POST OFFICE NEWPROOM hr.Vf ADVERTISEMENTS. IIOLUDAY GOODS . - - . ..-, Chept;Jarms fig ... . . ' j i. J.,kM ft mU hv the . Juat reealfod at '' a,' a " r 33E ALEB IN ' ' ' " Tn rrwrnpim wm UNION PACIFIC RAIL ROAD CO. In tli wrest Platte Valley ,Ot)0 OOO Aeres In central "earaaka Now for ,k In iror lory kfmh "J"!- a..,.M..iMlrIVIIlMMU IMoedvaaoe G. GORDON UAEOW ARE AND OIL WFXL PUPPLTKS. f ft I ' 3) o 8 2 5 1 ffVi : I s i :l U f 1 i iw rt ! -1 Sv 9i a r z 2 ill V J ? s SI SS e ' . H vj v ,nK?JLW0.MV -bun """'Sa'Akct tic mwwi n. nail mhilnp rsslon- of Wyoming. Ortnrwlo, Mn't.jf tuu tawK Iho HJLDIWS ENTlTfTKU TO Ai HOME STEAD OF 109 ACHES. TUB BBST WK-'AJ ,,,H ctL0NI .. KltRgH iMIWrttHAU.! Wlbmaof Mm f ehouw Anvfrnm.1 Lane. .H" ""'J J; lloiumuwd Lew, Beat tt w'',5 ad m .rket aud all the oiHivMiWnVM of Ml old Vartloaal MsBeeauwiag the-.Und, o new -IIi(imi of PrtpUM Haaiphart, Willi MW IUp Mailed free Kmihe. , '! ,T O " DAVIS, I.ANDC0JI1IISMOSEA I!. V.rf :. '.i,,l ..j 0MAII4NU. ,,WNTED, . , 10,W FARMERS To taptiM niM.Mfw It IsiraK free Jn wortiiiMi end located the malal" rgloa West . ... i.TZLa k.t nnk U and catllc-medncini belt Id IB Wt, I hoara distent iroiu liicaau . . ., .r-L.-...- cvmiit dletrilinit'i- No MV agWfT iltnf -vH . SO par nw. amid far .snide lteot nothing, and nt ifcMwIptt' rm, prions, MVa. ana h .w to ranch AiuaJ.)U4 R i:Ai. HUN. lAnd ivtmnilsaloner Iowa Hall Hond Land Co., t'uter UtjAIMr- Faaal MvaaTeBi'for taMul laMlaa,- Barwtt ISi uibui L Sua ee thrown Instruction ana careim atteniielt tolla'OMNfltai'aBdliaMuti'tadfiitS'nia. L.,hU nnanf tka hsaaa hieiliutloae oftlw euantrv. a.H.MinHa March Beth. .Iludmla tvoelvrd at anytime Trn tiUtl a er. Haft- ne:Onesof ftlaootoa end Lfa)etie Uillegte ONE DOLL AH- We wil aat.drBKrnill. on mdntaf On Hollar. padMM Hawar l nd our ntuWK Mill li inc npwatds of 1 JW0 vailttllea, with ''Mj'gj'feP' -1 j-l"1 "Lf?r "i" " AT a roinoat Htmrt, tHwiroM IHwiara and jnn 4,1 Nw f vtat a . t i St. . 4 rrli All ai-M (n-a SitM aBw mr ear u ruing n Ac A Valuaili TkMm All -nt tCJtatraaBw. .,.' i ONLY la.CENTa EVERT MAfT'Hld UWN PAINTER; Or. f AlNTeM-HOW TO fKLEUT AMD IISK TI1KV. A plain Ira tia. cantalniiiK ntupWt card with 4 dlfl'r.tfcilllyfwif lmdw.lrid tint. Willi iii.lMiiaLalur tkifr aiid tUtaclor llonna iwi uiut li I I 1 . I boaad'tiulotli. fir (fi. Kampla cop ir, ibi o.ivnr. awd. pnat nald tn any addriiM fu la.iiui uf . oral hv iho PiilWr, , , T.l HtrllUrAHEVHAlraO, HOXni4, l'uMWrfrlo,lhllHlitlhlii. c tlw.loliuwlag aliiabUi mikci fivai pruia A tvry y'h ible hook, and no ane Intruding to ptlnl aiKrnld lull a i rrad IU- M Y- TrlOBue ' did ant kunw no mi all could ha aald on thr ruhirat ol Dalatinii a lne m'tll wn rand Ihla kxch ltfpWil.l.H; -A audrjaag fab) aypaj aupp.laA''-- Sclcnilfc American ' .f . ,"" 'Not oiilyanioeaiilly to tha nalnlcr, bnt valna. blaioanry oocuiia. t f a dwrillng N Y. World. guy 86 aMitaa of Bl ook aud dUttr'Imt tfeam ataoiM 'yi.d fHaarta. 