The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, June 04, 1873, Image 2

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(SooMMOn 10 McFvtaad, Smith Co.,
Merchant Tailors!
AND DEAL! Kb 151
Gents' Furnishing tioods,
Im pat la one of the oaest assortments f
er ?-"Tvt 1
tr V..V---
i suitings
Hvw offend lathe 6ft '
.:,' .. 11
All tha Latest sal HobMsat Style.
Gente? Wrnleting -Goods, &c.
atrofeurt Cerrtrt Oaily'jfcafd."1
!l I I
Mb Centre, Pea WelarMil, JttMedeV
r (. UiyUf Heavlwo. , -
MKTIiODlSi rfBPISQQPAL'.; cfcrfttfB
rferviS every Sthuafb at 11 A. M. ana
i4 P.j M.T Sabbath School at 11 P. M.
wata tree. . A - Cordial tevllattoo. extend.
J 10 ail .W-.VK ' '
Q. K00M, Paitob V
at H o'clock A. Mr. tad 1
o'clock P, ej.,"py tba Ptor, W .C. Bokoh
akd. Sabboto r.Sebool at d.lreotly
aftrr Ioraooartarl4e) ' '
Hraver Mextiac aM 1 fiabbttb" Rebbol
Teaobttr'a MaelUif, luMda) I rtrvkl oft ' af
eaeb week. aiJftU JIJiY 1
T t
iv .';..'
' : li it 1 .pt
. aAfui 11 J-
Petrolaaia Ceatr IiOdfe, - f O.
ria, 1..0. . p;,,".,.
Rattnfav nKtotlBe1 nMU 'Friday, 'at 1
lock.-' Slimed.,- , :. , u
C. H. lUuf,. A8eo'T.-k- -''''
v W?1? J1 n:
Mollintock Houea.
mpcli Tiy jRrnda) even Inn at 7 o'eloek,
la Odd Fellow's Hall,. Petroleum Centre,
Peno'a. rj I
aWn. Mjw.
A. M. KLacLtaaVXl T-
of Patrokumginlwi, aUf aairygwnraday
TFDinnia uooa Tempiara tlail. . .
Or CounaiijWj lltfOd iH otiMk.
H. HOWE. Saebem.
C. L JUKES;. Cblel ol Rreorda.
Gold at
1 p. m. lit
f '
t'.ry.k a(4ll!
"Go lo Bullai'; kai. baao tbt jretaUDt
cry for a lonrUaitaaii towaaroof'tuaf.
dpm moved to. tbat place tome time eiooe.
Writing 10 a (riaawA aotlaa ba lrt
week' exparlenoe ar tba aocallad centia of
olldom: , j .!T.T M J'IT.n
HalD5nianbcl tinaolwiU
log I wiftyojtwi.'aaka. MaJrade)Ja
improving but excaedlagly alow. At I gat
better acquainted with tba rackwbeata I
beglo to learo bow to take tbeaa. A aaae
in point.. Tba aeaond 4a oafoadJMria a
Urge man came la and.jatyiljfei loaa I
waut tba beat coal yo 1 bare la. Ibe bonaa."
I tried oo bk aa doal 1 aft . (a
"Bot, wlwailaiaf aeatiwowlol ou oal
thlir I remarked "My friend you. bava
got on a verf (too-diagonal, eaakH7f4ag
' nl, wby motbar told ma to gat a flannel
coat." I tbai$ abbwed. blm IbeJ ebeapeet
coat I bad lajk atore, worth about tiJjW).
"Will tbat waw Oni.JPafT '-Taal wlll
wear Ilka aoekiflo,' '.' "Bom, What do you
eik (or tbal aaait" "I will aell yoa-rtat
coat for 4,M.", a glad It off la a
dad, remarking "Met bar told me not to gal
a ooat woitb mora tbao tS,0Q, pay ana 4oU
lar down and iba weald pa tba other next
Saturday wbo iba (old her tggat mother
baa got 16 or 10 del an aggi; iba waota 1
cenn an4I,0a WtAai 1041 fch
price aod do you. tblok the only py 12
oooii." Ha ef),atiaao)ora)Dd(witB
mournful feeling replaced the coat oa tba
ahelf. mio .V 'nla'.'y.J.
