r. J i .1 it Patro eu'n Centre Daily Record. frU Crnlrr, la Frldnv, June 13 llviue aervlee. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHlTRCH bt-rvtoesMvery Babbuth at 11 A. M. and ) t. M. Sabbath School at U, P. M. eia free. A cordial Invitation extcud u tu nil. Ket. O. Moons, Paitor. PRESbYTRRIAN CHURCH. PreacbtiiR al II o'clock A.M.. itnri7 o'clock P. M , by the Paitor, W. C. Bouch ard. Sebbitii School al 12', directly after loreoono service. v Prayer .Meeting and Sabbath School Teacher's Meeting Tuesday vTenloga ol each week. PetroK ua Centre Lodge, Xo. I. O. of U. P. Regular meeting nigh la Friday, at 7 O'clock. Signed. W. B. MONTGOMERY, N. G. C H. Di.il.tr, A Sec'y. tWPlace of meeting, Main St., opposite MoClintock Home. A. O. of V. VV. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W., Beets every Monday evening at o'clock, In Odd Fellow's Ball, Petroleum Centra, Penn'a. A. Glenn, M. W. A. M. Kt.ECKS-es. R. I. O. olR. M. Minnekauom Tribe No. 183, I. O. R. M of Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday evening in Good Templars Hell. Council fires Ma-bled at 7 o'clock. II. HOWE, Sscbem. C. L JUKES, Chiel ol Records. Gold at 1 p. tn. 117,', Al tbe East tby alwaya wind up trades gainst tbe West by pointing to our divorce laws and declare that "divoron made easy" In lodisna, Ohio and otber Western States, is a moral disgrace and stigma to courts and to people. And yst there has lately, la staid Massachusetts, been a dtvoroe granted which, so lar as moral or legal mer its are ooneerned, Is as great a judloial out rags as ever dlsgraoed back-woods Indiana court-house. We refer to tbe,divorce grant ed between Senator Sumner and his wife Tbe theory of the law or dlvorae is that then must bo no Collusion between the par ties, and that whenever it Is discovered that the man and wile are acting tn concert In firing np a decree of divoioe, or whenever it appsars that either party with tbe conni vance of the otber party, has deliberately f.rolshed oause ordlvoroe for the purpose of securing a decree, tbe proceeding shall be dismissed. In otber words tbe proceed Ing lor divoore aiust not bo an amicable affair, or an agreed affair. In the case of Sumner and. wife, the two ''don't like eaob other pretty well." Hotb war beyond chicken period When tbey were minted, nd it Is very oaay to Imagine that it tbe wife Is like tbe husband, no one bouse Is Urge enough to bold both, unless one coo seats to be tbe mere slave of the other. The upshot ol tbe marriage was a contin ued "unpleaaantnegs, and so tbe wife goes broad, stays tbe requisite length of lime to amount to legal desertion and thus tbe Senator prooures divorce, on tbe supposed ground tbet;be etlll loves bis wire, Is aox Ipus to live with her, has never consented to her absence, but that she bad deserted bin. How la that for "divorce made easy!" t . . Last evening youag lady residing on tbe Egbert farm, who baa been making love berselt to osrtaln nobby youth liviug on Boyd larm, who 'logs ye does," hinted to him tbe propriety of giving her s serenade. Of course beacoeptod tbe Invito and touch ed his guitar lightly, as he sang sweetly Iam tblne tn my gladness, I am tblne jn my tears, My love It can change not with bssnco or years, War duogeon tby dwelling, my homo II would be, . For Its gloom would be sunshine if I were Tobacconists and drinkmixers lose $10,- with thee. Yea, life bas no beauty, of tbee, love, be reft; I'm tblcel and tblne only; tblne, "over tbe lelt." She was somewhat disappointed. Mr. Murpay, teamster