it M F ,'f ill' 'I? .,U.r 1BW ADVERTISEMENTS. V4,000f0(M ACHES ! Cheap Farms ! The cheep Ua In emrket hWh UNION PACIFIC RAIL ROAlJ CO. vmun wmt putte vtlUey 8,000,000 Aer. in uentral ZZJiZ le 1o lnict of forty .crc and npward. on rSSudUd'Shful clte.te. fertile -oil, anabnnd- "'I'SJt'maWbT IN THR WK9TI Th. ii mlnfne reslona of Wyoming, Colorado, I tah 5N"TaMg.ppllod'by lb. fan..." the Pun t SOLDIERS ENTITLED TO A HOME STEAD OK 160 ACRES. TUB BUST LOCATIONS 0K COLONIt P. FKKB H0ME8 FOK ALU Minjon. of tow - of choice "F"" w. frmui with Homestead Law, near tbia reat Hallroaa, wi JSmaet..udallthe convenience of an old bopurcha-ofKallroadUnd. Sectional Mps auowiug "" liM edition of Descriptive Pamphlet with new Maps A,WrC,a 0F.DAVI8, We Want an Agent Id tbia township to canvass for the new, valuable and fast awlMoii book by Dr. JOHN COWAN, The Science of a New Life. Recommended end endorsed hjr prominent . papers. h 840 per week narmUod. Addrw. COW- ONLY 10 CENTS EVERY MAN MS OWN PAINTER; OrTpAlNTS-HOW TO SELECT AND v ' . . USE THEM. A plain trentlom containing sample J1);. different actually painted shades aad tint,., with lustrartkm. for exterior and cnt.riur Home Dee- "w'ipl.i'.bmnd In cloth, for . Sample cap. leT paper envor, mailed, port ee Id, to any addrees BOX 1624, poautlf f loe,PklUclpbla. He. the following Taluable extracts from preaa y valuable honk, and no raelrdmtdlng to i. e au not know o much could be .aldon the subject of palntlnv a uouko "''" ' want limg fell at laat supplied."- Sciential: 'Not only a necessity . 'nPl,,,,!r5 t jalna. we to every uc.ui.u. . .. But xowuiieeof till, hook and dl.tirihiitothum tbiwlA, yon onldmake no more taluable prewnt." "la unbll.hlns thU hook Mr Balrd line done a real jrvli to ihe opmmunlt y Toledo Blado. Te aoua the riil.ll.bM will ell 100,000 copleaof thl. book diirlnii "!3."-lKHton Jiavwiiwr -In .elilna a .ample oiy Tor 1U cent, Mr. Iiilrfl tiiiMl fuel c-rtiiln n ordurror SB uomid lnclolli will follow. ' KmiikU-lfe- the author, UU'I eongratnlate our.lvi Ihat m 0W.lllll(;l n ourneiKilu"r''v .,d v,...u ance " Hurpor a Weekly- "we know iu iowo wi "im; .'" recommendod, .nilcau vouch for tlitlr value nud Ihe Ctd'iailCe Ol Mia "IWEFtsuii uiauu ui nmw -rlllla. Ledger. ONLYv 10 CENTS Sewing Machine IMlin nRsTllVTHF WORLD. Aeenia wanted. H.nd for clrntlnr. AddrMa: "UOMKsriO" HKWINH MAIillNlllOO., N.Y. YOU ASK I I'LL TELL! Tto New Departure in Books. Agenta wanted. Exclusive territory Riven. Tiie book will tell ileell. Father, Mother. Slater, Brother, Minister, Merchant, Mann facturer, Mioer, Mariuer and Yourlf all want it. There la money In it. Send lor Circular. CUlsSTERMAN dc WEBSTER, bO North Btb St., Philadelphia, Pa. USK the Ueleiuger Huh Ixick and Support to Fasten Your Window! Noapring to break, noeutt'ng of aaah; eheap, dura hlu, Tory eaally applied; hold. a.h at any plm-e de aired, nud a aelf twltmur Jieu Hie a.h la down. Mend tatnp for circular. Circular and alx co pr -bnmaed Uwk. cnl to any addrra. la ha IT. 8., IHMtpaid, on receipt of Bu ct. i.ilral tndnnmienta tn thti trade.' Airent wanted. Addreaa KKIS1NG EH SAHU LOClx CO , No. 418 Maet St., Ilnrrla fcur.', Hi. MiumfAtitnrer. of bawa. ' 1 S HTTPErtlOK TUALL WlIKftH. JhKVEttV SAW. WAKHA5TKD fllvN. Ix'liinif Ac niitchhiery. .m. ir UUKK4L DIHCOUNTS.