SHUGERT& STARR to BeFaiLaod. Smith 0...J Merchant Tailors! AND DsULEIW IN Gents Furnishing Goods, COB. SPRING A FRANKLIN STS., TITOSV.IiLE, PA. Ban pat I of tb Aaast Mnaaii of VL01H8& CASSIMERES SNGLISH, FRENCH AND COATINGS, MIXED AND STRIPED SUITINGS FANCY VESTINGS. ar offend In the Oil Region. TWKNTT DIFFERENT STYLES OF HATS 5s CAPS, Alt Um Lata and Kobbteet Wf la. A FULL UNI OF Gents (tarnishing Goods, &c Petroleum Centre Daily Record mi, CewtrejjPa-. WedluMtn April mvia aervtee. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Kerr lot every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and lX P. M. Sabbath School at l.Jf r. H. eetafree. A oordlel Invitation, extend ed to elL Ret. Q. Hoobb, Pastor. presbtterUn CHURCH. Preschinc at II o'clock A. M.. anil T o'olock P. M.. by the Pastor, W. C. Batten A an. Sabbath Sohaol at 12J, directly after loreaooo service. Prayer Meeting and 8abbath School Teacher's Meeting Tuesday evenlogs ot Mb weea. PetraleNca Centre livslge, No. Tl, I. O. of O. F. Regular meeting nights; Friday, at 7 'clock. Slgoed. B. ALLEN, V. O 8. II. Rooms, A See's-. WPUee of meeting, Mala 81., oppoalla jiouiiuiocb uouaa. A. O. of U. W. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. or U. W., Mate every Muoday evening at 1i o'clock, in Odd Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Centre, Peon's. A. Glcjix, M. W. M. T. Congo a, R. I. O. Of R. M. Mfnaakaaoea Triba No. 183, L O. R. H af Petroleum Centra, meeta every Tburadty evening In Good Tenplar'a Ball. IVCouMlltreallcbted at? o'clock. . H. HOWE. Sachem. C. L JUKES, Chief ol Records. Gold at 1 p. m. 118 Soma of tba down rtrer papera have sought to make capital out of tba atory tbat there waa oo oU produced to amouat to eoytblog la tba upper district, and tbat tba big walla between thla place and Titusr villa were all a myth. There ia a well oo tba Bailey, Ollmore Co., leaaa of (be Sloan ttaot, near ;tha Octav district, which la producing 13S barrels dally, and bat averaged tbat aioec belog struck early laat Deaarabar. Can any wall ia the But ler oil field show a good a record. Ooly ona tbat wa know of and tbat it tba old Casino wall, located In tba Parker diatrlct, and owoed by Maeira. Wood, Ripley and Moorbead. Tha charming spring weather ot tha past three daya la having ita effect oa our streets and is rapidly bringing out to view tba filth that haa accumulated tba past . winter. Evaa Mala treat is ia a terrible shape While tba back alley are ia a aplandid shape to breed a f rstlleooe. The street commissioners ahould commence operations at once, If the sanitary condition of our village ia a point to be considered. Oil City people are getting web footed Inca the rise in water and tbe downward tendency ol whisky set In. Tha urate clots about tbe eitv beo-ln to look green under tba Influence of spring rains and warm sunsnioa. Too riainc feneration Is happy; lor tLa daya of atone bruises and "stubbed toea" are pproaeniag. a 1 1 1 ' The dirt should now be removed from the sirest and -pi toed where it will do ;lhe most good." ' , We are glad to note tbat the fruit refrain baa now reached ita vsrlatlon. Music, you koow, Ilka aoup, ban a base on which all tba varistioos are built. The addition of a Scoring extract makes the aiflVreoce be tween the numberless varieties of aoup tbat appear upon the bill of fare. So with tunes, you can't tell what the performance will eventually be until you have beard the variations, "Away with Melancholy, " has parbapa as many verietiooe aa any other tune and ia ofteoast used aa ground work for a musical melange. "Hoine