post OjrrCFyrjwntooii, 0. GORDON HARDWARE AND OIL, WELL SUPPLIES. K BW ADV KHTIkKM EN Tri r--.T Gk C3-OK,3D03Sr, r in If rX'S (I ..f'f.:i ill Cheap Farms ! The 4wiHjiid in urW A !' M llo UNION PACIFIC RAIL ROAD CO. lu theilrcat PUttfl Valley. 3,OUO,00 Acre III 'emrnl Ncbranka Wow for l; In irart- of Ky ' n1 u.'nfd " v and ti n earn" Credit fit pur cent. Noautuc J' ' ViiVjJU1 tt.i It 1 f l ' 4. fertile cil,Jarilmr,d TSSt"T; in run rJ mliilliz reiitm- i.f Vtyniiilt.R. folnrwio, t and revurtH li'inx tiui.til.ed ly tl" fanner, in in-; I'LATfl VJUEf .'-( J , .) .';jl !, " ' ' EOLDIERS HNTiai'lJ, TO A' .HOME STEAD OK lfiO ACRES. TDEBKTUC.rt'iNil FtK COI.0XI S. FHRfcTrlMfti toUMA. Million" of nney nr thole.) Hoverilmei.t Mil, oj.on for entry nn.ler the Ilomeatead I.w, near tills irt Knilnml, win Kood nMrkbtaa-dai) the oou.e.nienc. of an old Bottled country. Free baest to DorchnnTS of Itallrond Land. ctlon-l Mips showing Ilia l and, nio new edition of lawo-lptlre Pamphlet with now llaps Mailed Free Everywhere -. u Aildrww , O.F.DAVIS, tkX$ COMMISSIONEU V : I. OMA1M, NEB. - WANTED, 10, 000 -FARMERS To imp'-. I. "00.090 acree K H Und. free from morU,arf5 and located ntne muMIe repion of set em Iowa the be aorih wheat aud caitlc-productnit belt In tie Weat, la hours distant iruin llrsii Uliraale and mil uiixurpaawd c 'Meadow and plow land withparemaalmr water evenly dletnhntod. No fere iiid egur Aroraaa endlt prlca, $t pur acre, aVtnd fo a Etitdu It costs nothlfg. and al dMCclDttoua, nrloee, terms, maps und h iff to ranch Ilia land-. Address J. 1IN It CAI IIOUN, (VmmilMloner Iowa Kail llond Laud Co.. Xaplda, Iowa. OWagu.Onloe, ft 9. Canal Pt . Land Codar fSESBniliJU(i,.DE,lIF, NlAIUwIOW.M, MJWrfl.UJ.fcV. , Fqual advantagea for malea and females, " Knrne-tt Cb.niKn I flue ee. Ihhinsltnrtrnr.tion and careful attention to th ; couif rta and habits of -tudnt., ren der thla one of the beat tnsiitnttous ol'tlie country. Mnrine session etmiiiienceR Mareli X'fitli. atudt;nt recelV' i at any time Terms I'.IKI a jaitr. Kefcr- mw: Offleera n Prlncetoa and Lof)ette Collegea; nena lor vmtaioi;ue. 8 H .KflCVgW, A.M. i Principal.; TOR ONE DOLLAR Wawll endfHKK by mall, nn receipt of One Dollar. i packata olclioloe Flowor 8 cuV and our Catatovua. oouf lrins upwurda of l.tO vaitetlet with mil direction for culture, to any addnna iu tt e United JKatoa.4 Catatacuea fre on applirition. . Oeeir aMiayLKrietKlameni.d Florida, v if - rvraoiit Mr '. KomIoii TJl 1111 ?T ! l)wlra ai.d Atrm , r AllSJ MDd for our 0 tulogue ofNwTAatoe , t'iuit 'rreea. &c A Yuluntlr Traatlm All aoiit Extra oflera. -I. M tMX)Tr tHi.. Huron Ohio. ONLY 10 . CENTS r ' ' ' EVERY MAN HIS OWN PAINTER! Or, aaldTa HOW TO .