The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, June 25, 1873, Image 2

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1 1 '
t em 'eu n Centre Daily Record.
fi u On Ire, fa.. Wedneednr. June tla
IMvlue Pervlee.
cVrvici-s eveny Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
itf P. M. Snhballi School st 12 P. M.
ohIi lot-a. A cordial Invitation extend
ii to klk
Kv. G. Moults, Pastor.
Co-aching nt II o'clock A. M.. andJT
Alook P. M . hjr the Pastor, W. C Ht-at-n-aid.
Sabbate .School at I'i.1, di welly
alter Ion-noon service.
Pmyer Meetinn ami Sabbath School
Tenctier Meeting Tuesday evening ul
ench week.
Vetroleuin Centre ltWx o.
Regular mating Dlghti Friday, at 7
o'clock. Slirned. "
W. ii. MOKTU30MERY, N. G.
C. H. Baii.kt.. A Sec'y.
tWi'lucenl meeting, Mala 81., opposite
McOllnteck House. Pl
; A. K of IT. W.
Liberty Ilodge No. 7. A. O. of V. W.,
meet ever.v Monday evening at o'clock,
in Odd Fellew's lUil. Petsoleutn Centre,
A. GI.BS'., M. W.
A. M. Kijick-vkh, R.
, , I. u.uik. h.
Minnekminee Tribe No. 183; I. O. R. M
of Petrefemn OsHrev meets every Thursday
venlnrln Some Templar's Uall.
&T Cbuneil ore lighted at 7 o'clock.
. H. HOWE, Sscbetn.
C. L JX'KES, Cblel ol Record.
Gold at 1 p. m. 1 1 5 J
OJTTbe Post OlUce Newsroom Sodi
Fountain Ii now running in full blast.
Vail and try a glass or Ice cool fod water.
Ot Ptiday lait a pic nio came offal
President, wblcb was participated in by
several ot our townsmen, among whom were
Mesr. Wm MbCray, TenEyck, F.spy and
Wstldell and Ibeir families. From Plumer
w-ro Messrs. Hatch, Rlcketls, Duncan,
Mease, Clarki and f amlllea. beside a nun:
her of young ladies. - The Plumer deletes
Hon toek the overland rout by wagon train
wbile-tboee Iron this place ' travelled' by
rail, botb parties meeting just in lime to
rwas-tbe Allegheny River by the Great
Eaetern (Terry). Though the manager,
everything wan arranged; and the party,
alter a moat pleasant reception at the Pre
Meat Hotel, kept by George W. McCray,
I q . Including mine tout and family, ad
journed to Poroiiplue Cteet, about two
mil above President, where everytlilng
. win louod In readineva lor either good
lllnoer, a fiahiog excursion, atrip ol the
light faitatlio. toe, or a walk tbroiub the
ana groves of tbit rural retreat, were In
orderV About four o'clock the parly re
turned r President, and again the mana
gen, auhtffd by Xr. MfcCray. had a new
surprise in readiness for tbe party. The
Great Kte" bad been chartered to take
tbe whole company up the river some de
fence and 'Ma ek with the tide.'
, Accompany'11' Prty wai tome excel
lent musIrS end en the way back Ibat old
ferry boat nook from item to Kern by
the uerrf dene white tbe music kept
The pa-'ly arrived home safely and each
and all rre well pleased with the exour-
; I
The funeral of Mr. George Stevens, tbe
tinifirtunate young man who waa drowned
at the mouth of Two Mile Run, day before
yesterday, took placo at Kane City, this
' forenoon. Tbe luoeral was largely attend
ed, not ooly by tbe members of Ifce Ancient
Ordea Vntied Workmen, but by the cftlEeot
at large ol that vicinity. Tbe remains
were-buaJed at Rynd Farm. Upwards o
40 members af Liberty Lodge of Ibis town,
of which deoeased waa member, attended
lbs funentit.
This morning, Mr. Peter Brlggs, an em
ployee at 8mawley'a livery, was arrested by
a constable Irom Butler, charged with tbe
lareeny of a quantity of old rope. lie was
taken to Butleroa early train. It Is prop
er to state that Mr. Brlggs denies tbe whole
thing, and claims bis father, lately deoaas.
ed, bad pure based a quantity or eld rope
and junk wblch be bad stored there; tlut
at bis father's death, or shortly thereafter
he was written to by the parties who now
make tbe arrest, requesting bim to come
down and Close up bis lather's efTslis. He
went duwn to Butler shortly after, fold tbe
junk, ptid several bills aod returned home.