in tbe employ of Shell CaunVId, wblle crossing Oil Creek at Tarr Farm riffle picked up a pocket book belonging to some party at Rouseville. Tbe owner can iuve tbe same by calling at this The lumps wbiob were removed (rom tto Kane City chu.ch, on Sunday night last, have twrn rainrued, and all Is "quiet along IbaPjiHo " T Lb'lon postman who a abort time ijo M'lemi atnovs'iodicaiiug meritorious sat v l .ve nw accented them, aa thev bave tn 'le.i ai'eK-4'papiroeul pf .ncieaeed j.ay. Tbe Chicago Post bas a reportal chap lha must be newly hooped, iron hoops at that as he will "bust bis bller"and bring on a hurricane In his iminedlalo neighborhood, lie si iugs Ink regardless of the expense of the article, and handles the orb of tbe day as if It were a tov balloon. Hear him! H la coming at a rule de, and bis perlude I thusiy : It wae not a conflict ot arms between drs. perate men; It was not tbe work of the bot ties redeyed demon; no murderous bond Was netted to slay with deadly b ows or heart piercing bullet a fellow telng; but a woman goaded tu desperatioe some real or Imaginary wrong at tbe hands of ber hut bind, deliberately proceeded to a deed tin. will send, Ilk a charge of.elrctricty, thrill ol borror throughout tbe entire community When the sun rose Ibis tnoroing, its light, though obscuied by dark and threatening olouds, revealed a wife and buebaod at that tbriviug auburb engaged to domestic tur moil. Before tbe orb of day bad cleared tbe spirits of tbe horizon, the husband was lifeless, and a horrible mangled corpse, so mutiletad that it lost all the semblance ol a human being, was all tbat remained ol tbe anbappp womun. Here is a new chance for geographical speculation and a new Incentive to Arctic exploration. Tbe "Polaris" expedition found In Newman's Bay, Iweity miles north or where the "Polaris" wintered, In latlr tilde 81 0 3 a considerable quaolty of drift wood among the ice 00 the shore. It bad evidently beeo long in tbe water and was much decayed. The largest piece wits six inobes lu diameter. Tbe noticeable fact was that soms ot it bore evident marks of having been cut dowo. Wbo cut it down? On wbat land was it cult Certainly It never grew in the neighborhood where found. Pid It drift down Irom tbe suppos ed open Polar Seat or in case there is no open Polsr Sea, but only a channel crossing tbe Polar region, Irom wbat portion of tbe Eastern Hemisphere did these saplings drill t If the drill wood could make tbs passage across, why not a vessel f In course of lime we sbali bave another Arctlo expe dition to settle tbe driftwood mystery. ' Some of our readers will rememher Gee. Taylor, wbo has been in Titueville snd was formerly a resident of Petroleum Centre, where be waaooce the proprietor ot a res taureot. Ha was arrested In Buffalo In February last, charged with breaking into Robison's jewelry establishment ol tbat city Ha has rema'oed In j til since his arrest, and on Monday laat waa tried and convicted. The judge sentenced him to brd labor lu the Auburn State Prison lor the period ol three years and six months. It Is understood Taylor was convicted on the evidence of tbe man who manufactured the burglar tools. It seems accordiog to the testimony of this man, wbo resides at Rochester, Taylor came there and bad tbe tools manufactured. When brought into tbe jail at Buffalo where tbe prisouers were all assembled together, be picked out Tuy lor at oooe'as tbe man. On this evidence bo was oonviotsd and aent down. An Ingenious Yankee has bent the soratoblog powsr of