itr. SHUGERT & STARR fltt-MMion to McFarland, Smith & Co. ,) Merchant Tailors! AND DEALBK8 IN Gents' Furnishing Hoods, CUB. SPRING A FRANKLIN ST8., 'TITLetV.liLE, PA. B vt put la on of the fioMt aeaoronenta f VLO'im& CASSIMERES INGUSH, A FRENCH AND AMERICAN CO AT ING8, 'MIXED AND STRIPED SUITINGS FANCY VESTINGS. lvr offend la the Oil Region. ItTWKNTY DIFFERENT STYLES OF HATS . 5c CAPS, ' Al. the lAtejt and NobWl.el Style. , ', : A TVLiL UNI OP 'Gents (tarnishing Goods, &c. i etro eu,n Centre Daily Record. Pea. Centre, Paw, Mntir, Jane 9 i S ' V - Uivine Bervlce. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH . A- Service very Sabbaib at 11 A. M. and , t r. . Baniiein school at lZJf P.M. A oorUUl Invitation extend d to en. Kit. a moors, paitot. Vi'i !"'-' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. PMuhln at 11 nVlnnk A U . 'olook P. M . br the Paotor. W. rv Rnun , ABD. Babbalb Sobool al I24, directly after lorenoon Mr let. Prayer Meeting and 8abbath School Teaauer'i Mellag Tuesday evenioge ol ab week, PatrolAHm Centre Lodge, No. Tift, I. O. of O. F. legular meeting night Friday, as 7 eiook. Sinned. W. B. MONTGOMERY, N. G. C H Bailit, A Seo'y. lW"Plce of meeting, Main St., oppoalte MoOliotock House. ft A. U. of U. W. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. "17. M?odr "'" 7 aclock, In Odd Fellow' Hall, Potrofeuaf Centra Pwia'a. ' , ' A. Glbhx, M. W. A. M. Klbcmbb, R. I. O. of 11. At. Mtnnekauue Tribe No. 183, L O. R. M rretroleiim Centre, meet every Thursday vening In Good Templar Hall' HrT Couooil flree lighted at 7 o'clock n v tTTB- U HOWE. Sacbem. CL JUKES, Chief ol Record. GuH t 1 p. at. 118 Ciren day bat eom and gone. John Janes and Susan Brown, from the countryi attended lb same, and Indulged In ginger, bread and root beer to their bean'a content. Tbey Mr the oircus and were undoubtedly satisfied wilb viewing tba gay trappings and spsngles-lbal is little iter cut out or fold paper tod plbned on a little blue gauss or tba actors tod actresses. Tbe performance Itself was fair for a variety troupe, but we tbiok lb Dootor baa loat bl reckoning" somewhat In lb variety buslnei. H should adbera lo tha leg III ut olicus department, and wa tbiok un doubtedly would do a gaod thing. We wl.b him good luck, however, but would advise aim to reorganise as oircus. Tb fair grounds of tbe Agricultural So leiy tPltisoeld Mass, itlli oontein snow drift five feet bigb and Iblrty-flv feet in di ameter but there are fair grounds ror bop bat it will melt away before tbe tlm Died vpon lor tbe coming summer exblbi- Tp mealber is quite wars .end summer Ilk today. Billy Pugb and Tom Soowden, proprie tor ol Ifca Petroleum Exobange Hotel, are way ajive t tut want of their cuatomer in everytblag needed in tbe line of that wblca supplies tba Inner man, aucb as Bsb flesh and fuel hwludleg regelablea of al kinds. Try a dlpnar there nd our word' foi il yon will be eattrflnd. Mra Kite Uwdbe.rt, ol R.dio rushed forward tb otber day and dragged a Child tro tbe railway traok. juat In time 10 ve M from yulo death under tbe srbeeur nf an upreachln trln. Mrs Kie's otbrr me (5 her ex, oily. A correspondent lo the Girard (Cosmopo lite, inning btmsett "John Msrbl,"wrltln. Irom Elkcreek, thus mourns at tbo loss o' bia bitters torn from hli primp by the Incol option flat, lie says: We cannot afford to go to Erie for a Dtp every day, or every week even. Occasionally an old veteran baa urgent business In Erie. We iadly assemble at tbe eornera lo s bim off, and regret tbe lack of flllhy lucre that comples us;lo remain in tbe wooda, while be la having a bigb old lime in town. We eagerly watch tur bia re turn and gladly give jour laat three cent ulckle tor one smell of bia fragrant breath tor una glance al bia ruby nose. They are my frleodi Who are moat mine, And I moat their When common caret Give room lo thought poelio and divine And In a psalm ol love all nature blood. James