The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, June 23, 1873, Image 2

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Petro eum Centre Daily Record
fru Centre, fa., Klouday. Jane !I3
IMvlue Service.
service every Sabbatb at 1 1 A. M. and
'4 I. M. Hahhatb School al IZ f. M
ante frnei A cordial invitation exteud
I tvi all.
Kit. G. Hooks, Pastor.
Preecbiog at 11 o'elock A. M.. andJ7
ocluck r. M .. a the raelor, w. C. Hcrch
akik Sabbato Sobool at 12, directly
tier forenoon service.
Prayer MertlM an4 Sabbath School
Teacher's Keeling Tvesdey evenioga ol
eta weea.
Petroletut Centre Lodge, No.
t- Tiff, I. O. of O. P.
Regular meeting- oigbU Friday, at 7
clock. Sinned.
C. H. BAii.rr, A Sec'y.
tJTPluoe of meeting, Mala St., oppoilte
NcClinloek House. ' vv
A. O. of V. W.
Liberty Lodge No. 1, A. O. of V. W.,
Meeli every Monday evenhrg al o'clock,
o Odd Fellow's Had. Petroleuoi Centra,
Peon's. '
A. Glen, M. W.
A. M. Klkccvm. R.
I. O.olK. M.
Minoekeuuea Tribe No. 183, L O. R. M
f Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday
venln In Good Templar's Hall.
tTCouocO ores lighted at 7 o'clock.
H. HOWE, Sacbem.
C. L JUKES, Cbiel ol Records.
Gold at 1 p. m. 116),
Refiner' Association. .
Tbli auiiuit body met lately at Syracuse,
X. Y., and found tbe iomno? bold a rope
efaaod sad a eeparalia took place. That
brotberbood will bardly ere meet again
la tbU world. Tbe inquiry Id tbla net
found) Ibat tbe big flab not all they wanted,
tbe tmall one 'a nothing. Not tetisfiid
with mutually reeding on tbe poor produ
er tbey fed on eaoh otbei alee. Tbaoki to
tbe greed of tbe reioeri and producer!
Ilk crude la ebeap; transportation It
heap, and small red ours aid producers eao
uw go to tbe bottom together, aod the
Urge refluers aod large producers ooly will
unllati the bualoess. Iu ttber words the
ays olibe small Iry are numbered, and
sooaer or later tbe few who saeoesstally re
lala their bold on tbe oil trade, baring by
lb Means aforesaid laid broad aod deep
lb foundations ol a world wide trade lo
leap oil, wilt together sooner or later
drive I be slakes fur oompensallog basi
nets. ,
Tbe tight ibat Hgoietb tbe wotld witt be
lo tbe beoda of tbe lew for tbe benefit ol
tbe many at fair round price.
Tba time Is not lar distant, or at leeot It
looks so. wbeo Ibis lower Held so Urge and
prolido in wells, will be fenced io asd Ibis
new arrangement pump and refloe at their
For oearly if tee o years, off and on, we
bave been engaged lo the newspaper trade.
During Ibat time we bave bad occasion to
od out about wbat "people aod things''
re lo Dumber ol different places, to say
thing or the different States. As for In
stance, llowlag that every man ol good
common teas understands tbe columns of
publie newspapers lo be open to all commu
nications ol Interest lo lb public, several
questions were asked In tbe form of com.
DunioatioD, tbe only remark asade at tbe
end being Ibat Ibe columns wet open for
answers. Immediately tba editor la eMail,
ed wlta such mild expressions as "Down
With blm, lb d d scoundrel"; "Arrest
bin for liber; "Force blm to give tbe name
or tbe msa wb wrote tbe rtlolo," Ac.
Tkis Is net only our experience with rela,
lion lo d oommooloailoD ibat appeared la
Saturday's paper, but Ibat or all editors.
As for as we are concerned we take Ibis
OMaaioo to Inform John Jones, 8am Browo,
Peter Jenkins, President Grant, pop Pius
IX or any other man, we don't car a eon.
tlneotal cues for your threats and don't ear
' M. VTe, "wbiob Iba seme"
Is us, publish Ibo.BKconit. Tbo columns
re open to all communications of ioforesl
t Ibe teog as said cotamuolca
tloas are oouchsd a decent language nod
eootain nalbiog libellous or calculated to
Injure tbe reputation of any eltiseo, and
will remain so notil we quit publication
which we bop will not be soon.