This is bis statement and if proven will tin
dnubtedly establish bis innocence.
Aceordinif to a Loulavilld DSDer the Prn.
'IVciitlog Attaruoy of tlint city declare that
i e irnlval or lilood must be cruibed."
.cm nlv-tl if lilrrj.l" ! a very noellcal
sH 6il'". '"'t crufblng.a, carnival" Is
At last tbe result of the Polaris Investiga
tion has bee given to the public. The
fueis developed are tbit Captain Uall wa
not oo good terms with Captain Budri'oglon;
Ibat tbe latter refused wlti an oath to take
tbe ship further mirth as rqiestl by 111 1
when there was clear water before him;
that there was a quarrel bHtween Uall and
Uiiddinglon before tbe former started on his
boat journey to the north, llitil threatened
to mnud Muililingloo becaute ol Ins luul
language about tbe ship aud b a uee- ff
liqiaurlbaX HU was taken sick en bis re
tu:n aud in bis delirium raved about being
poisoned, and in bis lucid intervals was
suspicious about bis food 't Ibat whilal alive
he kept or.te r and diacipliue, aoi alter bis
death there sit disorder aod conlutiooj
that Buddiiijiiun drank heavily and aMer
the llq,uur bad all gone was caught by Dr,
llessvl siruUiig bis alcohol, end the two
'badqjiiie a tussle over it." Tbe Invest!'
gating eutuuiitlse think Ball died a natural
death 'r have coolldeoce that Buddington
wilt bring the Polaris safe borne if psrsible,
tbere being no lituior on board a tbe time
of tbe separation; feel asaiired tbe separa
tion ol tbe Ice party Ironi tbe ship was ac
sidental; and will not pass judgement on
tbe aoticu of Captain Buddington In not
recovering tbe abandooed panly until he is
at borne to give bis version of tbe story.
Billy Pugb, Cbarley Betis, Sport Graham
aod John Siner, leave for tbe Tiunesta Bab
ibg grounds, to-morrow morning, on a
Heiting excursion. Mnjor Goodman will ar.
company them. Undoubtedly they win
have a pleasant time, and we bops will
make a good catcb, as wa confidently ex
pect a mesa of trnttf.
Tbe running of tbe St. Lawrence rapids,
between Ogdensburg and Montreal, is the
summer teat of tourists; tbe objective point
for all who take tbe lake and liver excur
sion. But way up North in Oregon or
Wasblngtoo we forget which and haven't
time to look at tbe map are lemons cas
cades in tbe Columbia river, and those were
"run" a few days since by a steamer, the
distance, six miles, being accomplished in
elevfn and a half minutes, and loam dash
ingaa blgb a-tbe pilot bn:e.
Tbe Iron work at Nnrwaik, Uouo., are
constructing a monster engine for a rolling
mill in Topeka, Kan. It will be of 350
norsp.power capacity, tbe By wheel alone
weighing twenty-Sve tons.
A French writer, it is said, proposes to
photograph dispatches to microscopic mio
litres and blow them through a pneumatic
tube sunk under the water, as ualea the
Dover Slraits. At tbe en J of Ibeir journey
tbe-dlspetebes would be reproduced io Ibeir
natural size. Bulky dispatches would thus
be transmitted wltb the same facility and
rapidity as tbe smallest,
A farmer in Harrison county, Kentncky,
ha eff-ciuallv destroved not a In hnoa i,v
sprinkling tobacco juice upon them. He
also sprinkles elder leave on cabbaues. and
tbus drives off aod kills worms and bugs
ibat infest tbem.
A ael iaColumhua. Ri. .lr-.m-rl tk..
be lound 95 at a certain place In a street,
He went to the imi n--t .nnni- i
,,VA. u.viuiug, IUIIUU
$1, and Is blaming the gbasvwbo told bim
of It for taking the other four.
A Harper's Kerry man ownes a whole
mountain and offers to trade It for .a shot
Tbe Harvard Advocate'; poet writes an
'Ode to tbe Second Aorlat." Hi nsislon
for poetry I In-tense.
The cultivation ot ginger is- the newest.
fangled notion of California agricu Ile
itis I
A Slx-loct coal bed wa strack ai-r. mil..
eeot'of Lamar, Mo., last week, by a party
boring for water in a well. Ib Dulmh thee
still find ''six foot sold beds" without bor
ing. We would call attention to 4be notice of
Benzine for sale by Mr! Vf. A. Lozier. ne
offers tbe best of fresh Beoxioe at $1)75 per
barrel delivered, and we presume that la an
extremely low figure, and wblcb oil mac
win take advantage or. A to Mr lUozier
himself we have no besitanoy In reoonimen.
ding bim to-lne publlo as an honorable up
rtgni dealer and hope our oil men will pay
mm a can.