Dlte, ol Mllford township, Buck said to bave turned bp two) black anakea recently while ploughing meaauring five and six feet. Farther, en nineteen were unearthed from three to six feet.loog. Diae ahould be we I shaken ; fur gelling up tbla anake itory. There came near being n Br at tbe ilc Cllntock House, ibis 'foreouoo. Tbe root caught fire from tbe flue over tba kltcbeo. Fonuaaiely It waa discovered and exllr. guisbed before aoy damage was done. A dente black smoke in a nortbeaaterly direction, about noon, indicated an oil fire in tbe direction of Ibe Upper Benaeboff ter ritory. TbeOil Uuy Derrick lay: It look a If Fid Bishop were defrauded ol bia nomina tion again by tbe "Franklin Ring." If aucb I tbe oaae we are sorry to bear It There I no uae to'r booeal men to run fur office in Venango county. Tbe whole con oern I run by a few diehooeat and corrupt lime-ierver known a tbe Franklin King. Had we anything to do with -politic we abould certaiuly be compelled In lb Inter ests of Irutb and boneety to (bow up Ibe biota on tbe political (urfaoe of Veoaogo oouuty. Tbeae remak are not Intended a a slur against Major Maokey. Far front It. Local optioo is la Jo roe In Clarion ooun ty. When a man visits what is supposed to baa private place of entertainment in Clar on, the Jacksooiau threatens tbem after Uls fashion: Wa bave referred to it "gin-mill'' two or three times recently, aod we bave made up our mind to publish the names of all our citizen we ana go tbere hereafter. We bave seen some go tbere who bave taken a solemn eatb to viocdicate the lawijef our land. If you do not want yonr names In tbe Jsckionian, keep away from tb above named place. Tha Modoc war Is ended. Shack Naaty Jim, Bogus Charley, Steamboat Frank, Hooker Jim, Scar Faced Charley, Boston Charley, Old Scbon Scbln, and several oth er bravea bave surrendered. Capl. Jack and several other warrior exoaped. A Or occurred at Meadvllle. yesterday, wblcb deatroyed conaiderable properly. Yesterday wa Wbit Sunday. Chip bat are making their appearance. SI. Petersburg is horrified over a case ot Infanticide. The following Js to vole oast al the primary eleotion of tbe Republican parly Id lb I precinct, onSaturday. Tbe vote wa very light: County Treaiurff? Mackey, Bishop, Assembly. McCresry, County Commissioner, Lyttle, Porter, Auditor. Jury Commissioner. Myers, Bradeo, Swift, 70 es 6 "May I put my arm around your waisttV said a youog mau al a ball to a lady sitting by bis (Ida. Sbe looked indignant; where upon be (aid: "All Ibose geollemeo waltz ing bave tbeir arm about ladies' waists, aod why shouldn't I have the same privi lege, though I sit still?-' From Mr. Juices Anderson, who returned from tbe Butler oil fields on Saturday, we learn that tbe prospect Is not so flattering as it might be. 1,600 feel dry bole ai becoming frequent be states. Tbe newspa pr of that region never make mention o' tbe dry boles, contenting themselves wilb. beating the market by report of mammoth wella wbiehooly. exist in imagination. Kd oo need discount tl present IwealD A Pittiburgh firm Me r. Roger & Biirctifleid claim to have discovered a pro oess by which they can mnke tb lemons Riisiao sheet iron. The latter is made in Siberia by a secret process wbicb no other natloo has heretofore been able to ohlain The British Government ba otftreil 50,000 for Its discovery but even the stimulants ol that large sum has tailed to achieve Ibe re suit. American enterprise ..and Ingenuity have accomplished It, end Pittsburgh, II Is said, can now lurnisb all co-ninoa markets with Riisaiso sheet Iron at even lower pi ices than tbe Russians themselves. Tbe proces" bas been patented . A young tad in Conneaulvtlle entered a sewer pipe twelve luches in diameter a few days sgo, to reoover a loat ball. When be attempted to baek out be found it impossible and be very pluckily shoved himself through tbe pipe Ibe wbole lenglb.a dHtancn of sev eoiy