bens to tbe aid of agri culture. He places hen with chicken In loug, oarrow cago, just wide enough to fit In la between two tows of potatoes, wherein she scratches to ber heart's coo teut, Tbe cage is moved aloog the space between the rows until tbe ground Das been thoroughly soraiohed, and tbe potatoes hoed, aud all the bugs sateo. We learn a few particulars of a orund row wbloh occurred at Grease City, 00 Saturday laat, between twopartizso gangs known as Ihe Ku Klux and the Modoos. Several of both parties received a severe beating. Moat of those engaged formerly held forth la Ihe np Creek country. Two new grocery stores bave recently been established at Plumer. We would suggest tbat tbe owners ot property on Washington street attend to re linuiug Mjnir e.uewa.as. Tbos. Roach, ageot lor the Roberts Tor- nedo fV niimnt avnlnitA.! mi nf IIima ml - r 1 J slves in tbe Woods iV Irwin well, Pierce farm, yesterday. Indications are good for n Increase of production. Tbe old Coquette well, on tbe Egbert arm, was recently torpedoed. A reporter lor Wisconsin paper writes: "Those who personally know our esteemed fellow-cltliseo Colonel , will regret' to bear tbat ho was brutally assaulted last evening but nol killed. 000 by swear-off on New Year's day but make double that sum the third week lna January when the lumbe coma back to Ibe flock thirstier snd bungier than ever. A New Hampshire tarmei scouts tbe Idea or taking a newspaper at two whole dollars a year and posts a notice 00 the school bouse that '-3 hoggs ber tirade or bio si 00 Ian" ft cDS hiai. We oopy tbe lollowlng items from tbe Venango Spectator: A correspondent Informs us tbat a part Or Piuin lowoshlp was visited by a rain, wind aud bail storm 00 tbe 4th Inst. Tbe giiFf commenced about hall past tbree o'oloo lu tbe atlernooo and caused great del of damage. In Sunville a bouse was moved ten leet Irom its Inundation and tbe entire ln.t blow n away. Three oihi r buildio.s were unroofed and the Presbyterian church slightly damaged. The farms arouod Se ville suffered heavily. Samuel Axtel'e bouse was partially nnroofed and lis Jlitnher heavy oak nearly alt destroyed. Tbe large trees were torn up from tbe ground and piled In one massive heap Twu barns, belonging respectively to Jes. M'Clelland and R R Gruees. bad tbe greater portion of their roofs carried , away. The fences in the track ol tbe storm were blown dowo leaving the crops exposed. Orchards were prostrated and laid as tbotigb tbey bad beeo chopped, Such was the violence of the storm that It swept down tbe heaviest tim ber. Our correspondent does not know how fur Ihe torando extended but he estimates its width at half mile. Tbe hailstones were otjuncommon size and could be seen next day where the wind bad swept them in piles. On tbe 4lh day or June, 1858 fil teen years ago Piuin township was visited by a similar storm, which all tbe old nibab Hants remember. A young msn named I P Cunfleld, com mitted suicide in Sugarcreek township, near the Poor House, 00 Tuesday afternoon, hy shooting himself through tbe bead with a pislul. He lived about an bour after com mlttiog tbe deed, but was unconscious. Tb deceased bad been subject to spells or der angement but it was supposed be was br. oomlngless liable to tbeir attacks. He seemed melancholy at times but gave no lu dications of the terrible deed be was about to, commit. His parenla resided near Mead ville. Mr Caofield waa twenty-four years old. Coroner Cotbett held an Inquest and tbe jury rendered a .verdict in accordance with the