1 M ' -'' - ' -- ffew1 lothing ! New Clothing ! AT mmmm A. P. WATERS, Pro'pr. PRICES E.DUCED OIST EALLlWiNTER CLOTHI'G 'i1' J. 'crTbir WtTRK Cood Business Suits, $10 and Hats and Caps, Hats and Caps ! Gents' Pitrnishing Goods, 1 In Gnat BOY'S OILOTIIINa! 'WTCU3T0!I,W0BK A SPECIALTY.' V; ilMk eonprlMi the finest French, English, German, tod American Clotbi and TM aett extensive variety of Neck-Ties, Scarfs, Jfcc, la the market r Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c. - kUUhu i jiUidU:' H ;- ; Csl ud examine my ttock before nnrcbaelnjr elsewhere. I can'aod will tell Clothing tknptr Ibao it can be bought at lltuavllle or Oil City. Petroleum Centre. Jao. Oth. 783. HARNESS SHOP mm u& Richards wmH respectfully annnnncc to the citlzon' of m fen're Mid irtniiT that ti. 1'iro pu- Uw UAUNKSS blluP aC A, .UaaeU, . , OK MAIN 8TKEET.' OPPOSITE THE RECORD OFFICE, SA a ara n ow ready to'lurnlsh CSai-Ies, mips, Botes, Sleigh BclK KlaHkets, And OTerythlng nana) kept In OTlH8T-jCI ASS. SHOP. JkZ 1.55? of all klndi neatly and expeditious ' Given.. cill. , MAHajHAI.L A KICHAKDS. ntroUao Centre, Dec. S, 187J. tf. 03 6liJ J- Of ,a sa a a 8 t eta H S 4 -0.2 t.S 'J 2-- o i 5jI w-rrr 18 oftn , rr Sale ' I-INQ 1S,,?,90 "T' o' SECOND-HAND 'etTnKi ' .'rom 25 ,o33 per toot T5-lo flmolua. order and ta w.Jl.v. n.awAEB. 1 li-J I a?! 6 THE Clothing A SPECIALTY. ipwards. Overcoat $8 Variety. A. P. WATFK8. H. H. Warner DEALER IN SECOND-HMD THG, All 8lzns Casing, Engines, Boiler, and Oil, UIIX SLIM'MFX HIOHE'ST CASH PRICE PAID FOR OLD DrtUP 1DAW i.J DD A Oil xvvsi u a - aim u-no MVUnvUv renontly pnrct.fln"d a Now nnd Im oed PIPE CUTTING MACIIINK. I ni urcmir. t-d to nit and fit alt eizw of Pipe and Caning from U inch to 8 14 Inch waahlnarlon-ttr.. Nearly Opn. Rneb. . .Mter House, Vet. Centre, Fa. aprttf. . t n. U. WAIt.a,a ' Excelsior The Cheapest and Best Oils for Well Use. NEVER FAIL TO GIVE SATISFAC TION. Do Not Gum t Wear Well I , .. -Try Tliem! HelereuceColumbla Oil Co. OKMOB With CM. WBtlama. nt ent of Boyd jrurm Uriugu, ri.iJiui.tLM cjuyiks, i a. OTFor Bole by 0. QOHDON. HlTfill JOHNSON. lV.rolt'iuu Centre, April oth, tl'. ' WINES. LIQUORS. ETC $4.00 OIL WANTED I'iie Oldest Established Li qn'or Store on Oil Creek. OWEN GAFFNEY, PRPP'R, EEMOVED To tlie New Ptand ia Chrlatlc'i Old Stgsa, onpoelte me .lamofltown.flotuuig Htora, lYtroleum .C'ontre. New Goods in Great Variety, . fort left yet . I hnve refitted etirs f irmn rl r occupied ! J. H. ( hrietie, cornor of WnhtnRion and Flnt vie.. and luld In a new etock ofthcipureat andbcHtor U'ines, Liquors and Cigars, TUB MARKET AFFOKDS. ' '.I - My stock conita in part a BOURBON, AND MONOGAHE LA RYE WHISKIES, New England, Medford and - Januucca liums, '-. . .., f,,. ,..,71 HOLLAND GlJSfS, IIKNXEST, P1NKT, CARTTLI.ra CO.'S, AND MAUTKLL BKAND1ES, BVTFAIiO, HOCHESTEIt & CAxVANUAlGlI AliESa Sole Agent loathe BROTHERHOOD WINES, of Brockton, N. Y, . Aln Ajfont for the Celrtreted GRKAT WEST EEN HitAND of American t'hampfliTPft, mndu by the I'limnt Valley Wine i'o., bluuhen county, Maw York, constantly on nand the imported ch.ra pagnca, &o. My 'stock of CJGAUS la 1 nexelleed In this I KEbP NONE BUT THE FINEST Cigars and Wines, Branch btoro at tlio old kUud, No SS Wablngtor Btiect. GIVE MK A CALL, At my new ttand and eeo BILI.T PUOB, OWEXCAFFNEI. rl Centre Dc 17 THE OIL, lTIAHKETM. I5Y W. V. TEL. LINE Office or ' 1 PlTBOI.KBm CKKTBC DaII.T niCOOBB April 12 1873 S The oil market la Arm to-day at ' 91,30 No aaltt. Philadelphia, April 12. Cmdp, 8J. ReHned 19.'