J SHUGERT & STARR Sucoeasora to McFarland, Smith A Co.,1 Merchant Tailors! AND DEALKKS IN Gents' Furnishing Woods, COR. SPRING & FRANKLIN ST3., TITUSV.liLE, PA. H vo pat in one of the finest aasoriinenta ef V VL021M& CASSIMERE8 ENGLISH, FRENCIT AND AMERICAN C O A.T ING8, MIXED AND STRIPED SUITINGS FANCY VESTINGS. Kver offered to. the Oil Region. TwKNTY DIFFERENT STYLES OF HATS Sc CAPS, Ah the Latest and Nobbiest Styles. A TOLL LINK OF Gent? Furnishing Goods, &c. Petroleu n Centre Daily Record. Pet. Centre, P., Monday, Way II IHYlua ftervlee. UETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. ana P. M. Sabbath 8.,!ool it 2 P. M. ata tree. A eordlal invitation extend ed to all. Kev. G. Mnons, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock M.. and 7 o'olock P. M., by tbe Paitor, W . C. Boitcn asd. Sabbath School at 12J, directly after lorenoou service. Frayer Meeting and Sabbath School Teacher's Heeling Tueiday evenings ot each week. Petroleum Centre Lodge, No. T1S, I. O. of O. F. Regular meeting nights Friday, at 7 o'clock. Signed. W. II. MONTGOMERY, N. G. C. II. Baii.kt, A Sec'y. tyi'l ice (' meeting, Main St., opposite McClinlock House. A. O. ol V. W. Lllierty Lodge No. 7, A. O. or U. W., meets every Monday evening at 7 o'clock, In Odd Fellow' Hall, Petroleum Centre, Peon's A. Glenn, M. W. A. M. Klkckncr, R. I. O. of It. Itl. MinnekauiiH Trine No. 183, I. O. R. M of Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday evening Id Good Templar's Hall. ty Council Area lighted at 7 o'clock. H. HOWE, Sachem. C. L JUKES, Cbiel ol Record. Gold at 1 p. m. 117 Mr. T. O'Doonell baa aeld bla entire In terests oo Kane Run to bla brother, Mr. Coo O'Doonell, or Foxburg. There are about 8 or 10 of the wells, together with ybe ma obinery, o. Mr. Tbomai Koaob, agent for tbe Roberts torpedo, exploded three torpedoes Id ' tbe O'Donnoll wells, Demptey (arm, Kane Run, one day last week, and increased tbe pro duotlon from five to forty barrels dally. There was a heavy frost, last nlgbt. Tbe Grand Commandery Knights Tem plar of Pennsylvania, meet la session at Meadvllle, tomdtrow. We do not bear tbe cry '-Go to Butler!" quite so frequently a a abort time ago. It must be there la some truth la the story of dry boles. Citliea Malloy thinks be has a good joke on one of the convert! of the late revival. lie aays said convert was trying to play tbe missionary dodge on a female of easy vir tue, oo Saturday sight, "av kootte, ye know." Tom will explalo to the curious. Tbe several please ef divine service were well Oiled yesterday. We ucderstend our townsman, Mr. Gil bare Gordoo, has purobased the hardware aioraotG. W. Wlnsor, and will unite that with bia store. We are ootj, advised a to which store be will oooupy. The practice of taking a "little bit- ol something between meals "just to stay the atomaob" la considered by ao emloeot medv oal practloovr to be very Injurious. The stomach that la habitually treated la that way, says be,' will Dot atay stayed, but will go. Letters from the People. Note. The mnoagrorthla journal, with out endorsing the sentiments ot contributors, desires to offer tbe widest possible latitude for free discussion. It is merely stipulated that cotnmuo'catinns shall concern matters ol public interest, be put in decent language end accompanied with the names of the writers, nut for publication, but as a guar antee of good tilth. Our Pchnnln Again. Mr. Editor: LUvIng children going to school, the o.Rr day we diopped into the rooms or Misws McElroy and K? nnedy, just lo see bow matters progressed, and found those Indies at their poet surrounded by groups of nappy and well behaved children Order Is maintained easily without tbe use of tbe birch. These ladles are both work era. Ia nil the branches taught they are very paioMaklng and thorough. They Seek to amuse their pupils as