The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, April 10, 1873, Image 2

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. i
t' l:
(fgccMwri to McParland, Smith Co. ,1-
Merchant Tailors!
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
TITl'SV.liliE, PA.
9 Have int l one of lbs flnmt amor, menu of
.......... AMERICAN
Ever offered In the Oil Koglon.
Alilhe LiteetndKobl)latHtrle. ,
-' 4 v AF0LLLINROP I .
ling ' Goods, &c.
" Petfoieum Centre" Daily' Record
rK)ealr.iaJtTlinrx4u, April 10
' ,'i - Dlln orTlce. i '
Bew.ceiev.erj Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
"i4 P. M. Bubbalb Bohool t Yl P.M.
eats free. A cordial Invitation extend
. ed to all. , . ,", " .
' "' -iv in ..''' " U""tBt P"t06 ;
? RtefiYTkR"5V ' OHtlHCH. i "
lPcbfng at ll o'clock A. M.. and 7
o'clock P.'kl, hybe Peator, W. C. Burch-
axd., Sabbato Sobool at, 12,, dlreotly
after lOreoooo service. 1
.-. Prayer. Meeting and ' 6bbath ' School
Teacher's Meeting-. Tuesday evenlogs ol
.Mb foot...' .:-.t
"" Petrolcain Centr-iliodffe, So,
", Tltt, I.'O. of O. f. if:
Regular meeting nights; Friday, at 7
o'clock, signed.
' "-L B. ALLKM. N. O
r. A vh. k:krii;a sir- - - -
fjrPlac of meeting, Halo St., oppoalte
HOUUDUM! tionie. I
v A.-i O. oi C. V.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of TJ. W.,
meets every Monday evening at 7 o'clock,
i hrtWd Fellowa Bull, PViroledtu Centra,
r -K" --V A. Clunk, m. w. .
. M. T Coo, . R ,Hi . f
I. O. of R. M.
.v i MlnoefcOOO Tribe No. 18:1, I. O. R. M
of Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday
awning to Good Templar's Hall. -
tVCouoetl tires llfbled at 7 o'clock.
' H. HOWE, Sacbeni.
A I UKEP; (Tbraf ot.ltecorda.
Gold at lp. aj.,JJ8)i -
A land slide of extensile dimensions or
curreif deer Gregg's Switch; last night.
" '.Tbe slide, was orer forty feet loog and at
& I f)eea) feet deep The paaseogara on
the late trains north aod south bad to : be
traoaferad at iba slide, andiconslderable de
law oooasloned to trains. Up to this
morning the obstruction bad not beeq re
moved aod OMtber Iraosbr wa made beo
, esiary. Freight trains were all delayed.
Tb ? etu! enoueiiiuulou of the Penn
tylvanla Reserva Volunteer Corps will take
plaoa at Geltyehurg oo Thursday, May 15.
IBrs, The anobal meellogof these com
,. ftdea In arms, who held ' such a prominent
place Io tbe history af the 'great rebellion,
' have -always been' pleasurable, and the
. coaling oae ia likely to be more largely at
. United tbao any that have preceded It. ' -
BThe Caof) petroleum Cempany are ma
kiog prepsratlpos to sipk, another well, on
tbe hill sear the churches, !
The water baa subsided somewhat In Oil
.Creek. ' '
, DuiJog (.he heavy tbuudet sbewer.afllght
-' of two since, tbe lightning struck 'at several
polola. A large tree uu lbs side of McCrsy
. Hill wai sbattbred by a tolt.' 'Aree situ
ated Io BenoehoA Run was struck early Io
too evening, oangbt Ore, and strange as , It
pay appear, burned ail nigbt although1 I1
't was raloiog bard most of the lime.
"' 'We are pleased to ooljoe our frieod Irwin
OB tbasirel oooe mors aflnr a protracte
1 . lUoess. i ., i ai i '
.The land slide at Gregg's twitch was not
u..lnove4 uotil shortly alter booq today.-.
i-taoi oo'lMtiiiCpuii8(iucucp. . ,
Captain Jack an J hit Modocs are elUl In
tbeir bale In the lava bods In Orogon, and
a band of United Statei soldiers are watch
ing them. This has been tho slats of affairs
for several months add will probably coo
tinue till Captain 'Jaclc dies. It seems
queer that one or two hundred Indians
abould defy tbe United States army, but as
the army has nothing else to do, II is proba
ab:y as well that part ol them sliould be em
ployed in watching tbe Modoc as at any
other buainess. If tbe ladians could be
taken to llrat class botels and boarded at
public expense tbey could b kept much
There is another speck of war In Asia,
not quite of no threatening a character as
that which hovered lately over the region
of tbe Oxus, but still uol without import
ance. Tho Dutch have for a long time bad
nominal ovi Ignty over the East India is
land of Sumatra, though interfering little
with the local government of tbe chiefs.
