Petro'eu n Centre Daily Record. I'rkl'tul'f, fa., ftotnrday, Jon 7 unite aervlre. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH rrvlo- every hubbetli at It A. M. una J6 P. M. fa'itmlii Schonl at Ul P. M. ull free. A Oi.rdlal Invitation extend ed lo ail. Kcv. Q. Moore, Pastor. ' PKF8BYTEP.IAN CHURCH. Preaching Hi II o'clock A. M.. nnrl 7 o'ilo-:k P. M . by tiie Pastor, W. C. Bctttyt ard. StbbaMi Sohool at 12, directly after loreoona service. Prayer Meeting and Sabbath School Teactier's Meeting Tuesday eveniogs ol escb week. Petrolenra Centre Lodfce; No. Tl, I. O. ol O. F. Regular moetinj nigbte Friday, at 7 o'elosk. Signed. W. B. MONTGOMERY, N. O. , C. H., A Sec'y. tyPl"C of meeting, Mala St., opposite McClintock House. . . . A. O. of V. V. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W., meets every Monday evening at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's IJu'.l, Petroleum Centre, Penn'n. A. Glenn, It. W. A. M. Kt.icK.vcB, II. . .. I. O. OfR. M. Minoekauowa Tribe No. 183, I. O. R. M of Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday evening In Good Templar's Hall. . J5T CouDcil lires lighted at 7 o'clock. U. HOWE, Saobem. C. L JUKES, Cblel ol Records. ' Gold at 1 p. m. 118 PirsonaL. We notice the genial phis of our former townsman, Mr. J. D. Bartietl, in rown to-day. Mr. B. now reside at Abbott's Corners, Erie county, N. Y. Tbe eight of tbia gentleman recalls to mind tbe eirly days of Petroleum Centre, and lool dents connected therewith. ; He landed Brat . in this place early la 1862, titer residing in Tilusvllle about a year and a tall, when there was only Iwo buildings on the flats the town ol today now sunds, ana of wblob was the old Wssb MoCllotock home stead, and tbe other was ebsoty standing near where Robson's Billiard Room is at present located, and occupied as a saloon. lie secured a lease of Iwo notes of Uod of Wash MoCllotock, tbe .original owuer o1 m larm, upon wnicn ne ertetea what was known as the Ban lelt 4 Newton Refinery, now occupied by Fairfield, Preston & Co., in me winter ol lew At that lima the only wells completed was the old Egbert well, lbs flril well alr.ick on tbe Egbert farm, which was flawing at a lively rate,acd the Bwsmp Angel well, on the Wash Mo Clinlock farm, In Wild Cat Hollow, which was flowloa: 200 lo 30 barrels dally. After tho refinery was completed, th flrarjuniof oil was mad,! the, lutti day of February, 1863. Tbe only means ol getting tbe oil to tbe relnery was by pumping It by band into largo hogsheads, banting it across the Creek from tba Egbert farm, sometimes by team but ofteoer by bsnd, and then pump iDK It Into lbs stills. AS a matter or course tUis primitive mode of transportation oreae ted tba use ol many new and strange "cuss words" not to be found In Che latest edition of Webster, on the part or tboae early , pio noers of Oil Creek tba teamsters. Ail Mr. Bartietl expected lo receive Irom the .crude product, whiob cost $1,00 per barrel at tbe well and 8 oeuteper barret for hauling, was fifty per cent, the balance going to waste In the Creek or made a bonfire of by tho team ster. Tba rrflned oil was learned to Titus. ville at beavy cost, wbeooe it was ship ped to other points of tbi conn try. i T pries of refined oil at that early ' date as iO bi 21 sent in barrel, and, bapgina sold al $3 per barrel.' Shortly after a well was struck on an Island, In the middle of tbe creek, almost directly back or Warner's leed store, which fliwed upwards ol 20O barrels lr day lor.some time. At lbs present day coiavtstige or tbe