The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, May 29, 1873, Image 2

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    Petroleun Centre Daily Record.
. Centre, ., Tbareaav. Wmy ft
MvtMt Mrvic. .
tiervloee every Sabbatb at U A. M. and
iM V. M. Sabbath School at lt P. M.
eats free. A cordial Invitation extend
d to all.
Kit. G. Moom, Pallor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7
o'clock r. M., by tbe realar, W. C. Bone
a (id Sabbato School at 12, directly
aner loreooop service, . i
Prays Meeting and Sabbath School
Teactier' Hacttaig Tuesday evening! ot
act) week, . . - .
Petrolenm Centre - Lodge,
Tl, I. O. of O. F.
Regular meeting nighti Friday, at
o'clock. Sinned. '
C. H. Bailkt. A Seo'v.
WPlace of meeting, Main St., opposite
. 1 A. O. of V. XV.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
meetf every Monday evening at 7W o'clock,
in Odd Fellow's Hall. Petroleum Centre,
" '' " A. Glenn, M. W.
Mtnoekeuoes Tribe No183, LO.R.H
of Petroleam Centre, meeta every Thuraday
evening In Gaod Teatplar's Hell.
fT Couuotl Bres lighted at 7 o'clock.
. u HOWE, Sachem.
C. L JUKES, Cbiet ol Record!.
Gold at 1 p. m. 118?,'
There It a decided unpleasantness brew
Ing la Chicago over the liquor questloo .
A Stale Temperance Law bat been enacted,
by wblob aelilng of liquor on Sunday la
poalilvely prohibited. The Saloon Keep'
era' Uoloe held aeveral meelloga to discuss
the beat courae lo be pursued. Some of the
taloona bad cloaed their doora altogether on
Sundaya and others made a pr.tence of do
log lo, but on Friday oighl laat a meeting
" wnien it waa determined to
openly dafy the law. Legal opinion waa
obtained to the effot that the law waa con
stitutional, aod the apeakera therefor iaV
vocated x- tlatanoe in auoh number aa to
reader Ha execution Impracticable and then
to elect aucb member of the Council and
executive officer aa would refute to execute
it. Accordingly on Sunday all the taloona
were in full blaal and Oiled with crowds.
A large number of arreata have been made
ebd tbe Police Court will be kept bury for
"" aeaaume ooin (idee are pre
paring to oarry the matter into politic with
tbe utmoit vigor.
Timet are bard to tbe oil country-at
preeent, in fact o hard that oltixeoa oan
bardly afford lo buy tbelr benzine. Three
business men met on a itreel corner tbii
forenoon, and dUouaeed trade for few mo
menu. Another citlren advancea and pay
one of the aforeeald the aum ol $1,60. The
other two are dry, aod local option being
lo force, are compelled toeleze on tbe moo
led man and drag blm to tbe nearett tod a
, fountain where (heir "copper" were cooled
after the most approved fashion. Tbe moat
aggrieved Individual ol all was tbe mooted
nan. He swore, be did, aod wished he
resided In Oil City or Tilusville where old
opUoo li. ui.knowo. Time are bard lb
oildom when ooe oltlcen slezes on another
and oauaea blm to pay for tod water when
be prefers hardware.
A New Bedford man found a long tott
brother, recently by reading over the oaaea
of cure lo patent medicine almanac
Tbere'aaome good la all lb Inge.
A countryman, at Dyereburg, Toonetaee,
waa noticed the olber day gravely letting
bit watch by a painted alga la front of a
There li jmt on Medoo to each State lo
the Union. Now let each Slate coco it
Our towmmab, Mr. I.G. Howe, while
an route from Tidlotri to Fagandaa, a day
or two since, killed a montter rattlesnake
which lay in the road at tbe time. Tbe
make wat at leaat four foot long, and at
big round tba body aa a aao'i arm. It bad
aloe rattlea. Mr. Howe li not -to love
vitb rattlesnakes, in faot be doee not tblnk
them a deelrable article tor lamlly ue.
A vela of seal aevao feat thick la tbe laat
reported dleoy la Cherokee oouoty, Kan
By tliecompulaory educational law juit
pasted in Nevada, every child between oer-
am Kfwg ages miiM attend' sooool at
leaat sixteen week during lutjaih
Tba Uolveralvy ol Vlrgtota le laid to be
tu ire iHeaparaiu aod fully tttitoded lb!)
year that ever before.
