The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, April 18, 1873, Image 2

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SooMtsors to McFerlend, Smith A Co.,
Merchant Tailors!
Cents' Furnishing Woods,
Ilwe put la ene of the, nnaet OMonmente f
Bvar offend In the (Ml Region.
Mi Ibf Latest and NobblMl Styles.
A FOtt tin OF
Gents Furnishing Goods, fcc.
Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
Pot. CentreP"-. IWday, April 18
DItIbo service).
Servloes every Sabbath at 11 A. U. and
X P. M. Sabbath School at 12 P. M.
eat free. A oordial Invltatioa extend
ed to all
Bxv. 6. Moons, Paitor.
Preacbiag at 11 o'clock A. U.. and 7
'olock P. by tbe Pastor, W. C. Bcrch
ard. Sabbath School at 12 directly
after lorencoo service.
Prayer Meeting and Sabbath School
Teacher's Meeting Tuesday evening ol
each week.
Petroleatu Centre IiOdp;e, No.
Regultr aee ting nlshto! Friday, at 7
'olook. Sigaed.
W. E. fcOiITGOl!i3SY, N. G.
C H. Bailmy. A Rec'v.
9"Place of meeting, ll&la St., oppoalt
HouuntocK -ioate.
A. O. of V. VS.
Liberty lodge l"o. 7, A. O. ofTJ. W.,
neeta every Uonday evonlng at 7) o'clock,
In Odd Fotow'o iiall, Petroleum Centre,
A. Glenn, M. W.
A. U. iCr.wccNB.;, R.
i. o. oil
Mlnnekeunee Tribe No. 183, I. O. E. M
of Petrolecm Centre, meets every Thursday
evening in ixooa Templars uall.
pjf Couooll fires lighted at? o'clock.
H. HOWE, Sachem.
C. L JUKES, Cbtel ol Records.
Gold at 1 p. n. 118Ja'
The gallows Is a great Cbrlatianizer. In
view of the wonderful results that Save
been sobleved by tbe preparations for tbe
crossbeams and hangman's rope, tbe ques
tion arises whether It nay not ia time sup.
plant tbe cross as an emblem of hope and
means of reaching happiness eternal. Tbe
piety of murderers Is remarkable, parttcu-
larly after oonTlotloa. Toe oaot or parsons
who prepare men for the gallows Is simply
disgusting. Every minister engaged In the
business always report glorious triumph.
and pictutei tbe greatest vlllleni a being
tbe most geatle saints. W read ol a negro
la tbe South, who, with the rope about bis
neok, was so happy that he said be would
not live II be coo id, for fear be might lose
bis obanees for heaven by mlziog with ti
wicked werld again. He appeared to have
a speoies of pity for those wbo wet not go
log to be bang. To be sure, he bad only
killed a women and ber three children by
cboppiag them to pieces with an axe, and
setting lira to tbe bout In wblob tbe crime
was committed. We also read of a murder
er out Weat who eras so bappy that be was
going to die, and socager to reaob heaven
that he urged the Sheriff to hasten bis exr
ecutioo to that be might speed away to
eternal joy. A Chicago clergyman, speak
ing oo tbls subjeot lately, said that If tbe
f osffuld Is so effVotive in preparing orlmin
als for heaven as It appears to be, It should
be used wUh Increased vigor as a msans of
grace. I,:Jt painful to refleot that otbe
rogues are oot balf as hsppy as murderers
Bin we Bod that, despite tbe certainty of
bill la eternity that srrms to console these
condemned men, tbey have oo effort net
tried to keep away from It as Ian; '. po:.iI
ble. How Inconsistent. Bat tbon, though
tbls seems to be a sure way of teaching
heaven, It is a very disagreeable one.
This morninj a man named Buzzard, wbo
has been sick wllh the consumption, fo,
leveral months past, expired at bis house in
Bnoebnfr Una, near the mouth of Tarr
Run. Tbls oase is a peculiarly sad one.
Tbe man in question served through tbe
army for over four years, and while there
contracted that fell disesse consumption
which finally ended his existence. The
family, consisting of the wife and siz chil
dren, have subsisted by charity for several
months past, and tbe ease Is a peculiarly
sad one. Tbe remains will be taken to
Meadville fnr burial.