A atnffirtl 0le; auatoft .m.u I
a P p.- wu'w iMiiui' UUJK
ditto, is reported to be Ilia most conspicuous
object in the American department ef the-
Vienna exposition. Tbt eagle does- not
scream much at Vienna.
About tbe eleventh century the Chinese
invented paper money. In tbe thirteenth
century, this paper currency, made from tbe
bark of the mulberry tree,, was tbe' legal
tender of tbe empire.
Tbe nation' jury of oewspapevs bas lound
Captain Jack tbe Modoc, guilty aod con
demned bim to death. They wqt somebody
te execute i:ietr proce? i
A deap rate vwing man Hie other dny
committed suicide at Bridgeport, Connect!
cut, leaving a letter explaining his act, tiy
raying that "nature bed hlundered inftitrnp
tbe wrong head on the winng I. oil"." His
case, poor fellow, is not exceptional; that Is
if weVey the blame upnn nature mat often
belongs to onraelveta There are a great
many wrong heaile on wrong bodies, hut
narure is not the fault Sir that uiitflt. We
mianee the body amli that makes the head tt is a very mtlter ef fact view to
take of the subject, yet It Is true thut the
stomach has most intimate connection with
tbe brain. We go on abusing tbe one until
the otber l overthrown and then we air
temftt to avoid responsibility by laying tbe
blame on nature as an norll(ii4 workman
W arret and Veuaufa sill t'ompnuy
At a meeting ol tbe stookholdem ol tbe
Warren and Venango Oil Cnmpan", held
yesterday at tbe office of tbe Company, Nr,
89 Itftb avenue, Pittsburgh, the following
gentlemen were elected officers of tbri Com
pany lor He ensuing yenr:
President Jamea Nimlck.
IMrectnrs J. J. Gillespie, Thomas Bel),
A. M. Marshall, E. T Bravo, Hugh Miles,
W A. Clemen U
"leik Jno S. Ferguson.
Treasurer Thompson Bell.
Pittsburgh Commercial.
The Dallas (Texsg) News tells this ind
dent of immigration: t '-Brown bss a red
head; Brown wo occe caught In a plcn of
female machinery. Brown live In Dallas.
Tbe idol ef hie sonl lain Virginia While
Brown was absent growing up with the
country, the idol ot his soul married, and.a
is u'tial with most Idols of couriered a boy
Brown beard of the marriage and birth all
io a lump, and hastened to ship bis con
gratulations, c'osihg with the remark that
his only regret was that tbe boy didn't have
a red head."
Troy bas a tunny man. too. The other
day he was out sailing with two or three
Irlend when be pulled the plug from the
bottom of the boat, and (be wa toon sunk.
One or two of crew could not swim, and
hut for a passing steamer, they would have
Under the new militaiy law of Italy, Vic
tor Emannel will soon have a regular army
of 300,000 men-ef all aim, and a preserve
militia or 250.000. of which it Is expeoted
200,000 will he effective.
Ah! We have been looking (or it ever
since the warm weather began, and now it
bas come. That shower ot lively frogs.
without which no summer can he allowed
to pass, has come down In Kunsas City. It
always comes in some of tho places where
regard for truth ha not yet been imported
The frogs wbloh came down the other day
in K. C. are said to bave "varied in size
from that of a piece of coal to a lump of
Lewistoo, Me. r baa a doctor who drives
curious urchins from blso.Uce and blue-jay
from Ms martin rood, by mean ol electric
ity. Tbe wire are laid on the floor of bis
office aod along the ridgepole on the mar
tin bouse. It Is emuiring to witntas an op
Tbe American clipper ship Young Amer
lea woo tbe race with the. British clipper
La Essoaesa, reaching Liverpool on tbe
13th lost, in 106 days from San Francisco.
"If you don't throw away that cigar I'll
tender you eligible for tbe grave," I tbe
way a Vickabnrg street car conductor
Tbe woes of Captain Jack have inspired
a Pennsylvania bard to perpetrate some
stsnzss entitled, "Tbe Indian's Plea." com
mencing as follows!.
Doe the Great lather koow at tbe rising
How thejred man I bunted like a wild
beast down!
By the white men who encroaching coma
Ana Claim tbe red man's bunting ground?
We should like to publish this poem eu
tire, btttae-lbe cholera Is metneotarUy ex
peeled here, it wouldn't do to let both loose
at tbe same time N Y Com. Adv.
