) MirinnM- i' mtm mwtm ,.. ' I .! I ''I' "J. .1 .. , . y, H "1 ' V' ' '' ' '' ' "' I ' 1 ,,r. ii' ; -.' . ' 1 f ant mtW Jnerf gMJQ189 "ETROtEOM CENTRE. PA.. SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 12, 1613. ' 25 CIS WEEKLY vt ri-" RECORD 1M .. u ... ...... . f ir v Ljgip EVERT EVENINtJ, '5 V AjlTBXaVTWlrtO. inakotqf.) P"- zrrz rrzz. teed Vor ihil'ig ?s T ' 2 "J on . t an, M ou "' !SJ mom won woo i mou um ?sw i sum ' ' Sort SS ISW 4000 "' m Si ft oo woo eopi J 1 553 feotfl noo wf 1 " fe-ST " a Tack. ad Geo. P. Howell CO., I . ' tnaaoWauMtefor iePe. LTiTcUJ r !! f f r-SnOtl A HI ArltMw ml NuafiXii v co., U W.'"ET 2t S. - - -" lmi M-rtee Or itw MnMKUon oft cre wilt receive La Vnnklt.. He., and OB Ttle- Im InUu ol eeo over BlMelt Cu'. k.MKiMm ueoira J r Hotel ana eUe.tttttrants. QfcNTatAI. HOUSE, ' PBTKOLBCM CENTHB, PA.. Haw Oil Onk AUft-hwy River Rtilwaj 'Depot Alt If. W. tt. DAVIS Propr. plSVR.KlJm HO (THE rr MalbM to and from all Trala BILLIARD AND BATH ROOMS CON- NECTED WITH HOTEL. novlO-tf. 0. W. STAATlS, Pfoji'r IfKSlCIAir AND fSORGMON, It irtr.3tnislcBrriiB.PAS.' WublBtoo Brwt, oppodte Bobcl'i 11 i.1 .'Mbivlv, flTlJILJCll JCTNTKB, PKMN'A. I'fii . T? IUSIDSNT BURGEON DENTIST, Ii Brick Dank Baildlna. corner Wiish BUilUliigirMU. ,i i jmnfl-tt. Il,Wllbert 'NMr,J exocil BBICK AND MA MWDiUf IN ITS MUANI'UkH iul UiOi order. BH1CK CHIM- Mealtsr' BtUCS 4 UXK Vm,t uu BfbeR Perm. Port Offlee "aeuniin. uiveraeeoeu. MHm. Gdre Meat Met ! Y. Klnir, Jr.. IU- . " . ViTI7.S aorowfor Roue, dealer In Freeh V iBMOMD MJCATtt, PuDLTHT, Mtat Cattle will dofw.ll to five in r tb. public paUODaiM enllclud Vien 5iSw- KINO. Jr. . -weiulun.iL vi nee Vfrn ItiamiiiAW ila3tMrwv ol Drilling F 05 CENTRAL PET. FARM.; WJSAK R. R. DEPOT. WM. I BETTK. I i School Bonks. Whillf SP' Book, afltded Opera House sLooisr! IiOttls J. Voucher. Prop'r. Lunch at all hours. Zemo nades and pop. Connected with this houso is a first, class water well; Call and sett me. noM-Bm. LOUIS J. VODC11BU ICCLINTOCK UOUSev. rKTROLBUM CKMTH PA. 1W oopnlet flouI,attlialef Corner of Aala WahlnionBUu, Near the Dno feat been rafltted and foml.hed throughout, and the proprietor will .par. no paliu unakaUa FIRST-CLASS nocaE. Octl-tf. .INO V HCUIKHt, Proprietor. CITY HOTEL AKD KlST.il'KAlS'T, opring atrccl. T1TUSV1LLE, PA. Thos. Goodwin, Prop'r. This Hotel ! deutnlly located The ben of ac- coiniaodnUoni Hlorocd to muvta tratulant 01 per maiwnt. Every delicacy i f the aeaaon conitaotly on hand NOVKTIIINtl NK -The proprietor haa the erv hi'Ki fnrtlltien in ti a cooHiry for 8TKAM I.NO oVHTKItH. lltiiKvilla. ItMl W). 