Island remains. Mr. B. relates that tbe only wty of communica tion with tbe island was by a narrow fool brluVe from lb main land la lha well, and tbe main obaonel was oo tba Egbert fide aiinouui flat boats and rafts eould pass A either aide. A raft came down during a pond t'renb aod the steersman wbo waa steer-. ing the emit with an old lasbioned oar stem, unfortunately took tba wrong side of tbe channel andstrjklng the bridge oarrlod It ait y the forco with wblob It struck drlviog the baudio uf tba oar completely tbrouiih uis body aad killing him .Instantly. Wo could relate many instances learned from biai but defer it to. another time. There is D3 doubt, however, but that fas Is almost t!ie f.iQnr of ilui oil leflolog Interest. be twuen Tituiville sad what was then known aa tbe otory farm, tbo only refineries b two ih.-ae places, being a aery small one on U-muetiuff Run, tba Bartlw A Newton Mfir.rry acil ocs en the Story farm,. TftaM la probably not another Individual in town at present that im a resident of the place at that eailv data. Mr. Bartlott will al ways be welcome by the more recent rest' dents of th place, and tbe bent wishes ol II will accompany hlra ro his borne or wherever his lot In lire my b cant. The Merer Dispatch says: Our read en doubtless rwtn-uiber an account ol the in or rlege of a couple in tbe canal bridle, nt ClMksville, by 'Squire J.n-s, published nine months since. Tb bappy coup'e bave come to thes'irface again, this time aa '-the happy parent!'' nfspiirnf bcimning twin buys. It le mill a disputed point, - whether this event, ro noon consumeied, will bare a tendency to make the aaoal bridge style of Ciremony popular or dot. ' ii In a runt paper we Hod the following: Maty hd a little lamb With wblob the used to tueele, She soaiobetl tbe wool olean off Us back i Aod stuffed it to ber bustle. I And when be saw be bad been fleeced, He In a pinion (tew, SoMery got upon ber ear 1 ' " And etiiflVd the lamb in too. IMPORTANT DENTAL NOTICE. V. MoAlploe, Dentist, bas removed bis offloe a few rods further up Main Street, Rouievllle, where be Is settled lor better or worse In bis owu sbsnly. Has a sky light over operating chair, and Improved facilities throughout. 21 Tbls toreoodn one ol James Maloney's dray horses gotooe si bis bind legs over tbe thills of tbe uray by some means, and be7 coming frightened fiarted to run away. At the Bret jump tbe boy who was drlviog, named Jack Herron, was pulled ofTandfallj ing to the ground lo front of tbe wheels wa" run over, tbe wheels passion over him near tbe lower part of the abdomen, Injuring him quite severely; He was picked up aod re moved los borne In Wild Cat Hollow, No particular damage was done the horse or dray. - ! Mr. S. A. Woods arrived in town tbis morning. , He Informs us that bis new well neur Greece City Is flowing fully, 250 bar rels daily. A nice thing to have in tbe family "don't it," Sam boy. He hss aboth er well on the same tract down nearly 900 leet, and a big well la anticipated. Two Modoc squaws engaged in a pilcbed battle near tbe lava beds ol BenneboH' Rnn. iaat night. A large qtitntity or waterfalls, torn bustles, sbreds of garments, an old shoe and a few other articles are all that mark the spot, while two squaws go about Jwith scarred fasss and black eyes. Tbe Trinity College sixore orew are In active training for tbe Springfield regatta, under tbe training of Mr Hays, of New York. A Kansas Sheriff offers $10 reward tor tbe apprehension of a murderer, and $50 for the arrest of a bone thief. 