SHUGERT & STARR ( lesMieeorno McParlana, Smith Co., Merchant Tailors 1 AND DEAL! Hit IN Cents' Furnishing tioods, CUR. SPUING ft FRANKLIN 8TS., TITVSVaLLE, PA. Bar poire mm of Mm In eaeoetaeeote f UL01R8& CAHSIMERES ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN COAT ING8, MIXED AND STRIPED 8UITING3 FANCY VESTINGS. Bver offend In the Oil Region. TWENTY P1FFERENT STYLES OF HATS 5c' CAPS, ' All the Latest and NobMest Style. ' A FULL UNI Of Gants tarnishing Goods, fec. Petroleum Centre Daily Record AT. Centre, Pa., Tuesday, April 2t Blvtu raervlee. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and i P. M. Sabbath School at l P. M eats free. A oordlal Invitation exteud d to all. Kv. G. Mikbk, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at U o'clock A. M.. and 7 'olook P. M , by tbe Pastor, W. C. Borch a no. Sabbat So boot at 12, directly aiier loreoooa service. Prayer Meeting and 8ebbatn School Teouers Meeting Taesdsy ' evenings ol Mb week. FDtralemam Centre Lodge, So. ' VIS, I . O. al O. F. Regular meeting nlgbU! Friday, at 7 'olook. 8lgneri. ' " W. B. MONTGOMERY, N. G.e C H. Baujct, A Seo'y. WPle of meeting, Main St., opposite MoCllntock House. vv wtt A. O. ot V. XV. Liberty Lode Mo. 7, A O. or U. W., meet evnry Monday evening at IX o'clock, in Odd Fellow' Hell, Petroleum Centre, A. Glenn, M. W. A. M. Ki.cck.vcr, R i. o. of it. m. Mlnnekeunee Tribe No. 18:1, I. O. IL ! of Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday evening la Good Templar's Ball. tW Council tires lighted m j o'clock. o U UOWE. Sachem. C. L JUKES, Cblel ol Records. Gold at 1 p. m. 117 There Is ample news Irom the Modoo.mnd-J uie ai me isva beds, to. warrant atari ling bead lines lo tbe telegraph column, but not enough lubcmetloo of any errtsln charac ter to warrant any oongsatulatloo. The Modoe problem may be spread over more territory by Ibe escape oi these devil from shelf voloanl fastoeos, or tbe terrible slrug gle may be yet to come that depends upon the Tact whether or not tbe Indians have made good their eseape. Tbe trophies, at this writing, seem to be Ave red scalps, but whether olabla bodied fighting bucks'' or or wounded disable Iadlans like Scar raced Charley Is not so apparent. Tbe conclusion of tb loog de tails of three dsy's operations Is very signifi cant and as dlsoouraglog. Both wings of "the troops are In cxcolleot spirits, aod "anxious to pursue the Modoes." "We hope to ehronlolo Ibe death of the lat 'Modoe within a week." All or wbioh la oot very assuring ol a suoceHful Issue of tbe campaign. If tbe Mbdooa have escaped Irom tbe lava beds, as one would lofer from oai Rintemeoi, wey will never be oaugbt. Tne style ol Indian warlare Is utterly in glorious, Qd there la cotblog about it that stimulates soldiery pride or courage. We only wonder our officers aod men. acquit themselves so fearlessly lo fighting such a blddeu, treacherous, savage, sneaking foe. Local news Is dull. Not eveo a dog light or a row lo enliven tbe dreariness of the surrounding scenery. A terrible railroad aceidenl Is reported tu Stpaington aod Vrovldeoee Railroad a Connecticut. Several were killed, oui t n d a number wounded. A Propheajr About the Steamer "AU Unite." The Botion Timet relate the following Incident of tbe lost Atltntle: Wbn about mid ocean, a curloiu Incident occurred, which if true, related to our reporier, I very unaccountable. Tbe steereg paasen gera say, that lit about tbt point oo tbe voyage two or three uf tbe pesseDgrrs de etered, aeirgUled with tbe ipirll or the prophesy, tbat tbe eblp aod all on board would be lout. They kept up repealing the prediction, packed their carpetbags