An Oil Strike In Illlnoli.
Adispetobof th24th Intl., from La
moot, III., lo the Cbloago Inter-Ocean,
tayt: Tbe Swao Broe., of tblt town, arte?,
lao well driller, while linking an artetiao
well on tbe property of tbe Singer ATel
cott Stove Company, at tbe depth of 360
feet, yetlerday alteruooo, discovers! strong
indication of oil. On the ue of pump
the indication were confirmed and a tmall
quantity of oil collected. To-day tbe In
dication (till continue and a wide spread
excitement prevails lo tbla vicinity. The.
Swan Broe , were formerly from Canada,
where they have bad tome year' experience
lo linking oil well. They are reliable men
aod we have their word for it that they
have forced paying well! to come to lei
marked Indications They alio lay tbat tbe
geological formation It similar to tbat In
Canada where tbe belt oil well have been
The (Train Boy Nnliitnce.,'
'A tpecial order baa beeo leaned by G
Clinton Gardner, General Sopenuleodent
of lb Pennsylvania Railroad Company, di
rected lo patienger conductor in relation
to train-boyt and newi agent. The circu
lar inyt: It having been alleged that new
ageota have offered for aaie In the cara or
tbia oompaoy, without' the knowledge ol
their employera immoral aod obeenoe pub
llcatioos, passenger cooauctor are directed
to tee tbat ancb publication are not eold
or offered for lale, on their train, and to
Immediately report any atto'mpt to do lo lo
tbe Division Superintendent.
Passenger conductor are alio Instructed
tbat tbe new agent are subject to tbeir
discipline while on tbeir train. Tbey
should see that tbey are not allowed to offer
tbeir commodities in such a manner, or with
auoh frequency, a to discommode or annoy
the passengers; and tbey abould not permit
any article to be sold which might soil oif
injure tbe upholstery of tbe ear or tbe
olotbiogof the passengers. Tbe tale o
prize porlolloa, gift ccnlecllona, or similar
devices partaking ot tbe nature of lotteries,
I torbidden on tbe oars of tbia company.
The Connecticut Historical Soolaty baa
received a tasteful gift, lo tbe shape of a
Clock, Cased In a coo leal bombshell used lo
the German (lege ol Paris. What bat tbat
to do with the blatory of Connecticut I not
apparent, nor why a memento of war lime
abould be turned to a time piece.
Tbla allerooon a grand plo nio I beiog
held In lb grove on tbe Harper tract, near
Kane City. Tbe plo nio 1 given by Misses
Maggie Campbell and Carrie Palmer.teacb
era of tbe public school, lor tbe amusement
of tbe scbolars, It being the last day of
school. Tbe Columbia Cornel Baud are
furnishing music for tbe occasion, aod the
affair will cloaa with a grand ball at Mun
ray't Hall, the music being furnisbed by
tbe Columbia Siring Band. The citizens
generally are participating.
A lodge of the degree of Rebekab, I. O.
O. F., la to be loatituted at Dempseytown
thit evening, after which a topper will be
given by tbe Dempeeytawn Lodge. Large
delegations of lady and gentlemen mem
bars of tbe order are ex pooled from Petro
leum Centre, Rousevi lie, Kane City, Oil
City and Franklin.
Vincent, Wright t Co'a new well on tbe
Galloway farm, near Franklin, atarted on
Tuesday laat and la now yielding 40 to 0
barrel daily, a falling off ol about twenty
berreie daily from tbe Oral day' production
Tdess gentlemen were until a short time
back operaliog near Kane City. Their
many liiead will rejoice to learn of Ibeir
good luck. ,
' i
fleooock k Dodge, of tbia place, have a
new well down oo tbe Galloway farm, near
Franklin. It was to bave commenced
pumping today.
Hoppin Bros, are about to atari a new
Ice cream saloon, nearly opposite tbeir coo
fecliooery store, on Washington struct.
Our townsman, Mr. h. A. Woods, Is once
more In luck His oew well on the Woods
k Kip ley tract, lo Butler county, was com
pleted yesterday sod atarted flowing at tbe
rate ot 260 barrela dally, with tbe tool lo
the bole.