1 ci Detroit Cblel of Police gives notioe that oo more lottery tickets, gift dlstribu lions, enterprises of cbance will be allowed in that city. x . A three foot vein of black coul bas .been found at a depth ol twenty-sis feet, on tbe fatm of Chester Barrow, near Ashboro.Clay county, Indiana. The ooutb Bend, lad , Tribune entered upon Its career as a daily on Monday. Tbe army worm bas made Its appearance I",0l8' much to "" alf'l,,, of lh Utm TAKE NOTICE. All parties are hereby warned not to ex. pioae any nreoraokers or Ureworks or any description whatever oo tbe streets of Pel releum Centre, only oo tbo Fourth Day of July. Those who do so will be prosecuted to tbe full extent or the law. . , : I. L. BURGESS, Constable. tough California miner named Smith rail into a flume, lo which 1,400 loobea ol water was ruoniog and was washed dawn stream through tunnel for a distance of 1, uuv ieei, ee loan went oown a "jump off" a perpendicular distance of fifteen feet and was then washed several hundred feet far ther to tbe end of the flume; be theo fell the perpend 'oulat distance or thirty-six leet on lo the boulders. Strange to say bevwas not hurt. The Northumberland boom was examined by lumbermen on Saturday last, aod its utii ty prsoti cally tested. Tbe boom now oon- talos from 10,000,100 to 12,000,000 feet of logs. .... Tbo heaviest brslo on record was recent ly found lo the skull of a London brickie;. er Who could neither read nor write. It weighed sixty seveo ouooes. As exoelleot quality oClitbonraobie stooe la said to nave been found in a. auarrv in Van Buisq county, Wisconsin. Franklin's watch bss been found in Phil aiulpbla. Washington's was lately diaoov ered in a Weetm oity. Whete is Patrick Henry's? Give us the name of the man who foil ml Napoleon the G'eal'e waich in Louisville, JeflVrsoii a Match? A BufTaln cirl, pretiy and eighteen, has sold over five hundred exwing machines In the Inst two years. She travels with a homo and wagon, smiling when she leaves a iD iCliloe and shedding tears if anybody a -terwards refuses to keep it. Tbls dues the business. The Fort Wayne Gazette published Iaat week ai inventory of the property of a city editor and competitor, showing that be was entirely exempt from execution. But was not that an unnecessary exposure of your neighbor s private business. Mr. Gazette? Language Standard, It is rumored that Victorian Sardou. ashamed of bis silly play "Uocle Sam,'' Is gniog to write an American play which shall do justice to America. It la a ques tion which Is moat silly, tbe play or the bope that a foreigner will ever be able lo tiuderstand America. A Florida alderman sold bis vole for an otoide chain and a circus ticket, end his frieads.are naturally ashamed and tndlg nant. They know that be might bave ob talned a jack knife In addition by simply asking lor it. "Well known" oitl7eos are honored with highly eulogistio notices In the newspapers when they die lo Boston "excellent" cili zeos in Philadelphia, "old defenders." in Baltimore, and "pioneers'' or "Fortynin era" lo San Franciico. "Do you think I am a fool?" a violent man once asked of the Rev. Or. Betbune. "Realty," replied tbe Doctor, "I would not venture the assert loo, but now tbal you atk my opinioo, I must say that I am not pre pared to dray it " "Men are wbal Women make Them," Is tbe singular title of a new biok. It may be true, but we bave seen soma dreadlully poor speoimeos ol '.he manufactured article, wblcb faot reflects bsdly sitber upoo tbe material or the maker. The masterpiece of Austrian diamond lein tiag at tbe Vleona exhibit