As the family Is in a starving condition,
Rosd Commissioner McBugb telegraphed
to the County Commissioners to come and
take charge of tbe remains, and accord to
tbem a decent Christian burial. In answer
to this, our respocted County Cotnmlnloo-
ers telegraphed back "Don't-, know hlm.'
Tbe probabilities are that the aforesaid
Commissioners did not understand tbe esse
or tbey would not have tent the above. At
tbe same time the law Is very defective from
the fact that it plaoes tbe whole thing In
chargo of the Commissioners, wbo are Iocs
ted generally at the county seat and isr
removed from the locality of the event
This should be remedied, ag many cases
might occur which could not come under
the cognisance of the Commissioners toon
eoousb to aot In tbs matter. Consequently
tbe law should be abrogated at once.
We htd tbo pleasure of a call today from
our friend, Mr. A. L. Hoffman, of. Sham.
burg. Ur. II. has been engaged as Msstet
Mechanic for A. H. Branson on the Clark
farm, Sbamburg. We were glad to roee
bim. and tbe sight o.' jit jolly phii recalled
tbe 'memory of tbu olden and tbe golden
summer time" whsd w were boys together.
We hope to meet bim again icon.
Ve would call tbe attention of our read
er to tbe new itoc'x of spring dry good
just received at Sobol Auerbaim't mam
moth dry goods utore. Tbe atoek comprises
a complete aitortmeot ol elegant hat and
bonnets for ladies, rich tnd rare laces, ele
gant shawls to suit tbe most fastidious, aud
many other sriblea too numerous to men
lion. Call and tee tbe stock.
Nr. I. G. Howe met with quite a severe
accident, day before yeslerdey,'awbile com
ing from Shaw farm. He was on botse back
t the tirco and tbe horse stumbled and lelj
throwing Mr. H. oH and falling oo blm.
He was bruised considerably about the
sboulder and side. The esoape from more
serious Injury to Mr. Howe will be rejoioed
at by bis numerous Irieuds hereabouts.
Winter lingers fearluily In tbe lap o
Tbe Petersburg Paogres is ooe of the
best of our exchanges. Since being burned
out it has greatly Improved, both edltori
airy and typographically. We bav noth
ing more to aay, except that iboce who dr
sire a good expoueot ot tbe down river oil
field should subscribe for tbe Progress.
Nature is not fashionable. Niagara doe
Its most majestlo eaaeadlng In tbe winter
when tbe fashionables are congregated In
cities. In mid winter Niagara avails itsell
of all tbe aooessorles of Irost and snow and
Ice to heighten Its grandeur, and oo one
has teen Niagara in its majesty wbo bat
looked upon It only la only summer cos
tume. And so, we suppose, with tbe Yese
mite fall, for we read that lately there wat
a mats of snow and loe rising cone shaped
to a height of more that three hundred fest.
Tbls msss commeooed forming early la tbe
winter by tbe freezing of the tprsy from
tbe ctsotde. Thea tbe snow storm came
on and added tbeir contribution sometimes
to tbe depth ot four hundred feet, Then
spring poured its wator down Into tbe cer.
ter of the mats from a height of sixteen
hundred leet, the waters rebounding to as
to send the spray ssx hundred leet into the
Bayard Taylor Is at Case Guidi, la Flor.
enoe. A letter from bim,. written toward
tbe end ol February, says: "We have' dlf
fodilt and gorgeoo purple anemones In lbs
meadows, aud the youog green lurl under
tbe olive trees makes one's heart leap.
It is Incredible to read of American oold In
tbit heavenly spring air. Tbe trumpets of
tbe earnival are sounding as I writ, but
it it rather alipobod, dragged affair."
Dr.JW. F. Waugb, of Groenvllle, hat been
appointed an astittabt surgeon In tbe
United Statet navy. . .
At many at thirty broker and operator
In Wall street are ex-jouroallets, baring
been at different timet connected with tbe
metropolitan preat In varlout copaoltlet,
Birdsboro, Uerkt county, It to bav oew
paper, to be called the Pioneer.
.3 from the Peoples
Kot s. Tbe managerof tbls journal, witb-
oniinrsin.T the aentiment ol contributors,
Je3irea to oiler tbe widest possible latitude
for free discussion. It Is merely ttipuiaieu
tbat communications shall concern matters
ot public interest, be put in decent language
and ecoompanled with tbe names of tbe
writers, not for publication, but as a guar
sntee of good faith.