-ELECT .K I SB Til KM. f A plain trentoe. contalnltit! wtuipln card Willi 4i diife 'int aciu illy p-iiuteif eluula and tint, whb lnKrukiiMjalurxterior and euteiior iionAOliee. orut on f ' , Mo pleis boiiid In clotll. for 5. Snrnile ep lea, pab.'reovo atailcd, pma paid, to any ou recai, f .tlcci.t. Iv ilielutilNlnrL iilJuvtuuKvinian, KAX1024, aXi-iffle,i'hllailcllila. rn tlia loliowiutf Tiilualnu eairaca f.oui pi'CN Pdtcea: "A vttry va'n b!o Ixa k. and no one Intcrdlng to p ilot B'.onld lull u read It N V.Ti ihuce a did not knt.w eo tnfch could Ite snitlon the ruliifctoi'imlnilnu a lio'i-o n,t1i gerund llua ixoe lrtnl buua M Mr. Ualid'a '.V N. V. lletuld 'A wiiot Iodb fult at last nuppiM,'' Sclmtillc Amerliall , , Not only autceafliy to tlie piititer, but vft'iin. ble t evt'i'v net upant f a delm u .N V.Woild. -Buy io coplrw of tills hook ami tliatirhitte ihcin an.ui jrwur lilt-nda. It'thev will read tlm advlcn' thfTvlr.. nrn Vnnldmalie uu mnru aaiuiblopreernt " Chloaun Trll. . "In puMIMiinS tlila1iol M Dilrd line done a real ttervica tn lite eomniiioll y Toledo liindn. iHg houetbe r nljllaht r ivlll nail Itio.lH tucoplcaof thl biK.k Stirliw "ia.,-Hoton Adverinn r "In eolllng aitainp'e copy lor HI cente. Mr. Tlnlrd nuwt feci certnln n ntditrfur iMiouud IncUiih wiH lollow " Frank Urtle. We lm?o jii-l poliitfll onr henia aa ndv'cd by tbe aiitltor. and comrratnlato ourfelvea lli-it no Ju'llliir; n ouma'Khln'r ood expole.ouia in appvar ttitco ll'trper'it Weekly- ' 'We know th Iowa nod country nalnta therein rerotutiif uded, i nil can vtuch f r iltrir vulur and the ex't I llicit of tlio iiarrltou'.' Dun of wl.Ho lend. I'iitla. LedeT. f. - ' . ONIiY iO7 C$NTS - s ' ... iwing . Maciiine . . imiiti nf.srivTiii'. wok m. Aelila'WiHil.. '. berd for cireulur Addrt-t-a: nKNKKrt' MKAISfc V .rlll.K Ci., N Y. r-E Hie Kiilsinrfi" "aali L.itk anil e'miKrt to im Your v H iiiilnw- ! No prills ti break, norBlllm of tlsli; etletn, dnrn b'...,verv e.iUv a ilt' d ; ho'd.. m-Omt a"y iiIm'imIc. alial,tud IV w'lrfrf .teller Il'tl tl-oim.ll In tlawn. M.'iid mauiii f .r ciroii'ar.' rrrciilur andyeix ro . Iar iinn.std lnckbieiii to iir.i'.addrin. in Ito (I. ., tio.t'.iaid, on rereu dfftoehi uine'al lieliu'einet'i to Ibo llti'te Al'il.U w.llltvd Allllli'M UKIIM1 Kit fUSIl LOCK I'll , N'o. UN' Msr.ef llarrm burg. I'v . ; , , , iBVrl ? 5A 1 No fone ir'i No charL'" ! cnlum I'lUM I'lillodclph a, D.O U I, a 6 3 2 I 1 fit O - - - Id J e b It iff br!BTi.i;i). nn itr:refill. No t'ttfcB lii ndvnnee. i i.r,.:mil'iirv aeari'li. fend f r clr- ..I.IILIIJ I.UJ VnlLlh HI I I I. I III"" M IWvJ - "... .. 1'u , and &M Mtitli St., W asldniitoii, 1 a.i P'rdi)l AcailU warned: Al J3' i?mw dn'-cf of working peniil" of eitner ete. y -niir. or old. malio more iiMiicy nt wotk fitr uf In tiieir miiir.