In 1870 a treaty was concluded between
EogUud and Holland by wtiloh tbe latter
pledged Itself to protect ilritieb subjects in
Sumatra la the same manner as tbe Dutch.
Complaints have been ma do by tho British
traders of depredatlous by the Malay In
habitants ol the north western patt of the
island, and tbe British Government baa
called on the Ddlcn Government to fulfill
its treaty obligations. Tho Dutch King
notified tbe Sultan of Abeen, who pioiesjts
to rule over the northwestern part of Suma
tra, that tbe outrages must cease, aod find
ing no improvement is preparing to enforce
obedience with tbe sword." Tbe Acheeus
have all the fierceness aod cunning ot tbe
Malays in general, and are larger made
and more vigorous. They will give tbe
Dutch forces trouble, sliould tbey detot
uiinqou actual reeUtaoce.
Coxstitltional. The Supreme Court,
by a partisan majority, b decided that
Local Option is legal. The irregularities
that characterized the law io its passage
the still greater that marked it ia lis ml-
mlstlon to tbe people 1 1 be voted on at ilU
ferent dates and by localities Kingly, Instead
of being voted upon io Ibe same manner as
'or State officers; tbe deprivation ol busi
..em and depreciation of property values to
a large aod worthy clan ol eltizeos without
equlvarnt, is decided to be eminently right
and proper.. Such are the iniiloaciea aod
labyrinths In law, that justice, tight and
common sense are frequently lost .sight of.
And here ia a euse In point. So long as tbe
Judiciary Is eleollve, so long It will be ser-
sltive when any thing is to be gained for
tbe ptrly 'or themselves, .popular clamor
is not vox del only right and truib. From
partisan tyranny based on tbe usurpations
of power' by majorities good Lord deliver
Tbe largest cargo of petroleum ever ship
ped from tbe port ol l'bi.adulphla was ou
board the ship Kloit ol Algeria, which sail
ed reoentlr lor Aoiwern, It consisted ol
1 0,941 round bariels (equal to 12,281 pay
.ole barrel of furty-iwu gallons each.
Tbe ship drew Iweuty-four teat of water
being one inctt leas loan the draught ol the
abip Peter Maxw II, wblcb sailed oo Ibe
23d tilt., for Hamburg, and six inches more
ibau the ship C tthejrtl, ouied some years
since for coming to Ibis pott because abe
drew too much water to euier. New York
arbor. .
A li ruier named Hodge r was the other day
louud walking on the metals of the English
Great Wealeio. railway. Some bystanders
seeing a train apptoacbii'g eliouteJ to ibe
man and warned him of bis danger. "All
right," shouted baok Hodgi r, and then lay
cooly down on tbe metals,' the tralo imtne
diaieiy paasing over Hut, aod completely
severiug his boily io two. 'It would be in
terestiug ifsoinn witter in Ibe London Spec
tatnr cuuld Lo peieuaded to give us Ilia
views Hpun the qui'stiou ol cowardice or
courage exeuiplilled to Ihissuiciilo
We leuru that an iiditodoiicd oil well
Limestone, In this sounty, which wns
opaued Some tiniH sii ce, is" now flowing
thirty barrel with the drill ntlll iu Ibe well
Tanks have beeu removed fmin r-aluiminca
and other polutH to Itiis well, In which lo
preserve the oil. All iiuiiirutie quantity
was wasted before tauka cuuld be bud
The excitement hwi attracted hundreds ol
ppple'y (Ills piece. Oleati Times.
The Filth annual rcuniuu of Battery 1!.,
First Artillery Peuosylvaula Vol
unteer Corps, will take place at Mt. Jack
son, Liwrrnce county, Pa., on Saturday
April 26, 1873 John B. Stewart will be
tbe orator ot ihe uccasiou.
John E. Shaw, 'a keeper of a Cbarlttslon,
Mass ', prison, was fatally stabbed by a
cor V lot yesterday morning.
' John. Uiimley). tbe boy saved from the
wreck. of the Atlantic, is iu Newark,' Now
. Tt Sul'.ao of Turkey U (aid lo be tryiog
to lutroducejhe stove pipehttt, . . ,"
The New Postal ActThe Abolished
"free Blatter" Uat.