The supply of nickel is amail, both lo this
counlryaud in Germany, and likely to run
out unless some oew discoveries are made,
io which oase what would becosse of our
five cent nick lest Why go lo tbe nix of
oourae. -
The mother of George Roderick, lo Brook
lyn N. Y., lo attempting to keep him aod
J ame Corcoran apart, both Subline: aod
attempting lo aboot each other, wai, bar
elf, (hot dead by her eon. Both young
stars were i rested. One- of then was
a)Tbe application ol a Cloib saturated with
chloroform has been found effectual' io cu
ring the bite of tattleinako aod mocca
Daubnrr Witticisms.
Tbe people who rent tbe country are now
laying plana lor tbe aummer.
Not one-twentieth of tbe people wbo
gather about Baroum'a talking maoblne are
married men.
Bon fires consisting mainly of decayed
vegetablea and old rubber now waft tbelr
cloud of fragrance over the community.
A Danbttry man who bought a second
hand bedstead by auction bss seat It to Pro
feasor Agassi, the celebrated eutoaiolog
lat. Tbe economical housewife, armed with a
cssc.knife and a market basket, Is soouriog
the fields for the lender and delicious dan
delions, while the family physician makes
ready bis alomacb pumps.
Tbe aged agriculturist has now grasped
tbe plowshare, aod Is merrily bounding ove
tbe bogs, aod rocks, and roots, and wrencb-r
Ing bis joints, and bruising bis shins, aod
swearing copiously. Tbere is no life so
free and lodepeodent as tbat uf a farmer
unless It is that ot a clerk.
An Elm street boy, while under tho
painful hallucination that be res a Modoc,
buried a pin beaded arrow iuto bis father's
leg. Saturday, very much lo tbe surprise
of tbat individual. Tbe old gentleman re
covered sufficiently, however, to impress
this section with the belief tbat be bad
actually tat oo a lava bed.
It it just now tbat tbe thoughtful mother
commences to reoova'e the olive branches
with snob spriopjlellcacie as bote et, boat
bound, and castor oil. This is doue by
rqiiezlog tbe youth into bis aunt's lap, and
silting on bis legs, while one holds bis nose
and tbe other guides the spoon which is
generally upset, nod apill-i's contents on
the aunt's best alapaca. Dan bury News.
Aquafortis will explode as well as nitro
glycerine aod grirdstone. Out or bis re.
maining eye Mr Waxtel, cf Garnet! Kansas
looks a sad assent.
It was reported from New Orleaos,not long
since Itat tbere was cholera there. Tbe
report waa denied, but a New York paper,
very careful generally lo its statements,
says it does exist tbere aod in the vicinity,
though it is not yet epidemic. It wu r
poned also that tbere waa cases of cholera
oo a steamer coming up tbe Mississippi,
sod Ibis, loo, was immediately thereafter
denied, and-tbe sickness was softened down
lo dlarrbccea. Whether there be cholera
in tbe South or not, it behoove every city
to be oo guard. Tbe healed term is neur,
perhaps already beguo, and though our
towo is I illhily located, yet cleanliness m
street, alley and yard may be so neglected
Ibat tbe advantages Nature bat given us
nay be entirely overpowered. "An ounce
of prevention is worth a pound of cure,"
and aa filth doe breed disease, and olien
rendera epidemic wbai would otherwise be
mild and occaaional, it would be well now
to put in use every precautiouaay meas
ure. ' '
The Cornell students have raised between
$2,000 and $3,000 to delrav resit t Hxnec-
. President Wbite has given tbem a
boat and Tom Hughe bag seot tbem a sil
ver challenge cup,
Maryland, through it historical Soeietv.
claims Philadelphia aa Ita rightful propei-
A man with a bfg bear! live io Alleo
town. He found a child's Docket book.eon
talning five cents, in the street the otber
uny, ana advertised II,
Tbe laying ol iron on the New Castle and
franklin Railroad is progressiog rapidly.
Late accounts from the scene of tbe trou
bles lo the Sbamoklo coal region, state tbat
tbe Philadelphia and Reading Company has
full possession of tbe twenty-five tracts ol
land In dispute. Wheeler and bis party be
isg unable lo retain their position. W bee
leraays be could not retain possessluo tin.
less be bod an army of men. and be has,
therefore, retired, aod will fight tbe matter
out lo tbe courts, expecting to recover ag
gravated damages.
Mrs Lottie Palmer, a pretty widow, some
time ago established a pholegraph gallery
in Racine, Wis, aod so many married then
got In the habit of going io sit for tbeir
pictures tbat tbelr wives interred an ajHi
malive from all tbe oegativbs, aod incited a
mob to break up tbe gallery last week, and
to expel Its fascinating proprietress from
the towo.
