" NEW, ADVERTISEMENTS. r- : fat I (Mthli-h d 11 , Cft Wt!M))l & uittKFITHS, - HCI'ltHI-it. TOALTJ. "THRIIH G. GOnDON HAKDWAHE AND 01 1. 'KU, S VI' P I.IKS. POST OKKICE Nttvs LOCAL OPTION nuil orL'mi of L'qiiur Ii-t-nt Ml a'vsi)(JJ S nvthc "111 nuil urmi of Din L'qiiur Iit' tnt Miltrrili"D f.J per vi'r; Clubs of ill, f'-ffi. a-Mimm A .Mi. it I CAN WUt'OK .Mr.N'H ADVi-l-ATnCO, "No 100 a-. a-02r)03sr3 ID 137X331-4 J 1ST if ; IIOLLIDAY G0UD8 Liltflrty Mroft, I'litthnrirn. J'ft Jimt foolveil t file, i"A,r, LIBKKAl aw l 'N18; Ji KKMINli lON,it Muniid-vi -in, i':irHh.i1l Co. hKMifMc tjitl v '-if. cutis ii .IAS. W IV. i jvh nui twunv uj ivluiu uihii wv iifw )Do,,onM ' A Detroit. Ml, h wttik rnnrauttnd, JfcpecnnMo i:mpiiym' nr. at mi nn uv or fvi'iiiir.': no tuumul reotiirtd fit l In trudioim mid vnltmblu p i.kn!t; oofla fcnt fei- "V ' Rti acw-, with -ix rent rutin, puuno, 'Hi nwt'iiLnp-iibiiiri'"r,y f"-' Ir.r the jnir. whleli l " t hair the en-. '1 lw-e wlm n t .rvritrd-t ennd money to tli m mnt r on-i ilnl inr or mmt mi) ord ir x const wurtli xlr-.tna jirloe pal'l (or the lail . Tin' Pirit Nti iilMl It hJiiiiifm. Btvln.4 p"' '"r mixliis Kirol Horn, Dlnliit Th'mi Dsn-innron., Win low ilirdniw. i nit I bum ot Infirmniton -.i'o'.oUMloviir uf tliwmi. 1S P'KH. oil Til ilnio I imrtor, none 5 Kl Bngmvloijs, and i n srb(Jokril llaiennd Chromo Cove.. . I 111 Kir.l MllbnofrtyOOOJiut printed 111 Kn-ll.ii and tier- - JAM RS VICK. ,&5QQfIN PRIZES. " KXT'tA KU'I.Y VKIIUONT. Ten Ds TViva itoiW. ilmn! Fnrlv Hiwe K n r & m.,ui1 Proooetlvesn-lof GXUKLLKNT iidl. m.ip.la,fof til Mb COMl'l'UNS , . nvn fi usnnia toi:ia ncru- W A Irttlo hrtT tlisn fcarlv Uotv. f :tm-r nonnd. bv ! 1. imt'riaSlr W tSollntll U wii:drtl. n-I'lluMin.vi!. a in moan wi" pninmx 'jfi M. tltwtlViai MH liUllllll. Ilnl ormMrartalltH f I'ulnloiw. f xu id Ml, A llimtrnlH) i-wd (.lnl.'ii.i, SUU Ihbk, tllua ratwl Hind l nliili'irlH', svu rngo tvt Wiioino. lu wots ' i Nw.TimiiUi, ku' AK1.1N0- Riinv. po"'! mid prndmtly-. frku,llov. perpicki;5 packt, ri. II. K. 1SI1 Ac. mi.h, - J . Ncw Yovk- tu tiiuv who pni1uw,tho Iir uat iliuu Wnvn, will !WLUltti ol.ir. ' I'",M"C9 ONIY 10 CENTS EVEB.V. MAN- HIS OWN PAIMTEn: Or, 1-iNTd-HriW TO .-liLliCT AD ,iM.t U8BTHKM. A plnlh IMiitiuWioiimtiili K wuiplo curd Willi 43 - .UlIiliriQl.nUUIIiy yuiinvw ri,Mm ..n- Witutll.it xlct(ur m,d v-uturlur lloudHiio unit on ' '' 4 o pl. bornid In doth, t.r $1. Snniplc cop t, luiiRf envoi-, nwilwi. ik iwM inni.jr nddli-.." tin rnwhtM llcmil hjf ' PllMIMitr, . iWNIIVllAltKVIMIHD, UI"V 10-24, Ffm!t!,MiUuH:lpliln. . i t.mjlioU"i( 'tilMa nxtracia turn pu.F hoIiuim: "A very vn'itible iMnk. ami no nro inti-rdliig Id t.liit .. ..itLI h i raid It. N Y. Trlftn'in ii did nut know to mi di could ho mid on the miiji-cl ol latiniliiL' n l iui-u U'iiii wi- rn.ui immxto ' l.