fetro'eu i Cntr Daily Record. !. centre, TP)., trmfi MT INI MnM MKTHOD13T EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sere-toe every rjahbatb H A. If and WC P. M. 8bUW School at Htf P. U. eat Ire. A oordial Invitation exteud. i to kU. BCV. a. IIoori, Putor. PRESBTTER1AN CHURCH. Preafhlra. it It o'clock A. U.. and T o'clock P. M., by tbe Putor, W. C. Bcitca aro. Sebbetb School at directly fiT Inrenooa service. ' Prsyer Meeting and Sabbath School Teacher's Meeting Tueedsy evening ol acb week. Pctraloai Oeatre Ii'odge, No. Tift, I.O. of O. F. Ho i masting nigbt Friday, at 7 'clock. Signed. W. B. MONTGOMERY, N. O. C. H. Bvlkt, A Seo'y. W" Pino of meeting, Main St. oppoalla MoCliotock Hoom. A. O. Of V. W. Liberty Lodge Mo. 7, A. O. of U. W., rr-et evry lloodny evening at 7 o'clock, ii, Odd Fellow' Hall, Petroleum Centra, Pona. A. Glenn, M. W. A. M. Kt.tciNti, B. I. O. of R. M. Mlnnekiin Trl,e No. 183, I. O. R. M of Petroleum Centre, meet every Tbaraday vniq la Gotii Templar' Hall. 9 Couaoi Ore Mgbted at 7 o'clock. U. HOWE, Sachem. C. L JUKES, Cbicl ol Record. Oo'd at I p. o. 1I7J, Kmc City had a queer old law lult b for Juatle IKynoMi tbia forenoon. It ap peara tbe old tobool bouie at that place ih purebased from the towoiblp om month goy Messrs. Yeusb k, Dempsey and Spet ce, for tba purpose of traaaforolDg it into a odurch, tbe understanding belog that tbe ei mmualty at latge, nd mora espect e iy taoso Interested In eburcb Batten and ii In $ of souls, would come op to Ibe raciia lo a llnanoHl point of view. Van. Sbalek and Spenoe engaged a knight ol Ibe plan and law named Dotroea, lo repair and tt up the bouaa of ibe Lord. Tbe work aa duue In good shape, but community did out alow op the flliby luore for a cent, eon a quentty tbe carpenter brought suit to re over tbe amount jf hi labor from 8-peoo. V atS . and Dempeey. Tbe teatimony abow 1 ibat D Jinpeey bad nothing to do wllb hiring the oarpenter, eooerquooily judg meet "Ma given age, ; tbe other two iti lendaue for the amount of the claim. Un leaa .he obrietitn portion pf community come down with tbe atanipe the defendant will bare to pay tba claim. Tbe affair doe out api-ak well for tbe eburcb goera of that Tillage. CMoegoleto baveaweek'a jubilee in Jun. It w ,li be commemorative of Ibe r bulidiavef tbo oily, and on tbe oeeatloo tbe opening of the Grand PaolBo Hotel will tak - place in Ibe new depot of tbe Lake N : t and Buck Inland railway oompaniee. Tbat depot ean hold fifty tbotieand. people nl there to to bo a grand concert under the dlrect'ooof Gllmoreof tbe Boaloo Jubilee .'-me. Tbe moat exlenilv'e preparatlona are nitkinii wr tbe ocoaaloo, and tbe people of Chicago are entering iota tba matter with (hat vigor and liberality ibat cbaraolericea everything Chicago uoderlakee. The elevenf) eml-annul aeaalon ol the North wealero Dlatrict Convention of Penn aylvanla, LO of G- T., will be held in Erie eUy, on tne Uird Tuesday and Wed nesday, iu 2tb ud llt of May 1873. Each lodge and temple in Erie, Crawford, Veaango, Warren, Furore, Uercer, Came ron, Elk, ana MoKean counties, la entitled lo two delegates at large, and lo addition. 10 oo delegate for every twenty-live number or fraotion tbereol In good atand log. It la expected Ibat arrangement will be made tor reduoed fare a uaual. lu tbe aruaull aod battary caee of Snyder va. Iaaooo, reported yeatetday, tbe jury fa.l i to agree and were discharged aboat el Vclock lit evening by the juatice. A na t , j waa aummooed tble alleroooo, Ibe caa baa own retrled aod tbe jury ar now out. Eov. Faibar Duun, paator of the Catholic S elrty of this place, haa been delegated by the Uiauup uf tbia Diocese to take eberxe ol im S 'Oiety at Sbamburg, a addition I tbe jbrgtt bete. Tee appointment la a good ooe. but we tear Ibe labor will be loo heavy for bi n. Tne Couvolsaionerol the Patent. OBce 1 ring a bueia In hi bureau by removing a numbtr t ttc. ixninert on grouoda ol IneJauifoev, linapabllity, or other dtaqua.ll-tyiogeaui- Tbe vaoaoclea ar to be filled ty 11001100, ahd