It Is Important lor the pitblio to know
what Is Included In tbe law knowo as "the
repeal of the fraoking privilege."
All mall known as "free matter" tinner
the existing laws, oo which postage must
be paid after June SO, by reason of this
repeal, Is classed under twelve heads, as
Hows, viz:
1. . All mall matter from the President
and Vice-President.
2. Ofliciel communications lo and from
Cabinet and Bureau officers, chief cletk or
franking officers of each of the Executive
3. All letters or printed matter lo ft
from members of CongreM, Secrutary of the
Senate or Clerk oi Ibe House of Represen
4. Petitions to Congress.
f. Copyright matter to Librarian t.T Con
gress, if so marked nn the package.
C. Smithsonian Insiimto mail.
7. Exchanges between pulillKherf. one
copy of each publication not lo exceed six
teen ounces in weight.
8. Weekly newspapers to actual sub
senbers within c-junty where published.
9. Notices from Postmasters .of ret'uealB
to take publications.
10. Dead letters returned to writers'
11. Medals, certificates of thanks, cr
other testimonial awarded by Legislatures
to their soldiers.
12. Under a speoial act of Congress,
passed some years sinco, all mail matter to
and from Mary Lincoln, during ber natural
Those persons having tbe frnuking priv
ilege are the President, Vice President,
Senators, llopreseutalives, Delegates, Sec
tetary of Senate, Cletk ot House, Cabinet
aod Bureau officers, all heir Clerks, Post
masters, for official communications only,
as also Collectors of Iuteinal Keveoue and
Mrs. L'ncoln.
Undo: Ibe present law free matter is car
ried at a cost of about $1,230,000, while
tbe estimate made for amounts required to
pay ticuial necessary official postage for tbe
eusuiogtiscal year is about $2,&00,0'I0.
The changes io tbe law will be especially
onerous on the library ol CongreBS aud tbe
Smitbsoniao Institute, whose advantages iu
lb ia respect have never been abused, and
were ouly used In the Interest and dllfueioo
ol koowleilge. Another change which will
be ol great lucouveoieuce, IS that re atlve
lo returned "dead lett is'' to their writer,
when known. The English 1'ust Office
follows ibe jule wo Dave, and collects when
tbe returoed letter is d.-livered. The oniy
mutter that can be sent, under the amended
law after tbe 30tb ol Jn:i- next, wiiuoui
prepayment. Is newspapers sent ivguUily
Pottage Is to be collected quirleilyou lliem
wbt'U deliveted. Preseul legululious I
maiu in iffect.
Ciiaxue. The firm of Jlea.e & Aim
strong, long engaged In the flour aud le. d
trade in tbia place, have disposed of the i
store and business lo a gentleman fium Tt
liisville, who takes charge on Movlay uex.
We are sorry lo lose these geuilei.n from
tbe buaiuess interests of the town, b.V aie
pleased lo leatn that it is not ttelr iuiX
tioo to remove (torn Ihe place. Tbey de
sire in to return ibeir sincere thanks to
tbeir patrons lor tbe liberal patronage ex
tended them duriug ibe past two or three
years. Tbey also desire us lo request all
parties indebted to them lo call nud settle
at once as their buoks must be balanced
within tbe next few days
Texas oonlaios over eight hundred Sue
day schools.
Tbe Wellttod canal will be opened oo ti e
2Jst iost.
Goveruor Dtx lias siguud
Pouumatic Railroad bill.
the Beach
The New York Produce
adjourn over Good Friday.
Exchange will
Dispatches Iroul Mtoueaoia aud luwu re
purt a severe soow storm yesterday.
The Suquehuotia liver, ut Wilkesbarre,
was tweuly. three feet yesteiday, aud tin
Tbe ice in the Hudson river was moving
yesterday, uud navigation will soua be jre
uu rood.
Iu the Vaucykie muner trial, in Brook
lyn, tbe jury relumed a verdict of out
The term "karats'.' applied iu gold means
lino for iuatance, is mixed with 6 "karats'
or one-lourlh,alloy. The karat as a weight
represents two gtalns, but of course ss a
measure of gold, tbe word karat Is a relay
live term.
A portico of au iruu clad, weigoing near
ly two thousand tons, was recently found
iu Charleston harbor, over a quarter of a
mile from tke spot where tbe vessel was
blown up at the liiqe, o.rjtha eaciiiiliuu ol
tub city in ISOj.
