The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, May 02, 1873, Image 2

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m to McFvUDd, Bmlta Co.,
Merchant Tailors)
Gents' Famishing Goods,
Il7 pat la on of to Boost assortment f
ver offend In th Oil Region.
Ab lb latest and Nobbiest Utiles.
Gents .Furnishing Goods, &c.
Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
Pat. Centre, Pa Friday, mar
Divine ftervlce.
Servloe every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
r. H. Sabbath Sebool at 18), P. M
eat free. A Oordial invitation exteud
4 to alK
! Bit. G. Vomi, Paetor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7
o'elook r. M., by the Pastor, W. C. Bvacn
jrd. Sabbath Sohool at 12, directly
after loreooon service.
Prayer Meeting and Sabbath School
Teacher' Meeting Tueidoy evenioga ol
sen week.
Petroleum Centre Jjodf e, JVo.
Tiff, I. o. of U. F.
Regular nee Hog nights? Friday, at 7
o'clock. Signed.
C. ft. miMY, A Sec'y
WPloef meeting, Mala St., opposite
MoUllotock Ilonse. ' vv
... A. O. of U. VV.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
meets eyor Monday evening at IX o'clock,
In Odd Fellow's Uali. Petroleum Centre
PeanW .... '
A. QhtHH, M. V.
A. M., K
, f. O. of It. M.
Minoakauoea Tribe No. 183, I. O. K. M
f Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday
evening la Good Templar's Hall.
tar CouocH fires lighted' at T o'clock.
T .,. H- HOWE, Sachem,
C. L JUKES,. Chief el Records.
Gold at 1 p. m. lit;
Chaxob. Mr.W. D. Dodge, well known
a the proprietor of Ibat popular hotel, the
Petroleum Exchange, has rented that lo.
atltuiion to Mr. Wm. Pugb, who takes
charge of tba same today. Wo am sorry to
bave Mr. Dodge "quit," as he thoroughly
.undeiataods bow to keep a hotel, and with
I la one of those jolly whole son led gentle
men that la certain to make friends wherev
er be may land o'n this ball of dirt. Cer
talQ wa ar bo has made boat of friends
Wii la bare, the best wishes of whom will go
wlibblta wherever bo may locate. Wo
wish. you well, ''Cord."
Mr. Pugb, Iron what we know of him,
will sustain tb oldlima reputation of tb
houw. That wall known individual, Mr.
Tom. Snowdeo, will set as mixologist for
this Urn only. Billy cordially Invite l
frliod to take a glass of wales with bint.
Bating a abort Urn to spare, yesterday
afternoon, w "look a run" la tba Colum
bia fcrm. Found things moving aloog
about usual. Bump continue to run the
Mot, with AL Dorr a assistant. He baa
as full and complete an assortment of goods
of vy hi, iron a paper of plaa up to a
ateam engine, as can be found In the entire
oil region which he sells at low rale to the
denizen of tb larm.
A meeting of the Columbia Library As
sociation will be bald on Thursday evening
Tb Columbia Oil Company are laying a
ha of pip Irom lb,tir gas wall on Wyckle
Kun, to the walla fl the farm. Tbelr wel;
a Wyokl ha an enormous volume of gas,
which, II it holds out, is sufficient to tub
all lb wells on the Columbia.
Tb Cowyaoy at (killing sevsrsl new
Dr. B. F. Logee, ol Co nesutvtlle, core
milted ealeide at the Holman House, Con
naautvllle, obont midnight last nigbl, by
shooting blmielf through the bead, from
the eftVei or which be died almost Intlaot
ly. Dr. Log was a highly educated and
gifted atl, and fur many year waa a prac
ticing physician in Lloetvlile. About Ibree
yean ago he was married to the well
klown elocutionist, Miss E. A. Steiaon, of
Philadelphia. Previous to bit marriage th
uootor had been quite dissipated, but re
formed at that lime, and it waa hoped by
bis rrlenda tbal hla reformation would be
permanent. Ue did not, however, king
kep his good resolutions, and for some
months put has been drinking deeply
About a year ago bis wile, who bad been
quite melancholy for some lime, Anally .lost
her mind and wis taken lo an Insane bospl
tal near Philadelphia, wfcere sbs Is yet uns
der treatment. The full particular of this
dreadful ending of the life of a promising
young man, by bis own band, and the
wreok ol a brilliant woman, will prove
really startling and sensation !, while If all
the facta were known In regard to Ibelr
trials and difficulties we doubt not It would
read more like a romance than looal history.