A Mrs Wilder, of Greeley, Cel., bas aban
dooed Ibe needle forlbe plough, aod done
therewith plain sowing lo tbe extent ct
eighteen acres of wheal.
A citizen of Bangor, 'Me., prpmlsea to
pay Ibe Sooiely lor the Preveotion af Cfuel.
ty lo Animals $1,000 if it will secure tbe
passage of a Slate law prohibiting ue use
of ibe check rein on horses.
tie thousand aores will be planted io
cotton to Bummer county, Kausis, thltsej-
A Troy cigar dealer has a novelty In tbe
way of a busiuess card. A pieee of tape
with a small cork attached Is fastened to
tbe card, on which is printed tbe following
'legend": -'Tbe most horrible death I to
be talked to death. To prevent lb above
terrible fate, use tbe patent, lltr-preserver,
attached lo Ibis card. Direct lens Put lbs
cork In yoiir ear "
Tbey are twelve counties in tbe State out
of debt Berks, Bradford, Buck, Cambria,
ColumMu, Greene, M'Kean, Somerset, Watf
lea. Wayne, Westmoreland and Fulton.
A ten year old sou of Jobn Bays, ol
Greoue township, Erie County, was drown
ed while 'fishing, on tbe 13th it It.
A fearful accident occurred at Turner'
Mil1, at Spring Creek station, oo tbe Phils
delphia and Erie ltoad, oo Wednesday. A
man by tbe name of Joho Walters, was
caught in tbe belting aod drawn up to tbe
main shaft, around which be was whirled
with fearful rapidity. Evety vestige ol
clothing was torn from bis person. Ooe
arm and one leg were broken, and bis flesh
badly bruised. His roeoveryjls doubtful.
While Benjamin Baer, of Robrestown,
Lancaster County, waaengaged in building
a trellis for grapes on Friday lift, a piece 0
scantling with a nail In tbe end of it fell,
the nail striking blm lo the eye, spilling
the pupil in two parts and destroying tbe
At a Love Feast, belli io Jacob Long's,
In South Atiuville townablp, Lf baton conn
ly, there were four hundred persons provi
ded witb diuuer, and eigbl bit nd red with
supper. There were eatra one hundred
and twenty- five loare ol oread and four
hundred pies. The Itast lasted tea days.
Lebigb county has two tbouesod steam
boilers io use.
Mr. Solomou Tobias, of Swatara towocblp
Lebanon county, cut himself la Ihe loot
witb an axe a few days ago, which necessi
tated amputation of the foot.
The Prince ol Wale baa begun to eeono
mix. He I said to bave saved 500 out of
his last yearly allowance, though it is whis
pered that be found the sural o a pair ct
cast-off trousers he bad forgotten all about.
Ao Illinois farmer louod six wolf cub
under a hay stack, witb plenty ot meat aod
chickens, supplied by tbeir provided tooth
A defunct Chicago brewer bas left I this
world of beer wealth enough lose! up all bis
cbildreu with large fortunes, and'; a Cincin
nati brewer, wbo bas also gone fiom Ibe
land of lager, considerately left bis family
property so large tbat tbe appraisers set
aside $12,000 to maintain Ibe widow one
year, whilst ihey settled tbe estate Sume
ol the drinkers of the Chicago and Cincin
imti workhouses tbrouiib lack of money to
pay tbeir lines fur drunkenness, and tbelr
families receive doles Irom the poormaster
to keep them Irom starving. It makes all
the dtlt'ereoce whether you brew beer or
drink beer.
Fashion aod common seoe,now go band
lo band as regards feminine fool gear. The
broader the sole, the more stylish Ibe boot
Tbe returns made to tbe State Auditor
show tbat tbe aum of $2, 500,000 was paid
In Iowa last year for life Insurance.
''Captain Jack cocktails" are announord.
The bar-keeper wbo Klamath Ibe Inven
tion of them says tbat Ibey are firstrat lor
raising bair.
Many Kansas farmers are folantlnir pea
outs, flaxseed and castor bean Ibis season.
Tbe Cuvahoua O. Keoorier savS tbat du
ring the past week Ihe appurlenaoses of the
A. & G W. bridge yard, reoeotly located
In Kent, bave been removed to Gallon ana
it is rumored that the fioishioa department
of the machine shops there Is sooo to follow
Sllll. (
Canadian papers cooilou lo lament lb
exodus of French Cauadlaos, erpeolallv
young men, to the United Stale for perma
nent settlement.