You'uus," in Arkansas vernacular,
'them's our sentiments, and did'nt wa elect
Gia'ral Jackson to entry ' out; I be str
ain wedid."
Count Pourleles, of Ibe United Stais
iatt Survey, reports that Ibe oysters la lb1
beds about New York are steadily dimio
Ishiog in aumber, aod expresses tbe spin,
lea Unlike supply or lb bivalves may
eventually ooaee altogether.
The New Pelrolenm Mecca.
Several wells ranging from SO to ISO bar
rls each, have been struck lately on tbe
'arm edjolalng Turkey City. Tbs is
about six miles from Emlenton. Conse
quently there is a great rush for this local
ity, and both laod aod leases are in brisk
demand. Tbe old operators or the upper
oil Region prefer the Clarion o l field a
offering the beat facilities for operating, aod
also affording a more permanent product Ion
Well tigs ure arriving at thie point, .and
are shipped direct to tbe new oil field.
Succereful iletelopmenta on II Heetil
Jordoo, Will, Jobnsoft, Masters aod Kllog
er farms stmcrt lb - productiveness of tbl
territory berond all doubt. A portion ol
Turkey City is built upon on of these
treoia, which cunslsts or 110 acres, and both
farms are bounded by Ibe I aims and devel
opmeota above mentioned. Some three or
four wells bave been drilled on tbe Weller
form, all orwblcb bave been productive.
Tbe Hullnga well, producing 140 barrels
per day, struck a snort time sine, is on tbe
Klioger term, about thirty rode from Ibe
line or lb Weller la rm. Tba Weller form
is regarded as one of tbe most favorable lor
succeesliil development. fEmlentou Mer.
And here's where Ibe jke comes in:
A Joke.
Petroleum Centre, June 21, 1873.
Editor Titus villb Colrikb: As there
has been a good deal said aboHt an alleged
recent purchase from me of 100,000 bairels
ol crude oil al $1 per barrel by J. W. But
ters, I wish to say ibat both Mr. On Mem
and myself uuderstood at tbe lime, Ibe
transaction to be nothing more than a
Jambs S. McCrat.
Aod yet, according to tbe telegrams of
lb state of the oil market, received ibat
day, the joke was used by the aforesaid
Butter, as lb price or oil went down at
least 25 oeols per barrel, and to suppose a
case, somebody, we don't mean Butlers,
"loaded up" al the reduced figure, and ar
Nlel Bryant puis it. probably "That's
Where tbe Joke Comes In."
Read the oominuotoatioot elsewhere.
Another big well between this place and
TitusviCa Good
In Ibe oases or Julia Rice aod Ada Most
lar, airested on Saturday, charged with
keeping bawdy booses, Rice succeeded In
procuring bail and was set free Mosbler
tared worse and waa committed to Frank
Al tbe sale ol tbe Perkioe library, at
Ilawortb Park, near London, extraordinary
prices were realised. A Mszarian Bible Co
vellum brought 3,100, equal to $21,40 in
American currency probabaly tbe highest
price ever paid for a single volume. Tbe
entire sale realized $136,000. ,,
The "City Fathera" ol Paiker, bave paw
ed an ordinance making it the duty of all
formers selling their produce io "Parker
City" to first pay to tbe o'tv a lloeose ol five
dollars. Tbe result is, farmers sell their
"garden sass" in other towns aod Ibe in
habitants of Parker bave lo pay exorbitant
prices to tbe grocers for produoe, It is
generally believed tbe grocers were tbe or
Igioators of lbs scheme, aad It Is needless
to say that tba oouooilmeo are generally
looked upoo as "Smart Alecks." Tbe or.
dloaoce is likely to be repealed next meet
Ing of Couocll.
Tbe Fredonla Censor says ibat "six little
boys were arrested at Ibat place for 'swim,
miog in tbe vlllago limits, ' and fined $1
each." Ratber a dry place in which lo
swim we should judge. Probably tba dl
mloutlve vouag gents were obeyiog tbe in
junctions given Ibem by their mothers
"To keep out of tbe water until they bad
learned lo swim." m.bin..
preparations to celebrate on tbe Fourth
Tbe Fire Department aod citizens generally
will unite with them on tbe oooasioo. Th e
affair is lo good bands.
Are we going lo jubilate on the 1th n.