Sweet Home ia another very common base on which ia erected a ruusioal edifice baring every variety ol architecture, ao that at the climax ore baa to turo to tba programme to know what baa been performed. The fruit tune thus far baa been red and dispiriting: entirely on a minor key and utterly disown ing. But ao far It baa been but the annual refrain of, no fruit, no fruit. Now, bow ever, tba variations bava been reached, and wa bear from various aeetiona tbat the fruit fa not killed. In Missouri the newa comes that tba promise lor fruit ia aa good aa any season for a Dumber of years back. Illir oia ata reports tbat tha tale of tbe destruc tion of fruit baa been exaggerated, And so in Michigan. We bava before us, awaiting room for Insertion, a very Interesting fruit etter from little Delaware, which says tbe peach crop tbete will be a fair one I Theaa.u. This evening, cherry s New Tork Tbnatrr'gtve one entertainment only at tba Opera House. Connected with tbis company are tba celebrated Coleman Sis tera, artists who are well known on tbe American board aa being first class pert formers in every respect. Tbe great drama of "Driven from Home" will be produced on tbis occasion. Sherry always did have a good Compaoy and we are assured by him tbat this is the slroogest one be ever took out oo tba ruad. As be never fails to atop and eee bia nld trienda in the oil r -gluo, wa bops to see a crowned bouse )'i attendance. ''188 Gwinm Down Uklow." -In tbe day ot alavery, tba darkey wjs more afraid of going below than be was of death. His Ideee were somewhat crude, usually with regard to bia destination Whether be would land in a cottoo plantation or a sugar or rice Held waa not clear, but be was sure of hard times aod bard uaage, and when he Informed bis fellow darkies be was going below, be got tbe bear y sympathy of al he left behind. Such ia tbe shape that' maoy ol bia white bredren are in just now a great maoy are bent on goiugdowa tbe Allegheny. There are some big wella down there and a host of little ours. Tune wells are miles from shipping .fnollltiti, The mud like tba wells is deep, and tbe charges U plpeaga steep. Oil is very cheap; moo ey very scarce. Tet operator, merchants snd laborers "go duwo below" in hopes to achieve fortune. Some may, bill the great ar number by far are destined to see bard times and are entitled io the generous sym pathy of tbose they leave behind them. We were favored with a call this forenoon from our frieod, Mr. James F. Sherry, tbe well known manager of Sherry's New Yolk Theatre, who are to perform at tbe Opera House, tbis evening, in cnnnectiou with the celebrated Coleman Sisters. Manager S looks as oatural aa ever, In fact improves in appearance, alnce be Inst performed bere We hope to see a crowded house tu wituess 'his excellent troupe. In tbe grand bunt after local news to-day wa met our friend, James Haie, Eq., tbe gentlemanly ticket agent at this poiut. An inquiry elicited tbe fact that the Railroad Compaoy intended to replace tbe bridge over Oil Creek at Boyd Farm, tbe present summer, with a new and euueie'btial struc ture; that the road waa doing a good trade considering tbe dull limes; that tbe mud waa deep at present and that it waa rain, ing like blazes, which latter items all will agree to. Local optiua having gouo imo tftVet. Mr. A S. imith, long pmpiietor uf Smith's O. -star Saloon aud Hmiuuraot, haa closed jbe same aud removed to Buffalo. Smith was one of our oldest residents. We wish bim successn bis new home. No New York papers have Ueoii received (or two daya, Io consequence of delays