facts. Tie bslfonn voyage acroia the Atlantic must be given up unless some geuerous cor poratioos or individual will give something to tbe cause of scien ce Boston propoied giv ing tbree thousand dollars, but the fire Ibe otber day made too heavy a drain on it treasury and there Is now too much difticui ty in raising money to allow of Its beiux spent on mrial flight. Professor Wise is disconsolate, end, Professor Donaldson is re (Uctanlly unpacking b'j cirpet bag. Those wbo ere postponing a trip to Europe until aome way can be devised tu avoid paying stomachic tribute to Neptuue will btve 10 ''wait a little longer." Waterlord, Erie oouuty, woich has lately stirred up, from center to circumference, over tbe series of forgeries commuted by Williams, Is now agitated over another afTiir, which in Its' details, has a p ecTiliar Chicago flavor. Some time' since a girl was married against bar parent's wish; but, tu time, the couple were forgiven, and all went well for a lime. But Ibe green-nyed nioo ster, tbat made Othello mad, found a I01I4' log In the breasta of both, aud tbe result was a divorce. Time healed the breach, however, and one day laat week the pair eloped and were a second time married. Chicago can't best it. "Calfs Head," remarked tbe waller, quite innocent of any equivocal intent but when asked what the call said be very unreason able took umbrage and deolinrd further cou venation. A Miohlgan man, getting badly In debt, concluded to get out ol it by committing suioide, but getting hold of Ibe wrong bot tie, be swallowed a quantity of spavin lini meut, aod still lives. Tbe doctor says If be lives to be aa old as Susau B. Anthony, be will never bave tbe spavin. A Vicksburg paper says tbe policemen of that city have dunned their summer uni lorm, '-consisting of a blouse and a Pans ma bat.' This is a very simple, airy suit, aod unless tbe blouse reaches within two inches of tbe heels, and buttons up in Iroot, ther bis danger of those guard laoa of tbe peace contracting tbe spinal menningltia or something, because tbe wea'.ber ia nut fully se tiled yet. A serious charge bus been brought against a school teacher ia Illinois, tbe specifica tions or wbich are: "1. Immorality I 2. Parsbalityl 3. Keeking dlsordly sobool! 4. Carrying unlafie weepings I" Tbe com mitteeman wbo wrote tbe charge Iblaks ol running tbe school blmsell next quarter, A Brooklyn sea oaptaiu, just returned front a tour I tbe Holy Laod, expressed bimseir disgusted with Jerusa em. "It ia tbe meanest place I ever visited! There is not a drop ol liquor in tbe whole town fil to drink." Tbe Modocs are to be tried by a military commission, and will be punished as the rommlsslaa shall deleriulue. VG1NG. "a fashion ,Jl', vpperten - 0 his ttprr ni'oce 10 the OVapbw. I 'kecail he was treated to aome mttfl't'i -4 vp In tbs) lat'Si style. W make f frenl D part ol bis letter, tbe aowtiU 'to so luob- logi m 'Do, Miss Julia do sing Mtat divine song about the moon dnl" plead-i Aaguiuis.; Then Julia flirted up her panniers behind coquettishly wiggle waggled to the pieao and sang: When titer mar boon it ml hild-ly be.heaso Ing O'er tber ca-balro and al.bl-lent te e-e-a In ra-dyunce so eo-b of Hy strsa-bsam-ing Oh, ther ben, oh, tbsr-en I thefvbink Hcif bee.hee, I thee hiuk I tbee-bink I thee-hebe belieliehe-bink hoftheeeeeeo I ( "Beautiful, Mies Julia, beautirul" and we all clapped our bands. "Do please sing another verse It's per fecily divine, Miss Julia, " Mia) Eugene August us. Tben Julia raised ber golden (dyed)beadi touched