July? lias our pair lotto spirit which tier
mealed ibe veins l our noble ancestors be-
oorae exllnot In these latter days of heathen
Chinee, woman eufferase disnensaiion. and
Modoo war sensations, or words to tbet ef.
leu. io ins classic laogoaga of Bret Harte
"is civilisation played out!" Wbv not ut
th eagle scream? Who wants to read tbe
declaration of independence? Let us have
goad, oli laabiooed fourth of Julv. Other
towns arc golog to bave big times, and why
not retroieum centra? Suit lb ball roll
I og.
Bin Strikb On Friday last, (13th Mrs
is Huliogs &, Hutobesoo struck a new well
on tbe Joel Klioger latm, east Turkey Run
at a depth of 1,010 leet. It has since been
umplug at the rate or 10 barrels.allbougb
reported at 300. It Is knuwo as lb I.dy
Jane No. 2 fJEMersburg Progress.
Letters from the People.
Notd. The manauerof thin journal, with
out eiitforsin the aptitlmentt ol contributor,
deaires to offer tbe wideet poslble latitude
for free diacusion. It i merely stipulated
tbat commuuications ehnll conee rn matter
oi pnblio interest, be put in decent langtMKe
end accompanied with the names or the
writers, not for publication, bm as a guar
antee or good In ill).
Petroleum Centre, Pa., June 23, 1873.
Mr. Eiiitor Your correspondent. Tax
Payer, baa propounded several conun
drum, wbicb I propose lo answer to the
best ol my ability. As to what he mean
bv "addition, division and silence," If
be will be a little more explicit I will try
lo explain that hereafter.
This I do know, however, tbat the re
sponsibillly resting on the Constable aod his
Deputy is large and should be respected by
all good citizens.
"Tax Payer" says tbe authority has been
exceeded whlolt I do not admit.
Yours, ifco
Nos Tax Paver.
Mr. Editor: Those conundrums sent
lo by Tax Payer, and published In your
valuable paper of Saturday, it strikes me
throw out some base Insinuations against
good citizeos. As Sbakspeare says
"Tbs shrug, tbe bum, or ha; those petty
Thai calumny doth use,"
So it appears to me Is tbe treana Tax
Payer Is uaing to vent what is evidently a
petty spite.
Your, Citizen'.
Mr. Editor: Tboae conuodrum was
good, they was. Allow me lo ask aoolber
Why is it when no names, dates or
places were mentioned in Tsx Payer's con
undrums, so many people imagine they
were intended lor Ibem?
Some person out or ail, to nis biblical
phrftse "Tbou art the man."
Awaiting an answer, I am,
Band Wueei-
Warren county, Virginia, promises to
rank as an iron producing county, at no
distant lime. Mr. 0. F. Mason bas leaaed
tbe mlnlnir. Interest on lb farm of Mr.
James Marshall, and gone to work lo de
velop tbo ore. A competent Englifb
mineralogist pronounces a Spur ct Ibe Blue
Ridge, called Green Hill, lo be a vast iron
mountain. Colonel Imbodeo, a brother ol
tbe General's Is developing tbe ore on tbe
place of Mr. Larkin Lake.
The late Dr. Marshall Hall, of England,
said: "If I were serlrusly 111 ol ennsump
tion, I would live out doors day anil nlnDt
except in ' rainy weather or mid winter;
tneo 1 would sleep in an tinplnatered Ing
home. Physio baa no nutriment, gasping
for air cannot cure you, monkey capers anda
gymnaaium cannot cure nu. and siimuieai
cannot cure. What consumptives want I
air, not physio pure air, nut uiHdic i'eU air
plenty of meat and bread. "
Within tbe last year tbe Allegheny Vil-
ley Railroad bas leased tbe Oil Creek fc
Allegheny aod tbe Buffalo, Corry and Plttr
kurgb Railroads, and now exteode lis dl,
reot line to Lake Erie, feeding it with im
portant branches. Tbe Bennett's Branch
extensloo from tbe mouib ol Ibe Slunetn
aboqing where it oonnects with tbe Phila
delphia aod Erie Railroad, Is all graded, and
Ibe track being laid, making connection
between tbe east and west, crossing tbe Air
legbeny Mountains at the low grade summit
The oompauy baa control of three hundred
miles of track, end with Ibe present year
will control fully five hundred miles.
When a murdej Is committed In a New
York hotel Ibe effect upon tbe businees ol
the bonae Is good. Tbe Grand Central bas
prospered wonderfully since Fink was sbot
there, and since th murder of Walworlb,al
tbe Sturtevant House, that bote! bas been
full to overflowing. People who open hotels
in Gotham should lake the bint, aud keep
a first olass assassio about.