not under tbe eompetlv plan. PnTBOLavx Citrraa, May lAtb. Krr,o Raco: A otr acnool aloe, and we are about to leave tba plaoe, we 1 wiab lo return our slooer thank to toe Itiaenaatwhoae band wo have received aucb uniform kindness and respect. Dur ing tbe eight month which have Jutt ex pired we have had no eauaa fur complalot In any particular, and we now leke leave of tbe cltlceo aod pupila with regret. To Ihoaeof the parent wbo have called upon tie, aod tbne eoooiiraged ua In our labor, we dealre especially to expreee our thank. T. B. Aluokk, Kan E. McELkor, Earn L. Tnouria, MaT J. Kihhidt. And W feel aafe in eayiog that oar elll lena part with tbeae ladle aod gentleman I with regret During their st. hero a boat of Irieid among all classes will bear wit nee to the faithful manner In which tbey have performed eaoh aod ovary duty as Igoed them, aod Ibe beat wlahe of whoa will attend at whatever elation In tba broad field of eduoation they may be placed. To oxpieae their feeling at parting with tbe leeebera, k pupil requett u to publlih the following verae: Wben fnre'd to part fromtboae we love, Though aura to meet to-morrow ) We yet a kind of aogultb prove Aod feel a touch or torrow. Bui obt what worda cao point tba fear Wben from tboae friend wo aever, Perbapa lo part for month for year -Perbap lo part for ever. "Captain Hall pubiiabed a book contain ing a narrative el bia firit villi totbo Arc llo region, but nothing other tbao a new paper account wa given of bl teoond viait, In wblcb he discovered the Pat of tbe Franklin expedition. From the time ol bl( return be waa eager to secure provision for a third trip to the far North, and no algn waa given of a book account ol tbe ecoi journey. It now appear that a diary aod other memoranda for aucb a volume were left In ear of parlle in New York lo be delivered to Mr. Henry Grlonell In case ol accident to Capt, Halt, and tba will un doubtedly be given lo lb publio in oma (bap. Tbe Truckee Republican aay thai there Ii a rumor to Ibe effect Ibat Caplalo Jaok haa divided hi army ol fifty men Into three divlilont; the Bret, u after the Captain, la to capture aod hold California; tbe aeoood l to iweep northward and eubdae Oregon, while lb third force It way over tbe mountain aod lagebtueb and devutate Nevada aod Utah. Tba steward of tbe "Polaris" aya Cap lain Hail waa affeoted by Ibe .. beat of Ibe cabin Immediately on bia return Irom tbe sledge expedilion, drank part ol a ciifj ot ooffee, eomplaioed at once, look lo hi bed, and died In two or three day alter, tbe nature of hi illness being extremely uncer talo. This I another slight variation from Ibe previously reoeived accouota. Tbe caae of Ibo Rev. Mr. Aoolent, the Intrepid clergyman wbo rendered aneb val uable aarvloe at Ibo "Atlantic" diaaater, baa been called tip to Ibe Canadian Parlla nit and tbe Dominion Goverument an nounced Ibat be would be aullably reward ed. "Like cloud Ibat rake the mounlaln.ium mil, Or waves that own no curbing band, How faat baa brother followed brother From sunshine to the auoleea land!" Cbleeau'e free librarv baa juM reoeived a donation from Taueboitx, the famous Ljfp (lc publlaber, consisting of copies of all tbe tne worn pubi'sbed by him. An oil Hre occurred lo the refinery of Dean 4 Cbu , In Cleveland, on Mooday, by which two axitator and a considerable quantity of oil wet destroyed. Tbe loss is eatimated at baiweao $5,000 and 10,000. Tba oil as II eaoaped from tbo taok look Or and ran In bUxine stream all around. Twice company of firemen were surround ed by a circle of flame aod only escaped oooe by jumping into 'tbe creek Tbe average rains of the product ol atannise tareaiier head of Ibe popnlatloa by tbe carnal of jOTO was, In New Voyk, one hundred and aeveaty aiae; dollara lu reonejrlvaaia twe kaadred and two dollan; In Coonectloat, three kaadrel dallan In anaebuaoiU.tbrae bondrad aad eighty dollara; in Rhode Island, Are hundred and thirteen dollara. Caliloroia, atrauge lo aay, baa gone into tbe bad ciop prediction buaioea. Hitherto our golden sister Commonwealth of tbe Paolac alope liaa been famoua for notbiog to much artakiog acheerlul view of ibloga. Promlaae ol txteuslve yield of cereal and frulta depreaa market prior, perbapa, and tba auriferoua queen of tbe western coast ol lb oootioeol la becoming mercenary. The Fntaamaquoddy tribe of Indiana, lo Connecticut, bet a governor, and (bit eum mer there It to be a lieutenant governor ebossB, but it doe not tn to create coy groat political exeitemenU The Root MaUrt1rBby. New Hampahlr grsoted etriy. 