The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, April 23, 1873, Image 2

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(BacMMOn to MeFarland, Smith Co.,)
Merchant Tailors!
touts' Furnishing tiwnls,
Trrt)8Y.liLE, PA.
H put la one of Ik flnset assortments t
ENGLISH, r , w
Bvar offend In the Oil Region.
Ah the lattestand Nobbiest Style. .
' ' " ' ' A FVLt UNI Of ' .
Gents Furnishing Goods, &ci
etroleum Centre Daily Record.
mu Centre, Pa Wednesday t April S3
IMvtn nervlee.
Service every Sabbath at II A. M. ana
X P. M. Sabbath School at 12U P. M.
eats Ire. A oordial Invitation extend'
ad to all. . ,i
: Rev. O. Mnortg, Paator.
Preaching at II o'olook A. M.. and 7
o'clock P. M,, by the Paator, W. C. Bbrch-
ard. 8abbalfe Sobooi at 12J, directly
after forenooo aervloe. "
Prayer Meeting and ' 8abbath School
Teaoher't Mevllog Tueaday vveoioga ol
rash week.
PstrelaaiH Oaatre Isodge, No.
TIB, I. o. of O. P.
Regular meeting nights! Friday, at 7
'otuek. Sinned.-" "
C. H. Bi.ii.rt, A Seo'y.
t9ne nf meeting, Main 8t., opposite
MoOllntock Honaa. ) , '
A. O. Af V. XV.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of TJ. W.,
meet every Monday evening al o'clook,
lo Odd .Fellow' Hall, Petroleum Centre,
Pena'a. - -
i u A" Gli M. W.
A. M. KLICKXtR, R. . , .
. I..O. of IL.M., .
Mlniekanope Trlba No. 1H3, I. O. R. M
of Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday
evening lo Good Templar'a Hall.
W Council Urea MiitiM at 7 o'clock.
. , H- HOWE. 8ebeu.
C. L JUKES, Cblel ol Records. -
Gold at I p. hi. 1 1 7Jf
The white man la christianized, eulliva
ted aod leaned.1 Hi humanitarian eflbrts
at found Ing foreign toi douiestio missions
and apreadlng Ibe gospel of peaoe and good
will amoog Ibe lavage, I It not recorded.
Murder, rapine and vloieuce ar found only
with tbabeatheo. ' .
However, a few day tga, It fell out that
the lavage Modoo baaajy aod Ireaoberoualy
, alew one af oor foretaoat general under
eircumaUooea preclaaly paralleled twelve
year ago by General Wright, In wbiob
their chiefs, warrlora and women, aome
elxty-eevsn la number, were murdered by
our military. The government and It gen.
rah Immediately order Ibe hoitting of the
black Sag. i Extermination I the battle
cry. Eaaleroried than done, go far tbe
proportion la twelve white scalps to one red
Wbea Cpt. Jack and Scbon Scbin
were guilty of tbalr cowardly act they
knew Ibe lituat Ion; tbey knew tbeir wo
men and children ware aate, and that they
could get to the mountain ai tbeir lelaure.
Which to day bow the moit savagery tbe
moat Meed tblraly aplrlt-tha greedy greep
iog while, oi the red banded Modoc, cd
lauding home with Homerlo. courage, ,
Again,' In Lou laiaoa, there la tha machine
y or two Slat Govern men la la operatloo,
thanks to tbe culom brutse cabal at New
Or., ThT berlfff'" posse meet one
white aod an black result, aurreoder ot
t'l Mae,ad the kiiliog of ISO men In eoM
blood. Can aoy aavagea beat that? and
doer our gove rnmeut that protease to keep
military order there, hold itaelf guiltless?
Aod M ao willing to exterminate the Modoc
orun .nurder and that reUUetry.wby not
exterminate tha brand or white men who
slew without mercy thaaa blacks.
Tha hot la extermination la wrong. It
la do remedy lor murder .or wrongs. If
there la an; vitality la Christianity a
government like oura slight to ahow that
the white man, la Ism savage than heathen.