- mniucnls or ad liif ilnu t'l.m a'Htiviliin.' ttlxn. I'urilciilir fr.u. Addre.8 (4 HTINnON f)'., rortland. Mi'nc ii i:va no. For any One c ub ol ISIiuil. UU'i(Iii)ir. licti inn or ulcerated I'i lea that DK BING'fS flLB r -. EEMEDY faila to cure. It la urenared exnremlT to (urn the Piles, and unthing else. Sold by II DrnpirlBlB. Prle, SI. 00. GEO. P. R0WEIL & CO'8 AMERI CAN $twnm xttUxv A uook of CUD pK", trim eilitors' and pub Heliem' niimep. Juiw of ealabllsliuienl, aize, polittoi, aiilmcrlptinn prl(t und ciriMilatton of ail NewHiii."r in tbe United Stales and Dominion of Canada. PRICE, FIVE DOLMR& by mall. Addresa Publishers, No. 41 Pork Row. New York. DEALER lOST Elain-St., PetroleuSn Centre, ; ) Keeps on handja full Hue of Eicras Furnisliing CJoods, aasM Fat Gonirii Mini, Casing, Gas Fips ani Fittiip, ' New Bedford Bolt Rope Cables cud Sand Pump Lines, - iratt received tt ' '' - -'0 Sf . . .... rTn.-..t I am now prepared to sell any thing and everything in thv cusjrapcr, : : . .Mtationery, i Blank uook, ? l vr . t Fanv (iouds, Or lontectlomry Line! At Greatly fiedfed i. ToratMtywItk , 1 ' X l. T. BILMBOIJX . . aatAX. VWD ' KEARNEY'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, la the only Known Remedy for Drlahta Dia enaeand baa cured every caae of Diabetea in vrhiob it baa been fftwjn. Irritation of the Neck of tbe Uladder aadf inflammation of the Kldneya. Ulceration of tbe Kidneya and Bladder, lteten tlon of Urine, Diaeajlta of the frostnta Uland, Btotw in the Bladder, dravul , Brick Duet Depoal t, and Muooua or Uilky Diacbargea, and for En feeblcd and Delicate conatltutionsof both Sexes, attended with the followina; aymptomai Loaa of I'owor, Loaa of Memory, Oifbculty of Breath ing. Weak Merrca, Wakefulneaa, Fain in the Back, Fiuahingof the Body.Bruptinnontbe Face, pallid Countenance, Laeaitude of tbe SyBtem, etc. Uaed bv peruone jj the decline or change of life; atter confinement or Ubor palnat bed-wut-ting in children, etc In many ulloctione peculiar to ladlea, the Ex tract Buctiu ia uuequaled by any other remedy Aa in CMoroaia or Uotention, lrrefrularlty. Pain fulneaa or Suppreaaionol Cuatomary Kvactiatfona, Ulcerated or Mrhirrue state ol the Uterus, Leu eorrluea or Whites, Btcrility, and for all oom jilaluta iucident to the eex. It ia preacribed eateuaively by the moat eminent Phyelciane'end Hidwives for enfeebled and delicate oojutitu tiona of both aexee and all agea. KEARNEY'S EXTRACT TITJCnTJ, iirw Dimatct ArUing from Imprudences, JIuMnqf Diulpatkm, iVc, in all their etageii, at little expenue, liLtlu or no change in diet, no in convenience, and r.o exposure. It causes a fro- rit deaire, and ulvee etrcngth to Urinate, eby ramoving Onstructions, X'xeventing and Curing Bttiotaree of the Urethra, Allaying; Pain