, A German writer, complainiog of tbe io tbe pronuociatioe of the En.
glish language, cites tbe word "Boz," wblcb
be-aayti'ispronoiiooed "Dlokens. "
A Texas saloon keeper, who usod a slot'
en grave stone tor a beer counter, "bas been
persuaded, by tbe argument ol a grass rope
in tbe band ot bis neighbors," to abandon-'
tbe praotlce..
The Woman's Journal, Boston, bas cap
lured a Massachusetts girl wbo walked for
ty mile in two day to attend a olrcus.
A New Bed lord man found a long-lost
brother receutly, by reading over tbe case
of cures In a patent medicine almanac.
To maoagera: How to bave tbe coo lei t
theatre In tbo city during tbe summer
aeatprt- engage a (n)ice company.
Dispelling hi Gloom.
A broken-hearted young thing write to
a weekly papet as follows: "About three
years ago 1 beeatne acquainted with a young
gentleman, and, although be never paid me
any particular attentions, he wosij often
accompany me te and tro.o church, it
But lately 1 netleedt a grealcbnnge ,;,n
He avoid nw when possible, end tir(
If F address hlin. Can he bote- esa.otl to
love me-tori Unow he did-, though lie
never said so. If I' thought he had, it
won Id break my heart." Perb-apiwe ought
not io Interfere in thl matter, but, na we
know eaaetly what hould be dlnne wltb the
young man. we feel as if we ought to speak
o-it Do not attempt to reason with bim or
cajole him ar pacify bim. Tbe next time
be el s take a monkey-wrench, ln'ten It r
curely upon his nose, lead him ot te the
dining ton,, sod ask htm in a firm' voice
what he tneuoa. II be won't answer,
the wrench t'ireeor four times, and Uti't his
head up agiat tbe ctove or mantle-piece
until his gloom is dispelled. If he saji he
ho ceased to lovu you, let your linger tally
with therlngle'.s lovingly for a few ml cm tea
and then- suddenly lift out a cnupla ol
bandfull, and bave an Irishman at hntd to
come In ani' sit on btm awhile aud' kiock
out bl teeth an jump up and downoo Hon,
aod be sociable. Then let bim go, and1 com
meoce yoRf arrrogemenla to tope in arltesn
mao. .. Yoiesaonot afford to waste jaur
young life upon such a wretsb as lbis,:ind
where heart will not throb to heart, or son)
respond to soul, tbe best thing to do is to
conture the nose-at once.
Henry Smith, e justice ol the Pence of Ue
towo of Forest, Fond du Lac county, bail a
mao ana bis wife eriestcd for quarrelling,
and on the trial before him- found them
botb guilty, and divoiced tbem on tbe
spot. Graph is.
Tbe notorious William Valley, alitt-
'-Reddy the Blacksmith," is Again tinder
arrest, on Long Island. If some oue ntioiiid
hit bim oa the head severely wito a bottle,.
tbe weapon might be bailed as a bottle of
"Ready Relief: "
A New York paper says tbe up town est
neighbors are thick with boots and "shoos!"
Tbe Springfield, (111.) Journal say:
"Tbe dtvelling bouse and contents of Job
L. Johnson near Vienna, Johnson county,
were destroyed by fire on Monday last."'
Hard no John to have bis contents burned
Tbe Mayor of Philadelphia no more wan
ders around nights to see if tbo police M
their duty. They got to shooting at bim as
he crept through the alleys.
A Newfoundland dog, in Portland, Me ,
which was pestered by a small dog endured
the inl'.iciioo tor a while, and then took the
tbe cur in his teeth and bold bim under the
water in Uck Cove until he was drowned.
It la curious tu note bow like natures- set
alike under similar circumstances. A
wretched, ovei-worked, and thoroughly dir--
couraged mule In Baltimore deliberately
Walked off a wharf the otber day and drown
ed bimsell. Is its seldom that a mule has
so-much of tbe human in hi coifrpusltioa as
to do oroollsb a tblng. -
A very curious aod interesting paper will
appear in this month's number of tbo Fort
nightly, bowing that the arf of photo
graphy was discovered and practiced with
sueceee-is London a century ago, but sup
pressed at the instance of tbe government,
which feared that if it beoame known it
would be employed by forger and' counter
fetters of bank notea. Tbe writer of tbe
article telle bis story well,'. and back up bis-
statement by proofs that seem conclusive,
anwng them the existence of photograph
taken one hundred and ten yeais ago, aod
now In the South Kensington Muoeumi
Manufacturing is nvt a poor paying bnsi'
Mess, although it takes teu mills to make
one oeot.