Prtrolidm Ccktri, April 18, 1873.
Mr. Editor: I desire to express my
tbouget tbrongb tbe column of tbe Rbcord
relative to tbe working ol tbe late Poor
House Law for tbls county.. The law em
powering the Couoty Commissioners to aot
as Overseers of tbe poor for the whole coun
ty woika beautifully. Tbe law la rather
defective, In not providiog for an emer
gency, or the eonnty commissioners are
Inhuman. Which Is II: Read tbe follow
Ing fads then ye county commmiasiooers
and law makers answer: This morning a
poor man named Bozsard, died oo Benoe
oeboff Run. He bad been tick tome
months, and bit poor wife had worked hard
at washing to support blm and their fam
ily. This mornlog found ber husbandless
sod penniless. Their neighbors were all
poor and unable to hurry tbe butband
One of tbe neighbors came down and made
affidavit to the above fact before Esq., Rey
nolds, and applied to tbe late overseers o
tbe poor for tbls township, to burry bim,
but was told by tbem that tbey were no
longer poor overseers; that their authority
as such bad been traoslerred by tbe la te
law to the Country Commissioners. ' The
friends of tbe deceased then sent a telegram
to tbe Couoty Commissioners at JVaoklln
that's, buzzard was lying dead! bi const,
and bis family are too poor tttburry bim,
"and asked (bom how to proceed" orfbat
to!do. Now friend of bnmnHi, f J tbe
answer of that Augutt Bqarttf ff
"W don't know, BuzzarH'
Great God, doe thlate law require tbe
County Commissioners to be personally ac
qaaloted wlgi every poor man that die,
before tbey can perform tbe last sad duty
of a obrlttian burial, and If the law la to,
would not an ordinary'respect for poor bu
manity tuggesl a violation of suoh a law
and would not a christian community up
bold the Commlationert and even applaud
tbe act. Yourt truly,
A Friend to Poor Hcmakity.
The total oott for tbe oew water pipes to
be laid In Harrlsburg will be $185,000.
Tbe sixth anrual reunion of the Slxlb
Army Corps will be held In tbe Temple of
Mutla, New Heaen, on tbe 14th of May.
Mr. Levi Adkiut, ot North Esst, Erie
county, baa tpent ninetyeight years in try
log to become a centenarian. xle dors
not dispair yet.
There is uo troth In lb rumor tbat tbe
Rev. Dr. Henry W. Bellows intends to leave
his pulpit, for that of an orthodox denom !
nallou. He It very well satisfied a here be
Tbe third deposit ol $250 a tide la tbe
forthcoming price .fight between Arthur
Chamber and George Seddon for $2,000
and tbe light weight championship was
staked on Salurdry. The pugilists snd tbeir
trainer were present. Tbe fight takes place
on tbe 21st ol May, In New York City. .
It I laid tbat pigeon can be nurtured to
tbe fatness and delicacy or ortolans by
feeding tbem with wheat steeped In cod
liver oil.
Wbon tbe new Post Offloe io Boston it
completed the various newspapers will re
oeive tbeir exchaoge direct by pneumatic
Tbe authorities of a Minnesota town have
sued a neighboring town lor not keeping
tbe small pox within tbeir own corporation
Tbe avals of one quarter of tbe littlug
member or tbe Dominion Parliament aie
to be contested. Each oase will be refer
red to Its speoiat committee.
A we go to press an ol. fire of some kind
! oceuring on McCray Hill.
A post offloe has been established at
Janosiown, Va.,;for the first time, although
Jamestown was tbe first place permanently
settled on toll Continent.