the white ivory (With her jeweled fingers and warbled: When thesu-bun is brlgh-hl.blgM ly glow ing O'er tbs sco hene to dear beer to meea ' And swee heet the wee-bibdj Isbio-bo bolog; Ob, tber-heo ob, ther ben I thee hlok Hot I bee-bee, I the hlnk I ihee.blnk, I the-be-hebe eebebehe-inll bobohobobo boboboboho b o-f tbseeeeeeeeeeeeeee till Benutiful! Just too lovely I" Peters' Musical Meolbly for June 00 r t tins tbe lollowlng New Music You oau buy the Monthly lor 30 cents. Tbe music will cost in sheet form tbe psiesf annexsd; I bave no borne. Song aod Chares Bays. Meet me, Bessie, In Ihe Dell. Song and Chorus. Stewart. Tbe Sweetest Bird Is Missing. Song aod Chorus. Dinks. Mr Soul is Dark, Ballad. Walker. Glory be to God on high. 4 voices Preiser. Springica-feld Gallop-, 4 hands Pacbex, 40 30 SO 30 60 33 35 30 35 60 Sallie's Waltz. Sitvei-ttuoubesm Schotliscbe KInkel. Bssbl. May-pole March Auluiun Leaves Meullsr. Kinket. Think ol ill all Ibe above pieces for cents, or tbe same pleats in sheet form 30 lor 43,65. Send (1 for tbe last six month u 11 rubers ot -felers' Musical Monthly," and you will never forget It. Address, J. L. Peters, S99 Broadway, New York. . Two cunvicle In lit California State Prison made an tngenioua attempt to escape recently. They stowed themselves sway In a box of spokes, and sal the box so arrang ed that when Ibey landed 00 the wbart In San Franciseo ibey could opeo one end and crawl out. But, unhappily for Ibem, one of the deck banda on Ibe boat stood on tbe box, so that tbey placed bead down, and one of them was lorced to ory out, to the astonishment of workmen, "this box don't stand right." He waa tbe Ibe spokes man for tbe whole lot or spokes. A cocoanut exploded in Richmond tbe otb er day, one piece striking a youth and slightly injuring bia. The explosion Is as difficult to account rot as ihe milk In tbe cocoanut. Just received at Gaffney's, a large invoice ol Saratoga High Rock Spring Co.'s Water, fresh fross tbe Corgress Springs, Saratoga i Major Goodman olalms lo understand all about tbe medicinal properties of tbe water, aod would be pleased to explsln tbe same to bis friends. Bebiod tbe pines had sunk tbe sun, Darkness lay o'er Oregon; W ben on the banks ol tbe Willlamelle A youth was seen to set and set, And set and sing unto tbe moon A wild, yet sweet, pathetic tune "They're going to build, I feel It yet, A bridge across tbe Wllliamette " A singular epidemio broke out In a Kan sas town last weak. Every wife In tbe town was suddenly enacted by an irrestlbls de sire to present ber husband with a nice Ijt tie dressing-case wltb ebaving ma!erial( complete. An attractive young woman bad opened a barber-ehop in the village. It may act as a warning lo our woman to know that one or tbeir fair sisterhood Is no more, en acoount ef tbe loo liberal use of bair restorative. Save your suds fur the garden, or plants, or lo harden your yards when sandy. Moonlight rambles occupy the attention ef the young people about tiese days. FASHION AH Eli Perkins ku been ( able call on some of flU dnrn and gives a lively eC rOH sjaue. ! A tleilrabM residence 00 Ihe Eeh.rt , ! Good water handv. !! ??.. h'". ' tenoe. Will b sold .heap.' I loft, Tl. . . . ... 10. vnriuersnip Heretofore eiLlr. 1 nnil. 1 h- a- '1 , .. " i'rf I Is this day diss. Ived by 01111...' 