18T1 tl VERANDAH S1L00N AND RGST1IIB1NT Reopened. Copl. W. F UMITH, Prop'r WASHINGTON ST.. PET. CENTRE, Particular attention paid to the want. C my cm tnmen. and will keep the Hneat atocr .1 FRESH laAOEIt A SI ALE, CHIOVB C10AHB,aVe. OYSTBUS in Ever' Style. Drop in ana ee me in my new mam r 1 1 iioras Boiler Powder I FOR niit Removal ana Preventlonof SCALE IN STEAM BOILERS ThU Powder will Retnore Any Scale, no matter how thick Ci Hard it may be, and keep the Iwn in a good condi tion for ages. V7B CAN 8KND TOC A PKCOF OF TO1S. A. J. rtAWtEV, COI.DWATBK LKASK, WILD CAT HtrLLOVI P trolenm Ce: tre. I a., Is the only authorized KC.nl In Hll Raul n for the tale of the Powder, of whom tt ean he otvilned by the kea or nonnd. . X"f It aim for eale at tlw Hardware store of ueo. w. vuaaor, retroienm (aire, fa. July IS tf. PITHOLE VALLEY R. W. On and 'after Monday, N v. 4, IS", umlna will ran asfo'.lowi. Hanrnwann boothwad 4 11 KAXB OF ATION8 1 I 8 De am )m H:l lis 844 141 KM 111) MC8 li!V UU 1M am pm ,1. T. BLA1H, Sum.. IUn: v Wickiun, A'eut, fitnolc. KA: 818 a m 1017 1(1 OJ It 6H HS1 a m i Ar PltholeCity.... w....Mi.rTatiM'r .nm., M. M.M....Vl"ood - ...rVnni-tn l)u......Uloiipol Ar 4HK1V.II AND BUP1BTVRB OT TRAINS ON O. V. de A. H. He On and after S110 Jay, Feb. 16lb, 1873, tralm will ran m follow: KORTH NO. 3. NO. 1. KO. T. Leave Irvine. 12.15 r U. 6.20 P a Leave Oil City 6.00 a M. 2.30 p M. 7,60 P M " Pet.Cen6,30 " 3.37 " 8,33 " Tituav. 7,10 ' 4.25 ,16 Arrive Corry, 8.60 6,00 10.40 " Mo. 8 Accommodation Freight. Leave Oil City 9.30 a m Pet. Centre, 10,13) Tituavllle, 11,05; Ar. Corry, 12,40pm MOTH. NO. I. HO. 4. KO. 6. Leave Corry, 10,66 a . 6,10 a M. 6,20 r v " TitiiiT. 13,20 p M. 7,30 , - P. Ceo. 1,20 " 8.17 8.16j Arrive O. City 2.00 " 3,00 " 9,00" " Irvloe. 8,00 " 11.38 No. 10 Acoomtnodattoo Freirbl. Leave Corry 1,40 tt m; Tltnav, 2,M; Tet Centre, 3,00; Ar at Ull Ulty, 4,su p m. JW no. n ana n rm on Minany. HT'Comoieno on Nov. 3d train will ran by fbllartelphi time, which if TBN Mm UTK9 rasTka than our lime. J. J. LAWKENCF, Gen. Supt , C. J. HKi-ncns. AaH niipt. Oil city. Warn 17 am 3.86 pm Cleveland. 7 45 am am BOOK Agents FOB TBS la-B? ? ft- r 1 pT.Sa) U lit 1 S" if 2L r PUIIatl:lpbiu. V Erie Railroad wimtkh;timk table. On andarer fundiiy Oct.fTth, 1H7I, the Train an thejPhlladolphia .. tua Kallroad wlU ran a (ollowe: WMWHt MAIL THAI ;H Iniu l'Mlnd..lDhl......H.41 M w rtLan....MM........ e w p aa ' I '..rry ........ tl.SO p m art nt r.rle...i.MH W n m BHIBEXPRBSe)ieViM fl.ll.dcl4iia ...140 pal nariell a 00 a m I'tirrv 4.1S a m a r. trie 7 46am WAKHKN AOO'MM'N ivt arin...r 7 SO a m ifiriv ... Mra nrr. at trie.. ...10 id a m BHIB ACCOM'N leave Varren........i.. l.lllpm Corrv X an p m arr. at JCrle.. XAaTWABB. MAIL 1'RJIN leavea Brie " corry ... ' Warnn arr at l'hlljdalDhla., EBIB EXPHE8S ltvea fcrlu , rnrry ... . iirrtai. . 410 pm ...11 85 a m ... 1 p m ... a mi p m , 8 56 a in ... .lpra ...10 45 p la ,.ll&aum arr at l'hiladelnbia. a at P m WARHEN ACIVM N kavea Brle..... ta form fliUD arr at Warren 7 DO n m ERIE ACCOM'S leave Krle ............. D.ift p m t'nrry Ill sua in - arr at Warren 1 Ml p m Mall Kaat eouaect eaat and weat at Erledwltb U H. M. 8. K W.,'and at Corry and Irvlueton with 0. C. A. H. R W. Mall Went with Weft bound train on L. 8. A M. 8. R. W., and at Irvineton with Oil Creek' kj. Alia (heny K. R W. Warren Accommodation caet and weat with :ralna on.L. 8..A M.8. H. W., eaat and Weat at Corry with till Creek Allegheny ltivor Hallway. Erie AceommodatloB eaat at Corry and weat at Corrv and Irvineton with O. C. k A. It K W. The Mountain Local FreU ht Eacit and Weetcer- rv tiNKHenceni between IrV.neion and ha'ie. Elmlra Mall Hid Miacara Kidm make doae eon necthma at Wllllanupon witu M. C. R W. train, nortn ana mum. AOr(''-M( tearind Hme at Sri U Fhiloitl- phia timt, Which is iM!y Mttiatu Jaittr than arte time. WM. A BALDWIN. tieo'l Bnpt. mm UNNY SIDE OF PHYSIC 800 Pages, 250 , Engravings. A etarutne empoae of Medloel Hnmneta erta put at.B preeent. Il VentUataa Quack a, Impoator. TTavelllthT Doctor, Hatedt MadMaM Teadera, No ted P.ntale Cheaia, Fortaoe Tellem and Medium. Till (TlVee InlMPnaltn ..HMI.U nf M WttMlala andNatratlve of their Uvea. U reveala etertllni 7 ' ineirncie an now 10 avora ue ilia wnicn (l la heir to. We give eicruilf territory liberal commleetotii. For eirnnlara and tana aaV dreaathepubllehera. J. B. BUHH ABTDK, HARTFi'KD. CONN , or CHICAGO, ILL auanm waivtbd r OK TUB UNCIYILIZEORACES . OB1 MEN' IN ALL ctmNTttiRanw thb wnat.n Bclnu eomprehettrive ai-onnttt of their BMBBeT and eiiatian, andofthalr phyelral, taelaL Stental. nioral, and retlelona rheraetei'lrtlc . By REV. J o. Wood, m. a.. F. L. a 800 Engiartnga, 1W0-. BnperHoyal OcUvoPage In two lolnmea, o pwo volnmeelhone. Aethti anvnaklna over 1 100 ner weak In aelllaff thla Work. An early application will aeanra choleaof territoiy. -P r terma addreaa the pub ilaacra, J. H IIUHII UIUK. U AH I'r-UKII, CONN., OB CHIOAOO, ILL. DUNKIRK WARKEIVj AND 'PITT9BUR4J RAILWAY. TIbw Table takoa effect Nov. 8, '672. (OOTHWABD HOl. IITTFPALO..... 4 09am Dunkirk....... 8 45am ralcouera 10 ii m Warren .lt Win Irvineton ll Ml a m Oil env X an Plttalrarglt 830 No.l. HBOpm 815pm 84 pm 4 40 n m 610pm 5 m . . 