well as ln struct. The consequence is that tbe cull dren have made rapid progress. Read'ng and spelling recitations,, arithmetic on the black board, with otjeet drawing, penman ship on slate and book, all parsed in review before us wllb great acceptance, the per formance being alike creditable to ' teacbeis and pupils. Singing and calisthenics clos ed tbe exercises. Tbe first strengthens the voice and tbe Utter the muscle. Both amuse and entprtalo the children and lighten the labors of the day. As these schools are about to olose these ladies may rest assured lby carry borne with them the best wishes of parents and children. Pater. It weighed just seventeen pouods, and at its ooming into tbe world tbete was great rejoicing in tbe bouse ol Ktoney. whose sur name is Peter. This auspicious event took place oo Saturday. , The Amencan Hotel Is lo be torn down and removed to Si. Petersburg. Tbe Columbia Cornet Band bave received ao Invitation to attend tbe Knights Tem plar parade, at Meadvllle, oo Wednesday next. Tbe Twin Lick Oil Co., oom posed or T A. Parker, and others, bave secured 12 acres oil territory, from tbe V. O. and C, Co., near Elliott's lino, and bave commen ced operations Volcano Lubricator. There are in Pennsylvania 975 manufac turers of olgars, who turn out upward or o,iuu,uuu annually, and 36 manufacturers ofchewiog aod smoking tobaooo aud snuff, tbe value ol whose products reaches annual ly $854,000. A man can kill himself and at I II not In validate bis life insurance policy, even though bis clause la that policy expressly dedans that if the person insured commits suicide tbe policy shall be forfeited. So decides the Suprem Court. An English scientist has discovered a flint flake and some marri w'eti bones in tbe Miocene strata of tbe Territory age near tbe Dardanelles. He therefore concludes tbt the aolquity of man must be reckoned by millions Instead of thousands of years. The steamer Jametown commenced ber regular trips to-day, leaving ber dock, at 8 a. m., and connecting with trains north on the CrofS Cut. She will make but one trip each day for tbe present, snd will return In the afternoon, reacbiog Jamestown at six o'olock. Mr. H. M. Winsor, who lately purobased a two third Interest, will be Commander, and Tbed. Grandio will be Sailing Master. Tbe Michigan Legislature reoently voted seventy-throe dollar to each of tbe report' era ol tbe Detroit dailies, as a recognition of their services durlog tbe past session, but tbe quill drivers bad too muob self-respect to accept that wbiob tbey were not entitled to, and tbey one aod all declined tbe re ward. The persona who claim lo be lbs beirs of tbe Anneke Janes estate allege that new aod important iaots have been discovered which will give an entirely new turn to tbe litigatioo Id relation lo tbe settlement of tbe estate. A Western oaodidate for office lejeaid to lite bis b'l in such a eareleis mtnner as to make It very doubtful from what shire In Eoglend be comes, although bis accent would seem to Indicate that be I from that extreme eastern aide of England commonly known a Hesse Darmstadt. A "charm doctor" died lately In Buffalo, aod a horseshoe, a stuffed frog, a Albert :nnt aod ao English thiliog, all folded together lo coltoo oloth,wer round suspended about hie neck. He was booest enough to believe Id bis owo medicine, at any rale. Almost all the leading geographers of tb" world say a Dr. Carle Beke, bave come to tbe cooclut ions that tbe discoveries by Llv Ingtone, of which Mr. Stanley brought us aojounti, relate to th sources of to Congo and oat to the sourest cttbe Nile. Tbb Lower District. Reports received from tbe Petrolla district represent tbe ter ritory in the immediate vicinity of the city as belni nrotlv effectually "oieanea out, ' eltho' it continues to hold its position as tbe most enterprising aod sunstan;iai