-i.l Ihhik ul Mr. llnlrd'n " N. Y. UurMil "A nit lobs at ,lwt "Pl" -" eitsllttc Anii'iHun i ' '. ,' ' ' 'Mi.l i.i.lv am f,i.L to IllRunlllttT. Ime vn tii- hie to fi v or mi t fudtvuliui! N V.Wmlii. . Jluy 'Jft'cjppli- of till" liook mid ilUtir'liit lln-iu nil m" jr- iifiiV-n'O1- Iftlioj ulll ri-iidtlii mhlrr J her- Ii., )oi ild lunku uo uufu tuluUilupimi ut " 'hloco Trfii. ' ' i Vli nnuliyuliii: thin htvik H.ilnl lnm done a Y.au ...... I.... I . ! aniitiiiuiill v. 'I nil tin lllnili . ' 7-W 0 ImiMUku Fiihlialii r mil M'll VS 0 coplcnof Ttm (took illtlianu iA nwmn aiiviohit 'In million a ntuplt. n!-y for in runtA. Mr It tint uiiiiH Tiiri (ii-rtuip in oidvi (ur 5 buui.d loci ih will luilnw." Krinik I Hi'. W luivwjn.t piMiitcd our hi iiwi n advHil lj Wr iiullior, ulid ootiut-Htiiltitu onri'ulvvM h .t no dwplliii(!i ti oiiriiilulitiiir oou uxcule oui in uppt-tir oo U-Jlirir' Wwnily- raanniaoadiiili i wimnvt noli ( r ihi-ir viilnoaud Ilia axr-i-tihio of ilic "Ultlrlllou,, brand of luio K-iid,' Pmu. L.(.g'ir. QIjf q6 CENTS I'bl the Unlsingar uicK miii Muiport to Fasten , , Your U inIo ! No prtnfc tovbrMka no nut ilnc of mult ; v Hp, tlum bit, very tMitttly Ailltd; holdi wih t nny pldccidU' .:lm) Mitd aMilf f..uner ln thwth b down, bund NtAinp for eirrulr. Circnliir mid nx co per -tronr.vd liKiKKMtit to itr.v Hdili-tM In ;o P. K. 1i(HtHiul, ou rtwcttpt of f 0 ctj Jul Ih i ul tii'ltu'niMt- Kit HAHU LOCK CO , No. -lift ftltttvet H., llumn For (ilinitlntr twA poltfhlni: iuoImIi. for c'pnit.iitr nnd jHtMtit yj4 niiiit, k0 n-unvliii; itaiiii Horn nun M?( mr:itlifalindi.nrioir nil h h.ld can1nir. It tiiim T to wnv rtrlitlo inndu. eia mlit-r tuinisMr witkh I'tiujtla it, i-ltln-r In oiiatity or clidim Mky vto Mm) nnd I'orfcctly lutrinle-H tind klMlMt. All tnHwr Hnil It. KiHiui'iii'tnroi only 'v ICAS'1 MAN A JJhOOKK 481. N. . Thlra fet., bewmsr iVIachina .( lfirti)rn&9 ri the wok id. Atfxnia wttat. ttaiifl'rlr -u'iir- .Addrwa: "ikihtu a, A'tiim.'".. "v. fiJi iATKX l'flITAIK,lJa No tii-a unkRa aiicco.-'r-l'ul, , No fui n in iidvaura, -No ohali:)! Tor im-liiiiltuiir pcnn-h. itt-ud f -r efr- rlllara l-llNNtll J.V llllO I'llKHH. HIM .4. hiMii-iliKt iriiiuiii1t.Mti, l'n , aad etSMWli fl., WMilnt.1011 (! ' . ' I MAM FAl TV lir." 0( AGEHffi ! A BibE CHANCE ! We will li iv nil A'i''ni 40 in-r wt-ek IN CASH Wlm wi'l nKui.'H Willi iik at ones Kvi-ry t n inn iiimiBbfiJ aod vxprnaea puiil. Ail.l-i M A. ConTEK A CO, rhnrlott-. Mid. S lit it P7'1", ,A-" nr- win od! Al working- ik'o.iI" of :i'.ufr 'ax v on or old iiiki;i! mom dioik-v til ivimU fo, in l:i tinifr .p ir in rnmi'a o nil til. tlm, t'lilli m tiiyilnj