Truth, indeed, la stranger tban Action.
Meadvllle Republican,
Com. Foote and Sister are .lb sprlgbtli
est, smallest, most attractive and talented
little people we ever saw, Indeed their en
attainments are truly surprising. Tb
Tom Thumb parly are eclipsed by tbeie lit'
' lie people. Elmira Daily Gazette.
One evenlug last week an affray took
place at President, six mites down Ibe river
Irom here, In which Geo. McCray, of the
President Hotel, was severely, but not dan
geroutly wounded. Two druuken men
oame to Ibe hotel, and were acting very
badly, when Mr. McCray requested tbrm
either lo stop Ibelr uoisa or leave. Tbey
relused lo do either, and when the landlord
attempted lo put Ibem out, one of them
stabbed him In the arm, making a wound
about tea inches long. He is very weak
bora loss ol blood,- but Is likely lo recover
soon. We have not learned whether the
guilty parties have yet been arrested, but
they sbsuld have a good round term in the
penitentiary for Ibelr playfulness Foreit
The first result of a new Suoday law. lo
Lafayette lnd, was ibe arrest of the city
editor and fire composites ol a morning
paper, a milk nAn twenty-four railway
bands; and tba sexton were notified not lo
ring lb belt.
Mr. O. F. Sobonblom, ol this place, has
established a first class bakery at Oil City
Mr. 8. always did bave lb reputation ol
baking lb beat bread, cakes, "pies an'
things, " in the oil regions. The people of
that oily will llnd bim a fair and honorable
dealer. We bona to tee him do a good
Workmen have commenced repairing
lb .Egbert fbridge. It's about time,
judging from tbo cursing done by those who
are compelled to lord the Creek, loat our
most noble sovereign Ibe County Com
missioners, did attend to this matter.
A correspondent writes us from Lime
stone, Cllarauguoouniy, that the Foster
well Is pumping from 8 lo 9 barrels per day
ol heavy gravity oil ana Increasing. The
striking of ibis well ha caused great ex
citement In that vicinity.
Isaao Price bas been Postmaster 'of Sch
uylkill township, Chester county, for more
tban forty years.
West Chester wants to become a ally, and
la already putting on city airs.
The Modocs, it is said, 41 are about ttirty
warriors, and yet there appears 10 be little
doubt that the majority of'tbem will escape
At all events, they will not, In all probe
blllty, be oaptured until tbey have cost tb
Government a good round sum in money
and Iwioe as maoy ol lb lives ol white oieo
at tb band number.
Mr. James Ben lord, ul Johnstown hat in
hla possession a watch seal and key, once
tbe property of lb Marquis de La Fayette
and a look of George Washington's hair.
Tb Sharon Times says: During the last
week an engineer corps bss been at worlt
surveying and' locatleg a railroad on tbe
towpatb ol Ibe old caoal, from Sbarpsburg
lo Middlesex, Tbe high rates extorted by
the Erie and Plltsbnrg Railroad 00 coal
shipped South have rendered tbtn-'road in
dtspeoaable. The road will be nine and one
half mile la Isoglb, and will be a good one
aa tbe grade is easy and tbe bed tor tbe
road all complete, so that nothing moi
than laying tbe Ilea and Itplklog the mils
to them willlbe neoeseary.
DisgiisledjWitb single blesaedueit'J after a
trial uf seventy-one years, John Unodzle
roan, of Toptnn, Berk county, attempted
to commit suicid by (booting himself, ou
i'ridiy last..