on town south of SL Petersburg. The excite ment has passed on beyond, and F-ilrview has been entirely left In tbe taeae, ureece City, Karns City, and ooe or two other points are tbe centres of the recent develop ments. and annear as though they will prove the termini or the developmrnt in this direo lion. Many dry holes am being struck, both in this vicinity and that ol Feirolia City, and with a very few exceptions the Immense wells renorted Invariably dwindle down to a tenth of the reported production within three days from me time inn mrj are atruck. No dependence wbotevever can he placed In tbe estimates made of the production of either of these districts, be cause they are so Irregular that an estimate made at noon will be worth nothing at Dlgbt. Petersburg Progres. An Iowa woman out a couple of dozen eggs into ber bed so tbey shouldn't frei ze woile she was absent a few days, and oo return home late at nlsht bounced into bed and bent them so fearfully out of shape that she was obliged to remove them with a coal shovel and a chip. But not one of them was frozen. . A little boy lu Ullca, who was ill about Sunday School time, last Sunday, went off in convulsions wtfeo be heard two dogs fighting io the alley. He went off Iron) the back steps and did not come back until dark. After bis mother got through remon strating with him, be comforted himself lib the reflection that be did not get whipped half so bad as lbs yellow dog did anyiow. Newspapaperpatrooagn is a curious thing In the eslimatiou of some people. A man lives near you never took your paper don't like tbe editor don't like tbe politics too Young Americanists too fopptsb or something else: Yet be goes regularly to bis neighbors and reads by his fire finds fault with It content, dispute witb its disposition and quarrels witb it type.--Occasionally be tees sn article that be like save a hair a dime and buy a num ber. That I newspaper patronage. Shingle roofs should be washed with a compi uad of lime, salt and ashes, to make them proof against sparks. It appears tbe Cheyeonea, wbo are sup posea to nave murnereu tbe u. s. survey ors io Kansas, were drunk at the time. As the lower class of Spaniards have al w oys been kuowo as a shiftless set, tbe edi tor of (belt new organ in Madrid, Los Ds camisados (Tbe Shirks,) showed udmiras bie discrimination io choosing lis title. A commission now In session at Wash. ington is examining locks for bonded cars, lor transportation of joods In bond, both under tbe immediate transportation act io land and treaty carriages across our terri tory to Canada and Mejo or between Europe aod Asia. TbHa.merlcan Seal Lock io use does not ava iantira ..ilsf.. lioo. aod about tweatv other tonka VABIUIUatlUU. There are lota of good io human nature, The other day a Detroit paper contained a little Item to the effect that two orphan girls were at Ibe stationnouse, homeless aod penniless, aod before noon thirteen different person bad called and oflered to adopt them. Greece has set a good example In abolish ing ber foreign embassies. Tbey are worth less institution, gen Tally. Tbe New York Commercial Advertiser says; "Tbe lady lovers of croquet are getting the necestary Implement ready for a prosecution of the fusblooable and e.ihll aratlng game." Tbls means stripped stock ing. Twenty-two thousand seven hundred asd eighteen cattle were received in the Union Stock Yard In Chicago, during tbe lost wek the largest number ever known to bave been received In one market during that time. Tbe Mental-Culture Society will bold Us oext regular meeting oo Monday evening, May 12tb. Final meeting oo Monday eve ning May 19th, has H. ITeiouton, Pret't, M. J. Kennedy, Seo'y. About tbree miles this aide of Greece city a lerge gaa well bat beeo struck which yield such quantities of go that Ibe rum bling aod roaring can be