The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, June 20, 1873, Image 2

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    F.'e:rcu.n Centre Daily Record
PefcCentre, Pa.. Friday, Jane HO
Itivine "ervlce.
service every Sabbath at 11 A. M. ami
t'4 P. M. Sabbath School at 12 P.M.
rut fr-e. A eurdial invitation extend
ed to ail.
Kst. G. lludRs, Pastor.
1'rendiine; at 1 1 o'clock A. M.. an)7
o nlnck P. il . by the Paatur, W. C. Bdrcb
ard. Sbbtu School at 12j, directly
at'er lorenonn service.
Prayer Meeting and SabbaNi School
Tcnclii'fa Meiuiog Tuesday evenings ol
each week.
Petroleum Centre Lodge, So,
Tift, I. O. of O. F.
Regular meeting oigbta Friday, at 7
o'clock. Sitwed.
s ., 0. n. Bailey, A Sec'y.
It 9fPlac of meeting, Mala St., opposite
McG. 'Unlock House.
i A. O. of V. W.
LrrJ i Lodge No. 7, A. O. of V. W.,
meets el .ry Monday evening at 7i$ o'clock,
in Odd F ;ellow'a Hull, Petroleum Centre,
V , - . A. Glkk, M. W.
A. M. K"ti,ECgXgB R.
M. O. of It. M.
Minnitaio-HnTrlDeNo 183i o. R. M
of Petroleum ' rjeotre, meeti every Thursday
SVi:imik ... -voa leoipiar a Hall.
tSrCounollmrMi0d ,t7 o'clock.
o t TiTtriA H- HOWE. Saebem.
C. L JPKMtg, Cblel ol Record.
Gold at 1 p.kID. iJ63
On. rKW8.-iTne Harrla well, on the
Gosring latffl. jmBntloo of which we made
a day or two jDOi neg n(,Bry ready to
teat, started rioiDlOB on MoodaT and ia
now pumping .bom folir - barrel per day
and IncrenaJag. , It hat a atrong volume or
gas, enouju to ma ell the wella in that vl
uiuity. Will probably jprove a good ten
bar. 'el wu II..
Tba new welt oa toe lams farm, owned
by Uenneboff Hros , Irwin and otberf, of
Uherrytree, storied, pumping about the
same time, and ia oow yielding about four
barrel! duly and increaaing. Tbla
wll alao bag a strong volume of gas.
The beauty of Iba wella iu that neighbor,
bowl are that they atait up amall, but in
dense gradually to about ten or twelve bar
rels, where they remain foryeara pumping ,
A new wall on tba Sutley farm, leased
by ileydrick A Egbert of Franklin, and
put down by Stewart Bros , Geo W Tatr
of Cberrytree, and Jonathan Watson, ef
TUusville, will be completed early uext
week. The indications are good. This
property adjoloe tba Ge&rlog farm. -
The new welt on the Strawbridga farm is
teurly oompfeled. This farm is located
near Cherrytree yiilage, and the well la
put down lor the purpsse of testing the lei
ritory. . , ,
On the night ol July 4ib coming,, a ben.
IU ball Is to ba given at Sobel's Opera
House, in aid. of our townsman, George W.
WIIbod, who it Is wall known baa been
aufforiug from paralyais lor a long time past
Tbe.objeot is a worthy one and we hope our
citizens will each aud all lend a helping
band by purchasing tickets. Do this and
and thy reward shall be, io tba language of
the poet i ..'
Think' pot, the good,
The gentle deeds of mercy thou bast done,
Shall die foi gotten all; tba poor, tba prls'
ner, The fatherless, the friendless, and tba wid
ow, Who dally own tba bounty of tby band,
Shall cry to heav'p, and pull a bleealng on
There waa war amoug tba Modocs, er
rather the female purtioa of It, last night,
'i'uey bud a 'wee bit of a ructioo, d'ye
see," aod the result was suudry damaged
waterfalls, black eyes, aod the like.