WV have beo shown, Ibis afternoon, by
Mr. Win. McGee, of Shamhurgb, a new In
vention fH burning crude petroleum. Tte
apparatue omito! fail o7 proving a success,
II It d.a the work claimed lor It by Mr. M
He claim It will burn everything in the oil
even thesiuoke. a caveat baa been Died
tr this invention at Washington. Should
It prove a success, of which there can be
no doubt; thla new Invenilon la destined to
revolutionize the business of burning oil rej
volution xcil.
Tbe lore of tbe ileamabip "Atlantic" coo.
linnet to form a prinoipal topio or discus
sion In tbe New York papera. An analysis
of the causes of the terrible disaster ebowi
that it grew, primarily, out of a lalse no
lion or economy. (Joel lo England i very
dear. Hence tbe vessel waa diBpatched
with a abort supply, the manignment hop
ing it might suffice. Negligence and In
competence did tbe rest. The lesson of the
tragedy la thla: The absolute oecesalty ot
subordinating ail other consideration to a
rigid regard lor tifety. Tbe ill-fated vessel
was aplendidly lurniabed, Inferiority; but if
tbe price of one of her costly mirrors bad
been Invested in aadltlooai coal, It la prob
able the doomed three hundred would not
bave perished. Aa a natural consequence,
those companies wblcb gave most aatlslac-
tiry evidence of a disposition to regard the
safety a wall aa the comfort and conven
lence ot pasienger will be likely lo leap
ubetaollal advantage. Second lo none o
Iheae I tbe "National Line,' ' whose fleet is
composed of twelve noble vessel tbe
largest in tbe trade sailing weekly Irom
New Yoik lo Queenetown and Liverpool,
an J fortnightly to London direct. These
vessel were built under tbe Immediate
supervision of some ol tbe most eminent
naval architect ot tbe day, and are first
claa In deslgo, ooostructlon and appoint
ment! while tbeir great breadth ot beam
make them alnum a steady in tbe wuter
a a duck. Approximately speaklog
modern aoleoce and art have rendered a
voyage across the tea almost aa lafe a a
journey on land. By keeylng everything
fulj abreast with the progress M tbe age,
the manager of tbe "National Line" bave
belped not a little to accomplish Ibi result,
and tbla I high praiee.
Death of J no. L. Lick, Tbe Both well
W find Ibe following account of the
death of a Canada OH. Prince in tbe Both
well Review. We believe Mr. Lick lurmer.
ly reaided on Oil Creek:
Our lowo was somewhat startled yeater
diiy mitrnlog by Ibe report that John L
Lick, tbe pioneer ol tbe Botbwell oil bus!
ues was dead. He bad beeo atlacted a few
duv ago by bemorrbage at tbe lunga Ibe
result of aoold affection, but It waa little
thought that daatb was so near. Mr. L ick
came to Botbwell from Pennsylvania In 1861
aod leased 20 acre or tbe Colville farm, ex.
tending back from tbe river where tha
bridge now stands. He tank aeveral ttir
tioe well oo this lot and bought from Hye
lop aod Ronald, of Chatham, tbe Brat steam
engine that waa brought Into the district
He met with poor success aod getting Into
debt, be o:gaolzed a company aud putdowo
what la known aa tbe Old Compaoy Well
From tbla time forward bia aucceat wa won
derHil, and lb fame or the celebrated Lick
well went forth to all part ol Canada and
the Uolted State. He waa reputed to be
wortb an Immense mm, and at one time we
know be had deposited In Mr. Langbtoo's
afeoaab and certificates of dock, lo the
value cf over $100,000. But be waa an in
veterate speculator, aod though looked up
on aa an oracle In oil matters, is said to
bave laoked judgment. Uia fortune waa
wasted In speculations almost a rapidly aa
It bad beeo accumulated, aod there la but
little doubt that bia misfortunes accelerated
bi death. Almost the laat time we saw
bin alive was oo Wednesday of last week
when tbe flood waa al its height; we walk
ed down to tbe bridge aod back lo company
with blin and a number of otters. Our
route lay through tbe aceoes ot bis strug
gles and hit triumphs, and as be pointed
out Ibe sizns ol the various wells and spoke
of these varied fortunes with that apparent
indifference that always characterized bim,
wa wondered what bis thoughts must bave
beeo. AIuk! wbo oow can tell?