The list ol things given to explosion Is
constantly receiving acciMiooa. Oa Sun
day last at Wyandotte, Kansas, a brick
kiln, which bad been fired for two or three
days, exploded lo mysterious manner,
Mattering and destroying 40,000 briok.
Mr. Thorn s Roaoh, for long lima past
lbs agent In Petroleum Centra District for
the Roberts Topedo Company, has received
th ppolotmsntor like position lo th
Plessanlville, Sbambnrg and Enterprise
Distriot. Mr. John Roacb, bis brother
baa been appointed agent al this point.
Tba appointments are good, as both men
ars wall versed In tbe torpedo business.
What to do with tbe Modoes. Put them
in murderer's row, with lb privilece ol
scalping Ibeir neighbors. New ork
Tbe evening sport fcrf Clarion youth is
pouring oil oa dogs and getting up biaza.
Pretty paM(n,
An Amiieinir InsiltlcnC.
The Warrea Ledger is reBionible for the
A few days since, on tbe Vallej- road, a
young lady, beautiful and acogiplUbed,
residing in Roasevllle, was retunr' from
a visit to Meadville. During a bf delay
caused by a broken rail, she ibserved
1 nice young man" approach, whoiritb all
tbe nonchalance imaginable, remaked :
Wnere are you traveling, MIm"
''Hum,' said she with merry Iriakle io
her eje.
And where niny thai be, please"
"On tbe farm," ebe QDlCkly tespiadad.'
Alter a brief pause ha agnin quavtoued :
"Near what vllluge Mhw!"
"Ob nlgb onto two miles from Rouee
ville,' said she.
"Do you olten viait the village?"
"Jest as olteu as pap brings la tsters,'
wa the answer; and by Ibis lime sl bad
brought tbe rieible muacles of ber luce into
perfect nil jeclioo. He looked at ker io
aatonisbmeut, unable to ctmprebeod tbe
mystery about ber; beautifully dreasetl, and
yel so uncouth in speech. ZZm
He ventured again:
"I suppose you bave many beaux to visit
you out there?"
"Beenx! man alive; beaux visit! wny I
tie'em round my neck, don'l you se?''tlut
ing a deicately gloved fiuger towards auge-
green lie al ber tbroat. He explain! io
her what be meant by the term.
'Ob, fellers! that's what we call rail
Woll, Sam Pendergrass comes 'round toler
able often. He's real nice! ITe used t,co
to school where they taught manner!
wonder wbat be'd say to see you lalkin' to
me, jest as if you kuow'd me? tif lie wiy'
she mercilessly conliuued, notwilbstanilng
bis evident desire lb retire as by Ibis t tie
they were the "observed of all observe. '
'Dj yon know anybody who wants lo ip
fur a sheep aod some goslings?"
It became suddenly very noisy arotud
there, and the nice young man retired ucil
tbe laughter rubsided, end for some time li
fTule Lake Letter lo,the New,York Timep
A few day since tbe curly-headed Doctr
asked permission to eel "Up sweating estab
lishment. The prisoners buill wick
about seven or eigbt feet io diameter, ov
a place scooped out for Ibe purpose; tbe;
covered the framework of willows will
blankets aod coals half a dozen thick, It
retain tbe steam; and having prepared t
quantity of heated rock, these were piled
in Ibe centre and water was poured - on
lb' in. creating steam enough to run a small
power engine. Then tbe Doctor striiprd
to bis ptnts and entered, kicking bis pants
out over tbe cover. Mho and women fol
lowed bis example, tbe women retaining
single garment, wbicb was kicked out after
their entrance, though 1 presume this pre
tence of modesty was entirely due to lit
bandaome Lieutenant and bis guards.
About a'dozrin of either sex were thus pilrd
In naked under tbe blankets, heated up
above tbe stesmlog centre, which was con
tinually fed with more water lo produce
abundance of steam. Coming out of tbe
bath-house naked they rolled up la blank
ets and sweated In th sun. This pneess
was continued until tbe adults had a bath
tbat wished it. Tbe curly.bnadsd doctor
remained in the sweat bouse an hour and
fifteen minutes by tbe clock. Tbey say
Ibey are la Ibe habit of Indulging In this
luxury daily. It is a provocative of clean
liness to be sure, and tbey may oeed it Ibat
often, but it must be difficult for medical
science lo determine that so thorough and
steaming a renovation can be wholesome lo
all stages of climate.
