son. B. H. Warner I'SCream! ;s- ';!:S. i llJii L)2I,, Kla!(. h W. V. TL-' L. .i;-;ii $4.00 OIL Ornca oh PeTKOLKROM CKNTRR DiU.T Rroord Juno 20, 1873 3 BKALEItyif SECOND-HIND TUNC, All Casing, Engine, n-ttavtnc recently purchased Nc and Im' JSrt IflM roOTTWO MACHINK, Jam prepar Jd Silnt an? flt til slaoa ol Pip. and twins from inch to S 14 inch. . Whlnlon-M., Nearly Opp. Bocta. ENOCHJKHIGAN'S HONS SA.POLIO iiiubUlut. (or Snap OTlTlolic. ho d purposes, except wishing cloines. SAPQLIO fur Cleaning yonr ,io '''?, Iho labor of ono Cleaning. Ole It a trial, fowfndowa it better than hlte nirg or Watek. No removing cur, tal"S and carpe l. ! inTPaut and Wood, in lact t .0 enttre nouset nmum iumi -f- ; el pplng, hHffl labor. lull can t afford to be without it. . . .1 r SAP OLIO for Scouring Kntvtt la better and e'eaaertbao. Bath Brick. Will not scratch. SAP OLIO la better than Soap and band for rxillnMlng Tinware. Brightens with oat scratching. SAP OLIO Poilshe. Brass and Copper nteusils natter than Acid or Oil and Kotlen SAP 0 L 10 for WaahlnK Dinaiid GttwMmr ! Invaluable. Chwape tti&ta Soap. 8 a p O i l o removes htjrfl rrora Marble M ante a. Tables, efrd Statuary, from IIard-flnlahd Walla, and from Chi na and Porcelain. S a polio remorse Htafns and Grefl from Carpata and other woveu fab ric. There la ao one article known that wlll.doao niaiir kinds ot work and lo It as well as bapollo. Try It HAND s A P 0 L I 0 a new and wonderful elf.; in Toll et soap, bavins; no equal In tbia country or aarosa. HAND 8 A.P 0 L I 0 an aitie o fur the bath, ''reachea ino loanaaiton" of ail uirt, opens tlon and brilliant tint to the akin. Hand SApnt.i n tUeaniMaud beuutlfiua tho Skui, In aUntly removing any etnln or bleui i.u irou wui uaaa ana face. HAND SAPOLI ia witnout a rival in the world for enrine or preventlue ronghnaaa and oni luhappiDg of either hands or Hand SAPOLI 0 renovea 'lar, I'ucb, Iron or Ink S f . ! ,,ro",I 'or workers in Machine Shops. Mines, c,iin. TStehle a f '2 "'" the Skin . nana nuu eoi(, ana ' bloom ofhesuty It is nuurpws- J by any Coanwtle known Hand s a p n i. i n i;ta per cakand wwvbodyshoultthavelt tod will aav DON'T FAIL TO TRY THESE GOODS. i5r ' ?r yonr merchant If he has of will procure It for you. A not, than write for our Pamphlet? ' Alt bntSaPol.o, and It wil VTiSiVl ENOCA MORGAN'S SONS. 20 PARK PLACE, N y 01SSUJLVTIUJV. t.Ih C0Prtne"h,P hereioforeeglitlng be jan bobermerboiD & Ten Ejck ia diaeolv a bjr mutual ootiienl. S. P. SCHERMEIHOBK. J. A. Tbm Ktc. . ParUea indebted to tbe abor. Brm must U sod settle up end isre trouble. Dated Petroleum Ostre, April 8, 1873. n yc FOR SALE. ' "73 One 15-hore Tift boiler in complete or boiler In eomplete order, 274 feet 3 loob fOda, l Soowi Pnmp. i J. A. Tek Et. Soda Water ! Procfomtion to the Citizen i -tQentre and 'Vicinity: RA.LOZIER, "Washington-St. For your pure Ice Cold Soda Water Drawi from Lons's feilver Poit- able ountain. No acid or gas to detroy the stomach, and the bst and finest of FIIVOKIXG SYRUPS. I have at rlttcd up In clegmit style throughout, a new LADIES' and