The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, June 16, 1873, Image 2

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    Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
I pat. Cewtre, Pa., mon 4a f. J una 16
litvtwe siervKia.
Services ever; SuObatb at 11 A. M. and
4 P. M. Sabbath School at 12) P. M.
eatafrna. A eordlal Invltatlpn extend
1 to all.
Kit. G. Moobb, Pastor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M.. andT
dock P. M , by tbe Pas-or, W. C. Bdbch
and; Sebbatu School at 12J, directly
after lorenoon service.
Prayer Hwtlnc and Sebbetb School
Teacher's Heeling Tuesday eveniogs o(
icb week.
Petroleum Centre Lodge,
Tltt, I.O. otO.F.
Regular mnetlng nlgblt Friday, at
C. H. Bailet. A See'v.
MTPlace of meeting, Main St, opposite
ssouiinioca nousa.
A. O. of V. W.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
Bseets evorv Monday evening at 7$ o'clook,
In Odd Fellow's Hall. Petroleum Centre,
A. Glemt, M. W.
Klkckncr, R.
A. M
I. O. of B. M.
Mfnoeksuuea Tribe No. 183. L O. R. M
of Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday
weening in uooa Templar's Hr'i.
ZW Council ores lighted at 7 o'clock.
H. HOWE, Sachem.
C. L JOKES, Cblel ol Reoords.
Gold at 1 p. m. 1I6T,
Pol tel. Saturday afternoon, warrants
wer Issued by Juntos Reynolds on oath of
a man Baaed Tappan against John Jobo
son, charging blm with astault and battery
and surety of the peaoe. It seems the par
ties bad some words Iba result of wbleb was
that Johnson slapped Tappan In Iba face,
Tappan than picked up a Urge stone and
hurled It at Johnson striking bla oo tbe
bead and tnfltoting, a sever gash. Tbe
ease was tried by jury and results: In s
Tsrdlet ol guilty as to- assault and not gall
IJ as to tbe surely of the peace ease. John.
MO bad so pay fid costs, aod Tappan $6,
Tappan refused to pay his el Oral, but i
Ktl hint from lb Justice that a com mi t
aant to lbs lock up would result iodoced
, Bla I "oss down with tka dudeds."
The Derrtok In a "lochia" and exceed Ina.
ly soft manner, Bakes mention of a ootl ce
wnion appeared in this paper regarding lb'
departure from town or neighbor Leggett
It says: "we didn't until now understand
Heaven to be a seayort." It ruskes little
difference whether the Derrick noderstands
where Heaven Is or not, as the obaooes are
not In favor oflbls reaoblog there according
to Sant Tbuog. Tbe loslauatlon about tbe
gaotleaaa, 'paying a few wetks in advanoe'
Is ratbar stale, considering Ida amount ol
money received? f torn blm by a part of that
oeooero at least. Rest awhile, Derrick. J. E. Ray, of Butlar, is stopping at
lbs Central. House. r.
Niw Wilu- a Harris, of Tltusvllle,
omplsted a new well on the Gefcrlng farm,
on Saturday last. It bad 32 feet or floe
white sand rock. The tubing was being
put In Saturday afternoon and lest log was
to oommenoe this forenoon. A good well- is
Ma Di J'. Murphy, reference to whom was
made in Iba acoouot of the narrow escape
of Thomas Roaeb from' being blown up by
Ultra glycerine, publiabed oo Saturday,paid
us a Call today. He alatea that lb acoouot
was wrong In some re poets. Sj he did
not back, up bis team at all, and wbeo Ha
Roash's horse and wagon want over tbe
bank bis team was at least four or Bva rods
awsy. As mailer of Justice to blm we
make Ibis statement. He Is wall) satlsfled
and thankful that lbs explosion did not oc
Tba New Eldorado Oil Cotupanyy com
posed of Bennebon" Bros, and Beil Bros.,
was formed, a few days ego. Tba company
propose to operate enabe Gearing faro.aod
have already commeoosd the work of put
ting op derrick.
The new well ou tba Gearing farm, men
tion ol wbloh.w mads a day or two ioee,
is yielding. a.good tn barrels dally. This
w ll-is-owoed by Messrs. D; M. Bell, John
Irwlu, H. Vf. Irwin, and Bsunehotf,. of
Csorrylre. Tba Gehrtog Isrm- Is rapidly
oomiag lain tba market as good territory.
It is sliuwted that tba butter and obeeee
trade of N w York amounted, last year, to
$15 000,000, while wheal and .flour . aggro;
Gated only $30,000,000.