ou tbe railroad. Oil oreek has patterned alter the Alle gheuey river, aod baa been oa a bigb for tbe past two or three days. Wa hear of oo damage ia tbis seotiuo, except at Columbia farm. Wild duoka now disturb Qtbe placid water ot Oil Creek lake, while numerous youth ful sportsmen wltb dog and guu are prcpa rloto make it "hot lor them" Meadville is goiug to have aguuuine old Folks concert. Tne business of piantiug your next yeai's siui-Kraut will now be iu oidur. The Stvamsblp Atlantic lost orr Halifax, s, Tuesday, april 1, 18T3. Al. F o sD.j: Dark tbe sky, dark the sea, Roiuh the rocks that lie on the ten 01 the gallant steamship that squares away, Short of coal, for Halifax Bay. But short though Shs might bava been ol coals, No laok had she of human souls ; ' For, atowed in ber berths tbat night there iy. Men, women, and children, many score, Reckoning up ten hundred or more la tbe blustering dawn of All Fool's Dy. A ship complete: Compound pressure high aod low, Iron masts, with sails to show In cass tbe screw mishap should meet; Pumps that were built all oth- is to be', null constructed so water tltfbt As to render sinking impossible, quite. Tell tal eli gra.ih. What could compete With a ship so thorough in each detail, Ready to steam, ready to sail. Aa r'gbt for the rocks she steered her way Ere tbe sun bad risen on All Fools Day; Onward she bore: Black the sea, black Ibe sky, Wicked tbe leer la the 111 wind's oye, Sullen mighty tempests roar As tbe good ehip, neartog tbe terrible shore( Right to tbe brow of beetling rock Drove stem on with a learful shock That shivered ber life to Ibe very core And the sea floats Into ber water tight hull, Till the shrieks tbat arose gave wsy to a lull, For hundreds are smothered too quick to pray Io tbe awful mc n of Alt Fool's Day. A shsttered wreck: Sea-wasbed, tompest-lssbed, Beams thatsaspped and bolts tbat crashed; Women crushed by tbe parting deck; Children drowned on mother's neck; Struggling men who each ollnr follow; Down la tbe whirl or the vortex hollow; For Sambro light waa only a 'peck, But tbe beacon tbat blazed oo Prospect Head Tbe White Star ship to perdition led, Cheating her bopea or Halifax Bax With tbe dismal drolllog of All Fool's Day. A ship of woe: Homeward bearing, two days more Had borne her to a friendly i iore; But five hundred never will know To what their terrible fate they owe; Water-tight, ably manned, Warranted any sea to atand. Duwu in tbe deep she rank away, Ami with ber saok five hundred souls, Perhaps fur want of a lou of cuuU;1 But wbatot that! enough to nay, 'Twaa on tbe mora of All Fooi's Day." C. D. S. in the Graphic. Tell it not in Gatb! Whisper it not. n Askelon! During the debate lu tba Msfsu chuselts Legislature, one day laat week, oo tbe Sumner resolutions, a member called for tbe reading by tbe Clerk of the House,of a certain passage of Scripture. There waa perfeot silence while the rolona waited for tbe clerk to produce tbe Bible. Tbe latter gentlemen seemed to be embarrassed. He searched everywhere but wus finally forced todeclalr tbat there was no Bible tberel !, a moment a tinpe of sadoera seemed Io over coma the Assembly; but this gave way to merriment, when lurtber search revealed tbe fact tbat tbera was Oct a copy of tbe Io spired volume In the btale ileitis. A page was sent out to borrow one, and when be Returned the passage was read, and busi- uess proceeded. What would tbe i'uritao fathers huve thought of such an occurrence aa this! Tub Quickest Timk on Itiwoiin We bavo beard and at different limes published what was then supposed to