Next day a maa lawia Mr aadi wtid' ta-
f a obeap aoat, 'l Uftfi
could nil bin OA b bjaa aaat
bich apparently let bla Dearie wild Wltb
delight ti ba probab'y hayr , aw ' oob
f ifote. H viewed vlaieir !a U
)M el leeat a dotn tiinei, aod tbM laid
'I vuppoie you wonld atk M much
$3 tor that era coat" Tbe coat eotl ma
$12,60, to 7011 an what a graat data of
my customers e. I am going le gaiji atock
of Jew goods aod act tha Jaw afler ibi.
Tbey ara drilling a wall on mils from
here, another ona two mllei and stMl anotb
r ooa ihrea mllei away, m oi, aaa tbli
territory will ba Intad tbi Mimaer ard
God kaowa I kop Ibey will gal good well.
Go lo Bailor, boy!
PoTM Jct On Monday, June. 2d,
1873. at tho rei'lno of Mr. Frank Cbep
mae. by Rev , Mr. WilHaos -Porter,
W Felroleoot CfOtra, to Mlaa Nettie Jack,
sjttlluivllka, 1 ...
',: Tie happy couple bavo Iba baal wlsbei
J ol mood for lone aod hippy voyage on
Iba aaa of matrimony.
' A remark of Kev. Henry Ward Beecher
wbo aald t aa for Ourselves-, we tried tbe
-hotf WJnr Chlldreo. bfll iro ntfw Irving 'the
LwigaNplDma U ' our grade-children." ba,
t- - -
celled out tba omlclsm of a religious paper
wbieb condemoi Iba moral nation, theory
in bringing up obildroa aod remarki; "Iba
wllob la God' metbed-iwe do not mean el
made known by Iba wlee men merely but
a revealed In Hi dally dealing; wilb bli
ohildrta: , 'Wbom bo !iv eh ba obaitonetb,
and toourgetb every aoo wbom be reeeiveth
Can we Improve on lit",' .
- That' mcana wo iuppoae,tbat Ibe cbaiteo.
logs If tbe Lord ate corporal beatings end
elaroouiglog) ara tba cat-o-oiaetaila wall
laid on. J Tbal editor would Bog bla child
reojall around regularly at morning prayer(
la a dully diiolplloa, aod tblok bo wa,
4a4g Gwd'a mrvioa, Aocordlng to bit con.
Itructloa ol tha Bible bi girla would not
get 'aa many 'liekiogan aa.bia toya, lor
walla be would lo loving all twitcb
(obatlea) all, be would only administer tba
aoowrga (tba eat onloe.talli) to "every
Dr. Browo, lamnnoed Id teo yeara in Slog
Slog, for aieaa llreg Muiry, tba New Tork
gaa ooliactor, died In priton on Fiiday. '
JobnBpaog, ol Dayton, waa killed at
Hamiltoo, 00 Saturday mornlog while un
aoupllng car.' Ill baad? waa Hvered from
bit bod.. . '
f Three Roetiao Memnooiw Comeiinloert
ara an ihalr way to Hanitoba to determine
If tbal country if fitted for co-rallgionlata to
eolonUe lo.
Tbla avaolng, Dr. Kogere, an eminent
drvlne, will lecture at tbe Catholio Cbnrcb.
Sithjaat Tba Jeraita. Ticket, 60 cent
Fatber Duna inform u tbat Dr. Roger In
a Irat elat lecturer, aod cannot fall ol
tertaioiog and1 inatrncttog tboae wbo at
land. We bopa to tea a large attendance.