Tbe United State Arseual at Rome, N.
has bo sold for $21,000 and will b
.bade a kotttiag factory,
A rural pom in an adjoining town wants I
to sell us some VHrses oo referring again to
his letter tbe article to be sold is "Poetry,"
with a big P. This Poetry was, be eays,
"written by myself," and therefore warran
ted against the pretensions of an y poetry
thief. Our poetio correspondent Is not
posted. No publisher at this time will
purchase poetry oo tba simple warrant of
tbe seller tbat tbe article ie original. He
insists oo a bond, with two approved sure
ties, securing bim against any possible loss
by reasoa of the claim ol soma woman to
tba poetry purchased. Uutil such a bond
Is properly executed no publisher will look
at a rhymed MSS. with a view to purchase.
There are other reasons wby wa canoot
trade with our correspondent, though be
says, "you ean eeod Iba money, that you
caa afford to give, in A letter, and I will
except It." Time is money, and we can
neither spare tbe money necessary to pur
chase this great work, nor tba time needed
to comply witb tbe poet's request tbat, if
tbe words are not all spelt correct," we
should "remedy them." Tbe reason lor any
failure In Ibis respect Is probably found io
tbe explanation tbat "I have uot got tbe rite
clod ol paper to wrlta on so I could not putl
Capital Letters every place Ibey were
needed." One other reason for not pur
chasing lies In tba laot that wa do not wish
t lead post office elerks or express messen
gers Into temptation. The sum wa should
lael bound to offer our correspondent would
be so large tbat it would be unsafe to trust
it to Iba malls or tba express, for tbat tbete
ata dishonest clerks and absconding messen
gers tba criminal reoords unfortunately
Tbat our readers may form soma idea at
lha regret wa experience In being compell
ed from prudential reasons and because lo
cal option Is in foroe to decline purchasing
the poem.Jwe give tbe Bret and laststaozas.
It la a temperance poem, and tba title of
which Is, "Jnst Ooa Mora Glas."
Io A Barroom, In Tltusvllle,
There sat A Boy In Sin and Shame.
For He bad drank a gain and gain.
Tba Brey drink, that leaves its slana.
His ayes war burning, bis lips war parch
His throat was dry with burning Ihursl,
And ba called out wlley, lor mora wine,
And oalled for It, with an awful curse.
Tba Boy took Just one glass too much, for
It was of tbe kind warranted to kill at
fotty rods, and with one kick ha keeled
over "and his lips vera stanedUHIs
cheerful friends "laid him upoo a bed tbey
made," and then .followed singular pro
caediog to be performed In a barroom bed:
They buried blm there, bis bar room Mends,
And put a cross on his grave lor a sign,
And tbey wrote upon tba otoss Ibese words
Just wone mor glas of wina.
And to Ibis day that cross tbera stands
Out plain before tba sky,
And it says to each person that comes that
way i
Just one more glas and you'll die.
The moral ol Ibis is what Artemus Ward
used to tell bis bibulous friends "Sbun, O
ban tba flowin' bole!"
Tbe Anniversary '"erm" Is upon us.
Juna bas coma to ba tba month of annua'
Conventions. Every oYgaolntioo. from a
Base Ball Club up to a General Assembly
has its anniversary hi JOae. Tba newapa
per reader who dislikes theories aod resol
ves, and debates, must skip over tba pro.
ovedings of tba Conventions aod sstisfy bis
appetite upon Modocs matters, tba Russian
expedition and lha mysteries of tba abandon
meutof Tyson and bis men in tba Arotic
Boa. We suppose more speeches are made
In June than In any month In tba year,
except Iba year ol tba loo a, session of Con
gress. Every man bas bis panacea for alj
our woes, moral aod physical, and If you
would ba bappy all you bava to do Is to em
braoe our 'Ism' But tbe world gaina . bu
little in wisdom tbongb Juna (Is full of re
forms. July and August seems Io dry up
the theories so tenderly launched In Juoe
and by September people begin to tbiok
that the old rut Is tba safe rut aod so tbey
settle iio tbat until a returoiog June bring1
Its aontialitbeories aod tba resolves of tbe
last yaar are warmed over and again adopt
ed. Ad so wa resolve and reresoive but
dia tba same.
A child in Baltimore drank a large quan
tity oflaudanum aod fell into a stupor, sue
eeeded by convulsions. When mtdicel aid
arrived it waa loo late to admiolster anti-
doles, aod eleolriolty was resorted to. ' For
two hours be was subjected to a strong aod
continuous ourrent, at the end of wbloh time
bis sinking eosrgles began to return, and by
tbe next morning be was out ol danger.