203 dlvair In J87J. "I did gnt, aa lb portrWg tatd Wbea he waa ahol. To keep Indiana quiet require eon vide. ableloglnulty. Tbey are thinking aboat appolatlag wo man police ioepector In Chicago. A Ulol to talker at Ih Table Save yoor breath lo cool your coop. Boaloo' next Imparlanl eoovontloa la lo bo of bald-headed men, lo bo held on June U. Matrimonlel.-4l la no good aow-a-day for a man to offer hi tand, If there' noth log In It. Th San Fraoclaeo gas tompanlet onoll dated and advanced lb price $2,S0 per 1, 000 In let than tlxly day, Lamp obinmeya boiled In bet water will not break, un lata yon Slog fletrlroa at them, and then won't II you don't hit them. A New Hampshire man be tbe leather strap wbloh ha thrashed Ibe family through three generation. Mr. Betkin went bom Irom a parly wltn a banana In hi pocket, aod i aotry b dld'nt think of It before be (at down. "Mamma " aaid a little girl, wben (he discovered bet canarie asleep, "the birda bave (wallowed their heada." A wedding at Dec Molnec wa lately poet poned on cocount of lb bridegroom belog arretted for bora (U-aling. The exhibitor of Ibo "bed pair of 'paloh d pan la" will receive a prize at tb coming Tompkin county fair, New Yorfr. A Newport, (N. Y.) school master h3 discovered that filling ha pupila' mouth with pepper effectually stop tbeir wbispei ing. England la celebrated for It log, Franr for It frogs, Ireland for It bogt, Canada lor lis dogs, Main lor it logs, aod Ohio lor tis bogs. A suburban residence of gypsies baa been broken up by lb Mayor of Worcester, Man, because no sua peeled tbey wen roamln cwry. At lb Vienna Exhibition titer will be exhibited a machine for ateregraphlog mu- ioal compositions a tb finger of lb plan Id fly over Ih ky. Partoo, In apeakloc of Artemu Ward, aye "For men of hi profeaaloo and char actor, for all editor, literary men, and ar Itata, there Ic only one safely teetotallim. Tbe Stat School Superintendent ol Mio neaota aonouocea aa an axiom, derived from bit experience of femrla teacher, that "good looking fromen never learn .fireek." One of Ike iweat gtrj graduate at tb Hartford blgb school anniversary, tbe other day, tayt In her "essay," that "New Haven la a ooebora town and Yale College is tbe bone. " Tfi new well oo the Smlk lease, of which we spoke yesterday commenced pumplc last Friday, et tbe rate of eight or ten bar rels a day. Co Toesdav It waa tornediwd and immediately oommenoed at the rata ol ooa BiiDQrea oanei per aay. Tbia la good evidence tbt Ibo territory In tbia seotioo Is to nowise piayed out, and If lb money wbloh le now beloa. out Into noor wells at Butler wa expended here, there would be a eurer return tor to investment ,Tid iout Journal. . Last Saturday evening, about tlx o'clock an accident of a very singular character oc cured at Ibe McPbeieon wall. It teem that while tba workmen ware engaged in lowering the tool into tb well lb man at tb bull-wheel wa aeeo to suddenly vacate bia position aod in a moment afterwarda Ibo wheel ahol upward a dlalaose of om ibir iy leet, ttkiog in it flight tbo major por lien of tbe derrick polotiog Nortb, and alio a (mall portion of th South-old. No on wa bur t. Greece City Review . A Germao boy, tea year of age, while engaged in gathering coal In the yard of tbe Erie aod Pittabnrgb railroad, at Erie, on Tuesday, wa (truck by amoving train which naught bl( loft leg, the wheel crush ing lb fool and inkle to jolly, Tbe leg waa eubarquaoily amputated ball way be tween tbe knee and ankle. Ajiitlloeof lb peace near Cleveland was aakad II there wa any way lo get back a obild wolel bad been atolen from blm. 