The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, June 24, 1873, Image 1
AI LI i. 7 " fr .X-N0 4. . PETBOLEUa CEKYHe7pA.. TOESDAY EYEMHIg JOBTEM. 1873; " ,T jaSClt fcR petejlecJm centre ITL Y RECORD p- llRST DAILY PAr EE IN YEflAM 3USHED EVERT EVENING, 'Buadeye except , IAS. C. WICKEB, Eoitob. TSRlff9. njaAbleU advance, fEt.IST Or ADVERTISING, line of nenpenll make on. square.) laq. . 81 Kcol IS 00 TO IlWlluiHI. I- fen, lib. bill. 1 (XI i m t OOi tso 4 61' 7 00 10 00! if on 81 U0 tl (10 SO (JO fl ou 1 M f (m! t eo: loo a so a ml 800 10 00 1'i 18 00 tl 001 88 (V: 48 00 1 w III) t w- U t 4 ' I M M 01 12 H 15 U0 IB V" (f 4S 00 m ooj 14 MP Ml s so 1 Oil I 00 t 00 14 ll U 00 M 00 Ml 00 40 00 00 00 HO 00 10U 00 II nrtice. o emu u iiw kiKawnt. payable quarteny In advance . Peltengill 4c Co. 37 . l ... Ika anU lMlill frfta. nan Pal itentre Daily Hboobd In that city. Ad In Chat cfty arc nx)titttl u teftva thttfr tlU Will" " OOE, WETHER1LL fc CO. Adver tuu, Philadelphia, an duly authorleea' kjr the Hkouri I" tUtt city. . it. uissell v co., W K E It S. etuol.eia ceniugi pa hiiwii, M. C. NutH inruuepoer Muycr Infer oar scrvicae for the Uransaetlon of a (AI. UASKI.NU, iACU A.Ntlil RUO UUlr ION BUSINESS ulnen autrunted to oar care will receive I mention JAM US 11. a.rilTH, 4) ATTORN ET-AT LAW, .. " . ii . ra. . i.l, . . ti- .l ..... J frliUv. iir..,ie.h ur.,..a nvhr HImII Jfcl 'A. j jirui.uin On: re Pa .inlySO-if Hotels aim Restaurant. IrvMTKAL Ktt'SE, PKTKOLCa CENTKS, FA.. Nai Oil tea A A.kj.ieny Uivor Railvray Depot feb'.T-lf. W. H. DAV1SJ I'rop r. ETROi.lX.7 irotSE, rre Omalbmiu ntid from all Trains BILLIARD AN) BATH HOOJIS COX. NECTE) WITH HOTEL. QTlMt C. W. STAAT, Prop-r M COI.INTOJ HUIS rKTROj;(!M CKNTKE, PA. TWi popalu noti,iltiutcd Corner of fflilA e Vl BKlilncton- Near the Dno, hr Iv. ri rclll'od und fiirriiihpj ihroavboot, and4tprO),nmor wiil sunra no piti to BUk !f a FIRST-CLASS rtOFSE. oetMXt .'SO r' 11UI.BEKT, Proprietor. CITY HOTEL Am lU.vr.uiu.w, prfSiff tireei, TITUoVILLE, PA. i Thos, Goodwin, Prop'r. Thla Hotel idontrally locaKil The left of ac- eemmooatloiwirori.iil to tn-sts irniwitnt 01 per- mancct. Kthj delicacy rf Mm seajem cnatantly on hand SO'CTIIINC X8'.vTltciinniriftor Iim thu nr hi.i Kili(i :ii tl.o cuamry fur S I KA.M-INOoVtJTIiS. Titnn.llo. Vo30, tl J. II. HEIVI.V, i ll'ETllOLlHlM CBNTltB, KXK'A : ISIDENT SURGEON DENTIST, . uinlal'tercd. Offlee orta now. h-Io tlrlck Rank Bdlldiug, oomnr Wash- xaiiu nuiu otrcutd. I. Wilbert j iff nfnndi A tn nwo f ID Tilt a t a S WrJKK IN ALU ITS 11HANCUK8, and 'tKitixo dun.