be tbe best time made io putting down oil wells, but we now have a case in point which takes the lead of alltitbere. OolheAbbotut O' liar, Weaver tract near tbis city, Toby Oil Company lease, Well No. 5, comptel ed some days sinoe.snd pumping now abcui fifty barrel daily, is down U5t feel. Tbe time occupied in drilling it was just fifteen dayat Adam Smith took Ibe contract to drill tbe well, and employed aa workmen JaokPurtle, Jim Purlle, Frank Scott and Mike Cvery. If thenars any drillers in tbe Oil country who cao beat tbis we sbouU like to bear from them, Mr. Smith and bis gtng are skillful workmen ot large (expert eoce and doaerving cf name and fame. Tommy Weaver, of tbe Toby Oil Company we will venture tj say, will "put up" ia t beee men. Titusirlle Courier, A new style in collar French, we be Hove isTio have the first letter of li e fair wearer uatue eaiuroidoted tbcteuu. The Moat Ucpernte Family Fein OU Kccord. In Iltnoock county, Tennessee, there lived a family consisting ol a fether.ontbef, two sons, a daughter and son-in-law. Some time ano tba father, Dan Sutton, eepareled Irom hi family, and, with bis son John, took up bis abode with a woman living in or near the Hawkii.s county line. From lit pl09 frequent lorays were made bv the rather upon ibe old homestead, and from lime to time cinch property was eon vyed to the woman's house. Tby sub mitted patiently to these depredations until) the father took away tbe last horse oa the place. The son, William Sutton, who had remained with his mother, procured a re plevin wr!t.and with his brolherinlaw Bar nett, went to lUa womao'a bouse audi look posession of it. Tbey were on tbe point of Icavinn, when tbe father, Dan Suiton.eaote not ut the house, and with a rifle fired at Win. sulloii. The old man seized aa axr. and rplit uien the skull of b soo-ln-lew, who sank down In a pool of blood and ex pired in a few momenta. Tbe father next advanced upon William Burnett wilb aauxe uplifted. William drew bis pistol and fired killing tbe old man instantly. In the mean time John Sutton, seizing Darnell's pistol, closed io with his brother. Thus they fought, muzzle to muzzle till every shot was expended. After knocking each other with the butt ends of their pistols they threw them salde and drew their bowtevr knives. In a short time John lost one Of his I aids and another stroke IronlWIIIiam cat off his obin, and thus the bloody afrry ended. Wiliism wss hurt in several places but managed to escape. Twenty men (ten black and ten while) wm out at sea when a storm srose, render Ing it impossible to carry , more than ten men with safely. A council of war wa beld, and It waa determined to throw over one half of tbe men. I', waa agreed to throw every fifth man until tea were de patched. Tbe white sailors arrsnged Ibetn in such order tbst "every fifth man" should be a blsok m an. How did tbey manage lit Thus tbey stood: oo "ooo ooooo Begin at the head and count toward the foot, and over agstn until ten overboard This arrangement was rather bard oo Ibe blacks. The day fur holding the "Old 8ettlra Reunion'' in Ohantauiina county, has bee changed from April 16. to June Iltb. Shakespeare remodeled "A raft! a raft! All that cussed lumber for a raft!" Is lbs cry amoni the Inhabitant along the (reek. The I'etioleum Centre Record has a h jhly sensational account of a ball said to tMvetieen given In tbe lower part of this city laxt week. In whio.1 the names, drew, amd, otner peculiaritea of , tbose in alter irc are given in the most approved Jenk cn style. 