and Inflammation, so frequent in this clasa of dta caaes, and eapelliug all 1'oiaonoua matter, KEAHNET- EXTRACT Bit HIT, (1.00 per bottle or ail bottles for $3.00, delivered to any addras, eecuro from observation, bold by dxnugiata uvervwliere. rreporcil by KKAKNEY & CO., 104 Duane St., N. Y. to whom all lettera tor information abould bo nddresHl. Avoid Quacks and Impostors. No Chargo-Jor Advioo and Oonanitatlon. Dr. J. B. Ihiott, Graduate otjefferrtm Medical College, l'blliideipbia, author of several valuable works, can be consulted on all diaeaaea of the Kciua or Urinary Orvana, (which lie baa made an especial study) either in male or female, no matter Iroai what cause oritrinntiue; or of now long'atandlrg'. A practice of 80 years enablee him to trait disease with aucccn. Curea guar anteed. Cliarvee reaaoiable. -Tnoae at a d tanoe can forward letter deecribiuir aymf . Jia Itnd encloalno; atmip to prepay ptistaice. , band tot the O nlUe to Umllli. I'rice 10 cenU. . i. S. lVOTT. M.O., 1'iij.l. iHii and etosgeon, e i 101 li.utiui at, , Xote-York.) J RUBBER T1ELTING, PACKING. AND HOSE, FORKING BARRELS, TUBING AND VALVES. CASING VALTE CUP?, CLAMPS Lanterns, Lantern i!obi-s, Carpenter's Tools, ALL KINDS OF Hit ASS GOODS, Extra Wintei jStrained Lard Oil, , Johnson & Barrett's Lubricating Oil, . No. 1 Kefinedt Oil, The Kovelty and Eureka Clotlica W-.lrgerr, the best In nr, With a full llneol Tablejaotl Pocket Cutlery, and Siiver Plated ;Spoon and;Forka, stoves; STOVES m t IK'tnUIUIi-d fV KliCII V IUII'.'ITIIl Mrtmilrtellir ni hn.i. srp;:i.i"i 'in ai.i. im'iii'iis. i i. l:tt tw a it ii . nn lllr l'l.f"a hi i f ll I 111-r J My I.I 111' it "Si .. (-,. . I r. To All Vl'rtll" ri All pcnntl. Im rnntem plate inukln-' wild iiesi.ii.'r. for the iii-trlutii of .'.dierti.v.iu-ltl uhouid send lo ' Geo'pRoweil&Co-, I l IUH Mm I: p ;rm A i , Vl lrl II A nt?lS II I ll ;"' r PllBeP-mpUllt. rtUUUin ll " Lielsi't "'Ml ee-nmols and e-tln.atrs -Iio Ipl' I e.c'Mli'i Hdvor'l.iit.;, hNo nrin; nefiil b;rutu ylrei'li. .lid -onie ao 4trt of ;he exfevii-ittc!f ol own-.wbo srn kunwu s stuitcraaful Ailvvr- flfcHli. 'I III n in :lr-t Jirnij-ii UTS Of lllu Auierl cull i)i'C).tr Advirli.-il.j; .Vi,eili;., Pr. Aiit. V.. I:. T trcl onlun nr'tni'lsbl"'! in""1" fnrialat nnd p i." v-n ( ni.r.iiHie leia-niiir iwln i'"n li-lblt, tor ..iil'U itlul v.ui I mi nil l ii""' " d eln.nlna. t 't,,i"i .r to lov eMn:r miiicIo .in .il'i. eio eii-ii. r .. 1' i' w uli eiu'il. It i lt i .