Editor Daily Record i-FIB- BISHOP
will he a Candidate tor Ihe office Of COUN
TY TREASURER, subject to the Republi
can Primary Election May 31st, 1873;
VniTnn Dit.v Ttnrnun Pie amannowoe
thenatneot MAJOR J. F. MACKEY, of
Vrtnklin. as a candidate lor Couuty Treas
urer, stiliji'ut to tbe uaagea of Ihe Republi
can pariy.
Ed. Record: Please anoounoe tbe nam
of G. W. POUTER, of Rayoillloo, aa a can
didate fur Couaty Commissioner, subject lo
the Republican usages, at tbe Primary
Election, to,be held Saturday, Bay Slat
Every ly wants uaet
Snt on receipt of TeaOeats. address L, T- HTfDI
Loral Notice.
'Ott tlAl.K.
A desirable residence on tbe Egbert f.r.
Good water handy. Everv modirnl I
lence. Will be sold cheap" M'I,T
Petroleum Centre, May T, jbis. f
ion sali; cumin
Three wells all Cased for sala Ch,B
Two engine, two boilers. Iuhln. u..?l7
ery and nil appliances. Apply t Howi"
4 COOK'S, FeUMleum Centre, P,.
Tbe copartnership heretofore
under tbe firm name of J. M. Henry k c
Is this day dissolved bv Santtiaal emu.. .
All persons knowisg themselves indebted u
lb old Iras are requeued I call and seitl.
lb aaat at anc.
, , L. Perkins,
'. RlTTK,.
Dated Pet ro!eu Centre, May 21, tjt.
"Thine, at Mih.ll 3, ni.i....
w " r -. - mm ...VUHIUI UD
nosite Krrnm. OfnW. uin am,-, d...
' . i m VIIU4
leu m Cent re. Pa. - '
HT Ftue SINGLE ulKN ESS "from $25
iosiiuu at aiaraoall dt Kt
Ellcbards, opposite
ibe Rkccnn oflSee.
Grand Olympic ! !
rflreclor, Dr. JME8 L. T BAYER
Bust oess Manager, SAMUEL COLK
Business Agent, C. W. XJDftiSR
Ot Use Nlneteeallk Cent?,!
Will exhibit at
Saturday May 31st
TV JATMrS'f, TrMYir. fn npol Inrillnir thr
mlrnrnw of the jinhlic, dcsmn Ita duty lo make
known the fact ihat Hn part f xpriterire at an
mnrvni.t catrro Irna rnaMi d him to Meet and
prestim fn hia patron during tha pwent wanna n
nnittllTbrt uAiinA I lF Bl fina iiwii onv jrr
ftefore herm conte acted lto a sinl prformaiic
A m. f.ilnu. ..! 3hm A mrrom irtr
4 v?Tjton. riklll Mil titli t, will be Ihe leally rur
prUIng performance of t.te gr at
Tom Id nnmnee, whrse nciUfg'T funny rperform
anees at the stinripal theatres of tit Tork city
have keen a coBalant top of enrvrm.h. Amors
She T taaay original act will be found ti e
r;roui lunatich,
Wbleb convnlses the-aoiHeac wMk langh'-er. Tbr
threat tMUMrCHE UACE
Aemfclnally danced by tbsnrattbe Clrqae Imp
riat. Parte. The popalar audi acreanin Fitncli
MAXIlifli. THS HIWIJ I " " i"
And ramemae ether novelties- These enrlnns
atstitt will be assisted by the Waotlfsl Lsdy Psa
tomlrn tU,
we. mAmmnvm-
, Taa
And sn andlexs corns of msle aed ferns).
eon.tltwlij the Most Mapnlilwnit CoaWnaUon
ever collated In a single ntertaiameat.
A Goitjn Street Cam
Under II Bib! ladershlp r fro' K
Bergao, ul New York. AIo, onduolor 01
Fairy Silver Crnet Band,
Wblob will olswiiv all lh lte d P"Pf
alar melodies dating The Grand 9treel rr
rada, and at Ihe
At 2 to Ml afternoon aod 7i lo i
Regnkr Admission, 5f Cents.
ChiMia under 10 yeais, JS cents.
I in
I Ml
I Hi
ID, iw areata Avenue, pw fi