The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, May 30, 1873, Image 2

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    Fetrofeu n Centre Daily Record.
ret. rcHirA, vtu, riar. may so
lrin fttirvle.
Servta's eyry Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
) P. M. Sabbath School at 2 P. M.
ents freo. A oordlal Invitation extend
d la all.
Uu7. 0. Mnom, Pastor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 1
'clock P. M., by th Pastor, W. C. Bcrch
aid. 8bbta Sohool al 12, directly
after forenoon sereloe.
Prayer Matting tind tgabbasti Softool
Teaober's Meeting ; Tuecfay evenings ol
ecu week. t '
retrolnnm Centre Lodge, No
Tift, I. O. of O. F. '
Regular meeting nlgbU Friday, at T
'clock. Signed.
C. R. nllT A Kan'
tSTPUee of meeting. Main St.,' qpposlt
A. O. of U. VV.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of TJ. W.,
sueets erry liouday evening at lii o'clock,
In Odd Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Ceo t re,
Penn'a. .;
. , . A.Giuw,M. W.
A. M. Klccekbh, S.
, v. w ae ivae -
Mianekantee Tribe No. 188, L O. R. M
. 4. aa aa
m reiroieum ueoire, meet every Thursday
wilrtf In Good Templar's Hall. -tar
Council Ores lighted at 7 . 'o'clock.
u HOWE, Saobem.
0. L JUTES, Cblel ol Records.
Gold at 1 p. in. ngSjj
l on i decoration Day. Tbe gravel of
Ue dead beroe are bring decorated wltb
tbe bright fresb flowen of prion, all over
this brond land ol our. Mar the menw
of tba brave hoy wnos life lights went out
'ora or Dame remain ever green in
tbe hearts of their coiintryeaeo. .'
south wlnda blow aott where tbe soldier
Ilea sleeping ) . ' '
ireaa with your lightest step, wkliptr
more low. ' .
Oh, waft to its horns that spirit undying
nevex a Bission mora pur shall ye know I
Long be hi name, his fans and bis glory,
Joined la our hearts with tb land of his
'Mrtb, f; i. k
And 1st bis deeds lire brightest In story,. .
Chanted and suog by tba (.trait ol earth t
Keep bright tba stars he left to jour keep
lag; Soil not tba banner for aye let it wag
Over Ik land when Ike soldier is sleeping;
Nnvr should land be so proud of their
gravest '
Telegrams received today announce tbe
fact tbat treat lira is st present raging In
the eily! Boston, wbfcb bids do as
much dsmsga as to great lira of a few
mostss iloce. The psnloulars caonot be
Issrnsd. vjxiv., t f i .-. ....
Bear la mind that tomorrow afteraoon
, and evening; old Dr. Thayer's Grabd Olym
plo Circus performs hen. Toe Doctor has
a strung company this ssasoo, composed of
Irge number of first class performers,
mong whom we aotlce the names or Mr
Julian Kent, the l.mous clown sod jester:
Wm LeRue, the celebrated gymnast; II..
ters Willie and J.mee L.Eue; C.rsino 4
Sasrles; Clark Edw.rds; Great O Dooo
hus; Dava Wilson; tba wonderful Zig Zsg
Troupe; pisses fanny Kent, Hln Lou
Ise, Ambrosios, Lsoos, Llcetta, and a host
of otbsr performsrs. Tbo Dr. has hosts ol
Mends lo tbl. region, and we have no doubt
will be bsartliy welcomed here. From tba
high recommends extended hint by tba press
we feel site In saying those who attend will
be amply repaid. , Remember tba date aod
ansiUUhs bills of lb flay -for particulars
But Well, By a dispatch. Irom Greece
City, dated this forenoon. We learn that i h
Woods and Ripley well, on their traot of
n Harnbert term, u doing between three
add four hundred barrels daily; We are
pleiueed to learn bt the good tuck of cor
friends Wpods sod Ripley. Tbey have la
bor.' under many difficulties In getting the
well down aod are justly entitled to this
streak (of laek at the tanda al the oily
god ol fortune. Th. dispatch comes from
Mr. Wlillsm Blaokmon, superintendent ol
Mr. Woods' wlli.
Th school nlo at Kao Ctly. yester.
day aflerouoo, paased off very pleasantly,
od was highly .njoysd by all poi
ibaeoiertainmeots of tbe day closed with
a grand dance, which is said lo have been
the pty of tbe season.