The Pnen,rero'of Ice-bound
Steamer off Milwaukee.
From the Milwaukee Wlreoosin, April 25. J
It was a sigbl worth looking at yesterdzy
to see the lee-bound navigators coming
ashore from tb 'steamers, lo Ibe lorenoon,
a party of seven, among whom wa one
lady, oame ashore over tb treacherous
coaling or toow and tbin ice, a distance of
a mil or more. In tb afternoon another
parly started for land. The provisions govs
out on the steamer, and as these gentlemen
could board no longer on baard, each one
look a plank under hla arm, and resolved
to board himself to the shore-.
And this Is the way it was don. The
plank, which measured about eight feet In
length, was laid flat and the owner walked
along to the end. He then either luroed
It over or pushed It forward It length and
walked ovei It at before, a ever venturing a
foot beyood the end. It will be seen Ibat
in order to make a distance of one mile in
Ibis manner the plank bad lobe turned
over six hundred and sixtv timet.
Every little while a soft spot would let
one or the party in the water, generally as
Isr the knees, often to Ibe waist, and occas
ionally up to the ears, which was not so
great a inlelortun as imagined, for the
reason that In consequence of It, the navi
gators were not only getting board, but
tbelr washlog a well. The journey was
certainly a licklisb ane, bat no serious ac
cident occurred. We notice this morning a
large spot of olear water between tbe ice
and shore, which will be apt to make (these
journeys too hazardous even for the most
Oil News. Tbe Hyde -well on
Ward farm Is doing 32 barrels a day.
J. Ht Galey ha purchased Tory Broth
ers' rig on lb Sedgwick farm.
A new ilg i going up at Milleratawn,
bear the Lambing Brothers' well.
Tbe Mead well, on Ward larm, being drill
ed by D. B. Wiser, Is down 1,000 feel.
Tba land Intereat of lbeStory farm iterec
ting a twelve hundred barrel tank.
Amy's well, ou tb Wilton farm, ha
been plugged for a month with a set of lost
Tbe Avery well, on Ibe Ward larm, Is tbe
usual (ize ' toa klBi dry bola 3 inch
Armstrong ft Co.' two wells on the
Doughterty farm are doing live and seventy
barrels respectively.
Scudder well, on Sedgnwick farm, was
torpedoed 00 tbe.21sl lust., and lis produc
tion increased somewhat.
The production of the Sbaw & Clark well
No. 2, Sedgewick farm was Increaeed but
little by a torpedo 00 tbe 22nd Inst. f Pe
trolia Reporter.)
Two weeks from last night toe Mozrt
Musical Soolety are lo give another one of
tbelr popular and pleasing concerts, at tbe
Opera House. Tbe programme will be the
best one yet presented. Prof. Boyaton,
Mrs. Carman, Miss Henderson Messrs.
Waadell andBoice, and other amateur tal
ent will assist on ibis occasion.
The editor of tbe Erie Observer, who Is
incessantly importuned to start a oew daily
in that ol ty, dispose of th matter tbusly :
any man who baa a few tbouaaud dollars
that he doetn'l know what to do with can
easily gel rid. of it by startlog another dally
paper lo Erie."
Mr. Stephen Burns, a soldier of tb war
or 1812, was fouod desd in Young's woods,
usmpneia township,. Mercer county, 00
Monday ol last week. He led tbe bout of
bis daughter, Mrs. Gravatl, early in the
morning, aod not reluming, search was for
stiluted, and be was found dead as above
stated. He wat about tevenrt-eisht
ol age.
A young man named James Fetlgan, of
Sharon, was shot and fatally injured a few
days siuce, while bunting ducks. He was
orawling aloog, 00 tbe ground In order to
get a abut whan parties on the other side
of Ibe treek fired at tbe same birds, aod Fet
Igan was struck In Ibe bead by a rifle ball
A tuggestion bas been made, by one who
bas bad considerable xpetience among In
dians, ibat tbe work or finishing up the
Modoc job could- be lightened by turning
light on the Modocs. He propocss a num
ber of oa ciuui lights be (urniebed the troopa
each light sufficient to illuminate five bun
dred yards around. These oould be turned
00 so as to keep tb soldiers iu darkness
and yet reveal every movement ol tba lav
age aod so prevent Ibeir escape. Judging
from tbe latest report from the lava beds
escape U found as desirable by tbe whites
as by tbe Modocs.
