13. Hi-Warner l)BALEKiaf SRC 0ND-H1ND TUBING, ill Me. Ca.lnx, Engines, Bollem, and OIL WEIJj SUPPLIES. HIGHEST CASH PRICK PAID FOR OLD ROPE, IRON and BRASS. aa-Itavlnr rorcntly pnrclineed a New and In am PIPE CUTTING M AOMIN K, I am prepar Sin nit dud At all sizes of Pipe and Casing from K loch to8 14 inch. wwhlnlnN Nearly Opp. Roch eattr HoHHi Vet. :tiilr. Pa. yrttr. U. U. WAUN.tR. HARNESS SHOP, Marshall Richards Wnsld respectfully annon'nee to the eltlr.cn-of rVtroleum t'en'ro and Ticinitv that tt.ey have pur sued the IIAKNHS!) tllur of A. JxwgeU, ON MAIN STKKET. OPPOSITE THE RECORD OFFICE, i ars nowtoady to farnlab C-Safltllfis, Whijs, Roles, HARNESS, Blankets, And everything nana) kept In sTFIRST-CLASS SHOP. RIPAIRtNOofall kinds neatly anVkxpedltloa (don. Oive as a eill. MAK8HALL KICUAKDS. rwroleom Centre, Dee. 5, 111 tf -2 2 C3 " M I a e- rJ b .SB m I 2j a eta, . 3 Excelsior foe Cheapest and Best Oils for Well l)se. "iTBB FAIL TO GIVE SATISfAC- TION. '-Not Gam I .'.I.:, wear Well I Try Them t leranee-.Calaaa.la, oil Co. ' htf?"11 C. IT.-Williams, at end or Boyd Bridge, PETttOLKUM CMtTRi,A. ""Fee Sale hQ. GORDON, r . HWOHBfc'jOHNSOIf. -' T 5W to fO.fMM fa et fiECOND-BAND IUt ,r"0 250 3 Ota. par loot v7- "was w in nni ciaaav oroer ana til M) IS. tT. H. B. VABNEB. v H ! HI I i Daily Record NEWSPAPER, . AND Job Printing Office; MAIN TBEET, PETUOLEIM CENTRE. CHAM O. WICKER, Proprietor. NEWS DEPARTMENT. AJrceclve telcTranhlr ritareitettea ., ,n j lirncina nwa of cn-at iltreil frnm hII arollona of wheKhyrircelvi miliar IMroleiini. muck and Pioduce Ma. km Uciori every amilnhy tcltinviiih from New York, I'lnindHnhin, mid l'lrtlititv, which toiMher with Kdlmrlala mid Local matlera, make II one of mint r'.i.i,t. newananera publlabed In the 01 Kcglon. As an yy " Adrcrtiainff Medium, be KRCORU Ilia no auprrlor, aa It circulate? wherever aa Oil Operator or Dealer can he found J MM DEPARTMENT. Wt have a larje and Well '"elected atnek ol Jobhlua; materia, cinhnidiif the ver latcal itylea. We are thcrcforu enahlud to ececilti Fori Work of every variety In a autiHlnctory manner when deaired, joliewill be ueatlypriBted la UuLoao Shipping IlilU Poi tr, Hand-Bill. Piogrnramcs, Bills f Fare. Ivabe AND OutlneM and Vlditing Cards L KTTKK.I1KADS, BILL HEADS, BILLS OF UADINQ, Etc , Etc BAdli Clr'HlNTING, ain or Fancy Vtyles, neatly and promptly eiecn ted, embracing INVITATIONS riBCtJLAHti ?K0QRAMMB8 n fiet, ererj varletv and etyle of wot In letter preaa pr.ntlng. i i. T m .Ti.atlojM f h Una nm V.ntiH Acenta. Oil Dealer and Aeema. lnn ranee Airenta Expreeamen ai.d other partiea In want, nr In ormed that weare praiaria1 to execute in order all klnda of BLANKS, bn'tnesa or n quired lu ihie com- "nltr-. ...i, ..a , JOoDlOK