A aauoy young widow out Wast said to a
olerioal friend who asked her, oondollogly,
bow long her "lamented" bad been dead,
"I am in tbe honeymoon of my widowhood.
Tbat widow wilt ba boasting some dsy
about celebrating a goldea fuqaral. Cour
ier Journal.
There Is a deal of sense in tbe way Geo
oral JeffC. Dsvls hoodies Iba Indian ques
tion. There Is nothing like swift punish
moot tor the red devil. Tbey csa neither
appreciate clemency nor oan they under
stand tbe dignity aod justice of a regular
trial. Tbelessoo to the Indians would
have been salutary and would bava been
remembered had General Davis been per
mltted to administer justice Io bis own way
by stringing up Jsck and bis lellow murder
ers to the juniper trees brought into camp
for that purpose. When we give tbe In
disn tbe ssme law wa administer to a white
man ; when we cease treating Indiane In
tribal relations and only recognize tbem as
individuals: when we give up the plpe-of.
peaoe style of negotiating with tbem and
substitute Individual responsible for crime
and Individual rewards lor iotegrity and
good behavior.; wbeo we cease to ba onjdst
to tba weak Indians by piling blankets
and beads on tbe chiefs woo are oh lei's only
because Ibey are physically stronger than
their fellows aod have greater capacity lor
acalDiog and mutilating and murdering, we
shall then begin to solve the Indian qoes.
tloo. At the bottom of all our trouble lies
the wretched mistuke of treating Indians as
soytoing save unruly, ugly, responsible
boys, shiftless and shirtless, lazy and lousy.
Wa bava recognized tbem as intelligent be
logswhen tbey are not; webave dealt with
them a owners of lha soil wbloh tbey
ware oot; we have recognized their ssvage
claims to cbisftianahlp which wa should
oot; aod wa have treated witb tbem as
tribes or nations which we should not.
In almost every paper wa pick up we
read something about lbs champion old .la
dy, wbo llved.below Pittsburgh somewhere,
who died aged oinety-fuur,or thereabouts.
Now wbeo you talk about the oldest people'
wev'a got tbem. Tbey live about ooe mile
this side ofTyivrsburgb, aod tbelr (name Is
Allio. Tbe man is one hundred and eigbl
years old, and tbe woman ooe hundred and
six. Tboy ars French people live alone and
tba old lady does ll the . housework. So
doo.tstop In the nineties if you are going to
produce obamptoo old people. Any ooa cao
be selisfied of tbe truth of our statement by
inquiriog ol any ol iba eilizens of Tylers
burgb. Forest Republican.
We'd like to make tba acquaiotanoe
Iba young lady wbo wrote tba following:
"Came Io tbe evening, or coma in Iba morn
Come when you'ra looked for, or came with-
out warning,
Kisses aud welcome you'll find bera before
And the ollener you come the mora I'll
adore yon. " "t
Three weeks ago Clay couoty Indian
bad over ooe hundred cases of ce retro spi
nal meningitis, and now 'It hasn't one.
Tbe doctors invented a oew remedy which
tbey called "the boiled com sweating pro
Cass." aod every patient died witbio twenty
four bonrs sfier being subjected Io it. Tbe
undertakers are the only persons wbo are
satisfied with lie success.
Tbe mother or Charles Mortimer, wbo
was banged at Sacramento, ought to have
lived In tbe days of tbe Spartans, for she
possesses in an eminent degree tbe qualities
tbat characterized tbat read When she
learned tbat one aoo was about to be hang
ad, and tbat a second ona bad been killed
while attempting to rescue the first, sbs ut
tared not a word of complaint. She sent a
third son witb friendly greetings to tbe
criminal aod a message to the Deputy
Sheriff wbo bad killed her offspring, say
log: "I have no cam a ol anger. You did
yoor duty bravely and deserve thanks."
Tbe Missouri Demaorat says that sine
the discovery of tbe Bender murders, there
is oot a Cbioago drummer that travels who
bas not beeo In tbe habit of dioiog at tbe
Bender mansion frequently. Tbe reason
they escaped Is; tbat when tbe fatal bam
mer tap ueacenaea on tnetr . needs It was
Ilk braining a sponge or India rubber
Two boys, aged eleven stajl seven- years,
were stoning herrings In Soiptult pond,
Roohsster, Mass. Tbey killed- two or toree
which lay dead on tbe surface of tba water,
wbeo an aagle swooped for therm A well
directed pebble hit tbe noble bird on' tbe
oeau, stunning nim so tool tbe boys seour-
ed htm and killed blmt Tba spread of bis
wings waa seven feet.