. Market quiet. Pitts u-g, Aj.rll.13.; Crude spot, 6 B. O. all year. 12 B. 0. d HJ, - Reflned Spot, 22?, Market Nominal I; New York, April 12 Critilo 10 '. Kelliiea, 21'. Market Quiet New Yohk, April 12. Gold U878'. C HEIIMZ, ! h:;; Pioneer, Pa., i . Mnnnfoctnrer of OI& WBl Machinery & Supplies Engines and Boilera of every description Repaired at Short Notice. - V. Agent lor FOSTER'S GAS PUMP. PATEJiTEfioIHI INK'S WA ' TEH, PACKltiU. HEPATP1NO rf all klndadota at ehert notice and H work warrenred. Order, ty mai. or to!Krauh proenptly attended to P. C. HEINZ. ' Pioneer, Pa., Dec, 21, 1872 tf. New Goods. SAVE 10111 MONEY ! ' . -. : ii. e ' -.. . i And bay your. Boots and.Uctt at Mrs. M. Magrarie's ONE PRICE BOOT & SHOE STORE ! I kron a vfry larce stock of nil kinds on htind andhrllad clio-ipaaany nthei bonne In the OIL ucuju.. vonnecww wua my orors is m Custom Department ! Au i ppiinuino. ri n. in ear wora Renalrtn;; mwtly done. Next door to VoIP, Jewelry Store. ' Petroleum Centre, Pa. deea tf . ., ' . t , tlT Sleigh Bells, Buffalo . tones, Wo! Robes, Lap Roues, ia., at Marshall & Kicuaroa, Main eireek C9Wblpa, at Marshall t Richards on- 1 . - T, .. rim: - . j . . . 1 pu.H- iicuukii uiuce, nam oireei, retro leumCentre, Pa. , AdvettitH In the Ktcoito. McKinley & Gross, IVlachiniGto, BlaolcsmitKs, AND oiler gialifrs, Egbert Fann, Vctro'icuni ?m Centre, la. Boiler Repairing a Speciality. REFINERY STILLS REPAIRED tW W" wairant all work done by us be nearly as jjood as new when . repaired. . Good material furnished and prices reaao' able. " ' Having had long experience In the bust nc. we nro enabled to aire wttinicdon. johkph Mckinley, hrbahtiah oross ,l'elroleum Centre, Ha., im. . tf. Mew pocls. Erriei: Zedwicli, 1 cuttle joe.") . " BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, .Ha just relumed Iron Buffalo with complete stock ot . . , Fall and Winter Goods. Ilaa iK-n eelnMlelied ' i' ' J i-''irfi f ei It, Ii r just throe juara, and kn nsak pi j Makinir the Bert Fit Mat latent Boot In the Oil UekMi.r .... lie la eonetantly renelttns order. Oroaa other ecc tiona ofilw UIIHegloua. . ... , , Ha ennetantly keepi on hand . .1 ,v ' Iteady-made lloots.&Shoeft LADIES' AND OHTLPREIPB : . -' 8HOfeAMrtOAlteA ) . CALMAND8EF MimV ' ' Jttr . EMM.- iiynt. MEASE ABKSTROIVO rtnoeeiaorii bl H. II. Warner . WHOLES ALEAND RETAIL ,- F LOIR AMD a ft j Merch'nts f liHE Subicribors hnrlnff botijtm tbe old nn K VJi Wnnrt lnend eninrgln Uw buMnn tut -fill Wawr.e Um-J a- . - -t ; v -" vu r-n"u mo ifwe-i iijsj mars nffordii. We will doaWIIOLtSALB A KKTAIL iiuuv iu iuu luiiuwing prouucis: Plour , iin-rf-1-' -i .i Peed, Hay a jo ; GrQip of all kinds. Wo alao kminnli .io.ii true . - , ; Invite a hara of nnhlin mam fitnae cnnndftit w can ytve ttatUOcUan in price and qua! , MEAHK 4 AHMBTBOKO. Petroleum Centre, P-v Not. 9. 1871 NOTICE. . We expect nil nartiea indpK. ted to this firm to settle their bills before the 1st of May next ', and avoid nnpleasaniness, as we ,i iutend jto close out and leavtj. this town. ' ' ' " - : SOBHL & AUERf IAIM.f Dala; Petroleum Centie, Pa., Marob 'SOib You'' ' l " Want To iocreaae Your bURineffl, Advertise In tbe ' . ' "' Pktkoleum Centre Record " U i'. fi t ' t .; GAFFNEY keeps constanlly on band Scotch Ale and Loodon Porter, espee ially lot family use. kaMe-f