'Tie well done, -thou good .aod fairhlul eervant." fTltusvil e Courier. Ol coniKH they dare say nothing as th( reporter of tbe Courier were all present oo that suspicion noeasion. MTIC1B ! Go to W. A. LOZlElt, 4th Strcct,iicar 11. IS. track, for your BEMINE, deliv ered at the welh tor $2,25 per Barrel. Petroleum Centre. Feb. 6th tf. Mint Down tor 30 Days ! HOT NOW STARTED UP AGAIN! With the Lar'cs land heat .elected stock of C1LTOTH51MG Ever brought to rctroleam Centre. Bio Old Stock, AllNew. Call at my Now Store, Wash ington Street, 3 doora above Christie's Drug Store, Aud examine for yourselves my stock of CLOTHIISTG! Hats, Caps, Trunk, Valises, &c. Also, the largest stock of Gents' Furnishing Voods ! Iu Petroleum Centr a MOUltlS llERHON, 0,123 1 Formcily with SobeL SUBEL'S OPERA HOU ""if, Monday & Tuesday Evel a arm srst sr 8 larJ AIUftaU 1IU sK An' (Leading Star of the Wallace SIb. , AND 11RR rmi,.. nuau I BPRLESqe l COMMY W upeuingBitos ""arlngrareaorth. IK1SII EJlKiRiv Toeonelndo wlh tk Bnr haTC ' CLOnHMDA OiTHBOIHLOF THSJUgi nmmT 10, maw - ... rrtaca Ptw)eW...MUa AQ Wlu Ttif Olhet Characters b ta iw.t im n R a, or Mistakes Will (W fa MaulajA ISA. aa.. ... . ? RODIN HOttD -'MI!. VILLA as re. laJ gXiSVK ASBLKY M H-.j.T" Other Cbaiaetere by tbeCaainu. ABMI88IOA- We. ItXSaBVKD SIATS. n, reserved Seats can be eeeuraiat th. Mam,. ") Doors opaa at T Oortala rlee. at 8 o ctoct J. r. VILLA, Propria, Cou J. H. RJCB, Boriaeaaatsimiw. SoMs Opera House, SHERRY'S Stew THEATB viwinro tin lia eri.. L aaAiauavu m aia T. OAaXftal, PosUl?e!y On 'Algfet Oal;. Wetaajk'L April i, 1311 Eogagsmsol of tha Young Beautiful and Accom plished CO LE MAN SISTERS, Misses Lottie, Clara, aasl Alice. Whose remarkable and brilliant Drssisthj Abilities andxare Musical Genius httr ton i bed and dsliehied tbe moat critical audiences ia tbe large cities, while tbe ftm haa been onal lavlan In Its praters, onion ing tbe mint complimentary erilielsa ni notices upon tbeir performances. Tt ass exquls te Character Actresses, ComedlesoM, Vocalists, Jig anauiog UBOOsrs, usrwi, Flute and Banjo players In tbe world, Will be produced lor the Drst time ia Pstrsleua Centre a new emotional Dram wiiltes c presslv for tba COLEMAN SlbTKKS, by Wm Verrhay, entitled DRIVEN FROM MISS LOUIE as Minnls Stastoi M1S8 CLARA as Nellie Stantoa MISS ALICK......a Louise NutbsheiBcr Supported bv James F. Sherry and a fs'l and powerful Company of selected Artists During tbeplay the Coleman Sisters will iniroouce tneir ureas siii'caioDociaiin. Cornet Playing, Singing D .toeing, A. AdmlTClon M) eta KoMrved Sattiloct" Itekat lorsal at P. O. New Boom. , Door open at o'clock performance J JOHN. N. bHKRHT, Af Will beat JroBsevUleoa lb 8th of April T loute ou t e 10th. LOOK HEUE. Now Is tbe time to buy the celebrstes Fox A Williams' Buffalo Cieam Ale, al W. A. LOZIBR'S aa be Intends to close ie tbe twenty fourth lost Also, all those Is Hahluit tn tha mill nlaaaa COSSS ettie on or be.oressld data aad oblige Ik undersigned. ,W. A. LOZIEU The local optloo law must be enfbrasd. Vmm ' enit . efur thla data and OD t is day tbe local opttoo law goes late HTseti I will sell allkinds and brauds of wins, llnn..p .1 mlall t ahnlawale ntloM. SSSJJ lock must be clawd oat; Tow Is the tha so parebsss A little vial sot heme uw. QWKM GAFFWET NOTICE. Mr. JauteaS. McCray having removed to Franklin, parties baviog municsitoa wua aim oa Duawe " . wie, are reqnmied hereafter to address uslf letters to that point. St. SWk at Nexl7 The proa JeiilJ"'"' SOcenuayecr, w,b .jSpleodlS t;.S free. Bpacinan, S oeute rBm a elah' eu saw tbi. John B l Aloea, Pobihri C f eogo. w F SB. 6o H