-U I'rfcc List and Circular, free. WELCH & OK ill .HoBloo Maea , Jt Detroit. Mich. 1O.O00 GIFTS, $500,000 ON TUESDAY; jrjLY,8lh. 1873, (he Tiird;Orand.tiilt Concert, underTtbe man .Yemeni of Ex-Covernor Thua. E. Bruui IhIIm untl anlhorixed hy apeciul act ol the Iieaiai.tiiire.rur the bawlleof the Publio Li. Imry ol Kenlnckv, poaitivly Mid iineqnkv. Oiliy coiua nu-lii PtlODo Library Hull, M J,'iiiir,ville, Ky ,'when lO.OUO Qill,all caah Hi.Kiiiniin to $.V)0.0Otl, will bo di.tributrd ly hit amnnv the ticket. 'uildera. The mon ey In pay all three iiifla in full I. already in tmiik 4ini net aaide tor that purpoee, aa tue T'llim inn nertiflcate ahtiw.; t)i yir.k tit- Kiumki'' Drovkr HaXK, ? ' LiiviHVUyLit, Sir . April 7. I87H J Th it in eertitv that theie ia ID the Kai-?"-ti-' au1 Droveit' Bauk, tu the credit ,o( the Third Qrand Gilt Conc-rt for Ihe hne St oi the Public Library ol Ky.. Five Hun dred Thousand Dollar, which bna been eel apBrt by the Manacer. to pay the flirts in full, and will he In Id hy the Bank and paid out for thia ptirpoae, and thia ptirnnae only. (Signed.) H. S. VKKGil. (Ja.hier Only a ! ticket, remain untold, and tbey.will be rurnlshed to the first applicant, at the folluwiuK price.: Whole ticket. $10 halve., $5; quarters, $2 BIT! it wholea lor $10d; 68 lor SiiOO; 113 lor 1.0H0. and. 675 for f 5,(10(1. For tlckew anil lull .Inlorma tion, aprly to Tnos. E. BRaMLETTE. Louievlllt', Ky. or Tho.. II. Hays ,t Co . C'I9 Broadway, New Yotk. C; r ,.k B-I p-rdayl ARtinta wantedl All Ifr'l lt " cIiih-u. of working people of either .ex, y mn or old, make inure money at work tor us In their epar momenta or ail the tlma thnnatflnythtmreiae. I'irilcninra free. Address 0. KTINaO.N 0 ., Fonland, Maine A R A R ' CHANCE!! We will pay all Agents $40 per week IS casu who will engage with us at oncb. Everything fnrnl.hed and expenses paid. Address A COULTER & CO., Charlotte, Mich. PATENTS OBTAIN EU. No foe a unite, .nrcewfnl. No feint In advance. No charjm for preliminary .earch. Send fur tir cnlara CUNNDIJ.Y BHOP11KKS. 108 8. Fourth bt., Philadelphia, 1'a , and 608 Ninth HI., Washington, D.C. WORKING CLASS M $60 a week guarrauteed. kespectable rin ploy men t at home, day or evening; no cap ital required; full inaiructioiiH and valuable paokage at goods sent free by mail , Adilree. with six ceut return stamp. M- YuUNG & CO., 173 Greenwich St., N Y, HOW 'TIS DONE, or the SECRET OUT Mustache and Whl.ker lu 42 days. This GREAT SECRET add .100 other., Gambiera' Trick". Cordology. Ventriloquism all in the ORIGINAL "BOOK OF WON niillS" Mailed for 25 cents. Address D. C. CUTLER. Carthage, Illinois. , GETTYSBURG KATALYSINE -.WATER 1. ihe nearii.t approach to a spedfio ever dbcoverrd for Dy.prp.ia. Neuralgia, RheutruUi.m, Gout, (i Du el, Uiaoair., Kidney and TJrioerv DlMaaea gener ally. It rKture. mUKHiar power to Ibe paralytic It cures Liver Complaint, Cbronle Diarrhoea, Pile.. Conatlpatinn, Aithma, Catarrh and Rronrhltia. 