A gjy old sport Irom Shamburg, accon
pan led by two or three compaolous, appear
ud iu town yesterday, wiib tba avowed
purpose of having a little fun witb the boys
They adjcutoel up ;iown aud commeooed
imbibing bad whiskey. The result was Ibe
old sport got thoroughly saturated, aud bis
conipuuions failiug to get blm away, took
bis norae and put It Io iba (table. Old
sport came to bia senses partially after a
time, and missing -tbe horse, Immediately
sought out Justice Reynolds with tbe avow
ed inluution ol arresting Ibe thieves. The
Justice informed bliu. be could not have a
warrant uuless he knew Iba names of tbe
pariiua, wbi-mipiin be oooame obitropulous
aud luloiriud ib Justice 0a( be did not
miuw t i nuatrieri Tna result ri that
Stiawlurg spun hud to be put In Ibe buttle
jjr a nine io soner up. Upon oouilog 10
bis io,i,. ), M (J fntl ,nd fnf sblim
We copy tbe following from the Warren
Capt. Dlnclpy la sinking another well on
bis traot in Pleasant, near Warren. This la
tbe filth well be has sunk, and bitberto
without success, altbongb be has found tbe
rock aod some oil. Tbe Captain la over
seventy-four years of age bale and bearty
full of ambition; at tbe same time be
looka upon death ai fin Incident, veri ly
turning aside from ordinary duties to a high
er enjoyment. One day last week be traveled
oufoot twenty miles, after having made
bis ten mile a day lor several days, through
woods aod bruah running lioea. He ia re
markable tor a man of bis years. His twen
ty mile walk caused him no Inconvenience
except a blister on bis beel.
An oil well ia being put down In Pine
Grove, on tbe Allen farm. Messrs Patrick
& Stoddard are tbe proprietors. It is hoped
the enterprise will be rewarded.
Tbe St. Louis Democrat prints tbe follow.
Ing beautiful Iragmeoit of a poem of twelve
verses on "The Streets of St. Louis:"
"Go see what I have sawn,
Go feel what I have felt;
Go out at early dawn
And smelt what I have smelt." .
Mr.. Lawrence Barrett, a popular actor,
was tbe recipient of a copy ol Plutaroh's
Live Id five volumes presented by a tew Jot
bis admirers In Tiinsville, on Tuesday
evening. Mr. H. C. Blosa made a nice
presentation speech, in which be recom
mended the work to Mr. Barrett like a
book agent, and Barrett like a good aolor
concealed bis diaguat and said be would
read a tew ol the lives, aod if be liked Ibem
be would go through tbe whole. Teoaog0
Who killed tbe man who
waa talked to
A woman at Omaha dreamed that a man
would come along and sell bar some pills
which would cure ber of dyapepaia. Sure
enough he oame aod she bought tbe pills,
look two, and was as oola as a hammer when
ber busband came borne.
It Is said that Germans rarely commit
suicide in their native land, yet in New
York City, last year, fully lorty per cent, of
the cases of self-destruc lion were among Ger
mans. The same ratio, It is said will hold
goud In other places baviog a larger Ger
man population.
A provident mother at St. Mary's, Pa.,
left ber three children, ibe oldest five years
of age, to keep bouae while sbe weot to v le
ft a neighbor. Sbe has now no bouse to pay
rent for, nor children to teed.
Thirty derricks weie blown down in tbe
neighborhood of Triumph by tbe wind
storm on Monday.
The Oil City Councilman, at their meet
ing Monday evening, resolved that tbey
would not appropriate any money out ol
Ibe city treasury for tbe purpose of cele
brating the Fourth of July.
Three freight car robbers were arrested
in Kittannlng a lew daya ago aod are now
in tbe Armstrong-county jail. Coraplalote
ol losses of freight on tbe Allegheny Valley
Railroad caused the Company to plaoe dm
teotives along tbe line, who succeeded, io
arreating theae three persons, and are after
some others suspected of being oonceroed in
tne robberies.
