3. Earner SECOND-HAND All Casing, Engines, Boilers, and OIL WEl'l, SUPPLIES. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR OLD ROPE, IRON and BRASS. AHvin2 recently purchased a New md Ira timed PIPE C'DTTINO MACIIINK, I am prepar es to ent and IU all Ie of Pipe and Casing front lack tot 1-4 Inch. vaahlBKV---" Nearlr OrUk Jlocko MM HiH, l-OHIrs, ifa. aprtlf. H. U. WARN ail HARNESS SHOP Marshall & Richards Wontd respeetlnlly announce to the citizen of Petroleum en-m ana vicinirv inni ii.-vj nnvo pur Mwa uie UAU.-Niiso nuur oc a. ixatgau, OK MAIN STREET. OPPOSITE THE RECORD OFFICE, d an bow read M famish Blankets, And everything nsnaikept la . tVFIBST-CIiASt SHOP. Jp RIPAIHINO of all kind, neatly tod expedition tj dons. Give as a etll. ' JtARHHAIX RICHARDS. Petratoam Cerstre, Dec. 0, 1871 t f hp j si 8 t , h! Ex-celsior t! Cheapest and Best Oils for Well Use. EVER FAIL TO GIVE SATISFAC TION. I Not On t Wear W1I X Try Thesa 1 , KlrtiMMCtliaMt Oil Co. Qrtr Hale try G. GORDON. w, - HUGH M. XOHinON. JfroUamqartre, April arh, WW., it IfcnnSV0 01 -SECOND-HAND JMuW-liiQ first clae. ortar m u 7" 7 UUMJ iin. tt' B. H. WARKER. DBALBK'IN TIM IN 8 HP !! Si i ton I'"! 5 j a I oauy Record NEWSPAPER, AND Job Printing Office, MAIN TKEET, PTROLEl CEMHE. CHA O. WICKEK, Proprietor. SEWS DEPARTMENT. We receive telecraphlc dispatches op to 4 r. a and prewnt them to onr nail.ni every evening, em bracing n.ws of Trot .mere.tfro.rn all sections of Ih. coiiotry. We have mate .peelal arrnnoineiiU, whereby we receive revrNar Petroleum. mock and Produce Market Hepnria .very evening b telegraph rrura Na York. Philadelphia, and I'lll.bursr, wlilch together with editorials and Local aMttera.'niuke it one or the moat desirable newspaoers published In tnaO! Region. Alan nsr ' "" "Atlrertldlnc Median, he RBCOBD haa no anperior, as It drenlates wherever an Oil Operator or Dealer can b JOBBING DEPARTMENT. W hav a larire and Well 'aelMted stock ol Jobbing Materia roibnu.lnr' the verj latest stylus. Wa ar. therefore enabled to e6rut Too Work of every variety in a mlinfitctory manner when desind,)olia will be neatlyprinted in Couwd Shipping Bill.. Pot. Irs. Hand-Bllld. PiogranMaea. Bill ol Fare, iiabe . AND BaiineM and Visiting Cards LCTTBRBIADS, ALL H8AD9, BILLS OP LADING. Ao , lu BAl.LCIr'K'NTINa, aio or Faney Btyles, neatly and promptly execa ted, embracing INV1TAT10OT CIRCTLARH KOGRAMMEe t fact, every variety and style of wor In letter press nr.ntfng. Merchant., Lavryera. Jusrleea of the Peace, land Al'OTI". Oil Dealer, aad Aeenta, ln.a rente Asnits Bxpmwmen and other parties la want. In ormed thst weare proparoi to .aecnte to unler a 11 kinds ot BLJtNKISM'ineeaor leg J, required inifai. com- Jooulog airwnare rcapwiiauy .unuuvu. O C WICKKIt evarywhere to s.11 car niw ami nove rTrobrotienng Macmae. .na tor inn traud