SHUGERT&STAER BacoMaon to MeFulud, Smith Co., Merchant Tailors! AND DBA LB KB IN Cents' Furnishing Woods, COB. 8PBIMQ & FRANKLIN 8TS.,. TIf CSVaLLE, PA.' Hint pat I mm of th AbmC MortmeDtt f VL0im& CAX3IMERE8 ENGLISH, ' " . FRENCH AND AMERICAN MIXED AND STRIPED SUITINGS FANCY VESTINGS. kwer offered la theOU Hogtoa. TWKNTX DIFFERENT STYLES OF HATS Se CAPO, Ab tbt Utestsad MobWMBtrl ' ... A TOLL UNI OF v Gents- Famishing Goods, bc. Petroleum Centre Daily, Record. tet. Centre, ra.,Prk4ar, April IS Mvlaie Bervlea. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services every Sabbatb at 11 A. M. and t P. M. Sabbatb Sobool al Ills' P. II. eatafreo. A oordlal Invitation exteud. MM Ml. , , t i i , i f- I ( p Bbv.G. Moons, Pastor.' , PRESBTTERUM CHURCH. ; Preaching it n o'clock A. M.. and T 'olook P. M., by tba Pallor, W. C. . jbch abo. 8abbatb Sobool at 12W, d I red It after forenoon eorv lea. Prayer Meeting and Sabbatb Sohaol Teacher's Meeting Tuesday rvsntogs ol i U ' retroieam Centre Iiodge, So. . LO.-ofO. F. LlbartyirtdgaNo., A. O. of 6.' W.I In Odd Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Centra Penn'a. ?;:,;,';; ; (,m '' A. Glenn, M. W. A. M. Klbcknbb, R I.O. OfR. M. Mlnnekauamo Tribe No: 183, L O. R. M "Irolanm Centre, meets evert Thurso jv '"Oooa-Teinp'aHaii: "T. tVCouMllftMiihtbtH at 7 . o'doet n t tiTir-o HOWE, Saebetn. C. L JUKES, Chief ol Records. .. Gold at lp. a.lT n t. r, Tha Pal Centre Rocord unjustly redacts apoa Ua Coaoty Commissioner . lot their action in tba oaaa of a man named Butzsrd. wbo died ooBsnneboffRua reeeotly, and "boos family waste poor to bur him properly. A neighbor ef,ie familyy I. ...,, tfueiioe ueyoolds, aad was granted an order of feil.C whlrt 'waa pre. od to the old Board of Poor Overseers " """snip, wbo referred blm to the County Commlsslonera. . A dispatch was . .o u. wtuoty CommlssiooersbyThos. MoHugb, of Petroleum Centra a. folio..: Mr. Bunard I. dead. Com. and attend wood. Answer Immediately." The die petob w.i raoeWed at 10 o'oiook a. m., and tae Commlmlooerf having never reoelved "y application for tba relief ol mob an in. dividual and koowlog notblog of the c.n replied tbtt tbey didn't know Bua.rd. Ooaooountof tbl. dl.p.tob, wbicb wa. InUoded to draw rurlbar . I. form. .Ion conr cuoingtbeeaHi, tbe Rccoan oboow. i0 condemn the Cammlailooara, Bot tba Ba cord .top. .bort of the whei. truth, J7t piiblltblng enough to mi.repre.ent aod plaoe the OommlMleneri la a faint light At twelve o'elook, two hour, after tba fir.t dlapihth, another dl.p.tob w.i received by the ComolMlooar,eUtlag , tba nature of tbe oae. and Baking what ahould be done. Tbe Coamlwlooen replied i Act as tbe law rrquieat and kumaolty dictate After reoehtlogtkaJaatloa'aordM for roller, any clllMn could have bad tba body or Buzzard umniiy ana properly buried In a obrl.tlan mannr, aad Ibe CCmmiulouen would b.v Pid all expesuM oeoeuarlly lasurredtor the body could have bee a lolerred- and a .t.lIU;at if Hi ... . i . i... ... . esiort a JUiWce of the Peace, and an order for relief grant ed afterwarJ.. In thii ooee tho people done notbiog, but County CumniimlODer Turner went to Buzzard', borne And: bed tbe body Interred tbe day after notice o hi. death wa. received. The provliiont of tha law, which b.t been piibll.bed, are plain and ample lor tbe proieotlon ol IhejMor. It It not poetible for the County Commieilooem to know per tooally of every caw to which the poor law l applicable that mtj arise ih'lhe county. TM people tboald attend to reporting ail each in tho way tbe law provides, Ve nango Citizen. Tbe Cii'zen, as a matter of course, is en titled to suae consideration as being tbe orgn of too County Commiteiouore, eonse quently we give their artiola In lull. Tbe Citizen us of misrepresenting tbe facts In tbe