Letters friim tho People. :
Not. Tbe monngerofthls journal, with
out endorsing the sentiments ol contributors,
desires to offer tbe widest possible 1st tilde
for Tree discussion. It Is merely stipulated
that coinmuuicalione shall concern matters
ot public Interest, be put in decent 'nu;
and accompanied with the names or tbe
writers, not for publication, but as a gnat
sntee of good la it I).
' KaxsvCitv, Pa. April 9, 193
r niTtin Enronti : Noticing a otimber of
oommnnicotltitis In your paper from this
place, we take the liberty Jof fiirnlshir
your readers with a few Items. There seems
to be a general exodus about lo take place
from this city, "Ichabod" is plainly Jwrit
ten upon his walls.;
j,, g. S. Hancock has secured o lease on
the G.iliowny Farm and is about to com
mence operations. ' GenerAl" we wish you
Your reporter visited the scboois in this
place and wn highly pleased with the sys
tem ol teaching. The teachers are both
courteous d accomplished ladies.
W are incllued to Iblok that the teach
crs of tbe primary 'department has more
than ber sbaro or the" labor there being over
(llty scholors in regular attendance.'
The singing school nndsr Ptor. Kit. ol
Rouseville, is in a flourishing condition,
More anon.
A poor mu In Milwaukee bns applied
for a divorce from his wile, and be certainly
onghMo have II. The partner olhis juje
and sorrows was in the habit of smashing
the furniture ond crockery on tbe devoted
parson aod then piiRcbing him with tbe
'ragments. She belabored blm with brooms
rorubbing brushes, shovels, tongs, aud oth
er implements of domestic wrath, spilled
the oontetits of the coifee pot on bis good
Clothes, and bul led I bo kerosene lamp at
his solicitation. Why the infatuated man
wished to subject himself again to tula fuel
lade of kitchenaware it Is bard lo under
stand, but be should have, his divorce and
be Disced lu an asylum of idiuts for safe
Germany published
the latter half ot 18ii2.
6,4S3 buoks duting
A trlil In otica. N. Y., fourteen yenrs of
sge, is the mother of two children.
Tbe area of the coal Heids in Illinois i
said to be four limes larger than that ot
Great Britlan.
T X is raielug a legiiueiit l mounted
donsiabuiaiy for ibe. protection of ber Irun
tier. A 1 n 1 1 1 til eon III Uetinlt lias applied for
h i itijuiictloo to (entrain bis inolhvr from
iiiariymg again.
A divorce was recently granted in n Con
necticut Court, in which tle wife was al
moat allowed &Q.0D0 allimnny.
The hiith price ot coul In Eugland ! s id
to h tvvgivea a new Impetus to coal mining
in Unsnia and Northern Germany.
Th Pope i conlined lo ti is bed.
An association of married clerks In New
York propnsM to build a large 'family hole'
to be worked on tbe corporative plan.
William Cooly, a Pbiladelpbian, was ar
rested in Lancaster on the 1st Inst., for ped
diing small wares without a license. He
was fined $50.
The Baltimore Sun owing to the press
ure of its advertising coiumus, was com
pelled lo issue a supplement on tbe 2d iost
A Dew English novel Is caled "Willing
to die" and that's what ibe matter with
tbe reader before he gets half through.
Tbe last lemnaulsof Ibe old Maurb
Chunk coal chutes were removed recently.
More than torty years since Ibe chutts were
first constructed.
An announcement by the Lumlon Civi
Service Comruistlooers that elevenjvee mcies
were lo be filled in Ibe metropolitan past
Bloes, recently tirougbt over ZOO wemen 0,
candidates lor the position.
The New Orleans Picayune, reports the
ooodition of tbe crops in that section lo bs
unusually promising. Peaches and fig,
give promise ot being very abundant.
The body of Daniel Uanley, of
the last ofl he victims of tbe recent bridg.
disaster at Richmond, Vs., was found last
week in tbe river in an advanced state of de
com petition.
We expect .11 parties indeb
ted to this firm to settle their
bills before the 1st of May next
and avoid nnpleasantness, as we
iutend to close out and leave
(his town.
j Dated, Petroleum Ceutie, Pa., March 2l)tb
TWO AlghsU
01. iv Ms TmiuJ,.. am
a mil, 1Mk ,tj
Ibvaaingoiaroiae w ounce 8,tfr. , I
Opening In tie Rearing Pare of U
Toconelade with tke '$nrlsqne Kxtnn,,
Clorlnda....M.-.... .Ur 8AM stm,
l-rioce roapcttl.... Ilisa AUNEH WALIirJ
v 1 is vi bsthsbvvi m wj tiitj vqilTptfiy
AM an.ioaiTiiiii- 01X0 01
R B or Mistake , WilL Occnt
To conclude with the Latest Beautta.