and went on deck to wetoh for ebsoee peeling vessels, saying that they were going to leave ber, at they were tore ibe was doom ed to destruction. Tbe captain then In tervened, and locked tbem up as mad men, nd when tne prediction tbey had made In their tuppcunl Insanity received Its fearlul fulfillment, tbey. It Is said, perished In con Ootmenk On Friday inoruioge man named Buz zard who pas been sick lor several months with consumption, died at Petroleum Ceo Ire. He served four years In tbe army, and la that servloe cootraoltd the disease which anally ended his lfe. And yet, notwith standing the faot, that be was ooe of tbote who helped "save tbe life of tbe Republic,' for Ibe past six months be aod bis family eonslstlng of a wife and six children, have subsisted on charity; and when be died, and tbe ''loyal" authorities of Veosngo county, when telegraphed Ibe facta aod asked to take charge of the remains aod give tbem a decent Christian burial, Ibe reply sent baok was, that they did not know him. It Is to be hoped tbey did not. (.Titusville Courier, I fit Is true the Modocs have been com pletely oloared out ol the lava bed the worst part of tbe war may be over, for no such strong position can be found by ibem else where. The lava bod Is all but Impregna ble, being crocs, d by numerous ohasms oommaoded by bluffs difficult to csrry aod wbioh are honeycombed with ceveroi communicating with each other. Tbese are large lo size but wltb small entranees easily defended. TbeModocs wre'able lo subsist for some time oo tbe reptiles aod vermin found lo Ibe oaves, but the want of water finally onmpelled them to abandon tbelr naturally strong petition. Uocle Kubn, everybody knows blm, took a notion to emigrate to Titusville a abort time since, Immediately after local option want Into effect. He went but has return ed, sod tells a hard story of tbe treatment received there. While passing through tbe clastic preoinots of Water street, bo states Ibe boys tbrew mud and dirt al him and otherwise grossly Insulted blm. This bas so aggravated bim that be bas retarned to tbe Centre end vows not to leave agalo. Tbe old man Is entitled lo decent treat ment at least, and II what be says Is true tbe polioe at Titusville should look site, those unruly youngsters. Now Is Ibe time 10 commence tbe spring advertising. Show np, gentlemen. The Rucoitit la a good advertising medium. A petrified forest bas been feuod by Eo- gliib tourists on tbe western portion of tbe Lyblan desert, oa tbe caravan route lo tbe Kaloom. Io Ibis viciolty the whole desert Is Uttered wltb petrified wood from pieces the size ofooe's finger to pieces of large braucbss aod wbcle trunks ol trees. TbS forest Is said to te a continuation of tbe wet known petrified'forest of Ibe Abbaalt n desert to the.eant of Cairo, bnt far superior to the latter In tbe size aod psrfeotoeu of tbe trees. A lady in Wllliamiporl ha In ber poC cession an Easter egg which dales back to 1824. This news is fresh : the egg Isn't. Sit still, tbat la the devil!" remarked Revivalist Hsmmond at a Connsil Bluff. meeting tbe other night, as some one cried "fire" outside. "No, It ain't? It Jim Chase," cried a little boy near the window, who saw Ibe ''fire alarm" ruoning along the street. Illinois is fallowing Ohio in Its war on tbe lottery business. A bill Imposing peoaity of iwo hundred doHars on every person In any way advertising a lottery scheme ol aoy kind was presented In tbe Legislature some time since, disappeared for tbe time but bas now come up again wHb a good prospect of being done some' lb tog wltb. Denver now is agitated tfpon tbe efficacy or prayer. The Reverend