Two disabled soldiers, Geo W. Brown
aod E. S. Kellogg, ask tbe assistance of
our eitizena to aid them Id supporting tbeir
faint'lea. All should assist tbe wounded
soldiers as they are entitled to it.
This Is toe way local option works In
Warren county. Wa copy Irom tba Warren.
It is earn that numerous kegs of beer are
taken up King's Hollow, and. other out of
the way places, Saturdays, and by some
book or crook are emptied oo tbe Sabbath,
Perhaps there is no law against this kind
of drinking, but it la demoralizing,, and
quite aa bad as drinking at a licensed bat.
No license failed to stop whisky or beer
driuking, we fear. Tbeie is lees drinking
in town, but more In tbe hedges and by
ways than belore.
After long study of tbe subject, tbe Pbila
delpbia Star has concluded that "Maroh is
a bad month for bauliog ashes In uncovered
TbeQuiocy, III., Herald say a: "Tbe
Weekly Montanlan wants aa editor. Tbe
last one was killed by shooting blm lull o1
sblogle Dalle."
Strawberries are getting plenty but are
nol very cheap.
Tb Atlantio and Great Weastorn earned
$428,524 in May.
A freight train on the A. & G. W. Rail
road run Into a fre'ght train on the James
town and Franklin Railroad at tbe "Cross
ing" on Tuesday afternoon. Several cars
of oil were burned, but nobody hurt.
Incident of the ' Walworth
From tbe Albany Journal.,
MannflHld Tracy Walworth's eldest daugh
ter, Nellie, has for some time past been at
tending tbe school at the Convent of the
Saored Heart, Keenwood. Un Wednesday
she received a message from her uncle, the
Rev. Clarence Walworth, desiring he r pres
ence at bis residence on Chapel street. Br
ing totally unaware ot Ibe terrible affliction
that bad fallen on ber family the day prev
ious, sbe Imagined ber uncle wished to see
and bid ber adieu before leaving for Kurope
as hecoolemp'ated doing; and, under the
impression that sucb was tbe lact, she pre
pared with a joyous heart for the visit.
She arrived at her uncle's residence only to
find that be bad left instructions for ber to
immediately come on to Saratoga, aod after
waiting about an hour she proceeded to the
depot, aod took the train for ibat place.
She was still unaware or the tragedy, the
Inmates ol Father Walworth's not having
the heart to Inform ber. Seated directly
ahead of ber In the car was a gentleman
reading a New York paper which gave a
full account of tbe parricide, In which tbe
name of tbe mnrderer and victim were die
played in glaring capitals at tba bead.
Happening to glance over tbe passengers'
shoulder, ber eyes caught tbe lines, and tbe
sudden revelation threw ber Into fainting
(its, wbicb continued until ber arrival at
Saratoga. Sbe waa kindly cared tor by
ladies In tbe car, and oo reaching tbe vil
lage waa immediately removed to ber
The Chioamen at bearer Falla are fast
getting into civilized ways. Last Friday
there was a row among them aod a dlsposi
tion to kill a celesthl brother nsmed Ab
Poy, because he reported them for smoking
opium. Thirty of tbe rioters were discharg
ed and matters became quiet agalo.
A newspaper correspondent says that
Dust tbou art, and into dust thou sbslt re
turn," may appropriately be quoted to the
Lake shore road
Speaking of postal cards, a Irlend who I"
always asking (conundrums wants to know
if Uncle Sam oan afford to furnish a 3x5
card and can send it to any part of tbe Uoi
ted States for one ceot why cao't be afford
to oarry a 3x5 envelope and letter when wa
pay for Ibe envelope ourselves.
A Peora dentist steals tbe tilling out or
dead men's teelb.