TilUivlii' bonded debt amount to about
$577,000, an Increase of $119,000 la one
Tbe tale of season ticket for the approach
log musloal lestival ia Cincinnati com
meoced oo Monday, realising $4,750 the
first day.
fJGeneral Alfred Pleasooton has arrived In
England, and at last accounts wss among
everal doteo Americans at the Lsogbam
Tb Belg iao Government has stationed a
manorwar at Oslend, to prevent tb eo
croaebmsnt of Eogtlib ntbiog vttstls,
The MoTiiiTBir Skccmties. Last Moo'
dsy U. 8. Commissioner H. A. Miller, Etq.i
beeaa taking testimony in regard to the
ownership of U. 8. bonds and other securi
ties destroyed and mutilated ty burning In
Lamberton'a Bank. It ia expected that the
evidence will be concluded by Saturday
evening. If so, Mr. Gilflllan will leave Tor
Ws blngton on Monday next. Where the
depositor proves bit lost the tnuliluted ee
curlliet will be replaced by duplicates, on
tbe depositor giving bond to Indemnify tbe
government against any claim hereafter, as
required by tbe aot ofCongress published in
these columns on the 3d Inst, Tbe experts
of tbe Tteasury Department have recognlz
ed 'about one hundred and forty thousand
dollars ol tbe charred securities. The sum
beyond recognition and totally destroyed is
estimated at from tea to twenty thousand
dollars. It la thought tbit estimate will
cover tbe entire loss of every description
bonds, curreocy, and all.
I. Venango Spectator.
"Tbe poor have tbe gospel preached to
them." Tbat does not mean Rev. II?nry
Ward Beecber's church, nor the Rev. Mr.
Hep worth's church. Tbe proachlng or she
gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Cbrist
wat put up at auotion In Rev.i Hepworih's
new oburcb In New York. We suppose the
inner are .graduated acoordlng to tbeir
detire;inr atlvatlon, and as everything io
tbat oburcb Is measured by money, the
greatest sinner pay tbe most money for a
seat where be oao bevertbe full force of tbe
gospel. The highest premium paid a seat
In Hepworih's cburob was one thousand
and fifty dollars, to which is added tbe as
sesssmenl on the appraised value of twelve
hundred dollats. There were some sioneis
wbo paid only a dollar premium, but their
cbsoce of gsinlog Heaven, via Hepwortb's
cburob, must be slim. That dollar class of
sinners are not worth having. But a tbout
and dollar sinner Is an object for salvation;
such a sinner pays for being gathered into
tbe fold.
OHivksr de Kermel lately died of remorse
for the murder of his brother, wbile in' tbe
prison at Toulon. France, to which be was
sentenced lor life.
Prince Napolean has addressed a letter to
bis constituents Io Corsica, protesting
against bis expulsion from France,
The Supreme Lodge of Knights of Pytht
at of the World meett ia Rlcbmood, Va.,
A mretlng wat held in New Oileans on
Monday nigbt to form a league Io resist tbe
Kellogg Government.
The latest evidence that tbe gullowt is
the door ol Heaven, wat given at an execu
tion io Georgia, where a wile murderer,
named t-pann, was hung for bit crime Hit
crime wat one of tbe deepest dyed of tbls
bloody age, but, butat usual, tbe criminal
went upon tbe scaffold to reprimand the
miserable tinnets wbo had not committed
miirdanaod thus obtained endless bliss ,
Tbit wife murderer was banged on Good
Friday and be called attention to tbe fact
that bit crucifixion tod tbat of Christ oc
cured on the tame day.
Caatelar tayt tbere It more good sense at
tbe bare of tbe Spanish character than is
generally believed.
Tbere were 618 dealbt iu New York city
latt week.
It it said that Dickeos oleared $225,000
in gold dariog bis last vitlt to America.
A couple ol parenti io Pennsylvania have
named tbeir child Porepa Nileeoa Kellogg
.The Susquehanna ia being atocked with
salmon from spawn tecured in tbe Sacra
mento rivera in California.
More than nine millions ol briarwood and
ou her wooden tobacco plpet are made year
ly in this coiictry.
A blind woman In Canada hat Improved
upon the old practice of crying one's eye
out. She cried uotill she saw.
Changs Tbe firm of Mease A Armstrong
long engaged ia tbe flour and feed trade in
this place, have disposed of their store and
business to a gentleman from Tltusville, wbo
takes obsrgt on Monday next. We are tor?
ry to lose these gentlemen from the business
interest of tbe town, but are pleased to learn
that it is not tbeir intention to remove from
tbis plaoe. Tbey desire uj to return thoir
sincere tbsnkt to tbeir patrons for tbe lib
eral patronage extended them during tbe
past two or three years. Tbey also desire
us to request all parties indebted to tbem to
call snd settle st once as their books mus
be balanced within the next lew days.