Hammond, Ibe religious sensatlonall!, has been carrying on a revival at Denver, and being about to depart for Ibe f acitlc prayeis were offered for bla sate Journey. This was called out deal of diacusaion upon tbe subject of prayer ana tbe queatlon made Is woetber the AI mighty will protect Hammond because be a prayed for, or, iu other words, change snv design because mortals beseeefe Hint, to do ! .v. n,i tvij iQouia uiBcuesioo.. ijS'Ipecac as a liOve Powder. A oegro man called al a drug store on Market street yesterday, aod asked lor love powders, aaytog tbat be bad bis eye on a widow who owned a lease opon a bouse aod lot for tbe term of five years, and that be was anxious to secure ber afleotlont He was given two love powoera made of Ipecao, wltb the necessary inatruotlons end led delighted, after being told that when tbey were taken neither be nor tbe otjeot of bis aspirations must speak for len minutes. About two hours afterwards Ibe same negro put In an appearance, looking ralber tbe worse for wear, and upon being questioned, said tbat It was all right for live minute after taking tbe pblltre, but that "da! ar fool gal would talk aod de charm tailed." He caught sight of a smile oo the faces of tbe listeners, and "Not a moment stopped or staid be, Not another sentence said be;" but struck a straight streak for Ibe door, passed out, and went boms to ponder oo bit ImI break last and tbe deceitful disposition of mankind. Louisville Courier-Journal. A recent lumberman's olrcular estimated the number of railroad lies In present use la tbe Untied State at 140,000,000. A cut ol 200 lie to the acre Is above rather tbao under the average, and It therefore bas required tbe produol of 730,000 so tee of well timbered land lo furoiab tbe supply. Railroad tie last about tire years; 'conse quently 30,000,000 tie ar used annually for repairs, taking tbe timber from 150,0(0 aores. Tbe manufacture of rolling slock disposes of Ibe eotire yield of 350,000 acres and lull supply of nearly 500,000 acres more every year. It appears, then, tbat our railroads are stripping ibe couotry at tb rate of 1,000,000 acre per annum; and their demands arc rspidly Increasing. A solicitor, who bad recently beea en gaged by a prominent life insurance firm, returned lo tb offload bis employe rs, the other day, aod complained tbat be bad been soobbed by a gentleman on whom be bad called. "Snubbed," cried Ibe manager. snubbed? Why, what did yon do that be should have saubbsd you! I have solicited life Insurance from the AUmtio to tbe Mis stsslppl, and have never yet been aoubbed. I have been kicked down alsirs, beaten over the bead with chairs, snd thrown out or the window, but snubbed1 1 never bsve ben." The solicitor I driving a coal wagoo. Lrtr Oil Fire oa ike J. s F. St. B. Train 17 on.tbeijsmestown and Franklin Railroad, was run Into by extra 17, al Ibe bridge ovei tbe Little Sbeoaogo, about two mile Irom Sbeakeyvllle aod one mile from Hadley station, yesterday evening. It ap pear thai bolt train were ahead of time. the regular (lopped Irom some cauae wltb tbe rear of Ihc tralnjln tb bridge, ad the extra coming up without warning, dashed Into and set fire to the regular aod also the bridge. Seventeen oat of oil ware destroy ed, beside tb locomotive of tbe extra, tbe Railroad bridge aod turnpike bridge also) wBwa epansine stream a lew rods below. Tbeconduotor of regular 17 was quite serl- outly burned we learn, but bow moob the damage will amount lu we bav board oo estimate. Tb white lawyer of Weaciogton who I about lo marry a colored girl, the daughter of Downing, tbe caterer,. i oamed John W L Barnes. Ho is Irom Massachusetts