Tbe editor of tbe New Hampshire Patriot
(ays that a dog lately passed bis town "in
a rabid state." We are afraid all tbe New
Hampshire dogs are in a rabid State.
There are two sorts of cats. We doubt
tbe truth of tbe common saying that one o1
them has nine live., but many a poor fellowa
back oan attest that tbe other has nine taile
Josh Billings say: "I have often been
told that the best way is to lake a bull by
tbe boros; but I think, In many inataaoet,
I should prefer tbe tail hold."
There is a man prowling around Sandy
Lake, Mercer couoty, with a doubt hart el
shotgun. He says be has tbe contract for
Ibe soalps of a dozen lightning rod peddlers
and bas six to shoot vet. Soma ol tb
townspeople think be Is Insane.
Present progress indicates that tbe pro
ceedings of Ibe Constitutional Convention
will make a little booklet of about 17,987
A snrvey baa been made for a pipa line
from Greece City, Butler county, to Ray
mil too, oo tba line of Jameatowo & Frank
lin Railroad, and it will be completed wUt
out aeiay.
Last year tbCre were manufactured in the
Leblgb Valley, Ohio, 211 tone of .pig iron
aod 68,000 loo of bar iron and rail, and
there were 371,000 tons of iton shipped
Irom Cleveland.
Every dog baa bis day: The following
beautiful line wer writteo before Jack'
day wa over:
I'm Captain Jaok ol the lava beds,
I'm "cock o' the wall" aod chief o' tba Reds,
I kin "lilt Ibe bar" aod scalp Ibe bead
Ot tb whole Uoited Stale Army.
C3T Tbe Post Office Newsroom Soda
Fountain ia now running in full blast.
Call and try a glass of Ice cool soda water
Tbe Minneapolis Tribune state that Mln
nebaha, tba beautiful "Laughing Water-'
is to be plaoed uoder the auctioneer's bami
mer, aod knocked down Io Ibe bigheet bid.
der. But tbi i oo laughiog matter.
Ab exohaoge says:. "Worcester (Mass.)
papera tall or a woman (topping In that
ity, oot yet thirty year old, wbo is tba
uiuiucr vi luiruran cmiurvu. n ail, we
isouia ioiok n wa about time she was
stopplog somewhere.
Tbera is a youth living io Alexsndria,
v irginia, woo is aooui to proceed to Bus
too for tbe purpose of starting from Bunker
Hill on a tour through tba Northern .'State
carrying tbe Cooled erala flag unfurled.
Like a beech tree, Esquimaux dogs have
a very thin brk.
Philadelphia was tho birth -place or lib-
My and tbe first ptaDO.
It cost a Llverpbol clergymin $25,009,
to love to, well but not wiily.
The Kbedive isgoiog to build t new py
ramid wbicb be I williog Io stake against
The Pope l going Io offer vathecan Io
ibe way or accomodations tor tbe suppress
ed Jesuits.
MarshHeld, Mn. bas a poet "lariat," whot
when be I not wooing the num, whiter
washes, and digs wells for a living,
Ao Iowa editor begs bis readers to give
him their ears, wbile be aaatire thtm that
burning corn cheers the cbimnej. oorner
more than any other kind of fuel.
A country papor in Minnesota rente1 to
know wbo swindled tbe Indians out of
"such an internal cold, country as Xinneso
to is, and wbo deluded tbe white people in
to It."
Well-dres-ed men In Chicago bavi stab
qlng affrays In the street at night an atle
one is wounded the parties (gel I nm backr
aid tide away, covering up all their Iras
An editor in Fredericksburg, Ye, wa
asked oy a stranger "If it was jsslbe that
little town kept up four newspapers," aod
tbe reply was, "No, It take lour mwspa
pers to keep up tbe town."