The Allegheny Valley road lJ tbe most
sucolifulfiiber on Ibe river. One of its lo
comotive, No. 2.,wbi8ked itself into tbe
river in tbe neighborhood of Cattish not
long since, but was successfully fished a few
days after, and soul Jto rPltuburgb lor re
liThe Georgetown Times la making a great
fuss, say tbe Pari KentuckleO, over a fel
low who tucked seventy-two egg, one alter
another, and drank a glass of brandy and
chewed up tbe glass, as ir that waa any
great feat. Now, If an egg bad swallowed
seventy-two fellows, one immediately after
tbe other, and taken a drink of glass aod
and chewed tbe brandy, or If aeventy-two
eggs had chewed the fellows and swallowed
tbe braody, one immediately alter the oil)
er, and drank Ibe glass, or if the glass bd
Chewed seventytwo fellows and sucked an
egg, or ir seveotytwo eggs bad swallowed
the alas and drank the fellow, then a real
wortb recording would bave been perform
ed. Georgetown Times be banged 1
Dubuque, Iuwa,bo;a are up to fun, aa
will be seen by tbe followlug: Several
youths put up ajob on one of tbe sex tout of
the Central Cburcb toe other uight. A
part of bia duty was to keep tbe youngsters
nut from under ibe pulpit. Some miscbiev
ous boys knew tbla, look an overcoat, etulIV
ed it with other clutbes until it looked liku
a boy, aod thrust it on tbe lorbiutlon ground.
Pretty soon the sexton came along aud saw
It under there. ''Come out," be whispered.
"Come out, I say," still louder, as be sw
Ibe supposed boy didn't stir. Finally,
when command or entreaty would not pre
vail be went under tbe platform, grabbed
tbo figure by the eboulder, and came out
again with ieeliugs anything but eva .gell
A gentleman from New llaveo, Ct., Iate
ly exdibited some siveet little games for
children. Ooe or Ibem, called tbe "Fly
Deal," is dune in this way: Takeaabeei
ol writing paper, cover it on one side with
gum mucliage; then catch ally; turn tbe
ny on tbe paper, and tbeu catca another fly
apd do likewue; put the flies oloee ti gall e.
beadaall ooe way: keep on doing Ibis till
you get toe sbeet lint ; tbeo turn tbe paper
over, and you'll swear that paper is alive.
It wilt run all rouod tbe room. When you
lire of Ibis sport, turn tbe paper .over and
admire the movemeuts of tbe flies' legs. It
will be a perfect fac-iimlle of grass swayed
by a zephyr. This will be cheaper than
taking Ibe children lo tbe counliy to see
II. .
The reourd of Erie fur tbe past week Is
one that well call alarm upon tbe part ol
our citizens. We bave been suffering from
tbe raids of an organized gang, or gangs ol
depredators, ' who bave got considerable
booty and a yet there is no deleotioo o
any of tbe peril, a, nor, so fir as we hnve
earned, a well grounded suspicion. Dur
ing ibis time the burglars have effdCied en
tries, in tbe night time, into six occup en
dwelling bouses, three stables and one work
shop. Success in gathering plunder and
immunity from arrest must embolden them
aod it remain for such vigorous measures
to be taken as ahall counteract ibeir eiforia
About Ibe best thing lor tbe present is to
bolt, as well as to luck, all outer duois.
keep a loaded revolver within easy reach
during tbo solemn midnight boms, and trust
to li ck lor tbe rest. Erie Dispatch.
"As drunk as a brute" Is no longer a
misnomer. But In Indiana tbero is a dog
attached to one of Ibe saloons whloh has
beoome confirmed drunkard ' In the a b
senoe of water, Ibe animal contracted the
bablt of drinking out of tbe pans placed
under faucets to catch tbe waste beer until
It now can swill down a plut at a time
Tbe brute baa frequently been so tipsy that
It was unable to walk.
San Francisco calls them "hoodlums;''
Chicago and many others cities call them
"bummers," and now St. Louis comes for
ward and proposes to call tbem "rooster.'
Experimeuta are in progress lo Englsnd
on the preparation of Illuminating gas from
excrement. Among Ibe various orodunn
aralslng Irom tbe distllatioo In tbe case ate
ammoniacal liquids and a coke wblcb is a
valuable deodorizer.