U fasT U VII 1 A - .s.
STiVB AHUI.tV.,. j, BiTbZi
uiear i;naraciers of ui Coaqauy
Reserved Beats canbs scenredat Ihsptat oBt,
imiks isvorc.
Doors open at T; Omtaia rises at 8 o'clock.
J. P. VILLA, fropctcw.
Cot. J. H. KtOl, Busbiess Maniuer.
12,000,000 ACRES!
Cheap Faj;msJ
ThecnaapMtLsndln ma kctfhr mUhTih.
Ib tiwUnat I'Uito VslKy
3,000,000 Aret In Ceutral Jfthrasks
Now lor sale In tracts of forty acres lad uimarSi
Ave sm ta ysars' credit at par ceat. beadnite
lniene nteirw
aMildaBdiwalt.f delicate, leftlle soV, tsaboj.
annnol Mad wstei.
crest mining lesions of V. onihg, CntorWo, D I
auu ncvaoa eeing auppiiea v
Ibe Janata uj ik
FRK BOMBS 0K ALLt Mlllh of smtof
ciioiue uovernmeni una opaa an tatnr asatriw
llnmestrad Law, near this Great hailraai, sin
aa'd merkets and all tbe eoavenienettof as aa
ae ilt-u conntry. -
free basses to i urehai en of f'aHmadlant.
Motional Mipa bowing Ilia Land, bh m
eilltliianf Deecrlptlva Hampkirt with new lUpt
Jiaiivii btcc Bjvorywnere
10,000 FARMERS
To Improve 1.TO0 TOO area It. K I .amis Ins 1Mb,
ninrriaiu ana inoaisq . n me uaaie regiue m wai-
rn Iowi i ho bast r. n. wheat and calllep elurlt
belt in the West, It hunra distant mm lituo
Uirat and Kill ansnrpaaMd X endow and plo
tana wiinpureruuuiiie witer even' amr-oici
Mo ft v r au t aga Avon I credit uric n ar
Here, send for a ffilida. 1 1 oata nmhlna. Bad utr
descrlptioas, pries, terms, aaaps ami bjw lowoli
ina niiiua. iiqavsu'lin li VAi.iii'i, lav
I'omaiiMlanerlowaltall Head Land Ce., Cekr
Haiiidi, Iowa.
uiiicagu umce, a o. oanat at.
Fnnal advanlaMia flnr aialas and frlasTea Barwa
C'li.i.ilan h Absi.m, Ihrout inatraetia and anM
atteniloa tolbosomf. rtaandha disof .tanu,t
dartliisonevfthalMStlnstiliiiioas of tin coaaoj.
Spni g sesBlon conmences March Mia.
mulv. A mt an. tlM.a Tu..r . (M, . ,MT.' MflB
ence : Officer of Prlncctoa and Lattjetu Collar!
ecDo uir Loiaiogye.
a. n. n-isivcnn,, msnr
We wilt send FREE hy mall, en iwelptef Oai
llnllnr. 9 ntktrmtm nffluklM Tlnwar IRedlBOd OBT
Catalogiia. cont lulng upwards of It
wltli mil direction! for culture, tn any addieuialu
Vnitad SUioa. Catategvoa (ra' on applkallua
DUE A: DOT I.K. sH-edamen and Florists,
ai Trtaiooiiirssi, naawu.
ofN.w totatte .Iriuit Tre-s. Ac.
Treutlao. Al-ntfre Extra offer.
L, D SCOTT A CO, Huron, Oslo.
Go to H . As LOZItK
4thStreet,near K. II. track,
for your EXZIE, dellv
cred at the welh for
prr Cartel. ,
pptrnieiim Centre, Feb. 6th
liOUfi HEQG-' l ,
Now is tbe lima to buy Ihe otlobviM
Kox Williams' Bnffilo Cteao) A1S ' V'
A. LOZIKR'8 as be Intends to dose "P '
tbe twenty fourth inst. Also, all ttiott '
debted to Ihe same will pleas oetne "
settle on or be are said dale aodoblig lM
uodersigoed. '
W. A fcoaHB.
SlWtiat Not1 Thesreat JotmIIs MBSBjln
Icouiaayear, with ag.pleadt Jl jJOt brosMj
free. Specimen, 8 ceota W ttalas a dob BBJ
5eu Baw this. ifobB B-1 Aldan. PabUrtat, OWt
(ago. , . ' " T. . : t e