A new well I being
put down on tbe
Claremoot farm: "
An elapbaot outalde tba canvaaa li tbe
thing potelbl to have on laod.
oan ooo da wilb an elephant? Hal
oot a playthiog, and ba cannot ba madei
available on a farm, aod ba mud ba kept
ecurely or ba will break tbloga. To a ibow
aaampbaot UJodlipeoiable. but no where
alee. Tba moit Iroublewma elephant we
know of aat eoaoaoled wltb a menagerie u
George Fraaola Train. He ii lane eoongh
Ip be put lo Iba Tomb of New York on an
aotiea for anbliablng obeeene papen, but
ba ! crazy enough oo Iba trial to ba- ac
quitted on tbe ground of bla - loianliy and
certified to tbe Luoatlo Aaylum. There b.
la aaaa enough to ba dlacbarged an a writ o
babaaieorpuaandyoaw ha la loote and Ii
breeklag thlngi Hla laat perlormaree I a
anil againat tba city of New Tork for fa lie
lajprlaanmeel ' In iba Tomb ba la inch ao
elepheat'that tegatrld of him beipronoua
aat-taaaoe, aadln tba Aiylam ba touch an..
atewaent that to get rid of him ba wa pro
aounoeo bduqv id nia neaa .
Thar wti y in tba bourn ot Pogb yea'
terday afietaoeo. It It a girl aod "weigba
jual eight pound. " . A glait of leowoada
will juit Hi ui tbli warm day, William , and
wall, bare' our 37" on tbi autpicioui
A heavy ram norm, tbi afternoon, cool'
ed tba alrdown to a delightful tempera
Hi, Palri, Superintendent of Iba Maple
Shade Oil Company, ttarted up twa old
wall oa Use Egbert tarea, yeeterday. Tbey
art aaaklag a goad abyar,
Wllllami Llovd Garrbwn laid recently
tkat ie had tat type eoougb to farm a type
graphical railway from Boiton' . to Liver.
;aol. y-
Mr. Imllea' exoelleat book, "Self-Help, "
hat been traoalated Into Japaneia, and
adopted a a government text-book.
A Ore la ibe woodi la the nortborn part
of Cumberland county, Maine, oo Saturday.
and Huoday, destroyed about ona tboaaand
acre of lb.Vnber liaJ.
a sood atory I told oo a couple, ol tele-
r.nh'nnmiara af Maeaacbueette. one r,t
wblcb la oow la jail lo anewer lor hi little
I adiieretloo. Jack Harley, wbo ii lo jal
wai receiving a menage at Farmiogton (rem
Woiceimr. Jack aeked'Worceatet to rpat
aeiealllmea. Worceetit bad a bad alero
aop tbuVmaruing, and waa easily irritated.
Tba lieqiienl cilu ro repeat by Jck tndor
ed bim to lubmit lha. remtfk that be
tbougbl Ferminguo waa ad, -d fool,
and a blaokamllh, al Iba im time biniirg
what a plaaaure It would be lor bin Worr
aeetor to pul a baad oa Fermiogioa. Tba
oexl loaiaat Iba wire from Jack fpoke,"I'm
comiog." and uaabla to reilraln blmitf uo.
til a paaaeogor train eama along, Iba impel
tioua fellow look a Ireighl Iraio, leaving bie
wire and office lo take Care of I leu If. Arri
ving at Woreeiter Jack daihed lalo tbe of
See exclaiming "I'm berl," aod proceeded
lo buaioeet. Woroeeter got a Tear ol rub
biog, and immediately bad Jack arrested
tor aaaaUlt and battety. But oow (roni . all
"parti ot tbe State aod New England, th of
fleet are Inquiring oi Worcester, "liow'e
your bead ?"
' Ao tllinbil editor ipeakea of an "eigbty
yearold octogenarian io bit town who bl
aaen tbe toowt ol three icore yean aod lan.'r
What waetbe matter wilb bii eyet tbe other
leo yeara! .Or didn't It mow lor leo wln
teri? Tbil ii lometblng tbe public are in
Ureited in. , . - - .
Tbe publio debt dccreaied $3,525,282 du
ring tbe part tooolb. .