Tbe congregation or the ooly church at
Mount Washington, Mass., consisting of one
old lady, has unanimously rtsolved lo coo
solidate Itself with the neighboring parish
or South Egremont to save Ibe expense of a
pastor's salary.
An Illinois editor speaking ol one of the
writers for tbe Journal, claims to be "able
to endure most kinds or people" but says
"be can't bear a natural fool." Uufortuo
ately bis "maternal aneester" could.
Ws received newspaper two days ago,
professing to give lull account of ibe ores,
tion of the world. We shouldn't be much
surprised if Ibe enterprising editor were to
bring np tbe news lo bis nuxt numoer to
Noab's flood.
- ty Tbe Poet Office Newsroom Soda
Fuuolaia Is now running in full blast
Call and try a glass of loe cool soda water.
A Chicago paper protests against the
opening up of tbe question as lo who die
covered Amerioa, while tbe great problem'
who is tbe author of "Betsy and I are Out'
remains unsettled.
Local optiou io New Castle bas led to a
run on th pottery for "Little Brew a
Tbe (risky Incendiary to moving ahuu, in
Meadvllle, and Ibe peopl , bow, .
water works.
A TituHvllia men has just named bis
twelfth Omega, in hope that It may be the
How dotb the little buy fly
Imprut th shining day;
And all the livelong happy bours
About our noses play.
Luteal Notices.
Having concluded to close eut my busl.
oess In Petroleum Centre, I desire lo inform
my old patron and friends that herealter 1
bail be located In Scbooblom's new buil
ding, Oil City. Pa., and would leapectfully
invite Ibem to pay me a call. I shall tin
in this place for two weeks and those deal
ring my professional services would do well
to call.
Pet. Centre. June, 23 -2 w.
A desirable home on Ibe Egbert Farm.
For particulars enquire at lha Post Office.
For Sale Cheap
One 40-Horse Boiler, Gibbs
& Russell make, One 12-Hor e
Engine in good condition, 800
feet Casing. 1,000 feet tubing,
:60 feet Sucker Hods, Valves,
Working Barrels, &c. A$or'
one Derrick and Rig ctxnplete.
Tbe above property will be sold
cheap for cash. For particular
eoquire of. A. G- HARPER, Kane City,
Yenango County, Pa
Kane City, Jon 17 1873 tl
W. A. Lozier, who has been
engageil in tLe Wholesale Ale
trade for the past year, has this
day disposed of his entire in
terest in said business to the firm
of Fox & Williams, who will
continue the business t the old
stand. Mr. Lozier desires u
to return his sincere thanks to
his mr.ny patrons for the lib
eral patronage extended to hiin.
during the past year. F. A
Phillips will act as agent for
the new proprietor, and keeps
a full supply of tbat line Buffalo
Cream Ale on hand.
Mr, Lozier desires all par
ties indebted to hira to settle
at once as he wishes to have
his books balanced.
Ealed April U. 187.
do to W. As LOZIElt,
1th Street.near It. It. track
tor your BENZINE, deliv
ered at the welb for $1,75
per Barrel.
Petroleum Cestte.Jfeb. (tb-tk
Parties knowing themselves
iidebted to us will do well to
settle before July 1st next,there
y saving unnecessary trouble
md expense, as all accounts not
settled by that 3ate will be col
lected by law.
Pet, Ceolre.P,, June 16th.
If you
Want a Salesman,
Want a Servant Girl,
Want to 8eH a none,
Want to Sell a Patent,
' Want lo Lent) ltoaey.
Want to Bay a Hoe
Want to Sell a Carriage,
Want to Borrow Money,
Want to Sell an Oil Well,
Want to Buy an Engine or Boiler,
Want to Sail a Houe and Lot,
Want to find a Strayed Animal,
Want to Pn'cbas aa Oil Interest,
Want loSell a Plea of Furniture.
Want to Buy a SeooBd-baor Carriage
Want to Sell Tubing, Casing, Gas Pipe,
Want to Find an owner for anytbtrB
found, advertise in th no leea
Iban teo thousand people read it weekly.
Fur Sa le
l.S.nnn to 20,000 feet ol SKCOND-BAND
TUBING, at from 24 to ots. per I'M
Tbo Tuoio is in first class order and all
ready Sued
April IX tf. H. H. WARNER.