loo is a collar of twenty Urge' stones each sat ho soltaire It is valued nt about half a million florins ($260,000. From Maioi 17th to Juue 2d.tbere were 43 railway accidents 39 lo tbe Uoited State, 4 in Canada aod 1 in Nova Scotia- by which tilrtvthree persons lost their lives and 178 were more or leas seriously Injur ed. Accoidmgto the local papers, tbe citer pillers In lennesseo bave commenced their annual amusement of blocking up the rail roads. A party of eight married men and woman weuton tbe lake, fixblng,! Mono- Kota, Minn,, the other day, and when Ibey oame back there were nine of tbem. The additiou weiitbed.eigbt pounds. The first grave decorated on Friday last at Calvary Cemetery, " n-ar Chioago, we that of an unknown rebel efiloer. Not one member of the prooenslon passed it without laying oo tbe mound a floral tribute. . A ease or hydrophobia iu Baltimore bas just terminated fatally, aod another man, umeii oy toe same dog and at tbe same lime, bas symptoms ol the awful disease. uerealter lbs legislature ol Iowa will bave oo penknives or other perquisites. Five dollars a day must satisfy them. The Rhode Ialaod Railroad Commlasiooer recommends that all the passenger oars be compelled to carry fire extiogulsbers, exes aod buckets. 1S largest fi ece ol wool reported tbis Seesoo Is one ol twenty pounds, dipped in Mioojgan from a threeyear sheep ol tbe Hammond breed. Tbe black flint louod near Fort Brldger, Wyoming Territory, is identical, according to Dr. Leldy, with that or tbe English chalk. 1 he government bas twelve members of tbe 8lgoal Corps at five stations on the ;ioe or the railroad up Mount Washington. Tbo high ebaraoter ol the gentlemen bav. ing Ibe Publio Library Gift Enterprise in oharge, and Ibe scrupulous fidelity with wbich tbe previous drswlogs have been con duoted, reatreve tbe Publio Library Tom Ibe stigma which usually attaobes to advertise ments or n speculative obaraoter. There'le every reason to believe tbat all their en gagementa, as heretofore, will bo esrried out to tbe letter. Tho total valuation of Nebraska for pur poses of taxation is about $77,000,000. Tbo eesessmsot valuation in tbat Stat . are boat ont-htir th actual value. PAUKEi: OIL FIELD VtCt.MTT OF BUTLXIt. The Tborn creek well, some seven miles Southwest of Butler, bss been drilled a depth uf over 1,700 leel, torpedoed, tubed, puwpeJ, uiid abaouuued as a dry bole. VICINITY OF ORXECa CtTT. On Sunday list a well owned by George Given, Henry Burns aod other, on ground owned by George Given, formerly pert ol the Jamison farm, commenced to flow, and we are informed is uow goiug at the rate of 3U0 barrels per da?. The well ownud by W. S. Ziegler, Jacob Zieuler and others, located on the Peter Wiiiioilre irm. on the Butler road, onr-aod i - nlf miles Southwest of Greece City, bss beeo drilled 1.551 feel end not a shadow of oil found. Drllluiit bas beeo suspended for tbe prerent, and the well Is regarded as dry. The Sbideraantle well on tbe same farm, baa been drilled some eight or nine hundred feet, and work eu'punded lor Ibe present, oo account of ko much salt water being ob laioeil in tbe secoud sand that it .fills tbe hole to the top and renders it impossible to proieouto the work with speed. Wcrk progresses at lbs Dunn well, fur ther West oo the same farm, nod owners snd others are hopeful ibat II will prove a success. It bss been drilled a death of over 1,400 feet, and lew day will determine its late. . Work at the well on tbe M.rtlo. fatmt three miles Southwest of Greece City, aod five miles Northeast ot Butter, has