-r In ipiS'llv or cliiluii- 1 V'..a tu iiBnd i nii'.ctlr hMriuiena and pl.' 1 1 ti'.iw ei i. . V iii.a a.'lnrei only .v f. .!, it r. ".. ;n i"o m -, P-iiii.l:phl. 41 PARK ROW,' N, Y? i()l,l)r.N TliEASL'ltl. . cur at tin rni t!lio- Nfiv bl ioai. sJ.tnibiog entirely My atoek of COOK AND HEATING STOVES cannot be excelled In the oil renloti. Aa 1 boiiKht before the late advance of btnvea by manufacturer, lam enabled to alill f sell at old prices. Tbono deairini! aoythioic la the way of a Cook or Rnaiing Stove will do well ta call and examine my stock, ol which the following ii a partial Uetf America' . Cook ' Mioe ! , '' With reservoir and warming clo-91, t (list claa Stove for hard coal or wood. ' i ' l a . . A V R Sar X Cook, with low wn-ler reservoir rrnd warming cloaet, for hard coal. I UU Ili;i.i'UIE JinI liliMA T IIKIiPBU Cook, a cheap first class Sieve wiiu ur wiiuoi.i iiervoir ami warmine cibsot, lor bard or aolt fjoal. rtrn afJii'eil look, a cnenp nrst ciasa rilnvo. fur hard nr a ift coal. I run ('ill l Conk, a late beuvv and dr.rnhle Stove for rnfi enl Wlicut S-hesil Cook, for buid or soft coal, is celebrated lur Its qnalities as a good .T"e eim wiieiiii.-.n in jriott, -liricpCook, lor hard or soft coal, a small but exnel.Vnt Slove and Tery cheaii, Killilftr.otil. Cook, a wood ttovu with elevaled'oven. MY LINE OP PARLOR HEATERS cannot he escell: The Iii'iii;r I''lne J FfjIU IIoiin.i uf 18T-Thla ia a heantiriil self feeder Paiior Sinvej wlin self ri'gu.aiinz drUit anient clinki-r ernie. ! , Tlio Kii(ii;iiit limine-A new self feeder Parlor Heator with mill grate Bnd Ilium . inatfd base Keep SiileN Um-Hi-rS -if feeder Parlor neater with shaking fire patent and dumping ciinki-rpr lie. . lll.trl7.. furlur l!c!tfil--.M'rnelhlng new, a very beautiful and powerful beater Cudcy IjIsIH A neat and chenp rtnse Bmner IIoiiku lii-fitt A choaii cylinder Siovm with mill grate. Ilunae- A abeel iron cylindor stuva, very ebeap.a ' .luy A small sell feeder and quitn ciiep. Pilstck S wntl A parlor cook stove will! oven, for conl. I- tlltt A cheap dining room Slow, ((tin A cheap bed room Slove. I'l'Hl'l-r.t C-'ap cjlindiH- ptuii', fur brd or ;H coal Oiricit aaita. GLOBE EEATES-.t.-o ..... -- -w ejiuiioaviw V-vaavB. MANUFACTUrtES OF Ti, SHEET, mm AMD- COPPE55 VYARE - E'M0kf STACKS MADE TO ORDER. - . . . t lfa!i.t lu orderfiALVAMJIRII IKU.V sA.I IT3IFS wblcii conSl.lri.'d the cheapest and safest pump now in we, with common or patent valvo. Kjiairingof all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. HATEIS, ' ' - "i ' Preparatoryto layiDg in an en tirely NEW STOCK OF HOLDAY 44 GOODS f ' A ' f. In connection with the News room there ia a fiiwt-claes Circulating I Lmrary!; COMPRISING THE LATEST STAX-- DAKD AND MISCELLANEOUS WOUKS OF THE PAY.-, ., , Cojsfetstionery OF ALU ItlNDS; ' . , v fit AS AND TOBACCOS ! :; ' . IX CIGARS and TOBiCl ' ' . r., f My , Stock is linesrcelled are the' wants of the pblic to mer it a shore of their jjatronage,"1 would invite roy friends to p8? nie a call. .