- lo iir'dcr. TIHK'R CHrM. ". aims biiiub. aua L.IMS cautiaut inri Ami r..v liMtd.ircu ip albert Farm. Toat Oflloe roiuicuia uaiurti, ra. tflvc lua a call. b Centre Meat Market ! Geo. W. Rliijr, Jr., 'MKAI . HMOKKD MKAT8. PuIIl.TRU V h"-inS!i ie "I" woll td 4lve ma I - ma puuuc pcronacswinmid l Km . ' WigIiiq afll Blacksoiitli lup SW'LBETTS: HER, MACHINIST BLACKSMITH, an Ml ucturer of Ilrilling lial Klaliinir f ON CENTRAL PET. FARH. ... NEAK R- R- DEPOT Ulklil 'ro" CBNTHK, PA P. U,a. l '.. School Books. rSil'i? ,!,uck of Sch,' Book. hePded FICE NEWS ROOM few1".,"' " weuw Avenue. New Vo k nui.l Kmliriiidi-riuL' V.rh ... PET EXCHANGE RESTAURAfJT, M fefe Fa. v. PROPRIETOR. V;;iiu "licit i at ull Honrs. . VILD d.VMIi IN IIS SEASON. OYSTERS! j ,rci(, n i v iiimi in v om inc unt in i'tMiiirn:n w iruui Ktfiu uuii. Pet. 'emm Pa.. M.1J M lHT8.-tr. V. PLJ(JII. VERANDAH SiLOOM ASD TiESTU'IiAST. Reopened. M 31 IT if, lri'r- PET. CE.NTIiF. T.. 1 1 Klr.,n,l IllMfr'.Kl Circular to Capt. W. Ii. WASHINGTON l.lA..lnv .tti.iiitfin tmlil tntl'" WiinM f n v cni. tomori", aud will Kci?p n.c nnusi fi.w 1'UEiKII I.AOCR A.VIt AI.K, CIIIOCi; I'iUABS, ac. OYSTISKS In Ivvt'ry Style. Drop iu t",d icu,t.r iu my new tli'uJ Lord's Boiler Powder ! FOR TUB Kcmoval ana PreveiiUonlof SCALE INSTEAM BOILERS This Ponder will Itcmoyc AnyScalo, no matter Low thick Ct- Hani it may he, and keop the Iron in a t,'tiod condi tion for ages. WE CAN SEND YOU A PIECOF OF TUl'J. A. J. IIAWLEY, . COT tlWATPW T.ff mi n ftm irnr trtr P trclenm (e tre. a. the only Mithorizrd ncent tnti! HttA n fur tho -nleff the Powder, of wiiom it can hi; nhiifrifrt by llm krj or noiind. f T IMa itlj.i ff.f 1. hi il... Tfn...l.AM Geo. W. Vinsar, i'etroifitm Ccuire, la. g g 2 J) am & S 'fcC ?- g11 a 2 :i it ft p1 . 2 P S9 3 led bari "S 9 -5 g p 5 . w El pa FOR SiiliL. CHEAP. )alii.l.l 1 1 -1 m Oil -VV..II plie. 10.000 rt S iii. T'. llINd. 10, 00 li h and . nrd!) Ini-ll CASINC, 6,100 ft SMALL l'll'K, S.IKIll ft wnn in'iir., ;i ni'-n. nirn 7 ana tnnui intiv IN! PIPK. FirriNOS atiiiiclmlf prico of New UASrnid.KO'rAIIY Pl'M h fin-mlo or to r.-ut. K.Mji.'i.S ul ll'il I.KItS of nil at uowi; & co iu '3 Box 220. Petroleum Centre, Pa Oct -Ml f ' liO.N.TO.N I I.IU'l'ATION SIGNALS, sit in receipt of in ct;. rmqua P.mntii and y.ibliilni g Honxj, 31 Vriey :tii.ftNew Yon.. ARKlVAf. AND OEPjtnillBE OF '1'UAINS UN O. O. aV A. It. K. On and after Sunday, Feb, lliih, 1873, trains will run as follows: KOrtTB NO. 3. KO. 1. KO. 7. Leave Irvlofl. 12.15 p at. 6.20 p m Leave Oil City fi,00 A M. 2.30 p m. fl.flo p si " PeLCep 0.30 " 3.37 8,33 " Titusv. 7.10 4.25 9,16 Arrive Corry, 8,60 !' 6.J0 " 10,40 No Accommodation Freight. Leaven Oil City 9.30 a u; Pot. Centre, 10,13; Titusville, 11.05; Ar. Corty, 12, 40pm south. no. 2. , no. 4. no. 6. Leave Corry, 10.65 a it. 6,10 a m. 6.20 p u " Titusv. 12.20 p M. 7,30 " 7,30 " P. Cen. 1,20 " fi,17 8. 1 5 f Arrive (). City 2,00 9.00 9.00 " Irvine. 6.00 ' 11.38 " No. 1Q Accommoilstlon Freipht. Leaves Corry 1,40 p m; Titn.v. 2,55; Iet Centro. 3,.5; Ar at Oil City, 4,30 p m. SW" N'o. 6 and 6 ran on Sunday. 