U!ss Floreooe Jeoologs, leaoher of the
j leer unbllc school, gave a plo 00
Lover', Leap, this afternoon, to th. h.i
.ireo oontieoted wltb her sohool. .
ibanT'J ,,0 tPoe.ic locallo
tbe Mm. nrfc . Arknaiaa
Tbe Venango Spectator has tbe Inllgw
log humorous accnitot of a wedding which
te cntly came of In tbat oily :
All's Well Tbat End Wull, Cbarlee
Armstrong, a young colored man, bad- been
pining in ibe county jail soma tweoty dsys
or more, to answer a chrgs of seduction
Mis Wilson, a young woman of bis own per
suasion, had loved Charles, not wisely but
too well. As was observed by one of ber
friends "De time bad come to iroaecite de
man." In bis lonely cell lbs ering aod due
ky lover bad time lo meditate, and he mln
gird poetry with bis breed and water diet
Contrition earns to bltn, and he thought he
aught to repair tbe wrong be had committed
Be told tba Sheriff that be was "ready to
marry de gal." So there was bridal on
Thursday evening last In the Sheriffs office
Alderman Heasley uniting tba parties, In
the presenoa of a goodly number of witness
es. From a long "pome," written by
Cbarlee lo prison, we eitrsct tba closing
verse. It is a little irregular In measure,
and rhythm, but tbe same fault has been
noticed in tbe production of Tupper aod
Walt. Whitman:
v Ob, as I lay sleeping,
' I dremp I bed a dream;
I dremp I was down by th tie rivers
by a purling stresm,
With a charming giti beside mo
And sba was a tatting still,
i When I woks up broken-hearted
In tba walls of Franklin jail.
A Nici LT Out. Messrs. Snowden 4
Pugh, proprietors of tba Petroleum Ex
change Hotel, received last night direct
from Now York, the cicsst lot of Ireen flab
we have seen Ibis season, such as mackerel
sea bass, eels, 4c. In addition th' y also
secured a supply of spring onions, aspara
gus aod other green vegetables. As nice a
lay out can be seen Id tbslr show window
as sn; of tba metropolitan restauranls af
ford Take a Mok at the window and our
word for I you will become hungry eoougb
to go in and order one eook. d at onoa.
Mr, Milton Stewart, ol Titusville, bss
well oearly csmpleted oo tbo Stewart term,
Upper Benneboff Run.
An Iowa book seller, who advertised a
work bound In sbeep, reoeived a letter from
Kossuth county, tbat State, asking for fur
ther particulars reapecliog tbe sbeep be ad
vertised to send by mail, and coalalstng
an ink sketch In the style of sbeep tba writ
er desired.
Satb Green baa on bis biffbbeel boots bt
cause two-year shad hava been cangbt inf
Lake Ontario. He tried tba experiment o
stocking It 4 couple years since, and tbia is
tbe proof positive of his success.
Tba Atlantic 4 Great Western Kallwsv
has added two local passenger trains dailv.
between Meadvilia aud Cleveland, for tbe
accommodation of the Oil Creek travel.
Tbe Iraius will leave Meadville at 10 :40 a.
m. and return, leaving Cleveland at 3:50 ,
Tbe Pope Is better aod leeli better. Tbe
news from Fraooe enooursges bltn. He Is
satisfied tbat MacUabon Is bu I Ibe stepping
stooa lo sometblog else and sbould that
something else be tba white flag and llllles
of tbe Bourbon, tba laitbful son of tba
Church, what might not ba possible yet for
ton rapaoy ;
tW Sacrament of th Lord's Supper will
bo administered In tbe Presbyterian Church
at Ibe morning lervice on next Sabbath.
" A man In tbia place has spent $20,000 to
color bis noaa pink.
Th first roses of summer have bees
osugbt In a D-lawnra shsd.
' A circus oompauy lately used four bsrrels
of flour In adorning Pittsburgh with post-
"Wbei will tbe supply of old army over
coats be exhausted!" When tbey are worn
It Is said that 'wbeo a mao is petfaotly
helpless from Intoxicatioo, lea water poured
down tbe spinal oolumo and back will give
such a shock to tbe nervous system as to
perfectly overpower bis iotoxicatioo. lo
two minutes tims bs will ba able lo walk as
ha ever oould.1'
Tbat makes a naw demand for more Ice.