Crrrglar, to U. McKea Mans wm Btonowiy, new ora. 04.00 OIL WANTED TJic (MJist Established Li quor Store on Oil Credit OWEN BAFFNEY, PRDP'R, REMOVED To the N.w Stand In Christie's Old Htore, opposite the JameetowriOloth!ng Htore, retrolenm ,1'entre, New Goods in Great Variety, but plenty of Sunday Com fort left yet. I have refitted a .tir. f iranrl y occupied -y J. H. t hrlstl., corner of Wblnnton end First Ms., and Ibid In a new stock of the purest and best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TUB MARKET Af FORDS. My stock consists Injwrt o BOURBON, AND MONOGAHE LA RYE WHISKIES, New England, Medford and Jaoiaicca Kuuis, HOLLAND GINS, UBNNIST, PINrr. CABTItt-KN CO.'S, AND MaKTKLL BtCANDlKS, Bl'PFAIiO, norilFfTFR V CAiVAAiUAIGtl ALEcf. 8o!e Agent for'the BROTHERHOOD WINES, of Brockton, N. Y, Also Agent for the Celebrated OWAT WEST FEN BltADof AnM-Hcan Ctwmpfliri'w, m.d by the Pliasaut Valley Wine Co., Meiiheo county, N.w York, constautly on Land the irnpurtau cham pagnes. Jtc. My tock of CIGARS Is I nexclleed tn this region. I KELP NONE BUT THE FINEST Cigars and "Wines, Branch Store at the old stand, No. SS WarHnc top street. GIVE MK -A. CALU At my new stand and see BILL! Pl'GU, OWE.OAFF3(El P. Caotix! V& 17 HK OIL; ITI ARKKTM. BY W. U. TEL. LINE Oppicp nr ) PCTHOLIERPM CCNTIIR PaII.T RSCOSO S May 16, I87S V Thn market exlilhiia a oon.lderaMa Ml Inoff'over jfsterday'g quolatlona. We quoto at S2,Sn. No snles. Y htladelphlB, Jlay 16. Crtnle, 9 . Reflned Market quii't. PiltahurK, May 16 Crude spot, SJB. li. O. all year li H. O. d 1 1; Refined Spot, 22 Market Nominal New York, May 16. Crude 9 . Rt-Ontt!, 19!. Market Quiet, UOLDINNliU YlrMK. Ntw fong, May 6. OGolrl-llTT,'. P- C. HBI1MS, Pioneer, Pa., Manafactnrer of OIL WELXi Machinery & Supplies Engines and Boilers of every description Repaired at Short Notice. Agent for FOSTER'S GAS PUMP. PATENTED of III l.Z 8 WA TER PACKEU. HRPATRINOof ullUndsdor.. at aliort notice and All work marmntfld. Orders by mat or telcgrai k promptly attended to P. C. HE1N2. Pioneer, Pa., Dec 21, 1672 If. New Goods. 84 VE TOIR M0E ! And boy your; Boots andStxce al Mrs. M. Magrane's ONE PRICE BOOT & SHOE STORE ! I keep a very larire stock of all kinds on hand andfrtlas eh..pa.any other houo in the OIL KKUION, Connected with my Htore la a Custom Department ! AwiA I aM.M & A. Ik .11 , Rspairine neatly done. Next door to Wolf", Jewelry Htore. retrnienm centre, Pa. deottf ' I'H E K K W ELAsTIO TH llaa. An lmm. taut Inv ntion. Ii retains tlix Rupture nt all time, antl ii'tdcr tte hsrd-t exercise or severe! sirein. It is w. rn with comfort, aiid If kent on uljAt and d.y. etr.cis a periniineniiu . In a fw weeks Hold cli' .p, and sunt by Mail when repeatl. circular free, wliea oiden rt by littur biui to Tho K: st'c Tra-s t'o. . No h3 Broiulway, N. V. City. Nooou, use. Metal