8Cotnu)Pno Of Nov. 3d trains will run hy 1'tiiladpipbiu time, which is TKN sun ctbs faster than our time J. J LAWKENCF. Geo. Supt. C. J. Hkpiicrn". As'i. ftipt. . Pliiladelplua A: Erie Itallroud 1 WINTER 1TIMB .TAti.H. and alter Pnndiiy, Oct 87lh, 1SW, the Trains on the Philadelphia A Erie IU!lroad .will run as follows : WKSTWAim SIAIL TRAIN'S lcnres Phlliiditlpliln...., " ' W.rren.... " ' " '..ny .. " " arr nt Jtri KHIEEXPKKSSIeiivus Pl.iiadulpbia.... " " Waneit , " " " c.irn- " f a:r. t Kile WAKREIf ACCOMM'N 1i-vot W arren .. " Corr.... " arr. at Erie,. ERIE ACCOM'N leaves Warren..... .... I " " " , Currv " " arr. at Brio EASTWARD. MAIL TRuIN leaves Erl. Crry " " " ,'rr. ERI5EXPKSSSlea"K ...11.41 pm ... 4 W p m ... 20 p m ... 71 pin ..VI 40 p m .. 4 K a m ,. (US a m ... 7 45a m ... T S'l a in ... rn a m ....10 18 am 1.10 pm .... S KS p m ..... 4.10 p m ti 11 Sa in 1 ' p rt ..... 3 HO p m ti.Fhi a it. o IlK A ,. ' , " W arrea 11 M p in WARREN AOCum:, leavca Erio....... 4.20 i m ,'. ' " ''"fy- (llOpm iridii. r.riv . '7 W"n 7 80 i m EHIB ACCOM'S knvea Krle 8 tio n m , ;; . ' V:.1"-. 1" " " arr at Warrou....... liSOpm Jlail.EaF.1 connect, jiaat and west at Er(i) with L. S. o M 3 K W.,atid at Corry and Irviiicton with O. U & A.K. It 7; Mall West with west honnd trains n'n I.. 8. M. 3. II. W., and at lrvlnuton with Oil Creok t All.- t'hony Ii. K. v. Ware Accnmmcdation .art nnd west with trains on L. 8., M.JS. R. W c.t and west at Corry with Oil Creek Allegheny River ltalhvay. Erie Accotniiiodatloi oant at CoiTy and west at Corry and Inineton with 0. C. A A. It it W The Mountain Local Frein lit E-t and W oat car ry p-ifsonsein between Irvmemn and Ka'ie. n.!ni?"1Jrlo.,ld K,"" Kxpr.Mjake clow eon nectlonsat Wllllam.port wim : C. It, W. trains uoitil and south. . , Aorirrt jv, i..... j. ilime' 'wjjf minultt JaiUr thzn WM.A BALDWIN. Gen'l Bopt. ' Ila.lUKt AVAHKE.Y AND 'PirTBJJH RAILWAY. Time Table takes effect Nov. 3, :S7U. Southward ' 1 IIUFFALO fins am Dunkirk 8 15 a m Falconers lo M a m Warren 1 listn Irvhl.ton .U 6(j tl m V!u"y !l0pm Pfttalmrffh.... (clo p m No a. 12Sflp m SISpm i 84. pm 4 411 p m ' 6 10 p'tu 7pm 6.80 am No . S4Sfm 4pa H4fpm 1R i p m 10 4Upm ttoRTawAaa OIL CITY o$ am Irvmeton 13 Si, p ra Warraj -IslKipm ralcnera SISpm I'nnV.tek 4 04 p m IiuUiiiv saupm No 4. , No 6. a an nm BMpm A lSpm 7 81 pm II IS p m 111.1pm i 1. 8. fc AI. 8. RAILWAY FRANKLIN DlVIMIOaT. i Sunbat Oetoker ST, ' I WISTWARD TRAINS. I O'JCityV' Frtinklln. Jam.rtown- lev . 7(lam 7 84am 9.81am' 4.'-a 17am Kl.OOam' i ....; nuspm ajttpm enopm lABTWAHD TRAINS I. , Cleveland. Jamrstown. Fnklin Oil CI ' 7 4."'a m 12.25 p m 918 pa 2 60 p am -11 SO a m U.,ba Iim am 8.25 am (107a BOOl Avon for tm . FUNNY SIDE OF PHYSC S00 Pages, 250 Engi-ayiigs. ' A start!ln(r impose of Medlc il llnmhog. 