h'ii.i, I'lriiclllill-A lloo. A(luruB tt. MI'IVi'iv 0 ., coi"l-i-i.i. Mn'no. . HORRIBLE! I uflf'Titl with t'Htiirrh tliirlv v.iis. And wan ttrod by ii r tuidy. Will nund n ci tpt, pott.n fic, in fill i fit etert i.ev. T. J. MKAU, i)ruw.r l'.ti. UJltTt "(liWIfrf : Wo'til i "il UrMVln (Miic-ninee. u.chuid ; ' mii" I'loril IniiioV"i ' Ti'iioii , t; M -tc'itniw. ic, i Ciiiril.cyr Union S' . ' .W'tlltCKTKR.' M VS. ' t Jl. i.VITll tiUV. 1 .1. Htft K il t:iUuU.u (iOI.IKN TlilC.V.SUKK iijitta .rihr " (Jllij;.' Ny'As Uiut , 0"iu'ui.-rf ruf.i.-lv in: v Alio. Knr anv ono oiisn nl Blind, llii'.-ilimr.Itcli 102 or iilwrnt-iU'lifa Vmt 1)11 lHSO'S 1'IbE UKMEDY fail" in euro Ii la prepuri-d -xprsfly to corn th 1'ilt-n, anrl ooililui t-lai-. Sold b all DriiiiKii"B. 1'rlc, Si. (III. , 110 Q0. P. HOWELL & C0'3 AMERI CAN A book of GUI) pngfa, Willi oilitora' and pub lmhcrH' no men. ina of ralaliliaiimonl. s-Z", pnlitiea, anbrarlption pric anil cironlntion of ml N-WKpHnra In lb Ualtod Siaus unil Doimnloii nl OartaiU. VIUCV., VIVE DOLLAHS, by mail. Adilrnfa 1'iibliabvrd, Ho. 41 I'm Is Row. Nw York. ar" ' ' ' I n 1 v iWBmmny Main-S'u.j, Petsolsum .Centre Kcejw on l and a f.ill Hi v f T. .(. Fetawrl with T. HELMBOUX TRADE KEARNEY'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, la the only Known Remedy for Bright Din. iuo and haa cured every cam of Diabetes in whicn it ban been Rivi-n, Irritation of the Neck of the llladder and influmraation of the J!dneya, Ulceration of the Kidneya and Bladder, Meten tlon of Urine, Dieeaace of the Prostate Qlnnd, 6 tone in tbe Bladder, O ratal, Brick Dust Deposit, and Uncous or Milky Diachargoa, and for En feebled and Delicate Constitutions of both Hexta, attended with the following aymptomai Loaa of Tower, Loss of Memory, Ditllculty of Breath ing, Weak Nerves, Wakefulness, Fain in-the Back, Fiushingof the llody.Kruption on the Face, Pallid Countenance, Lasaitude of the System, etc Used by persona in the decline or change of Ufa; alter confinement or labor pains, bed-wetting in children, eta. . In many aflections peculiar to ladle, the Ex tract Buchu is unequal ed by any other remedy An in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Pain fulness or Suppresalon oi Customary Evacuations, Uloerated or Hehirrus atnte of the Utema, Leu corrhoca or Whites, Sterility, and for all com plaints incident to the aex. It la prescribed extensively by tbe most eminent Physicians and Mid wives for enfeebled and delicato constitu lions of both sexes and all ages. tfEAKJIEY'S EXTRACT BlICITO, Cnrtt IHtmnt Arising from Imprudenctt, JlMtt of Dudputlon, Etc., In all their stuges, at little eipcimo, littlo or no change in diet, no in convenience, and no exposure., Jtcauaen