Governor Dix on Saturday eigoed tbe Civ
II Damaget liquor lolling bill.
Arthur B Gravet wai oa Muod ay elected
Preaident of tbe Cotton Exchange of New
Hoo Jotepb Howe, Governor of Neva
Scotia, died at tbe Government Route, on
Subday, aged tlxty-eicbt.
A fire io Qulocj.lll. on Saturday dettroy
ed Ibe itahlea of tbe Billiard Houte, con
taining all boriet.
A lira In Baltimore uo Suuday morning
dealroyed Ibe chemical worki or Fmnk Sliu
gluff. Loti $69,000; lotumoce $40,009.
Tba Supreme Court ot Minnetota bai
made a very important deoivion ai affrcllog
tbe rlgbta of railway cotdpiniei io levyin
toll! lor freight or pataagp. The Court held
tbat railway eompaoiei ara mere agent! ol
Ibe State fur tba performance of certain
outiea toward! the cilizeua of that State,
aod tbat tbe railway companies ara luhjcct
to the coQtrof of tbe State la tbe protec
tion of it. ' butineaa, uoleal there la tome
pedal eont met between the parties by
which Iba Stat reieaiei web ngbt. The
Court bald ' tbe ' State .bat. tbe eovereiiio
right over Ibe company to lie aod declarca
tbat tbe Leglilatnre oan regulate moh tollt'
to tbe futleel aiteoi. , ...
. i 8
Forkst. CouNTX lTe8 Small pox hat
appealed In Forest county. .
Tbe potato bilge are troubliog iba potato
crop ot Forett county. , ' ,
Rattle tonket and copper bead ara killed
every day In tha week.
Several ;liceoiea were granted in tbli
county during Ibe preteot court. "-
Mr. Hacketl; wbo Ii at work oo bit
Gaiaoca ml lit, lay! they will be ready lor
operation by tba 41b of July.
Tbe Borough -Council of Tloaeata ara
after tbote wbo do not build their ildewalkt,
wltb ibarp itlcka.
Cbarlea Uurpby bad ona of bit leg! brok
on juit above the ankle joint, laat Tuesday,
wniie wrettllng wltb Goorgo Dean al Tlon
"And what ao rare aaa day In June!
Then if aver ara perfect days;
Tbea heaven trial earlb if It be la tune,
And ever it aollly ber warm ear lays."
The atory mat General Deris baa need
tba surrendered Modoci In bunting tbosa
still In armi turni out to be true. They
waro employed it scouts aod did good aer
vlosiln piloting tba troops right to tbe hid--
log place of Captain Jtvk and nil gang, ah
but lour of whom are oow lo tbe banela of
tbe military. Tbe question now Is, what
will be-dooe witb tbe prieoneri! ":
Brick Pomeroy teikj of returning to La
Crone, Wisoootln. .
Captain Jack to tba -lateit model for a
ataiutaof retlgaalioo. '
Ex-Senator Jubn P. Hale will tpend Iba
summer at West Point.
inerraaideot will oaoupy bii cottage at
Long Branch tbla week.
Russell Brrett deales tba
meat tbal be wanta offlte.
aoft impeach
Colonel Tom Scott it charged with bav
log ambitiaui daiigo on tbe Mexican Em
plr. " '
t Kooert coiljer ha a good opinion ol
good newtpaperi, and do not besitata to
1 tay io Jo He pulp'?,
Letter From Kane Cltf.
KiKB Cir, May SO, 187.1.
Epitor RiooRDi Tba school children of
tbli plaoe bava been on tha qulveva for
soma day i, owing to aa announcement tbat
the eohool would clove,' witb a pie nle Tba
4ij helnc pleavanl it passed off greatly to
the credit of parents and teaoberi.
?oonuoti pralie cannot be bellowed
upon tbe citizens lor Hit liberality display
ed in procuring tbe neccsiary luxoriet lor
the occasion
Tbe Columbia Cornet Band furnished lb
music which wae a rare treat for the chil
dren. We think a festival of tbia kind a
most proper aod desirable thing. Tbe im
pn aiion tbe ceremonies make bpon Ibeir
mlndl will be Utling.