airtmnBT ru.pm.iiuu riiii.'iu. C 0 WICKER everywhere to eell nr new and nove Embroidering Maci.loo. aend for Ilia flrlTr'jf JJtratid uireuiar. hjur aicaee .nana rapes?! atOBjewKay. F York WINES. MQUPRS. ETC $4.00 OIL WANTED The Oldest ; Established Li quor Store on Oil Creek. OWEN GAFFNEY, PROP'R, REMOVED To the New Stand In Chrlatle'a Old Store, rppoilte ine JamC8towtClothlug .Store, Prtrokuni (. autre, fa. New Goods in Great Variety, but plenty of Sunday Cora fort left yet. I have ri'flltcd a af ,ro f r-nrl y occupied .y J. II. I hriHll., corner of Vn?lilnston nnd Plrat t., and liiid In a new atuck of the purest and beat of W ines, l iquors and Cigars, TUB MAKKET AFFOUDS. My stock consUta In part o BOURBON, AND MONOGAHE- LA RYE WHISKIES, New England, Medford and Jamaicca Hums, HOLLAND GIFS, HESXESY, PINKT. CARTTLI.KN CO.'S, AND JlAltTELL UUA.NDIK8, ni'FFAIiO, IIOCIIFSTEIt & CAAA.MAlGtl AliEii. . . Sole Agent forthe BROTHERHOOD WINES, of Brockton, N. Y, Alao Apent for the Celebrated r.HPAT WEST KEN BKAD of Amt-rlcnn i:bamparre, made by the PleaMiit Valley Wine t"o., Heiibrn county, New York, eunaUutly on uaiid the iiupurtcd chain pagne Ac. My 'atock of CLOAKS ii t ncxcllecd In thin region. I KELP NONE BUT THE FINEST Cigars and Wines, Branch btore at the old atand, No. 25 Waahingtov tieet. GIVE MK A. CALL) At my new atand and ace BILLT PCQII, OWE.GAFFJKE. r, Cntn Te?. IT THE Oil, IflAKKETft. BY W. U. TEL. LINE Ofpicr op . PsTRoi.riu! Ckxthk Daii.t Reoord May 20, 1873 Tha market la quiet nod dull to-day a1 2,35. No an lea Philadelpbln, May 20. CnirlP, gs4'. Relinod J9. Market quint. ' Pitlahuru, Mav 20 Criuie spot, 6 B. (). nit year. I J', B. O.d 11 J, R'-fined Spot, 22?j Market Nominal New Yitk, May 20. Clinic 0 . R'-fineri, 19,. Market Quiet. COLDtNNfiU VUKK. New Vukk, May 20. Gold 1184-. P- C. HEENZ, Pioneer, Pa., Alauufactnrer of OIL WELL Machinery & Supplies Engines and Boilers of every description Repaired at ISliort Notice. Agent for FOSTER'S GAS I'UMP. PATENTEE of III IXZ S WA TCH l'At'KEU. REPA THING of all kinds done at liort notice and all work warranted. Orders by mat. or tebn:rath promptly attended to P. C. HEINZ. Pioneer, Ta., Dee. 21, 1872 tf. New Goods. SAVE YOUR MOXEV ! And buy your. Boots and.Stcef at Mrs. M. Magrane's ONE TRICE BOOT & SHOE STORE ! I keen a very lane atoek of all klnda on hand andrellaa cb.tpaaauy older bonae in the OIL riDiiiui,, uonnecieu wuu my store is a Custom Department ! And I ",..' u a nnrfnnl fl l r, ll - , . i.riMtiriii-' iieaiiy uuuu. , rvext aoor to woir, Jewelry hlore. Petroleum Centre, Pa. decatf ' TtIK NEW ELAaiTIfl XRf lltN. An Imnm. taut lnv ntion. Il relalna the Ilimiur. at allil,, o and under the hilrd. -l exerclae or aevereat slnln.' ii i. w i