can thereby placing the hon orable, Ibe very honorable Pecksniffs wbo control tha County finances, In a lalse light before tba publio and their constituents, which means, we suppose, tba parties wbo elected them., We grant a portion of tba ttatemooti made by their organ to be true, viz. That whlob relates to tba last telegram sent by Mr. McHugb. At tba tame time tba worthy Commissioner, knowing full wail that tha law as at present enforced, tokea tba power entirely out of tba hands of tba Road Masters or Commissioner, to act In tbe matter whatever, leaving It In tbe kandt of tba people. . Human nature Is good and will not tee a man suffer wbile living, but after death, who it there to do bim bonor, no matter whether be oangbt bit deatb on tbe battle field or not, even tbe guardlant of tbe public poor and mooey tba latter in tbeir own pocketi probably knowing full well tba text of tbeSlaw, telegraph bsck "We don't know bim." A tblolng example or what tba law is when la tbe hands of tbe County Pecksniffs or mooey chsngers. We make tbe amende honorable as far as tbe telegram goes. Now let us dive a little deeper and offet tbe alleged misrepreseO' tattoo on our part, by showing a little of tba same on the part or Mr. Commissioner Turner through bis mouth piece tbe Ye Bsogo Citizen. That paper stales that tba people done nothing whatever, and that Mr. Co. Com. Turner "went to Buzzard's horns and bad tba body Interred the Jay after no lloa of bis deatb was received." Mr. C. C. T. did no suob tblog. He never went near tbe dead toldler bouse, but publicly slated te oamo to Petroleum Centre lor tbe pur poM of examining Into tbe oonditiou ol tbe Egbert farm bridge, and wouid never bave looked lulo tbe affair whatever except upon tbe earnest solicitation of Mr. McHugb and others. Now comes tbe joke, and a gbsst JO one it la withal Mr. Co. Com. Turner, After muob persuasion, condescended to drop bis offlolal dignity lor a lew length? ol periods and visit a coffin wareroom. He inquired the price ot a cheap wooden over coat, ana was iota WW. "Too blgb, too high, tbe County oaonot pay suob prices; why, my dear sir, tbey oan be made at tbe County poor bouse for $4 to $1,60 apiece toe coat or transportation oot included." Tbe bargain was anally oonctuded after soosioerable jewing down on tba part of Ibe County, and poor Buzzard's life strug gls is over, tbaoks to the Couoty Commis sioners. Allow ut to suggest, most worthy Commissioner., If coffin, can be furolabed M Cheap, would it oot be a good plan to Keep a stock oi baod for tba purpose of burying dead soldiers and other paupers neatly and oheaply. People will die poor and booest Co. Commissioners "don't know tbetn," SO tbe world goes. Winter still tinners. Local option went inty , tlUet lor yesterday. ' good, The remarkable exhibition took place within a few days ol a Methodist intoistrr named Dokin, ol tba suburb, of New York going over to tbe Roman Calbolie Church. Tbe account tayt twelve converts were ade milled to tbe Romlsb commuoioa luolu- dlng tbe clergyman referred to, whose de- lection mu.t bave beee a surprise to bit Metbodi.l bretbero at ba bid just been a. tigaed br tbe coolerence to a cburcb in Am boy. It is seldom a Methodist clergy man becomes a' 'convert 'to Romanism. Method i.t rfergymea often coma into tba Episcopal church, and among tbe most l oqueut Epltoopsl divines are those wbo got tbeir pulpit tralolng In ibe Methodist per suasion. Witbiu Ibe next two month, the railroad system ol the North will be united to that ol tbe South by tbe completion of tbe con necting link, the Baltimore and Potomac tunnel, . This gigaoilo enterprise has been conducted so quietly, and withal so swiftly tbst there are many person, living lo sec tioo.ol Ibe city not very lemote from tbe