An exchange says. "When you see a
bareheaded man following a cow tlrougb
tbe front gate, and filling the air wilt gar
den Implements and profanity, you may
know that bis cabbage pi ant have been set
Tb Boston Transcript say that prraons
wbo send poetry to Iba newspapers thould
always retain copies. Tbe New York Times
suggest that tbey should also retain tbe
Tbe Chicago paper are blackgnardiog
each other because Ibev fell Into tte error
of criticising tbe overture to "Taonhauier,"
when it was tbe overture to "William Tell"
which was performed.
Tbe late Jobn Carpenter of Marquette,
Miob., knocked tbe ashes out of bis pip oo
Ibe bead of a keg of blasting powder.
An orphan, uoder age, married bis fenale
guardian in Illinois tbe other day and wa
Oimpelted to get ber written cooseot It his
mairiage before Iba wedding could lake
Party i wbo want a letter) "My mm
is Mike How." Postoffioe clerk (reforned
civil service) "Well it your oame is jour
cow, what is your cow' name?" St. Ltuis
An Albany method of gambling is to fill
two bags, one witb sand, tbe other wllb
lit. and tben bet on them. II is si triple
but they maoage to shoot the stab tbe same
as he fore.
Chemical joke Irom tbe New Orleans Her
aid "It Jupiter bad not married Juno, a
chance would have existed of ber becomiog
the 'OxilSyed' of Mercury."
Tbe New York World, borrowing a blot
from Solomon, proposes Io end tbe Carlloo-
Emersen controversy by cutting "Betsy tnd
I"in two. each of tba disputed author to
have half and shut up.
A'Vicksburg young man accepted tlx
sbllliogs feraavng tbe life of a bandsone
heiress; and at last account badn'l dasbed
tbe money at ber fatbet's feet.
Tbe force of bablt Is fully Illustrated In
tbe case of a retired milkman, wbo "say be-
never see a oan of water without baviog an
almost lrrssislible desire to put tome milk
10 II.
A Japanese newspaper in London baa
now tboealeguard of a clerical editor, bar
ing tbe benefit of tb contributions of tbe
first Buddhist priest wbo ba resided In
The Memphis Avalanche I contented
witb tbe knowledge that "Betsy aod I ire
Out," and so far as its columns are coocern-l
ed It proposes that "tbey (ball stay out."
Sir Josiab Mason, who made bis fortune
as a weaver at Kiddermin'ster, bas arraig
ed ta erect and endow a acientifio College io
Birmloghsm, England. Nobody oaor etrp
ai luai.
Before falling eight feet npoo a pita o'
stones, always take a reef io your tongue.
II Mr. Seeler of Louisville, bad' takeu Iblg
precaution, be would not have bltteo off
that useful member. ,
A New Albany, Ind, Judge bas ' deo ded
Ibat If a man, get drunk every other wsek,
and atays drunk a week at a lime, ba lino
a habitual drunkard.
Parties knowing themselves
indebted to us will do well to
settle before July 1st next,there
by saving unnecessary trouble
and expense, as all accounts not
settled by that date will be cu
lected by law.
Tst, Centre, Fa., June 16th.
Local Kotltiea.
For Sale Cheap
One 40florse Boiler, Gibb8
& Kussell maker One 12-Hor e
Engine in good condition, 800
feet Casing. 1,000 feet tnbintr
J60 feet Backer Mods, Valve
Working Barrels, tc. Aim,
one JJerrick and Rig ctmplete..
Tke above property will be sold
eheap for cash. For particulars
enquire of A. G. HARPER, Kaoe City
Venango County, Pa - '
... A. G. HARPER.
Kane Pity, June IT 1873 tf
W. A. Lozier, wEo has beeni
engaged in tLe "Wholesale Ale
trade for the pasfyear,. lias this
day disposed of his- entire in
terest in said business to the firm
of Fox & Willhmsj. who will;
continue the business at the old
stand. Mr. Lozier desires- us
to return his sincere thanks- to
ll is many patroua for the- lib
eral patronage extended to him.,
during the past year. F. A
Phillips will act as agent for
the new proprietors, and keeps
a full supply of that fine Buftalo
Cream Ale on hand.