All tbe monthly magazine for April have
beeo received at tbe Post Office Newsroom.
The Oil City Derrick ot tbls morning
very appropriately touches up our repct
ed Connty Commissioner. "lis well.
In more lhao one recent instance the con
gregation of Methodist Churches bave beeo
on the point of rebellion against the Itin
eracy system, but uo one bas gona as far as
a Brooklyn church, which baa given no
liee to Its preaober that Its dnors will be
summarily dosed against him H be eu
deavors lo Oil the positions in which he bia
beeo placed.
Tbo aocretiooa of mud at tbe gSoutbwest
pass, and at tbe mouth of tbe Mississippi
river, bave been so largo, during the past
seasoo, a to form a complete bar aorots
tbal outlet, to the serious obstruotioo ot
navigation. At tbe latest advices there
were nearly fifty vessels, some of tbem hav
Ing leas tbao six to teu leet draught, await
ing Ingress or egress.
A Verwttlle 0 ckoolwtwewr.
G. M. Start, Esq., lurnlsbe lb Winona,
Minnesota, Bpnblicau opy of a bill re
cently presented lo a suit be tried lo
interior town, the parties being a uarmau
ichoolmaiter, evidently a versatile genioa.
ml nlnni keener known bv the brief
- -
name ol Popp. Tbe bill runs aa follows:
Poi'M. tt.
Tn aahoolinz PoDtm' cliiidrrn tout
month. $20 00
To at tedding bar for Popp, at Ibe
tune of the dance, live time 2t 00
To mkiDiI Pout's' lather will ft 00
To making a epeecb at Popp'
wlfe't mother's Mineral ft 90
To lovitiog company to attend tbe
funeral 1 00
To one uoj aud chain . 3 00
Tbe Georgia Dental Convention met IB
CJlumbua last Tuesday. Tbe atttendaoce
wus large, and tbey sang aa an opening ode
tuet sublime hymn hegioniug:
'Old JuiMtbun Gibbs be broke bl tewtr,
'lie broke his lewtli, be broke bi trwtb,
Old Jonathan Gibbs be broke bl tewtb,
A-eating a plum pud lug.
"Great lumps of suet tbe (tuck Into Hi
They stuck Into it, tbey stuck Into It,
Great lumps of suet tbey stuck inl It,
And made bim bowl, byjiog.'V
It is authoritatively announced Id En
gUnd that tbe kcqiiUitlonuf Ibe railways
by tbe State is now seriously engaging tbe
attention of tbe government. One of Ibe
Cabinet Minister is said to be Investigat
ing the snt'ject, witb tbe aid of several otb'
er officials aud railroad experts, lo older to
arrive at conclusions as regard time and
terms of purchase. A beginning I looked
lor next year.
A one bundled aod tilty barrel well was
struck on Friday at Grease City on tbe
properly of Moses Sullivan. It was drilled
lo S'Xi; days by 3 laffer and Hannah, and
la owned by tbem aud Dr. Hare, of Green
Local optiuo has bad the etfeot of exhaus
tlog tbe supply of "little brown jngs" lo
Meicer. Purchasers of maple syrup bave lo
carry the aebarloe flu I d bom in tbi I bs
where they used lo carry tbeir brick, or go
What Oakland, Cal., Ibiokiot Ibe action
ot the Alameda Supervisor la flxlog lhe
si te of the county building lo Brooklyn la
stead or witbin the city ot Oakland, may be
Inferred from tbe folluwiog headline set
over the record of the act by the New In
the very Isrgesl and blackest type: "A
Dirty Trick, Conceived In Sin and Brought
Forth lo luiqmty 1 OiHclal Meauues! Tbe
County Seal Lotted at the Brooklyn
Slaughter bouse. After de Rosal Tur
Site Plaoked by Pig sties, Decaylog Tan
n-rlea ai.d Heaps or Offal. A sweet seeot
d Pineal A Paradise for Buxsards and a
aiuuipiLg Ground for Rat and Jackala."
Tbe Legisiauire ol New York I approach
Ing the end of its regulai session; and lb
journal ot thai State are beginning to dl
oui the question whether an extra sesslott
will not be neoessarv. to floisi ImDOtlaoi
business not yet compleled.