feet. It waa a perilous adventure, but be saved tbe ball. Oil New. The Shannon well, ou tbe De Kolph farm is doing 17 barrel. Tbe Heater well, just below Turkey City started tiff day belore yesterday at tbe rale ol SO barrels. It I just above tbe Lusk well, known as tbe "Old Junk." The Walker well, on tbe .Knappenberger faim. is niekiog a heavy abow. It is pum plog at tb rale of 60 barrels per day. Since tbe eirtkiog ol ibe Truhy A Spencer well, on Ibe Basom farm, operators bave gobbled up all tbe land In tbe vieinity Tbl well 1 doing 90,berrels, and on tbe eVeuiog II was tubed it could have been bought for less Iban actual cost. ,Oue eigbt of il waa offered for $1,000. Tbe same eight Is now offered at $7,600. Petersburg Pro gress. We Bod the luliowiog Petersburg oil new in tb Clarion Democrat: Some well atrike may be ol interest. Tbe Dicker well oo tbe Balliet and Black' lease, Jordan farm, near Turkey run Is do full 100 barrels. Lsst Wednesday, Cramer Brothers o' opera bouse feme, struck a 50 barrel well on tbe David Sboup farm. Well No. 1, lease of Ura and Walker, oo tba D. Koippenbarger farm, bas struck tbe sand, and is flowing 60 barrels. Tbe Basom well, of Truby, on this side is flowing, and bids fair lor a large produc ing well. On Beals farm, tbe Lee and Tinnier wel Is flowing 40 barrels In Hie second smd, where an Immense gas vein baa been struck, tbe strongest ever seep In tbla section. On ibe bottom of tbe tank are six indies of gravel thrown up by tb force of tbe gas. Educational, The State Superintend ent or Public Sobool, Hon. J. V. Wicker sham, Sua issued several Important circu lar la reference to the normal school' ex amination and educational conlereoct from which we make tbe following rxiracts: The annual examination of Edinboro will commence at 8 a.m., on Tuesday, June 17lb. The Board of Exam inere will con sisl of the Stale Superintendent, or deputy, Principals Brooks and Cnopei, and Super. lolendenta Bosley and Porter. Official vil. tois, tbe Superintendents of tbe oitlea ol Meadville and Erie, and tbe counties or Crawford, Lawrence, Venango and Erie. In order lo avoid tbe form and ceremonUa ol large convention and ibe expenses at tendant, and lo enable those most Interested to grapple directly wilb educational ques' tions il is tbeir duly to consider, It bas been concluded lo invite tbe couoiy, city and borough superintendents of .ibe Slate to private eonlerence witb the Stale tuperio teadent and otber tffioer of tbe School De partment. In bc cot dance witb'tbe above, tlieCounly Superintendents of Crawfoid, M 'Keen. Warren. Erie. Meroer. Vennvn. , . , . Forest, Clarioo and Jefferson, will meet at the Exchange Hotel, this city, on Fiiday, June iztb, at V a. m. - Venango Citizen Tbey manage tbe liquor diffloulty witb promptness aod ease out lo Greeley Colony ioiarsao. jno intoxicating liquor Is per mitted oo any pretence inside tbe limits ot Ibat virtuous settlement. An enteprlsiog dealerin 'liquid damnation' thought loflank Ibe seltotmen of Greeley by sitting up an establishment just out outsile tbe iimiis He built bia shanty, ordered bia liquors, snd was off after a team to lake Ibe Ireigbt from the depot lo hi shinty when a squad of Greeleyitea appeared oo tbe scene armed wilb augurs, aod that liquor peddler's slock la trade soon consisted ot oolLing but bir rel slave and sung bole. Weeds won't grow around Ibal depot for a while. A newly married couple in Columbus, Ga ebarlered an express wagon at $1 an hour for a bridal tour, and having stopped oo tbe Way at a restaurant and Indulged in a $5 treat for themselves and friends, became loo hilarious oo tbeir return to the wagon, and were dragged off by tb polioe to lb station nous aod locked np for tbe Bight. It is time lor IVirtb of Jjly to al'.aie. Tbe strange silence BsalaUlBed It tfet friend or Henry Ward Asetket LB rgr4 lo Ibe Beecber Tillon-BoWva BBBBdal BBS Bl I asl been mode of