Mr Lozier desires all par
ties indebted to him to settle
at once as he wishes to have
his books balanced.
Dated April 14, 1B73.
Go to w7a. LOZIEH,
4th Street,near R. It. track,
tor your BEXZIXE, deliv
ered at the welh for $2,00
per Barrel.
Petroleum Centra, KeU 6th-t.
toberb vs. Nicholas Oyer.
The following It the decl San tendertdllir Judpe
McKennaa, at Ma; Tera of the Circuit Court in the
above caBe:
In tbe Oil mi t Conrt of lb. United Bute, in ni for
the Woslern District of Pennsylvania. B. A. L.
Huberts vs. Nicholas Geyer No. 1. Hay Ter m
1878.-Io Equity
Nov.mber SI, 187J. BUI filed aod aabprnna la
Subpoena aca'aottee of application tor prellmln.
ary Injunction eervrd.
December 18. 1873. Motion ifor preliminary In
junction heard, aud the Conrt belnc duly aiSvlvwl iu
the premises; the Injunction awarded as prayed for,
aod decree fllea
January 14, 1873. Injunction isao), and on tho
39th day of January iodlctment served peraunallr
ana. by copy.
Mar 21, 1873. Kale iwncd for delendent to snow
cause why attachment should not Ihu. for contempt
in violating injunction and duly saivtd
June 'id. 167a Rule for attachment Id tbla cac
came on to be heard, and after argument of ccudkL
tiro and con, tba Court being full advised In the
premises, the Kule is mad. abaolute, and tbe sen
tence of to. Conit is, that the said defmdan, NlcL- -olas
Geyer, be Impiionene In tb common Jail or
Allegoeny County for aud during tho term or ten
days, and that he pay tbe costs of tola proceed,
Jon 2d, 1873. Committat nswei.
The injunction In tbla case waa lor Infringement
of th. Roberta' oaten t of o (called the Bif? Pat
ent), for lncrieslng the productlvenea of oil wella .
The act of Infringement for which th Oeiouaeo
waa committed for contempt, consisted in aioing
Alexandra Hassr In.- exploding torpedoea In ol
wella being tb same act of inlriugement for wbicb
Bamar was also committed in .n case no. o,
vember Term, 1886, as before atated.
The Conrt McKeonan. a.ter delivering ,pia
CTlnlonlntbeHamaroa,proocedod to a.otence
Nlo'iolas Geyer for contempt, anaoeiiverea me
lowing oral opinion :
Intbeca?. of Nicnola. Geyer enargen vim
same offense, 1 am entirely sattoBcd that there waa
fluid present, In the Beats well at least ai i "
intimated lotKtmuiuelin the etmm nf the argu-
stent, iM prwnc nf fiuid iwtht teell, whether at
tired er not, it an anoiat of the patent, and a
treaekcthe injunction ef the Court.
Mr Koberts, by bl pi tent uses as on. or tn. pno
clpal elements of bis Invention fluid tamping, and
wherever there Is fluid sufficient In a well, at the
time of the explosion of a torpedo, to operate as
tamping, whether It gats there naturally or Is pot
there artificially, his patent to Infringed. This was
clearly the case in regard to th Bol well.
But Mr. Geyer aeema to hv hen BJ
ti 1. u lj k.. w - h,m v wanted to
Tnl an Tn.rimant unJ I do BOi tblnK. Ull DB-
log tbe first timet that h ought U be very severely. j
P BUaleo Is adjndged Kity eejitempt and ordwv
edtopay theu of tbla prcf .
an Imprisonment in tb. county Jail Torten daja ,
I hope tbi. will be ioletoT thtoaeaaesi J"""" '-'
if the matter come, to our notice agiaa. we w I bj ,
constrained to impose snob punishment aa win u
to malt, the docra. of th. Coort .ffecrwK