'iflhay will rwld tlw .vk thcria, Jon-, ualttgialui ao aou Talatlilaprtat WaJo.triI. i.. f 'In aiibllalilat uki nook Hr Ytlrd una dona a real mvvh to tb oommanlt Tolwlo glade. We hoa tha pihlwlKT will (all 100,0(0 mpieaof Ihl. booh dwUHl la " Boatoii Adwrtlaer In aalMtig a aaaqila nop lor 10 canU. Mr Bilrrl mnw raa-l avttain an, aidoi for HI bwud is cljih will Mbiw." Frank U'lbt . , elivejul ptimed flilr hiilx (lovwlhy tbr author, and .ompBtulaio our.v thut uo riwlllB0i ii ournalebUT ood cxrlaoiira In appiar ance Hrpr'a WiMkly- . r r . "We know tb town ami cniiftry tmiiitf lliori ln rerninmondad, i ad cm vuacb fur lhir valoa and ll tixc Una) of the "lUtilcou, ' Drud if hllo imd, -PlilU. Uigtf. v y " " ONIrlT 10"OfiNTS " ; ' Sewing Machine - lallio ilRtdriVTlIF. WOltLD. Ailaiawnurli' gandfor elrrnUr. Addrwt; k IrOMttiaTIC" BKHINU MA'HTNIi Co., K.Y. Vt the Reitrngerla Lock and guppart to . FAtten lonr r A indow ! 'o (prlng to break) aaauitlngntaHh; aheap, dura ble, very eaally A'it11id: hold naoh nt ay pint de aired, mid awrtf tit.m llwaaah In down. gtwl vtainp for circular. Circular and nix eo -fr.tiviaaadloaaaHntioayaddrria la he C r-. po-itpald, on reafipt of Ml eta ijlharal iiidncnmaiilii to tha trad ' Ag.if-wnttd ' Addraa HSIhlhU BH .U LOCK CO , No. 411) Mar.rt 81., Harris Dnrg, ri I " (Etai4ihMl law. i -WffBW!ii dV UHirFITHA, Mmuitrtrtiiriin Af Sana. ' . CPVIM". TO ALL orUBKS. trggr . kjAw. warnantro It 4aT Ll6lK.a"MlroCNTS.-g ' "rJlV Prl Llta add Circular fret. v. eia ii a am t? i iths ataa Bnaton aU( faf A De rolt. Vlrh. tvliiiifti (i-ysial gor chardDg and pollahliiu meiale. for cluanlu and pieaarvlas palnX tor rt'iuoviiir atalna flnm mil H i, ior wiMlib'gbawavand of all b'.u'hold cle.niiu. Ueirpari towendther ariuio madtf. Wo otli.r wab taU , wltta et In Muailty or chdi tit, E4y to uaeund i-rfw:lly hnrui'i'-- ti'l p..aiM. Air jrim. c,. t .ai:rif.tnn.1 onlr . ST , fcAsTM":' ''0ohJ! 43i ::. Tnuo ti.', V " iiUnJB'j.-hU. 1 A TKM I'M IIDTA IK E I. No ! iih. ii'-rv-rful. Nofnta in mlvnooa. No rAiAi-tm fo' nmUminflrv ftenrrh. fir r- rm'n t i in m il.I.t lll.o I'll KKS, nw f. Kimnii t.. PliMadcipbia, I'a , and UJ Mntli Ht, waainngton, 2 ii m.ii p -rdiH 1 1 AiiciiitK wanted! Al HI clai of workinc peoplr of atttiar y-iiiiic or uld tnaka moro mmmy nt wow Mr n in tiiair ;.! Kinaienia or n.i inn umi thaa at anvihinrinti. Partlnalani fra. Audres 0. l'INnIN ,t (., t'nrftaod. M'lllli' ' III) XV AH 1. For ativ one csb ol Blind, Blepdifir.Itcb lug or ulcerated K i lf that Dfi OINGV WLB . REMEDY (ill to euro, li It pmnrad notj tn eniw tha Plln, and ooihlaR elw. Sold by all PrtiKgiaia. Prlc, $1.00. QE0. P. ROWELI ft CO S AMERI CA.! ilettwtrer Bixtttm A bonk of fiUU igf, wim ttrWtnrs' and niu llanom oamrit. iaia of KtaMuhojeot, nolltiot, aubacrlptlon rrlt' do4 eirciiUlion of ail NnartpaiMira in tba.tTajllad giatri aad Domiulon of Canada. f - i FRICR. ViVK hol.T.ARSl' Sf mall. A rtdma) PuMttara, Mo. 41 ; Park nw. m-w lorarf . . ; . . -FLUID EXTRACT' BUCHU, la the only Known Remedy for Brlahta Die. :eaeeand baa eared every eaee of Itlabetee In . . whwb it baa been given, Irrlutton of the Neek of tbe Bladder and infuunmarJon of toe Kldneya. VloaraUuo of tbe Kldneya aad Bladder, Beten. tloa of Urine, Dianaee of tha Prostata Oland, Btone