au agievfMDtalgned April 2, 1872, by Henry C. Bowen, Theodore Til ton, ai d Henry Ward Beeober, and deposi ted with another person tor aula keeping; Ibe custodian ol tbe document believing tbe lime has some for making it publl i jus Hoe lo the parties concerned. In tbl oov eusnt Mr. Bowen lukes back any statement be made aflcting Mr. Beecber' morality and Christian character; Mr. Tlllon with draws his reference to those statements; and Dr.. Beecber agrees to bury tb past. That is all very well so far a tba three parlies to tbe agreement are concerned, bii ibe public, who. bave a large latere! la Mr, Beeeher a a minister ol tbe Gospel and as a moulder of public sentiment, desire' t0 know something authoritative about tbe circumstances that rendered sucb an extra ordinary covenant necessary. Tbere I, something behind that document, and It would be belter for all portIVs ir tbe Tscts were given boldly iMIead ol being dragged lo light piectmeal. Tbe publio want lo know, bave a right to koowv and will event ually know, whether there nss sny ground lot Mr. Bowen' cbsrges, snd whether la making ihem be told a falsehood or told tb truth and afterwards condoned tbo wrong. This Is enoouragiug. Within the bmoi- ory of middle aged men Dow living lb question was jcornfully asked in England, Who reads an American book!" Now, w learo by a cable dispatch, Lord Bishop, at a banquet presided over by Ibe Prime Minister of Great Britain, rises la bis place ilb great dignity and solemnly toast "The Literature ot tbe United State," and tb guest woo bad been crammiog them selves with afierdlnner joke out of pirated edition if American humorists, "warmly received" the sentimeul. Here I a uul for Free Trader to creek. Free Trade finglane) Is supplying her mao uteclories witb American Iron made under a protective tariff. Tbe American workman receives higher wsges than tbe English workman; tbe American iron maker make money, aod bia furnaces support a consider ablo i.opuUlion aod create a prosperity shared in by all classes of the surround log community, snd yet tbe protected Iron of America is now shipped to England and sold In large quantities in the very centres of ber iron manufacture. The Episcopal Biebop of the Diuoete of Calilornia Kip bas been Bishop twenty yearii, and the Diocese owes htm over $21,000. Tbnt is a pretty showing for Ibe laud of gold, where greenbacks are not al lowed circulation. At the last convention all Hint waa done in the matter waa to ad mil In indebtedness. And Ibat very d misalun show a desperate stale of tbe case, lor lb most hopeless debtor Is tbe one wbo duns himself every lime be meet bit credi tor, e Oil. Nkwh' A new Well was struck lal week and tested oo tb Emanuel Biaim lot uear Dogiowo, wbiob bas darted off at 100 barrels per dsy. A well was also struck oa tb Dan'l Knap peiibsrger place wbicb is good for 100 bar rels a day. Aooih -r well on tbo Humel farm farm I about completed with good indications tbe bole being filled witb oil. Tbe Tidioiite Journal says: "Go to Bat ler"was tb prevailing cry' short time since Tbe tune Is changed since tb strlkiog of that 1.000 font dry bole. A well ou Ibe Humel farm owned by Sic- gina & Bluncbard, wa tubed last Mondiy, and ou Wednesday was yelldiug 75 battels a day. It is called the "Hunkador." Clarion Democrat. Nearly a Ibousaod person collected In front i!f . a physician' residence, la Wllmlngtpn. Del., on Sundsy Bight, to get glimpse of a ghost reputed to nightly appearance tbere. Tb enraged, pbyalolan believing that all bis patieata real quietly la their beds or graves, appealed 10 tb police lo disperse tbe unwoloem gathering, The Pennsylvania Slat Sabbath School Aeeociatlon will bold Us nluth annual con-. veotioo lo tbe Methodist ohurcb, Tituavllle, June 3, 4 and 6. 