Tbey ara bound to run Bally 4 Smith, oo
A Sen Fraooisoo paper reoeollv beaded
its leading editorial: "The trntb for a
An Illinois editor gives every ye ally eub
sort bet a box of boot blacking aud a dinner
boro. ,
Tbe Associated Press Is exasperated- be.
yond measure at tbe Pope's vitality.
A Western paper speaks of a duel be
tween two jackasperated individuals."
A comic paper, In lb interest of tbe tem
jaianos cause. ISMoouBcsd iu London.
List of Traverse Jurors for the third Mon
day of June.
Allegbeay A. M. Lewis, Alfred Alleo
der. Clinton Porter Pblppa, Jam Foster,
Wm L Davison, Thos J Roblsns.
Cranbery James Eskin, Sr., F S Mage,
Ssmuel Shannon, James Brandon. Sr.
Cherrytree Austin Shugert.
Franklin James G Lamberton.
Frencbcreek Wm Stoford.
Irwin Evens Mallbrws.
Oil City I I Wagner, W J Bell, A J
Oil Creek A O Persona.
Pinegrove Wm. A Karns, A C Slover.
Plum Huston Dsvlsoo, Crawford Billig
N Sharp.
Pltbole John C Sabllo, D E Norton.
Pleassntville Frank Nesbit, M M Brown
President Alfred Odell.
Rockland J S Johnson, Wm Smith, H
H Lusher.
Sugarcreek Hamilton Kseley, Wm Crli
pin, Mlllon S locum.
Scrubgrais Joseph Ogden, S M Lcck
ard Sandy creek Thomas McCullougb, J R
Dewoody .
In a Fix. Tbe Soranton Free Press tells
Ibe following good story ou lb foreman
of tbat office:
About eleven o'clock on nlgbt, the wife
of one ol our citizens 'awoke ber bushand
and said, there's some one reaping al tba
outside door." Inaamuoh as two or three
young men bosrd there wbo ere liable to bs
out a little late tbere was nothing peculiar
about this, . sod be wandered forth in bis
uigbt shirt to let tbe young men in. It wsa
very dark, sna the hired girl, bearing the
rapping al the door also went forth to open
It. Tbe grl got there a moment first and
began to feel for tbe bolt then our friend
arrived and likewise begen lo feel for the
bolt. He reached out both bands and a
moment iatst discovered tbat ba bad bis
arms about tbe hired girl, wbo like him,
wasn't dressed to receive compsny. There
Is a window in tba door, and to assist wboi
ever was Inside to finding the bolt, one ol
tbe boys outside struck a mutch, tbe ligot
of which shown through the glass and re
vealed to their astonished gz a state of
tbiogs that almost took tbeir breath away.
Sevsre frosts lo tbe soutb of Frauce have
put this year's champagne crop Into chan
cery, but New Jew; cider apples never
gave brighter promise than now, su tbe av
erage consumer will suffer no privations.
' A Louisville lawyer missed some valuable
papers from bis office, and tbe case to wbicb
tbey related bad to be postponed. Oo in
vestigaticn be found tbe mining documents
doing duty in bis wife's bustle, ber supply
ol newspapers having run out. There wa
a lively time In tbat bousebuld, jut about
A spriogiy girl in Fort Edward, Wash'
ington Ouunty, N Y , wbo engaged herself
to a young man ''in fun," tainted on learo
log tbat be bad procured tbe public Hols
ol the fact in a local newspaper.
Th Boston News tells the temperance
man or Massachusetts that they may as well
prepara for lb hardest fight during tbe
next x month th old Commonwealth has
vnc witnessed on any motel Issue.
Tbe saw data that la about to report for
examination at West Point will be the larg
est ever known at tbe Academy, numbering
between 130 and 140 members. Tbe ex
amioation will be unusually strict Ibis year,
a much higher grade of studies being re
quired tbao heretofore. Tbere wiil be left
en colored candidates for adut isssoo.