1).. earn, of the ekln, Genewi Debility and Nervou. Proetrattnn from Mental and IMiya'eal Exces-.H It i. the tlrcateat Antidote ever discovered for Ex cewive Kailni; or Drinking. Itjcorreets the .tun ach pnimntea Digeaiinn, andKellraee tie Head aimo-t immediately. No honaehold ahonld bn without It forBiile hy all bru-l-ta f'aT For a Malory of Die Spring., for medical re port, of he power of tho wuter over dit-cce, for marvell ll. etirea, and fr teftemouiala from di. tlii(rnlBhcd men. Bend fur pamphlet.. WHITNKY IlKOS , lientral Agcuta, in 8omh Front Mreel l'hlladolphia, I'll. flettyshttrg Spring Co lt K V Alt l. For any one caae ol Blind. Bleeding, leu ing or nloeiatedl'ilea that DK Ili.'(;-S PILE KK.MKDY tails lo cure. It is prepared expl'e.alv to cure the Piles, and nothing t-lse. Sold by all Druggists. Price, f 1,0(1. 110 POST OFf ICE NEW SHO). M. IIOLLIDxVY GOODS Jost received at mm rem NEWSROUH I am now prepared to sell anyj thing and everything in tho Xewspapcr, stationery, Ulank ISook. Fancy lioixls, Or Confectionery Line ! At Greatly Reduced RATES, I hope by strict .attention to the wants of the rurjJiu to mer it a share of their patronage.and would innte my friends to, pay uie a call. . CIIAS. C. HItliEU. C3-. CSrOttlDOlSr, DEALER I3ST SLAaXSiSWSiS ZVZazx-Sf.9 FctroIcumCaiitre, Keeps on band a full liuejof House Furnishing Goods, Boston Fat. Gcuplins Bit Gasini, Gas Pips MFitte New Bedford Bolt Hope Cables and iSand Pump Lines, RUBBER BELTING, FORKING BARRELS, TUBING AND PACKING. VALVES. CASING and hose, valve cur?, clamps Lanterns, Lantern Globes, Carpenter's Tools ALL KIXI5S W Hi: A Sal CJOIS, Extra "Winter jStrained l ard Oil, Johnson & Barrett's Lubricating Oil, io. 1 Befined Oi, Tlio;NoveHy rl Kitrcl;:i Clot lies r r.jrL'rs, Hie i.Vnt lu usn, With ft full Hue of TnMcrthd docket Cutlery, and S.lvtr PI mod Spoons andForlis, STOYES, STOYES f h?. hCrA n?ATWOf SJOVE3 ounnnt he excelled l tho oil region. Ah r,T , 1 advonc of Sieves by inam.frfctiire.s, I em enabled to still sell atold 1 bo.e .leairing anything in thH way of a Cook or Heating Stove will do wtll to call and examine my .lock, ol which the followiui; is a iuriiul iial; With reservoir'and warming closet, a But claes Siove fur hard coal or wood. t lib llf-.Ii ii lid Git EAT UK LP Kit Cook, a cheu lir.t class Stove wiih or without leaervmr kh1 uumin. .i.... .... J -"H"P Clues Move Kire f Ineen-Cort. a cheap first cla,a". f; hard ,.r s .ft cL. ' Iron Gule Cook, large heavy und durubleSiove lor soft coal '- ntiZeZiZ-cX vszssxst tuxz:: 8toFe and IMY LINE OK PARLOR ABATERS cannot h. vo..,.,i . lloilNM Llgllt A chonp cylinder Suive with mill "rate HOHSC A aheet iron cylinder stove, very cheap " .l.y A small sell feeder unil riiite cheap. Black Swim A parlor cwk s'ovo wilh oven, (or coal r iun A cheap dining room Stuve. J fill A chrttp bed' room Siove. Pearl A cheap cylinder Stovefcfnr hard or soil coal; Volcano A large healing Stove. JiJnl Adan'te.l r... ,i . , SALAMANDER A derricktovo. GLVaXIf; j' MANUFACTURER OF Till, . SHEET IRON AMD 0?PR WARE'- SMOKE STACKS MADE TO ORDER. coasidered the cheapest and safest jump Z" . nepairinot ail kinds doe wUh ncatue and dispatch. GILUEltT.VUUD.W. . Grand Opening! CP CARPETS, il Cloths, potions, &c., . AT SAIV1UELS ." : r. ' tj ' ' i BROS., Washington Street, retroleum Centre. At present Ibe wevalling topia of cohver- ealioo appear! to '-Dew soon are you going to move to Butler?" We desire - to inform our patrons and the pulilio at large that we do not Intend to -move from Petroleum Centre, but