1 873. Each Sunday School lo the Stale is requested to (end two dele gales, sod tbe Pastor of all Evangellsal CDiirctie are invited. Entertainment will be provided lor all delegate wbo will notify L. B. Silliman, Esq., ot Tllusvlile, oa or before May Slit. " Trade lo artificial flowers is lively. Standing commutes corner loalers. A luscious yield ol alrawberrie I prdlo-J ted. The races at Pleasaolvill on Saturday, were a success. Tbe sweelesl of new tint I "Daisy, Cjub d lo Blusbe." To gst sour look from atk Tjim ts ibsJis carpels. your bosbaod Lc Not lew. 'UI Ai.E. A dralrabM retldoeon i Egbert t.,. OooB h..d, Ev. ry n,,de ,B v.l renow. Will be sold cheap EnqnlreTl OWEN Ga-FNKY. Cnlr, Msy 7, 1873. ,j Petrel,! ion sall chi;ai. Three wells all eased for sale ebesa Two engines, two boilers, tubing, aiaai ery and all appliance. Apply at HOWB. A COOK'S, Petroleum Ceoir, Pa. m6-X. B1880LUTION. The copartnership heretofore xisti nnder Ibe firm nam of J. M. Henry V Co Is tbl dsy dissolved by mutual consent All persona knowing themselves Indebted Wie the old Arm are rrqnrsied t call sad settls tb cam al ens. L- Pkbiik. ' J- RlTTXR, J. M. Ukkit Dated Petroleum Centre, May 21, lo73. r - UrWhlps, at Marshall &leharda op poalte Kbbd OBcr Mala Street, Pstroi leu m Cent re. Pa. tW Fine SINGLE UAUNKSg from 2S to $100 al Marshall A Richards, opposite lb Rbcobb office. NOTICE 1 The branch store of O. F. Sc&onblom on Main' St, wilt this day be closed. All parties- knowing themselves indeb ted will please settle their ac--connt X P. SCHONBLOM. liTet. Cotre, May 31, 1873.- BENZINE. Justi received & fresh' snpply of Benzine, tbe' best ever brought to town, at Ji A. TEN EYCKS. t Pelrolenm Ceo i re. May, 15, li"3- if l18UJbTI01. Tbe copartnership heretofore existing be tween bebersaetbora) A Tea Eyck i dissolv ed by aiutaal-'eoiisenl. St P. ScMRVERBokS. ' H A." Tbm Etc sr. . Parlies Indebted to the above lira mutt nil ead Milk up end ssv trouble. . J- A. Tin Etck. IHted Petroleum Centre, April 8, 1873. FOIl HALE. One 15-horse Tift boiler lo complete at-1 d-r. uu 8-bots Wood A Mann noine and boiler In complete order, 'Hi feet 3 Inch tubing, extra heavy, 600 leet large sncser rods, 1 Snow Pump. J. A. TrErcs: To AdwTttMr.AII 'permm who ennle-n nlat niaklmr contracts wit new.neperi fjr tho ' tnrertlva of Adveniatuaenu atMald ataid tv Geo. P.Rowell & Co , for Clpnnltw, or endow SAeeare for their e Hundred Pttae Panaplsleit, coetainliii! Liata of ouo Nei-ipera aod wtlmatee fbo-ln' ! e coat, uf advarlMnij. a I no many unfal blut ' advertiser, and eon account of trie rxparimrc of tnea who nre koowu aa emreeaelut Adver lleera. Tbla firm are proprietor ot the Auieri-' can Newspaper Atfenieing Agency, 41 PARK ROW. N. Y 2nd A D ISTRIBUTIOIM 75,730 Premiuins RANGING IN VALUE FROM 010(00,000 TO THK SVa9CihlMIINOr OUR FlhESlDE FRIEND V.vrrr Subaeriber 1 anre of oiie pre anlniss ar way, and .":! epsii cfemuoM of re. elvlua; m t!1 Krimlam, OH A l'IANOt O""' WATCH, E WIPIC M A HIM t , i . f FIRST bRANH uASH PHEMlllW- 5,000 Ol'R B IRF.SIDE rBIKNO.TWM rg Kama 81... the Family Weekly, la m ta TU1MO TtiLDMBaad baa atwinad the LAf BST OIltCULATlON f law paper r,'f. g heWeet. ItaaaeoeM enaMMth prt" furnl.h the beat noat deelrahl and ii.o M ortglnrl readlnii oMIierlt greet vorl.ty. tl "fj eon bny, and to mk It a Tiome weekly njf '? inawauiair every nmiiy. buuwipwi ei par yaarofsnanlH-ra. 'ana airs'" w - (tea 18 x Inch.!, 1 colore. . Acxaa.. leJ? to,.bthebnaaomeatand moat TaloaW pie'alein Anurtco. Kvery rnheerlber la pr WKh thlaChrnmoat the tin., of aukr.WnS, " waiting (ondala. receive, a Bumjer ffJUSIa entitlitTg the bolder So a the diltritaiixD el ai ofti in eeth and other prooiinai - . ThedlMrlbnlioaukeeDlaeiiOBAbe aeeood I J" dav la June neat. Tb Cnromo " '""TZ. md on receipt of price. Bpeolmea eopi.P Hat, et-, jyivwVtt r-rileulhraeva' "iLm .'i , ..- m f AGE: NTS vwyrowi. .U" PJ snd the. beet ' THE PAB1 OMOMrAyiOT' Bran Lodv want, one I Bvary Man earht to biTl01.,,.. r r TITD5 -it nfTmOeuU. Adore. ' CX)...1 Betesib ATraj.ue, " , rtila 'a' aii