ii wuu coiniori, auu ii sent on nignt and day. cITocIa a pernium-ni . n in a few weeka H.ld ch ap, and aout hy Mail Mhrn leijueated, circulnre free, when oiderid liy letter aent to The Kl allc Tma Co. , No t8 Brundwny, N. Y. City. Nobody ui- Metal Spring 'ituMea; too painluli tk.f aUu off too fren,nently r McKinley & Gross Machinists, Blacksmiths, ANU Effbert Farm, retruleuni Centrr, Ia. Boiler Repairing a Speciality. REFINERY STILLS REPAIRED tlT W wairant all work done by ua he m-arly aa pood aa new when repaired Good rraterial futoisbed and pricei i reaaor able. Havlnff harl ctn o.nn.L... nc?".ir."r,e I"B,,l,,d lo.clve aatlahetlon. l'ctrolenin t'enire. Pa.. .Tw. S.tf. New Goods. Emel Zedwich- ("LITTLE JOE." BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, coSKxr'1 w,,h Fall and UTlnter' Goods. "M ,''IW.rd f. A-i-nrrm' r.,relr pnet Ihreo jcors, aud ho. the name of Ma kins the Ilrnf vtt and Finest Moot in lltt Uii Rceioiis. " lie 1. eonstanilr receiving order, from other oc Uou. of ihe Oil Regions. lu",r"OB Ha conatnntly keeps on hand , . Ready-made Boots4& Shoes LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S fa Hots AND GAITERS. CAM, A.HB8RF HIM. D ISTRBUTIOrv 75,730 Premiums RANGING IN VALUE FROU U-L V JliJN to Tv.H)Cri..i.i.iy (lim Fit rem r rr.ir r of o..o nr.-. e.Va. AVnvS-a .WnV -r.inlum, OH a fiaV. ViiAt x WAIOH, M'WINU JvT ill J I .-U .fi' rust hum mrtimiii can buy. ai d to make It a ihe wan I a of every family. t"r year or A i,uh ' home weekly .ulteii ,;, " " " ' "HIIMI ill budscrlptio. nice ta ane iiieaniit fkrnna CTJTB " WzclB taninche., to color. A.Tino ..!!. l,v nl to be the btlndaomi. V . . "v. Pl ....j.i . '"".t .lit; unu o tueli.'r',uir wn ting ind ,t, rBca, , mli.Z, eniiumft me bolder to a aharc li.lhe diati'i A "fWlnoiat, and ether prinlSnnVl "n Iliedilrihiitlntake.plae.otithe mnd Tee . wnt'n,eVvln?o?rtei,,r,,rm m4 tifl.. writ on rtxietpt of price Specimen copl. e, orenuum ll. ,t,.i, givimjfnll partlcnl r. wnl f,i anyaS, Ts 1 tat a anaine neat oulflt UAMTCn onoe for terms. bend u imiltU Addreaa OCR yXHKSIHE FHIKN1, Chicago. 3 q q Just Publiabed ! Strauss' "Waltzes AtRAXOXB AS Violin Solos. ASK FOR PETERS' EDITION' rppjCepy aent, post pa d. for tLftVuBoaafa, t J Addrevs, J. Ti lts, Broadaray, New York. Sanger - Fest; ITL . i 1 w. . A Collection of Glees, Part songs, Choruses, etc . FOK Male Voices. KfltnnU PairklM .aliJ i . ,j -,,. por d-ijien. Addreri. F . rr i i-iwg, em BrtntJwity, New York Fairy Voice AhEW MnHIf! BOOK FOR DAY SCHOOL". BendflOeente. ardwo will mr.ll a samDl. couv Apr:l 1st. Addre-a. V C "w aV.. PKTt.K, 6M Broad may, Mew York TUC II1.J. nmm Kk . ...... . " Every I ady wa.T.." Bfwnru Uainni n k ' . ;s1 KWn- "a1?"''-! laajaasatslff 'eytat - r r -w w