a fre quent desire, and sivea strength (o Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions, Preventing and Curing Btiioturrs of tho Urethra, Allnying Pnin and Inflammation, so frequent i n this class of dis eases, and expelling all Foisouous matter, KEARNEY'S EXTRACT BUCIH7, 1.00rwrboUloorsix tottlraforfS.OO, delivered To any address, aeouro from observation, bold by druggistH everywhere. Prepared by KJ AltNEY or CO., lot Duana St., K. Y. to whom 'all letters tor inlormalion should bo addrested. Avoid Quacks and Impostors. No Ohargo for Advloe and Consultation. Dr.J.BD'jott.GwinniaotJrireTmnlliiilaU OoUeg$t Philadelphia, author of several valuable works, can be consulted on all diseases of tho Bexual or Urinary Orpnns, (which he baa made an especial attidy) either in malo or female, no mattoi- from whut oause orlttmnting or of bow long slandliig. A practice of 80 years enables him to trent oiseaso with success. Cuies guar anteed. Cbargea reasonable. Those at a die tauoecan forward letter describing symptoms and enclosing stHmri to prepay postage, . tiend for t he Ciihlt fo Ifralth. l'rlee 10 cents. J. h. DYOTT, M.l., l'iiyi-inn and Uargaon, KU Dnanu Kt , Now York, l' Ail verllnern All nersona who contom p.nui ink.i eoniriiis Willi mwap-ipura f.jr me in-irUuu of ojlvcrilf .liinili aionld aci.d iu aSiiiiiryrSdCraliy G-eo: P. Rowell & Co, o-IV I'UllUlf. Toniflle . .. I: - for a Ciniihr, or eni-loesiciiis fn tln-ir "no Hundred I'uno 'iiiiiplilm, uontulom,.-l.-sli i.t It tajl, Ni--inpeiii hikI 0-timnlj.M r:,o..l-i" t 1011.1,01' ndverli.iu. iili tlflilV llktitliil liintd I.t hi1ci !ifi rs, -oid mine JUvotint ol liin --?C',olifiic.';i c.t fun Who f rf Mil. w II tm itf nrasfn I . A -tilac'risi' TlllJl:il l.rui.I Li lnri i.t" llm 4i.ii.ri. citu 'iw-ijawr tJv iiieini; Annrv. 41 PARK BOW, N. Y ! Boston Fat. CGift Tiilift, CaiiT Gas Pips ana Rtlinp, New lletlfonl Bolt Kopo Cables nnd Smut Fump Unts, KUCEER tiKLTING, 0RKIXG lUURELS- TUDiKG AN'D Tacking, valves. casing AND HOSE, valvi: curs, CLAlirs liSntrni. La;.tcrn' !"Io1Ijvs, C'ari.i'nti'r's Teals, ALIiKSXUS Or'JlKASS GOODS, Extra, Wintci j trained T ard Gil, Johnson ili Ikurett's Lulricat!ncf Oil, Ko. 1 llefmed Oil, Ilic "ove'ty snd Ku-c-l n Oloiliff W'r rper., the l.estiti u.o, With a full linejo! Tabli'uiitl Pocki-t Culli ry, and piker I'lali d ,Sionn8 antlForki, l nm nnw nrnnniiul . SStationcrv, J Illank l!mik, r - . . i lM iiunil . ' f C'tttifcctlonciy lne At Greatly 'liete " -r,! ) f' ' ) "JntJ TI .-, ,r -a.- .A ri-eparatoiyjto laying in an J tii-elyj 'Yon new: stock OK- v, .' a if- ' f M ,f.l .i i fiOLID.A:Y GOODS 4Tii U.rft STOVES, -: STOVES! & "W t tfv stock ofCrtOK AND HEATING STOVES cannot he pxoclled In Hie nil rei-ion. An i uouuiit n.