Makers of Qsbiog tackle, whose season Is
now at band, complain of the tcsroity 0,
feather lor the manufacture of artificial
flies. One or them says that all tbe feath.
era have flown to tbe heads of women, who
are llllle better than artificial flies tbem
elve( with th bookt very well concealed.
A Tough Story.
When our troops, under Gen.; McCIellan,
penetrated thcmeunlaln region of West Vir
ginia, la May, 1861, they encountered In a
quiet nook on the side of Laurel Ridge,
v enerable matron standing In the door of a
Ion cabin. One of lb men accosted bar
'Well, old lady, where' your flag!"'
I balo't got no flag," waa Ibo prompt
"Well then, which side are you lor!"
"I den,t know what you mean,' the aa
twered, In astonishment.
Are im secetht" asked tb man, arous
al her Ignorance.
'No, I hain't," she rejoined emphatically
'Are you Union V
"No, I tell you "
"WelK what are yon t"
"I'm a good plain Baptist that's what I
The man laughed heartily, and at last
one of tbein said,
'You'll not refuse to hurrah for 'Old
Abe.' will you. old lady?",
"Who's 'Old Abe?' " asked tbe dame,
growing more astonished every minute.
"Abraham Lincoln, the President oi Ibo
United State "
"Why, hain't Gio'rat Washington Pres
ident!" "No be' been dead for mor tban aixly
"Gin'ral Washington dead?" sh fairly
tc reamed. Then rushing Into tbe cabin,
the (ailed, t'Satn, Sam!"
"Well, what it It, mother?" laid a voico
In a moment tbo reappeared at the doer
with a veteran of fifty, who tbe men afier
wsres learned was ber son. "Why, only
think, Sam," she cried excitedly, "Gin'iar
Washington's desdt Sakes olivet I .wonder
what's peingto happen next."
A Ssn Francisco paper relate that a
Nevada lawyer bad aa a client a man acr
cuaed of murder, and that the- principal
witness In bis favor beiog bis wire, who
was incapciiated from giviog testimony by
reason of her relation to bim, be got the
murder esse postponed, brought suit for di
vorce In her bebalf and secured It, and then J
triumphantly plsoed ber on the stand, lo
seenre Ibe acquit a I or ber bnsbaniK
A pathetic Incident occurred 'durlog tbe
cent Hoods at Bingbam'pton, N. Y. A
Mrs. Fox, residing near Inn cemetery gatrt
beard in tbe morning a peculiar moaning In
the direction of the cemetery. Going there
sbe found a little child waist deep in water
and weeping snir a headstone whioh mark
el a lonely grave. Upon being questioned,
she said that she lived a long way off; she
bad hesrd ibat lb graves were covered b
water, and she feared that her mother'"
might he washed sway. So she went to
keep her poor walcb aod.ward beside- it-
She was kindly cars J for, and returned to
ber motherless homo.
Ifbw the lusty sprlog Is seen;
Golden yellow, gaudy blue
Daintily Invite the view.
Everywhere, on every green,
Rossi blushing at tbey blow,
Aod enticing men to pull.
Lilliet whiter than the mow;
Woodbinei or tweet honey full1--All
lovei emblems, and all cry.
"Ladies, if not ylucked, we diet"'
This isu't good weather for tbe race, tbe
'bumanraoe" but noset do teem to run
like jehu; every man you meet bai an
awful cold, aDd the womea bave ditto,
which la nearly as bad.
The No-Lioente law doe not team to
work at welt aa lit friend antlolpsted.