'I All persons knowing themselves indi,,.?! tbe old Hrm are ren.ai.JI " 'ol Ibe same al once. L. Pkhkins, J. Rtrrisa, Dated Petroleum Centre', May'jjj It yon Want a Salesman, Want a Servant Girl, Want to Sell a Horse, Want to Sell a Patent, Want to Lend Money, Want to Bny a Houee, Want to Sell a Carriage, Want to Borrow Money, Want to Sell an Oil Well, Want to Buy aa Engine or Boiler, Want to Sell a Honse and Lot, Want to find a Strayed Animal, Want to Purchase an Oil Interest, Want to Sell a Piece of Furniture, Want to 'Buy a Second-band Carrlam Want to SeH Tubing, Casing. Gas Pih. Want to Find aa owner for armti,nE i iund, advertise In tbe Rseoni as ao insl tuao ten inomauu people reaa it weekly BENZINE. Just received a frest supply of Benzine, tbe best ever brought to town, at J. A. TEN EYCK'S. Petroleum Centre, May, 15, 18T3- if DISSOLUTION. Tbe copartnership heretofore existing be. iweea reoermernom a. Ten tyck Is dissolT ed by mutual cooient. S. P. FCBXRUIRHOXN. J. A. TkmEkck. Parties indebted) to the above firm ami call and seltb up and save 1 ouble. J. A. Tin Etc. . . Dated Petroleum Centre, April 8, 1873. FOII SALE. One 15-horse Tift boiler in complete or der, one 8-horse Wood A Mann engine sod boiler In complete order, 275 feet 3 iDcb tubing, extra heavy, BOO feel large sucker rods, 1 Snows Pump. S. A. Tkn Etck. Wbat Next? The-averait Juvenile MssuIm 90 cenu a rear, wiib aT-J-nlendld t-i.00 hrnmo. free. Specimen, 8 cents r luiiae a elnbl Say hrrr jm aaw inta. rfona B m Aiaen, rnouiner, Cbl cago. DISSOLUTION. Tbe copartnership berelolore existing be tween Maraball d Richards is dissolved ly mutual consent. Parllea Indebted to tbe above firm null Call and settle up and save trouble. S II. MiRSIIAI.I.. E. C. Ricuahuh. ' latee Petroleum Centre, June 3. 1873, 2nl Al D ISTRIBUTION 75,730 Premiums RANGING IN VALUE FROM f 10 to tft.OOO TO THKMJ OUR FI.ES'DE FRIEND siverr Subscriber ia euro of one pre tnlnm smy war, and atant has au epuai chance, ot receiving a CkH. Kr mlaau, OH A s-IANO, OKCAN, WA1 CM, HEWING MA II IN:, e.e . etc. FIBSTtRAND DASH rREMUBL $5,000 OUR riBKSlOB FBIt ND.-Klght Pages BareeStia. illustrated, the Kamiiy Weekly. if iS' 'ts THIhd V. I&ITMI aad'haa attained the X.AKG B8T CIIICCLATION of any paper pabllaliod ia , the West. Its snsces enables tiie proprietor! to furnish the beet aarat desirahle and wot wel- ' ortglnrl1 reading matter It greet larUty. that mosey , can bny, aod to make It a home weekly soitea t , ihswaute of every kmlly. feadsciiptle prices i par year of ea nnnihera. Tbe Klearaiit rr"iro lre1lsoiriehea, Urolore. ActmowIeJa-eoyP' lo be the handananet and meat valuable premiiam pletiitein Amarica, Kvery snoscrlher Is preMMt j with this Chroma at the time of sucbsral)lug, (no uiMiti-. 1 1 .1. . 1 nnM,Hurit our ifcate ' entitling the holder So a share lathe dlatn tiuifuo j ot wa.im In cash and otber aremmma . dav la June next. The Cbro.no snd Ciifli aent on receipt of price Beeolmea copies, P""" list, etc., (tvioff. futl partlcul.raaaM free soy eaorew . S nr ai-s-Aither loca. or canvsMloi : f WANTED u, wanted; 10,000 PAEMEBSij To Improve l.tea.000 acres R. B Lends, fms m il morteaK and located n the "loa.e ifnu v. - - era Iowa-he beat cm, wheat sndeaiUe pro belt In the West, M boom fkstaot Irom ff Climate and aoli nnsvpaeeed Meadow and P 7 Und wllhpnrerarrarnK water evenly dlainjniw No fever and agne Average credit price, P" sere, send for s Koide. It costs nothing, snd ? descriptions, prices, terms, maps and h to ra.j thelando. Aodiess JUN B. CALHOUN, M CummiMioner Iowa Kail Hoad Uo 1 Kaplda, Iowa. imicago omce, so a. uanai wv. Strawberry statlslloe rodieale that tM yield will be very large. Tbe farmers, Just bow, have - ' a' most harrow-log details. asuniai jl