn t(i tnlon?
llOVIUi; viriivmu'M " -. i-iit, sr IV M,,
mj oiu pairmit nuu mnius mm nerHn.r
shall he located in Schonttlom'ti new i,,,,,'
(Hop. Oil City. P.. nnd would ifspfctim;.
in v ni turui m v-j mn. i una j
io iuib pi huh Mir iwii wrrnci nuu in one (jp,j
ring my profeutoDul BeivictP would do
to call.
rei. centre. uoe, to i w.
A Great Horror Done Awn,
Willi. af
" Ilouse cleaning Is a great hotror to M
inea out of every ten. When that lla
cornea the "men folks," as o ruhe, rl? ...
domestic beartb a "wide berth." Qitlu
of suds tbe pioduct ot tons of tnap i,,,;,
Hood every part ot tbe bouse. The wiBn the niistress dowo, labor as tbey n.Ml
worked before, and what with ibe dlicom.
fort, tbe emell ol suds and tho damnim,'
end not unl'requontry sickness, the product
of colds nnd overwork, matters are orr.r
any aisagreeaaie. roe simple uas 0
oapuiio lumeair oi enap me away with i;
Ibis discomfort. It lightens tbe labor
hundred per cent, because it removes dirt
greise, stains and spots, with hardly so;
muur, wiiu ijmi iiimd waier, ana la ont
lanio tue usual nine.
For Sale Cheap
One 40-Horse Boiler. (Vihh
tfe Kttssell make, One 1 2-Hor-
Engine in good condition. 800
feet CasinL'. 1.000 feet tnhino-
, rv
U60 feet Sucker Hods. Valves.
VVnrbr Roi.i-j.1c. Ar., A i
' --. a JW "iiiviii li.mj
one Jjemck rod liis ecmiiletp
wx . ... 'Si
The above property will be sold
cheap for caslu For particulars
enquire of A. G. HAKPfiR, Kane Citv,
Venango County, I'a
Kane Dty, Jun 17 1873 tf
4tli Strcct,near It. II. track,
tor your BEMIHE, deliv
ered at the well for $1,75
per Barrel.
Petroleum Centre, Feb. 6ta tf.
Robert vs. Mclkolas Geycr.
The followtus I. th decinlon rendered').? Joiljcl
McKuman, at May Term of tjie Clrcnit Court in lie I
anove c:xu:
Io Ibe Circuit Court of tho I'ntlcd Htntes, In mil for i
the Western District of I'onnlvnnia. K. A. L.I
Robert, v.. Nicholas Qeyer Xu. 1. May Term
1873.-1. KonltT-
Not.rob.ra. 1872. Dill tiled aod nhixcna ls-
Nubpiroa and norlee of application for; prclimin
Wry Injonctlon served. -
December 18, 1878. Mellon for preliminary i -!
junction heard, and the Court being duly advised in
lbs premises; tb injunction awarded as prayed fur,.
aod decree DIM. .
January I I, 1873. Injsnctlon lasnnl, and on th.!
SSlkdayof Jaauary lndtctmeat served personally'
aud by copy. )
Hay Xt, 1S73. Kale tuned for delendent to sbov
aaje why attachment shetil not lease for contempt.
in violating tnion.uou ana duly served i
June 3d, 1WJ. Rale for attachment la this r&'ei
eaase on to be heard, and after argnment of Minnnlf
pro and con, th Conrt being full advised lu tliri
premises, the Kale is mad. atoolnte, and tho aruf
tsnca of the Comt Is, that th .aid defundnn, Nlchj
olas Geyer, be Impiloecned lu tb. common jail of
Allegedly Conoty fur and dtuhif tbo term of taf
days, and thath. pay .the costs of tula proewti
Jan 2d, 1873. Canmttent Issned.
Tbe Injunction In Ibis cue was for Infrloircniu!
of the Roberta' patent of No. called tbe Bir I
enH for lucrjadng tb praductivencas of oil welb.
Tbe s.t of Infringement for which th di'feudcti
m comnlttod for cvntempt, consisted In ai akv
Alexandra Haisar ta exploding torpedoes tn l
wells being ths same act ef Intrlugcruent for wliltk
Hamar was also committed in t)w cue Ma I,
vember Term, I960, as before stated,
i Toe Cowl UcKcanaa, J., alter daUvarlng I
Oi 'nton In th Hamar cue, procoedod to a.uteutt
Nie'io'as Geyer far contempt, and delivered the Id
owing oral opinion :
Btntbacaseof Nicnolas Geyer charged wile t'r
same offense, I am ertirely satlsflcd tkat.tbera
ft lid present, In the Beais well at least. At lha
intimatei to the counul in tht count the trgif
went, the pretence of fluid in Ms weft, whether to
ured or nnt, it an infrinpmnt of the jatsnc,
breach of the injuoctien of the Cbitrl.
Mr Huberts, by his patent use. as ane of taa yno
olpal element, of his lavration fluid twaping. t"1
wherevor there Is fluid snfttcnnt lit a well, t
time of tue explosion of a torpedo, Io ojii.i
tamping, whethor it guts there nahjrelly or i P1'
there artificially, his patent tafrinL'ud. Tills
clearly tbe case in retard lo the UnU welt.
lint Mr Uuycs eeoaa So hav. I1..11 iiiIkIM 1"
Ilamnr, who told, hint that ke- merely wanted I"
make an experiment - and I do not II, ink. tliis
lug the llrst time, tbat he ought l he very utrt
liealiolaadradsMgairiyofcnnteraplaml ofr
cd ' pay the coeu or tnli- proceeding and undW
an imprisonment in the county jail Tor ten day''
1 hope this will he tbe last of these csec; b "'' "
1 Ik. n.ntn. ..III tie r.
i. ...u umuvi vifiun iu uur iiiiuui' ninii, ww-'" rf
constrained to impose mien pnnifbuiint a will c" ,
to max. tli. da-roe of th. Court effectual.
June 17-101