After tbe (it et of July all package weigh
log over lour pounds will be excluded lrnut
tbe tnallR.
A Western editor recently rode sixty
mile on aoow-catober and' (ailed to catcb
be cow, after all.
Josb Billing aya, very truly: "You'd
better not koow so much, than to know ae
many things that ain't 80."
A clergyman ge off the lollowlng:
"boston proposes a'wnvention ol naid men
te be held next montb probably to revive
tbe old wig party.
"A Chinaman Murdered Two While
MenHurl Hlin from the Sidewalk into Eter
oity," Is a beading in a San Francisco ,pr
The June production will not be large.
A Detroit boy wbo was run over on the
street refused to give bis name because be
was afraid it .would get into . the twep-
pert. .
Tbe Nation refer to Hon. fWe Conk".
'lD8 - "h Pr'frtihquaheofofttr!
A Liverpool paper speak of Aftemn
Ward lleecber, the great America, hWop,
From hie cavalry .sperlence MecMeheir
is relied- on lor stable govefornen! v
Having concluded to close out my l.n.1
nea In Petroleum Cewre, 1 rie-i,, ,n((w
my idd pattun and Mends that hereafter
shall tie located In Schonhlom's- new bull
ding. Oil City, Pa., anif would' neetitll
Invite them In pay n,e a call. 1 shall'
in tins place for- two weeks and those deal
ring my professional' service would do Well,
to call.
Pet. Centre. June, 23 2w.
FOR 8Aa7fc '
A desirable house on lite Egbert Fsrifl
For particular enquire at the Post Office. '
For Sale Cheap
One 40-IIoi'se Boi.ei'.. fiil,!';
St liussrH wakf, One l'2-Hor,tv
Lnnne in croHl condition, son
fees Casing. 1,000 feet tnl'iiti",.
Jfil9' lect Slicker Kxl, Valves,.
Workinc Biu-i'ek A:c: 1W
one Deiriek and Rife ct mplete..
1 lie atx)ve nronciitv will soldi
cheap for casft. Far particulars-
enquire of A. G. H'AKPBR, Kane City,
Venango County, M
A. tii HAKi'ER.
Kaoe ritjr, JWne 17 187:, if
Ill ?I.E!S CII AX.E.
W. A. Loiier, who has beery
engaged in tie Wholesale Aliv
trade for the past year,, hits this
day disposed of his entire in.
,tei'et in said business to the firm
of Fox tfc Willianis, who will1
continue the business at the old1
stand. Mr. Ijo-Aev desires ns
to return bis- sincere thanks Uv
his mauy patrons ibr tile lib--end
patronage extended to him.
during the past year. F. A
.Phillips will-act as agent for
,tHe new proprietor!),, and keeps-
a lull supply ot that fine Jsunalu'
Cream Ale)n hand!
Mrm Iiozier desirtw all par
ties indebted! to liim to settle
at once as ho wishes' to- have-
lis books balancetl..
E at ed April 24. 1S7".
K(fl)TniM t
Gu to X. A. lAVtmXr
4tlrStreet,neav It. K. track,
lor joHr nElhl?r deliv
ered at ie wellir r l,
per Barrels
Fetroletrro CeDtrhl'eb. 61b--t1.
; Parties- knowing tHainselves;
indebted to us will do well to
settle before Jaly 1st nest-,there-by
saving uimecessauy tt-ouble-and
expense;.a3'alDaccounts not
settled by that dhte will be cob
kcted by lav
I'et, Cenlre.Pa., June ICtb.
It' you
Waut a Salesman,
Want a Servant Girl,
Want to Hell a Horsey
Want to Sell a t'ateut,'
Want to Lend Meoey,
Want to liny a House,
Want to Sell a Carriage,
Want to Borrow Money,
Want to Sell an Oil Well,
Want to Buy an Engine of flbilcrf
Want to Soil a House and Lot,
Want to Hod a Strayed Animal,
Want to Purchase an Oil Interest,
Want to Sell a Piece of Furniture.
Want to liny a Second-baud Carriage -Want
to Self Tubing, Casing. Ga Pipe.'
Wont to Find an owuer for anything
ound.ndvertise In the Bisiunn; as no less
tban ten thousand people read it weekly.
For- Sale '
15.000 to 20;000 feet ol tiEGOND-nANU
TUBING, at lrom25 t35 cts. per I oot
Tbe Tubia-is it first class order too al
ready fitted ...,,
; AfHIZSett. B. HV VAsUatlV
- - v '