-ioro inn inio a.iviitice ul btnvmi l.y mnnulnciureiR, I am t-nablml to still sfll Mtnid prices. Tbo.o diciriiiis unyihlna In the way nr a Cook or Hotting ., Stopo will do well to oil uud examine my took, ol which tbe tallowing iaa imriinl li: ; AfiBaerfca- CooSc With ri'fervoir anil wnimin;; clofot, a first clncs Slove for hard conl or wood, A yi RtaJHA !V Cook. With low wntnr rr'-'tvnir nnd wnrmln.T olnal fo. h.rrl I.K.I I'lK fllOlsi'l'IK siiiflOESEA'ir Illi:iJ,UU Cook, h chfapHrst clubg Slove wiiii or wiinoiii ii'M'ivoir iiimi wnrmina Clnsot, lor hard oi pott Coal, Kirn fljmct'll Coull. a chi-np first c-Ihss Siovo. for hnrd or di coal. Jrutt fault! (ix'k, a Inijro bi-vy nnd duriililo Stove for soft cimI WlH'Sit r : f Cook. Inrhnid or ofi ciml, in c-lebraled lor lis qualities as a good , Siovo mid rlieiiii)Hns In pric, , rOji'r (Jook, lor hard or mlt conl. a inill but rxrallt-ot Stove and very cheap. i llliiLtst;t Cook, wood Stovi- wi:h ei,ivi,i-d oven, MY LIN'E OF l'AKLOIl HEATEIW cannot lie ercell.'J: T3l Ilvins FK &!ff.t El4k, ul 1K73-Thi Is a b.''itifil elf feeder 1 iiii.ii- Siovo. win, Bnf rinaiii-K diait and pafniit ellnki-r arnlf. 'I Boo li:iliiint If oil so A uow eelf leeder Farl9r Heater with mill grale and ilium inated linso a Kf'.F.ii-N Siitl-iinr R-ir fwder Pnrlor n,atr with- shaking fire patent and dumping ciiniter er -ie. Jljiavl'j I'itj lor Heater Someihing new, a very bsautifiil and powerful beater- ( osil'jr ijlftkll A neni and I'liiMip IJnst. nii.ner ' ' Otitis; . j;; Sat A clump cylimlur Suivo with mill grale.. ilinn A dine! iron cylimliH' stove, vi-i'j fliiMji. " ,- .1 stnull sell fofder nnd qiiito ulieei IJlJieSf, rixvnn A p irlnr coo s'uvn wah oven, for coal. T'.siiso A cliHup iliniiii; room S'.ovt-.. Com A cheap hod loom Stove, l"!!irl A clie.ip cylinder Sti ve, for hnrd nr .dl co i JaI'Vm Jvrt,VT t'""-".'"5 'Sl"SK- , "iH-Adnpfe,l for derricks nod hotels,. aALAJA-NOEU-Ajlernckva. , GLtIiE IIEATEif-retores anil ofllce.. MANUI-'ACI VKEIt OF SJ1EST ?M AMD COPPER SMOKE STACKS MADE TO ORDER. WAKE M II k lit tl-!j-l- 1 1 A I, I" t II r. a... vst .. . . Ul,,dered lie ,,,-ap,,t l ZT " lu-jwruiSjjof all kinds dono with ncatnepa and dispatch. et . jw In coanectibn withJtlto '-Nem- 100:11 tbsi-e is a fiistvclass . - , Circulating .4 " JJbvoxj, ! COMPRISING THE I; A TEST ST4K DAKD AND MISOELLANKOUS . WOKKS OF. Tllil DAY.,j y , ) . : .: '' ' ' Confectionerjrti. H Confeetionersr OF' ALL KIND f ; . i j AND TOBACCOS ! my Stock is Untttcelletl.r, I hope by strict attention to- the wants of the j-ublio to'ni it a share of their patronage,an!l woaM invits my friends to pf me a call. , . - CIIAS. . WHKEK. -.I':i-,a r . i ;i;i"i?ry'i'i " "iil'TL.iimi