In order to put an eod to tbe Carletoo
Emerson controversy, tbe Rochester Demr
crat states that "Betsy aod I are Out" was
written uy a renneiu' man, ana tbat as
sariy as isao ue was in toe naoil or repeat
lag It to his wife whenever, In tbelr daily
arguments, ba was at a loss for tba proper
laoguage with which to Jmake a noise aud
shut bsr up.
A German waiter oomplaioiog of Iba dif
ficulties in tba pronunciation of the English
language cites tbe word "Boz'n which bo
save Is pronounced "Dickens,"
"Foetid Phagendena."
Tbe Chicago Poet "slops over" in th!e
fssbioo, became;!! canoot help Hi
"Come gentle Spring 1 Ethereal mildness,
Thus run the feet of spoony Thompson's
I venture that tbe dunce was on a bum,
And boozier than a topsy turvy thing;
That's it, by jlngol
', gentle Spring! Ethereal' mildness I"
Construct a saint ol some infernal Moloch,
Or pure high priest of li-prous Peisiao
I bale tbe tools that sens and rssson so
Spriog f 'lis a blasted Modoet
Pray toll ns, Thompson, how thou could'at
so blow
In booor of this splashy, nasty season t
Wert tboo reporting lor Iba Times, aod so
Commanded thus to- libel trulb'and riaaon!
Then bUet tby treason t
Tbon tellest us of flowers and vernal sirs,
While birds and bees and linnets fill tby
I'll pledge a crown against tby rbjming
Tbat whilst Ibou warbled' like dying
Thou badst the iofluenzsC
Or, worse, while tbeo didst sing of zepbyrs
mild, Aod woodland ny raphe In- troop idiotic,
I doubt oot Ibou sarcastically smHed,
Tbe while thy nose, that radiant, rat
Ran witb tbe epizootic
Ob, Sp.-iog, Ibou drab, tbon obarhtao,
tbou fraud,
Thou roaring, wild, raotankerotit bjenar
Tbou shrew, tbou bag 1 tbou mud-bedrag
glad bawdt
Tbou meao, deceitful dirty Ampbltteos,
Tbou loetid Pbagendenat
Spriog ma no Spring I The very nana I
Its lying lays and them that did lnroke
And wera it mloe to portion out Ibeir fat
Down to tbe hottest, deepest days I'd
poks tbem,
By Jove, and smoke tbem I
The liamberton Bank Secnrl
tie. Our readers will remembor tbe sad siiioide
of tbe cashier of Lamoerioo's Bank at
Fianklin, a few months sines and Ibe at
tempt of tbe man, previous to shooting bim
snr to destroy Ibe bank's securities. A
Washington correspondent, ,under date of
Thursday last, says of -the attempt to re
store tba securities: "Treasury experts
hate finished Ibe work ofresloriug tbo se
curities of Ibe fLambsrton .Saving Bank,
Franklin, Peunsylvania which were thrown
Into tbe Ore by tbe insane cashier. Of $140,
000- government bonds, all were Identified.
Of tba.$6".000 railroad aod muolcipal bonds
all were restored. Of $150,000 notes sod
bills receivable, all were restored or made
good by tbe parties interested. Tba only
loss of tbe bsnk baa been two or three tbous
aod dollars In currency. When reoeived at
tba Treasury Ibe whole msss appeared to be
ashes aod charred remnants of papers. Tbe
experts were Mrs Davis, Miss Pattersoo sod
Mis Scbrimer. Tbe time occupied was
about five weeks ol clear days. Tbe work
wss of such a delicate nature tbat It could
oot ba prosecuted in cloudy weather.
Pittsburgh Gazette.
GltiXD Rafclk. This "veiling a grand
riffle for a valuable Gold Watcb Is to come
off at Billy Spear's restaurant next door lo
Simmoo's Drug Store. The riffle is held
for tbe benffit of a vary poor widow woman,
and tbo watch is well worth tba money, ll
is hoped a large crowd will ba In attendance
A few more tickets are let I yet.
The first application lor a pension grow
ing out ol tbe Mod oo war ba been made by
Lorenzo Thomas, formerly Adjutant 'Gene
ral In behalf of, tba widow of Lieutenant
Thomas, wbo was murdered by the Modoc
during Iba war just ended.
Tba work of erecting new derricks be
tween Petroli and Greece City is going for
ward witb all tbe rapidity possible. Naw
wells have commenced drilling and' tbe
work ol developing will ba pushed' with
vigor. East Brady Independent.