propose to 'Cght it out oo tbls line If It takes all summer," and wonld respeollully invite all to ooae and examine out nock of ; ; ; . Such as Millinery Trirnmings, . LACE GOODS, , And a complete stock of ladies . Hats and Bonnets,., Alto, a Complete Stock or BOOTS SHOES Wblcb will be told' " ' Clieaper. tale Cheapest is'-tiive us a call and examine goods and price., . SUITJELS FROS. Pet. Centre. Apiillilih, 1S73. Formerly with V II. T. I1ELMB0LTI. TKADB MARK. mi 5 Exr. ! Fa. 1 I KKAHNEY'I8 FLUID EXTRACT BUOHU, la the only Known Remedy tor Bright Die- -ecae and has cored every ease of Diabetes In ' which it haa been given. Irritation of the Neck . of tho liladder and in Summation of the Kidneys. . Ulceration of Urn Kidneys and Bladder, Keten tion of Urine, Diaeasea of the Prostate Gland, Btono in the Bladder, Gravel, Brick Dust, and Mucous or Milky Discharges, and for Kn leebled and Delicate Constitutions of both Sexes, attended with the following symptom. : la -of tower, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breath, ing. Weak Nerves, Wakefulness, Fain in tho Back, Flushingof the Body.Kruptionontbe Face, , Fallid Countenance, Latitude of the System, etc. Used by percona In the decline or ehange of life; after confinement or labor pains, bed-wet- -ting in children, etc In many affections peculiar to ladles, the Ex tract Buchu u unequued by any other remedy- Aa in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Pain fulness or Suppreeeion of Customary Evacuation., . Ulcerated or tjchirrua state of the Uterna, Leu- -comhcea or Whltea, Sterility, and for all com- : plalnta incident to th sex. It is tirtembed. extensively by the moat eminent Physicians and Midwivea for enfeebled and delicate eaasUtu. tiona of both sexes and all ages. K E ABNE Y'S EXTRACT BTJCHTJ, Piteatu Arising turn Imprudtncu, . TlMte of DMnalkm, Etc., In all their stages, at -little expense, little or no change in diet, no in -convenience, and no exposure. It causes a fre- ' euent desire, and Rives strength to . Urinate, . thereby removing Obstruction., Preventing and Curing Stiicturea of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and Inflammation, ao frequent In thia c(. of dU- -eases, and expelling all Poisonous matter, . ' KEAHIVET'S EXTRACT BCCHTJ, - 1.00 per bottle or six bottles for as.00, delinred to any addraaa, aecure from obaervation. told by dniggiita everywhere. Prepared by 1 KEARNEY & CO., 104 Duane St., N. T. to whom all letters lor information should be -addressed. Avoid fiuacks and Impoatora. Ko Ohafgs for Advlo andsVoaaaiUUon. " Dr. J. B. Ihjntt, Graduate of Jtfferaon UidiaU College, Philadelphia, author of several valuable works, can be consulted on all diseases of thu tlaxual or Urinary Organs, (which he baa made , . an especial study) either in male or female, no matter from what cause originating or of bow long standing. A practice of 80 years enable . him to trait disease with success. Cure guar, auteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a dia- ' lance can forward letter describing eytuptoms and enclosing stamp to prepay postage. Bond for the Ouide lo Health. Price 10 cents. ' J. B. DYOTT, M.D., Physician and bxvgeoa - - 104 Duane Ht. , New York. : :ii i air nil ' Advet 'Am in the Rkcuhu.