been sus pended for some time. Tbe hole bas been drilled between 1,400. and 1,600 fuel deep, aod thus far oil has not been obtained in pay log quantities. Tbis well, before beiog fully abandoned may be drilled deeper. well owned by Backus, Morrison and others, on tbe George Campbell fatm, rsNortbeastof Greece City, near lbs Bueoa Vista road, baa beeo pumping for some ten days, averaging a dally yield of 200 bar rels. Dr. Sboup bas a well about down on tba Jobo Say Farm, adjoining ibe Stone House properly. Capt. Grace's No. 8 well, oo the Riddla farm, st Knit City, is in Ibe third sand. S. D Kama has a well on the Ford farm, one mile east of Beuoa Vista, which Is ex pected '0 strike tbe sand every hour. Fourteen new wells are drilling on the Riddle farm. S. D. Karot large wells on Ibe Riddle farm is still good for 200 barrels per day. Tie Troutman well Is now going 600 bar rels per day. Oilman's Journal. FlejMiiWt Oiilt-itstt Upon a LU lle Girl. We learn that a fiendish outrage was committed a ahorttiine s.oce upon the per son of a little girl, between ten and eleven years old, residing with Mr. Orr, wbo lives about four miles from this place, by a young man namtd Wakb. Albert. Tbe par ticulars, so far as we can lesrn them, are as rnllows: The little girl bad been sent to Keefei's Factory store, on an errand. In a lonely patb tbrongb the woods, sbe was met by this monster in human form, wbo seized tbe poor cbl d and violated ber poison In the most brutal manner. Tbe child was lo much injured by tbe ssssult, tbal abs oould oot accomplish her errand, and she return ed home. Here the child's condition was so manifest, tbat upon being questioned sbe related Ibe full particulars or tba outrage, The oame or tbo little girl Is Davis. Her mother is dead, and Mr. Orr bad taken her to raise. Albert was arrested and Isken before Jifq. SbannoB, wbo admitted him to ball for bis appearaoce al court, Tbe bail was giyeo. It is a pity tbat .such offences are ballab e, or ibat no punishment ade quate is provided by tbe law Lynch law even is a mild punishment for snob Benilish outragee, and anould he promptly visited upon tbe human biota wbo oommlts tbem. fEmlentoo Messenger. In numbers, the sexes nro very nearly equal in the United States: males 19,439,666 fmales'19,0ti4,806i but tbo distribution la not even. The surrounding bill at prsssnt look beautiful In tbeir suit of green, Dodge tc, Hauooek well, oo lb Galloway farm, near Franklin, I doing aboat Oily barrels daily. A barrister lo aveuga blmaall on an op ponent wrote "rascal'' in bis bat. The ow ner ol tbe bat look it up, ' looked carefully loto it, aod turning to tbe Judge, exclaim ed, "I claim tbe protection of tbi honor able court; lor tbe opposing counsel bas written bis name In my bat, and I bav strung suspicion tbat be Intend to mak off with it." Tbe boy tbat recommended a lew drop of panegyric oo sugar lor lb child of dis quietude, bas bis match in another wbo, after sucoessfuly spelling "chicanery, " de fined ii to b a Urge coop '.to taite chlekv tap. Some questions very naturally"! '""" inquiring mind. Aa .i ' " "uJf ll Ibis f.t. earth, tbe around Is sd.,i tw... ' th.. i. . """ lit. .. ,u(nu 0T,t w,h .. oo ore croDe can ha r.t.-.t - " . -" . I. o... " hnuh a I. . . I... ...... , . . N(SJ -e- u pura aoo aula binadr. l. uoea in anrl I II'. K,u QCSBl U...U, B man uouersiui lar !...- .. In COmtnenl in., nn . p.,. . : . . T.ll ..m. .., "," "ine iiuore olfiew York v .t : Missouri Republican save it k.. ' much better deecrlplion.wikte many ,r,J g", " air vauie, or iiarv. aad la.ii call "luierno." t, ...... " I Fine old farms on ;tbe eastern shar.. J Maryland are selling dirt cheat. !,- J hieh in ISfifi nl.l .... 