In tbe Bladdor.Oraval, Brick Inat Depoall, and alueoua or Milk Diaebargea, and for Kn feebled aad DeUeataDoaaUtntioaa of bothScxea, attaadad with tbe foUowtntr aytapteanai Leaa of Vower, Loea of Memory, OUBeuUy of Breath ing, Weak Nerve, Wakefalneea, Fain In tha . Back, Fituhlngof the Body.Bruptioo on tbe Faoa, rallid Countenance, Laaaitude of tbe Byatem, etc. , w Hard by ponwne in tbe deeliaa or Chang of nfb atu aoallneraaat or labor cala. bed-we. tlnff la children, ate. la roan afleetioaa permUar to ladlaa, tbe E " taut Buoba ia aaanaaktd by any other remedy Aa la Oderoata or KetanUon, Irregularity, Paia fjtoeea or aornaraaaion ad Onatoatary Braecationa, , TJleerated or Wchimu atata of the Uterna, Lea eorrboM or Wkltea, Sterility, and for all aoav paaiata Ineident to tha aax. It la praembrd ivtaaalvily by tbe raoat aaainant ryafcavne and Mldwiraa for enfeebled and delicate eonatitw liana of both aezaeasd all agea. KEARNEY'S EXTBACT BTJCHTJ, TArat Ditto t Ariring from Imprudnctt, IlalAit qf DMpalion, gtc. In all their atagea. at little expenaa, lutbi or Bo change In diet, no In .. coavaawaoa, ad uoazpoaura. Iteaoaea a fre onent deaira, and glvaa etrength to Urinate, tncraby remerltif Obatruotlona, lrrtta(r and Oaring atakiraaiaef tha Urethra, Allaying Palm aad Inflammation, aa frequent in thia elaaa of die eaeaa, and eapellaag all Poiaunoaa matter, KEABMET'S EXTBACT BtTCBttf, 11.00 per bottle or ais hottlea for W.00, delimed to any addraaa, aeeara from abaervation. bold by KB ABJflY 4k CO., 104 Duana St., H. T. towhera all letters tat Inlnnaaitoa ateald be addreeaad. Avoid Quaeka and Impostors. a vaerge raw aaanaa ana oaneanatiea. Dr. J. B. Dyott, Oradnata of Jifftnm MuHeat CUave, worka, Philadelphia, aalhor otaeveral valuable i he eeaaaltail oa all diaaaaaa nT the Saanal or Uriaan Oiaaaa, (which he hat made aa especial atudy) either in male or female, na a! tea maawrrom waai eanee originating or ol Bow long etaading. A practice of 80 year enable him to treat diaaaea with anoeeaa. Cures guar anteed. Chargee raaaonable. Thoaa at a dis tance can forward letter deaeriMng symptoms and enclosing a tamp to prepay poetage. Eeod tor the 6tia!a (a iTtattk. Prloe 10 cent. J. B. OYUTT, M.D., Pbyalrtaa and raargeoaa lot Duane at., Kew Yartb To Aaivcrtlarra. All pcrw)ns who con torn nla'o inskini: coiitnu-.i with nrwapupora fur tbe la-eiiaiu oi AaveriuwiiM-nta aiiouia euuu lo Geo. , P. Rowell&Co-, for a flreuUr, or on, Iom W cents fwihrlr aia M iinal raid Psiaia s.mmi Htk, 1st. Mint.i.,i.. Lists of II U00 N-fMpera aud eetimatm shoalne I coat, of airvertlalng, also many useful bint to anvKniwra, aim poinv acrount or tn rxpenetice oi mm who are known ea Mureeaafal Aslver tlaara This Arm nre iiraorletore uf tha Ameri can News ar Advertising Ageluu, JUARK ROW. N, Yi. WI.Ul.l TKKAietlUK Cli!M ut I w -v. i i .'i",-i- a . r- I I 1 1 i wwl t uSA Pi.i 0!ic .n'h.m lijoiu. iomiiiiaj wiuriily DfV,, HABrVnl j ' 1 ' i Iain-St.y Petroleum' Centre, ' i i Keeps ou hand House Furnishing Goods, ' Boston Pal. CoTiplinn Ti, CasiDti, Gas Pipe ani Fittii, New Bedfoixl Bolt llope Cables