4 tha ' pant and prrapnt. It veutllAtes Quacks, Impotors, Trawllinn Doctors, Patodt Medlctna VendJrs No- . ted Female Choa's, Fortune Taller, and rMc4nnis'; and ijlvi InUiri.tlua acoounta of Noted PhylclaBR and Narratives of their Uvea. It reveals strUlnB secret and Instrnets all huw to avoid tl Jll WhlcS ' Awe lj heir a. We give exclusive terntojr, and- ' liberal cnmniluions. For circulars and tenVs ad-1 dress the mtlilMiei J. B. ltUHIt & HTW, HAKTFi RD. CONN:, ok CHJCAGJ.ILL AUENT8 WANTED FOH THf 1 UNCIVILIZED RACES OF MEK TV AT I i ll Vl L r I... . .n n ....... n . . ... unwv.Miu.Dur TBK WinUh Being a comprehensive arconnt of thiir manners and customs, and of their plryalral, aortal, Bicntal, . uioml, and reHou. characteidstlca ' 1 IlvllR. .1 fl IViMiti u . t a MO Engta.lnps, itUK HnpeV riovs'l ictavo'pagee In two ollllnea. o Itwn vnlumMlimm Agents areiniakinit over 100 qer teek In 'aelllng ' vu .fi'iiuiiiuii win ecaure a icholaeof Isntoiy. t t terms adlrcsa tha Dub- iwncr., J. B. BTJHKA IlfDK. - 1IAHTFORD, CONN., on OJUCAQO, ILL. IMPROVED Seneca Falsi! -E3 TJ,, With Steel Packing 8old In Luii CO Days. i ' ... Exclnslvt Agcntg tot tj Oil Regions, DAME, SMITH & CO. fiuccesaori to 'f. W. .Amei, ii rri fr1Ti wr '.m - , -e - maj-a. FOB CARRlAp BUILDERS. in 4S0am 4 44pm AI4am 90s m 1015am tl4tlon for Jamestown, N. Y., aud eonnettlon with A. &G. W. trains aast aud wert. Connects at Warren with train, east and; wa)t on the P. fc I K. C 1). T1IAYE?. Gen'l Bupt, ,' Dunkirk, New Yotk. A. Ai (3. W. RAILWAY. I FRAMtLIN BRANCH. TIiie Table adopted Novem ber lra. , VOKTIIWAKD: Oil City. Franklin r.'rca; .. miii a m Mai: 2 45 1 m a m Accommodttioa... 8.20 p ra VeHdv'l. II lb a fv 10 40 a m 8.14 nn 1 20 p m 10 v in 4 as n m 4 00 pm 11.15 pm OL'TIIWAHD: Vrndv'ie KxiiruMi... a m t'ail 12 :o pm Adoni odiiiion... 7.e0 am l-ifrutB.... 4 10 p ra L. D. RAHTliN n,l ,.. N. B Tiiucja5 minutes slower than Oli Creek Til Iway time. . , , Franklin. ' 8 (Ha pi 1 67 p m in. JO am, lUIpm Oil CKv K.-iOam 2 2.') p m 11 16a m 7.10 p m Advettiee in the Rt.cord 2D GROWTH SPOKES, CpNT FELLOE8, V SAWID FELLOES, NEOK Y0KH8, HUB BAIlis, SPBINGC, DCB3 SHAFTS, POLEo, WBIFFLETBEES, '.' AELSj FIFTH WHEELS, SIALLEABELS. .i . . J And tb'e ... . Best Carriage Jlolt in Matkt ' ' c- ... DAME, SMITH Sc Co., x . - SuccvMora (o W. Am . TQJt all who are willing ,. J? "rd or your., of either.Ser. ran mak.iVwrn Any person,. a mi 11 r' .'"'":i.ex. "n fnnae irrn, fill jo f .w per week, at noma nay or .veiling. . V aalMl by all. SiHtahle u, ,tther City Country, a 1 any seawnoftheyear. Thl Is a Vara ojM-oriilni.y f those who are oitt of work, and ont ! I none, to make an independent living. Ko capital hin retired. Our pamphlee, "oOW to MA HZ L1A I G. ivinn lull lastrnetions, sent 'oa rat .'wt of Xi c ,.r,. A4dr., A- HCKTON t, CO , MorrtS mia, WcYAii .l.r (.0 , N. ' 1 i-1 t. A: I. 14