beard nearly a mile off. It is conducted from tbe bole Into tbe field through tbree large pipes, and throws a flame fifty feet high. Tbe well It not yet down. Petenburg Progrers. "Local Option "bard tack" Asking to smell of botlls that once contained "tbe ardent," Nbw Territory to tin Developed. M. 8 Adams Is getting ready to put down a test well In the vicinity of Maple Fur nace, tome tbree mliee northwest of Parker City. We have implicit confidence In this territory and hope Mr. Adam will bo sue cessful, as be certaiuly deserve to be, for the venture be is making Tbe striklog of a well io this locality will attract the at tention of oji retort! to territory more con venient to us, snd will be the mean of building up more rapidly1 our present prose peroua city. VICIXITT OF PARKKft CITT. Two new weila weie stmok this week on tbe Grunt farm; one owued by J. A. Sed wick and otbtrs. Tbe names of the owners of the otbes well are unknown to us. Bstb wells are good ones, equaling tbe producr tion of some of tbe recent t Hikes at the front. TIflSITT OF Dl'ENA VISTAi Tbe well owned by M'Farland, Sutton and others, on the Tborn farm, near Bueoa Vieia, has been pumping for some dtyet - ! dily production wjll not exceed 10 or Io barrels. i unman journal. FLOOD TIDE. ' The fisher's wife looked from tbe door Across tbe shining sand; Her eyes against tbe level light; Were shaded bf ber band; She heard, like ' wind 'mid . (Autumn leaves The bright waves lap tbe strand. Uodriveo came tbe lowing cowl Along the winding way; Her good man's boat against Ibe wind Was tacking up tbe bay; Sbe aaw him stand witb rope Id band, And cast tbe sheet away. Wdat was it oo Ibe lengthlng'shoie Her ttraioed eyes tought In vain? She stooped to turn the drying lets, Then rose end gazed again. "He waits behind tbe rooks." abt sra'led "To gteet bis father, lain I ' Yet while she spoke, bit boat to laod Alone tbe Osber drew . iT-i Tbe breaking tide-wave 't flashing CrMtfJ Bur white across the blue. And a brimless hat beside ber feet Tbe mocking waters threw. All liquor aud tobacco dealers aod others auliject io special tax ttoder tbe Internal Revenue law are reqniled lo pay tbe tax lo advance, iusioud of waiting for assessment. Tbe peualties are heavy lor doing business without lirst miking such paymeut. Tbe law imposes penalties for failing to place conrpicuuusly in tbyir place of business tbe tax receipt. IVrsont luteretted lo Ibe In teriml Revenue law bad better ate lo things an d save trouble. Taxin'0 Tue Back. Track. Operators have received a great cheek la tbe Greece city ditinct by tbe numerous aod constant ly recurring of late, ol dry boles; and oper ator leel much more disposed lo retrace tbeir steps arid develops the territory wblcb ba already been opened. Io Ibe neighbor bood of Millerstowa. appears to be tbe point of tbe most permanent lysleaiatlo operating There has been but few well of any con sequence, struck of late, and tbey bave fal. len off witbiti five days.of star (log, 74 per cent. The great porosity of tbe Petrolla and Greece city districts eauses all well struck to yield tbe entire supply of oil In a ihort time, although while tbey are fresh tbey may prcdnoe at the rate of 200 barrels per daily Much lea confidence Is felt o' late, an J those who bave left hero; to oper ate In Ibst (I is! r let wil! return gladly on tbe first opportunity. Petersburg Progress. A dead hotel olerk at Sprl ngfield, Mass cbusette, is spoke Rof by tbe Republican as courteous, and of a gentle and lovlog pa tuje. Like tbe good .little boy In tbe Sub day School book be was too good for earlb, Such tare characters seldom stay long. Going; to the Barber's Shop, From-the Danbury Ne. There was so eldetly gentleman wending bis way to the barbor shop Saturday after nooo. Coming from the opputlU 'direction wag an tinshaved man. The