NOTICE. Mr. James S. McCray having
removed to Franklin, parties having 3om
muoicatioa with bim on business or other
wise, are requested bereafter to sddreeB their
letters to tbat point, 3t.
GOLDEN TREASURE cigars at tbe
Post Offloe Newt Room. Somlbing entirely
Local Notice.
Tbe copartnership heretofore eilnln.i
twexn tcherilWThnrn T.- u. . I"tV
ed bv mutual eonr-nt. 3 ""
r V lCHIRSRH0mt.
J. A. Trn Eyi'c
Parties Indebted Io the aho .
Call and settle uo and save
A. TKN Krct
. Dated Pclrnlpum Centre, Aprils iflj
von SALE. '
nna ir,.hAMd T!f. 1 i
v.-- .-...n r iu conn el ..
der. one 17-hnrse Wood & Mann eosls.?,
boiler io complete order, 275 fat it
tubing, extra heavy, 600 feet lana i.!"
rods. 1 Snnwa Purtkn. "
. TxBTci,
For tale.
A Smith's Amerloan Organ, as good ,
"r" i'".1- "ry respaei p,
quire at this office or of D. B. PerkiaiiT
bert Form, Petroleum Centre, p, "
. n.l 1 17 1
- -('IIIM-IW.
The local ontion law must h. .
'uigrctg, i
From and, after tbls date anil .... ..
uny ioo iui-'h upuuu mw goes Into ttmi r
n,..... ....... ...a uu,a uinuua OJ fnM ...
Ilnnnr ot it nhl...i , "
M " "".i-f-nm prices aim.
lock most bo closed out. Now lith'.ii '
nrnhi.a Hill., ll I... i. 0l
1 " r " ' - ...... iu, uuuie use.
Now is tbe time to buv th ..
Fox & Williams' Buffalo Cteam Ale at i
. ., iucioss no ,
the twenty fourth Inst. Also, all thou iB,
dented to the same will please eoai iy
settle on or before said date aodoblica ih.
Go to W. A. JLOZIER,:
41 li Strcet,near It. K. track,
for your IJLZIr, deliy.
cred at the well for ?2,2o
per Barrel. I
Petroleum Centre, Feb. 6th tf.
75,730 Premiums)
$10 10 03,000
t.vry Subscriber la scire ol one pre
mium unr way. and a'mt has an
eptiai t liuncn ot receiving a CAM!
fr. mlu ill, OH A I'lANO, ORGAN,.
Ht.CH, MvWISO 1TI AH IMs, etc , ele.
aarL'p Mm, iiinsitateo, the Family weeaiy, in ;
UTH)i)TuLUMK and ba. attained the LARG- I
KST CIliCtJLATION of anv natter naolishd InH
iiiuweti. lie success enaDiee lam pntpnewr. ,u
liirnUh the best mm. dcidrahle and mo.t mefn.
orti;inrl nd!n? matter It Kre'et variety, that miMj'
can buy, ai d to mult. It a borne weekly salted W
iho wauls of every family, tudscrlptlo price 3
pr year of 2 numbers.
in. i.iesiani iirats
Size IB x SO Inches, 16 rotors. Acknonleilpibypl
In hAthrthnnHimMlanrf mt Vnlliahla DrellllllB
pictuic In America. Brery subscriber Is precnll
won mis inromoai tneuru. ui puruFi."... ,
entitling the holder to a share In tbe distr ballon
ol liS.OIIO In cash and oiber prcmlu'
The distribution take, plaee on the second Tom-
(inv in .Tun. Tl, nhromo Snd CerlUM"
sent on receipt of price Specimen copies, Pmi t
Utt, etc., glvlnp Till partlcuUrs tent free aaydiiM
AGE NTSsKatafstfX
ouk nujCBiun "Til.
Shut Down for30 Days i;.
With the Lasses tand best selected stock of j .
Ever brought to Pet xlenm Centra. ji
tvt cst.nck.
A.11 New.
Call at mv New Store,
' ington Street, 3 doors above
Christie's Drag Store,
And examine for yourselves my stock of
Hata, Cap, Trunk, Vallei
Ac. Also, the lareest stock of
Cents' Furnishing Goods!
In I'.trol.nm Cntr a
- n ItO.ti
jnuuHis '"-, .-t
octss im formerly with Sow1-