lineol operations wbo would oot bave known tbst tbe work bad begun If it had I oot been for tbt oewtpaptrs. A Cittern Horror. The Milwaukee Sentinel says: Wednes day morning tbe Inball'aa s of ll quiet vll luge of Hartford wore stsrtled with tbe re port that Mr Martin MoHugo and hit wife bad been found drowned In a cistern. Mr. MoHngo and bit wife resided about ooe mile from the village upon a mall farm, and were quite alone, tbeir youngest Child B young miss of sixteen, being In tbls city at sobool. At the bouse stands several rods from tba road, the fact that tbe passing oelghbors did not observe either of tbem lor a day or two was not thought strange. But a friend having occasion to call on Wednesday morning euspscted ail was not rlgbfj sod upoo examination ol tb premie e. discovered lo bis horror tbe dead bodies of the two unfortunate persons lo tbe cis tern. As neither tbe msn nor bis wire bavs been seen since Monday forenoon, tbe theory of the ctusslty Is that they must bave fallen In on that day, and perished by tbe slow agony of a living burial. The woman is supposed lo bave accidentally fallen in, and her .creams for help broSgbt her bnsbsnd to the rescne, wbo dropped ber a rcpe, wbicb she fastened under ber arms. Then in his attempt to draw her out, Ibe curbing and planks gsva way. precipitating him also into tbe cistern. And now comes tbe most horrible part of this dreadlul affair. Tbe water was only three or four feet deep, but without tbe ability to rescue themselves from tbe terrie ble situation, or to bsva tbeir cry of distress beard by mortal ear, tbey periabed almost lo sight snd bearing of tbeir own neigh bors dying together, but as thoroughly isolated from all other help and sympathy as if locked In a foundering ship that goes down into the depths of tbe sea. Letters from the People. Notb. The manageroftbis journal, with" out eodorsina tbe sentiments of eontrihntnm. desires to offer the widest' possible latitude for free discussioo. It is merely stipulated that communications shall concern matters ot public interest, be put In decent language and accompanied with the names of the writers, not for publication, but as a guar auiee oi goou laiio. - Pituoi.k, April 24, 1873. Mb.Editob: On review of Ibis place I Bod it almost equal lo my opinion to Plum er, yet there Is considerable oil produced dally, which or oourse is a let up ou total abstinence. .1 Bod two old Pioneers here, Messr. A J. Keenao and Cot. Alford equal tbe times. They seem to Among tbe euocess'nl operators for the past year, are Wm. N. Perkins, W. H. H. Hall, tedder Bros, and H.fkell. These however, have, lo tome extent, become ex cited on Butler oouoty andlwitb one excep lion are oouou to link wbat tbey got here in tbe lower .regions. There are now producing on tbo Holmden farm, soma six wells, small, but paying. uapt. Hall of tbe Morey farm, report. favorably. Ho doet not intend "lo journey to CblBB at loog at ha can have a rush at Ibe b elf way bouaa. :; There are many partlet beta wbo are willing to replace tbe goers, but tbeir rer luotaot dlsposltio to leave, makes prices blgb. ' The Phillips wells, oo tbe Rooker farm, are pr iduclog well: one of tbem doing some forty bsrrels dally. Tbey have been oper atlog in tba lower region and undoubtedly know bow It la. . , Local optloo ba. gone Into effect. Char ley Johnson is about turning all bis wblskey Into vioegar and serve It for Ibe table use. I really believe a few days of Boo weath er will find Pitbole quits lively. Tbe Uanfortb House bst reorganized at a temperance establishment, and at toon a. tummor comet Inteod terviog up cool lem onades. Tbe ice bouss It full. - I Bod tbe old Christy Drug store under tbe supervision ol Joo. Fairuaiio flourish Tbe redoublsble McPbersoo lo tbe dry- gouds business I Bod bere. He bst no fault to find. He tayt ba baa seen duller timM 1 coonot give yon a particular statement of tbe production and proposed opers'lon for tbe 'eaeeo. but I will In my next .at J expect to return next week. Tbe U. S.