1 ., ... ...... . f'SJ ' H'ovau I aiiin ..j mvw, win qui unrig nail mat sura now. Lwcnl Noumea. A desirable residence nn n.. . Good water bandy. Every modern col) avsivv. ( in wspBUiu t: Ufn IT. t nniii.a,.i n t , n OWENG.FNET Petroleum Centre, May 7, 1875, ,t IlJiiSOLUTIO. nnder Ibe firm name of J. M lienrv A ( I ia Ikia ri.a iliui, h. n .1 ..' v l i ne conarmeranin hxr.iir... i r,. - "J "",,u"' vuiiieQi, an perauiia Koowing inemseives imlebird ill tbe old ttrm are reuuealed lo call and .,,M u9 same ai once. L Perkins. J. HlTTKIl. J. M. Ukmt Dated Petroleum Centre, May 21, lo?2. If you Want a Salesman Want a Servant Girl, Want to Hell Home, Want to Sell a Patent, Waot lo Lend Money, Want to Buy a Hourey Want to Sell a Carriage, Want to Borrow Money, Want to Sell an Oil Well, Waot to Buy an Engioe or Boiler, Want to Sell a House aod Lot, Want to Hod a Strayed Animal, Want to Purchase so Oil Interest, Want to Sell a Piece of Furniture, Want to Buy a Second-band Carriage Want to Sell Tubing, Casing, GssPipe, " 1 - (US auyiuiDM fonnd,advrtis In th Rkcord, as oo ls3 Want to irinrl an .,..,. ' Nuiiau ptropie reau u weeilj BENZINE Jnst received a fresh supply! of Benzine, the best evcri brought to town, at J. A. TEN EYCK'S. Petroleum Centre, May, 15, 1873' If DISSOLUTION. The enrtnrtnemhlfi hnmtnfitra.vUlIn ho. I ' f - tween rchermerhoio i Ten Eyck ia dnwlnJ t ujr uiuiuai conseni. S. P. SclIKrtMKRUORK. J. A. TltJI tYCK. Parties Indebted to the above firm nu call and settle up and s .ve iron hie. J. A. Tkn Ecvi. Dated Petroleum Centre. April 8. 1873. Kill! A 1.1.1. I One 15-horse Tift boiler in complete orI aer, one H-horse rood it Mann erglnesii bniler In rtrnnnlai. iJ.p 97 fttul 3 tne tubing, extra beavy, 600 leet large luckerf 9nAm C n II bbvwi rump, J. A. TxxErcs 2nd fL . D ISTRIBUTIOTv 75,730 Premium? RANGING IN VALUE FROM r ski fl in stK.nilO ri G-T VTHTST TO TIT U ft IT OUR Fl ES'DE FfiltNC Kvery Bnbeertber iaeure of oe pre tniniD any war. and at " " puai chaue.i ot rei eivlug a S-nmlum, OH A HAIVO, OH6 SVSTru. kPivivc nttuiii.'. ir . elO. riESTLRAND HASH HEEM1DK. 85.000 flTTR sV' t L-sa sr sn win Kfarht Kama U1-. lit . . a .L.. .......! VL' evil . If !u Till i) vi iLUMst and hu attamod the l111 v JIUCDLATIUN of sT pair P"'' . i the Went. Its success enflblesuie pmprletors J lnrnl.h th. v.. . . ana .1 Opt tttfi'S onglnrl readlni mattes ii great isrMy.tbat rounj can buy. and to make-Ha home weeuly a""1, ihs wants of every faiuil J. badscriptio prlca f' year of 69 numbers. The Elrsrant rhvmo 'nTTTIT! I Rise 1 z SO bichtw, 1 rolors. Ackno .. Wis J ! I to he tbttbandsorueet and most valiume v1"""" pieimeln America. Every svibscilber 1 C . wtihthisOhromoat the tlma of enebi-nnti'S; walrfng ) and ala- reoelvos a namdmd ceril'C" entltlfne the holder to a share lathe distrj bamj 01 ta out) la man and other premiuniB mm uw ie man ana otner premiuaia . -.f The dlatribuMon takes plaea on the aort JJT kv In June nest.. Th. ni.t-nnm and CeniBt ds sent oe receipt of price Speolmen copt'S, P'1"! lias, etc., ilvinp: full particul reaent fieaan.vaaj' pr al fn Hither loca or canvasioi " A6E NTS UlAMTCn wrv loan. Laree r snd th best eui8 baL" onoa for terms. IT til I L.U Jddress , OClt FIltKSIDB PKIEND, CMMge . hk . T-nn Vtril wnai nan inrjH "..;-, hr0PJJ j sn cents a year, wun a -uictiu.. - h, tree, gpeciman, S cents r& glob I Wy yeosawtbls. Joha B I AWen. PobUahsr, "