and Sand Fnmp lines, ' RUBBER BELTING, WORKING BARRELS, TUBING AND PACKING, VALVES. CASING AND ROSE, VALVE CUPS, ' CLAMPS ' .! .V'. ' .1... : i ; , i Lanterns, Lantern Globes. Carpenter's Tools, 1 A LLi KIXDS OF BRASS GOODS, ( Extra WinterStrained Lard Oil, ,t---' .. Johnson & Barrett's Lubricating Oil, j Tbe KoAellr and KnreVs Clothes Wrtrgcr", the beat In ne, With full Hdp'.oI Tablt-'aud Pocket CiMlory, and 8llvt Plated .Spoons aoii;Forks, STQYES, Hj atook of COOK AND HEATING 8TOVE3 oanoot be excelled la the nil region. As I bought before the lata advance of gloves by maotiraelarers, I am enabled lo still v sell at o'd prices. Those desiring anything In thaws of a Cook or Heating Stove will do well to call and examine iny .took, ol wbloh the following Is r America (Cook Stove! t ; Wib reservoir and warnilng oloset, a ntit olsss Store for bard coal or wood. A IM RI:CA1V Cook, with low water reaervoir and warming closet, for bard coal . TIIK llr:U'i;.l k,.,l C.HE AT II h! I-P E II -Cook gJ nral lWIOTg wlib or wlthiiut tenervoir Biid warming cloeel, Tor bard ot soft Coal. Fire (ueen Cook, a cheap fimt claas Smve, for bard or nft coal. Iron GiStft (Jnok, a large heavy and fliirnhlt) Stove for soft coal W Ileal Jtheitf Cook, for bard nr soli coal, It celebrated lor III qualities M good Slovfl sod chenpnea In price. " U,.,pper"Co1'" 1or b"rd or 'nft m11 b,,t MoellerU Ptove aod very cbeap. iHlnneaOtU Cook, a wood Stove with elevated oven. ' MY LINE OF PARLOR HEATERS cannot be excelled I The D.vina Flue T.lalit llo., of tSTa-Thla Is a beaoimu f feeder The Radiant House-A newseir lender Parlor Heater with mill grate and Ilium Keep Wdg Burncr-Slf feeder Parlor neater witb sbakiSg lire patent and dnmpinif clinker grata. r fnuV-Tn " P' "- House lalglit A choap cylinder Siove with mill grate. House) A sheet iron cylinder store, very r beep. I Of A small aell Irciivr and quite cheap. Black Swan A parlor cook s'ove wlib oven, for coal Fame A cheap dlniog room Stovr. Gem A cheap bed room Stove. Pearl A cheap cylinder Stove, for herd or Ml ennl BALAMN fnr "M 8ALAMANDEU-A derrick stove. GLOBE HEATER-For stores and offlces. ., MANUFACTURER OF ' ' ' "" ' ' TIW, SHEET f IRON AND ' COPPER WARE SMOKE STACKS MADE TO ORDER.' " " Make lo rder GAh VAIVIXEU IKON SAWD PITMFS which ar oonaidered the and safest pump oow in, with cVrimoror test yJiV v Rvpau-uig of all kinds done with neatness an dispivteh. ... - I,.. a full lir.ef f No, 1 Refined Oil, STOVES! "l i is . I am now prepared to sell any . -. thing jmd everything in the iWspaper. 1 . Stationery, , . Utonk fionk, j r . Or CVinKCtlcwcry Line I At Greatly Reduced - - - .V:-V Preparatory, to laying in an en NEW STOCK OF HOLIDAY GOODS ! In connection with tbe New room there is a 6icIarH Circulating .s Library! COMPRISING THE LATEST 8TAI DAHD AND MI.0CELLANE0VS WORKS Of. THE 1AV. . . . Confectionery, Confectionery; OF ALL KINDS. ' ' 1 a- AND TOBACCOS! - l CIGARS and TOBACUf My Stock is Unexcelled. . 4 1 hope by sti-lot atteutipn the wants of the r ublic to Iue it a hare of their patronage would Jnvite njy fndJt9..Pfy me a caljL ' ,