- Pat Co wilt give more leaiae this spring. you Edgar, Lieut. William L. Sherwood, whno. death from wounds received from tbe Mo docs It announced by. telegraph, was a na tive or Bunaio, and a son of William C Sberwood and a graadsoo or Rev. Dr. Lord ue entered tbe army six or seventeen since, and baa been stationed most of tbe time In the Indian country, some four years in Arizona and more recently In Oregon. Tbey are supplying toe pri.ooert In the New York Tomb with bath-rooms for cold water. Tbey get into bot water before tbey reach tbo Tombs. On Friday morning a man named Bnc sard wbo has been slot for several months witb;coo.umptioa, djed at Petroleum Cen tre. He served fonr years in tha army, and In that service contracted tbe disease wWcb finally ended bis life. And yet notwltb flooding the fact, that ba wag ona of those wbo helped "save Ibslife of the Republic," for the post tlx months ba and bia family, Consisting of a wife and tlx childreo, bave subsisted on cbarlty; and whoa be -died, and tba "loyal" authorities of Venango oounly were telegraphed tba facta nod ask ad to take charge or tbe lemaina aoji give Ibem a deoaat atriatlaa burial, tbe reply seat back was tbe tbey did not knew him. It is to ba hoped tbet tbey did . i,TI tusville Courier. - ' The view taken by Ibe Courier to' tbh case we think dors oot do jostle M tba Coudty Commissioners, tbe "euthotlUss'' meant. By the lew for tbo erection of eat Poor House, duties of Overseers ef the Foot sre transferred lo tbe Couoty Commission ers. These duties are Ibe same at tbe Over seers were bound to perform, and are ' not the law abollsbiog that office In tbls couoty. Ia tbe case or Buzzard, or oey case where reliel or burial is provided for by the geuersl poor laws, tbe oouree of pro ceeding It plain. On Information mads be fore aoy magistrate that officer it bound to ittue ao order for teller or burial, at Ibe case msy be, sad tbe Commissioners are bound to psy all nocesssry expenses incur red under tneb order. ' ' . .- Tbe telegram sent by the Commissioners should bsve contained tostructfoos. That It did not wai probably ao oversight, end oot btartleiioeu. It Is propgabrreua to uppose tbst it it tbe duty or tbe Ceotmis sioners to attend person slly to saob cease, ir tbe Justios or tbe Peace, whose attention was called to the case of poor Buzzard, bad Issued ao order, '.there would bave been no eeuse for complaint. ' ' We ara always resdy lo censure tbo Com missioners or any other pnblie ofloera whoa tbey deaerva ll, but In Ibis case we do not see tbst censure it msrilt'd Veoaago Spectator. 'During tbe last session of tbe Legmlature of this State all laws imposing State laxrs "upon horses, mules and cattle" were re pealed, tbe repeal, however, not to lake effect uotil tbe next meetiog of the Board ol Reveoue Commissioners of tbe Common wealth. V , ;,, A Helie of aafaroiSa Vessel. , A San exchange says: Mr. W. Simmons, tbe well known rigger ol this eity bos a curiosity In bis poesssioo wbicb is worth calliug to vlslt.Stlt Is a model made out of tbe timbers of the bark "Cadmus," tbe vessel In wbiob Lafayette came to tbe United Stales, lo 1824. Tbe "Cadmus" ar lived herefrom England in 1850, snd br ing pronounced uoseaworlby, was Bold at auotion. She was bought by . Mr. James Stnsrl, ship cbsodler, corner Batters stieet and Long Wharf, wbo ussd btr at a atnetbip, Subrequeolly sbt) wat " puf cbastd by George Howgale aad' Frederick Howiia, wbo broke her up for firewood 'fa 1855. Mr. Simmons, however, contrived to secure several