Tba Perry county Freeman lay tbat tbe
law It not enforced In tbat county Is In
faot a dead letter. In Franklin eoooty, a
hotel keeper wlfo was convioted oPa viola'
Hon of tbe law, bat carried Ibecaaa to tbe
Supreme Court. In every county carried'
against license,, liquor Issllllsold on tb
sly. There will be a ttrong effort to repeal
the Local Option Law on tbe one band,
and all license lawa on Ibe other, when tbe
Legislature again meets.
' Notman Holy Aich Chapter, No. 214,
will be Instituted by tbe Matoni of Sharon
on Monday, May 12lb.
MUler Beal, an aotor fell dead' la Wll
liamtport on Fribiy evening ot apoplexy.
'Local'option' bat forbidden tbe tale of
liquors in Cumberland connty, but a train
which readies Harrisburg about 10 p. m.(
and remains an bour. aod a baif affords tbe
thirsty Cumberlandert an opportnlty to get
their tipple, and bat been dubbed Ibe'local
option train.'
The grand jury bave condemned th
Greene county jail, declarlog it unfit for
use. Tbey recoomend tba immediate arec
tion of a naw building.
A voyage to the Sandwich, FjeTpiwI
ly, Navigator, and other Islands 0,T"
South Pacific, I now belog organise, 1!
New York bv a number el lull.. . "
tlemen. All arrangement will b left
ber of traveler It limited to eeveity
tb rate fixed for the round trip , i'"
Tbe duration of th voyage 1 00, 0,
three months.
It broken up In Chsttw,,,
t Loral JMeUlce.
' The ooptrtnenhlp heretofore evUii..
tween Sobernrborn 4 Tin Eyck UdiaZ
ed h mutual nnnapnl. vasNf-
8. P. ScHKItMBItllOIUfc ,
J. A. Tun Eyck.
Parlies Indebted to the sbove Arm m
call aqd tettlu up aod lave trouble,
J1- A. Tun Kick
Dated Petroleum Centre, April 8, 1873,
One 15-horse Tift boiler In complete
- a, logins im y
boiler In complete order, 276 feet joc. !
tubing, extra heavy, 600 feel largs suck !
rds, 1 Snow Pump. 8 ' " j
JjA. Tkx Etk. f
Th looal option law must be enforced.? !
From and after thlt date aod nnm iC i
day tbe local option law goet Into effect, I
wm sen aimioa ana braodi ol wines, sod
liquor at retail at wboleesle prices, at or
lock mat ba eloaed ami. Maw i ik. '
o purtbaa Hill vial for home nse.
If ow it-tbe time to buv ibe eslabraM
Fox A WIIBsms' Buffalo Ciesm Ale. at W.
A. I.OZIF.R'S as ha InlenH. m .
Ibe Iwentv fourth InaL A Inn. ail. thi ..
dehted to the same will please com and U
settle oo or be.orestid date and oblige th
undersigned. jr,
W. A. LOZIgJ '
Go to W. As LOZIEK,
4th Strect,near 11. K. track,
for your BENZINE, dellv-
ti.Mil at thtk nrnllt fur Vi
vivu hw ifvaatat ivt yi)rvv
per Barrel . . ,
Petroleum Centre, rVj, 6th tf.
Grand Opening!
OU Cloths, Aetions, &c
Washlnjrten Street,
Petroleum Centre.
At preten'. Ibe p.evail g plo- of coaverA
sal loo appeal tc "Uow soon are j"
going to rrovo to Butler?" W deilrt
lo Inform otr pa lonraod tb
pulillo at large that we do not Intend to
move from Peirol 'm Centre, but propwe'
to ' fight It out nn Ibis l.oe If It !
II summer," and would respeotfully
Invite all to come and exemln
our stock of
8 neb as
Millinery Trimmings, j
Ami a complete stock of ladies'
Hats and Bonnets,
Also, a Complete Stock of
Which will be sold
taper than the Cheapest
sar-rM- ... . .n .v.mioe good'
and prices.
m iW UO VBIt
Fet. Centre, April ltb, 1873.