1 10 p nv 7 80 p nr 6110a No ft 80pm 6 S5 d m 846pm 10 i p m luaup N4 B pon SALL CHEAP. 8vcond-HnndOIIWp.il anp- plim. 10,80a ft t in. T'. BINO. 10, 00 ft X and W ard 8 Inch CA8INO, 8,1 OU ft HMALL PIHK, 6.0110 It 8TICKKR RODH. ln-?h. inch T and Inch lHIV INO ril'R, PI1TING8 alonehalf price or New GAB and ROTARY I'I'M t'H to' aalo or lo rent. KNGlnBS aud BOtLRRHof all aiaea. at HOWE Ac COOK' Box 22fl. Petroleum Centre, I'n octMtr. ear 'lu 6INUI.K HAHNEsS Iroin $26 to 100 at MM-ebail & Rlcbarde, opnoaile Uie Eki;oiiu itBA MoBTawaan No a. No 4. No 6 OIL CITY 80S Irvineton 19. 85 p m M'arre.i ...,1t Mt p ui Kaln.oere ..... 816pm Dunkirk 4 04 p m liuA'tilo 8 80 p m 180pm 6 w p m 6 18 pm 1 HI p m ' I5 pa 10 86 p m L. 0e aV M. S. RAILWAYa FRANKLIN PIV1SI0B. (tuniT, October IT, wiaTWAan vnataa. Franklin. Jameatowa WJ 7A4m O.Slam a.J'1' " 10 Do am ...,. .-.i " , 8 M p m 6 80 p m -. M aitwami fkatas Jnmeetown. Praaklta 11 55 p m 680 ai 118 p m 11 80 B m 818 am Oil City. IMpm It.lpa 107am IMPROVED . 'v , . . , : I - Seneca Falls GAS 3? ttm: With Steel Packing SO Hold In Lait'OA Dart' ' : k .... 1 Exclulre Agent for the Oil Region, ' " DAME, SMITH & Or. ... , . . . SucotMors to F. W. Amu,. TITlISVir.LE. PA. 490am 444pm 8 14 a ni HXia'm 1015 am .-UUon for Jameatown, N. T., and eonneetlon with A". AG. W. train, eaat and waaLVOoonecta at Wurrcn with tralm east and weat: on the P. E E. It. U. TUAXER Uen'l Supt., Dunkirk, Now Yolk. Wood Worli FOR . CARRIAGE BUILDERS. 2D GROWTH SPOKES, II UBS CENT FELLOES, SHAFTS, SAWED. FELLOES, . POLES. NECKTOKE3, WH1KFLETRE ES, HUB BANDS, , AXELS, SPRINGS, FIFTH WHEELS, StALLEABELS. A. V G. W. RAILWAY. FRANKLIN BRANCH. Time Table adopted Novem ber 4, ltST'J. SOUTH WARD: Oil City. Fmnklln. Meadv'le Uprra .. h&tla m Old am 10 40 am Mnll.. 14ftni 8.14 pm 4 8pm Accommditlon.ll0 a m 1.811 p m 4 08 p m Acuaumod4tlon. 8.80 p m 810ym 11 16 p ui K0UTI1WARD: Meadv'le Franklin. Oil City ExnreM..M...... 8-40 a m 8 04 a m 8.80 a m Mall ... II III p a 157pm 115 pm Aceom oda ion.. TO) am 1030am 1116am r.xprti-aw 4 18 p m 8Jt7 p m 7.10 p m L. D. BAKTtlN. Oen'l Hunt. S. B TIaro ra BBaa dewor thaa UH Creek Ita lway timav Sunday Comfort ttift e desk aid lor 6al8 atCAiFSS-V. And tbe Best Carriage Dolt in Markt DAVE. MMtTH Sc Co., 8MCe8or to F. W. Ame. Butler and chain are almoat Indiinenil-. bie article of rood. Properly dim), they ate nutrition and healthy hot aa InordK ntU86or eUber oauee iDdlfeslion and i dytpepaia. Owen GaUney'f Fandsy Com- lort, HOicini:iy tiled will remove noia or Ibere troi'.nl CV GAFFNEV keeps oooBtantly on hati'V Scotch Alt) and Looploa Potter, eije. U'.iy lor (atniVy ue ,