The little ones participated In the a'xer
Clses nf will alvvaya look bick wltb
pleursr 'the close of their ictooliatKaoe
City in 1873.
Our teschcrt, Mies Mspgle Campbe I
and : Carrie Palmer, ' leave for Oil
City on Monday, June 2, to attend school
at that place.' Tbey carry with tbem Ibe
best wishes ot tbeir many friends io tbit
Our church difficulties are about to be
let tied. Rev. Getty, Universal preacher it
lo deliver another d icourae on tbe peculiar
do trine of bi ect on next Sabbath. Tha
Rev. geotlemao la quite a favorite and Ii
nlwayi greeted with a full bouto.
We notice tbe imiliog face of our old
friend, Mr. Jamei Purkior, on Ibe streets
once more, ba having been absent lor some
Messrs. Richards, Gi fluid Ic, Co., are
drilling ajwi-ll on tbe Bautn Farm, Cherry
tree Run. We wish tbem tureees.
Mr. George Geyar bus secured a letse on
tbe Galloway farm, aod it moving a rig
from the Niagara farm lo commence opera
tion Imtmdiately.
. DorutiNtTS.
We condense the loiliwlng report of the
April production of the Pennsylvania oil
fields Irom tbe Pennsylvania Petroleum Re
porter. Tbe production for tbe month of April
waa 641.526 barrels, a reduction Iro in tbe
March production of 23.782 barrel.
Tbe Production for the Sixteenth distrlc y
was much larger than tbat ot any one dii
trict, witb tba exception of the three lower
Tbe number of producing welli were
Tbe total amouot of oil held In the die
tricte and division! al tbe od of tbe month
waa, 1 178,643 barrels.
Tna amount of oil shipped from tbe region
was 708,191 banela, an increase over Ibe
shipments lor Match ot 39,817 barrels.
T'ic decrease iu the daily production over
tbe wbolit distiict whs 77 bat re Is, .
Fred D uuUfa baa been biitted lo white
marble. Thlt certainly conoot be a merito-
rieu a work of art.
Sweet Staler Susao it what tbe Cblctgo
Timet oallt Mits Anthony. Tbia it tbe unj
kindest cut of all, for Susan has aiwaya
boroe a good character. She ought to aue
Iba Timet for libel.
Robert Atwuod of Louiiville. was sen
tenced ooSaturdav io tweniT start Imnria-
ooment In Ibe penileoliary for larger and
O'Kelly is oo bil way, to Spain.
Bio Butlet will defend Co, tbe forger.
Colonel Jobn Hay lion a vnit to Clave
Fend le too ii in New Tork looking after
Tbe copartnership heretofore exlsliof bav
tween Manball Richard! ii dunotved by
mutual consent
Partiei indebted to tba above firm moat
call and settle up aod lava trouble.
E. G. RtcBAnos. '
Dated Petraleum Ceo ire, June 3, 1873.
at the
Catholic Church
This' Wednesday Eve'g
At 1 o'clock.
Subjijct the Jesuits. Tickets
50 ce3tfs.
Local Notice.
'B BAluB. -
A deiinbla reildenot oa tba RUh ..
Good water baad. Every
Ivnce. Will ba aoid' 5555"'
io(s. ,r
Kilt SALIi CHFil.
Three well all eased for ssla h,. .
Two engines, two boiler, tublog, ni,.hir
ery and all ippllanoea. Apply at H(lWl"
4 COOK'ri, Petroleum CentreVpa. 1
1 i
The copartarnbip heretofore exittla.
aoder the ttw name of J. 31 Henry A C
Ii ibis day diaHolVed by auinat wTnatat
All persnos knowinn themselvec indebled"il
tbe old Hrrn are requeued la call and
tbe tame at ouce.
L. pKHUKt,
- Rrrraa.