GENTS' ICE CREAM PARLOR. Confectionery, Confectionery OF ALL KINDS. th: finest assortment ever BROUGHT TO TOWN. Tro Door Above Snbel Ancr - halm's Dry Uooda Store. GIVE MB A CALL. II. A. LOZIER. P.. Centre, May SI, K tf. v -S.2 S a. -a E - e i 1 sn I i IIP w "o a. EiO a u crv H S H m 5 6 s ? i t ! D E 1 ' I o 6- f 1 f SI a Tbe eopartaersblp beretofore existing nider the Brm name of J. M Henry & Co., iilble day dissolved by mutual ennseot. A oertona knowing Ibemselvea Indebted to te old tirm are requested to call andj settle te aame st once. Li fKRKIXS. .1. RlTTKR. J. H. HkndY. Dated Petroleum Centro, May 21, 1U72. I- Olt SAL.E. A desirable residence on tbe Egbert farm. Gwd water bandy. Every modern con ven- leice. Will be sold cneap tnquire or OWEN UtlWEl. Petroleum Cfnire, May 7, 1873. tf DIssuIiVTION. Tbe onnartnerahin heretofore existing be- Iveen Marshall A Riobsrda is dissolved by mitual consent. Psrllea indebted to tbe above Brm must cell and settle up and save trouble. II. UtRSIUI.U E- C. Richards. Dated Petroleum Centre, June 3, 1873. BENZINE. Just received a fresh supply of Benzine, the best ever brought to town, at J. A. TUN JSYCK'S. Petroleum Centre, May, 16, 1873- tf What Next? The Treat Juvenile Macajlne Ol) cents a year, with a free. Epociman, 3 cents id; tenaia i.oui hromo. iaesclubl Harwh,r you caw inn. jonn a m AiOcn, Publiiber, Chi- cago. WANTED Hie Oldest Established Li quor Store on Oil Creek. OWEN GAFFNEY, PRPP'R. REMOVED To tba New Stand in Chriitle's Old Store, oppoittc the JamratownlClotlilngiStore, rtroleum ICentre, Pa. New Goods in Great Variety, I i. j? a j f uuu pieiuy oi -aunuay com fort left yet I have rcntted e utora fimirly occupied by J. n. I hrlrtit, corner of Washington and KtntSts., and luU in a new stock of the purest and best of Wines, Liquors aud Cigars, THE MAKKET AFFORDS. t My stock consists in part o BOURBON, AND MONOGAHE LA RYE WHISKIES, New England, Medford and Jamaicca Rums, HOLLAND GINS, IIKNNESY, P1NKT, CARTlLLEN ft CO.'S, AND BUFFAIiO, ROCHESTER ts CAiVANUAlOLI ALES Sole Agent for the BROTHERHOOD WINES, ot Jfrockton, Hi. Y, Also ARent for the Celebrated ORFAT WEST KEN BIIAND of Amrtcan Champagne, made by the Pleasant Valley Wine Co., Steuben county, new s w.( vouaiMiu jr vu uiuv mm impuneo cnara nagnea, &c. My;8tockof CIQAKS la incxcllccd is thia region. C I KEfcP NONE BUT THE FINEST Cigars and "Wines, Branch More at tbe old ttand, Mo. SS Washington GIVE MK .A. CALL) At my new stand and see BILLY rtJOB, OTVE3T GXFF7iE . ri. Cantor.' Beii. 11 Tbe market is quiet and dull to lay st $2,059X10. We bear of no transac tions. Pbiladelpbia, June 20. Crude, 8 . Rellned 19. Market quiet. Pittsburg, June 20 Crudespot, I). U. all year. 12' B. O.d 11J4 Rellned Spot, 22J Market Nominal New York, June 20. Crude 8.' j. Ileflneo, 19 . Market Quiet. CiOI,D:i?iitVW:s-OHK. New Fork, June 20. Gold 115. P. C. HEINZ, Pioneer, Pa., Mnnntactrirer of OIL WELL Machinery & Supplies Enaines and Boilei-s of every description 'Repaired at Short .Notice. Agent for FOSTER'S GAS PUMP. PATEXTEfioIHI IIVZ S WA TER