All lovers of "tbe drumstick" will be
pleased to bear of a cblcknq in Sbraveport,
Texas, hatched out with lour legs. It U
lively aod prospering, and I' tba breed can
be propagated, it will be a relief to carver
desirous ot gratifying aa many guests as
A class in juurualiim, cooiuienclng with
the present leim, has been organized lo the
Iowa Wesleyeo University. It admits tbe
best writers in tbe advanced Qlasies, wbo
may wish to give themselves SDeciallv to
editorial writing. The class, it is said, bus
begun its work wltb a good deal of enlbu
lasm. A correspondent ol tbe Meadville Repub
lioan, writing from Veoango, says; "A
hellish attempt al railroad slaughter was
perpetrated here lass nlgbt. Tba awitoh
was unlocked and a heavy freight car ran
down th track to a nigh embankment,
above Frenoh Creak, and there left to wreck
the oigbt express, train 1 It so happened
tbat an extra train came along and ditoov
ered two oars off tbe track at the end of Ibe
spnr, oear the depot, and oo sending a
brakeman down to flag train 2, be discover
ed tbe other oar standing on tba trsck, and
could bear tbe express coming round tbe
carve, and by sbsrp running succeeded
in stopping th train in tims to prevent an
other "rsiiresd fiotror.'! .
A Mother's ' Lot, Iila-prtiig
A short lime since, In this city, a bill
Ihaftt and much admired lady, wbo bnd
been suffering for some time with trouble of
tbe eyes, was led to hear a speedy sbaogs
for the worse, aod Immediately consulted
ber pbysiclao. An examination discovered
a suddeo and lata! failing of tbe o pile
nerve, and information was imparled as
gently as possible that the patient coulJ
not ret iiu her sight more than a lew days
at moat, and was liable to be totally depriv
ed of It at any nvmnt. Th afn ctel
mother returned to ber boine. quietly made
such arrangements as would ocour toon
about to commence so dark a journey of llfet
aod then bad ber two little obildren attired
in their brightest and sweetest costumes,
brought belor ber; and so, with tbair little
laces lifted to bon, and tears gathering for
some great misSortune tbat tbey bardly
resized, the liitbt faded out of tbe mother s
eye, leanug an ineffectual picture ol those
dearest to ber oil earth a memory of bright
faces tbut will console ber lo many a dark
hour. Covington, Ivy., Journal.
Miss Emerson does uot tuy Will Carlton
is a tbier, but be does say be gdt ftom ber a
poem wb cu be passsd off aa bis own. Mr.
Carlton does not . say Miss ' Emerson is st
lisr, but be does say ber Claim of having
written tbe Betsy" verses Is a "lie, '.
These are the ' amenities of literature."
Tbe New Yo k Herald publishes a detail
ed biography of the Duke de Brogile, th
new Minister of Foreign Affairs under Prei
Ident MacMabno Uoloriunately for our
New Yotk namesake tbe Duke de Brogile
huae biography it gives cao scarcely be in
UscUabon's Cabinet, aa he died in 1870.
Two-thirds of the buelnesi portion of
Jarvis, Ceuada, was burned on Saturday
Celbacy and vegetarianism are no longer
compulsory among tb Buddbist priests and
priestesses in Japan.
During a thunder storm on Long Island on
Saturday evening, twelve laborers were
prusiraled by lightning at Foster's Meadows
and two killed
Giovaoui Arrata, an Italian beggar boy,
in New Y rk, being annoyed by some boys
on Sundiiy evening, fatally stabbed one
John Golden, sged nine. .
Indian Agent Ingalls reports tb Ban
nocks and Sbosbones off tbeir reservation
and near the Id tho settlements, but siys
tbey bave a strictly peaceable intention.
A Vermont man, who had luxni ant Pair
aod a full beard, recently lost them bolb in
a single week. He is strong, well man
aud as moreover, be is not married, be cao
not explain tbe mystery.
Multitudinous msliimonUl engagements
la the senior class at Utica am reodirlng
prudent parents and guardians doiibtltil
about tbe advantages ol admitting students
of both srxs Into the same College.
The hard-bearted guardians of tb poor
house at Woolwich, England, lately refused
lo All au order from their medical i ffice for
'another doz ncbampagoe" lor one of tb
pauper inmate wbo was suffering fiout de.
lirltim tremens.
A young ladv who bas been traveling out
West as drummer for a wholesale grooery
bouse bas beeo discharged by ber employ
era beoause sba Induced tb retail dealer
lo order more goods than tbey wei able to
dispose of or pay lor.