of ber llmbeie.eut ol wbicb be constructed a model of tba lamoas old craft. A festive Istber aod son of San Dlevo. California, bsve been and gone end done It, by making an elopement lor JBatriSAealei purposes with two sisters. Tb fetbot look the elder one. sisd tweotv. the saa ths yonnger one, aged eigbtsen, and tbey."1 ao suceeaslully eluded tba parents el tbt) girls ss to succeed in bavins Ibe osrttnoov formed, when tbey returned boose lo blab feather oo tbe tamo train, aad Bbaokliog over their exploit, and ao says tbe Sea Diego World "lesnloy scroti tbe aisle to woisper to eaob other, and morning (heir "erect attitude to give an affreiloaate I queeze to the fair onea by tbeir Letters sre. pouring lo upon Ibe Presidsot from oil quarters, beggiox blm not to aban. duo bit lodiaa policy, but to ttsad Im'H bis resolutions lo pursue Ibe coane beat ca enlated to bring peace to Ibe border, and protect tbe whites from violence and Ibe Id dians from Injustice. ! . t' ', Tbe colored people ot Norfolk. Vs. ate building a vessel to run to tbe West ladle. There It movemeotio Pant to deawa with tbe wearing of gloves. II 1 1 argued tbst aa a small baod, like a small,' root, r It generally tbe sign ol aristocrat! dsoeeat. tbere is no reason wby it be conoaalad with lo a vulgar integument. ... 1 i ii bone of those members of CoDareaa eiha bave oot yet returned tbeir baok paytMFat ting Is suob Sweet Sorrow." . Out in the woods coquetting, flirtallonsJ and gsoeral courting, rs going OB among tbo members of tbe Robin fomilvi- bat the. young ladies are slightly coy, aodi lo reply to ''Will you come? will you come?" lasy sing "Not yet! Lot jet!" Local dissolution; - Tbo copartnership heretofore exlsth.i. tween Sobermerboin k Ten Evck is L, ed by mutual consent. ' ""'"I" S. P. f?CMRaoKK J. A. Txn Kycb, Parties Indebted to ibe sbove firm .. oall and settle op and lave trouble J J. A. TM E-tct Dated Petroleum Centre, April 8 1871 FOB SALE, ' Oae 15-botee Tift boiler In eomnleis -devons 8-baree Yoed t Mino .stiL, !Z hollar In oomnleia nrdar 9 fit Z tubing, extr heavy, MO feel large ffiS rods, 1 Snow Pump; C . A. TKrt Eicf - For Safe. , , 'A Smith's American Clmn : new and entnnlete In I - qirlre at this office or of D. B. PerUqi.Ew bert Farm, Petroleum Centre, p. l' ' ' ' ' Pf"-'BV , , . NOTICE. We exnect all nnri; ted to this firm to settle their bills before the 1st of May next and avoid nnpleasantness, as we iutend to close out and leave this town. i , .. . SOBRL Ar. ATTtfRlTAiu Dated, Petroleum Centre, Pa., Msreb Mi LOOK HEBG, Now la Ibe lime to buv tha Mihi Fa ft Willlama' Buffalo Cieta Ale, at W Ai LOZIER'Sas ba Intends lo close ua ! the twenl fnnptti lnL ai . ....r. dobtodtolbe tame will please turos lid 1 ur uewra ma ueie sod oblige Iks ,M .. . , W. A. LOZIEi I Go to W. A. LOZIER, 4th Streenear It. it. track, for yoiUL DEKZIKE, deity ered at the wells for $3S per Barrel. Petrolewai Centre, Fab. (tb-tf. 'Grand Opening! or ; 1 1 t i .. i j i . Oil Cloths Motions, &C., AT SAMUELS BROS., WMShlnpton Strict, Petroleum Centre " i At present Ibe p.evalllng topic of eosvsr satlon aODBiti to'How eaoa are ysu going to move '.o Butler?" We dtslrs to .niorm one natrnn. and the public at large that we do not talend Is J move from Petroleum Centre, but prepas to "signs it out on this line ir it all tummor," aod would retpeeifnliy invite all to oome and examine out stock of Sueh as Millinery Trimmings, LACE GOODS, Md a complete ' stock of ladies' I r mtsandiionnets,' 1 A I At. la. ajab nf . -s - . AWi Jl WDUBlllf Owuva , . . DOOTC a SHOES I j .ni i,;. v.'U iM filA wrntboaoU., , mtoih uAVaxoaise fsse .adprlcea. j BE03. r ueatre, Apru una, ieta v.-r SOBSBAB) fUBUGia i.aai i band Sooteb Ale aod Londoo Porter, MDTTHC1E i ... l B .. . family use. 'yjpas7iigifM'