shop lay b Iweeo tbem. Tbe unshaven man quiet ened bis step; the elderly struck into a trot Then tbe unshaven (tapped to look Into window, and tbe elderly man came back to a walk. Up started tbe uotbaven man again, and tbs elderly man resumed bla trot. Tbe unshaven nran once more slek ened up; o did tbe elderly man. Than tbe unshaven man quickened bis gall, and tbe elderly man onoe more struck into a trot, aod reaobed tbe door pMtiug aod puffing a tbe unshaven man went by. Aod yet women are with tbeir sphere. Tbe shipment er oil between Esslentoi aod East Brady, by oars aod barges, will average 15,vw0 barrels p day, Oo day tbey reteheAfj, (TOO brrl. PI De Camn.it- "" eeveo li lines r j uav a J running .om diffe.em "l Tbe comn.n. i. . 1 IJ" river another river. naw line from H.rri.vii,, 5 The Fairview Fm. .,. I Urge oil tank, at West U,,' '1 Biv a Item amnl.l.n:m.. . at that polot. They have .!, .'JJ J TheVapidly increasing tral. Petrolla and tlxr...... ..... ... . bot ween Ibe two i.., .. .... 1 , . vail. UI It... ii. .in v.: . ,u.. ween rroto F.i, view, KmClly and Monterey. Announcements. COUNTY TREASTTUrn " ' Ajlfc, J Editor Dam.v nrnnn. cm ... i ... . r;.BHi. " "wHOr TY TREA-SUREH C Vi 'c, Primary Election Ma, 31st, l0jruW'-; can Editor Daily Rcrnnn pi... ' the name r M AJrnj V ' r- 1." T, Franklin, a a oandidate lor County T,t urer, subject to Ibe usage of the fcj; Can party. ' 'l Loral Notices. 'OIl SAliE. ! A desirable reaidenna nn i. rk... - - "liwti i.rni. . Good water bandy. Every modern oontst lence. Will be sold chean Rnn..i.. OWENS4.FNEY. i eiroieum venire, May 7, 1TS3. if 1 Kilt SALE CIIAF. Three wells all cased for sale chain . Two engine, two boilers, tubing. ery and all appliances. Apply at HOlVt 4 COOK'S. Petroleum Centre, Pa. mo-zw. ' j UISSOliUTIOIV. Tbe copartnership heretofore existing be tween ttebermerhorn ft Ten Evck Is dluoicr ea oy mutual consent. H. r. CCBBRMBRHORX. J. A.' Ten Eyck. Parlies Indebted to tbe above Arm mast oall aod settle up aod save trouble. ) I J. A. ten Eyck. l Dated Petroleum Centre, April 8, 1873. k Ona 1 4-hnri. Tift hntlap in iu.mi.lal. aer. una B-borse l.ond Mann engine .04 boiler In comntete or . 275 feet 3 Inch Itlhlntf .TlH h tv 1 It f..a, tm ... . ..nL n. 1 ' I rods, 1 Snows Pump. i a J. A. TEX EYCI. BISIXESS CHANGE. W. A. Lozier, who has been engaged in tie Who)esile Ale trade for the past yea:, lias this day disposed of his entire in terest in said business to the firm of Fox & Willhnis, who will continue the business at the old stand. Mr. 1-ozier desires us to return his sincere thanks to his many patrous for the lib eral patronage extended to him. dunner the past year. F. A Phillips will act as agent for the new proprietors, and keeps a full supply of that fine Buffalo Uream Ale on hand. Mr Lozier desires all par ties indebted to him to settle at once m Jie wishes to have his books balanced. Dated April 24, 1873. Tbe Falrvlew MdPTUCE !14 Go to W. A. LOZiEK, 4th Street,near lt.lt. track, for your BEZIXF, deliv ered at the welb for per Barrel. Petroleum C'nlre, Feb. dth-tf. pany, at Broadwar, New York. ThVi Beekwtlh 0 For takle t ''.' Hewlnc Maehlue, ou 0 '. ' i many advantaaea over all. Haltrlacilou IS"--.- 1 or s, rarunata. neni eoropieia, '" WLAma . ttona. iHeekwith Hewing Machine Ca.,U63BnMT ' t rew lora. m.M ...... .n. whO "':m aw jkw w vr...v m. y" ,f in, -.1... m.bl...Vi.,i,rai.t. with tinw.naDer. 'Ut UtHrUoo of Adverthwaaeiita ahoald seud to , Geo. P. Rowell & Co fbr a Clmilar, or eneloaesaeenie ""'"imoit Hundred Pstsje aF'rh TOf Usu ol H.U00 N'papara and etMrnatea. ""T" the cost of aarti.lDs;, also many uIW Zr odrertisert. and soma aocoom oi '""Sf--. tr, ro en who are known aa "2""?J,u2 Aw1' : Mafrsi 1 nil arm .m i"t aan Kawapapar aqtdu.u'k .- 41 PARK ROW.. N, Y.,, II illS OIL high: art! 'not fSSB ei ertt s foil OX) t H HIF