PACKER. FEP AIRING of all kinds done at short no 'ice and nil work warranted. Orders by mat. or telegraph promptly attendod to F. C. HEINZ. Pioneer, Pa., Dec. 21, 1872 tf. New Goods. SAVE TOUR MOXEY ! And boy youri Boots rand;stcr at Mrs. M. Magrane's ONE PRICE BOOT & SHOE STORE I keen a ver I. rive ntiipbr nr all kinri. m h.mH and Fell as chep as any oilier boaae in th OIL uiuiua, vonnectoa ws tuy bture la a Custom Department ! And I imaranteo a perfect lit in all ray work Repairing nuatly done. Nejct door to Wolf, u bnvn j mure. Petroleum Centre. Pa. dcc4tr ' THE NeWEI.ANTI(1THI!M. An Iwinnr. tant Inv- ntlon. It retains the littptura at all time, and under the hardtt exercise or severeat strsin It Is wi rn with comfort, and If kept on bight and day, enVete a permanent (bra In a fw weeks Snld cheap, and soot by Mail when requested, circulars free, when oidrrd by Irtler scot to Tbo El sue Truis Co., No BR3 Broadway, N. V. City. Nobody TliiM. AImmI m IV........ . ..i.jif .l. . -i.i J Seecewor toMiost-A Armstrong. WllOLWlLE AND RETAIL FLO OR AMD IVierchartt f!tRHnbscriberhavt,i: hniiaht tl-nnld nn "f J. Meaeees Armstrong, h , uUiriitvl tiif""1,ues!. anil win keep slwajs on I d 11,.. l,.i d market uuiup. i win ao Si n Ittil.l nALK irau. in me iouowing prouucis : Plour . Peed Hay & OF ALL KINDJ PRICE IjI' XXX WITITF wn'T pr r.tR. Der bbl. $10 l. 1 1 1 , r-i . Iv, ........ I 1. . i .1 l r i 1.C0 WHEAT RRAV 1,C0 I.V2 3 (ID 3,M ii" GO 1..10 , 1,?5 X 65 CORN MEAL OIL MEAL " SALT, rer bbl OAT MEAL, ps-r lb, POTATOES, per butb, HAY, per bund. STRAW ' OATS, per bueb, CORN ' V gVTbete are Caib Ices. I Invite a share of pric patronnge, feeling ennttdent I can give aathctian in price aud qual- X tv of uooda F. P. KOKSTER. Petroleum Centre, pVay 28 ltr.8 tf . MoKinly & Gross, ftlaciinists, Blacksmiths, AND Egbert Farm, Petroleum Centre, Pa. Boiler Bpairing a Specially, RRINERY STILLS REPAIRED We) wsirsnt all work done by us be nerly si good sa new when repaired. Goodtvsterisl furnished sod prloes ressor sble. H vIor bad lon(t experience In tbe bust neea'a are enabled to trlve satisfaction. jissph Mckinley. Sebastian a robs ptroleum Centre. Pa., Jan. 8, tf. Hew Goods. Emel Zedwich. ("CITTLB JOE.") nnnT A,n pimr kiiirn j DUU AllU 0I1UL lYIAJVCil Has just retmoed Irom Buffalo with a complete stock ot Fall and Winter Goods. Qaa been established etio'evm r.itre 1 r past Uiroe years, and has the name of Milking the Best Fit and Fittest Boot In the Oil Regions. tie la constantly receiving orders from other sec tions of the Oil Regions. Be constantly keeps on hand Ready-made Boots.&Shoc LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITEUS. CALL AND SEF tllM . KM EL I ajtt Vl. Jir The lleckwlih $20 Portnr- .'.mil Sewliiff Machine, on :tO r .'iS.xrlalt man idvaiiwgos over all. Hati.f "7m," or JS refund, d. Sent enmple- ? Wo ir tlons. 'Beckwith Smldg Mac' . KcwVArk. aiueCa.,862 Broadway ABENT iVeri'wv . Enjl- 'Ore to soil onr new ann noyu ,iOtilcriu: Muci.ine. aend for Vl .ud Circalar. to tb l:S'-e Waul, ..piav, W9 Broadway, !' f synasi.. rr m