Hpil. g 'imacs; oa USlaful; tk.y alio off too ftennaatly. McKinley & Gross, Machinist?, Blacksmiths. AND Egbert farm, Pctroleum f Centre, la. Boiler Repairing a Speciality. REFINERY STILL'S REPAIRED Hf" W wairsnl all work dona hy o be nearly na good as new when repaired. Rood trateriul furoished and prices reaaur . able. llsvlnR bad Inn? expertise In tba buel nes we nre tnnhli'd m cive saiiacilon. JitSKI'll McKINLKY. HEIIASI IAN OnoiW rerfolenm (Jentra. Pa.. Jan. a. If. New Goods. Emel Zedwich, ("LITTLE JOE.") BOOT AND SHOE. MAKER, Has just relumed from Buffalo with a complete stock ot Fall and Winter Goods. Das been estiibllslicil I'otio'rrrn 'nHrlu past thrco ears, and has the name of Making-the Brst Fit and Finest Boot in the Oil Begloni. ruts constantly rrc,crvlnff nrrVn from other see tlous oflbe t il rU'aion. IT. constantly keeps on hand Ready-made Roots.&Shoe LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SUUbS AND GAITER? CALL ANDREK Ifliri. Jtf IXKL l V'fi D ISTRIBUTION 75,730 Premiums ranging in value from . Sio to ss,oou to mi .yy..-c-. jl .'Hrruiaiunnil Ul pUR8FlhES:DE FRIEND t-rmlni, OH A CI a no. OHiil , S5.000 OUn riKKSIDR FfllhNO.- Btaht 1W KariS n. I ini .i, ri ii. l.. . Jv??r. ih vt. . tV.L'A UON r".nv -r P'IWied in ?tah L L":n!f: rrrprletor. to .......... ... mmi i.i.,,B ana .1,0.-1 usett nrtKlnrl raidiuif matter It. greet vart.ty, that nioner ;"u ni.K ir a iinmr weet,ly suited to ihewAiitsofeveryfamiiy. endi.riptlo price IS per yeerofnSnamlfrs. F ai ".lesjam mrona Wite in x 20 Incite,, 16 colore. I kno . ledre hv nl 10 ee imp nana-imert eneKtirott-valuibre iiremmru fl!!,,",h ,,.m, bvc,5, ""'CTlber I. pEKi "HI. this I'hronio.i thetiiu. of snrlwrtliinir. ,no ,And.1?. rtoe'v nnmucxd o-r.il.-af JTa-JiSS?!1 in "'",e ,r ,he dlitnbaifoa t I5 "1'' "h and other p, em(n.s The dls,rit.utiu Uk plavnonthe second Tnea. dav in J.inu i.fjt. 'i0 ;i,rrran aid Ortlrlcatn sent on receipt ofnrlco. ripoc'tucn copies, prennuiu list, .t.!., givii.c fO pnnlculra s. ol In r any addresa ITT kl Tp Jtl'her Ijra or cAna.aing In AhP l I every town, fjirra cau py WANTED rca. ODh yiUKSIDK yitlKNDChlcago. III. Just Published ! 7" atrauss' Waltzes ASnAKOEB AS Violin Solos. ASK KOR TCTEnS' FDITIV. J-fpirOopy sent, post-p. d for f 1 POj "n Uciards, S'J Audre-s, JT, i Mlf U!, " Kfl Brcsdvay, New-York. Sanger - Fest: iThs Mmclna Vo.tlvr.1 1 A Collection of Glees. Part- Songs, Choruses, etc. Male Voices. Rmn1f. CODlrn mailed, nor nM. for 11.R0: ftIB por di.r.en. Addre s, m. 11 rtiiMU, dor jiM Adway, new York Fairy Voices: AutW Mmc BOOK F'JP DAY HCHOOtS HtndUOeenu). ard will mail a sample eip Ap-.l 1st. ir . J. ii. ;ti,us o: tni( ay. New yorl Rverv id:1 a-iieenel vrv Maiio'ivl t tu imv oi.el! I ent on receipt or 1 en juits- .-.ddreas. L, r. ii4 am Makers, CO, V aiaraatu Annua, New Y k