'Certainly,' (aid lb profound justloe, "Replevy it." "Why, oo you can't," aaid tbe conatable. But tbe juattee insisted that it was tbe way until tbe constable Inquired bow be would estimate tbe pecuniary value o I tbe child. Weatern paper etel mat tb present season la moat opportune lor the log driver. It i credibly staled that such a season or on more lavorable haa not been for tb past ten year. Tbe tributaries ar all up boom. log, and lb log coming forward in tip top shape. A manuaurlpl ol eigbly.four !foilo of Ibe great aslrooouer. Coperoieua, it la uid, be been loond at EtmsUid, la Pruml. On. Nawa. Maoy of tb weir abool Kara City war no down lt Mwawy. Batt Brother will saoo comntsceaj a weft en tbe J. B. Cempbell farrav Tbe pipe line between Greece buy awa Uarrrsvlll will sooa be com plated, Andrew William tod hn Bull have Joel An labed a well on the Branson !"". "nleb tb y own otir. Tie well I doifig nbout 60 barrel a day. S. W. flarley U'flnUhlng a rig oa; lb Wilson larm, and will aoon commeooe drll ing. Sieve haa a good ( losatloa end will doubt lee get a good wIL Tbe recent (purl la tb oil market can be ascribed lo Ibe number of eoniracte Ibat are lo be Oiled before the end of tbe month. Buyer bald off until lb last moment, aad all cool log upon lb market at eaee bad good effect upon it C. D. Angell b;old a half Interest In tbe Graham form, adjoining lb Gibson farm, for $40,000. One of tbe bealwelK on Ibe Martin farm Ii tbe Timblin. Almost three months ago It started up at sixty barrels a day and ha' steadily increased until It I now doing eventyfive barrel. Tb Crlawell aod Wilson well, near Ar gyle, was finished recently and I doiof a bout loity barrel a day. PettoM Repor ter. Lad Saturday afternoon a man named Campbell, formerly from New York, but at pieeeot residing at Lawreooeburg, fell from tb derrick of Capt. Grace's wall, on th J. B. Campbell farm, near Kerne City, a dis tance ol fifty-il: feet, and although serious ly injured will recover Campbell bad gooe up tbe derrick, ladder for.eoae purpose, and after aioeoCiog to Ibe height above men tioned, tbe board upon wblcb be wa stand log tilled wbil be wa reaeblog fot a braoa and be storied on hi frightful descent fid was then on tbe outside of the derrick. In falling be shot tbrough between two of tbe girth without striking tuber of them. Workmen on a neighboring well wbo ssw tie man tall lay b turned over several limes, doubling np and atraighteniog out as b hurried to what seemed a sudden nod awful death. Five feel above ibe derrick floor wa a pipe leading from tbe well to lb taok, aod upon tb1c tbe man tell, which waa tbe only thing tbot saved bis life. He truck this pip nbout midway between tbe centre and ootaide of lb derrick, bending it to right angles, and bounding from this to tbe floor. He wa picked up in ao In aeoalble condition and canted to tb f!amp bell Homer Dr. Wlllard ot Petrol la, aod Pettlgrew of Kama City, were enmmoned wbo examined hi Injuries end pronounced tbem as ool being necessarily dangerous, to tbe aatonlahment of every one. 31 right band was bsdly bruised aod be wa sprain ed lo Ibe region of lb kidnnya, but no bones were broken. Dr. WJIIard informed ua Ibat wbeo bt visited blm on Sunday be waa silting up In bed smoking a cigar aad teeliog quite comfortable Petrolic Re porter. Tbe thad trad baa been unusually brisk, but it uow more quiet, aod It drawing to a oloae. Tbe thad snaeoo begin In tb early part of April and continue until lb, latter part of lb preaeot moot. In some ol tb Baltimore publiu schools, both whit and colored, lodruelion In sew ing be been Introduced by eommoo consent Tb result 1 said lo be eotirly.