Here is a rrieudship almost a unnatural
as tbe Cincinnati coalition. A Ken lack
'an bas a gaoder that for tbo past two
years bas been "mated" witb a cow, and
tbey sem deeply attaohed to each other lo
tbe bonds ot social union. Wbea Jib oow
lies down tbe gander sit betid bar, and
when sbe moves along to ,ber rsedlng be
lollows her closely.
Ciu.vok The firm ol Ms as & ArautnOg
long engaged lo the flour aod feed trad lo
thia place, bave disposed of their store and
business to a gentleman fiont Tltuvtlle,wbo
takes charge no Monday nest. W are aor.
ry to lose Ibeee gentlemen front tbe builneas
interest of tbe lowo, but re pleated taleara
that it is not their ioleotion to Msaov from
tbitpiaoe. Tbev d'lire uj to retosa tbeir
sincere thanks to ibeir p-.rons for tb lib
erai patronage extended them SMrtng lb
past two or three years. Tbey a too ieair
us to request ail parties indebted to them to
call and settle at once as tbeir boob sou
be balanced witbin ibe next few day.
To Increase ,
Your business, .
Advertise In the
PbtroledhCbntrk Rbom
The local opliou law must be enforced.
From and after this dat aod op to tbe
day tbe local option law goes into etfeot, I
win sett allkinds and brand of win, and
liquor at retail at wboleaale price, a my
lock must be Otnuit nut. H la tha llnta
so purchase a little vial for borne ns.
unaii UAirrNEY
NOTICE. Mr. James 8. MoCrav bsrln
removed to Franklin, partle having oj.
munication with bim oo business or other
wise, are requested hereafter to address tbeir
letters lo that point. St.
GOLDEN TREASURE oieara at tha
Post Office News Jtoou. toMbiog tatirsf v
liooal NotlcM."
The copartnership bretororsi,..
twaeo Sobarmerhoin A Tan ..
ed bf mutual oouseni. ' "tail,
? ,l'"oow,
l. A. Txx Kyck.
Psrllea indebted In tha .h..-
Celt and aettle no and
Dated Petroleum Centre", April"?.
One 15-hnran Tift boiler lo coobUt.
dev. oo S-hora.WcAMan.Xrt,;?;
boiler la oomulma m rU. ..j"7.m
tubing, extra heavy, 600 leet ! A
rod, 1 Snow Pump. " '
For frale.
A Smith' American Organ, as oe -
new hh viidiuiphi in every resnMi
.kL .aiun. .r, . e- M.
bert Farm. Petroleum Centra, p.
We expect all parties indel
tetl to this firm to settln
bills before the 1st of May next
and avoid nnpleasantness, as we
intend to close oat and W.
(his town.
Dated, Petroleum Centte, Pa., Marsh Mt
Now Is tb lime to buy Ibe celhu
Fox A Wllliama' Bllfhlo Cieam At. ., w
A. LOZIER'S aa be intends to close us
the twenty fourth lusL Alan. ii .hJ..
dehted lo the same will please mow and
settle on or before said date and oblige lb.
Go to W. A. LOZIEB,
4th Street,iiear It. It. track,
for your BENZINE, deliv
ered at the well for $i$
per Barrel.
Petroleum Centre, Feb. 6th-If.
Grand Opening!
Oil Clotto, Motions, &c.
Washington street,
Petroleum Centra.
At present tb prevailing topio of esonr
sallon appear to "How soon r you
going to move to Bxier?" W dam
to Inform ear net sons and tb '
public at large that we do not Inwnd t t
iv from retroleum fjfcnrr, but protw
w "ngni it out oo tbis una if ii "
all summer," and would respectluliy
Invite all to coma and exemtoa
our ateck of
Millinery TiimningSf
And a complete stock of ladier
Hats ana Bonnet
Ako, a Coplt Btoek of
Which will be Mid
Ctejer fa Ob C tep&st
MTGIv us a sail aod examine goodr
ana price. Ms
Pet Centre, AprH 19th, 187 '
aivvesv kMia - imnatantly
band Seotcb Ale and Loodo FotUt, P"
tally for family use.