A little mora than a week ago som dr.
niented newspaper correspondent In Dan
villa, N. B, divulged tbe fact lbalno Insui
anoe agent bad aver visited that peaoeful
town, and now no citizen can take a walk
wltboutiheedlog a procession of them.
Tbe nervous diseases fashionable nowa
days render apropos tbe remark of somebody
tbat "sawdust pills would cure half tba .ills
ol bumanitv if evsrv man wou Id aka hit
own sawdust."
Local Notice.
A desirable residence on lb Echert (..
Good water bandy. Every moderaeoaV.
lence. Will b sold cheap' EoaolriT'
Pelrolenm Centre, May 1, 1873. ,f
" diwolU i loaf
Tba copartnership heretofore existing
under tbe firm name of J. M Heory k Co.
is ibis day dissolved by mutual consent
All persons knowing themselves Indebted ta
Ibe old firm are reirueeied to call ! ..i
tbe same at ooce.
J. M. Hkm t.
Dated Petroleum Centre, May 21, 1b72.
If yon
Wnnt a Salesman,
Want a Servant Girl,
Want to Hefl a Horse',
Want to Sell a Patent,
Waot to Lend Money,
Waot s Buy a House,
Want to Sell a Carriage,
Want to Borrow Money,
Want to Soil an Oil Well,
Want to Buy an Engine or Boiler,
Want to Sell a House and Lot,
Waot to Hod a Strayed Animal,
Want to Purchase an Oil Interest,
Want to Sell a Piece of Furniture,
Want lo Buy a Second-hand Carriage
Waot to Sell Tnbrog, Casing, Gas Pipe
Waal to Find an owner for anvth.'ow
found, advertise lo tba Rzcortn, as no lew
than1 ten thousand people read it weekly.
Just received a fresfi snnttfv
of Iienzine, the best ever
brought to town, at
A. TifiN EYCK'S.
Petroleum Centre, May, 15, 1873 tr
What Nft-ftt'l 1 .W It .
a) cents a year, wl aJ.nlendld i.ont hroiiio
nee. 8pwimn, S cents -"lulraa ctnbi'Kaj wh-f
jon nw uue. junn u. . Aiuen, rubUiber, cb.
W. A. Loaer, who has beerv
engaged in tie Wholesale Ale1
trade for the past, year, lias this1
cfay disposed of his entire in
terest in said business to the firm
of Fox & Williams, who wilt
continue the business at the old
stand. Mr. lazier desires us
to return his sincere thanks to
his- many patrous for the lib
eral patronage-extended to him.
during the past year. F. A
Phillips will act as- agent for'
the new proprietors, and keeps'
a full supply of that fine Buffalo
Cream- Ale on- hand.
Mi' Lozter desires all par
ties indebted to him to- settle
at once as he wishes- to have'
his books balanced..
Dated April 24. 1873.
4th 8treet,near It. U.track,
tor voir BENZINE,, deliv
ered at the well for $3,35
per Barret-
Petroleum Centre, Feb. Oth tl
Tb copartnership berelolore existing be
tween Marshall & Richard is dissolved by?
- Parties Indebted1 to lha above Arm mutt
call and settle up and save trouble.
S H. JiaKSHAlt.
B. C. Rlt'BARDH.
Dated Petroleum Centre, June 3, 1873.
OH and latter Monday, N v. 4, 1874,' trains l
ran Mia lows. l
a a
a an
a m
in us
a a
1 I 3
1 13-
.....M...niLiici 0 inui-. ,,
-f i Wooj t I........
....Mm-BerJaeta ........
DaH.Gleupol.s ....... u.Ar
J! T. BLA1K. Bunt.
Hint WieKsusI, Agent, Htbote, Pa.
To improva 1.1 00.009 Wrw. K. R I-aoiH
morteail and loeatad D'tbe middle rpt!rtiJw''
era Iowa-tbe West oom, wheat a cattle prodncin
belt In the WeM, IS hoars distant trom
Climate and soil nnsisrpaased. JMeedow nP?H
land with pare running; water evenly dlairlhnlM
No (aver and (roe Average eredlt price, ".J;
acre, send for a iralde. It eosta nothing, and B""
descriptions, prices, terms, aupa and h-w to "-",
the lands. Address Juliet B. CAI.HOtJN, UJ
OommtMlonor Iowa Hall Hood Land Co., Cesar
Kapids, Iowa.
Chicago Office, 0 8. Canal gt .
Iodianapolis envies Waterford, N. Y . '
progressive couple wbo bava bad a wsddltf
a divorce, an alopemeot, and a re-marria.e
ail within three months.
i i