(tl(letory. Efforts are making to bave sewing become a regular part of public sobool indruotion in that city. It turn out that th fishermen oonsitut tbe bealtbieat class In MaisaobuMtt. Tby are fined looking men, Ibe moil ro bust, and with oapaclliea for gnat eodur ance, Tbeir diet, wb:ie aclua Iy engaged in their vocation, consists offish, pork po tatoea and bard bread, with fresh meal but rarely. It aid lo be tbe custom of in' valid from tbe rural diatriota, cufferlng from chronic indigestion or ioclplent pblbtals, lo make an amateur flablng voyage, and often with excellent results. Wbal medical lubetaooee ar deorived from purgatsro? Not any of Ibo, my lady, tbatyour ladyship would probably name. No, m'ra. Keotlfled (plrlta, m'm. Boaton baa seventeen paUis hatha tbia year, and they will nmabi open from U a let of Jan antll the end of Beptember. Taecort laatyear waa forty thousand fciur bundled aad alxty-tve dollara. live of the houses are for girl and women. Flttabnrgh baa none. A motion for tbe eatabUehn ett of redproc1 trad with the sandwich Ialaada basbeea mado In tbe Canadian Parliament, la the bop that by aome each legtelatlon tbe growing commeree of tae United tttatee In that qaarter may be aubvartad. It is estimated at lb Internal Revenue Bur-au that tbe tax collection under ibe new Internal revenue law wHi be increased Dflf en aanLt beams of Imnaaaihillte of r - dt frandiog th government ont of it (peolal taxes, owiog j to the publicity wbleb every manufacturer sod dealer U compelled lo tam opea to is Ttew w oie navi-, ARMar?amal. COUNTY TREASTTPVD E.WTTOW StaOOMW I tin tk.r. will M a Candidate tut the e.ffioo oftofiv TT TREASURER; subject lo TrSSSu" 1 iota. r.ovroa aun.T nacoaa -riee,n, thea.me.1 MAJOR J. F. MACKEt 5 Frinklin aa a Mndldati, lor .,...- . . r urr, ul.t to tb uaagea or the kj? ean party. ' COITWTT ROMHIVinMrn Kd. Rrcord: Please announce th... of G. W. PORTER, of aymllt.., didate for County Cnmiuiaaiooer, mhi-ci , the Republican uaagee, at tbe p,imi,. Election, to ,be held Salorday, May j'rl Maxr Rx wsvtctM. Local Notice. 1'Ott SAlsK. A dedrabr iraldante na tha v.k... Good water baady. Every modern eooMnl ience. Will be sold eheao Pnn... ' . OWEN GAr-'NET. Petroleum Centre, May 7, 1873. if ' CHEAP. Three well all ceeed for sale cheap. J Two engine, two boilers, tubing, macnln. ery and all appliance. Apply at B.0WE & COOK'S, Petroleum Centre, Pa. m6-Zw. ll8iUlalJTION. Tbe eopartnmhlp baretofnr exlatlne h. tween Sebermerbotn A Ten Zyck is diseolf . cd by mutual consent. S. P. PcHSitnpa'oitK. J. A. Trn Urtx. Parlle Indebted lo tbe above Ira null call and settle np and erve 'roahle. J A. Tt! Etcx. Dated Petroleum Centre, April 8, 1871 t FOII SALE. On 14-horse Tift boiler lo complete err .. V7 1 ft. u .i . Vic, , wn vuuiw I win, .IID vvgioe aoa ' boiler lo complete order, 275 reel 1 inch lublng, extra be .ivy, 600 feel large sucker rods, 1 Snow Pump. J. A. T( Etc. BENZINE Just received a fresh supplr ot itenzinev toe best ever J TT . J m m w brought to town, at J. A. TEN EYCKU j PdroleumCeotre. May. 15, 1I7J- If UIjOIHKP" VHAMU t , VV. A. Loner, who bas beea engaged in tte WhoVale Afe trade for the past year, hns this day disposed of his entire in terest in said business to the firm' of Fox & WiilianWm.who will continue the business at the old stand. Mr. l.ozier desires us to return his sincere thanks to Ilia mnnv Ttatrrtvui frtv tha 1 1 Vu . eral patronage extended to him. ' uuuuif luc Lrtnti you. a.. ' Phillips will act as agent for the new proprietors, and keeps a full supply of that fine Buffalo Cream Ale on hand. Mr, Lozier desires all par ties indebted to him to settle at once as he wishes to have his books balanced. Dated April 24, 1873. f Go to W71. LOZIEK, 4t!i Street,near It. It. track, for your SEMiriE, deliv ered at tbe welh for per Barrel. Petroleum Centra, Fb. 6th 1 1. PET. EXCHANGE RESTAURANT. Pet CA ft PBOPBIBTOB. Warm 8f eali at all Hoar WILD OAM B HI J18 IXAiOB. PaT o Y8TEBH I Heeelved d lly aad server np In eny style JjfijJ I reapeetfultV tnvlie my old frteode atWroWam Centre and elanrhere to aay ma a caU gminWM to treat them well. w pCCB. Pet. Centre, Pa, May 14 WM. Tk Beekwltk ItO sorale f "T.Yr . . maay j refundtd. beat complete, with . 'Mecanrttb DawMg sueaae v Toil. anew