and was a lteutenant'ln Ibe Twentieth Masse cbusetta regiment in Ihe war. He after wards was an officer in tbe House of Reps resentatlvet and now I a lawyer. Trie wedding I to com off in one of Ibe most fashionable churches and tbe oouple arrto all la a (learner of tbe White Star Lin. We faooy there will be a time oo tbat learner if tbe bride come lo tbe labia or mix with the passeoger of tbe salooo. Grakd Jo awns Drawn roc. Fourth Monday or April, 1872. R. J. I'bipp, Jobu Riddle, Clinton; Wm Gates, Jubn Welsh, Rockland; John Fury, Plumer;,Da vid Buobaoao, Cherry tree! John Niohole, rieoseoivllle; V W. Morgan, Caspar Fraok Franklin; Wallace" Sykea, John Lasher, Frenchoreek; J. H. MoConoell, Hugh Me Canoe, Oil City; Wm. Hays, Oakland; Jo epb Welleiv.Emlcoloo -.Thorns Patterson. Mineral; l. U. Ratbbun, Henry Landratb, Rouseville; Charles W. .Jacobs, , Cranberry; John Martin, Rioblaad; R. B. Woodcock, Allegheny; James Miller; Irwlrt; Isaac Butt ol, Sandy creek; Asbbnry Burns, Jackson. Wc noticed io town, last eveo log, oat old friend, Mr. James O. Herrlck, better known as "Tall Shorty." Shorty is a queer genius Having experienced life In all i. diHe0t phases be I filled with lun, lael and fancy Tbe wowtgame he ever bad, be says, was taking up lodging with Wall Vaoauidell. Tb jok oao be plainly understood by in-o,uirJ-ig or Walt, at Ibe Petroleum Ex. Spring chickens are besoming plenty though tbey tlrli carry tb saslls ou IMt back. The Janfata. BY TBB BARD Of TUB KOUKTAIM. Oa tby banks so soft and green, Often have I lotier'd. Gazing on tbe fairy scene, Mirror,d io tby waters. Rolling waves of liquid blue, 'Gainst Iby margin daablog, Dazzling beams of goldeo hue, OVr tby surface flashing. Sad the weeping wil.ew's boagba, Kss tby silvery waters; Beauty rare dual tbou disclose, Lovely Juniata. Farewell, flower-erabroider'd stream, Calmly flow tby waters, 'Neath a canopy serene, Bouodiog Junialc . While life's mystic fountain pours, Its ourrent Irom the Giver, The sseoety sball I adore. Wild, rom untie river t Over coat out ol doors and coal flros lo, were great aid lo eomfott yesterday. Capl. William, ol tbe.ill-lated "Atlan tic, " ha been condemned to a suspenstoo of bis certificate for two years. His man agement Irom the time he bore up Tor Hall fax until tb steamer (truck was condemned by lb court, the fact ol bis golog lo sleep while oh a dangerous coast at midnight be log especially censured. Hi conduit after tbe steamer struck laved blm Irom total revocation of bli 'certificate. There ate many peisoos who think bis conduct altrr tbe ship struck might bave been different with advantage to bis reputation lor cool net and judgement. Did anyone ever see such miserable wea. tber. Snow all Ibe time Would that lb Lelerk of Ihc weather would lake pity on ti poor mortal aod tend a relief la tbe shape or sunshine. Forepaugb' grsnd, aggregation, so called passed through this place at an early hour this morning. Instead of 100 cars as re ported by tbe Titusville papers, the grand aggregation bad just sixteen oars and a C boose, Bui very few of Ihe people in tel vicinity were silly enough to attend the big humbug at Titusville or OH City either. Forepaugb la a good name 'or all we know but be should not advertise what be cannot ubataotht. Obi what miserable weather we do bave. It la estimated at Ibe Internal Revenue Bureau tbat tbe lex Ml trot ion under' Ibe new internal revenue law will be increased fifty per cent, because of Ibe impossibility of defrauding tbe government ont of its speotal taxes, owing to the publicity which every manufacturer and dealer Is compete ed to give his special