A New York restaurateur announces
ready mad dinners for all miscellaneous
appetites. i
Tba Louisville Ledger call th Courier-
Journal the hypenated concern.
Just received a fresh supply
of Benzine, tbe best ever
brought to town, at
Petroleum Centre, May, 15, 1873 If
Editor Daily Rcconn: FID BISHOP
will lie a C'OirlidaiH lot the ifticH ot COUN
TY TREASUKKR. subject to the Republi
can Primary Election May 31st, 1873.
Editor Daily Rbcorii Pl aeeannnunce
theniinaol MAJOR J. F. MACKEY, of
franklin, as a enidtdatt. lor Coiiuty Treas
urer, eul ji-ut to tbe usages of tb Republi
can party.
Ed. Rkuord: Pienee announce tbe nam
of G W. PoUTEK. ot Raymilton, as a can
didal for County Commissioner, subject to
the Republican uasges, at tb Primary
Electiuo, to (be held Saturday, May Slst
Mant Rkfubmcaks.
Ever; ldy wanta uael
Kumii Man nn xlt, ,a ti.v. mi.M
Vent on receipt of Ten Cents. Addreaa. T,, V. HYM
s, -v., no Hereon atciiRp, ew 10 a
Loral ftotlvea.
A desirable residence on the Pu( .
Good water hand. "!.
lence. Will be sold chY.,' EXT,'""
retroleum Centre, M.;'t, 1873';
Tbre well .11 eased for ssle eheaa
Two eng nea. two bollera. iuhi.- r
ety end all appliances. Apply at U0tt
4 COOK'S, Petroleum Ceotte, Pa. B
Th eopartnereblb beretnfor .t..i.
aoder th Brm nana of Ji n fj,Dr, 4 Co
is this day dleerlved by mutual consent
All persons knowing ihratelve indebted 1 to.
tbe old firm are requested t Call aod tenia
tbe same at ones. '
. L. PuRrtKs.
....... ,.. jj M KKKttT
Dated Petroleum Centre, May 21, 1072.
CVWblus. at Marshall 4 Riehardi -
posit Rr.ooKD Office, Main Street, Pelroj
leumCentre, Pa.
to $100 ft. Ufirshull t 1 .Ricbnrds, opposite
uv nntunv vmurs
Grnd Olympic ! !
Director, Dr. JAMES L. THAYER
Business Manager, . SAMUEL COLfc
Busloes Agent, C. W. KIDDER
0t tb Nineteenth Cutury,j
WU1 exhibit at
Saturday May 31st
Ir. JAMKS'Tt TFIAYEH. fn aqain Inviting tb
pouting of the nubile, deems it a duty to make
knownthe fiirt that hi Tttt ixperlniire aa an
atnuaenent catero has enabaM him to Meet and
preeeni to bta patrons rinrin? the present pennon a
BJtlOlTKK (.AbAXY OP BTAbS than haafeier
before Wen eonti aoted Into a pintle performance.
Ancwimnui foature oftnia 'Grand Ai'irnxaiion
of Kenlma. skill aadMtent, will ba tb leally tur
pritinn performance of t ie gnat
. . . .
Fnnrlnantnher, whese exeitl(rlr fnnny 'perform-
ances al the principal theatres of New Turk city
have be a fun-mot topic of coiivaran.ion. Among
the r nuaj original acta will be found tl e
Which cenvntaes tbe audience with laughter. Tba
As orisrtnally danced by them- at tbe Orque Imp
ilal. Para. The popular and screaming French
ar a ft a- iMTITS Virfrl1 AWT
. . ' tel. Mirlenl
Ann nnneitma mntr nnwiirw ' '
iutf.1. wilt ha.ul.ted b the beAntlfal Ladyraa-
An sn etdlss corns r male ana rcmai ;
cnnultnilsv the Moat Maprlflcent foo.buun
ever colleuud ia a etagle anttrtalninent.
A GtsVi Street Cayal.
Under II liW 1 4ersblp of Prof E 8
Bergan, of New York. Also, eondnolor ol
4h - ,
Fairy Sliver CXniet Dand,
Which lll discourse all the latest snd pop'
ular melodies dwiog tua Grand Street P'
rade, aod at tb ' ' '
At 2 In tb afternoon and 1 lo lb '
Regular Admission, 50., Cents.,.
CWMmb UDdsr 10 years, 25 csnta..