J. at. IJenut
Dated Petroleum Centre. May J, ,;,
iWfMpr, at Marshall 4 Richards'' on-:
poeiie Kkcord Office, Main Street, PtiroJ
leumCentre, Pa.
tW Fioe SINGLIS UAKN-ESS Trotn tii
ln$i00 atMarsbaUA Ricbaidt, ODiotlu
ibe Rkcoro i fBce. n n.
Tbe branch store-of O. V .
Schonbloin on Main St, will
this day be dosed. All par'
ties knowing themselves indelc
ted wiil please settle their ac-'
Pet Centre, May 31, 1873.
Just received a fresh gnnrtlv
of Benzine, tbe best eve
brought to town, at
Petroleum Centre, May, 15, 1873 If
Tbe copartnenhlp heretofore exlitlng be
tween bebermerbotn & Ten Bick is dlssolr-
ed by mutual ootiseul. .
. f. scaaninRitMK.
Parties Indebted to tbe rbove lira aaif
Call and settle up aod rave trouble.
' Ji A. TrnJCtcx.
Dated Petroleum Centra, April 8, 1873.
One 15-hone Tift boiler In complete err",
d't, on 8-hnnavVued A Mann engine and'
boiler io complete order, 275 feel 3 inch
tubing, extra heavy, AOO Iret laiga sucker
tods, 1 Snuwi Pump;
J! A. Tkv Etci
To Al verllaer- All oevsons who enstm
plsie making euutniris witb newspAper fur tbe'
a-eruun ui AaveriuvUMUM ..souia sens to
Geo. P. Rowell & Co , i
for a Circular, or endow U cents tor their fne;
Hundred Pataja Patiavtilsis, eonUlniw -Lists
of U.UuO Neeepspers-aad estimates' eho.isie
t e coat of adT.rtl.lDK, also aHny nMfol hints to",
advertiser, and some account W tbe ezpartancej of'
men who ere known aa Haeeeeeful Adver'
tlaera. Tbia arm ara Drnorietors of tba Ameri
can Newspaper Advertltlug Aney,
41 PARK ROW, N, I,
75,730 Premiums
mm FisinF friend
nr. vry a"e wwvriwvr aaw avawarw wa " , itm
mlam any way, sudl loi laa . 2
puHi cliMiiea ot reeelvlng Jt-.B r
Kr nrlotu, OH A HANO, OHt!ii. .J
7. an aVwa tW.. a.MB m Anal WWG 4
WA'lCH.aewiHtt'IHHinr., 2!UJ"S- T
OUR rill HMDS fglEND.-WWW,
tn Till I'D Vi .LtJMB ind lw attaint! tbi WfJ
vu'r f'T l nvvr iTriai -at mm naMe ti&Ul Rlltn
Wi VlitVVIiAllUn W asn assB r i-a-M ttt
' CIKCOI.ATION of aw paper paw en" .
the WfKt. Jtssucoeea enaMeetha VKfi"
rurnl.h the baet moat deslrahle ard ijOrl "JJJ,
ortginrl readlpz matter It peet Tarlrty, "Jnl
can bny. ard to make It a aoma weealy satw
th. wauls of mr; faroili bOlscilptlo pn
per year 01 oa ttum net a.
alr is - an i.-k... is ralnm. Irk no.. Ivors "vr
lo h the handaomeet and most TalnaWa fn2
pleiulo In America. Every ewbecriber i P"JTZ;
wtibthieOhromoat thetrtsa of IQ""f!'.gT
sntitliig the bolder tba share la tha dt'tni
at 'J6 001 In eaen and other pramtnma ,
Tha dietri ballon takes olaae
sent on recipt of price fpeolaiaa enplw. FT!M
lisv ate. , jlvlna full parHcaW sent fret JJJJJ?7i
aav in uune next.
i n f a ii wtbar loe.or
AGE N TS zrjrz taff
Ererj Lady wants oaal . . -i
Every llao eiuht to bays fuel! . . 1
tWctossrpt of TeaOaeta. A4ts.l r '
00., 136 Bereatb ATSBM, Jew To I : I