tta, keep ing Ihe same opeo to tbe view of bis trade. Busy aen men who advertise. The dealers la liora duelers are getting discouraged. Tbey take time by tbe forelock down lo New England, Half a score of Republican already are mentioned In connection wltb with tbe next Gubernatorial nomination in New Hampshire. Tbe eleollon will lake place lo ebout.eleveo month e- A country editor report money "close, but not close enough to be reached. Change Tbe firm of Mease & Armstrong loog engaged lo tbe flour and feed trade lo tbla place, bsve disposed of tbelr store and business lo a gentleman from Titusville, who takes obarge oo Monday next. We ate sor. ry to lots tbeee gentlemen Irom tbe business interest of ibe towo,but are pleased to learn that it is oot their intention to remove from this plaos. Tbey desire uj lo return tbelr sinoere thanks to their patrons for the lib. eral pstrooage extended them during the past two or three year. Tbey also desire us to request all parties indebted to them to oall and settle at oooe as tbelr books mus be balanced within tba next few days. Ir Too Want To increase Your business, Advertise In Ihe Pztroi.icmCzktbi Record The looal option law must be enforced. from and after this date aod opto tbe day tbe local option law goes into effect, I will allklods and brands of wines, and liquor at retail at wholesale pries, as my lock must be olosed out. Now Is tbe lime so purobaee a littla vial for bome uae. OWEN GAFFNEY NOTICE Mr. James 8. McCray having removed lo Franklin, parties having som. munieailen with him on hualuees or other wise, are requested hereafter to address their letters to that poiot. 3U GOLDEN TREASURE cigars at tbe Foot OBM Now Room. Sentbliig'erMjreIy- Istxml Womosh. OIMOIjVtIonT Tb copartnership hrtofbr k,u I twee) Hcbermerbwa k Ten En7?M ed by auiuel concent. " 3 i a. assy Partle Indebted to the above s osll aod settle np and save iron, l).Ll ...!...- .!' AJ T ci. V""".rf Airi , IH, FOR SALE. m Ooa 15-bnraa Tift boiler I ts-., der. una -a-M Vort k" T1 oj boiler In comoleta at aW "Hm J tubing, extra heavy, 600 hat fr? M rods, 1 Snow Pump. 4. A Far ate. A Smith' Amerloen Orgati ss m J sw and complete la every numi t1 lite at tbl office or of D. & piZ. H new qui berl Farm, Petroleum Centre, Pa, P. "H aprim-ia-. NOTICE. e We ezDect nil rtnrtT wj.i ted to this firm to settle tW bills before the 1st nf M..l and avoid unpleasantness, as wl lurena to ciose ont and leavi this town. I SOBKL & AUERHADl Dated, Petroleum Centre, Pa., Mstsk Hi LOOK HEHG. Now I tb llm to buy tb MlstriJ ros e wiiiiama' Hnrrain n-mi. ai. A . LOZIER'S as b loteods to cluJ J the twenty fourth Inst Also, til tbots hi dehted In Ihe aai lll iJ... - 3 i " - J ir.rn CUTM IB settla on or before aald data aod oblige iW HUUtilllUUt W. A LOZIEH. Go t W. As LUZIERJ 4th 8treet,near It. U.tracL' for your BENZINE, ttellv ered at ttiA Yawlk fiir stam per Darrel. Petroleum Centre, Feb. US-It (hand Opening! OP CARPETS, Oil Cloths Motions, kt SAMUELS BROS., Washiezton Stmt, Petroleiiia CentnV At preeecl Ike prevailing topic cf mow' auoa appeal to "How sooa ar going to move to Butler?" W dart lo Inform out patrons aod tb publlo at large tbat wc do not lowM rnovi fram Paienlniim- IBmIm. hut BfOPOTf to "Ogbt It out oa tbl lino IF il all summer," and' would respeetrslij Uvitc all to ooae and cxaal our clock of Busk a Millinery 'Sxanrois LACE GOODS, And a swwnnlot ' srtAftk fit IfcCU1 Hate and Bonnets, Afci, cbapltac Btockcf BOOTS SHOES Which wll be cold' WOItcm call acd cxaal I00 andprica, , a.urrcTJt BROS. n rtu, utoire, April itno, io haiwl RanlAk A I. ..Ai r.natlnn Potttf, tarsj n tally for family use.